Submission Policy
1. Registration
You do not need to be a registered Scribbler. However, you do need to pick an author name, which will be public, so choose wisely.
2. Disallowed
Beastiality (Anthropomorphic critters are allowed in Horror Paranormal & Supernatural only.)
Underage (Details in the age limits section below)
Scat & Vomit (No poop! Vomit is allowed in non-sexual situations. Urine is allowed in Watersports.)
Scribbles under 500 words. (no minimum for poetry)
Necrophilia (Vampires and iZombie types are allowed in Horror Paranormal & Supernatural.)
Live HTML, CSS, RSS, etc... in scribbles. No active hyperlinks or HTML, CSS or other coding in stories.
Violence will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
Any ©, ®, or ™ works without explicit consent from the owner or their legal representative. The only exception is the "Fair Use" policy.
3. Age limits
16+ Anything goes, no holds barred.
12-15 Can have sex with other people close in age. No age gap incest or student-teacher stories. Sex can not be detailed or graphic.
Children under 12 can appear in stories but not witness or participate in sexual situations.
Character descriptions that appear to be "developing" (pre or during puberty) are not allowed.
Childish dialogue is allowed in CG/l and incest stories. The author must make it clear that the speaker has passed their 16th birthday.
Characters in fan fiction stories must meet the above age requirements. Writting sibling incest using Bart and Lisa Simpson is okay if you make it clear that are at least 16 years old.
4. Consent
Salacious Scribbles™ recognizes that sexual assault is a real problem, and anyone can be a victim. All stories where consent is not 100% explicit or implicit must use the Consent Issues category. All stories must use a minimum of one of the following tags...
Asleep- Sex with someone who is asleep. IE Waking a guy up with a BJ.
Blackmail- Threating to reveal a person's secrets if they don't acquiesce.
Brainwashing- Gaslighting, Stockholm Syndrome, and the like.
Coercion- Convincing someone to do something they aren't sure they want to.
Consensual- Consent can be explicit or implicit.
Chems- Affected by drugs or alcohol to a degree consent cant be given. Includes magic potions etc...
Dub-Con- Consent is not explicit or implicit. Her mouth said no, her eyes said yes, type stuff.
Forced- Being threatened to do something you don't want to.
Mind Control- Hypnosis, and other ways of controlling people by magic, tech or, paranormal abilities.
Non-Consent- One or more people do not agree to participate.
Reluctance- Uncertainty about the willingness to participate.
Unconcious- Passed out drunk, ingested GHB, or other
The Trigger Warning below must appear at the start of any story that uses any tag above except Consensual and Asleep.
This story contains dubious/non-consensual sexual encounters. This is only a fantasy. Always ensure you have explicit consent from all sexual partners prior to engaging in sexual liaisons. If you were a victim of sexual assault please seek help from The National Sexual Assault Hotline
5. Incest
Stories involving relatives (except spouses... unless it's like that) engaging in salacious escapades must be placed in the Incest category.
6. Spelling & Grammer
Scribbles don't need perfect spelling and grammar. Anything more than a few errors will detract from the readability of your scribble. It is strongly suggested that you use GRAMMERLY or HEMMINGWAYAPP to ensure your masterpiece doesn't have typos before submitting. Another trick I learned from Guy White on Twitter is to use a Text to Speech app or Chrome plug-in to listen to your stories. You will find things you miss no matter how many editing passes you make. I use Read Aloud Chrome plug-in and @Voice Aloud Reader Free for Android.
7. Images & Text Formatting
You may include images with your stories, as long as you either own the image or have the right to use it. Due to limitations on the free site, you cannot upload images with your story. Instead, place the ((URL)) of the image where you want the image to appear. Double parenthesis will let me find where the photos should be placed. All images will be centered between paragraphs unless you specify otherwise.
John couldn't believe his eyes when he saw what was hidden in the water at his local beach. ((https://petapixel.com/assets/uploads/2019/02/sharkswavefeattt.jpg))
It was the last time he took his family surfing, and soon they moved far inland, away from the large man-eating beasts.
John couldn't believe his eyes when he saw what was hidden in the water at his local beach.
It was the last time he took his family surfing, and soon they moved far inland, away from the large man-eating beasts.
The other way to submit images is to email them to Salacious Scribbles AT gmail DOT com. Name the images story name 01, story name 02, etc... and in the story put ((01)), ((02)) where you want them.
Limited formatting is available for text in your stories. The best way to submit a story with text formatting is to email the file with the formatting or share the GDocs link. The available formatting options are
Colored Text
Justification (Left, Right and Center)
| Quoted Text
Due to the limit of the Wix blog, there are no options to change the font or size.
8. Editing Scribbles
Salacious Scribbles™ reserves to make minor changes to any scribble you submitted to fix typos, grammar, and punctuation. If you prefer to do this yourself include that in the note to moderator field. We will not change intentional misspellings in dialogue, da for the, ya for you, in' for ing, etc...
You may submit an update/edit of your scribble at any time. Just ensure you indicate it's an update and it will replace the version currently hosted on this site.
9. Rights
You retain all rights to any and all scribbles you submit to Salacious Scribbles™. You can edit or delete it at any time. It may be posted on other sites of your choosing. By submitting it to Salacious Scribbles™ you grant us a limited non-exclusive right to publish your story on this site and use the story, images, and text for legitimate purposes including but not limited to marketing and promotion of the website. Salacious Scribbles™ will never monetize, republish or use your story on any website or in any manner other than on this site without your express written permission.
10. Fan Fiction/Celebrities
Fan-Fiction is any work that uses someone else's fictional characters, universes, or ideas to create a derivative work. Writing a Jon Snow Samwell Tarly gay romp would be fan fiction. Fan Fiction stories should be tagged by name of the original work. or characters.
Celebrity is any story about real people that are widely known. This includes movie stars, porn stars, influencers, models, athletes, politicians. If it's someone people ask for selfies or autographs, then they are a celebrity. Celebrity scribbles must be tagged with the names of celebrities appearing in the story. Celebrities are real people, not fictional characters.
Due to a limitation of the Wix.com blog system there is a size limit for individual blog posts. The limit is based on memory size, not word or character count. Any scribble over this size will be broken into two or more parts. A text only blog of roughly 15K-20K words is the limit. Adding formatted text, images and other extras will reduce the word count per post. All scribbles so broken will have a link to teh former part and the next part.

Image Submissions
We wish to keep the site free of hardcore content, so please do not post images of a "sexually explicit" nature.
All images containing nudity must contain consenting adults over 18 years of age. Anyone posting images of anyone suspected to be under 18 will be reported to Law Enforcement.
If you are not the image owner, you must have a legal right from the copyright owner to post any and all images.
Please do not upload images of anyone under 18 anywhere on site! This is not a place to share family snapshots.
Images containing beastiality, scat, vomit, blood, or corpses are forbidden.
No image advertisements should be posted on our site, no exceptions.
If you see an image that violates these guidelines, please report it so we can take appropriate action.
We reserve the right to remove any images that breach these conditions, or that we deem unsuitable.