© MMXV All Rights Reserved
Coauthor: Kit_Cartaii

Authors Note:
Neat N' Naked is a Series of 26 unrelated stories I am working on. They all have the same basic premise, Someone hires a naked maid and orgasms ensue.
The female main character of this piece was based on the first porn princess whose name I learned and became a fan of Dakota Skye. I never had the honor of meeting her in person, but I tweeted @ her about this story and she PM'd me after reading it. She told me she liked it, and we became chat buddies. She was a troubled soul who was trying to make a better life for herself. Now she is at peace. I will miss her.
This story and its associated images contain sexually explicit content. If you are not at least 18 years old, 18 (or the age of legal majority in your community) or if this type of content is in any way restricted in your locality please leave this site now. This story may contain adult-oriented content including verbal and visual depictions of explicit and implicit sex acts. Please review the categories and tags before reading. If you find this is not the kind of erotica you enjoy, please read one of our other stories that is more to your liking.
Kit had been alone all day. His house was a wreck and desperately needed to be cleaned. He also needed some companionship, but he had never found someone who would fill both those needs at the same time. At least he didn't believe it was possible. Although he heard rumors about this service, that well, he'd believe it when he lived it. He sighed and looked at the number written on his hand before picking up the phone and dialing.
"Neat n Naked... where our girls suck better than hoovers. How can we help you?" Came a deep throaty voice from the earpiece of the phone.
"Can I please hire a maid?" Kit asked softly, his hands sweating a bit.
"Why of course you can darlin'. Just tell me what type of girl you want?"
I have a thing for rather... wild submissive girls. Maybe a catgirl? She doesn't need the ears or tail, someone around 20, petite with a nice bust, and long blonde hair.”
“Well sir, that sounds like a lot of fun. I do have one girl who admits she is into animal cosplay, but she doesn't meet some of your other requests. let me send you her profile...,”

“I also have Dakota. Here's her profile

After reviewing his choices, "Ms Dakota please." Kit croaked. After providing his billing info and confirming the appointment, Kit hung up and stared at the image beautiful lady that was going to be naked in his home.
At the appointed time, Kit hears a knock on the door. Peeking outside, Kit sees a beautiful blond college student wearing a pair of ski tight black jogging pants and a sports bra. She is covered in a light sheen of sweat, and her blond hair pulled back into a ponytail. She stands on the porch with a sexy little smile on her face, wondering what's about to happen.
Kit was feeling a little nervous. He wasn't sure his black graphic tee and boot cut jeans were the best choices. He debated quickly changing, but a loud insistent knocking changed his mind.
He opened the door and let he froze when he saw her. She was gorgeous and unmistakably active and fit. “Dakota?” He asked.
Dakota smiled at the awkward young man. "That's my name, and you must be Kit?” she asks as she walks in closing the door behind her.
"My full name is Kitsune Cartaii." He said standing ramrod straight, showing true pride in his name.
"May I call you Kit?" She asked dropping a bag on the floor, “or do you prefer Kitsune?” she asked.
"Go ahead. Most people call me Kit anyway," he tells her.
"Sorry about my appearance. My spin class went a bit too long, and I didn't have time to shower... or change. Maybe later we can shower together." she suggests with a wink.
Kit froze in shock at her suggestion. He had never showered with anyone, and his pants started to get tight in the crotch. "If...if you...you need to...to ch..ch..change, you can use...use my ro..oom.” he made fists with his hands working up some courage, “But only if...if I...I can watch” he said, the stutter he overcame back in middle school, rearing it's ugly head as he fought to control it.
As they walked through the apartment, Dakota said “Wow your place is a mess. I need to get started, don't I?” looking directly into Kitsunes' eyes.
"I...I don...don't clean mu...much.” He told her. DDD...do ya...you...waa...waa...want to sha...sha...shower first? He asked.
"Oh def after, when I'm nice and sweaty. It's always better to get sweaty and dirty before you get clean,” she says giggling. The expression on her face changes, “Kit, relax. I'm just a regular girl.” She says putting her hand on his arm. “Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and relax,” she tells him.
Kit closes his eyes and starts to inhale deeply as his nose is filled with a sexy earthy, lemony scent as a pair of soft lips press against his. Kit freezes as Dakota kiss him sweetly but with a touch of passion. Kit puts his hands on her upper arms and doesn't move for fear she will stop kissing him. After a few minutes, her lips leave his and Kit blinks several times, unsure what to do or say.
“Now that we got that out of the way, you should be a little more relaxed, and calm,” Dakota tells him her hand resting on his forearm.
Kit stood there trying to capture her scent again, as he looked at her. Dakota dropped her hand and said, "Well Kit here goes nothing...," as she pulls off her sports bra revealing her firm perky breasts with quarter sized pink areola capped with nipples that were slightly wider than a pencil eraser and almost an inch long. She threw her bra at Kit and began to sway her hips, as she started sliding her almost form-fitting pants down her legs. Kit took the bra and inhaled her scent before setting it down to watch her lithe body sway to music only she could hear..
Kit licked his lips and stared mesmerized as her mons was exposed to Kits hungry gaze. Kit was grateful she was a natural blond with a narrow landing strip of pubic hair. She continued sliding the pants down, exposing he cute little slit. Kit watched intently as she slides the pants off her long supple dancer's legs, and dropped them. She struck the red carpet pose and asked "Do I meet with your approval?" as she stood there for a moment, and then turned to show off her round meaty ass.
Kit finally found his voice and said “You are s...s....so...so g...gor....gorgeous,” he says as he swatted her firm tight ass.
Dakota jumped in surprise and anger. "Hey, none of that!" Dakota said sharply. "I know my profile says no discipline. Try anything like that again and I'll leave and blacklist you. Touching is okay, hitting is not. Understand?". She asks glaring at him.
Kit stepped back in shock and fear at the anger in her face and the tone of her voice frightened him a little. “I'mmm...So.sss...sorr...sorry,” he said glancing at the floor with a sad look on his face. Kit didn't look back up at the woman. He felt stupid. He had known what the file said. He couldn't forget he just acted on impulse and he shouldn't have.
Dakota's face softened as she saw the fear, and remorse on his face. She let go of her anger and stepped closer to him. Not quite touching but close enough that Kit could feel the heat radiating from her body. "Apology accepted." as she made a fist and used it to force Kits face up until their eyes met. She paused for a moment and leaned forward to kiss him again.
It only lasted a few seconds before she broke away. Looking at him, she realized something about the shy awkward guy standing in front of her. "Are... Are you a virgin Kit?" she asked not unkindly.
Kit, shrugged as his face turned red. Not entirely, I've done some things, but not that.” he tells her quietly.
Dakota took his hand and lead him to the unmade bed. "Sit down," she commands him as she sits down patting the bed right beside her. Kit sat down and Dakota took his hand and held it against her breast. "Kit, you paid for this time, and I'll do
my job. I need you to be sure you want to pay someone to pop your cherry. You're a handsome young man, and deserve someone special, someone you love, someone you connect with emotionally, not some random sex worker you choose on the basis of a pic and paragraph. I got more info about my dog when I adopted him than you did when you choose me.”
“I never met a girl who liked me enough to date me,” he says looking straight ahead. I was always the Snape to their Lilly. I never knew how to act around people, and... his voice fades
Dakota leans against him. “I wasn't popular in high school. I looked like Candace from Phineas and Ferb, but not as pretty. I crushed on cute boys and was ignored. Even the regular Joes made fun of me. I was asked on exactly three dates in high school. Two were in the chess club, and the other was special needs who asked out every girl in school. The chess geeks were hoping for some geek love from the geek girl. When I refused, they told everyone that I let them tag team me under the bleachers during homecoming. After that, all the guys, including some teachers tried to get me alone. It sucked."
Pausing for a moment to control the tears filling her eyes at the painful memory, she put her hand on Kit's thigh. "I blossomed the summer after graduation. My tits went from cherries to honeydews in like a week, my body took on some curves, and suddenly everyone wanted to be my friend. It was about a year before I was confident enough to start making friends. Most days I still feel like the unpopular geek girl I used to be."
She leans closer to him, "If you want me to be your first, I would be honored. I'll do everything I can to make it as special as it should be, but it won't be what it could and should be with someone you love.” Dakota tells him.
Kit sat there with her and thought silently about what she said. “I understand what you're saying, but I won't ever have a shot with someone as beautiful as you. Besides, once we're done, we won't be running into each other at friends parties, or the mall. You won't care about who I'm with or what I do.” Kit said looking at her nude body, feeling her naked thigh pressed against his pants. “I want you,” he said squeezing her thigh, and his other hand reached for her hard nipple.
§ § § - KIT GETS PUSSY -
"Well Kit, I guess it's up to me to show you what you've been missing." Dakota slides down onto her knees. She expertly opened his pants slide her hand inside and found his erect cock. She pulled it out of his pants, and she licks her lips and takes the head into her mouth, licking it all over with her moist pink tongue.
Kit lifted his ass and pushed his pants down to his ankles. Dakota starts to fondle Kit's balls, as her eyes bore into Kit's as she slowly takes more of his rapidly swelling cock into her mouth.
Kit had never felt anything like the warm, wet and eager mouth working over his cock. He let out a deep moan, forcing himself to stare into her eyes as his cock swelled even more in her mouth. He was surprised when he felt the familiar tingle o fan impending orgasm. "Shit... " he groaned in ecstasy.
Dakota watched Kit closely, as she took his entire length into her mouth. She began to start rolling her R's as she learned in High School Spanish, trying to get Kits first nut out of the way, so he can enjoy what's to cum.
"I'm about to cum..." Kit groans, his eyes clenched shut, his midsection heaving twice before he explodes inside Dakotas mouth. For his first time, the load was massive and thick like cream, coming in long spurts that filled her mouth.
Dakota drinks every drop of cum she can swallow, but there was too much even for a fellatrix of her skill. Some escaped her lips and ran down her chin, where it formed a droplet that grew larger and larger until it weighed too much and lost adhesion. It fell from her chin and landed right on her erect nipple.
Dakota continued sucking Kit until she drained every last drop of cum from his balls. When he started to get soft, she released his cock from her mouth with a resounding pop. Using her fingers, she began to scoop up the remaining cum splatters, on her face and tits, licking and sucking on her fingers until it was all gone. "Yummy!" she says smiling at him, as she got onto her feet. "Can I have a drink please?" she asks as she raised her arms above her head and stood on her tiptoes stretching her long lean lithe naked body.
Kit had a stupid grin on his face. He couldn't believe that he got his first blow job or how wonderful it felt. He suddenly realized that Dakota had spoken. “huh? What was that? Drink? oh! Of course! What would you like?" He asked as he pulled his pants on, heading to the kitchen.
“Hey would you mind straightening up the living room, I'll fix us some lunch while you do that.” It felt weird to ask the girl that had his dick in her mouth just a moment ago to clean, but he wanted to keep her in his line of sight.
“I can do that,” Dakota said as she followed Kit back to the living room.
"Sure darlin' just make sure and bring me a sammich." She replied in jest. "I would love some kind of fruit juice if you have any if not waters fine."
She stood at the entrance of the living room, looking around trying to figure out what to do first. Shrugging she thought to herself right here is as good a place as any. She started by going through the piles of paper on the coffee table. She put each one in one of three piles, stuff to keep, trash and one for things Kit would have to look through. The third stack was by far the largest. she paused and called out "How's my sammich coming?"
Kit entered the living room carrying two lap trays laden with food. There were two different smoothies, a dagwood, packed with aged meats, exotic cheeses, and organic vegetables. He put them down on the coffee table, now that the Mount Everest of junk mail had been dealt with.
"I hope you like your sammich,” he says smiling. I think the grape mango smoothie compliments the aged beef and the artisanal cheese adds that finishing pop.” Kit says smiling.
“Damn dude, I was hoping for something a step above a PB&J, and you go all Gordon Ramsey on me. I'm impressed.” as she picks up the grape smoothie and tentatively licks some from the top. "That is good," she says as she uses both hands to pick up the massive sammich. She stretches her mouth as wide as possible to get it in her mouth, she failed. It was the first time she found an object she couldn't wrap her lips around.
Dakota cocks her head and puts the sammich at an angle and takes as big a bite as she could. Her eyes roll back into her head, as the flavors explode onto her tongue. "You have to tell me what's in this. It's the best thing I've had in my mouth that wasn't attached to a man," she says
holding a hand in front of her mouth. As she talks and chews at the same time.
Dakota takes another small bite, savoring the delicate balance of the flavors. As she chews, she walks over to a small shelf containing a huge collection of DVDs.
There's a stack of loose DVD's, and a bunch of boxes haphazardly piled on the floor. Dakota gathers up all the cases and discs and sits on the floor in the lotus position, knowing from experience that guys love the way this position leaves her pussy exposed and slightly spread.
The movies were mostly the usual single guy action-adventure and war flicks. But mixed in there were a few pornos. Not unexpected, but the titles surprised me. "Are you really into this stuff?" I ask him holding up one of the more unusual titles.
Kit watched her examine the DVD with a casual interest, slowly eating his sandwich. "Ahhh... Texas Dildo Masquerade" He smirked and shook his head, chuckling at the parody porno DVD. "No. I hate porn, It was a gag gift from a buddy at a Christmas party. I prefer to participate then to spectate."
Kit moved over to sit next to her and began to help her sort the DVD's trying to remember what else he had in that pile. When he saw one of the titles, his eyebrows shot up in surprise "I didn't know I had this." showing her This Ain't Ghostbuster I turned over the unopened box curious about it.
"It seems a shame to spend your hard-earned money on something and not enjoy it. Especially with a friend,” Dakota says taking the DVD from him and getting it out of the case.
While she pulls the plastic off the case, Kit says, ”I work for a major computer software firm. I earn a nice income, and I live simply.
“Not the point. Why buy something if you never get to enjoy it. Would you buy a vacation home and never use it?” Dakota asks as she sits on the couch, "Are you going to join me?" she asks as she points the remote at the box to start the movie. As the opening scene starts, she takes a bite of her sammich.
Kit shrugs, "I can afford to waste money." he tells her as the film opens with a visual of a woman fingering herself. "Well that's boring," he says putting an arm around Dakota, as the woman moans for the cameras. “Her passion is only slightly less fake than her tits" Kit says as his other hand starts to rub Dakota's thighs. He lets his fingers glide over her soft-toned skin until he brushes against her pussy and casually rubbing it, trying to act like it was a common occurrence.
"Shit, that feels good!", She says, as his fingers start rubbing Dakota's slit. "If you make so much money, why the fuck isn't some gold-digging slut here with you, instead of me?" She asks spreading her legs a bit wider so Kit could have full access to her.
"Two bachelors are sitting at the bar of a country club. One points to an old guy sitting by himself. He got married last year and his wife made him a millionaire, he told his buddy. The second guy says how did she do that? The first guy responds, when they got married he was a billionaire.” Kit tells her. “I don't want to marry some woman putting me in the poor house because she loves spending money, not me." He says matching his motions to the actress on the screen. He slowly pushes his finger in her surprised how wet she is already. "Having fun?" he asks with a wry smile.
"ummmmnnnnnnnnnn" she moans, pushing her hips into his hands as she takes the last bite of her sammich, not believing she could finish something that huge.
After she finishes the last bite, she says, "Who the fuck said marry one? Bang her till you get tired of her attitude or pussy, then give her the boot and find another one. Shit, you could have a different 20-year-old in your bed every night for the rest of your life, for the price of a nice dinner and drinks."
"Isn't that kinda what I'm doing now?" he asks "Not to be rude, but I'm going to bang you till I get bored, then send you on your way. All for the price of a nice dinner and drinks." He looks into her eyes as he slowly caresses her wet pink folds with his finger. His cock has fully recovered and is ready to go again. He looks down at it and grins as he slips a second finger into her willing hole. "Mind if I put something a bit bigger in there?"
She chuckles at his impeccable logic. "I'm probably cheaper than one of those bitches too," she says. "But, no one has ever gotten bored of me." She said as she twisted her body until she's prone on the couch, waiting for his virgin cock to enter her. "You better stick something in here soon, mister, or I'm getting a cucumber from your fridge," she says winking at him.
"Yes Ma'am!" he replies, jumping up and saluting. He grabs her hips and gently lays down over her, and lines his cock up with her slit. "Good Lord." he groans as he feels her pussy muscles guide him into her body.
Dakota grabs his face and pulls him to her, kissing him passionately. Her legs wrap around him and pull him deeper into her throbbing cunt. "Ohhh Kit." she moans "feels so good." as she holds him inside her, getting used to the feeling of his dick inside her. She starts to use the muscles in her pussy to massage his cock as her tongue explores his mouth.
She ends the kiss, gasping for some much-needed air. "Fuck me Kit, fill my tight pussy with your cum," she demands as she lowers her legs allowing him to start pumping his cock into her pussy.
Kit nods obediently and starts slowly pumping his cock into her. "This feels so fucking good." he moans. "I may want you here regularly.” he gasps not believing how wonderful making love could be. He starts to pump his dick into her cunt harder and faster and his hands start to play with her breasts.
"Fuck me Kit, fuck me good and hard! Ram your cock into my dripping cunt." she pants as she feels his cock forcing its way deep into her, and slide back out.
"Fuck me, Kit. Ram your cock in me make me cum on your big fat dick!" she keeps encouraging her inexperienced but enthusiastic lover. He begins sliding his cock into her. She bites her lip and looks him in the eyes. She gives him her biggest and brightest smile to let him know that she's enjoying their time together. She feels the beginnings of her orgasm, which is very rare when she's with a client. "Fill my cunt with your cum Kit." she moans as his dick rubs her g spot.
Kit moans loudly grasping her hips, using the added leverage to fuck her even harder. "You're amazing!" he moans in ecstasy.
"Pop your cherry Kit! Fill my belly with your hot cum!" she demands as she starts flinging her hips into his, their pelvises slapping together salaciously as their bodies slam together making obscene slapping sounds.
The force of their fucking, makes the couch groan in protest. Kits balls started slapping Dakotas ass every time his cock plunged into her cunt. Her pussy was squishing every time he entered her. "Kit you're gonna make me cum... fuck Kit make me cum on your cock..." Dakota gasped in pleasure.
Their bodies slammed into each other as they fucked hard. He was overwhelmed with an intense pleasure beyond belief. He could feel the cum starting to flow from his balls, and soon he would be blasting his man cream into her. He grabbed her breasts hard and used them as leverage to fuck faster. "I'M... GOING TO... CUM!!" he cries out as he delivers one last massive thrust burying his cock deeply into Dakota.
"YES, KIT! DO IT! FILL MY CUNT WITH YOUR CUM..." She bellows as she feels his cock start to swell just before he explodes in her. "USE THAT HOSE TO QUENCH MY PUSSY FIRE!" she cries out as her hips grind on his pubic bone trying to reach her orgasm before he cums. "I'm gonna cum on your cock Kit. Make me cream all over you. Yes, Kit yes ahhhhhh YES... FUCK... YES... GGGGGGAAAAARRRRRRRRR!" she screams as her orgasm takes over her senses.
Dakota used her powerful inner muscles to milk Kit as he cried out "Fuck! I'm COMING!!" He grabbed her body firmly and held her down as his dick blasted his first-ever cum into a pussy.
He felt like he was spraying his seed directly into her womb, moaning louder as her pussy milked every last drop from his cock. "Fuck Yeah! Milk my cock!" He moaned "Milk every last drop into your tight body." Pumping his cock a little bit more, pushing his cum deeper into her body. There was so much that it began to squeeze out of her hole around his still hard cock.
Dakota reached up and pulled him to her, kissing him harder and with more passion than Kit had ever felt before. Her legs locked around him, holding him inside her body. Their tongues explored each other's mouths and her body began to convulse in another orgasm. Her back arched and my hips bucked draining the last droplets of his cum. She collapsed breathing heavy and dumped the remainder of her smoothie onto her tits and stomach to try and cool down.
Kit watched the thick cool liquid splash onto her heaving breasts and smooth belly, with his cock still buried to the hilt in her wonderful pussy. He immediately leaned down and started to lick the purple fluid from her hot sweaty skin, savoring the sweet-salty flavor of her smoothy covered flesh. He started at her belly and slowly and tenderly worked his way up her body, to her perky mounds. He licked around the base of each breast then worked his way up like a mountain climber. When he reached the peaks he spent a lot of time enjoying the nipples switching from one to the other and back.
"Oh Kit that feels so good." she moans while his lips and tongue explored her. She could feel his cock starting to get soft in her tight little pussy. Her hand caresses his head as he continues to suckles on her purple grape flavored nipples. When she was able to recover her breath, she pushes him off her nipples because they were getting too sensitive. Looking him in the eye, her arms loosely draped over his neck, she asked, “So Kit was that everything you expected your first time to be?" she asked worried she had disappointed him in some way.
Kit had a goofy smile on his face, his eyes met hers and he kissed her before saying, "It was everything I hoped, and better than I ever imagined."
"I enjoyed it too. I've never cum with a client before, at least not a real one. You're a great lover, Kit. You'll make some lucky woman very happy one day."
Kit smiled in pride, and said, “I hope to give you more, a lot more."
He got off the couch making Dakota groan as she felt him slide out of her. Kit took her legs in his hands and positioned them so she was lying flat.
"Please don't move," he says, his eyes pleading with her to let him have his way. Dakota smiled and her eyes were shining in curiosity, wondering what he had planned for her.
Kit began to deconstruct the remainder of his sandwich, placing each slice of meat, each piece of cheese, every vegetable strategically on her body. Her breasts and pussy were covered as was her belly button, hips and thighs, and lips. Once Kit had spread the food on her, Kit got down on his knees and began to eat the food off of her body. He made sure his lips and tongue caressed every part of her skin especially the areas that weren't covered with food. When he got to her breasts, he spent extra time licking up the saffron aioli he had spread over them.
"I always wanted to be a nyotaimori. I even went through some training, but the event organizers always hire the Japanese girls, never us Gaijin. I love being naked. Any time I can be, I am."
Kit takes her hand and says, "Maybe I can make that happen for you one day." and kisses it. Looking deep into her eyes. "I think you would be the perfect candidate for being a naked sushi buffet. Dakota shudders at the thought of being covered in sushi while naked and having a large group of men eating off her body, slowly revealing her to their lust-filled gaze.
"Speaking of perfect... you used two of my three holes. Are you ready to hit the trifecta, or do you need a bit more time to recover?" Looking at his cock she can see it's already growing hard.
"A nice hard pounding in your tightest hole?" Kit asked grinning. "Can we do it as if we were animals?" He asks curiously as he stands up and stretches showing off his young toned body and his impressive cock. "I'm going to fuck your ass as hard as I can until I fill your bowels with cum," he says grasping his cock and pointing it at her face.
"Slow down a minute lover. Before you go slamming your dick into my ass, that monster needs a shitload of lube. You got any we can use?" She asks not wanting to imagine what would happen if he fucked her ass like he did her pussy without something greasing the way.
Kit sighed and looked around racking his brains for anything he could use, "Sorry, I don't have anything..." He said dejectedly.
Sitting up, Dakota began to lightly stroke his cock making it grow. She thought for a moment, not wanting to disappoint Kit she said, “Well if you go get my gym bag, I just might have something we can use."
Kit struggles between the hand-job he's getting and the thought of fucking her cute round ass. He reluctantly steps away from her and hurries to get her bag from the foyer where she dropped it.
He runs back to her presenting it to her like a knight who completed a quest and was presenting a prize to his queen. After he hands her the bag, he sinks into the soft couch cushions feeling a wet spot under his ass. His dick jumped when he realized it was Dakotas cream that had soaked into the cushion when they fucked. He closes his eyes to savor the feel of her warm sticky cream on his naked ass.
Kit watches as Dakota unzip the bag. She pulls out a small reddish-brown container with a pump. She pumps it several times catching the cream in her hand. He watches as she reaches for his cock, and jumps as the cold cream is spread along his dick.
Kit shivers in delight and quietly moans and bites his lip. He closes his eyes as she liberally coats him with the lotion, “What is that?" he asks softly enjoying the hot and cold of her hand applying the lotion.
"It's my favorite skin cream. My skin doesn't stay this soft, supple, and flawless without some help. It should work as a lube.” she tells him tickling the bottom of his balls. “It's your turn to get me ready,” she says standing up and bending at the waist in front of him, and spreading her cheeks apart exposing her rosebud to his gaze.
Kit nods and opens his eyes. He picks up the lube his eyes fixated on the small hole. He lightly kisses each globe, and Kit carefully coated his middle finger with the cream. He places it against her rectum and gently pushes it inside the amazingly tight hole.
He began to doubt he would get his cock past the ring of muscle, it was that tight. Gently he began to pull his finger out and push it back in. Moving his finger slowly, he adds more of the cream, to make sure Dakota is well lubed.
He feels her hole loosen up some, and he adds another finger, spreading her a little trying to loosen her up. He starts to finger her faster, shocked by how quickly the muscle loosens up and smiles when he realizes he would fit inside.
She moans as his fingers drive into her. "Your dick is gonna feel so good." she moans as she starts to massage her erect clit while he fingers her.
"I think You're almost ready!" he says grinning and pinching her nipple softly. He wriggles his fingers around as he squeezes her breast.
"You have no idea how ready I am. God Kit, I can't wait to feel your big hot dick in my ass," She spreads her legs even wider, and puts her hands on the coffee table, as she looks at him between her legs. looks back at him, "Get that huge dick in my puckered little asshole, and fuck me like the whore I am." She says.
Kit grins and gets into position. He grabs her hips and starts to rub his cock up and down her ass crack, teasing her a little. Then he aims right at her bullseye and puts his head against it. His cock is harder than he ever knew it could be, and he has to struggle a little to push past the muscle. The lube did its job and the head of his shaft pops right in with only a little effort.
He starts to slowly pump into her, going a little deeper each time. He holds her hips for balance as he keeps going deeper and deeper into her bowels. “You like this?" he asks breathlessly.
She arches her back to let him get deeper into her asshole. "It's wonderful Kit," she sighs rocking her hips back to meet each of his thrusts. "Harder and faster Kit pound my ass like a drum."
Kit chuckled at the mental image he got from those words, as he started to pump harder, pounding into her, driving himself as hard as he could, over and over. He moans and bites his lip, pumping into her like she were a sexbot, gripping her ass cheeks as tightly as he possibly could. They both knew that his handprints would be visible on her for a few days. "Fuck Yeah!" he cries out "I'm going to fucking pound your ass!"
"FUCK YES... FUCK YES... FUCK YES..." she chants as his cock slams into her ass. Each time his dick rams in, Dakota is lifted off her feet for a second. She starts to thrust back meeting him stroke for stroke. Sweat is running down her back, and dripping from her nipples. Her hands are resting on the coffee table to help keep her balance. Her breath is getting ragged, it's hard for her to keep talking, so grunts and moans of pleasure start to fill the air, every time his cock is buried in her bowels.
"Oh my... fuck... your so tight..." he groans as he pounds her harder, our bodies making loud slapping sounds as his stomach slaps against her toned globes around her tight sweet hole. We're both reduced to loud moans, our higher brain functions short-circuited by the overload of pleasure we were giving each other.
Dakota was so lost in pleasure that she rocked back a bit too far, and she feels herself falling, Kit following her down. He lands on his ass, and she lands on his lap Kit's dick still buried in her ass.
Without slowing down, Dakota gets her legs on the floor and starts to ride the wonderful dick, like a cowboy riding a bull still chanting "FUCK YES... FUCK YES..."
Kit groans and warns her, "Shit... I'm going to cum if you keep riding me like that."
Dakota keeps sliding on his cock, desperately wanting him to fill her with his hot cum. She's bouncing on his dick like a trampoline, squeezing his cock as tight as she can with her little asshole.
Kit cries out in extasy as he keeps pumping into her, as he releases massive streams of cum deep into her bowels.
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA... HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH... HHHHHHHHHHHH!" She screams as his white-hot cum blasts into her intestines. She squeezes her muscles milking every last drop out of him. When his cock stops spasming and filling her with cum, Dakota gently slides off his rapidly shrinking cock. Turning around, she kisses Kit deeply and passionately. She lays her head on his chest and watches his cock as it returns to its natural flaccid state.
"Yes ma'am," he replies standing up and wordlessly scooping Dakota up into his arms. "But since you are my guest, allow me to take care of you properly. After all, you took care of me." He held her close to his body as he gently carried her through the house. Kit never wanted this moment to end.
Dakota put her arms around his neck and nibbled on his ear as he carried her through the house. She felt protected and desired, two things she had never truly experienced before with anyone. She felt the need to kiss him and she did, her tongue invading his mouth, trying to find his tonsils. When he crashed into a wall, she realized that kissing him right now was a bad idea, so instead, she rested her head on his shoulder as they entered the bathroom.
Kit eased her into an empty garden tub in the master bathroom and turned on the water. Then he joined her in the tub, and kissed her hand, the easily lifted her and slide under her and lowered her onto his lap. She lay back against him and closed her eyes letting the warm water relax her muscles.
Kit started to rub her shoulders, making Dakota moan as she leaned forward a bit letting him rub her upper back. As he hands stroked her naked wet skin, he asked, “K...Ca...Can we fa...fa...fool around more?"' he asked not wanting her to leave.
"Already? Damn boy you keep pummeling me with that cock like this, I'm gonna have to call for backup,” she says only partially in jest.
“No, not now. I meant later,” he says hurriedly.
“I know what you meant. And to answer your question. Of course, we can. As much as you want." Dakota's emotions were confusing her. Kit was far from her first client, and she had a lot of boyfriends since she started college, but none of them, client or boyfriend, had ever made her feel like she did when Kit was holding her. The sex was amazing, quite possibly the best she'd ever had, but there was something else. She felt like a schoolgirl, hoping her crush would ask her to the prom. "Stop, you're being silly," she told herself, as he pulled her onto his lap, his dick rubbing her pussy lips.
When she felt the head of his cock separate her lips and start to slide inside me, she closed her eyes to savor the wonderful but strange feelings Kit caused in her. "I love you," she said in a whisper, surprising herself. She didn't know why she said it, she hadn't planned on saying it, but as soon as the words escaped her lips, she knew it was true.
Does she love me? She loves me! Kit thought. As soon as he heard the words, he knew it was true. A small part of him was afraid that this was a trick to get him to her or hire her again. The way she said it, quietly, almost as if the words took her by surprise, he knew it was true. His heart leapt with joy, as his cock slipped inside her, he was thinking, A beautiful girl just said she loved me.
He stared at her, "Would... uh... would you want to... I don't know... live with me? visit me regularly? Dates me?" Kit wasn't going to let her leave without showing her how much he was in love with her.
"Yes, yes oh God yes," she called out as answers to his questions. She couldn't talk anymore, she could barely breathe as his magnificent cock filled her.
The merger of their genitals foraged them into one. Dakota never wanted this moment to end. Kit began thrusting as the warm bath water continued to rise, over their bodies. Her tits were bobbing in the water, as she rode the best cock she ever had.
Kit rocked his hips, and she ground her clit on his pubic bone, causing her to let out cute little squeaks of pleasure. As Kit seman burst into her, she turned her head and kissed her lover.
Kit couldn't believe how much better it was after their profession of love. He thought his first three orgasms would never be beaten, but this one topped them all combined. HE realized the first three was fucking, this, this was making love. Pure and simple. They were no longer random strangers who shared fluids after rubbing sensitive body parts together. They were lovers. Life is weird, Kit thought. He was in love and fucking a girl he barely knew, only having met her 3 hours ago. But he knew their love was real.
Once they were finished, they contentedly sat in the tub, letting the warm water soothe them, not saying a word. Eventually Kit worked up the nerve to ask "So... you will come and live with me?"
"We can discuss our future later." She told this man who was her client? Lover? Boyfriend? Roommate? None of those words seemed right to her. They were so limiting. “Let's just relax and enjoy whatever this is.”
“At least let me clean you up?” he said grabbing a loofah and putting body wash on it. He started to wash her chest, going as far down her legs as he could reach and up to her neck, enjoying running his hands on her naked wet soapy flesh. Then he grabbed a bottle of shampoo and poured a small amount in his hands and began to give Dakota a scalp massage, running his fingers through her short blonde hair.
Dakota closed her eyes and relaxed against Kit as she enjoyed his hands rubbing as much of her as he could reach. My man is cleaning me, she thought, my man? Yes, my man. Dakota liked the sound of that, Dakota thought as he began to massage her head, while he thoroughly washed her hair. Somehow it was even more intimate than the sex they'd shared. Their first act as a couple and it was wonderful.
“We do have one big problem Kit,” she says seriously.
Kit stopped what he was doing and looked around to see what it might be. “What problem?” he asked nervously.
“We can't tell our children about how we met,” she says sleepily a smile flitting across her face.
Kit laughed and went back to massaging her head as she sighed contentedly, and slowly drifted off to sleep.
Kit realized that she had fallen asleep, so he carefully finished washing her hair, and then scooped up water in his hands and poured it on her head to rinse the shampoo off. Once he finished, Kit cautiously slipped out from under her and climbed out of the tub. He looked down at his sleeping beauty, amazed at how such a beautiful and sweet girl could fall in love with him.
He dried himself and picked her up from the water. He somehow managed to wrap
a towel around her and carried her down the hall to his bedroom, putting
her down on his bed. He rubbed her down with the towel to dry her off, and gently slipped one of his tee shirts over her nude sleeping form. He pulled on a pair of

shorts, and climbed in bed next to her, and pulled the sheets over them. He slipped an arm under the pillow her head was on and pulling her close to him so their bodies were spooning. He let his hand rest his hand on her taut belly and started to drift off to sleep. As his eyes fluttered closed, he heard Dakota say "Yes I'll live with you for the rest of our lives."

I do not make any money from writing. My only reward is feedback from my readers. Please like, comment, share, retweet, upvote, repost, retweet, follow, join or whatever you can do on the site where you read this. All feedback is a gift, and I love gifts. Sal De Klerk, "The Salacious Scribe"