A serial is a multi part story with a plot that carries from one installment to the next.
Finished Serials
12 Parts

Agatha is a shy timid mousey wallflower who is a favorite target of her school's bullies, especially the mean girls on the cheer squad. The summer between high school and college was a time of change for Agatha. When she arrived on campus the few people who knew her in high school didn't recognize her. She was able to make a friend, got a boyfriend, and lost her virginity. That was her first hour on campus. What else will happen over the next four years?
2 Parts
The boys on the local baseball team aren't as subtle as they think they are. The moms know the players are checking them out between plays. The moms start showing off a little leg, a little cleavage and the boys hope to score off the field as much as they do on it. Can the Moms handle the teen stamina? Can the boys handle the hot to trot MILFs?
5 Parts

Ashley is wrapping up a business trip that went off the rails. Jennifer is looking for someone to have fun with. When they met Jennifer convinces her to play a public and embarrassing game of Truth or Dare. Will Ashleys quiet and shy demeanor make her quit, or will her competitive streak force her to play to win... at any cost?
2 Parts
Tim Drake was supposed to graduate high school last year. When he failed his science class, he blamed his teacher, Becky O'Hare. He had to repeat the year, and during the summer he met a man who told him things about Miss O'Hare that would make passing her class a breeze and let him get revenge on her. Just how will he use the information he acquired and what will he do with it?

5 Parts

A couple goes to a hedonistic resort to spice up their sex lives. They can't wait and have some fun on the plane. Soon they make friends and join in some adult games. It's was a vacation they will never forget.
2 Parts
Greg Adams grew up with the beautiful Stacey Clark. As they got older, Greg began to have feelings for her. Unrepricrated feelings. Greg grew obsessed and planted spyware on her computer to see what she liked so he could get her to like him. He quickly learns that blackmail erotica is a frequently searched topic. Then he finds out that it's Mrs. Clark, not Stacey who is reading the stories.

3 Parts

Superman and Supergirl are sexy hot-to-trot superstrong Aliens. Ever wonder how The Man of Steel satisfies his urges with beings he can rip in two like tissue paper. What about Supergirls klegels what happens if she clamps down? What can two super beings who are the last of their race do to get the satisfaction they crave without killing their partners?
2 Parts
Kathy Andrews was a haughty stuck up bitch boss who looked down on her employees and took credit for their ideas. Vicki Chambers, her executive assistant was tired of being treated like dirt. She had been with the company longer than her boss and knew how to do things. One day Vicki showed Kathy the boss was in their relationship.

2 Parts