© 2016 All Rights Reserved
Co Author: amchentai
Authors Note:
This is the second of 26 installments about Neat N' Naked. They are all stand-alone stories so read them in any order you like. They're numbered in alphabetical order.
Special thanks to...
Editor: ElmerStudd
This story and it's associated images contain sexually explicit content. If you are not at least 18 (or the age of legal majority) or if this type of content is in any way restricted in your locale please leave this site now.
This story contains adult oriented content. Please review the categories and tags before reading. If this is not your kind of smut, please find another story.
"Neat N' Naked...where our girls suck better than Hoovers. How can we help you?"
"Hello. My name's Ark. I wanna hire a woman to help me out at home. I've read some Yelp reviews that... well, you see, I've had a girlfriend for almost 2 years. We haven't done it. I have no experience and well, I don't wanna disappoint her." He waited for the woman on the other end to reply and hoped his girlfriend didn't come home early. As he spoke to the receptionist, he looked in his full-length mirror. Staring back at him was a 30-year-old, Asian male with a buzz cut, black hair, and brown eyes.
"Hello, Ark, nice to speak with you. So you're a virgin and want someone to teach you how to make sure you please your girlfriend. We can help with that. Tell me about your fantasy girl."
"Y...Yes... I just want to make sure that when I have sex with her I'm not going to hurt her or mess up or anything..." Ark spoke, a bit unsure of it all. He paused and thought about the question. "She doesn't have to be older than me, but not a great deal younger either... A MILF type woman, you know?" he said, thinking that if the woman was more of a MILF his girlfriend would not question him as much about it.
"You're in luck. One of our most poular MILF's has just moved into your area. Let me send you her info...
Ark's phone chimed and he saw he had a new message. He tapped the icon and a picture filled his screen...

Ark smiled, getting a bit hard looking at such a lovely woman. But he sighed, "She seems wonderful and is what I'm looking for, but she's a blonde. I guess I should have said before, my girlfriend is a blonde and... well... do you have anyone else?"
Let's see... someone like Brandi, but not blonde. Well here's one you might like...
The phone chimed again and Ark looked at the new image...

Ark looked at the new photo sent to his phone and took a moment. She was beautiful but didn't strike him as awe-inspiring as the first photo had. He sighed, knowing he was being difficult. But for now, he spoke and first he had to apologize to the woman on the other end of the phone.
"I'm sorry I'm being difficult. She's beautiful, but something isn't right. How about a Redhead?"
"I do have a redhead, but she's a bit younger than what you're looking for.” The phone chimed once again and Ark saw a third image appear...

Ark was silent for a moment as he looked at the pics and details of the three women. He was trying to decide between Brandi and Faye. After a moment he spoke up.
"Um... yeah sorry... Um, do you happen to know much about Brandi and Faye? For example, what they're like? I mean I've heard of Brandi. The ratings helped, but he didn't want to base his decision off an impersonal number. He wanted to find someone he would enjoy spending time with.
"Let me read you a comment from a client with a similar request. That should help you decide. ‘Brandi is very hands-on with both the males and females. She spent hours teaching my man how to lick pussy, first hers, then mine. Then she taught me how to maximize my man's pleasure by sucking his cock. Brandi is very loving and a lot of fun. She not only demonstrates the techniques, but she encourages hands-on exploration. Not only her body but your partners as well. We learned so much from her.’ ”
“Now for Faye, ‘Faye is a bit detached and clinical. She treated us like students in a classroom. She was knowledgeable and we learned a lot. We both wish she had been a bit more relaxed and fun.’ Well, hun, I know who I'd pick," the voice on the phone concluded.
Ark nodded, even though he knew the woman on the other end couldn't see him. He took only a moment and then spoke up. "Let's go with Brandi. She sounds like what I'm looking for, though I don't know if my girlfriend will be here or not. I guess that can be her decision.”
He felt a bit like he was cheating on her. He assuaged his guilt by telling himself he was doing this so he could make her happy. Because he wanted to make her happy and make her love him as much as he loved her. "So how much and how long do these things go on for?" Ark asked, as he got his credit card out and was getting ready to set it all up.
"Time is not an issue. We only schedule one appointment per day. She will spend as much time as it takes to make sure you are satisfied.However, there are some rules...," She went over the do's and don'ts as well as the fees for Brandi, making sure that he understood.
“One last question before I pay, how will this transaction show up on my bill?” He didn't want his girlfriend to find out about his salacious activity.
"The charge on your statement will be from Maids on Call, nothing untoward. Is there anything else sir?" she inquired.
"No. that's all," Ark said. He knew that his girlfriend would be busy most of the next week and so the appointment was set. The small 2 bedroom apartment he shared with his girlfriend had a small living room and a kitchen. They kept the space neat, but a light dusting and some other touch-ups wouldn't hurt.
§ §
Brandi was driving to her appointment with her new client. The top of her convertible was down and she was enjoying the early spring weather. She started to chuckle to herself recalling how insecure Ark had been. She thought it was kind of cute and endearing. Very few people knew that the service recorded all phone calls. The recordings allowed whoever was hired, to hear the client's instructions firsthand. The recordings got destroyed once the appropriate person listened to it. She hoped that the girlfriend would show up. Brandi loved threesomes. But, a nice hard dick all to herself was not a bad way to spend a day.
Pulling up at the address she looked at her phone and realized she was a few minutes early. Sitting in her car, she waited until the appointment time. She didn't want to show up early and get the client into trouble. Several girls had made that mistake recently. That made the bosses send out several emails addressing the importance of timeliness. The most recent message stated in no uncertain terms, 'if the client says 10 am don't arrive at 9:45.'
A sweet soulful music track started playing and Marvin Gaye's rich baritone voice started singing...
Ah, baby, let's get it on
Let's love, baby
Let's get it on, sugar...
Letting Brandi knew it was time. She took the last sip of her coffee and tossed the paper cup into the trash bag she kept in her car. She put up the top and locked the doors. She wore bright red high heels with straps running up her calves. Her legs were bare and she was wearing a sleeveless red form-fitting sheath dress. Climbing up the steps to the front door, she pressed the buzzer for the client's apartment.
For the last 20 minutes or so, Ark had paced the entirity of his apartment several times. He debated canceling, running away, and he checked the time every three seconds. 'I gotta do something to take my mind off...today,’ he thought to himself. He sat on the couch and picked up the Game of Thrones coffee table book he bought last week. As soon as he’d opened it, he threw it down and stormed into the kitchen. He pulled open the fridge and looked inside as a loud metallic buzzing sound filled the apartment. He jumped at the unexpected noise, smacking his head on the appliance. He cursed and rubbed his head as he walked over to the intercom. "Hello, Ah yes, 7th floor, Apartment G3," Ark said, letting the annoyance in his voice come out. He buzzed her into the building, then got an ice pack from the freezer and put it on his head.
Brandi took the ancient elevator to the seventh floor, grateful that the building wasn't a walk-up, and that the elevator worked. In these old buildings, more often than not, they didn't. Walking down the hall, her heels click-clacked as she approached her client's door. She came to a stop and tapped on the door.
Ark heard the knock at the door as the throbbing in his head was dying down. He put the ice pack down and trudged to the door. Stopping at the door, he looked down at himself, regretting his choice of clothing. An oversized tee, a pair of baggy cargo shorts, and barefoot. It was too late to do anything about his wardrobe now, so he pulled open the door. As he opened his mouth to greet her, his jaw fell to the floor, his heart tried to burst from his chest and his eyes bulged. The small photo on his phone did not convey her presence or her real beauty.
Brandi watched the not unusual reaction and smiled at the younger man. She stood, waiting for him to speak as she watched him trying to gain control of his breathing and pulse. He swallowed hard and said, "Um... H..Hello, You m...m...mu...must be Brandi. I'm Ark. P...P...PL...PL...Please come in," mumbling curses at his inability to speak without stuttering. Stepping out of the doorway, he swept his arm in a grand gesture, inviting her in.
Brandi stepped through the door and looked around. The apartment had an open floor plan and so the living room and kitchen were the same. It worked out well in the small apartment though. There were three doors to her right when she walked in. The bathroom door was open, the other two closed, she guessed that they were bedrooms. Turning to her client, she said, "Ark, that's a unique name," smiling at him and offering her hand. "Of course you know, I'm Brandi. LOVE what you've done with the place."
"Y...Yes... Welcome, Brandi. It's nice to meet you. My girlfriend and I straightened up yesterday, so there shouldn't be much that needs... cleaning. As for the other...stuff... I'll leave that to you," he said shaking her hand. He wondered if it was weird to be shaking hands with a woman he was going to have sex with him. He pushed the door closed and released her hand. "Ark is a nickname, everyone uses it. I don't even think my girlfriend remembers my real name anymore. Changing the subject, not willing to discuss how he got the name, he asked, “W...w...w....wh...wh...where would you like to s...s...st...sta...start?"
She smiled at him and rested her hand on his upper arm. "Relax Ark, I'm a person, like you. Take a deep breath and hold it. Now close your eyes. When I count down to one, exhale and open your eyes when you've let out about half your breath. 5...4...3...2...1...exhale.”
Arks did as instructed and when he opened his eyes he felt more relaxed and secure. He smiled at her and said, “Thanks, that helped.”
“Good, now you should be able to talk to me without stuttering.”
Ark chuckled and Brandi asked, "So how long have you been with your girlfriend?”
"Next month will be two years. We've been living together for about 10 months.” Ark looked toward one of the closed bedroom doors before turning back to Brandi. "I know this is cheating. She's had other guys. I love her, it's unbelievable how much I love her, and I don't want to screw this up."
“Ark, I’ve got to ask,” Brandi looked into his eyes, “You're attractive and not a spaz. You've been on this fucked up ball of mud for three decades and you've been dating. HOW THE FUCK ARE YOU STILL A VIRGIN?” Her eyes were boring into his, almost as if they were trying to read his memories straight from his brain.
He grew uncomfortable and shifted his weight. “I don't like talking about it,” he said looking at the floor. “I grew up in Chechnya. My parents were in a cult called Spiritual Skoptsy. The original cult practiced castration and mastectomy to remove spiritual lust. Our branch didn't castrate. They did teach that sex was evil, dirty, and that lust would kill your body, mind, and spirit.”
Brandi's eyes widened, shocked that shit like that still occurred in the 21st century.
“When my parents died, I was 22. There was a girl in our commune who helped me deal with their death, cooking for me, washing my clothes, and whatnot. Soon we fell in love and planned to escape, and make our way in the world. I got out, she didn't. I tried to go back to get her, and...well, you can't go home again,” he lamented, fighting back tears.
Brandi wrapped her arms around him and pulled him to her, as the tears flowed. “I had no interest in love or sex. I was numb on the inside. I got a job working on freighters. I did that for a while and saved all my money, never going ashore, unless I had too. I hated the dirty work on the decks and standing late-night watches on the bridge or as a lookout.”
He pulled away from Brandi, not sure why he was telling her all this. He walked into the kitchen for a drink, “You want a drink? I have cola, water, coffee, Russian Imperial Stout, and some kind of juice if I can find it.”
Brandi watched as he walked away from her. She followed at a short distance behind and muttered, “it's too early for booze. Juice is fine, unless it's prune, then water.”
Ark pulled a bottle of Cran-Apple juice out of the fridge and poured two glasses. Downing half his glass, he refilled it and put it away.
“What was her name?” Brandi asked. As she moved closer to him.
“To Kseniya,” Brandi said, holding up her glass in a toast. Ark looked at her in shock and held up his glass.
She drained the whole thing in one long gulp then threw the glass like a baseball pitcher. The glass exploded when it smashed into the wall.
Ark looked at her in shock. “So it'll never get used for a lesser toast,” she told him. He nodded in agreement and hurled his glass at the wall.
Brandi grabbed the broom and dustpan next to the fridge, swept up the shards, and dumped them in the trash. Putting the tools back she sat down at the counter and looked at Ark, waiting for him to continue.
“So where was I”
“Late night watches.”
“I saw that the cooks worked hard, but didn't ever stand watch or do the other shit that deck apes did. I studied cooking and volunteered in the galley. I earned a promotion to a cooks assistant. I had a real talent for cooking and baking. I hated being at sea and jumped ship in Bulgaria, bribing a government minion to make me a citizen. I lived in the EU for a few years, floating around, working in upscale restaurants, and learning my trade. The high cost of living and intolerance of foreigners drove me to look for another home. I started looking for jobs outside the EU and found work in a restaurant in the US. In a few years, I became a citizen. One day I was sitting in a cafe and this beautiful lady sat at the table next to me. I couldn't stop looking at her. For some reason she noticed me and instead of getting creeped out, she talked to me. One thing led to another and two years passed.”
He shrugged his shoulders, his eyes downcast.
Brandi rested her hand on his and said “Ark, I had no idea. I'm so sorry you went through all that growing up, but you should tell her everything. Hiding your past will only create trouble for you in the future. I mean, she's already dated you for two years without sex. Most girls today would have given up after six dates. She's waited for TWO FUCKING YEARS! It's a safe bet that SHE IS THAT FUCKING INTO YOU!”
“I'm here for you, whatever you want to do,” she paused.
Ark looked up at her and said, “I don't know! Tell me what to do.”
“If I were you,” she continued. “I wouldn't keep secrets from someone I loved and loved me. What you tell her or don't tell her is between you and your conscience. I'm not a priest or a therapist, I can't help you with this. I'm here to clean up your apartment and teach you a thing or two. It's time I got started, so is there a place I can get ready for work, or... do you want to.... watch as I...change?"
Ark stared into space for a moment, thinking about what Brandi had said. He gestured to the bathroom, still lost in thought. He didn't think about watching Brandi take off her clothes. He debated having Liz join them. His biggest concern was that he knew nothing about sex. While Liz was a bit wilder and kinkier than other women. At least based on how his coworkers talked about their lovers.
Brandi stood up, “I'll be right back." She kissed her finger and put it on his lips, before walking into the bathroom and closing the door.
Ark watched Brandi's hips sway as she strutted to the bathroom and closed the door. He stood up, moved over to the gray couch in the living room, and waited. He was thankful for the baggy shorts. He wondered how she would teach him. A fleshlight or pocket pussy were the likely candidates. He wondered if he would have to get naked. Then he realized she didn't have a bag with her. .He wondered where she kept her teaching aids and cleaning supplies.
After several minutes, Brandy walked out of the bathroom, "So, should I start in the kitchen?" she asked, standing there, her breasts quivering from the last few steps she’d taken. Her left hand was resting on her naked hip, her right leg bent and forward of her left one. She stood there letting him ogle her body.
Ark was at a loss for words. He had only seen Liz naked a few times, usually when she was getting in and out of the shower. Of course, he watched porn. Not even his favorite scenes compared to having a beautiful, naked, woman standing in front of him. He drank in every curve, bump, freckle, and birthmark on her body. Ark stared at her for a long time, letting his eyes dance over her body.
"Um... Yeah... Start wherever you want.." Ark said as he watched her move, watched the rise and fall of her breasts as she breathed, showing it all to him. He couldn't help but get hard but he didn't think she could see his hard-on from this angle.
Brandi headed into the kitchen. She grabbed a sponge, got it wet, and began to wipe down the flat surfaces in the kitchen. Everything was pretty clean. All that the apartment needed was a light dusting.
Ark tried to concentrate on some dumb game-show while Brandi touched up the apartment. Ark's attention kept drifting to Brandi. He watched her muscles flex and shift every time she moved and loved her erect nipples. He even thought he saw a bit of dew glistening between her legs. All too soon Ark's stomach growled, reminding him it was time to have lunch.
"So um... Miss Brandi, do you want something for lunch? I can order something or I have some leftover Tarator Soup we can share”
"Well I do like my protein," she said with a smile. "A nice thick juicy piece of meat would go down great," she said, licking her lips at him.
"Y... Yeah sounds good... Um let me get the menus and we can pick something." He stood and walked to the kitchen, his eyes never leaving her nude form for longer than it takes to blink. Doing his best to hide his hard-on while walking past her. He knew he shouldn't be thinking of her like he was, she was a professional. Granted, she was a naked, sexy, woman who happened to teach sex. But, Liz was the one who had asked him out. Who kissed him first, who had asked him to live with her and who had pretty much kept the relationship going. He had no idea what flirting was, or when it was happening.
"Do you have any Chinese menus?" she asked. "I would love cream of Sum Yung Gui for lunch," she said, pressing her tits into his back, wondering if he was dense or shy.
A light bulb lit up over Ark's head. He froze in place as he finally caught on to what was happening. He took a step forward, turned, and looked at Brandi. He tilted his head like a dog, "Um... Is that a woman's way of saying she wants sex?" Ark asked, thinking he was reading more into her comments than was there.
She smiled at him. "I guess being subtle doesn't work on someone who avoided the big horny world for most of his life." She reached down and grabbed his dick as her hand started to stroke it through his pants, "Is this obvious enough?"
Ark gasped and nodded. He sighed as her hand slid up and down the shaft through his silk-like shorts. Feeling her strong grasp of his member he could only stand there under her control. He didn't know what to do and so he hoped she would lead him, teach him. He was hers to teach now.
"Touch me. Caress my body. Let your fingers explore me." She instructed her soon to be lover. Her free hand glided over her breasts and down her flat stomach.
With some hesitation, Ark reached out with his right hand and cupped Brandi's breast. Feeling the warm orb of flesh made his cock twitch in her hand. The silk-like shorts and boxers doing nothing to hide the heat in her hand.
"That's better," she said, smiling. “Don't be afraid to squeeze, most women like it a bit rough. We aren't made of porcelain. Show us that you're a man." she told him as she slid her hand inside his shorts and grabbed his dick. “Always follow her lead. If she wants it harder, she'll move into you, if it's too hard, she'll move away or tell you to go easy or stop.”
Ark shivered as Brandi's hand slid down into his shorts and she grasped his hardness. Feeling her warm hand holding his thick cock, he couldn’t help but squeeze the breast in his hand. He was so slick with pre-cum that Brandi couldn’t help but notice it as she became the first woman to touch him. Instinctively he brought his other hand up and cupped her other breast.
"That's it. Don't be afraid," she encouraged him as she started to smear his fluid on his shaft. "Remember, as fun as they are, there are other parts of a woman beside her breasts."
Ark squeezed a few more times, nodded and eased his hands down over her flat belly, and stopped for a moment. His right-hand cupped her crotch. "L... Like this?" he asked her, looking down to make sure he was cupping her as he pressed his palm against her body.
"Relax, let your instincts guide you. Don't think about it too much,” she answered. “You know more than you think you do." Brandy told him. Ark stepped closer to her so that her nipples were within easy sucking distance from his mouth.
Looking at her breasts he took a moment to think before bending his head down and licking at her right nipple. He licked it then sucked on it. His right hand still held her crotch, his palm pressed into her clit.
“The clit is very sensitive. You have to be careful,” she instructed. “Some women like it pulled, sucked, and pinched. Others only want it caressed. Start slow and light, like a feather, then build up the pressure and speed. Watch her reactions and you'll be able to tell what she likes without her telling you.”
Ark almost jumped at her words, he stopped licking and sucking on her nipple so he could look down. He stopped moving his hand and watched her as he made a circular motion with his palm.
"Umm," she moaned in encouragement.
Ark watched and listened as she moaned a little. He hoped that was a good moan as he continued to circle his palm against her clit. He then took his index and middle fingers and rubbed her lips as he continued to use his palm. "D... Do you like that?" he asked her as he watched for clues and continued to play with her clit.
"That's good Ark, very good. Now why don't we get these clothes off of you and see what's going on,” she said, squeezing his cock.
Ark felt self-conscious about his body. It was obvious that Brandi was a regular at the gym and he had a paunch. He worried that he would disappoint the sexy experienced woman. He felt his cock was too small. The one time he measured it, he found he was only seven inches long and two inches thick. He knew he was noticablly smaller than most of the guys on porn hub.
Taking a deep breath, he took a step back from her as her hand squeezed his cock as it slipped from her grasp. Ark took his shirt off and dropped it to the floor. He undid his shorts and let gravity take them down them as he lowered his underwear. He stood there naked, in front of Brandi, hanging his head in shame.
"Very nice," Brandi said trilled in approval. She stepped close to him and kissed him on the lips. Her tongue pushed past his lips and into his mouth. She started to make out with the young stud, as she took the hood of his cock. Her hand glided up and down the shaft making sure it was nice and hard. When he pulled back to get some air, she sank to her knees. Her nipples burned a trail down his chest and over his stomach until they brushed over his cock, making it jump. Once on her knees, she looked up into his eyes. "Long, hard, thick, and juicy, exactly how I like them." She took the glans of the thick shaft into her mouth. She started to flick the meatus with her tongue as her hand caressed his balls.
Ark gasped when her mouth moved to work, his hands balling into fists. He had been hard since he first saw her nude form. He knew he wouldn't last long under a skilled woman’s attention, but he did his best to hold out as long as he could. Feeling her warm hands on his balls made him shut his eyes as his toes began to tingle.
She eased her head forward, taking him into her mouth inch by inch. Her tongue massaging the shaft as it disappeared between her lips. Ark shivered again. The tingling sensation worked up his legs, and past his knees as Brandi took his cock into her mouth. He was on the verge of bursting, but he wanted to hold back as long as possible. His cock twitched as her tongue worked him. His eyes locked on his shaft as it disappeared between her lips until her nose pressed into his groin. He stood on shaky legs as she began to pull back and then slide forward again. He fought the urge to let go. He wanted to see what she would do next. The rest of the world was gone, there was nothing but her mouth surrounding his cock.
Brandy let his cock slip from her lips. "Do you like that?" she teased, as she fondled it. "Does my mouth feel good? Where would you like to cum? In my mouth or on my tits?" she whispered, her eyes staring into his.
"Y... Your mouth..." he begged. It was all he could do to stop from blowing at the erotic images flooding his mind. He needed that soft sweet, warm mouth wrapped around him again. She took him, balls deep, and started to hum the song, ‘Like A Virgin’ as she massaged his ball sack.
Ark's hands couldn't help but move to her head and hold her as deep as he could on his cock. "I'm... gonna...." is all he got out before under her skilled hands and mouth he shot his first load deep into the back of her throat. His cock jerked as it unloaded his cum deep into her throat. His hands grasped her head, his hips bucking as he emptied himself into her mouth. She drained him dry and sucked up every last drop of cum from his cock.
Ark sighed when she released his cock from her mouth. Once she had finished drinking his cum, she stood up and kissed him. Her tongue pushed a small amount of viscous, salty, fluid into his mouth, It took him a second to realize Brandi feed him his own cum. A draft of cool air blew over his cock, making it jump and grow a bit harder.
"How was that lover?" she whispered as she pulled back from the kiss and bit his lower lip.
Ark had never cum before, and he took a moment to catch his breath as he looked at Brandi. "Is th... is it... like that every time with a woman?" he asked, not sure what else to do or say. He stood there enjoying the feeling.
She smiled in amusement. "Not every time. Sometimes it's better, sometimes it's not as good. But even the ones that aren't as good are still pretty good," she told him. Taking his hand, she led him to the couch and sat down, patting the seat next to her. "How good it is, depends on your mood, the skill of your partner, how long it's been since the last one, and other factors.”
“Now, would you like to learn how to please a woman?" she asked, spreading her legs open, her pink insides exposed to his gaze.
He sat down never taking his eyes off her, drinking in every square inch of her nude form as his ears guzzled her words. His mind was still processing everything that had happened. He realized that he had a lot more to learn and wanted to learn it all.
Realizing he had once again missed her not so subtle hint, she took his hand. She drew him off the couch and nudged him so that he was kneeling between her legs. "So, go ahead and try," she said, sliding herself to the edge and spreading her legs. Ark looked at her pussy and then at Brandi’s face. He edged his face closer and kissed her pussy. Then he swiped his tongue from bottom to top very, tasting her fluids.
"Good boy," she praised him. "Start nice and gentle. Make sure your partner is ready before you start to feast on her. Like in fine dining, the appetizer comes before the entree," she said, caressing his head.
Ark continued to lap Brandi's pussy. As he tasted her, he explored her smooth, shaven, pussy lips over and over again. He committed every crease and flap of skin to memory. His tongue pushed past her lips into the sweet cavern beyond.
"Umm that's nice," she moaned, leaning back, closing her eyes and started to rub her breasts as he explored her folds.
Ark pushed in, deeper and deeper, spreading her folds to taste her nectar from the source. Ark put his hands on her thighs and pushed her legs apart so he could penetrate her as deep as possible.
"Now imagine what you could learn if your girlfriend was here. I bet she'd love knowing how much you care. You want to make her happy so bad, you hired someone to teach you how to make her happy." Brandy said, smiling at the young man exploring her pussy.
"But she's had sex before. Could you teach her anything?" he asked, looking a bit confused.
"You're a chef, does that mean that no one can teach you anything about cooking? I bet that every fry cook, who owns a greasy spoon, knows a trick or two that he could teach you. No one's above learning. There's a lot of people who have sex and don't have a clue how much better it could be with a little knowledge. Trust me, she’ll thank you for being so thoughtful." Brandy said, rubbing his head. "Now be a good boy and tell her to come home, you have a surprise for her."
"I... can't.. she's still at work... I'm ready to..to please her." Ark looked a bit down, he had learned a lot, but he didn't think he would be ready to make Liz happy before she got home.
"How long are you here for? I mean most of the cleaning is taken care of..." Ark said, looking around and then back to Brandi.
"Oh honey, I'm here until you're ready to step up to the plate with her. So text her and tell her to come straight here after work."
Ark got up and found his phone on near the computer. He typed out a text and sent it. As he waited for a response, he sat next on the couch next to Brandi.

Ark looked at Brandi, "What's the surprise?"
"Well, coming home early puts a kibosh on my original idea, but I always have plan B. It comes in handy in my line of work. We'll need candles, flowers, and massage oil or at least scented lotion," she told him.
Ark looked around trying to think if he had those things, then looked at his phone, "Um... I could tell her to pick up dinner. It could buy us some more time if you think it will be enough help. I can even tell her to pick something up from across town," Ark offered as he wondered what her first plan was. Though the B sounded nice also.
"A piece of advice, she's been at work all day, you've been home. You shouldn't tell her to do anything. Ask her, don't tell her. She's tired, and something that simple could lead to a fight.”
Ark looked up in surprise at the simple wisdom. Was there anything this woman couldn't teach him, he wondered.
“The original plan was for you to cook her a nice romantic meal. Having her stop and pick up some take out is not romantic, at all. A nice home-cooked meal with some good wine, soft music, and low lights, now that's romantic. Having her run across town on a fool's errand would not be conducive to getting laid," Brandi told him.
"Spread the candles around your bedroom and make sure there's no other light. Close the curtains and shut off all the lights. We need to scatter some red, pink, and white flower petals in a path from the front door to your bed. Then the rest in a heart shape on the bed. Brandi sat back and crossed her legs at the knees. “Then, when she arrives, if she's carrying anything you need to take it from her and put it down. Then you kiss her, pick her up, and carry her into the bedroom where soft, romantic, sexy, music is playing. You will undress her, kissing and nuzzling her bare skin as you strip her. Once she's naked, have her lay on the bed face down and start to massage her feet and legs, then her shoulders, neck, and back. I'll join you when the time is right." She flicked her hand at him "Go, scoot, you have work to do."
Ark put his boxers back on and rushed off to do as told. Finding the scented candles Liz used for her bathes, he set them up around his bedroom and lit them. There wasn't enough time to get flower petals, but Ark printed some on his color laser printer. Brandi began to cut them out and spritz them with her rose-scented perfume. As Brandi spread the petals around the apartment, Ark looked for Liz's skin lotion. He was in the kitchen when Liz opened the door. She stopped short when she saw the flowers and the almost nude man in her kitchen.
"Hello, Liz! How was your day?" he asked with more confidence than he felt. He took her purse and briefcase from her hands and put them on the counter.
When Brandi heard the door open, she was close to the bathroom. She’d made sure that there was no evidence of her in the rest of the apartment. She pulled the bathroom door closed and prayed that no one would need to use it for the next few minutes.
Ark didn't give his girlfriend time to say anything, picked her up, and took her into his bedroom. He followed Brandi's instructions to the letter. He started to rub her feet, wondering what Brandi was going to do. "I hope you had a good day Liz and I hope I can make it a better night."
Brandi could hear their voices through the wall of the bathroom. , She left the bathroom and tiptoed to the door. She caught Ark's attention and put her finger to her lips. He nodded to her understanding he wasn't to give away her presence. She pussyfooted into the room and stood there watching the couple. The dim light only allowed her to see a well-shaped, naked female, on the bed. She watched as Ark massaged her feet. The light was so dim that she couldn't even make out the girl's hair color. She stood there nodding in approval and signaled him to work his way up her legs.
He worried that Liz would turn her head and see the naked Brandi in his bedroom. At her insistence, he worked his way up her legs massaging her ankles and calves. He reached her knees and flexed them several times. Ten worked his way up her thighs rubbing and caressing the taut flesh of her toned legs.
Brandi waved at him to keep going, as she started to rub her own naked body. Brandi knew the next part could be tricky. She didn't even know the girl's name, or if she was bi or even bi-curious. She had to wait for the right moment.
He moved up her thighs getting close to her slit. He was about to make contact with it when he remembered what Brandi had told him to do. Shifting positions, he began to massage her neck and shoulders. Ark wondered why Liz wasn't putting up much of a fight or saying anything. He was starting to get worried.
Brandi worried about the lack of response from the young woman. Not a single moan of pleasure, not a sigh of contentment, nothing. Was she asleep? she wondered as Ark rubbed Liz’s shoulders and neck.
Ark worked his way down her back making sure to massage her shoulder blades and spine. Soon all that remained were her glutes. He squirted lotion to his hands and grasped her soft ass cheeks. He kneaded the cheeks working the muscles below the silken skin.
"Oh that feels so good," Liz murmured, wondering why her shy, skittish, boyfriend had changed. Ever since they’d started dating he had been timid and avoided anything smacking of intimacy. There was something about him. Something that drew her to him. She couldn't explain it, even if she wanted to. She fell in love with him the first time she’d laid eyes on him and knew that they were soulmates. Whatever the reason for the change, Liz was grateful and hoped to finally make love to him.
Ark continued to massage the lotion into her. He made sure to get every inch of her ass. His strong hands, slick with lotion continued to rub from her back to her thighs. He glanced at Brandi to see if he was doing the right thing.
Brandi held up two fingers in a V and pressed them against her lips. She started wiggling her tongue between them, hoping he’d understood the signal. Ark nodded and shifted into position. Then like he did with Brandi in the living room. He started at the bottom of her slit and licked up, tasting Liz for the first time.
"Oh my god," Liz moaned as his tongue touched her damp slit. "Ark that feels so good" as she opened her legs, allowing him all the access he wanted. “I'm so happy you're doing this, you don't know how happy you’re making me tonight” as tears of joy leaked from her eyes.
Ark moved his tongue up and down her slit while his tongue probed her. She was a lot tighter then Brandi so it took a bit more work to slide his tongue into her slit. For some reason, he thought Liz tasted sweeter.
Brandi padded up to the engrossed couple. Taking his arms, she pulled them behind his back and signaled to him to keep them there. Then she bent at the waist, her boobs were resting on Ark's head. She started massaging her ass while Ark continued to explore his girlfriend.
"Oh Ark," Liz moaned, as she felt hands on her glutes and he licked her pussy. She couldn't believe how talented his tongue was. She had experienced lovers who didn't have half the oral skills Ark did. Her hands slid under her body and started to squeeze her breasts as Ark made her feel so good.
Ark's cock twitched as he felt Brandi's breasts on his head. He did his best to ignore them as he focused on pleasuring his girlfriend. He continued to lick, pressing his tongue deeper and deeper into Liz's folds. Tasting her as Brandi continued the massage he had started.
"Does this mean you're ready to let me take your Cherry Ark?" Liz asked as she tried to roll over. Brandi tried to stop her from turning, but she was already off-balance. Liz’s shifting made Brandi lose her balance.
"OWW FUCK!" Brandi exclaimed as her ass hit the floor hard.
Everyone froze in horror, for different reasons. Brandi, because she knew she would have to defuse an irate girlfriend. Ark felt guilty and scared. Liz tried to fathom why there was a naked woman on her bedroom floor. Brandi mentally cursed herself for not planning this better. She hoped she hadn’t destroyed Ark's relationship.
Ark moved away from the two women and waited for Liz to react. He hoped things would work out, but...all he could do now was hope that he would survive the fallout.
"Ark, what the fuck! Who the hell is that?" Liz yelled as she reached to turn on the nightstand light.
The room filled with a soft glow, exposing all three naked people to each other. Liz was sitting on the bed, her breasts heaving in desire and fright. Her legs spread wide exposing her wet engorged lips.
Ark was squatting at the foot of the bed, his face covered with pussy cream, cowering in fright.
Liz turned her head and saw an amazonian, naked blonde woman on the floor, looking down at her ass rubbing it. Liz thought she looked familiar. 'It can't be,' Liz told herself. The hair is too long and the body is too well toned. Then she noticed a faded blue and purple tattoo on the woman's ankle. Recognition dawned in her eyes and she hesitatingly whispered "M......mo.....mom....?"
Brandi’s head whipped up and around and looked at Liz's face. "Bethy?" she asked in shock.
Ark looked back and forth between the two women, He had never met Liz's mom. Until recently she’d been living in California and had only moved back to town recently. Liz had told Ark her name was Tracey and that she was a teacher. Ark hadn't cared about family since his parents had almost cost him his life and freedom.
"I thought you said your mom was a Teacher Liz?" Ark asked. He looked at Liz, his eyes focusing on her smooth shaved pussy, desperate to stick his tongue or cock into it.
Since she knew about the other woman, her shock wasn't as severe as her daughters. Brandi stood up and looked at the couple. Finding her voice she asked, When did you start going by Liz? You told me your boyfriend's name was Mark?"
Brandi had always been open about sex with her daughter. She hadn’t hidden it from her, even teaching Liz how to masturbate and all about birth control. Brandi had even helped a few of Liz's friends, of both genders, with their first experience. Of course, Brandi and her husband were swingers. Once Beth was of age, she joined in those parties, though never with or near her parents.
Liz looked in shock from her boyfriend to her mom and back, like someone watching a tennis match. What is going on here?" she asked as her mother's questions penetrated the fog of lust enveloping her brain. "I use Liz for work since there was already a Beth there, "she said, "and I told you, his name was Ark, not Mark."
The two women looked at each other and then at Ark. "You hired my mom to fuck you?" she asked, tears forming in her eyes. "I thought you wanted me to be your first."
Ark felt ashamed at what he had done. He knew his justification was weak at best. He had no defense. He stared at the floor and mumbled, "I did, I do, and you still can be. But I felt inadequate. The way you’d talked about sex, those parties that you went to, pleasuring both men and women... " Ark paused to gather his thoughts as he spoke.
"You told me how you loved those experiences and told me about things you'd done. I didn't even know what you were talking about. I had to look up some of the terms. Liz, I love you, I love you more than you will ever know or understand. The way you talked about sex, there was no way that I could hope to compare to your past lovers." He looked at Liz, they had never done anything more than kiss and grope a little. They never had an open and honest discussion about sex.
"I came across an ad for Neat N” Naked. Some of the reviews I’d read were unbelievable, so I called them. I wanted to learn to please you, to be the lover you deserve. The lady I spoke with offered several women who had experience teaching about sex. I had even heard of Brandi, Tracey, your mom before." Ark paused again. Then sighed.
"The lady on the phone didn't tell me her real name, so I didn't know I was hiring your mom. How was I to know she worked for Neat N' Naked?" Ark asked as tears filled his eyes...
"So you didn't..." she asked looking at her mother and her boyfriend.
"Oh God, no honey. You know me better than that. You know I would never take the first time away from a couple," she said, looking at her daughter.
"I stroked his cock a bit, when we got naked, then I gave him a blow job and he licked my pussy. That's all we did before you got home. All he would tell me is how much he loved you and wanted to be able to please you. He worried that he would lose you if he couldn't please you. I was only here to help him, overcome his fear, and encourage him to bed you. I would only join in if asked.
She stood up and looked at the couple. "You both have a lot to talk about. I'll leave and you can figure this out. All I ask, is that if you decide to break up, please let me try to help you work things out first." She started walking to the bathroom to get dressed. As she left the bedroom, she wondered if this would be the first relationship she couldn't fix.
"She only had the time to teach me how to use my mouth... and she only told me what to do... I still don't know if I'm doing it right, making you feel good," he told Liz.
Liz watched as her mother went to dress as Ark pleaded his case. Liz, making a decision shouted, "No! Mom! Wait!" she jumped up and ran over to her mom. Grabbing her hand, she pulled her back into the bedroom and onto the bed.
"Did you call her so you could make sure you’d be able to make me cum?" she asked Ark. He nodded at her and thought that things might not be so bad after all.
"Did she teach you how to lick pussy?" Ark continued nodding.
"Are you willing to teach us both?" she asked, looking at her mother.
Brandi smiled and said, "of course I am."
Liz leaned in and Brandi kissed her like a lover as she took her daughter's hand and placed it on her breast. Ark watched in stunned amazement at the scene. His cock demanded attention from the mother-daughter as they explored each other. He stood there watching, not sure how to involve himself, not sure that he wanted to, watching them was hot as hell. He never understood why Liz had picked him. He wanted to make her happy in every way he could, and hoped, with her mother's help he could.
Breaking the kiss with her daughter, Brandi reached for Ark's hand. He put his hand in hers and watched Liz leered at her mother. "It's time to get rid of that ancient cherry," Brandi told him.
He had only seen Liz naked a few times, but it was enough to always get him hard, this time was no exception. With the lights on, he let his eyes drink in the two nude beauties. His lovely girlfriend, on their bed. Her legs spread open so he could see how ready she was to take him.
Looking at Brandi laying next to her daughter on the bed, he could now see the similarities between them. That could be part of the reason he liked her from the beginning. He recalled his lessons and he reached out with both hands and gave Liz's breasts a soft squeeze. Feeling the smaller, natural orbs, enjoying the soft warm feeling in his hands. His cock twitched as he pinched her nipples.
Brandi nodded in approval, as she watched his hands start to massage her daughter's breast. She helped many couples. Threesomes and foursomes and a few moresomes were routine for her. None of those experiences came close to the eroticism of this encounter. Being with her only daughter and her boyfriend was the single hottest experience of her life. Brandi moved back on the bed making some room for Ark and began to rub her clit watching them.
Liz laid there as Ark squeezed her breasts. She felt the bed shift as Brandi/Tracey/Mom moved back to give them room. Ark's hands were gentle like he thought he would hurt her.
“I'm not glass, squeeze my tits, play with them Ark, have fun with them.” Brandi smiled hearing her words echoed by her daughter.
Feeling the warm flesh under his hand was wonderful. He had always wondered what they would feel like and taste like. He leaned down and for the first time sucked Liz's nipple into his mouth. He flicked his tongue over one then the other, enjoying the warmth and the taste. He found suckling on breasts comforting. After spending some time enjoying her nipples, he looked up at Brandi, "So what do I do now Brandi?"
"Follow Bethy's err, I mean Liz's lead. She'll show you what she wants. Trust yourself, Ark. You know more than you think you do." as her fingers caressed her clit, wishing it was her riding his cock.
His hands felt so good on her tits and she had been so close. She was now even more turned on and feeling the need to cum. She pushed him down and spread her legs a bit waiting for him to take the clue as her mother told him to follow her lead.
She pushed him down and he was looking up between her spread legs as she sat on the edge of the bed. He moved closer and began to lick her again. His right hand found her left thigh and he pushed her left leg open her up even more.
Brandi moved closer to watch Ark lick her daughter's pussy as she continued to finger herself. Liz sensed her presence and looked over. She rubbed on the nipples that fed her when she was a baby as she kissed her mother again.
Ark continued to lick Liz's sweet pussy. He felt the slight difference between it and Brandi's pussy. He pushed his tongue into her tightness, seeing how deep he could get into her without hurting her.
Brandi and Liz kept kissing as their hands explored each other's bodies. Soon Liz lay back and without a word, Brandi straddled her face. Ark watched as Brandi lowered herself onto her daughter's mouth.
Ark watched and kept pushing his tongue deeper and deeper into Liz. He swirled it around inside her soft folds as he pushed deeper and deeper until most of his tongue was inside. He studied Liz did to see if he could learn something to use on Liz.
Liz started with long slow strokes of her tongue starting at the clit working all the way to her mom's ass. Then she licked around the pretty little rosebud before she started to flick her mom's clit.
"Oh my God,” Brandi moaned as her daughter's tongue teased her pussy.
Ark couldn't see what Liz was doing, but he didn't like the idea of licking anyone's asshole. So he pumped his tongue in and out of Liz's pussy as he watched Brandi ride her daughter's face. Ark was still at a bit of a loss of it all, this seemed like a fantasy or something, unreal in a lot of ways. But he continued to do his best.
"Oh, god baby girl your tongue...so good." Brandi moaned as she rubbed herself on Liz's face.
Liz used her legs to pull Ark tighter against her pussy, as her hands began to squeeze her tits.
Ark felt Liz's legs close around him and doubled his efforts to use his tongue on her. Licking her, using it to probe into her depths and flit her clit a few times hoping she enjoyed that. All while watching Brandi have the same thing done to her and looking up past Liz's wonderful breasts.
Liz pulled her head away from the hole she exited many years ago and said: "I need it, I need it now." Brandi climbed off her daughter and nodded at Ark.
Ark seemed to catch on this time. But he was unsure of himself. He stood and looked at Brandi to tell him what to do next. His hardness stood up proud, “What about condoms? Or Lube? Do we need those?" Ark asked.
Brandi reached over and pushed two fingers into her daughter's open and waiting hole. Liz moaned in pleasure as her mother started to finger her. "She's wet enough," Brandi said, slipping in a third finger. "If you need lube for vaginal sex, it means you're not spending enough time on foreplay. Or the woman has health issues. As for birth control that's up to you. I know that Liz wants kids, do you"
She pulled her fingers out of her daughter and put them into Liz's mouth. She started sucking on them, cleaning her nectar off her mother's fingers.
"I.. I mean I know she wants kids... But... We’ve never gotten this far... Liz?" Ark asked as he looked up at her. He did have some condoms if she wanted them but he would leave that up to her for now. This was all happening so fast, Ark was hardly able to keep up.
"As the ad says, Just do it," Liz said, getting annoyed. Taking a deep breath she had to remind herself that he hadn’t had a normal upbringing and that this was all new to him.
Ark climbed onto the bed and looked at Brandi once more. He took hold of his cock and crawled on top of Liz. He put his cock by the hole he loved to taste. He hoped that he knew what he was doing, as Liz looked a lot smaller and tighter than her mother. He guided his cock into Liz. Feeling her warm wetness envelop him, he moaned. He didn't believe how much better it was than Brandi's blow job.
"Fuck yes," Brandi said, watching the large cock slide into her daughter.
Liz's eyes closed and she bit her lip as he entered her.
“Fuck her Ark, make my baby girl cum on your dick,” Brandi told him. She began to finger herself as her eyes feasted on their merged groins.
Ark began to thrust in and out of Liz's tight pussy. He didn't want to cum too soon, but he knew he wasn't going to last long. The sensations were incredible, he knew that if he came too soon that it would ruin it for Liz. He tried to hold on and pump in and out of Liz as long as he could.

Ark knelt on the bed fucking Liz. Brandi grabbed the railings of the four-poster bed and pulled herself up. Using the wall to support herself, she swung her legs over Ark's shoulders. His mouth pressed against her pussy lips as he kept fucking Liz. Both woman moaned in pleasure as he serviced them.
Brandi held herself up with her arms, "Eat my pussy while you fuck my daughter!" Brandi commanded, hoping that taking the focus off the sex he would last longer.
Ark's mind clouded with lust as his mouth closed around Brandi's pussy once more. Liz's tight pussy was too much. He was thrusting hard and fast. There was nothing he could do but moan into Brandi's pussy. He drove himself deep into Liz's tightness and emptied his balls. Ark felt a wave of pleasure flow through him.

When Ark’s orgasm subsided, Liz pulled herself off his cock, spun around, and wrapped her lips around it. She sucked their commingled juices from him. She caressed his balls, not letting his cock grow soft. Pausing for a moment, Liz said, “stay hard baby, I want to watch you fuck my mom.” Then she sucked his whole length into her mouth.

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Sal De Klerk, "The Salacious Scribe"
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