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Do You Dare Ch 04 The Consolation Prize

©2019 Sal De Klerk & enf_cavalier, All Rights Reserved

Authors Note:

This is a 2020 nude day contest story, so please vote. It started as a Role Play in the forums and I thought it was too hot not to share.


This story contains adult content including exhibitionism, voyeurism, spanking, oral sex, masturbation, ENF, Bukakke, and cum eating. If this isn't your kind of smut, please find something else to read.


Jennifer finished the last bite of her meal and was still hungry. Looking at her watch, she knew she had time, so she ordered a large piece of apple pie ala mode. She didn't care about the calories, certain she would burn them off well before morning. She sat there savoring the warm sweetness and the icy creaminess. As she popped the last bite into her mouth, her phone chimed. After swallowing she reviewed the text message and sent a reply as she smiled knowing her plan for Ashley was coming together.

( ¥ ) ( ¥ ) ( ¥ )

Ashley stepped out of her shower and wrapped a towel around herself. She started laughing at herself. She was alone in her room, and covering herself, after the slut show she put on in the bar. Dropping the towel, she went into the main part of her hotel room. She pulled on a matching pair of pink panties and bra. Then she looked over her limited choices, trying to decide what to wear. She felt like she was dressing for a first date. Finally, she pulled her favorite little black dress out of the closet. Slipping it on, she headed down to the bar to meet her destiny.

Grabbing a tote bag filled with items she bought to use on Jennifer, she left her room. As she rode the elevator down to the lobby, she played with her clothes. She was already imagining the humiliation Jennifer would put her through. She hoped her imagination was more terrifying than the reality. After experiencing Jennifer's imagination first hand, she felt the opposite might be true. So be it! Ashley suddenly thought, in defiance. Anyway, she had the first hour, and wanted to ensure Jennifer would remember that hour forever.

Ashley walks into the bar and sees Jennifer offering Mike a credit card. She was able to hear Mike say “After the money you made me tonight, I can treat you to a meal.”

Jennifer stood up on her barstool and gave him a quick peck on the lips. “Thanks, hun,” she replied before sitting down.

Ashley strutted up to Jennifer and handed her a package from her bag. Jennifer took the bag and headed to the lady's room to change. “your time doesn't start until you kneel in front of me after you change. I don't want you dawdling to try and waste time.”

Jennifer heads off to the bathroom. Ashley sits and waits, and Mike is too busy serving his customers to talk with her. Jennifer waits until she's in the bathroom to look at the package. It's a cheap Halloween costume, the package says Penitentiary Penny Prisoner Costume. As Jennifer opened it, she saw it consisted of bikini bottoms, a bandeau top with a left arm sleeve, and a hat. The material was cheap and not designed to last more than a few hours.

Jennifer stripped off the shorts and tank top she was wearing and pulled on the bottoms. She had to suck in her stomach and force it over her ass. The costume as shown on the package was not quite indecent, but Ashley must have picked one a size or two too small. The bottoms were closer to tangas than the full-bottomed cut shown on the package.

Jennifer pulled on the top and it barely fit around her breasts. It squeezed them so much she felt like the grand canyon was running between her tits. Due to the smaller size, the outfit was not indecent, it bordered on obscene. Jennifer took a final look in the mirror. She picked up her clothes and returned to the bar, wondering how long she would be wearing this outfit.

Approaching Ashley, Jennifer handed her the clothes. “Hold on to these for me, in case I need them later.”

Ashley takes the clothes and puts them in her bag. The way Jennifer looked in the sexy prisoner's costume would cause a riot in a real prison. Ashley had already seen Jennifer naked, she appreciated how Jennifer filled the outfit.

Jennifer waved Mike over, “Do you like?” she asks.

“I know what our next Halloween costume will be,” he tells her, before kissing her.

“Don't wait up, I have no idea when I'll be home.” says as she walks over to Ashley and drops to her knees. “Your time's started.”

Ashley was jolted back into action by the announcement that her hour had begun, then she froze, looking back and forth between Ashley and Mike, “Wha...” was all she could say. Ashley knew she'd been had. These two might have rigged the scoring in Jennifer's favor if they were a couple. Of course, Ashley couldn't prove anything. That didn't mean she couldn't exact some friendly revenge.

Moving behind Jennifer, Ashley cuffed Jennifer's hands. Then she gently pushed Jennifer's hair off her neck so that the neck shackle wouldn't pull her hair. With the costume completed, Ashley walked back around to face her new plaything.

"I think we need a warm-up before the main event. So, how about a quick walk?” Ashley asked.

Ashley tugged the chain connected to Jennifer’s neck. As they walked out, she said "The doorman said something about a place called The Dollhouse. I've taken the liberty of arranging a private show for their best customers, and you're the star." Jennifer meekly followed Ashley out of the hotel, and onto the street that was even more crowded. Jennifer purposefully stumbled and staggered trying to make the walk last as long as possible. The more time she could waste, the less time Ashley would have to carry out her revenge.

Ashley realized that Jennifer was attempting to waste time with her lollygagging. To encourage her to get moving, she gave her a spank on the ass, shocking an older couple walking toward the hotel. Pointing down the street, Ashley whispered, "Speed it up, sweetheart. Your top comes off in less than three minutes whether we're inside or not."

Jennifer was now motivated to hustle to the Strip Club before time ran out. It was Ashley's turn to slow her down. Originally Ashley planned on getting there asap, so she could have most of the hour to use Jennifer. Now her plans changed. Ashley remembered how Jennifer had walked her like a dog and made her show off. It was now time for a little payback. There were throngs of people out and about for a good time. Ashley was going to make sure at least some of them got an opportunity to check out Jennifer.

She made Jennifer stop and cuffed her hands in front of her. "Now get on all fours," Ashley commanded. Satisfied, she led Jennifer by the collar and chain, towards her destiny.

They could see the neon sign in the distance. The sign promised 'HOT NAKED GIRLS' and 'COLD BEER' With only 50 yards to go, Ashley felt her phone vibrate. The alarm she had set suddenly burst into life and Ashley's smile grew even broader than it had already been. "Aww, what a shame!" she said, as they both stopped. Looking around, she held out a hand to wave down two passing men. "Excuse me guys, I need a little help here. My friend lost a bet tonight, and my hands are full. Could you be so kind and remove her top for me?"

As the two wide-eyed men tried to process what they'd just been asked, Ashley sweetly added "... oh, and by the way, I'm a little naive about such things and I'm never sure whether breasts are real or fake... I'm a little shy about checking that out myself. Could you please have a good grope of my friend's boobs and let me know what you think?" Ashley yanked on the chain making Jennifer stand up facing the two men.

Jennifer looked at Ashley and smiled. Turning to face the two guys she looks them right in the eye. "Don't be shy boys. You've seen and felt boobs before. Enjoy them."

Jennifer's invitation to grope her boobs spurred the men into action. They made quick work of Jennifer's top, destroying it in the process. The guys reached in and began to squeeze and shake the fleshy globes, and play with her nipples. Ashley realized she was going to have to go much, much further to embarrass Jennifer. As the men fondled her exposed tits, Ashley began to revise her plan. After letting them molest Jennifer, she shooed the men away and tugged at the chain to continue the trek.

They made their way to the Dollhouse. Ashley looked at the two bouncers guarding the entrance. Something unspoken passed between them. Ashley decided it was time to get revenge for making her suck Mike's dick.

"Well, time to pay a cover charge. But, you don't have any cash so....what can you offer to pay these fine gentlemen with."

Before Jennifer could speak, Ashley turned to the doorman and asked, "Is everything set?"

The doorman nodded, his eyes sparkling in anticipation.

"Great, great..." Ashley replied, brightly. "Well, let's head on in. Your first task, my dear Jennifer, is to put on a little show for the nice men inside." With a glint in her eyes, Ashley expanded on her idea. "You'll blow one of these guys while the others fuck your two holes. Every 90 seconds they'll shift to a different hole. Mouth, pussy, ass until all three of them cum."

Ashley leaned in and whispered in Jennifer's ear. "You get a special prize if you get all three of them to cum during the same 90-second window." With her plan explained, Ashley clapped her hands together. " take us to the stage so that Jennifer here can pay her door charge!"

As they entered the club, Jennifer asked, “Anyone know the time?”

Ashley looked at her phone, “We're 7 minutes in, you still have 53 to go.” Less than an hour, less than an hour, less than an hour, Jennifer kept chanting in her mind as Ashley led her inside. Looking around Jennifer saw the two guys from outside follow them in. Smiling at them, she was almost jerked off her feet as Ashley led her backstage.

After a few confident steps inside, Ashley let the men guide Jennifer backstage. There was a tall blonde stripper dancing on the main stage. As Ashley watched her finish her set, she got lost in the driving rock beat and sexy moves. One of the doormen coughed, bringing Ashley back to the here and now. She shook off her stupor and started to organize the lucky trio from the door.

Once Ashley heard everything was set, she nodded at the DJ. Red lights flooded the stage and curtains opened to show Jennifer and three men. They were all naked and the men had hard cocks. with hard cocks. Jennifer took one in her mouth as the other two go in a position to fuck their assigned holes. Once all three cocks were in her body, Ashley yelled "Ninety seconds!"

There wasn't much Jennifer could do. She rocked her hips into the two cocks inside her lower holes, as her tongue sicked and teased the one in her mouth. This wasn't the first time she'd been airtight, far from it. It was theher first time with strangers, in front of an audience.

She hoped Ashley was getting a good recording of this. Mike would sulk for weeks if he didn't get to see this. Closing her eyes so she could ignore the crowd. She concentrated on milking the cock in her pussy as she squeezed her sphincter tight. Her mouth, lips, and teeth all worked on the one in her mouth to try and get at least one of them to cum during the first round.

Ashley knew Jennifer wasn't easily shamed, but she felt surprised with how skillfully she handled three cocks. It was like she was in charge and using them for her pleasure. Ashley was more than a little awed by Jennifer.

Ashley realized that her plan to get Jennifer to quit in the first hour wouldn't work. She hoped that Jennifer would refuse to take on three guys at once. Now she worried the guys might not be able to handle Jennifer. As the seconds ticked by, she saw the man getting a blow job began to go cross-eyed. An alarm went off. Ninety seconds was up. Ashley clapped loudly, her mind a whirlwind of clashing thoughts. "Okay, okay," Ashley said, trying to hold it together. "Okay, guys shift holes. Round one is over and done with." None of the men had cum yet, although the man receiving the blowjob looked like he'd been only seconds away.

Then, a random memory hit Ashley like a freight train. Jennifer who exposed a vulnerability. "Wait!" Ashley called, as the men were already shuffling into position. "While our performers catch their breath for the second round, how about my friend here tell us a story. Jennifer going to tell us about an incident when she was only 18 years old. A time when her mother caught her and her sister in bed together." Grinning wildly, Ashley slapped Jennifer on the ass. "This time, we want every salacious detail!"

Jennifer wore a stony smile on her face, as she woodenly stood up. Someone handed her a mic and she took it without expression. she closed her eyes and in a monotone, she started "I had always liked girls. A bit more than boys. I'd always thought that it was wrong, even sinful even to feel that way. I tried to ignore those feelings but I couldn't. Especially after Gym when we showered, or when they wore skimpy bikinis to a pool party. It was the worst when we snuck out to college parties in Miniskirts and fuck-me pumps. More than once I wanted to blow off the party and have an all-girl orgy. But I never gave in to those desires."

Then one night shortly after my 18th birthday, I came home from work early, horny as hell. I was going to ride my favorite vibe to a couple of O's before falling asleep and dreaming about sweet lesbian love. As I climbed the stairs to my room, I heard strange sounds coming from my mom's room. Thinking she hurt herself, I went to check on her.”

“What I found shocked me, and damn near made me cum on the spot. My Aunt, my mom's sister, was sitting on the edge of my mom's bed, naked. My mom was wearing a dog collar, and my aunt had a leash in her hand, pulling my mom's mouth deep into her pussy. When the leash's tension was relaxed, I saw my mom was wearing a gag that had a dildo on the outside.”

“As I watched, I saw my mom's hands were bound to her thighs. Her breasts were also bound to the point of turning an angry purple. My aunt had a strap in her hand. As my mom fucked her pussy with the dildo gag my aunt would strike my mom on various body parts.”

“I ran to my room and fucked myself raw with every toy I owned, and still needed more. I made sure to come home early every night and watch my aunt use and abuse my mom. I was never sure if I wanted to be the abused or abuser.”

“Almost a year later, my sister Claire turned 18. Claire loves to dance. Very flexible, taut lean body, small firm wonderful breasts and legs to kill for. five minutes after she blew out her candles, she caught her boyfriend fucking some slut. When I heard what happened I went looking for her. I found her in my room hysterical. I comforted her as sisters do. We had a frank talk. I found out she was a virgin and planned to let the asshole take her cherry that night. While I wasn't experienced, I had fucked a few guys. I began to tell her about my experiences and she blurted out that she never had an orgasm.”

“Well, I decided to help her, so I pulled out my toy collection, and offered to show her how. I intended to teach her how to masturbate as the party was going on downstairs. Soon we were in a 69 and getting close. Someone must have told my mom, and she came looking for us."

I didn't know my aunt, was a fucking pimp. She made our female relatives into whores. The shit I saw in my mom's room was a cam show they did to drum up business. Anyway, that's the story. Now get those dicks in me! Let's finish this.”

She walked back to her spot where the three guys had been stroking themselves to stay hard. She got back in position and the guys slid into her and continued.

Ashley stood there stock still for a full two minutes after Jennifer finished. Her jaw wide open, in shock and disbelief. Jennifer had followed through. 'Damn it, the woman was unbeatable,' Ashley thought. Her biggest weapon had failed to end things, That only meant one thing. Ashley was in for twelve hours of subjugation. Subjugation by someone who revealed their most personal and embarrassing secret to a roomful of strangers at her behest.

While Jennifer was working on milking the three studs the DJ started playing the song French Kiss by Lil Louis. She started sucking and fucking to the beat of one of the most sexual music tracks ever written.

Ashley had to admit that Jennifer was one hell of a woman. As the ninety seconds counted down, she saw the man in Jennifer's ass groan and spasm, as he let loose his load. Holy crap! Ashley thought Jennifer, 's going to make all the men climax before the end of the third round. The man whose cock was in Jennifer's mouth was also close to the point of no return. Looking at her watch, Ashley called time on the second round, before the second guy could cum.

"Ahh..." Ashley said, ".. Ahh.... great, umm.... great work there Jen." "Right." Ashley said, "Right, well... it's time - while our two remaining men sort themselves out - that Jennifer tells us... ahh... tells us...." Shit. Ashley thought. Was she going to make her new friend talk about what those people forced her to do, in front of this crowd? "... tells us... the most deviant thing that she and her partner Mike have ever done..." Ashley finished, lamely.

She knew now that she couldn't embarrass Jennifer into submission. She would be at Jennifer's mercy for half a day. She knew her naivety would last for thirty more minutes, tops. Five more minutes and the sex would end. If she could make the other two climax, then Jennifer would get her special prize.

Once Jennifer's mouth was free, she took the microphone. "Well my fiance owns this bar inside a hotel. A few years ago, he was about to lose his lease because business sucked. We discussed ways to save his business. I happened to glance at a calendar and noticed National Nude Day was approaching. So, without his knowledge, I came up with a plan. I dressed slutty, and went to the bar. I spent the night, drinking, dancing and flirting. Now, every few weeks I go to the bar and convince some hottie to flash or strip. I even convinced a few to give some lucky guy a blow job. Then one night this poor innocent girl came in and asked about a truth or dare app I have on my phone..." Jennifer began describing all the ways Ashley had to expose herself. Being walked like a dog, streaking across the street, and how she had given a blow job to Jennifer's fiancee.

“So make sure you look for those videos online soon. I'm sure you'll like them.” She ended the story without mentioning the strip club.

Ashley coughed, blushed, and then felt the edges of the mouth twitch as she tried to figure out how to react. She'd been had. 100%, irrefutably been taken for a ride. Mike and Jennifer had messed with her for the entire night. Now she was standing on stage in a strip club, with a naked woman standing defiantly in front of her.

Her mouth twitched again. She'd suspected that Jennifer and Mike's farewell had been messing with her. Some little teasing thought designed to throw Ashley off her mission for the next hour. The way Jennifer re-told the story though, the amused look in her eyes, the playful tone, that... that told Ashley all she needed to know about the real truth.

"You..." Ashley started. A snort forced its way out of her mouth, as she clenched her teeth to stop what was coming. "You absolute. Total..." Ashley continued, as she felt her body begin to shake. "... Fucking. Bitch!" Ashley roared with uncontrollable laughter. "Oh my fucking God!" Ashley swore in amazement, unable to stop the huge grin on her face. Ashley couldn't speak for a couple of moments, as she strove to regain control over herself. "Guys, guys..." she Finally, managed to get out. Waving at the two men yet to climax, "Don't be gentle guys. She likes games, so I want you both to bring your A-game."

Addressing Jennifer, Ashley added. "Ninety seconds Jen. Ninety seconds to make these two gentlemen climax, if you want your prize."

The cock in Jennifer's mouth had grown considerably yet, she swallowed the entire shaft with ease. She hummed the Marine hymn in deference to a tattoo on the guy's arm. Her sphincter grabbed the cock in her ass so tight it was all he could do to thrust. She knew from experience that neither guy would last too much longer.

All too soon the Marine in her mouth blasted his load into her throat and she swallowed every drop. The guy in her ass was grunting and sweating profusely as he thrust into a hole that was smaller than his cock. Jennifer said "Cum on stud blast your cum deep into my bowels. Fill my shitter with your baby batter. I want you to fill me to overflowing so Ashley can lick your cum from my ass."

That last sentence was just too much for him. He grunted one last time, drove his cock deep into her ass and blasted jets of white cum into her nether regions. Jennifer looked at Ashley. "You don't want to disappoint our fans, do you?" She wiggled her ass at Ashley.

"Fine." she lied, with only a small unnatural squeak at the very end betraying any kind of shock.

She plodded forward. Bending down, she could see the cum dribbling out of Jennifer's exposed backside. She took an eternity to close the distance between her face and Jennifer's ass. She finally made contact and made a valiant effort to stop herself from gagging. Wrinkling her nose she tried not to think of the fat sweaty man who had made this mess. Ashley began to lick the oozing fluid. She couldn't figure out why she wasn't making any headway cleaning up the sticky cream. She pulled her head back to get some fresh air. While she gasped in oxygen and saw Jennifer's sphincter contract and a glob of cum oozed out of her ass.

Ashley looked on in shock not believing she was licking up cum that had been inside Jennifer's ass. She thought she was only cleaning up the little bit that had missed the target. Jennifer felt Ashley stop and looked back at her. "Almost done Ash, only a bit more before you need to slurp it out of my ass.

Ashley spent an agonizing two minutes humiliating herself. Sure, she'd taken Mike's load, but that at least had been in the heat of the moment, and she hadn't had to overthink it. Finally, Ashley cleaned last bit of cum from Jennifer's ass, Ashley stood up and took stock of what she'd done. "Okay, challenge completed." She wiped her mouth and focused on the next part of her plan.

Ashley reached for her bag and emptied it on the floor. Jennifer saw an assortment of toys, from restraints to clamps. There was even a nice leather whip on top of the pile.

Ashley called out, "My friend here is going to put on some nipple clamps. I have here a selection of weights. For the low low price of only $5 you can personally attach one of the weights.” She brandished the nipple clamps high in the air, showing off the large ring that hung from each.

Jennifer for the first time tonight was feeling a bit scared. She had always been in control but now...

She wasn't scared of the bondage gear, hell she owned more painful nipple clamps than the ones Ashley had. But weights could get dangerous. She licked her lips hoping these guys were too broke to pay for more than a few weights.

Ashley led a very naked and cum filled Jennifer around the club. As they walked, she playfully whipped Jennifer, while holding the nipple clamps high. While they moved the clamps made an almost pleasant chiming noise as they struck each other.

The guys had all gotten up-close views of Jennifer. Ashley lead her over to a secondary stage and spoke to the crowd. "First," Ashley coughed as the cum to trickled down her throat, "We place the nipple clamps!"

Ashley tweaked Jennifer's right nipple a few times, getting it hard so she could attach the clamp. She fumbled with the unfamiliar device making Jennifer chuckle. Jennifer was about to offer to do it for her then changed her mind. 'Why make this go faster?" she thought she watched Ashley start to tighten it.

When Ashley tried to attach the second clamp, Jennifer started to subtly twitch her legs. The motion made her breasts move ever so slightly. Just enough to make it harder for Ashley to get the clamp affixed. Once the clamps were secure, Ashley sank to her knees, while still keeping her eyes on Jennifer's face. She managed to get a spreader bar onto Jennifer's legs. IT kept her legs apart but allowed her to waddle around.

Ashley ran her hands up the inside of Jennifer's legs and over her thighs and caressed her pussy. Then she stood up and gave a tug on each nipple ring as her hands passed over the other woman's chest. Standing back, she admired her handiwork and then held up a finger as if something was amiss.

"She needs a collar around that long pretty neck." The collar fit snugly around Jennifer's neck. Ashley attached a chain to the D ring on the collar. Ashley turned again to her audience and pulled Jennifer forward a few steps.

"Now before we stretch her tits,” Ashley grabbed and started to shake them, “Anything you want to say?” Ashley gave Jennifer a wicked smile. "Better make it good. You could always give up," she said, with another wink.

Jennifer smiled at Ashley's error in giving her the opportunity to speak. She considered a filibuster for the remaining time. Instead, she decided to make Ashley sweat.

Looking around the crowd, she took a deep breath and said. "Ladies and gentlemen. This delightful situation started after Ashley here lost a bet. Yes! She is the loser! The way the bet worked is that she gets to humiliate me for an hour, then I get to humiliate her for 12 hours. That's right this bitch is going to be my slave for 12 hours. So, be nice! I'll make sure you're informed of our whereabouts. This way you can see and possibly take part in her degradation. Don't forget, her hour ends in..." Looking at a clock she smiles "...20 minutes."

Ashley's smile and confidence waned as Jennifer launched into her appeal. When she finished Ashley tried to do some damage control. She wanted to see Jennifer's ample breasts stretched to their limit.

Turning to face the audience, and plastering a pitying smile over her face, Ashley sighed. "Ladies and gentlemen, it seems poor Jennifer here is willing to say anything to get out of her punishment." Ashley stopped momentarily, and fished something out of the pile of Jennifer's clothing that lay conveniently by the stage still, "... And you know what we do with people who tell such tales?"

Not waiting for a reply, Ashley used the panties that she hide in her hands and shoved them into Jennifer's mouth. She gagged Jennifer, ensuring she wouldn't talk her way out of her well-earned

torture. Next Ashley grabbed the blindfold from the pile of toys and placed it over Ashley's eyes.

"Now, ladies and gentlemen, Jennifer has no idea who does what. Now we can get started.” Reaching over, she gave the ring hanging off Jennifer's right nipple a couple of hard yanks. "Now, who wants to be the first one to hang a weight from these saggy nasty tits?” Ashley asked the crowd.

Whispering to Jennifer, Ashley teased, "My, my, we do seem to have a lot of interest!" Clapping her hands she added: "...this could be a fun little 20 minutes!"

Mentally Jennifer applauded Ashley for her quick thinking. It was something she would have done. But she knew that she could be in deep shit too. She had no way to let Ashley know if things were getting out of hand. She had to trust a total stranger, one who had betrayed her trust. She took consolation that Ashley had said she'd be led to each person. With the spreader bar, slowing her down that would burn up a nice chunk of time. She could even risk stumbling and falling to waste more time. The downside to falling while blindfolded was not knowing where it was safe to fall. That left the potential of serious injuries. Taking a deep breath she steeled herself for the pain. She was glad she remembered to set her watch, otherwise, Ashley could lie about the time.

Ashley led Jennifer, to the closest person waving a bill in the air. She suspected that Jennifer might be stalling for time by moving slow. She gave the hapless woman a stiff spank to encourage her to pick up the pace.

Once she had the money, she handed the man a weight. Stepping back she indicated Jennifer's helpless nipples with a flourish of her hand. "Which nipple will it be, sir?" Ashley sang. With a mad grin, she watched the pudgy fiftyish man, lean forward and hesitate for a moment. Then, with a sickly grin on his face, he attached the weight to Jennifer's left nipple.

Ashley could see her friend's left breast sag, taking the extra weight. Ashley had never experienced anything like this. Part of her wondered what exactly was going through Jennifer's mind right now. Still, she reprimanded herself, this was no time for idle musing.

"Thank you, kind sir,” she said. The process repeated four times and more men were waving money in the air. "Well Jennifer, it looks like you're going to be in for a busy few minutes!"

Jennifer was excruciatingly aware of each weight that got added. So far it wasn't too bad, but she was still worried. Walking to the next man, she 'tripped' over a chair and fell to the ground. She smiled smugly knowing she had bought herself a minute or two as Ashley tried to get her back to her feet.

Ashley was having none of Jennifer's feeble attempts at stalling. She knew time was crucial, and she wasn't going to let her last chance at revenge get stolen. Ashley leaned down and grabbed her friend by the waist.

Hauling her roughly to her feet, "It seems Jennifer forgot how to walk. I guess you gentlemen will need to line up here, to add the weights.” Ashley sneered. She counted down the seconds as a man worked his way through the maze of tables. She spoke quickly even before he completed his short journey. "Hey everyone! Since my friend forgot how to walk, and made this customer come to her, he gets to place two weights."

Jennifer mentally cursed Ashley as she wondered how long she had left. She tried to shuffle back a bit to waste some precious extra seconds, but Ashley grabbed her arm. "Stop being so cantankerous, or I'll quadruple the weights." Jennifer grimaced in anger but stopped moving. The man took the weights Ashley proffered and attached them to the clamps. Jennifer moaned in pain making Ashley smirk in delight.

Ashley loved the way the weights elongated Jennifer's tits. Before tonight, she would have been completely turned off by this. Now, it took all her willpower to drag her eyes away from Jennifer's chest.

Jennifer's tits looked like they had reached the limit ofo their elasticity. It was at that exact point that an evil thought crossed Ashley's mind. A very un-Ashley thought for a very un-Ashley evening.

She grabbed the third clamp she bought, "Ladies and Gentlemen!" Ashley called out. "I'm afraid to say the nipple rings are getting a little full!"

Jennifer moaned in relief, glad that her tits wouldn't be hanging to her knees by the end of the night.

"...So we'll need to find somewhere else to add this!" as she held up the third clamp. Handing it to the confused man, and with a wink, she pointed to Jennifer's pussy. The man's eyes grew wide as saucers as he realized what she'd meant. Without any further direction, he attached the clamp to her clit and hung the weight from it.

The competition had been in good fun, but now this bitch was going to pay...oh was she going to pay. She gritted her teeth trying to avoid screaming in pain. She wasn't able to stop a small whimper as the weight pulled on her sensitive clit.

Time was running out, and Ashley was wondering what else she could do to Jennifer. There was only one thing she could think of. She grabbed the wrist restraints she bought and bent Jennifer at the waist. She secured them to Jennifer's wrists and then attached them to the spreader bar. Once Jennifer was in position, Ashley began to drag the whip over her naked flesh. Jennifer's tits swung like a couple of pendulums, in this position. ,

It crossed Ashley's mind that Jennifer was at her mercy. Handcuffed to the spreader bar, Ashley could abandon her. Leave her to whatever fate the gods wanted. Before tonight, they hadn't even met, let alone been friends. Ashley could avoid everything that she knew was coming her way by the simple act of walking away. There was no way for Jennifer to stop her. And yet...

After everything, they'd been through and experienced, Ashley felt a strange bond. She knew she was in trouble, of that there was no doubt, but she felt almost a moral obligation to see it through. More so even than that, she was bizarrely curious to see what the future held.

She slowed down the whips and the spanks on Jennifer's bottom. "One last act," Ashley said, her tone neutral and distant. Looking slowly around the audience, she stood by Jennifer's side and eased her back onto the floor. Jennifer was now on her back, her legs straight up, with her wrists still affixed toe ht ber. It looked like some surrealistic erotic sit up.

Pulling away from the blindfold, Ashley indicated her naked friend's body. "Gentlemen. If you've ever fantasized about ejaculating onto a beautiful woman's naked, bound body... Well..." Ashley smiled, "now's your chance." She looked at her watch. "Four minutes," she said. For what seemed like a full minute there was silence and stillness. Then, the dam collapsed and there were ten men around Jennifer, buffeting Ashley out of the way. Cocks out, stroking furiously, the final few moments of Ashley's dominance of Jennifer climaxed in a messy and unexpected way.

Jennifer waited patiently to get coated in slime. Of the ten men, only four were able to fulfill their bukkake fantasies before time was up. Ashley shooed the slow cummers away, and Jennifer watched as Ashley unwillingly freed her.


Please let me know whether or not you liked this story. I do not make money from writing. My sole reward are your comments, votes, likes, follows, shares and emails. Hearing from readers is what encourages me to keep writing. I truly believe feedback is a gift, and I like gifts.

Sal De Klerk The Salacious Scribe.

Follow me on Twitter @scribesalacious




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