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Do You Dare Ch 03 The End Begins

©2019 Sal De Klerk & enf_cavalier, All Rights Reserved

Authors Note:

This is a 2020 nude day contest story, so please vote. It started as a Role Play in the forums and I thought it was too hot not to share.


This story contains adult content including exhibitionism, voyeurism, spanking, oral sex, masturbation, ENF, Bukakke, and cum eating. If this isn't your kind of smut, please find something else to read.


Ashley reached for another drink, from the endless supply. She threw back half of it in one go, then slammed the glass down on the bar. She swiveled on her chair to face Jennifer, with her legs splayed wide open down the sides of the stool. "Well, let's see what the phone has in mind for me next!" Bring it on, Ashley though. Game on."You're Sally and are having lunch with Harry. Do what she did."

Ashley laughed at that. It had been a long time since she'd seen the movie, but she knew exactly what scene the phone was referring to. Okay, she thought, let's see how good my acting skills are! She whispered in Mike's ear who disappeared for several minutes. Soon he returned, carrying a plate with a large sandwich and side of coleslaw.

Ashley stretched her sore muscles and flexed her neck a little, as if she were about to start on a marathon run. Staring at Jennifer, Ashley held her gaze as she closed her eyes and moaned softly. Then she started breathing heavily so her breasts shimmed. "Mmmmmm....." she moaned and reached up with her hand and ran it through her hair. She closed her eyes and let her gasp give way to a light laugh. Looking back down at her plate, and letting the hand currently in her hair fell down to her breasts. Giving her boobs a quick grope, she let out yet another low moan.

She shifted in her seat as if there was some instinct driving her. She kept playing with her hair, running a hand through it before sweeping it over her face. Ashley gave every impression of someone about to explode with orgasmic joy. Ashley threw her head back. Both breasts were getting a good fondle. Ashley fixed Jennifer with a lusty stare and bit her lip seductively. Then she leaned down and took a forkful of coleslaw and ate it.

Numerous voices shouted in unison, “I'll have what she's having.” Mike looked on impressed. Pushing the plate away, she leaned forward towards Jennifer. "So, do I get the part?" she smiled.

"That was a five-star performance," Jennifer admitted. It was pretty hot. Maybe even better than Meg Ryan."

Jennifer 41 Ashley 38

Jennifer looked a little concerned. She went from a 13 point lead to a 3 point lead in a few minutes. 'Maybe staying naked was a bad idea,' she thought. As she realized the game would end in just two or three more dares. She liked Ashley but didn't look forward to being her slave for 12 hours. She knew that everything that had happened so far was foreplay. She took the phone and tapped it holding her breath.

"Put a dollar in your mouth. Ashley must take it from you using her lips and tongue. She has two minutes. Whoever has the dollar at the end gets five points.”

Jennifer took one of the bills from the pile of money from the auction. She folded it lengthwise twice so it was no wider than a slim cigarette. She then started to roll it tightly so it ended up being the size of a largish pill. She held the bill for Ashley to see, and dropped it into her mouth, and swished it around trying to hide it. Then she nodded at Mike.

"Ready..." Ashley leaned in.

“Set..." Jennifer parted her lips.


The woman's lips slammed together like two superheroes battling in the skies above a metropolis. Jennifer stuck her tongue into Ashley's mouth, to prevent her from using her tongue to search for the bill.

Ashley was surprised by Jennifer's counter-attack. She realized this wasn't going to be the easy dare she'd assumed. Careless, Ashley thought to herself, that was careless for her to think that!

With Jennifer's tongue invading her mouth, Ashley tried to slip hers past Jennifer's. Jennifer quickly reacted and block her. Ashley considered groping Jennifer's breasts to distract her. She was afraid that would be considered cheating and cost her points. She was close to losing and couldn't afford a deduction now. Five points here and Jennifer would only need to four on the next dare to win.

Finally, she breached Jennifer's defenses and got her tongue into her opponent's mouth. Desperately she searched for the crumpled up bill. She went left but found nothing. Ashley was running low on oxygen. She tried to breathe through her nose, but couldn't. Between the delicious taste of Jennifer's lips, the lack of air, and the erotic smell Ashley was beginning to feel light-headed.

She tried to push her tongue to the right to explore the other side of Jennifer's mouth, but she was blocked again. “30 seconds” Mike called out, as Ashley struggled to fight past a determined Jennifer. Finally, she was able to get over her tongue and she felt the tip of her tongue touch something crumpled and papery. Now she only needed to get it out of Jennifer's mouth.

It was evident that Jennifer had the advantage here. Ashley could feel her target, but there was no way she could get a grip on it. Especially not with Jennifer's tongue guarding it. Seconds continued to tick by, and Ashley knew Mike was about to say time was up soon.

Inspiration struck. Placing a hand on the back of Jennifer's head, Ashley dropped to her knees so that her head was lower than Jennifer's. Now her opponent was bent over while Ashley waited for gravity to come to her aid. She felt the note begin to move, as Ashley pressed Jennifer's tongue to the side to clear a path.

'Come on!' Ashley thought. There could only be a few precious seconds left.

Jennifer felt the bill sliding so she sucked in air, hoping the negative pressure would stop the bill from sliding out of her mouth.

"Time!" Mike called out as Jennifer's face blanched. "Okay ladies where is the cash?"

Jennifer looked stricken. Her head hung down, and she murmured, "I...I swallowed it. By accident."

Mike looked at her. "Well, that seems like cheating to me. I think we need to deduct three points from you and give Ashley five.” Jennifer 38 Ashley 38

Ashley blinked several times as the news settled in that the score was tied. It was anyone's game, and she had a chance for victory, and it was her turn. In just three dares she could be the winner, but so could Jennifer. Ashley steadied herself and breathed in.

"Okay," she said, "Let's have the next dare." Gripping the bar top, she hoped for something easy to guarantee another safe five points. "Tell everyone your most embarrassing sexual fantasy."

Ashley blinked in shock. It was one thing to get naked and masturbate for strangers. Telling everyone your sexual fantasies seemed wrong. Much too intimate for such a superficial game.

The room grew silent, and Ashley felt her cheeks flush. She coughed and looked at her expectant audience.

"Before tonight, you mean?" Ashley asked. She shifted uneasily in her seat and closed her eyes as she thought about what she'd dreamed of, alone in her bed.

"I played Basketball in College." Ashley croaked. "I mostly sat on the bench, unless the game was a blowout. I was desperate to play in the homecoming game against our rival. Something to remember my time there, other than some dusty degree. The rest of my team offered me the opportunity to prove myself. I had to agree that if I wasn't good enough and failed their test, I would be punished for wasting their time." Ashley turned away for a moment and sipped a drink.

"I asked what I would have to do... the penalty was.... sexual." Ashley now looked directly at Jennifer. "I backed out. Lost my nerve." Taking another sip, Ashley paused and took a deep breath. "I always fantasized about what would've happened. In my fantasy, I played my hardest but wasn't good enough. Ever since I wish I had gone that day. Found out what would have happened.” Ashley gulped, as she started to reveal her deepest thoughts. It seemed crazy that this would be harder than revealing her naked body to these strangers.

"I think about how they might have taken me, surrounded me, and made me strip off my uniform. Make me crouch over a basketball, at center court, and masturbate until I came. I would rub myself hard, in front of my teammates. I'd be right on the edge before I realized someone was recording me." Ashley coughed again.

"I'd complain, but they wouldn't let me stop. They said this was just in case I didn't finish... to give me motivation not to back out... so I had to continue. Rubbing myself, playing with myself, all while they watched,..." Ashley could feel herself blush as she continued. "So I came, eventually. I fantasize about how they mock me while I do it... and they act all horrified that I've made the basketball wet." Ashley stopped and took another swig of her drink.

"... they say that this means I have to pay another penalty. I protest, but they have the video. So they lead me over to the goal, They have handcuffs... I don't know why exactly... but they handcuff me to the post... they.... ummm.... they then tell me the men's team is scheduled to practice soon, and then... then they all just silently turn and leave. I don't even beg them to let me go. I just stand there. Naked. Helpless. Unable to cover myself.... then the men strut onto the court...." Ashley's voice faded out. Looking around her, she cursed herself as she heard the words come out of her mouth. "... and that's the end of my fantasy."

Idiot! Ashley berated herself. Twelve, just twelve more points, and Jennifer will be her possession. Great time to lose your nerve! Ashley toyed with her drink, waiting for her score.

"That's not the end. Is it?" Jennifer coaxed Ashley. "Of course if you don't want to... I can deduct points."

Jennifer's light nudge dragged Ashley back into the real world. Mumbling something into her drink, Ashley at the audience and saw that they wanted more. Ashley stared down the barrel of a one, or at best a two-pointer. That had the very real prospect of costing her the game.

"As... as the guys come over, I don't say a thing. The team captain, a tall beautiful black man, asks if I want to be untied. I hear a voice say 'no'... and I'm shocked to realize it's my voice. I said 'no'." Ashley dipped her head down so that she could continue without having to look anyone in the eyes.

"They tell me we're going to play a game. They blindfold me, and then I hear them drop their shorts. I know these guys. The teams socialize a lot. They undo the handcuffs so that one of my hands is free while the other is handcuffed to my ankle. Then I'm told that I have to feel each of their cocks and guess who the player is. Every time I guess wrong I have to give that person a blow job."

Ashley went quiet, as the fantasy began to get her wet. With a noticeable struggle in her voice, she forced herself to continue.

"I... I guessed four wrong. Four blow jobs. They don't make me swallow. They pull out before they cum, and make sure my face and tits get coated in cum. Once the last guy blew his load on me, I hear somebody else walking onto the court. They stand me up and then bend me over at the waist. They ask me if I want to go. I hear another voice say 'no'. It's my voice again." Ashley shook her head as her breath became a little ragged.

"While I'm bent over, my free hand is cuffed to my ankles. Suddenly..... suddenly I feel something slide into me. It's hard. Very hard. I almost jump, but I can't go anywhere. Whoever it is, pushed in a little, then pulls out. Then in again, a little further this time. This continues over and over until they're deep inside of me. I know everyone's watching as this stranger does me from behind. It's not long before I climax, As I do, one of the guys steps forward and removed the blindfold. Looking between my legs, I see a pair of women's legs. In our team uniform."

Ashley looked at Jennifer. "That's when I realize that it's my team captain, with a strap-on."

Ashley almost said more, but she mentally blocked out the final part of her fantasy. 'That would have to wait for another time,' she thought. " So," Ashley finished, "That's my fantasy. My dirtiest, most twisted sexual fantasy. My team captain does me with a strap-on while the guy's team watches after I've given some of them a blow-job. All because I wasn't good enough to make first string." Raising her head a little in defiance, Ashley dared Jennifer to only give her two points for that...

Jennifer waits to see if Ashley was going to say anything else. Her woman's intuition told her there's more. Probably much more. She decided not to push Ashley anymore. She thought about scoring a four, but the crowd might get riled if she didn't give Ashley five points for a story that hot. Looking at Ashley she holds up 5 fingers.

Jennifer 38, Ashley 43

Ashley sighed and leaned back as a wave of relief drowned out her concerns. She was only a handful of points away from victory. But Jennifer lost points earlier. That could happen to her. She scrutinized the phone, and said: "okay Jen, let's see what you're up for next."

Jennifer picked up the phone. Tapped the screen, and read out loud "Describe your first self-service experience"

Jennifer smiled and began to speak in a deep sultry voice, "I had just gotten my driver's license. I asked my dad to borrow the convertible he got for his 50th. He said yes, so I picked up a few of my girlfriends and we drove down to the beach. We cruised around the beach checking out the hot guys. We catcalled every sexy stud, hot surfers, muscular lifeguards, and cute frat boy we saw. On the way home the gas warning light came on, so I pulled into a gas station. When I got to the pump, there was a sign saying 'self-service'. I'd never pumped gas before, but I put $8 worth of fuel into the car, all by myself.” She ended the story with laughter in her voice and a twinkle in her eye. When she stopped, she nonchalantly sipped a drink and waited for everyone's reaction.

Ashley opened her mouth to say something, but no words came out. She closed her mouth again and then raised a finger as if to ask a question. Her brain processed what Jennifer had said and her finger fell. Opening her mouth again, she only managed "Ahh...." this time, before a smile started to crease her lip. Breaking into a full grin, Ashley realized what Jennifer had done. She started laughing at her friend's out-of-the-box thinking. Clapping her hands, she looked at Jennifer, amused. Glancing around the audience, she saw several others laughing. After all the sexual tension of the past few dares, it felt good to get some humor into things. Ashley had to concede it was clever, even if it wasn't what the phone was suggesting.

"Okay, okay," Ashley said, finally. "Not bad, not bad. It sounds like you didn't score, so I'm taking away some points, but since you had the wits to say that, you get four points." Ashley raised an open palm to signal she wasn't quite done speaking. "But.... next time the phone asks for a story, I'll be wanting a few more dirty details than that!" she finished, with a smile.

Jennifer 42, Ashley 43

Jennifer taps the phone and reads the dare. She starts laughing hard and hands the phone to Ashley saying “I guess my nudity is making you lose a turn hun.”

Ashley looks at the phone and reads "Get behind Jennifer and put your hands in her pockets."

"No pockets on a naked chick. So you can't do it" She realizes this is her chance to catch up and win the game.

Ashley considered a liberal interpretation of pockets. She was certain she could find something on Jennifer to insert a couple of fingers into. She conceded that Jennifer had forfeited a turn, so it was only fair that she pass on one.

With only a halfhearted grumble, Ashley indicated that Jennifer should take her turn. She tapped the phone and read "Ashley is your mom. She caught you in bed with someone of the same sex. Explain yourself."

Jennifer froze not sure how well this would go over in this crowd. She had no idea how a normal household worked. Hers was far from normal. She decided to admit what happened when her mom caught her in bed with her first female lover.

Ashley read the dare and realized she had a small role to play in this. Jumping to her feet, she knocked twice on the bar top, as if it was a door, and then took a step towards Jennifer. Putting on her best "shocked mother" expression, Ashley gasped in horror at the vision in front of her. "Jennifer!" she exclaimed, "what on earth are doing with that woman?!”

Jennifer looked a little scared and she had shrunk into herself a bit. Unconsciously she covered herself with her arms as she visibly swallowed. She replied, “The same thing I saw you and Grandma doing with Aunt Sally last week. If you want to eat your daughter's pussy then start licking. Otherwise, shut the fuck up and let me fuck my sister." Her face turned red and she looked around at the crowd to see how they would react.

For the second time in as many dares, Jennifer managed to render Ashley speechless. As Ashley's eyes opened wide, she felt the entire audience do one massive intake of breath.

A slow clap started from the back of the crowd. It was one person for several seconds then two. The clapping began to grow, and without even Ashley found herself clapping. The applause built into an ovation, Ashley tried to read Jennifer's face and saw fear and shame.

When the applause died, Ashley simpered, "Well, I can hardly give you any less than five for that, can I?"

Jennifer 47, Ashley 43

Damn it. The pressure was on her now. Less than a five would pretty much guarantee a loss for Ashley. That would mean she would be Jenifer's plaything for the next twelve hours.

Jennifer felt relieved that the crowd reacted so positively. There were things from that part of her life she had never discussed with anyone, even her boyfriend. She glanced at Mike and saw a look of shock on his face. He wasn't moving. He stood there and stared at Jennifer. Jennifer hung her head in shame, hoping that her revelation didn't screw up her life, again. God knows how many people are uploading her antics to Porn Hub. Taking a drink to calm her nerves, she handed Ashley the phone. She hoped she wouldn't have to participate so she could stop being the center of attention for a few minutes.

Command Jennifer to suck you. You tell her where. Ashley read. She looked over at Jennifer and put a hand on her shoulder. They held a whispered conversation, as everyone watched, wondering what was going on. Then they both stood up and they hugged. They stood there hugging for several minutes. When they separated, those closest could see that Jennifer had been crying. Mike walked over when the ladies separated. He took Jennifer's hand in his and held it for a moment while they stared into each other's eyes. When Mike let go of Jennifer she stood straighter, and her smile she returned. She ran her fingers through her hair and let out a big sigh.

Ashley watched her friend go from a distraught and scared girl, back to the confident easy-going woman she knew. After Mike walked away, she asked softly, “Game on?”

Jennifer took a sip of a drink and replied: “Unless you want to give up and declare me the winner.”

Ashley smiled at the response and said, “Hell to the fuck no!” as she ran through her options. The most obvious choice was her pussy, but Jennifer had already had a go at Ashley's clit. Ashley worried that the unoriginal idea might cost her points. As she sorted through her options, half a dozen different futures flashed before her eyes. Ashley was suddenly struck by a burst of inspiration. Sitting down, she pointed at her feet. "Jennifer, suck on my toes!" she ordered. She hoped this was the right decision. Anything less than a five here, and she would most likely lose.

Jennifer dropped to her knees. She lifted Ashley's right foot, and took the big toe in her mouth and sucked on it like it was a small cock. Then one by one she took each toe in her mouth and sucked each one. After each toe had spent some time in her mouth, she took all five into her mouth, sucking and slobbering on them. Her swirled around and between each one.

Once she finished with the right foot, she started on the left, making sure every toe got her attention. After she finished with the toes, she kissed the bottom of each foot on three spots; the heel, the arch, and the ball. Once she had kissed both feet, she stood up and downed a shot.

Ashley smiled at the response and said, “Hell to the fuck no!” as she ran through her options. The most obvious choice was her pussy, but Jennifer had already had a go at Ashley's clit. Ashley worried that the unoriginal idea might cost her points. As she sorted through her options, half a dozen different futures flashed before her eyes. Ashley was suddenly struck by a burst of inspiration. Sitting down, she pointed at her feet. "Jennifer, suck on my toes!" she ordered. She hoped this was the right decision. Anything less than a five here, and she would most likely lose.

Jennifer dropped to her knees. She lifted Ashley's right foot, and took the big toe in her mouth and sucked on it like it was a small cock. Then one by one she took each toe in her mouth and sucked each one. After each toe had spent some time in her mouth, she took all five into her mouth, sucking and slobbering on them. Her swirled around and between each one.

Once she finished with the right foot, she started on the left, making sure every toe got her attention. After she finished with the toes, she kissed the bottom of each foot on three spots; the heel, the arch, and the ball. Once she had kissed both feet, she stood up and downed a shot.

When she finished her drink, she looked at Ashley. “We're getting close to the end here, and we may not score each other fairly. How about we let Mike pick a few judges to score us on the last few dares?”

Ashley nodded in agreement. At Jennifer's suggestion. As Mike began to select five people to be judges, the ladies used the break to make another visit to the restroom. Surprisingly, they didn't say a word as they took care of business before returning to the bar. When they got back there was a table with five people sitting off to the side. Mike walked up to the competitors and told them, “You need to do your dares where the judges can see clearly.” both ladies nodded, and returned to their seats.

“For the last dare, Mike intones to the crowd, Judges your scores please...”

The first judge holds up 5 fingers. The second judge holds up four fingers. The third judge holds up four, the fourth judge holds up four, the final judge holds up 3. “So the average score is four.

Jennifer 47, Ashley 47

"Only three points," Jennifer whispered to herself. She reached out and hit the screen of the phone for what she hoped would be the last time that night. Describe your pubic hairstyle in one word.

Turning to the judges, she spread her legs wide and looked down "Hmm I guess that one word would be...Bald." She ran her hands over her smooth mons, and let her finger slip between her lips, rubbing herself. She hoped the judges would give her three points for her brazen display.

Ashley felt her shoulders droop as Jennifer completed the dare. She doubted Jennifer would score less than three for rubbing her pussy. Her only hope and it was a faint hope was that the crowd's appetite needed something more depraved than a quick rub. After all that happened, having the contest end that way would be anticlimactic.

Ashley decided to try and sway the judge's votes. "Anything more than three points and this game is over!" She exclaimed to Jennifer, “And I was hoping for at least one more challenge. I've been having a lot of fun.”

Jennifer looked at her friend knowing exactly what she was doing. Mike was conferring with the judges, making their votes secret. Everyone is staring at the group, waiting for the score.

Soon Mike strolled back to the bar. Beaming at the ladies who had increased his tips exponentially, he placed a friendly hand on them.

"Ladies, it is with great pleasure that I get to announce a winner..."

Ashley closed her eyes tightly, barely able to listen to what was going to come next.

"The winner... of tonight's astonishing game... is..."

Ashley groaned as she waited for Jennifer's name to announced. Sure, she'd have an hour with Jennifer. But she knew that anything she did to Jennifer would be paid back a thousand times over. She'd never been "owned" by anyone before, and she could feel herself getting wet all over again. How many times could one woman orgasm in a night?

"... the winner is...... our audience!" Mike shouted, the words slightly masked by his laughing.

Ashley's eyes shot open.

"Jennifer," Mike said smoothly, "I'm sorry to say that due to the simplicity of your dare, you were only awarded two points."

Jennifer 49, Ashley 47

49! Ashley thought that puts Jennifer at 49 points. Ashley would only need to score three points to win! She could breathe again! Her fighting spirit felt like it had received a massive shot of adrenaline. With a smile plastered on her face, Ashley knew she'd have to pull out all the stops to get three points from this crowd. Masking her concern that the judges would keep giving minimal scores to prolong the game, she said, "Okay Jen, let's hear what I get to do to win you for twelve hours..."

Jennifer growled under her breath. Ashley reached for the phone and tapped the screen for her next, and hopefully last dare. Invent a new sex position. Give it a name, and demonstrate it with someone.

Ashley inhaled as the challenge was read. The trials and tribulations of the night were beginning to take their toll. She struggled to come up with something new that would get her over that finish line. Slowly rising from her seat, Ashley looked uncertainly at Jennifer for a moment. She had no real idea what she was doing, but desperation pushed her on anyway. Then, something she hoped was inspiration arrived. Inspiration, or just some random thought floating through her mind, only time would tell which. She walked over to a man sitting nearby and stripped him of his tie. Returning to her barstool she turned and asked him to come up and join her at the bar. She wasn't certain, but after all, she'd been through tonight, she wasn't going to let modesty get in the way of victory.

Slipping out of her clothes, Ashley put them on the bar and ran a hand through her hair. Looking at the man, she decided to hand him the tie. Then, Ashley positioned the bar stool in front of the judges. Sighing to herself, she then positioned herself with her ass pointing at the judges. She closed her eyes and bent over the barstool. Then she pushed her arms under the barstool so they came out between her legs.

"Tie my wrists together, and to the top of the stool." she told her helper. He started to wrap the tie around her arms. Within moments, she was tied down. There was no extricating herself. She was trapped, bent over the stool, baring her ass and pussy to an enthralled audience. She whispered to her helper, "Spank me."

"P.... pardon?" the man sputtered.

"Spank me," Ashley blurted, through gritted teeth. She felt a hand land on her ass. The first few spanks were light pats, but the man seemed to grow in confidence and his dedication to the job at hand.

Ashley started awkwardly rubbing herself. The constant attention she had been subjected too made her sensitive and tender. As the spanks rained down, Ashley rubbed harder and harder, keen to get this done, and claim victory. On what felt like the two-hundredth spank, she finally came again. Moaning loudly, she stopped rubbing and started waving her tied hands.

"Stop... stop..." she simpered and was relieved that he immediately obeyed. "... un.... untie me...." Ashley said, through deep intakes of breath.

Her hands came loose as he complied. She stood up, she could see a strange look on his face, as if he was almost asking for her approval for a job well done. Ashley managed a weak smile and kissed his cheek. "Thanks..." she squeaked, thinking how odd it was to thank a man for spanking her naked ass in public. Turning to face Jennifer, Ashley simply added "Well, masturbation is sex after all, and I'm calling this position 'Ass-ley's Ma-stool-bation'..."

Okay, she thought to herself, that's a terrible pun. She was getting tired though and hopped that was worth 2 points. Ashley watched Mike walk over to the judge's table as she dressed.

Jennifer sat there, her brain refusing to process a joke that terrible. Soon Mike stood up and looked at Ashley, “The judges are only awarding two points. Being bent over and spanked not new and spanking is not sex."

Jennifer 49, Ashley 49

Ashley slumped in despair as Jennifer jumped to her feet. Both women knew that unless Jennifer forfeited her next dare she would win. There were no partial points. Gleefully Jennifer took the phone and read the final dare silently, not letting Ashley see it. She handed the phone to Mike and whispered in his ear.

Mike went to the judge's table and had a quiet discussion with them. Jennifer located Ashley's friend who faked the heart attack and handed him some money. He left the lounge in a hurry as Jennifer said, “Ashley please strip and lay down on the judge's table.”

Ashley complied with Jennifer's request. She got naked, again. Then climbed onto the judge's table laying flat on her back. She felt a mixture of apprehension, disappointment, euphoria, and regret. She was apprehensive about what Jennifer was about to do to her. Disappointed that the game was about to end. Euphoric that she was going to be Jennifer's slave. and regret that she lost.

Everyone was wondering what was going on, as Jennifer stood in the center of the room. "Gentleman and Ladies there will be a short wait as I need something to complete with this dare. I sent someone to buy the item and he should return shortly.”

Ashley leaned up on her elbows and looked at Jennifer. "Why did you have me get naked if you weren't ready?”

Jennifer looked at her and smiled. “This is the last dare, I wanted to give everyone a nice long last look at you naked,” she replied, making the crowd laugh.

Ashley glared at Jennifer, who blew her a kiss. At that moment Scott returned, carrying several large shopping bags. Jennifer took the bags from Scott and kissed his cheek. Ashley felt a pang of jealousy when Jennifer kissed Scott.

Jennifer strutted over to the judge's table and put the bags on the floor. Turning to the crowd, she announced, “My final dare is to cover Ashley's body with kisses. Turning back to Ashley, Jennifer asks, “Are you ready to have your entire body covered with kisses?”

Ashley starts squirming in delight, and Jennifer smiles at her. Leaning Jennifer kisses Ashley on the lips as her hands reach into the bags. As Jennifer breaks the kiss, Ashley's head rises following Jennifer's lips. Jennifer teasingly flicks her tongue over Ashley's lips.

Ashley puts her head down on the table as Jennifer drops a handful of small silver objects onto her body. More of the tiny bell shaped items rained down on her. Ashley recognizes that she is about to get covered in kisses alright. Chocolate kisses. She's annoyed and giddy at the way Jennifer TWIXED her.

AS Jennifer continued to pile kisses on Ashley, she also would lean down and kiss Ashley on her exposed skin. Ashley was moaning in delight, and Jennifer was loving the reaction of the crowd to her solution. Soon there are MOUNDS of kisses running from Ashley's KIT-KAT to her MILKY WAY.

Mike walks over chuckling and grabs Jennifer's hand, raising it in the air, “The winner and champion Jennifer...” The crowd cheered so loud the building shook. Ashley looked on, covered in kisses of the confectionery and affectionate kind. She wondered what was about to happen, then remembered that she owned Jennifer for an hour. 'Gotta love those consolation prizes' she thought.

When the cheering died down, Jennifer walked over to her friend. “Before we wrap things up here,” Jennifer told the crowd, I think we all need to thank the sexy and oh so kissable Ashley.” lifting her arm.

As the crowd cheered for Ashley, she squatted down next to her, and whispered. “You do know that National Nude Day starts at midnight, and I own you for 12 hours.”

“But I own you for an hour first.” Ashley reminded her, smiling.

Jennifer winks at Ashley and stands back up. “Now everyone, I think we need to get this chocolate off Ashley before it melts. So please come and get all the kisses you want from Ashley. I'm sure she won't mind.

Ashley's mouth fell open and she lay there in shock as the crowd gathered around her. Most of them only took some candy. Several people used the opportunity to caress, touch, lick, squeeze, kiss, and fondle the naked girl. At one point she had someone fingering her pussy as someone else fingered her ass, and two women sucked on her nipples. They didn't stop until she exploded all over the kisses remaining between her legs. When her girl cream sprayed on the candy, there was a rush to collect them. Ashley was getting scared at the ongoing molestation and was about to scream when she saw Scott by her side. He scooped her up and carried her out of reach of the crowd. Looking around, she saw Jennifer was also surrounded by the mob. Mike ran up to her and pulled her behind the bar. Seeing Scott, he waved him over. Scott and Ashley joined them as Mike brandished a cut-down pool cue to keep people away.

Once the ladies were safe, Scott looked at Mike, “Be right back.” He kissed Ashley like a lover before heading into the crowd. He soon returned with the ladies' clothes, and tossed the ball of material to Jennifer.

The crowd had settled down a bit and almost half of them had left. Ashley and Jennifer dressed, feeling self-conscious, as they put on their clothes.

Once dressed, Ashley looked at Jennifer, “I need to get a few items for...”

Jennifer nods in understanding. “I need to eat, and shower. How about we meet back here in two hours.”

Ashley nods in agreement and seized Scott's hand and headed out the door with Scott in tow.


Please let me know whether or not you liked this story. I do not make money from writing. My sole reward are your comments, votes, likes, follows, shares and emails. Hearing from readers is what encourages me to keep writing. I truly believe feedback is a gift, and I like gifts.

Sal De Klerk The Salacious Scribe.

Follow me on Twitter @scribesalacious



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