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Do You Dare Ch 05 Tables Turn

©2019 Sal De Klerk & enf_cavalier, All Rights Reserved

Authors Note:

This is a 2020 nude day contest story, so please vote. It started as a Role Play in the forums and I thought it was too hot not to share.


This story contains adult content including exhibitionism, voyeurism, spanking, oral sex, masturbation, ENF, Bukakke, and cum eating. If this isn't your kind of smut, please find something else to read.


"Now bitch it's my turn. Your first job is to lick all this nasty cum off my body."

Ashley fell deathly silent as the tables turned on her. She'd been mentally preparing herself for whatever the deviant Jennifer had in mind. She'd been indulging a fantasy where Jennifer decided to take it easy on her, but that wasn't happening. When Jennifer ordered her to lick up the cum, the reality of her situation hit her like a sledgehammer.

She stood stock-still for a few moments and realized that the entire room had grown quiet. Everyone stared at Ashley caught up in the twisting fortunes of these two women. The sat entranced and waited to see how Ashley would react. Ashley reluctantly began to lick the cum from Jennifer's body. It was hardly her first taste of cum tonight, but the enormity of the next twelve hours magnified the effect. She took small licks, cleaning up Jennifer's breasts, and a little of her stomach. Stopping, she looked up at the woman who was now her Mistress, silently pleaded with her to stop.

"every fucking drop bitch. Every single one! Unless you want to get it from the source until these guys get tired of you."

Ashley blushed as Jennifer's scolded her, and gagged as she resumed her licking. She struggled to swallow each mouthful. Bit by bit, she forced herself to clean Jennifer's body. Mentally she cursed herself, it was her idea that had landed her in this mess. As she licked, she used her clothes to wipe some of the viscous fluid off Jennifer.

“So my little slut, it's time we all get to see that sexy little body. Up on stage, and shake that moneymaker.” Ashley's face blanched at the command, and she stoically marched to the stage. She turned to the audience, the DJ played Cherry Pie by Warrant and Jennifer screamed, “Shake it slut!”

Ashley pouted a little at the sheer indignity of what Jennifer was asking. After everything Ashley did, there was still a part of her asking what deviant part of her got her in this mess. Ashley slowly began to sway from side to side as she undid her dress, and let it drop to the floor. Looking out at the audience, she could see their reactions. Those who hadn't climaxed over Jennifer seemed likely to stain their pants. Looking over at Jennifer she saw her going through the rest of the items Ashley had bought.

Jennifer looked at Ashley and saw that she was barely moving. She walked over and shouted, “You gotta do a lot better than that! Shit, bitch! You wouldn't make a fucking marble statue hard.”

Jennifer's words were like a slap in the face. Ashley felt humiliated like never before and she forced herself to do better. She closed her eyes and imagined she was in her bedroom at home, dancing for her ex-lover. He had always told her how hot she was when she stripped for him. She started letting her hands run down her body cupping her breasts, as she spun around and bent over. She sashayed over to the nearest man. He was wide-eyed and amazed as Ashley stood before him, and she could feel his gaze drawn like a magnet to her silk covered crotch.

She hooked her thumbs into her panties and eased them down, offering him a quick flash of the top of her buttocks. Then, she peeled her panties down, knowing that he had a goggled-eyed stare. Ashley seemed to take an eternity as she lowered her panties down her legs. When they bunched at her ankles, and she kicked her leg like a rockette sending her panties flying out into the audience. Jennifer reached up and snatched them from mid air like an all star pitcher robbing a batter of a base hit.

“Fucking pink underwear, what are you a fucking pig?” Jennifer mocked her.

Ashley felt her face burn and tried to block out Jennifer's abuse while moving sexily. For some reason, the mocking wasn't making her feel ashamed or scared. Instead, it was driving her to be sexier.

“Get that shit off skank.” Jennifer yells, “I'm tired of your lame ass dancing. I've seen dump trucks move sexier than you.”

Ashley stood up and reached behind her back and unfastened her bra. She shrugged her shoulders and it falls to the floor revealing her tits, and how hard her nipples had grown.

Grabbing her clothes, Jennifer headed into the ladies room and washed her body from head to toe. Then she used the hand dryer to dry herself. Well most of herself. There was one pesky spot that wouldn't stay dry no matter how much she tried. Finally, she pulled on her outfit. Checking her phone, she saw several text messages had come in. Her plan for Ashley was all set up. Pleased with herself, she returned to the bar and watched as Ashley kept dancing for the guys in the bar.

Part of Ashley had wanted to get Jennifer all riled and wanting revenge. Right now Ashley was second-guessing the wisdom of that plan. Even now, she danced nude for men she'd never met, a mad sense of honor made her stick to her tasks. She wondered if she could hold up for the whole twelve hours under Jennifer's control.

“Now get your ass down here ho.” Jennifer points to a spot near the spreader bar.

Ashley's eyes widen in fright, as her mouth dropped open. Suddenly she was standing next to Jennifer who is attaching the bar to her ankles. Then the wrist restraints and pushed her down to the floor. “There were several of you who didn't get to finish that bukkake party! Well now's your chance, my friends.”

Ashley looked up and saw a dozen cocks over her. She lay there not believing what was happening to her. She had no idea what else Jennifer had in store for her, and she was in no hurry to find out. She lay there watching the men, or more accurately, their cocks. She would spend a few seconds looking at each one, before moving on to the next. She only saw a few in her life, at least in person, and she never realized how different they could be. The variety of sizes, girths, shapes, textures, and angles was mind-boggling. She admired an especially nice one and fantasized about how it would feel plunging into her.

Jennifer's voice floated to her ears, “Oh Scott, it's so nice to see you again. I'm so glad you were able to find us.”

Ashley's eyes widened in horror as she looked around and saw the cock she liked belonged to her coworker. Jennifer was standing next to him, and she was fondling his balls as he stroked himself.

“Here let me help you,” she said, taking his cock in her hand as she spits on the head. Jennifer begins stroking him, “come on guys, stroke those hard dicks. I wanna see you baste this fucking skank with your cream. I want her to drown in cum.” At her words, one guy grunted and began to spray Ashley with his cum covering her tits.

“That's the idea, good job my friend, but make sure to get her in the face. I want her eyes fucking pasted closed.”

Ashley felt the warm cream coating her tits and grimaced. Jennifer wasn't about to clean her. She felt a wave of nausea wash over her at the thought of the amount of cum she was about to eat. Another guy moaned and aimed his dick at her face spurting a few small dribbles of cum.

“That's the way,” Jennifer high-fived the guy with her free hand, as she stroked Scott harder. “Cum on guys, this bitch needs your cum. I want her to look like an overstuffed Twinkie that exploded.”

Ashley watched as a guy fell to his knees and thrust his hips forward. Cum shot from his dick like a fire hose, catching Ashley on the lips, chin, and swell of her breasts.

“Very nice, very nice indeed,” Jennifer trilled at the man.

As each man came on Ashley's body, Jennifer would praise them. She saved her best compliments for those that shot a huge load on her face. All the while she kept stroking Scott slowly, smirking at Ashley. Soon only three men remained.

“Next guy to Cum gets to keep Ashley's panties.”

The other two started to stroke themselves fast and hard. Both were close and blasted their loads almost simultaneously. Jennifer redoubled her efforts with Scott and soon he exploded onto the cum-coated woman.

Ashley didn't even know where his cum landed because she was so thoroughly coated. She watched Jennifer kiss Scott then patted him on the ass. As he walked away, she squatted down, “So my little cum dump, how do you feel?” as she removed the wrist restraints.

"Sticky," was her response.

Jennifer laughed, “Wait here, slut.”

Ashley watched as Jennifer go over to the stage and bend over. She picked up some material and soon returned. She began to wipe the cum off Ashley. She was grateful that Jennifer wasn't making her eat the cum this time. “Thank you for not making me lick up the cum,” she said in gratitude.”

“Why would I do that when there was this cheap black rag just lying around?” she asked, holding up the cum-coated material that Ashley recognized as her dress. The only piece of clothing she had with her.

“It doesn't matter, you're as clean as you're going to get for now. You need to go kiss everyone here and thank them for cumming on you. Don't forget to give your panties to the guy in the red polo shirt.” Jennifer freed Ashley from her restraints. Then handed her panties the panties and began to gather Ashley's sex toys.

Ashely stood up and cast a wistful glance at her ruined dress, wondering what she would wear when she left the club. 'There's eleven hours before I have to worry about that,' she thought. She walked over to the winner handed him her panties and kissed his cheek. As she walked to the next guy, Jennifer yelled, “I want to hear you say, 'thank you for cumming on me.' To each and every person here.”

Ashley went back to him and said loud enough for Jennifer to hear over the driving music, “Thank you for cumming on me.” One by one she went up to each person and repeated the phrase and kissed them on the cheek. Until she got to Scott. She stood in front of him, her voice caught in her throat. She couldn't believe everything she had done in front of him. If he said anything at work, her reputation would suffer, all because she gave in to her wanton desires.

Scott stood up and took her hands in his. “I hope you're not upset I'm here. Mike and Jennifer are close friends and invite me to some of their escapades. I had no idea you would get involved.”

“I...Please...UMMM” was all Ashley could get out.

“Don't worry, I'm not ratting you out at work.” Then he grabs her arms and pulls her naked body in for a kiss. He thrusts his tongue into her mouth as she melts against him.

“Hey slut, time to go! We have an appointment to keep. Get a move on.”

Scott let Ashley go. “Don't worry, I'll see you around. You got this.”

"Gentlemen our time here has come to an end. I hope you've enjoyed yourselves." Jennifer put the blindfold on Ashley and then handcuffed her, hands behind her back. Then taking a firm grip on Ashley's upper arm, she led her, naked into the night.

The shock of the cool night air on her bare skin made Ashley's cheeks burn red with embarrassment. It wasn't the nudity, after all, she'd spent most of the last four hours at least partially naked. It was the combination of her bare skin and the blindfold and handcuffs that added to her sense of exposure. She hoped that there'd be a car right outside.

As Jennifer led her down the street she heard a lot of catcalls. The possibilities of Jennifer's plans had been scary. The reality of her predicament was almost debilitating. Ashley's ears burned with humiliation as Jennifer paraded her down a public street. More than one passer-by took the opportunity to make obscene comments to the naked woman.

“Oh God, oh God, oh God,” Ashley muttered to herself, her teeth chattering in fear as an icy feeling ran down her spine. None too soon she was in a car. She sighed in relief, grateful for the reprieve from the public ogling.

“Don’t get too comfortable. This is only to get you to our next venue,” Jennifer whispered as the car started.

As the car moved, Ashley wondered where she was going, and what depravities were coming. Scott promised to see her later, and he said he was friends with them. That gave Ashley some hope that it wouldn't be too much worse than what she had already experienced. The car slowed to a stop and the engine died.

“We're here. Get out of the car bitch,” Jennifer commanded.

Ashley felt around the door until she found the handle and opened it. She swung her legs out and awkwardly got out of the car. Suddenly, Ashley felt breath up against her ear. “It's late and we're both tired. Since we never said the twelve hours had to be continuous, I'll pick you up at noon tomorrow.”

Ashley stood there trembling in the cool night air when she heard two car doors slam. An engine roared to life and tires squealed as a car peeled off into the night.

Asley was all alone at an unknown location, blindfolded, and handcuffed. She had no idea what to do or how to extricate herself from this nightmare. Frantically she began to pull against the restraints. Her left hand started to slide out, and she pulled harder, freeing her hand. As soon as her hand was free, she ripped the blindfold off. Her knees went weak when she realized she was in her hotels parking lot near a side entrance. Her bag was at her feet with her key card right on top. Grabbing the card and bag, she ran to the hotel and dashed up the stairs. Her heart raced, her ears were hypersensitive. She expected someone to discover her any second. As soon as she was in her room with the door closed and locked, she fell to the floor.

( ¥ ) ( ¥ ) ( ¥ )

Ashley woke up a few minutes after ten am, tired and filled with a sense of foreboding. She had slept fitfully all night, tossing and turning. When she did doze, she had ominous dreams. Nameless faceless people watched her debase herself for their amusement.

She got out of bed and showered in the hottest water she could stand. As soon as she got out, she made herself some strong coffee, knowing she would need it. She debated getting breakfast, but her nerves were on edge. There was no way she could keep it down, not with her fear of what was coming. She cursed Jennifer for prolonging her torment. She hoped that it was because she ran out of ways to inflict humiliation.

At noon there was a knock on Ashley's door. She opened it and saw Jennifer standing there. Jennifer walked into the room and gave Ashley a once over, seeing her in a pair of yoga pants and a short sleeve lycra top. “No, no, no, that will not do, put this on,” Jennifer orders, tossing a bag at Ashley.

Grateful she was changing in the privacy of her room, and not in front of a stadium full of people. Ashley pulled off her top and bra, and then slid her pants and panties off . She opened the bag and pulled out something that might have been called a bikini if it wasn't made of dental floss.

“It's called a microkini, do you need help putting it on?” Jennifer sneered. Ashley silently nodded her head. Jennifer grabbed it from her and roughly dressed Ashley. Once all the straps and patches were in place, Jennifer nodded in approval.

Ashley felt even more exposed in the dental floss and eye patches that made up her outfit, then she did on stage, naked at the strip club. Jennifer led her to a car and they got in. Jennifer handed her a blindfold before starting the car. Sighing in surrender, Ashley pulled it on and sat back resigned to her fate.

As they drove the sounds of traffic were the only things that Ashley heard. Jennifer wasn't saying a word, and even the radio was off. Even with the blindfold, Ashley knew they drove into a tunnel when the ambient light dimmed. Ashley felt the car drive down a hill, then go up again, and park. The engine stopped and the driver's door opened and closed. Her leg started to quiver with nervous energy, as her door opened. Jennifer helped Ashley out of the car and led down the hill and back into the sunlight.

Ashley felt a heavy strap placed on her shoulder, as Jennifer told her. “Stand here and hand out the flyers in the satchel, don’t remove the blindfold. You have two hours to get rid of all 500.”

“ I...I that...blindfolded.”

“Hold out a flyer and beg people to take one. When someone does hold out another one. I’ll be back in two hours,” before Ashley could say anything else, she heard Jennifer walking away.

Ashley stood there feeling nauseous. Here she was, in a strange city. Wearing a few pieces of thread. Blindfolded. Alone. No money. No cell phone. Not only that, but she had to make people take flyers. Her knees were trembling and she couldn’t believe she put herself in this position. She held out a flier and it was almost immediately snatched from her hand. She held up another one, and it too was quickly taken.

She lost count of how many she handed out. They were being taken almost as fast as she could get them out of the satchel. Grateful that was a lot of foot traffic, she completely forgot about her outfit. That was until she heard male voices discussing what they would like to do to her. Their comments made her acutely aware of how exposed and vulnerable she was.

She tried to ignore them and hand out the papers. One of them grabbed her almost naked left breast and squeezed it. She loved and hated the humiliation she was feeling. She had no idea how or if she wanted him to stop.

“Please,” she murmured, not sure what she was asking him to do. Several male voices laughed as more hands grabbed her. They roughly grasped at her tender intimate flesh.

She felt the minuscule fabric that covered her hard nipples get pushed aside. When her nipples popped into view, her whole body flushed red as the crowd began to catcall her. She couldn't decide between fight, flight, and fuck.

Jennifer's voice burst out of nowhere, “That’s Enough!”She bellowed. The strange hands fell away and she whimpered in relief and disappointment. “Take a flier and move along,” Jennifer told the crowd.

Fliers got snatched even faster than before. Ashley suspected that was because her top was askew exposing her nipples. Soon all the fliers were gone. Jennifer took her hand and led her to the car and helped her in.

Jennifer climbed in next to her and said, “You can take off the blindfold.”

Ashley reached up and ripped off the blindfold. She blinked several times and saw they were in a parking structure. Jennifer started the car and drove out, “fix your top, what are you some kind of slut who can’t keep her clothes on?” Jen chided Ashley.

Ashley shivered in delight and covered herself as much as she could with the scanty material. Jennifer drove to a local college campus and parked in front of a Subway.

“I bet you need some food. I already ordered, why don’t you go in and pick it up.” Jennifer commanded.

Ashley knew Jennifer was up to something. The smile on her face was a dead giveaway. Not to mention her experience with this amazing, insane, wonderful, bitch of a woman. She got out of the car and walked into the restaurant. There was a young cute-ish geeky guy behind the counter.

His eyes fixated on the almost naked woman who walked in. “You must be Ashley, Jennifer said you would...,” his voice trailed off as she stepped up to the counter.

Ashley nodded and the guy grabbed a bag with two sandwiches and chips, Jennifer said you would..would... let me...see...touch...,”

She chuckled to herself, ‘He’s so adorable,’ she thinks as he stammered. She reached up and pulled the material covering her nipples to the side. His eyes opened as wide as owls and he haltingly raised his hands toward her naked breasts. Ashley leaned forward a bit hoping he would hurry up before someone walked in. His hands moved so sluggishly that Ashley feared she’d be a grandmother before they reached her. She grabbed his wrists and pulled his hands to her breasts. The second they touched her warm hot flesh, his entire body quivered. He mewled in pleasure as his eyes rolled to the back of his head and he fell to the ground. Ashley ran around the counter in concern and saw him lying on the floor. He had a big goofy smile on his face and a wet spot in his shorts. She started laughing when she realized he had ejaculated as soon as he touched her breasts. She leaned over and kissed his cheek and helped him to his feet.

After grabbing the sandwiches she headed to the door as the sandwich artist called, “See you at the game.”

“Yeah...sure...okay, at the game,” she said, not sure what he was talking about.

Ashley waved and ran back to the safety of the car as she fixed her top. When she jumped in the car, Jennifer drove away. She worked her way through the large campus to a large open field where she parked the car. “It’s such a nice day, why don’t we have a picnic. As she gets out of the car and walks to the trunk. She pulls out a blanket and cooler and walks onto the grassy area and sets everything up.

Ashley took a deep breath and joined Jennifer on the blanket. She wondered how many frat boys were going to gangbang her on the Quad. 'Will I get arrested or will the cops settle for a blow job' she wondered. Ashley sat on the blanket as Jennifer pulled out two wine coolers and handed one to Ashley. They sat there eating and drinking. Every guy that came by checked out Ashley in her barely-there outfit. After everything, she did their leering, and picture taking didn’t even register on her radar.

Jennifer was struggling to keep herself from laughing. Ashley had no idea what was in store and was very comfortable with the attention she was getting. She had no idea why all these people were coming by to see her, or what was happening later. All part of the humiliation she had planned. 'Let her get comfortable, then strip everything from her in one humiliating finale.' She reminded herself.

They finished their sandwiches and a second wine cooler. After cleaning up, Jennifer took Ashley's hand and led her to a nearby shoe store. “My girlfriend here needs an athletic shoe with some ankle support. Can you check her size?”

Ashley looked around in fear, wondering how long before Jennifer made her strip. But nothing happened. No flashing, not even a kiss. It was becoming surreal, Jennifer wasn’t trying to torture her anymore. She started to relax and let her guard down.

Jennifer had paid for the shoes and a pair of socks. They left the store, and Jennifer took Ashley's hand and began to give her a walking tour of the campus. Ashley noticed they had a following. The way people were acting reminded her of when Forrest Gump was running across the country. When they stopped everyone stopped and stood there waiting for something. She dismissed the feeling, thinking her ordeal was almost over.

Jennifer took Ashley across campus several times. The tour didn't follow any logical order. Ashley was getting tired and her feet hurt. Yet she continued to follow Jennifer around. She figured that everyone would have gotten bored of looking at her ass. But their following was growing, not shrinking.

“...and this,” Jennifer was continuing her campus tour, “is the basketball arena. Both the men’s and women’s teams play here. Tonight there’s a special event in this facility that we’re going too,” as she pulls the door open.

Ashley walked into the dim cool building, she realized how hot. sweaty, and tired she was. 'I must've walked more than five miles,' she thought.

Jennifer led her through a door marked private, players, and coaches only. When Ashley stepped through she found she was in a locker room.

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Jennifer looked and let a large evil grin grow on her face, “I was able to set up a charity basketball tournament. You and the star of a reality TV show against two of my clients. Tickets sold for $10 a person and the arena sold out. Thanks in no small part to those fliers you handed out. So let’s get started...

Ashley was in shock, it had been the better part of a decade since she played in college and she wasn’t that good back then. She hadn’t even so much as touched a basketball in three or four years.

“What do the winners get?” She asked nervously.

“To pick the charities the $174,280 we raised goes too.”

“...and the losers?”

Ashley knew she didn’t have a choice, so she shrugged her shoulders and thinks ‘well, at least I’m not playing naked. I hope my partner is a decent player.’

Jennifer led Ashley to center court of the arena with thousands of spectators in the stands. Jennifer whispered into her ear "Your fantasy gave me the idea and I called in a few favors.

Ashley's face blanched when she recalled telling Jennifer about her fantasy tryout.

The PA blared to life. “Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you for coming to this charity event. First, we want to introduce the captain of the home team, the star of the show Ashleeyyyyyy the nakkeddddddddddddd....” The crowd exploded in cheers and whistles.

Jennifer whispered to her, “Oh to make sure everyone knows which team is which, we decided to play shirts vs. skins. You're skins.” Then she untied the straps holding the microkini on Ashley's body, and let it fall to the floor.

Ashley almost collapsed when her body was displayed to the throngs of people staring at her. The only thing keeping her from falling was Jennifer’s hand on her back.

The PA came to life again, "Now, ladies and gentlemen, I want to introduce for the rest of the skins team. But first the Shirts, W-N-B-A All-Stars Skylar Diggins-Smith and Kayla McBride..."

Ashley’s face fell when she heard who her opponents were. She knew there was little chance that she would win. Her only hope was that her partner would be someone who played pro-ball too.

When the applause died down, the PA blared, “And teaming up with Ashley the nakkeddd is... Elena Grant star of Little Women LA!”

Ashley started laughing at the absurdity of it all. Two WNBA all-stars against an out of practice naked former third-stringer. Partnered with a 4'4" woman. She had to hand it to Jennifer, she had set her up perfectly. Elena walked out wearing an LA Lakers uniform. Jennifer told her, “Since Elena is white and your opponents are black, there isn’t a need for her to go naked. I mean you which player is your partner right?" Ashley looked at Elena wondering how much help the woman would be.

Jennifer giggles "Good luck playing naked for all these spectators.” She leaves Ashley and walks to the player's benches and sits down to watch the game. That’s when Ashley notices Mike and Scott have front row seats to her greatest humiliation.

Ashley looked at her partner who had a bemused smirk on her face. That didn't give Ashley any confidence. The referee rolled the ball to Ashley, who watched it hit her foot and stop.

Ashley looked around the arena and saw thousands of people who were rooting for the other team. She opened her mouth to say something, but no words came out. She tried to raise a hand as if to ask a question, but her arms hung uselessly by her side.

Quietly, in a squeaky whisper even the nearby Elena barely heard, Ashley Finally, said "Oh. Shit." as she watched the two giant women warm-up. Confidence and enthusiasm evident in every bouncing step. To say the two WNBA women dwarfed Ashley and Elena was a gross understatement.

Ashley looked at the faces of her opponents and feebly picked up the basketball. She tried to give them a half-hearted, weak smile. Among her peers, Ashley had been a decent player. Never quite good enough to make first or even second string. She could hit three-pointers and was okay on defense. At least she was a decade ago when she played several hours a day.

This was a different level though. Ashley was beginning to remember why she never was a star. At 5’6” she was a touch over average height and towered over Elena. But the professional players had her by three and five inches respectively. The ref blew his whistle, jerking Ashley back to the here and now. She tried to block out everything but the game and saw her opponents get into a defensive stance.

Closing her eyes and mumbling to herself she willed some clothes to cover her exposed body. Ashley started trying to chant positive thoughts to herself as she picked up the ball. Opening her eyes with a feeling of manic optimism, she dribbled the ball, then tried a short pass to Elena.

Her partner didn't react before Skylar swooped in. She plucked the pass out of mid-air and passed back to her partner. Before Ashley could even force herself to take a step, Kayla sank a swooshed a three-pointer. The crowd roared its approval. All Ashley could do was look on in growing horror at the enormity of the challenge she was up against. Naked, out-skilled, out-muscled, and completely at the mercy of those around her. The hapless Ashley felt the helplessness of her situation. Her eyes betrayed her, and she sought out Jennifer. The smile she saw on the woman's face made her swallow hard.

"Wh... what score... are we playing too?" Ashley asked.

Her grinning opponents idled back and almost took her out with a sharp pass into her stomach. Her head spun, and she could felt every eyeball burning into her naked skin. 'This had to be it,' Ashley thought. Her wildest fantasies were coming true. Surely the embarrassment and humiliation couldn't get any worse than this. Surely...' she told herself.

"We want to give the crowd it's money's worth," Skylar said, smirking at the naked woman. 'We're playing to 100 and it's losers outs. So are you going to give us a game or not?" She asked smirking at the naked woman.

Ashley gave the ball another experimental dribble. She looked nervously at her partner. Kayla wasn't in the mood to give Ashley any opportunities to score, or even calm herself down. With a wicked grin, she got in Ashley's face and her partner sauntered over and blocked Ashley's view of Elena. Not that Elena bothered to try and move, Ashley noted.

Turning her back to shield the ball from her aggressive opponent, Ashley shirked when Kayla slapped her ass. She spun to face the tall athlete, Ashley realized too late what Kayla's game was. Snatching the ball, Kayla blew her a kiss, tossed it to Skylar, and her sink another three-pointer. Elena shrugged her shoulders, as Ashley pouted at the edge of the court. Kayla grinned at her partner and resumed her position as the ball was once again rolled to Ashley. Ashley and Elena were six points down with no sign of a fight.

Elena put some effort into getting clear, for once. Ashley managed to create a 1-2 pass scenario and dodged past an overconfident Kayla. Suddenly in the open, a mad hope welled up in Ashley, She raised her arm to shoot. As the ball left her fingers, Skylar materialized in front of her. Ashley expected a traditional block.

Skylar wasn't interested in blocking the ball though. As Ashley took aim, Skylar winked at her and pinched Ashley's nipples. The shock of her breasts getting manhandled shocked Ashley. The crowd roared its approval, the ball dropped from her hands. She stared open-mouthed at Skylar, her other opponent picked up the ball, and scored for the tenth time in a row.

Jennifer was glad she was able to put this together so fast. She called in almost every favor she was owed and made a few promises. 'It was worth it,' she thought as she watched Ashley drop the ball.

When she first came up with this idea, she was afraid that there wouldn't be enough time to pull it together. It worked out way better than she had hoped. Jennifer had one more surprise in store for Ashley and plenty of time to spring it on the hapless woman.

As the score continued to mount, Ashley's faint hope of winning receded into the distance. She desperately began to try and come up with a way to at least put some points on the board. She could handle losing, with these odds there was no way to win. But, not scoring at all was even more humiliating. She would never get over that. With her opponents taking more and more liberties, Ashley backed away and called time out. She wanted to discuss strategy with Elena.

"Elena!" Ashley hissed, as the diminutive woman meandered towards her. The two WNBA stars crossed their arms and shook their heads at their naked opponent. Skylar beckoned Ashley forward with one crooked finger.

"Come on Ashley." the tall athletic Goddess chided her. "You're only down by..." looking with an evil grin at her partner, "twenty-seven points."

Ashley tried to block them out, but she was also trying to block out all the people in the audience gawking at her. "Elena!" Ashley whispered, in a manic way that startled her opponent, "Unless you start pulling moves that defy gravity, we're going down, and we're going down hard..."

Elana chuckled at her words knowing that only one person would be going down tonight, and it wasn't her. Looking at the naked woman, she shrugged her shoulders. “Jennifer promised me ten grand to donate to a charity of my choice. Win or lose. Why should I care what happens?”

Ashley almost cried at her words, she now knew she was all alone, no one would help her. It was up to her to at least make this into a game. The ref tooted his whistle and Ashley returned to the court.

"Well at least playing naked basketball is the worst thing that's going to happen tonight!" Ashley's lips trembled that thought. With a brave wink, she passed the ball to Elena and waited for her partner to pass the ball back. As moved into position for a return pass. She had to watch as Elena fumbled the ball, despite being yards away from an opponent. Her partner compounded her sins by doing nothing to stop Skylar as she swooped in. Dribbling the ball back to the top of the key, Skylar took a couple of steps and... swoosh.

Ashley threw her arms wide in the classic "what the hell was that?!" sign to Elena.

Elena merely shrugged and mouthed, "Oops".

"Oops?!" Ashley cried.

"Oops," Kayla replied, as she accidentally bumped into Ashley. As they made contact, her hand rubbed against the Ashleys pussy.

As the professionals toyed with Ashley, Jennifer got a text on her phone and squealed with glee. Now she had confirmation the final part of her plan was in place. Sitting back she watched as the Amazonian women kept humiliating Ashley. Jennifer looked up at the jumbotron. She wondered when Ashley would notice every camera in the arena was focused on her. Her nude form supersized to the delight of the crowd. Every birthmark, pimple, and ingrown hair displayed in high definition supersized living color.

Ashley snarled instructions at Elena as the pair got the ball back for another attempt to score. "How about catching it next time?" Ashley sniped, sarcastically. It didn't help her mood that Elena was grinning as Ashley reprimanded her. At the very least she could look embarrassed at her lack of effort.

With the ball in hand, some of Ashley's old skills resurfaced. It helped, in the loosest sense of the word, that her opponents were playing to the crowd. Skylar closed in on Ashley and ignored the ball. Instead, she slapped Ashley on the breasts and ass pretending to miss the ball.

Shutting out the laughter, Ashley pulled a quick turn and dribbled for the hoop. Having learned her lesson from last time, she didn't stop to take a shot. She wasn't going to let Kayla have a second crack at her helpless nipples, again.

Swinging around the edge of the key, Ashley dodged past a grinning Kayla and leapt as high as she could. Her body arched gracefully upwards. Her right arm stretched out with the ball placed perfectly for a slam dunk.

For a split second, Ashley could see their first points about to ring up on the scoreboard. And it was that thought that caused her to prematurely look in triumph at the scoreboard. In horror, Ashley noticed something she must have been mentally blocking out before. Next to the scoreboard, on the thirty-foot tall screen, was a naked woman leaping towards the goal. Ashley recognized herself. Completely nude. Thirty feet tall. Her naked breasts bouncing up and down, her chest heaving, and her hair streaming out behind her. The details were so clear, she could see individual drops of sweat snake their way down her nude flesh. She watched the Jolly Green Giant sized image turn bright red as humiliation flooded her. Ashley forgot all about the basket.

Her graceful upwards leap turned into a hasty downwards plummet. The ball slipped from her hands as she tried to avoid a bad landing. All she managed to do was land off-balance and fall backward onto her ass.

Pain washed over Ashley from hitting the hardwood floor. She looked on in despair as the camera on the Jumbotron zoomed in on her crotch. The video operator took full advantage of her legs splayed out in front of her. With a shriek, Ashley thrust a hand between her legs to cover herself. Meanwhile, Kayla and Skylar effortlessly scored yet again.

Ashley looked forlornly at Elena and knew that this game was all but over. Whatever happened next, only Jennifer knew. Ashley was sure it would be even more degrading. Meeting Jennifer's eyes, Ashley's foreboding increased at the expression on Jennifer's face.

Soon the players were set. Ashley took a deep breath as the Kayla checked the ball. Ashley bounced it twice and then faked a pass to Elena. Aamazingly the fake pass tricked Skylar who took two steps to the right. That gave Ashley time to go for a long-range jumper.

Kayla, figuring Skylar could handle the naked woman alone for a minute, was getting herself a drink of water when she heard the crowd roar. She spun around to see the ball gracefully arc through the air, and sink into the basket. It was a perfect shot, nothing but net. The crowd went wild Ashleys face lit up like a Christmas tree and even Elena was clapping. Ashley stood there feeling elated breathing heavily as she looked at the scoreboard. Home:2 Visitors: 63.

That stunt cost her dearly. Now Kayla and Skylar would double team her whenever she got the ball. She never even got out of the top of the key. She watched as they sunk basket after basket, until the game was over.

"Her tormentor's voice boomed over the arenas PA system. "Ashley my dear. If you had made it into double digits, I would have forgiven the rest of the time you owe. But two pathetic points? Stevie Wonder could score two points in a Basketball game. Since you play basketball about as well as you fuck..." There was a pause as the whole crowd laughed at the naked woman.

"Now you get to live out that college dare you chickened out on all those years ago. So squat over that ball and rub your slut hole until you cum."

All eyes turned to look at her, as the image on the large screen zoomed in on her face to see just how red it could become.


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Sal De Klerk The Salacious Scribe.

Follow me on Twitter @scribesalacious



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