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Do You Dare Ch 02 Leaving the Nest

©2019 Sal De Klerk & enf_cavalier, All Rights Reserved

Authors Note:

This is a 2020 nude day contest story, so please vote. It started as a Role Play in the forums and I thought it was too hot not to share.


This story contains adult content including exhibitionism, voyeurism, spanking, oral sex, masturbation, ENF, Bukakke, and cum eating. If this isn't your kind of smut, please find something else to read.


Both women sat in their seats and sipped their drinks. When they built up enough artificial courage to continue, Ashley tapped the phone. She hoped she wouldn't have to get naked or humiliated again.

They both read the dare, “All players must race to somewhere outdoors and return. All players start with 3 items of clothing. Players will strip on the way out, and redress on the way back. The winner is the first player to make it back to the starting position fully clothed. The winner receives five stars, the loser must complete two dares for one score.”

Ashley felt a shiver shoot through her body as she read the dare. Looking around, she realized this bar was a safe place for her exhibitionism. But to go outside, let strangers see her, it seemed somehow wrong. Ashley laughed at herself for that, amazed that any ounce of caution remained in her mind. Strangers had pictures and videos of her naked acting like a dog. She viewed the audience almost as friends from shared experiences. But out there, beyond the bar, was a huge unknown.

Her concerns about the feelings or opinions of strangers fell away when she realized what was at stake. She couldn't give up and risk letting Jennifer take that much of a lead. Not to mention having to complete two dares for one score. That was unthinkable. She again questioned whether she could survive Jennifer's treatment for 12 hours. Ashley shocked herself when she thought 'it would be fun to find out.'

Ashley tried to give Jennifer a determined look, saying "There's a bar across the street. We race across the street, touch the door, and return." Ashley closed her eyes, as she tried to stop herself from adding, "Wait. New rule. We have to get a kiss from the bouncer, and convince someone to slap our asses before we can start dressing."

Ashley realized if she got five points, she'd only be down by one, and Jennifer would have to do two dares. That might make Jennifer surrender, or at least give Ashley the edge she needed to win their bet. She waited to see if Jennifer was agreeable to her rules, or if she would try and negotiate.

Jennifer listened to Ashley's proposal, and thought to herself 'I've created a monster.'

To Ashley, she said, “So we're clear, we run to the bar across the street as we strip. Kiss the bouncer, get slapped on the ass, then run back here while getting dressed. The first one dressed and back in their seat is the winner.”

Turning to the ever-present and helpful bartender, she said, “We'll need some observers. This way there's no debate that there was a kiss, slap and return. Could you ask a few of these lovely folks to help out."

The bartender hurried off to assign some of his patrons to the task. Jennifer's mind spun out of control as she thought about everything that could go wrong. She shivered, unable to be sure if it was in excitement or fear. "We have to make sure things are fair. I'm wearing bikini bottoms, a bra, and a blouse. That's three items," Jennifer told Ashley as she saw several patrons leave to act as observers.

"You lose one point for each item of clothing you don't recover. Two points if you fail to kiss the bouncer, and three points if you don't get slapped." Jennifer told Ashley.

Ashley nodded in agreement with Jennifer's scoring. She downed one of the many shots covering sitting in front of them. The bartender improvised a starting line. Before taking the position,

Ashley mentallly reviewed her outfit. She made the bold decision to ditch the skirt before the race. The skirt would be the hardest to take off and put on while running. Besides, she was no longer embarrassed standing around in a pair of panties. Ashley's heart was pounding as adrenaline coursed through her body. She tried to focus on everything that she needed to do. She couldn't afford to lose points. Jennifer already had the lead, and it was only growing.

The bartender gave the traditional "READY... SET... GO!" Ashley raced off, leaving the perceived safety of the lounge, and plunged into the great unknown. She tore at the wrap and flung it to one side, before realizing she would have to retrieve it on her return. Twisting her head, she saw it had caught on a plant by the entrance to the lounge, and made a quick mental note.

When she heard go, Jennifer yanked off and dropped the blouse. She knew it would be safe there until she returned. Then she started running only a few feet behind Ashley. She saw Ashley pull off the wrap, and throw it behind her. Jennifer caught it, preventing it from covering her face. 'So that's how you want to play it,' she thought, tossing it onto a plant, hoping it would get tangled in the leaves.

Jennifer stayed close to Ashley as they ran through the lobby which was empty. Everyone was in the bar enjoying the competition between the two women. Jennifer took off her bra and dropped it on the front desk, delighting the desk clerk. “I'll be back for it in a few minutes, hun,” she called out as she ran a bit faster to close the distance.

Ashley headed for the main doors and the street beyond. The doorman gawked at the two barely dressed ladies as they ran toward him. He watched Jennifer's breasts bounce in delight. His jaw dropped when Ashley started fumbled with the ties on her bikini top. In a moment of insanity, Ashley threw the bikini top at him, and called out "I'll be back!"

When Ashley emerged, the evening revelers, gasped in shock. Ashley paused for a moment at the edge of the sidewalk. While waiting for a break in traffic, she slipped off her panties.

Jennifer didn't even notice the doorman as she ran through the doors. She ignored the catcalls while she, too, looked for a break in traffic. She watched Ashley carelessly drop her panties on the curb. When Ashley began to cross, Jennifer decided that now was a perfect time to exact her revenge. She kicked the panties under a nearby car. That act of pettiness cost her time. She had to wait for another break in traffic. While she waited, Ashley had dashed across the street.

The honking of the cars made it clear that Ashley had not gone unnoticed by the drivers. One car even slowed down to a virtual halt, allowing the passenger to take a picture of the bizarre scene.

Ashley used the traffic disruption to dash across the road. Ashley, despite being nude, had to fight her way through the crowd. Once she made it through the throngs of people, she ran up to the bouncer, shouting: "Kiss me!" at the bewildered man.

The bouncer was, usually, pretty blasé about his job. He believed that he’d seen and done it all, that nothing could surprise him anymore. He did have to admit, that watching a naked woman running toward him, screaming "Kiss me" was a ‘first’. "Wh... what?" the heavyset man, said as he watched the runner approach, trying not to stare as her tits bounced.

"Kiss me!" Ashley begged, hearing commotion behind her. The bouncer blinked his eyes in confusion for a few moments. Then, Ashley watched his shocked expression change to a sly grin.

"Is this a dare?" he asked, licking his lips while his eyes twinkled in delight.

"Yes!" Ashley replied, in a hurry, beginning to wonder why this was taking so long. Her heart raced, and her mind was a jumble at this point.

"Well then," the man replied, "Tell you what then. If you kiss me somewhere, then I'll kiss you back." the man's face erupted into a broad smile.

"Wait... what do you mean by that?" Ashley said, confused. 'I'm naked and attractive,' she thought to herself. 'It shouldn't be this hard to convince a man to kiss me.'

Her eyes widened in shock as the bouncer unzipped his trousers, and his cock emerged from within. The crowd gasped and laughed at Ashley's predicament. With Jennifer closing the distance, Ashley had no choice. She couldn't afford to lose three points, not after everything she'd been through so far. Squeezing her eyes shut, she knelt down and planted a kiss on his erect penis.

Standing up again, she looked at him with desperation, "Now, KISS ME! Please!" The bouncer laughed, zipped up again, and pulled Ashley in. Taking the opportunity to grope her ass at the same time, the man gave Ashley a long kiss on the lips, before he let her go.

Ashley headed back to the road letting out a small shriek from her latest humiliation. As she began to cross, she froze. She still needed to get spanked. On the streets. In front of everyone.

By the time Jennifer made it across the street, Ashley was already on her knees kissing the bouncers cock. Deciding not to waste time, she stripped off her bikini bottoms, and she bent at the waist: "Someone, smack my ass, now!”

Several people took her up on the offer and countless blows of varying power on Jennifer’s firm backside. After one particularly hard wallop, Jenifer jumped toward the bouncer. His eyes focused on Ashley's nude ass and he didn't see Jennifer.

Without any warning, Jennifer grabbed the bouncer's neck and pulled his mouth to hers. As soon as she kissed him, she kneed him in the balls for taking advantage of her new friend. Letting him collapse to the ground, Jennifer pulled on her bottoms and began her return trip.

Both girls were standing at the curb waiting for a chance to cross. The cars slowed to stare at them, creating a slow but steady moving traffic jam that was impossible to cross.

Down the block, red and blue lights started flashing. 'Goddamn it,' Jennifer thought. Someone called the fucking cops and they're right here. "Ashley! Cops!" Jennifer shouted. She turned to see if Ashley heard her, and found that she was already halfway across the street.

Jennifer dashed across, more concerned about the police than the flow of traffic. Her unexpected sprint forced at least one car to slam on the breaks. The driver shouted obscenities at her through the window.

She approached the hotel door get closer desperate to reach the safety beyond. As she got close, the doorman stepped in front of her, blocking the entrance.

"Sorry miss", he said with a cold smile on his face, "You do not meet the dress code for this establishment. The Doll House two blocks down is better suited for your attire." Jennifer froze in horror. Her clothes were inside and the cops were moving closer. She had no idea what to do.

Ashley was halfway across the street when she heard Jennifer’s warning about the cops. Looking down the street, a sense of dread swept over her. There were several cop cars working their way through traffic toward her. She raced across the sidewalk outside the hotel and made a beeline for where she'd left her panties. They were gone! Ashley searched the ground as the throngs of people stopped to ogle the sexy naked lady. 'Somebody must have stolen them,' she thought. She cast one last desperate look, a voice cut through the madness and made her blood run cold.

"Ash...? Ashley?" the male voice wondered.

Ashley didn't turn around. The cold shiver competed with the hot flushes and she could almost feel her body shut down. Scott. Of course, it had to be Scott. A man she knew from the local office.

She turned around and faced the tall, lean 30-something analyst. "Oh...god...Scott..." Ashley managed, painfully aware of her nudity and the approaching sirens. They stared at each other in silence, frozen in time as the world around them erupted into noise and chaos. Scott didn't even try to hide his appreciation for the nude Ashley. Ashley failed to mask her overwhelming embarrassment. As Scott opened his mouth to say something, Ashley found herself stepping forward. Words tumbled out of her mouth. Words she hadn't even thought about saying.

"Spank me," she whispered plaintively.

Scott’s face snapped from a look of sexually-charged bewilderment to complete shock. "What?!" he yelped.

"Spank me, now, please" she whispered again and, humiliating as it was, turned to present her ass to him. Part of Ashley wondered if she'd ever get over presenting her naked ass to this man in public. Seconds later, she felt the man's hand strike her backside. It rested on her ass a bit longer than needed. Ashley felt it slide off her, as she shivered from the intimacy of the touch and the impropriety of the scene.

The cops were almost on top of them. They had abandoned their vehicles and pursued their suspects on foot. Ashley looked up to see Jennifer having problems with the doorman. Her mind cleared, and she spun around to face Scott. "Please, please, I can't tell you why, but I'm in trouble. Please fake a heart attack. Please. Do this for me."

Ashley threw her most heartfelt look at Scott. He nodded grabbed at his chest. "Ohh oh, I've never had pains like this before. I think this is the big one..." he said in a passable imitation of Fred Sanford.

Ashley felt relieved as she watched Scott slump to the ground. She called out, "Help! Please! He's having a heart attack!"

Caught between his duty as a doorman and his duty as a human being, the doorman hesitated. Casting a disapproving look at the two women, he ran toward Scott, who was now laying on the ground.

With the doorman busy, Jennifer threw open the door and ran to the front desk. She grabbed her bra and struggled to put it on as she raced back into the lounge.

Ashley yanked her top from the doormans coat pocket and raced into the hotel behind Jennifer.

The cops ignored the naked ladies as they rushed to help the man on the ground.

As she ran, Ashley managed to fasten her bikini top around her chest. She found her wrap resting on a plant. She darted toward it, sure that she would beat Jennifer to the lounge.

The hotel lobby had filled with looky-loos who had come to see what was going on. Their jaws dropped as Jennifer ran by them in a bra and bikini bottoms. All eyes followed her running down the hallway and into the lounge. Without looking to see if Ashley had already beaten her, Jennifer grabbed the blouse and pulled it on.

She was about to sit down and claim victory when a cop grabbed her wrist and spun her. Her arm was behind her back, and she was slammed into the bar top. His other hand pressed the side of her face against the cool surface. The patrons started yelling as he handcuffed Jennifer. Keeping her cool Jennifer smiled sweetly and asked: “What seems to be the trouble officer?" As the lounge filled past its legal capacity.

Ashley heard the commotion in the lobby, certain that Jennifer was the cause. Knowing that she only had a few seconds, she focused her attention on extracting the wrap from the plant. She was so focused, that she didn’t see Jennifer run into the bar. Nor did she see that cop behind her. Once the wrap was loose, Ashley threw it over her shoulders. Certain of her impending victory just steps away, she charged headlong into the bar. Ashley came to an abrupt halt at the sight that greeted her.

A police officer was handcuffing Jennifer. Her mind raced, wondering what she should do, forgetting that she was still bottomless. She sensed someone behind her, so she turned around. She and found herself face to chest with a cop who grabbed her by the arm. He dragged her across the floor and shoved her against the bar right next to Jennifer.

Ashley regretted ditching her skirt earlier. She tried to position the wrap to cover her nudity. As the cops began to read the Miranda warning, the crowd started protesting. They offered dozens of differing alibis for the two women.

It's difficult to be in several different places at the same time. So the officers seemed less than impressed by the alibis offered by the roomful of drunks. There were quite a few angry murmurs from the crowd. Some even suggested that the police were the ones disturbing the peace.

Ashley's face exploded into a bright red blush of embarrassment as an officer walked in with her panties dangling off the end of his baton. Ashley looked around and she saw Scott slip toward the back of the crowd, making her smile. An idle thought occurred to her. Had anyone finished the race? With a tiny shriek, and realizing she had her clothes back on, she sat down. As her ass hit the seat, a cop grabbed her and pushed her down onto the bar next to Jennifer. Then he started to frisk the restrained woman.

The crowd in the bar was starting to get ugly, and the officers called for backup. Several police officers arrived as the cop who had handcuffed Jennifer began to pat her down. He paid very careful attention to the body parts men generally don't have, despite her firm objections. Once the cop finished molesting Jennifer, he began to lead her out the door.

A loud booming voice called out "Hold on there, Sonny."

All the cops froze as the guy who had made Jennifer kiss his dick earlier stood up. He walked over to the Sargent and handed him a business card. "Harrison P. Nussbaum the IV Esquire, attorney at law. These ladies, or should I say, my clients, are willing to accept any citations you care to issue. However, if you arrest either of them, you should know that it will cost you. Each and every one of the people here witnessed what happened. In fact, I would assume that more than one has recorded your actions. By 9 am tomorrow everyone will file a complaint with both the Mayor's office AND Internal Affairs. Those complaints will allege assault under color of authority, sexual harassment, and sexual assault. Not to mention the DA who was my college roommate would be quite interested to see this...”

Harrison held up his phone. It was playing a video of the officers violent takedowns and unprofessional search of a naked woman. “Now, we’re both reasonable men. Perhaps we can find a solution to this before the bruises begin to bloom on these pretty young ladies?”

The Sargent watched the video, then held a short conversation with the officers. Afterward, the Sargent apologized to both women in front of the patrons. Everyone cheered as the police left the bar.

"Just make sure we don't get any more calls." the sarge told them gruffly before leaving.

Once the cops left, Harrison got a standing ovation, several free drinks, and a kiss from Jennifer. When the women sat, they dissolved in giggles, while the bartender conferred with the judges.

Once he had all the details, the bartender jumped on top of the bar. “Ladies and Gentleman,” he announced, “we have a decision on the race. Both contestants completed the race. Both contestants removed all clothing. Jennifer did not remove her bottoms; she only pushed them to the ground. Ashley was not wearing her panties when she returned. So neither contestant will get a penalty for clothing. Jennifer did return fully dressed first, but she was stopped from sitting by a police officer. Ashley not only sat down first, but she had her panties on when she did. Based on the ruling of the judges, I am thrilled to announce that ASHLEY is the winner, and will receive 5 points. Jennifer must complete two dares to get points.”

Jennifer 28, Ashley 27

The crowd started cheering for Ashley, and several toasts were drunk to her victory. She looked around until she saw Scott, who was smiling proudly at her. He lifted his beer to her in salute and drank it down.

When the cheering died out, Jennifer sighed and picked up the phone. She tapped the screen to read the first of her two challenges. “Jennifer, Dare 1: You and Ashley must eat a banana at the same time. Start at opposite ends."

The always present bartender put a long curved banana on the bar between the two girls. Jennifer peeled the skin off and put the top end in her mouth and waited for Ashley to wrap her lips around the other end.

After the past few dares, Ashley couldn't believe how tame this one seemed. If you'd asked Ashley an hour ago to share a banana a la Lady and the Tramp, she'd have flinched at the idea. Now a changed woman, Ashley swung her seat around and flashed Jennifer a cheeky smile.

She positioned herself at the other end of the banana. With the top end in Jennifer's mouth, she even gave the banana an experimental lick. Then she bobbed on it for the benefit of the men around her. She realized how ridiculous this looked, and had to admonish herself for almost breaking the banana.

Still, as she held Jennifer's gaze, Ashley began to take a mouthful or two of the banana. With every bite, their lips moved closer together. As she swallowed a piece of the sweet fruit, it occurred to Ashley there was going to be another lingering kiss. All too soon the girl's lips met. They began kissing and Jennifer reached out and put a hand on Ashley's breast.

Ashley felt a hand on her breast as she lost herself in kissing Jennifer. She couldn't resist returning Jennifer's attention. She slipped a hand inside Jennifer's blouse and took hold of the woman's right breast. She gave it a tender teasing squeeze, before slipping her hand under the bra. She rested a couple of fingers on Jennifer's hard nipple. She used her fingers to tweak the erect nipple then let her fingers lightly trace the woman's breast.

She could hear the crowd's thoughts. They wanted the two woman to let go of their inhibitions, and make passionate love. Ashley had to come up for air first. She regretted pulling back from Jennifer's lips. So she leaned in for a final lightning-quick follow-up kiss.

"*Ahem*" she coughed, trying to catch her breath and remember what should happen next. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Scott, standing at the back of the room, unable to look away from the two beauties.

"I-I um, I think there's another dare before I have to award points." Ashley winked at Jennifer. "Let's see what else that app has in store for us."

Ashley handed the phone to Jennifer and realized her other hand was still fondling Jennifer's breast. For some reason, it didn't want to let go of the soft warm globe. Jennifer wiped the extra saliva from her face before taking the phone from Ashley. She tapped the screen and the dare appeared. “Jennifer, Dare 2: Have Ashley lie on the floor. Remove all your clothes, and then squat over Ashley's face. Let her watch you masturbate for 5 minutes.” Jennifer choked on her drink, much to the amusement of the guy next to her, as she read the dare.

Ashley gave Jennifer a puzzled look, as her neighbor made sure she was ok, laughing the whole time. Ashley wondered what could have prompted that reaction in Jennifer. They'd run naked to another bar and back, gotten publicly spanked, and almost arrested. There couldn't be anything more embarrassing than that. If there was, Ashley wasn't sure she wanted to know about it. Jennifer silently handed the phone to Ashley, as she took a shot. Ashley grinned that she didn't have to take off any clothes or do anything strenuous. Ashley lay on the floor feeling the anticipation build in their audience.

“Fuck it,” Jennifer said, and she threw off her clothes. She knelt over Ashley's face, her dripping pussy mere inches from Ashley's eyes and mouth. Jennifer slipped two fingers into her pussy and started fingering herself, as her thumb rubbed her clit. Her other hand started to pinch and tug on her nipples. She wondered if she would last five minutes without cumming.

Ashley eyes were transfixed by the pussy just out of reach of her lips and tongue. She was amazed as Jennifer fingered herself fast and hard. The best parts of her folds were obscured by Jennifer's hand. The sounds emanating from the fingering of the increasingly wet pussy more than made up for it. The exhibition wasn't only affecting Jennifer. Ashley could feel her juices begin to flow as she took in the show in the most front-and-center seat possible. Unconsciously, Ashley's hands began to mimic Jennifer's actions.

Ashley had to restrain herself from leaning up and kissing Jennifer on her exposed pussy. She fast-forwarded in her mind to the twelve hours of subjugation that the loser would suffer. Earlier, Ashley had wanted to lose, to be the submissive part of the fantasy. Now, seeing Jennifer like this, Ashley realized that dominating might be even more fun.

A naughty thought occurred to Ashley. Jennifer had to masturbate for five minutes to complete the dare. Based on how the game had played out so far, if she came Ashley could deduct points, giving her a chance to take the lead. She supposed it would be against the rules to lend a hand or tongue. But a more discreet approach might be enough to push Jennifer over the edge. Ashley began to blow air through her lips, hoping the breeze would push Jennifer'sover the edge.

Jennifer was already gritting her teeth. Her earlier need to cum had subsided a bit, but it hadn't gone away. She was trying to tease herself, without increasing her desire to reach her climax. As she paused to let her building desire recede, a warm powerful blast of air flowed over her hard clit. Jennifer shuddered in pleasure as she realized what Ashley was doing.

"One minute", the bartender called out.

'Fuck,' Jennifer thought, 'I don't know if I can hold back for another 240 seconds.'

She looked down at Ashley trying to figure out a way to stop her. Jennifer thought about anything and everything she could that would cool her desire. She subconsciously rocked her hips when she stopped moving her fingers.

Knowing that Ashley was going to do everything she could to make her cum, Jennifer came up with a brilliant idea. Jennifer withdrew her hand from her sodden pussy and shoved her fingers in Ashley's mouth. Then she started to caress herself with her other hand.

Ashley's eyes widened in shock as fingers invaded her mouth. The aromatic scent of aroused womanhood filled her nostrils. Ashley involuntarily sucked on the fingers, getting her first real taste of Jennifer. She'd never had sex with a woman before, but she found herself not only enjoying the taste but craving more.

Looking at the gyrating woman, Ashley sensed she was only one small push from climaxing. Unable to blow on her clit, Ashley tried bobbing her head up and down, running her tongue along the fingers. Ashley hoped the woman's overloaded senses could feel every touch and probe of her tongue. Still, Ashley thought, with so many points on the line, it didn't pay to be conservative. If Jennifer was going to touch Ashley, it only seemed fair to return the favor.

Reaching up, Ashley placed a finger on Jennifer's exposed backside. She began to lightly trace a finger around her ass. Then, she placed a second finger, then a third. She kept going until her entire hand was now on Jennifer's bare skin. Giving her a playful slap, Ashley squeezed Jennifer's naked bottom. With a firm but loving grasp, Ashley began to help Jennifer increase the rhythm of her gyrations.

"Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck..." Jennifer started chanting as she felt Ashley's hand on her ass.

"Two minutes" called the bartender.

Jennifer switched hands to continue feeding Ashley her cream. It was her only chance to make it another three minutes. Jennifer's legs quivered, threatening to stop supporting her. She was lightly rubbing her outer lips, afraid anything more would bring a quick end to this dare. Ashley reached up and positioned her other hand on Jennifer's ass. For a moment she seemed content to leave it there.

Ashley was fast losing herself in the moment. She allowed a finger to work its way down the naked ass cheek until it rested at the top of Jennifer's right thigh. Ashley felt Jennifer trembling, and wondered if Jennifer could hold the position. Or would she end up grinding her moist pussy on Ashley's face?

Ashley's hand lingered on Jennifer's thigh before it continued its teasing journey. Slipping between Jennifer's spread legs until it reached the very edge of her labia. Her hand caressed all around the sensitive hot flesh. She felt every quiver that her struggling friend was trying to contain. Ashley began to rub Jennifer's pussy with the same rhythm as Jennifer's strokes. Ashley knew that Jennifer couldn't be too far away from climaxing now. As she felt her own body begin to react, Ashley wasn't sure she'd last five minutes, either.

“Three minutes,” the bartender called.

Jennifer shuddered at the gentle caresses of her... friend? Lover? Partner? Competitor? She wasn't even sure how to label the relationship. She knew she had to think about anything other than the pleasure her body was experiencing. She was grinding her teeth to stop the inevitable release that was coming and coming fast.

She even started to laugh as she thought about the story of the little Dutch boy plugging the dike. 'This is one dyke that will burst if anything is stuck in it,' she thought. She looked down at Ashley, whose eyes were fixated on her pussy. "OH GOD!" she moaned and bit her lip hoping the pain would distract her from erupting like Mount Vesuvius.

"Four minutes" came the call.

Jennifer's eyes were watering, and her ears were buzzing. The tremors in her legs were making her dangerously unstable. Jennifer knew she wouldn't last, but she did know she was going to fight it with everything she had.

Ashley could sense the struggle inside Jennifer. But, with only sixty more seconds, Jennifer could still win this dare! She knew she had to act fast, as she felt the quivering woman fight against every urge that wracked her body. Ashley took her hand and began to penetrating bit by tiny bit. She pushed two fingers inside Jennifer to the second knuckle.

Matching Jennifer's gyrations was no easy task. Her partner was no longer gyrating to a rhythm but was beginning to jerk as the volcano threatened to erupt. Ashley's fingers slid in and out of Jennifer, with the goal of sending her into orgasmic bliss. 'There are only be seconds left,' Ashley thought wildly, as she slid her other hand into Jennifer's bigger slit.

Oh God," Jennifer cried out as her legs finally gave out and she fell straight down onto Ashley's face. She was only there for a few seconds before she forced herself back up but those few seconds were enough. Her body started to convulse, and she screamed a loud "YES!"

The climax that had been building over the last few hours burst forth. Her pussy gushed fluid like a broken dam. All this fluid rained down on Ashley soaking her face and upper chest as it poured out of Jennifer. Everyone was in awe of the intensity of Jennifer's orgasm. The bartender finally called time during Jennifer's massive explosion of pleasure.

Ashley could see the woman's body spasm as the orgasm took complete control. Jennifer's cries and groans drowned out Ashley's own moans. Those few precious seconds of having her face buried in Jennifer's pussy had been amazing. The taste, smell, and wetness was something Ashley needed to experience again soon.

Jennifer may have lost points, but Ashley was well on her way to losing control as well. Covered in Jennifer's cum, Ashley crowed "Four! Four points! Four points for four minutes!"

Jennifer 32, Ashley 24

Jennifer's senses returned one by one. She had trouble standing up, so two men grabbed her arms and helped her stand. They led her to a barstool and helped her sit down. The bartender gave her a glass of water to replace some of the gallons of liquid that she had expended. After drinking three glasses of water and sitting for a few minutes, she felt almost normal. She looked at Ashley, who glistened with Jennifer's cum, and started to laugh. The rest of the bar cheered the two women.

The bartender was busy for the next ten minutes refreshing patrons beverages. Jennifer and Ashley used that time to go to the lady's room and clean themselves up. When they returned to the bar, one of the men offered to help Jennifer dress. Jennifer looked at Ashley's clothes and thought about the last few dares.

"Why the hell should I get dressed?" she asked rhetorically. "I'll have to get naked again in a few minutes.” She sat down and drank another glass of water.

Ashley returned a moment later, smelling of sex and looking a bit less creamy. Jennifer tapped the phone, saying, “I believe it's your turn.”

The dare appeared on-screen, “Ashley, Demonstrate your oral skills. Don't forget the deep throat."

Jennifer looked at Ashley poker faced, "The Bartender's been exceptionally helpful. I think this would make a nice reward for him, don’t you?" making Ashley choke.

There were groans of disappointment from the patrons when Jennifer suggested the bartender. Most of the men had been hoping for another auction, and several wallets were out hoping he would decline. The bartender dashed those hopes when he leapt over the bar in excitement, as Ashley offered him a scared, tight smile.

Ten minutes ago she'd been flat on the floor helping another woman masturbate. She didn't understand why she felt fearful now. Then she realized she felt a kinship with Jennifer. In the space of an hour, Jennifer had gone from stranger to lover in Ashley's mind. The bartender was a minor character in this chapter of her life story.

"Mike," the bartender said, extending his hand to Ashley. Ashley reached out and shook it. 'This is a little surreal,' she thought. 'I'm shaking hands with a man who's seen me naked and is about to get a very public blow job.

“Ashley. I’m Ashley,” she replied, feeling oddly self-conscious at the absurd situation. 'I guess it's polite to introduce yourself before sticking your dick in someone's mouth.’

Ashley smiled again, trying to ignore the faint whiff of Jennifer's cream that was her perfume. "Well, Mike, I'm not the Red Woman. Take your own bloody pants off.”, she said quoting a recent episode of her favorite TV show.

Mike chuckled as he dropped his trousers. His cock sprung out leaving no doubt he was his willing and ready to help with this dare.

The men around the bar gave Mike and Ashley space, and Ashley sank to her knees. She'd only sucked a dick twice in her life, and she had never deep throated either of those guys. She studied Mike's cock, which was significantly bigger than the ones she'd sucked. She hoped she would be able to control her gag reflex as she swallowed his shaft.

Ashley leaned forward and kissed the tip of Mike's penis. He shuddered when her lips touched his hard cock. For the past hour or so, these women had been going at it, making all the men in the room incredibly aroused. Mike had been hard most of that hour and was ready for a release. Ashley looked up at Mike and saw the struggle to contain himself evident in his eyes.

Parting her lips, she began to take his shaft into her mouth. She started to bob on the shaft taking a bit more every time she went down. She found a pace that he seemed to enjoy and was soon moving up and down his cock while teasing it with her tongue. Mike seemed to be enjoying her efforts, and she could already hear him groaning. He was trying to hold back already, but Ashley was down 8 points. She needed a five on this dare to stay competitive.

She took more than half his penis into her mouth, only stopping when she almost gagged. She managed to restrain her reflex, and relaxed her throat. She eased down and soon had his entire cock in her mouth. Her eyes were wide open as she felt a man deep inside her throat for the first time. Ashley went up and down a few more times, praying she could control her gag reflex as the cock pushed into her throat. Thankfully, she didn't have to wait for long. The prolonged buildup and Ashley's oral skills made Mike blast his seed into her throat.

At that Ashley had to pull back, choking on the thick warm salty fluid that flooded her mouth. As she pulled back, Mike shot more ropes of cum, overwhelming Ashley. As his cock slipped and she pulled off his cock, as the last few spurts coated her face. In the space of 12 minutes, Ashley's face had seen both Jennifer and Mike give her facials. She wondered if the rumors about cum being good for the skin were true. If so, she may look several years younger tomorrow. As Mike stuffed himself back into his pants, Ashley looked up at Jennifer, expectantly.

Jennifer glanced at her watch and to see how long it took Ashley to make Mike cum. She was disappointed. She knew he could last longer than the two minutes and forty-three seconds it took Ashley to get her reward. She decided to round the score up. “Three points for almost three minutes.

Jennifer 32 Ashley 27

Ashley glared at Jennifer. 'Only three points for sucking a dick and getting a facial.' she thought angrily. She was still five points down. Unless Jennifer got a zero, she would have a hard time taking the lead. She climbed to her feet and walked to the bar, watching Mike strut back to the bar getting several high fives. As Ashley was about to sit down, she felt a hand on her arm and turned to see who it belonged too.

“Let me help you clean up,” A woman, neither competitor had seen before said to Ashley.

Before she could respond, The woman leaned in and began to lick the cum off Ashley's face. Every male in the bar groaned as she went to town licking and slurping Mike's cum from Ashley's face. Once she had licked the sticky white fluid off Ashley, the woman pulled Ashley close and kissed her. It was obvious to those closest to the action there was a bit of snowballing going on between the two women. Ashley stared wide-eyed at the brazen woman, who kissed her lips one last time then faded into the crowd.

After the woman vanished, Ashley picked up a drink, and Jennifer reached out and tapped the phone. She read the dare out loud so the whole bar could hear it, "Bite Ashley on the ass." Jennifer turned to Ashley and said "drop them panties baby and hop up here", tapping the top of the bar.

Hopping off her barstool, Ashley dropped her skirt to her ankles. Then she shimmied her panties down as well. It still amazed her exactly how easy this had become in such a short time. She even gave the crowd a quick wiggle of her backside. That drew plenty of applause from the appreciative audience. She pulled herself on to the bar and positioned herself on all fours so that her ass was facing Jennifer. She closed her eyes, thinking, " No ones bitten my ass before," and wondered how it would feel.

Jennifer walked up behind Ashley and spread her cheeks wide open. When she did, several flashes lit up the lounge. "Everyone gets a nice shot of her beaver and tail", there were approving cheers from the crowd. "Good! Now it's time to take a nice big bite of this rump roast.” Jennifer placed her lips on the right cheek and kissed and tickled it a bit with her tongue. Ashley felt her mouth open wide and Jennifer sunk her teeth into the tender flesh. Her mouth kept closing leaving some deep teeth marks.

Looking at Jennifer, Ashley said, "I'd've given you five if you'd left a perfect lipstick mark Mike said it was smeared so four.” Ashley realized she was in trouble. She was nine points down now, and Jennifer was only 14 points away from winning.

Jennifer 36 Ashley 27

Jennifer watched Ashley tap the phone. Looking over her shoulder, Jennifer started laughing, “I bite your ass, and you massage mine.”

Ashley had to read the dare aloud to make it real for her. "Jennifer fell on her butt, massage it for her, and make her feel better."

Without hesitation, Jennifer jumped on the bar and lay on her belly, waiting for Ashley to massage her. Ashley shrugged. A massage wasn't quite the spanking that Jennifer deserved, but no one had backed down from a dare yet. Ashley wasn't about to start.

Ashley began to caress Jennifer's bare skin. 'She has an attractive bottom,' she thought as she squeezed it. Ashley found herself distracted by all sorts of naughty thoughts. Still, some of those could wait until later in the evening, she reminded herself.

Ashley began to press deep into Jennifer's ass. She ran the base of her hand down one side, and then repeated the exercise down the other. Once she'd done that, she paused for a moment, and then looked at the expectant crowd. Raising an eyebrow as if in question, the audience seemed to read her mind. As one they all nodded. With their permission, Ashley patted Jennifer's bottom once making Jennifer gasp and squirm.

Looking at the audience, again they silently urged her to continue. Ashley acknowledged them, and Jennifer kept silent at Ashelys assault.

"Sorry Jen," Ashley said, "I learned at the Swedish School of Massage, and this is how we do it there." Ashley returned to a standard massage. But as seh rubbed each area, she would end with a spank. Ashley even pushed deep between Jennifer's cheeks and played around the sides of her anus.

"This is a deep massage," Ashley informed the prone and naked woman, before she dipped a finger inside. Ashley continued her performance for several minutes. She didn't leave a single square millimeter of Jennifer'sbottom untouched. As she completed the last light spank, Ashley stood back and admired her handiwork.

"You know Jen, after my massage and my tap-treatment, I'm happy to say your injury seems to have cleared right up!"

Jennifer took the hand she offered and climbed down rubbing her sore buttocks. "That was an EPIC FAIL! You were supposed to make me feel better. Instead, you caused me pain. 1 point."

Jennifer 36 Ashley 28

Ashley pouted at such a low score but privately conceded that she should have waited to spank Jennifer's ass. She was down by eight and it was Jennifer's turn. Things were getting uncomfortably close to the finale.

Ashley picked up the device that controlled the two women's lives. She tapped the screen and read the dare aloud “Jennifer, caress Ashley's clitoris"

Once again stripping off her dress and panties, she put them on her seat and climbed on the bar. She lay in the same spot Jennifer recently vacated. She parted her legs while she reflected on the insanity that had been her life for the last two hours. Here she was exposing her pussy to everyone while she waited for a woman she barely knew to finger her. Ashley sighed, and her hips rocked as she anticipated Jennifer's first touch.

Jennifer licked her lips, thinking "Nothing said what she could use, or for how long.' Once Ashley got in position, Jennifer reached between her legs. As her hand rested on Ashley's thigh, Jennifer whispered, "Lay back and enjoy this baby."

Jennifer moved her hand to Ashley's mons and paused a moment letting the crowd shift so they could get a good look. Once everyone settled down, Jennifer leaned in and sucked Ashley's clit into her mouth.

Ashley gasped at Jennifer's liberal interpretation of the dare. She clutched at the bar top as Jennifer teased and played with her clit. Unlike Jennifer, Ashley had yet to experience the release of an orgasm. Her tension had been building inside her. Streaking, walked like a dog, kissing Jennifer, cum on her face-twice, and a stranger licked her clean. It was too much, and she could feel her cream flowing freely.

Ashley knew the danger of climaxing here and now. If Jennifer made her cum, there was no way that this crowd would let her get away with giving Jennifer less than a five. Then the game would be all but over. Ashley was getting nervous as the game careened towards the inevitable, climactic conclusion. She bit her lip to stifle her moans. Her pussy reacted to Jennifer's oral attack on her clit, realizing there was no time limit for this dare.

Jennifer wanted to be very careful here. The dare only allowed her to caress the clitoris. So no matter how much she wanted, there would be no inserting or rubbing anything else. She kept flicking it with her tongue as she sucked on it like it was a small cock getting a world-class blow job. Guys were groaning and grunting and several had cum in their pants as Jennifer went down on Ashley.

At least one woman lifted her skirt and was rubbing herself. Another was giving the guy next to her a blow job. Things were getting out of control, and the lounge started to become the site of a small orgy. Jennifer continued to suck on Ashley's clit drawing forth the orgasm she knew Ashley craved.

Ashley arched her back and clenched her fists as she summoned her remaining will power. She forced herself to resist her wanton desires to cum all over Jennifer's face. There was only one small, tiny, trivial problem with that it felt so good. Ashley turned her head and tried to look out into the audience to distract her. Big. Mistake.

The sight of the orgy made Ashley want to succumb even more. She could even see Scott at the back of a packed room, his cock in his hands, a strained look on his face.

Ashley raised her head, and looked at Jennifer, seeing the woman's head moving between her legs. Looking away, she saw Mike standing nearby, his eyes almost about to pop out of his head. She felt like she was standing on the edge of a knife. Even the slightest breeze would push her off. She felt her clit get sucked into Jennifer's mouth. Her friend's tongue danced around the incredibly sensitive erogenous zone. "Fuck, fuck, fuck!" she cried, trying to release the built-up tension verbally, rather than physically.

Far too little, and far too late though. The erotic sensory overload finally overwhelmed her. Ashley lost control of her body as a monster tidal wave of pleasure consumed her. She was drowning in a sea rapture. Her body spasming as she became delirious from the overload of delectation.

Once Ashley's flow had subsided Jennifer released her clit from her mouth. She stood up and gratefully took a towel from Mike to wipe all the overspray from her naked body. Once she had cleaned herself up a bit she took one of the drinks and downed it while waiting for Ashley to recover.

Ashley struggled up on to her elbows, breathing hard as she felt the after-effects of her orgasm. Still sprawled on the bar, she kept her legs parted as Mike started to wipe up her cum. He was paying particular attention to the area right next to her pussy. More than once he accidentally touched her still-sensitive lips. He elicited more than one quiet groan from her, as she struggled to regain control. Once Mike has cleaned the area. four times. he got around to asking if Ashley could lift her backside a little. Ashley raised an eyebrow and half-rolled, half-hopped off the bar. Landing on her feet, she could feel her tired legs start to buckle. After a few seconds though, she was ready for action again and stood up to her full height.

Facing Jennifer, Ashley squared her shoulders, tossed her hair back, and looked her in the eye. "You win that round Jennifer," Ashley said, with a twinkle in her eye. She nodded over to the audience around her. "I don't think I'm going to get away with anything less than five for that."

Jennifer 41 Ashley 28

Ashley picked up her skirt and panties and pulled them on. As she dressed, she wondered what other humiliations awaited her. She also wondered if it was possible to beat Jennifer. As she zipped up her skirt, she looked at Jennifer's nude form and thought, 'Maybe she has the right idea.'

Jennifer picks up the phone and brings it to Ashley. Ashley takes the phone and hits the go button. Jennifer reads the dare, Blindfold Jennifer, and play with her.

Ashley stared at the phone for almost a minute. Her imagination ran wild with what she could do to Jennifer while blindfolded. Jennifer shrugged her shoulders and brazenly walked over to a guy wearing a tie. Without a word stripped it off him, handed it to Ashley, and awaited her fate.

Ashley put the phone down and gave her a strange smile. She took the silk paisley tie and decided it would work as a blindfold. She considered getting extra ties for Jennifer's hands. Then she reminded herself the last time she'd taken liberties with a dare, she had scored a measly one. She was down by 13 points and couldn't afford another low score if she had any hope of winning. Not that she was sure she wanted to win. Ashley stood behind her and placed the tie over her eyes. She firmly secured it behind Jennifer's head.

Once the blindfold was in place, Jennifer couldn't see a blessed thing, except darkness. As Jennifer stood there nude, Ashley's fingertips brushed against her diamond-hard nipples. Ashley pressed herself against Jennifer, as she played with the other woman's breasts. If Jennifer was any judge of people, things were going to take a nasty turn soon.

Jennifer's hands were down by her side, but Ashley guided them up so they rested on top of Jennifer's head. With Jennifer's hands now out of the way, Ashley ran her own hands down Jennifer's sides. until they reached her hips. Ashley knew that Jennifer had only recently climaxed, and she wondered if the woman was multi-orgasmic. Only one way to find out, Ashley mused. She took a small step back and applied a bit of pressure to Jennifer's back. Just enough to get her to bend over at the waist.

Ashley stroked Jennifer's damp pussy and toyed with Jennifer's breasts. She rubbed harder and harder on the wet pussy. Ashley loved the way that she could feel the juices flow, and she eased a finger into the woman that she held at her mercy. At the same time, she made sure to give a nipple a pinch and a twist, to see what kind of reaction she'd get from Jennifer. Jennifer cried out in pain as her pussy increased its flow of cream.

As suddenly as she started she stopped. Pulling her upright, she spun Jennifer around several times until she stumbled dizzily.

Then Ashley's said, "Hands up if you want to try your luck and see if you can finish my plaything off with your tongue." Making dozens of hands shoot into the sky.

"Umm, Ash..." Jennifer was about to protest. Her voice got lost out by the shouts of people begging to far an opportunity to take part. She realized there was nothing to stop her from being gang banged, or turning this into a bukkake scene. Her only hope was that the participants were so close to climax they would only last a minute or two. Her heart lept into her throat when Ashley's hot breath whispered, "... although I'm afraid you'll never get to find out who did the deed, Jennifer."

Mike shouted for silence and everyone quieted down. "To be fair I think it should be one of the ladies who hasn't had the pleasure of participating yet." He told Ashley.

Disappointment registered on every male face in the room, as six ladies who hadn't been involved stood up at Mike's request. "So now we have to pick one of these ladies. Eenie Meenie Miney Moe." He started as he pointed at the woman.

Ashley smiled at Mike's intervention and stepped into the line of ladies with mirth evident on her face. Raising her hand, she dared Mike to pick her to finish Jennifer off. Mike paused in his selection and gave her a small shake of the head, but he grinned as he did so. Ashley pretended to pout again, and even tried to bat her eyelids, but sadly it seemed Mike was too much of a gentleman to go back on his word now. Mike Finally, settled on a tall blonde woman who had been a wallflower most of the night.

The blonde looked to be in her early thirties and seemed dazed and amazed by the show she had been witnessing. The expression on her face reminded Ashley of someone. She puzzled over that for a moment before realizing her expression was one she'd seen in the mirror. Ashley nodded her head at the naked Jennifer, to encourage the blonde woman. She stepped back and gave Jennifer a friendly rub on the ass.

"Come on then," Ashley said. The woman stepped forward and sank to her knees. She didn't seem sure what to do, so Ashley leaned down herself, and mimicked a kiss. There wouldn’t be names shared. Jennifer wasn't to know who would have the pleasure of finishing her off. The blonde took the hint. With a curious glint in her eyes, she leaned forward and kissed Jennifer between her legs. As she pulled back, and a few seconds of contact, Ashley could see Jennifer's liquid essence on her lips.

The blonde woman looked at Ashley and licked her lips. Ashley wondered if this was her first time. Hell, it had been her first time not that long ago. It had been an altogether very strange night indeed! The next kiss the lady gave Jennifer wasn't so tender. Ashley's accomplice had taken to the task and buried herself in Jennifer's crotch. At first, she was only kissing Jennifer. Soon the kisses turned into some serious work on what must have been an extremely sensitive clit.

Ashley stepped back, almost disappearing into the crowd. She watched as the other lady committed herself to Jennifer's pleasure. Everyone focused on Jennifer, so Ashley slipped her right hand into her panties. Her fingers and began to rub slowly at first, but with increasing vigor. She watched Jennifer and the blonde hoping to see Jennifer climaxing again. Jennifer's legs began to quiver as another orgasm started to build inside her.

Ashley groaned as she felt her orgasm build again, ready to erupt inside her. The blonde woman was deep into Jennifer's crotch. Ashley wanted to hold on until Jennifer surrendered to the woman's seduction.

Through her lust fogged brain, Ashley heard, “Can I lend you a hand, Ash?"

Looking to her side, she saw Scott staring at the hand that was working away at her sensitive clit. A few hours ago, the idea of inviting a coworker to finger her in a crowded bar would have been inconceivable. But, here she was, barely dressed and masturbating in a crowd. Giving Scott a look of desire, Ashley grabbed Scott's hand. She forced it down into her dress and inside her panties until he could feel her leaking slit.

'Oh God!' Ashley thought, as Scott started to push several fingers inside her. Ashley had to lean back onto a table to stop herself from collapsing on the spot. In less than a minute he had her trembling in climax as her juices flooded her panties and ran down her leg. Scott continued to stroke and probe at her most private of regions.

“Enough,” Ashley mewled, as she pushed Scott away.

She walked on shaky legs over to Jennnifer and the blonde. She grasped the blonde's shoulder and pulled her off of Jennifer.

Jennifer groaned when the mouth left her ready to explode cunt. She felt the familiar warmth of Ashley's body wrap around her and hold her as her orgasm was denied. She shook her head knowing this dare allowed Ashley the freedom of using her however she saw fit. There wouldn't be any deducting points this time. Besides she had an almost insurmountable lead, no reason to be stingy with points now.

"Score... me!" Ashley panted, catching her breath.

Jennifer pulled off the blindfold and looked around the room. The first people she saw were the guy who faked the heart attack outside, licking his hand. And a blond woman with a shiny red face that looked like she had run a 5K. “I'll give you a five for that one,” Jennifer replied.

Jennifer 41 Ashley 33

Ashley and Jennifer hobbled back to their bar stools and sat there recovering. Ashley wondered if Jennifer had climaxed before she ended the proceedings. Of the myriad of thoughts that ran across Ashley's mind was 'The next dare with Jennifer's clit would be short.'

Still, five points was five points, and she was into the thirties. Jennifer was only nine points away from victory. Ashley hoped that Jennifer's arousal would result in a mistake or two and let Ashley catch up. 'Even if I do lose,' Ashley thought, 'there's still the consolation prize. I'll get to own Jennifer for an hour of fun first.

Giving Jennifer a naughty smile, she nodded her head at the phone that was causing so much mischief. "Let's see what you have to do next, Jen."

Jennifer took a deep breath to regain control over her pulse and the throbbing elsewhere on her body. She picked up the phone and tapped the screen. The dare popped up. "Jennifer, Strip off all your clothes in front of an audience."

Jennifer looked at Ashley, "I guess I have to pass on this one. I'm already naked. This should give you a chance to catch up." she told Ashley, smirking at her.

Ashley raised an eyebrow at that, but Jennifer had a point. It was hard to strip when you were already as naked as the day you were born. “That means you get zero points though.”

Jennifer 41 Ashley 33


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Sal De Klerk The Salacious Scribe.

Follow me on Twitter @scribesalacious

Coming July 3, 2020



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