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Do You Dare Ch 01 The Players Meet

©2020 Sal De Klerk & enf_cavalier, All Rights Reserved

Authors Note:

This is a 2020 nude day contest story, so please vote. It started as a Role Play in the forums and I thought it was too hot not to share.


This story contains adult content including exhibitionism, voyeurism, spanking, oral sex, masturbation, ENF, Bukakke, and cum eating. If this isn't your kind of smut, please find something else to read.


Ashley Channing sank into the barstool and sighed as the cares of the day ebbed away. Taking her Pinot Noir, she turned to look over her fellow patrons. A handful of business types, relaxing after a long day of meetings. Some sports fans watching the ball game, and a smattering of couples, on a romantic getaway.

Ashley glanced at the big screen TV to see what was so fascinating. The Rangers were up 3-0 in the bottom of the first, and the Rangers were batting. She decided to watch for a bit. She watched two more runs score before the Astros got the third out. As Rangers took the field, she felt boredom wash over her. She turned away from the TV and began to think about Scott. He worked in the local office and was hotter than an accountant should be. She had considered inviting him to her room for ‘cocktails’, but she didn't want to become grist for the rumor mill.

It had been a long, frustrating, tiring week. With the help of Scott, she was attempting to put together a package to buy out their biggest competitor. The deal would make her stock options double in value or more. She had spent 15 hours a day, six days a week, for the last two months on this project. Then, at 3 pm today, thirty minutes before the two CEOs were to sign the paperwork, the lawyers canceled the deal. All those hours, the stress lines on her face, the missed meals, all for nothing. She was glad that she had decided to spend the weekend. A sort of mini-vacation. She didn't have to fly out until Sunday evening. At least now she had a half to explore the city before flying back home to Boston.

Ashley stretched her neck, trying to ease some of her tension. She ran her hand through her straight, shoulder-length, brown hair, and sighed. She closed her eyes and took a sip of her drink, savoring the flavor, before swallowing.

As she did, Ashley found herself glancing at the entrance to the bar, waiting. What she was waiting for, she didn't know. For that matter, she wasn't too sure about the 'why' either. But she couldn't shake the feeling that she was waiting for something. Or someone.

( ¥ ) ( ¥ ) ( ¥ )

Jennifer checked herself over in the lady's room. Her bikini hugged her curves emphasizing her taut lean 28-year-old body. It showed enough skin to get attention but wasn't quite indecent. With the way she planned to celebrate National Nude Day, indecency charges were a very real possibility.

She gave her top one last tug, exposing a bit more cleavage. She finished off her outfit with a translucent wrap tied around her waist. Satisfied with how she looked, she picked up her phone, opened an app, and made sure it was ready to go. Deciding she was ready, she headed into the hotel bar, subtly nodding at the handsome bartender who winked back.

The hotel bar was about a third full with the usual crowd. A quick scan showed there weren't any familiar faces from her prior shenanigans. She looked around for a mark, and her eyes landed on a professional female in her mid-twenties. She was sitting alone at the bar looking bored. She was from out of town since she was ignoring the in-state rivals battling for supremacy on TV. Even those who didn’t like the sport would glance up to check the score from time to time.

Jennifer walked over to her mark and sat in the barstool next to her. "Manhattan, please," she said to the bartender, flashing him a flirtatious smile.

Then she glanced at her neighbor and gave her a bigger smile, getting a shy smile in return. Jennifer pulled her cell phone out of her purse and unlocked it. Some tinny-sounding music played, attracting her neighbors attention. A sultry mechanical voice said, “Jennifer: do a naked catwalk."

Jennifer's face flushed as she looked around to see if anyone heard. It seemed no one, except the woman next to her, heard her phone. She looked down at her drink to hide her face.

Ashley almost did a spit take when she heard the phone. Even though it wasn't aimed at her, the color in her cheeks matched the deep red liquid she was drinking. She looked around and saw the other patrons were busy with their own stories, and ignoring hers. Ashley took another sip of wine to hide her confusion, as she realized that her body was reacting to those words.

Glancing over, for a split second, she realized the stranger was still sitting next to her. Ashley's eyes darted away again and she played with her brown hair that had fallen over her left ear. Her breathing quickened and Ashley wondered if the woman noticed her reaction.

Ashley closed her eyes for a second and replayed what she'd thought she'd heard in her head. As the words danced across her mind, she opened her eyes again with a start and almost gasped out loud. In her mind, she'd imagined the phone calling out her name. Calling out a dare for her to do. Calling out for Ashley Channing to stop being so damned boring, to let her hair down and go wild for once.

Feeling an irresistible urge, Ashley turned to face the stranger, while toying with the top button of her blouse. Ashley gave her a weak smile and then found refuge by looking at the phone instead of maintaining eye contact.

"Hi," Ashley said, in almost a whisper. It didn't quite seem enough though. "My name's... Ashley. I, ahhh..., I like... your phone," Ashley stammered, "Can you suggest any apps for me?"

Jennifer heard the woman next to her introduce herself. A large predatory smile flashed across her face. She got it under control and put on an innocent expression. "Hi, Ashley. I'm Jennifer, nice to meet you,” she offered the other woman her hand. “Let me buy you a drink, to apologize for disturbing you with my stupid ass phone. I downloaded that app for a party months ago. I forgot I even had it."

Jennifer signaled the bartender for another round for the two ladies as she shut off her phone. Ashley drained the last of her wine, and smiled again at the woman, in an unspoken thanks for the drink. Placing the now-empty wine glass on the bar, Ashley gave Jennifer a thorough looking over. She seemed to be wearing a swimsuit that clung to her body. Ashley's mind began to swim through a sea of half-thoughts and strange possibilities. Try as she might, she couldn't get those words she'd heard out of her mind.

‘What kind of parties did Jennifer go to?’ Ashley wondered. She had been to parties. Normal parties, safe parties, boring parties. Parties where everyone talked, drank, danced, and then talked some more. Ashley had been happy with her place in the great chaos that is life. And yet, recently there was an itch, a desire for something more.

Recently, Ashley had been having some other thoughts. Some altogether naughtier, more daring thoughts. She'd put it down to the stress of her job. Between the insane hours and lack of social life hadn't been helping. Ashley was in desperate need of something other than the drudgery of her routine. She felt surprised by the sudden sense of disappointment that swept through her. What did she want? What was her subconscious trying to tell her that she needed?

The bartender placed drinks on the bar in front of them and Ashley awoke from her daydreaming with a start. She realized she must have been staring at the woman for a full minute, without saying a single word in reply.

"I..." Ashley started, "... umm, thanks for the drink. Are you staying here long?" Before Jennifer even had a chance to reply, Ashley pressed on, "I'm leaving on Sunday. I’ve been here for work. It’s been a long week," she said, with that last part almost more to herself than to Jennifer. Ashley snuck a quick look at the phone again. ‘Why not?’ She thought. She had a little over a day in this city before she headed home to the safety of her life. Why the hell shouldn't she take a risk?

"Don't worry about the app, and I like parties. Can't say I've ever been to one that needed that app though." Ashley tried a laugh to make light of her nervousness. She couldn't believe she was saying this to a woman she'd known for less than 5 minutes.

"Besides, I'd love to go to a party and play those kinds of games.” As Ashley spoke, fear and excitement broke down the shield she used to keep her wanton desires at bay.

‘She’s a live one,’ Jennifer thought to herself. "I'm an event planner for WNBA players, TV personalities, and corporations. I also do bachelor and bachelorette parties. I could tell you unbelievable stories about what I've seen and participated in."

Jennifer finished her drink and ordered another. "I'm always up for a good time. What do you have in mind, Ashley?" She looked the other woman in the eyes, challenging her bravado, to see if she was serious or not.

Ashley lowered her eyes for a moment and felt her breathing quicken once more. She could hear the challenge in the woman’s tone. Her imagination leapt from one scenario to another with wild abandon. She felt her face flush. Yet, underneath it all, she also felt something else rise from the depths of her soul. Something more primitive. A beast held at bay by the bounds of acceptable social behavior.

Ashley took a sip of her new drink to calm her nerves. After she swallowed, she heard a familiar voice break the silence that had enveloped the two women.

“A game,” the voice continued. Ashley’s eyes widened as she sensed where her mind was going with this.

“A game of dares…” Ashley looked back at Jennifer and felt her mouth go dry, prompting another sip of her drink. She’d known this woman for how long? Five minutes? Who the hell suggests what she thought she was about to say, to a woman she’d known for five minutes? She wasn’t the same Ashley Channing who walked into the lounge fifteen minutes ago.

“Do you have some kind of game we could play?” Ashley asked, knowing exactly which game she wanted to play. She closed her eyes as if having them closed would make what she was about to say less real.

“The...the win... winner submits to the loser for an hour, as a consolation prize. Then the winner owns the loser for 12 hours.”

Ashley wasn't stepping out of her comfort zone, she was boarding a flight to parts unknown.

She’d had dreams though. On and off, for years. The faint recollections of her dreams began to paint a vivid picture of her possible future.

Ashley had no idea who Jennifer was. For that matter, Jennifer had no idea who Ashley was. Nobody here knew Ashley. That could be why she felt so free to get wild. Ashley looked at Jennifer, almost expecting her to dismiss what she’d said as insane. Conflicted, Ashley almost didn’t know what response she’d prefer. To have her bizarre fantasy come true, or to continue living her normal, boring, unexciting life.

"Intriguing, I am competitive and love to get a bit wild. The app you heard has a way to rate each dare. We could do dares and rate each other. The winner is the first one to get, say, fifty points. Does that work for you?”

Ashley took a deep breath and wondered what that app might have in store for her. A thousand different, embarrassing possible dares jumped to the forefront of her mind. She swung around on her stool so her back was now to the bar and looked out on to the two dozen or so fellow hotel guests. She wondered how they would react to a naked catwalk. Ashley bit her lip and wondered if she could do that, and how far she could go.

Ashley had never exposed herself in a group setting. She’d always looked down on women who wore skimpy clothes to get attention. At least on the outside. In Private, she'd envied their free-spirited wanton nature. Looking back at Jennifer, Ashley's breath became ragged as she managed to squeak out, "Yes. Yes, let's do that." Ashley pushed back her shoulders in an attempt to show some bravado as her hands fidgeted with the hem of her skirt.

Jennifer walked over to the jukebox and dropped in a few quarters. She selected a fast song and began to do what could only charitably be described as break-dancing. As she flounced around her wrap flew up to expose her bikini bottoms. More interesting to the guys watching, she didn't try to cover herself or hold the wrap down. When the song ended, Jennifer sat down breathing a bit heavy and finished her drink. "Now you get to rate me on a scale of one to five.”

Asley’s eyes never left Jennifer's and her shameless exhibitionism. At the same time, she knew that the others had appreciated Jennifer's ‘performance’. One thing was sure, the spectators were not watching for her artistry. The way her wrap and swimsuit moved over her body, though, that did not go unnoticed.

The laughter soothed her nerves for a moment. When she realized it was her turn, the started again. "I think you earned 5 stars on the performance." Ashley almost stopped herself from finishing the sentence. A thought flashed across her mind that she should score her opponent low, so she didn't lose. ‘No’, she thought to herself. That wasn't in the spirit of the game. As her heart pounded away in her chest, she realized she didn't even know if she wanted to win.

After entering the score, Ashley tapped the screen to get her dare. The dare appeared on screen and Ashley read it aloud, “Ashley: Sing a Brittney Spears song.”

"Get up and sing your heart out, lady", Jennifer told Ashley.

Ashley trudged over to the dance floor. Without realizing it, she stood exactly where Jennifer stood to start her dance. She looked over at the jukebox but decided not to select a song. She wouldn't hide her singing behind the loud music or vocals. Closing her eyes, she visualized the song in her head. She'd sung it a few times before, but only in her shower, never in front of anyone, especially in a bar full of strangers.

She swayed her hips, keep time, and felt the stares of her fellow hotel guests penetrating her soul. In a voice quieter than she intended, she started singing. "Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah." Her voice cracked for a moment, but she recovered and pressed on, keeping her hips swaying, "I think I did it again. I made you believe, we're more than just friends..."

Ashley tried to let the lyrics carry her away from the embarrassment of singing in front of these people. As people watched her, she felt amusement, interest, irritation, and surprise from the crowd.

"...Oh, baby. It might seem like a crush..." Ashley put more power into her voice. Her confidence grew from getting past the first few lines. Ashley had a sense that she might get off the stage in one piece. A few men were more interested in her swaying hips than her singing, giving her an illicit thrill.

Looking in Jennifer's direction, Ashley forced herself to get more expressive. She powered through the lyrics, swaying and turning around. She didn't know what she was doing and doubted her moves were sexy like Britney's, but she owned that crowd.

As she sang the final verse, she paused for a moment as silence settled back in. There were only a few scattered claps and a couple of women giving her disapproving looks. Still, as she stood there, Ashley surfed a wave of pride from having completed her first dare.

Breathing deep and regathering her composure, she marched back to the bar. Swinging back on to her seat next to Jennifer, she even allowed herself to arch an eyebrow as she said "Well, rate that!"

Jennifer laughed and clapped at her new friend's performance. “I would have given you a 5 if you’d had better moves, but the singing wasn't bad.” Looking at the phone Ashley saw the score in the top right corner...

Jennifer 5, Ashley 4

“Now let's see what fate has in store for me,” Jennifer laughed, as she tapped the phone screen. ‘Jennifer: put on a nice slow romantic song. Slow dance with Ashley'. Jennifer stood up, said to her partner, "Meet me on the dance floor in a minute," and walked over to the jukebox. She fed it more change and selected ‘You're Beautiful’ by James Blunt.

She walked over to the dance floor and wrapped her arms around Ashley. As the music filled the room, Jennifer led Ashley in a romantic dance around the floor. Every male eye in the place was on the two weird chicks who were making a spectacle of themselves. Jennifer rested her head on Ashley's shoulder and dropped her hand down so she was cupping Ashley’s firm ass.

As Jennifer's hand squeezed her ass, Ashley felt a shiver sweep over her. A small involuntary gasp escaped her lips at the intimacy of the moment. Hesitantly, she caressed Jennifer's back and worked her hand into the wrap. She felt the smooth material of the bikini bottom and the heat radiating from Jennifer. Ashley flushed as she fondled Jennifer's butt.

She was acutely aware that everyone around them was staring at them. The break dancing and the singing had drawn notice. Now the dancing was making the two ladies the center of attention. As the music filled the air, Ashley followed Jennifer's lead.

Her smile worked its way from nervous, to shy, to excited. She felt herself getting lost in the dare as the song reached its conclusion. With the final notes hanging in the still air and an audience transfixed, Ashley found she was holding on to Jennifer. Seconds past and the two women stayed in their embrace, in the now silent lounge.

Finally, a cough broke the spell that had taken hold in the lounge. Ashley pulled away and whispered in Jennifer's ear, "5 stars Jennifer. 5 stars," and headed back tot he bar.

Jennifer 10, Ashley 4

Jennifer sat down and ordered another round before looking at the phone. It was Ashley's turn.

Jennifer said, "I think we need to ramp this up a bit," and went into the game’s settings, deselected clean dares.

Before Ashley could object, Jennifer hit the GO button. The screen displayed, "Ashley: you are writing a love letter to Jennifer. Let's hear it."

Ashley's eyes widened as the nature of the dare hit her. The previous dares had required physical displays and exhibitionism. This new challenge required emotional vulnerability. Something Ashley had not prepared herself for, given the nature of the game.

She didn't have any paper or a pen for that matter. She fumbled around, wondering how to get started. Then a flash of inspiration struck her. Giving a small smile to Jennifer, Ashley picked up her phone and started to write the letter on her phone.

Now she had something to type on, she didn't know what to say. Ashley bit her lip and looked at Jennifer again for inspiration. Jennifer sipped her drink and saw a spark of inspiration in Ashley who began to tap away at her phone.

"Dear Jennifer," Ashley started. "The past ten minutes have been magical for me. You've awakened something inside of me that I didn't know existed." Pausing, Ashley lowered her eyes from Jennifer's stare, feeling exposed and somewhat embarrassed.

She continued, "when we danced, I slid my trembling fingers over the curve of your butt, something stirred within me. Feeling the jealous eyes of the crowd while I cupped your firm, soft asscheek left my heart racing, and my panties soaked through..." Ashley couldn't suppress a giggle at the over-the-top descriptions.

"You are a beautiful woman. I hope I see more of you, and I hope you would like to see more of me. I've never danced with a woman before, but dancing with you felt so right." As Ashley wrote, she found the emotion of that dance resurface. She could feel the sensations of their movements replay over and over again.

"We've only known each other for a short time, and yet, I feel like we were always destined to meet. Every time you touch me, my body quivers with excitement..." Ashley dredged her mind for a few more cliches to express how she felt right now. Realizing she'd finished, she cast a quick look at Jennifer, then typed the final words, "Love, Ashley." Shyly, but at the same time proudly, she handed the phone to Jennifer for her inspection.

Jennifer read the text on the screen. She looked up at Ashley, her eyes glistening. She entered her phone number and sent the letter to herself before returning the phone to Ashley. "That was hot", she said, “Definitely a 5.”

Jennifer 10, Ashley 9

After taking a swallow of her drink, Jennifer tapped the button on the screen. She read the next dare aloud: “Jennifer: Switch two items of clothing with Ashley”.

Jennifer sat there, not moving. She was only wearing three items in total, so one way or another, she was about to flash something. She looked at Ashley, "Well hun, pick two items that I'm wearing and then swap yours for mine.” She sat there, watching the other woman waiting for her reaction.

Ashley sat back in stunned silence as she processed what Jennifer had told her. Grabbing hold of her blouse again, Ashley looked at Jennifer with wild eyes and opened to her mouth to reply. No words came out, though, and she closed her mouth as the realization of what was about to unfold hit her. Jennifer was only wearing three items. Jennifer wasn’t even wearing shoes or jewelry.

"Oh God, oh God, oh God..." Ashley whispered. She was shaking now. Jennifer only had a top, bottom, and wrap. Jennifer's bikini bottoms covered less than Ashley's panties. She found herself contemplating two possible solutions. She could flee, or she could strip off her blouse and bra and get a bikini top and wrap in exchange. Her eyes darted from one male patron to the next, and her hands felt frozen to where they rested on the bar.

With shaking hands, she forced one hand up to her blouse and by rote began to undo the buttons. Every button required immense willpower to open. She felt like she was running a marathon. Three buttons had been undone when the bartender noticed what Ashley was doing. She felt his stare burn into her and lost her nerve. She sat, rooted to the barstool, not daring to look at anyone. She felt like she hadn't moved for minutes, as her hand held the top of her now unbuttoned blouse closed.

Ashley closed her eyes and ripped the garment off her chest. She flung it at Jennifer. Jennifer sat there watching Ashley, making no move to take off her clothes. Swearing to herself, Ashley flung a protective arm across her chest and fumbled at the clasp at the back of her bra.

The sound of glass shattering drew attention to the bar and everyone saw the pretty brunette in her bra. The bartender was nudging some patrons, getting them to look at Ashley. Her cheeks were now the reddest they'd been all night. Her hands were shaking uncontrollably as she unfastened the clasp. Slipping it off, one arm across her breasts, she flung the bra onto the blouse that Jennifer held.

Ashley knew that the breaking glass had drawn all eyes to her, naked from the waist up. The conversation that had resumed faded away, replaced by complete silence. Looking at Jennifer, Ashley pleaded for her to hurry with the clothes swap.

With all eyes on them, Jennifer stood up and stretched, drawing out Ashley's agony. She slowly, seductively began to unfasten and remove her wrap. She slipped it off her shoulders, and let it fall to the floor, where it puddled at her feet. She bent over, her butt pointed at the crowd, and picked it up. She stood there in her bikini, meticulously folding her wrap, and placed it on the bar as far from Ashley as she could. Jennifer then picked up Ashley's blouse and put it on, buttoning it up.

Ashley looked on in shock as Jennifer slid her arms inside the shirt and removed her bikini top under the shirt. She triumphantly held her swimsuit top aloft, and then threw it on top of her wrap. Then she grabbed the bra, she pulled it inside the shirt and contorted herself getting it secured. As she did, she couldn’t help but notice that Ashley hadn’t made one move toward the clothes waiting for her on the bar.

Ashley pouted as she watched Jennifer change. She couldn't believe Jennifer didn't expose herself to the lecherous eyes around them. Acute embarrassment was now painted all over her trembling body. The bartender and several other men were openly staring at the topless woman. She tried to keep one arm across her breasts in an attempt at preserving some small semblance of dignity.

"Jennifer, please!" Ashley hissed in wanting Jennifer to pass her the clothes. After a few seconds, Ashley realized that Jennifer wasn't going to hand over her clothes. Ashley hopped off the barstool and stumbled toward the neat stack of clothing. She grabbed the wrap and the bikini top with one hand.

She tried to get the wrap around her with one hand. A task that should have was easy under less stressful conditions. Now though, her hands shook and her nerves at their breaking point, she couldn't do it. With a small whimper, Ashley concluded that she'd need both hands to dress.

She knelt between two stools, trying to hide, as she pulled on the bikini top. She knew that several people were getting a good look at her breasts and painfully erect nipples. She couldn't understand why a small thrill ran through her as she looked at the men and saw one filming her.

Finally, she got the top secured and the wrap in place. Her chest was heaving, and she brazenly winked at the guy who was filming her before returning to her seat. Blocking out the whispers and stares for a moment, she concentrated on her drink and managed to slam it like a shot. Before she even had a chance to turn to Jennifer, she found another one placed in front of her.

"On the house," the bartender told, with no small amount of amusement evident in his voice.

Ashley managed a weak smile and looked at Jennifer wide-eyed. ‘At least that was the most revealing of the dares on that phone, wasn't it?’ Ashley thought to herself.

She replayed the last few minutes in her mind. She shocked herself when she realized that a part of her hoped that the game would push her even further. Through the embarrassment, Ashely felt another unfamiliar emotion rising up and taking control. She searched Jennifer's eyes for a hint of what she was thinking. Ashley could only think of the very first dare that she heard come from that app.

Jennifer smiled at Ashley. "You did great hun. Too bad it was my dare, and you need to give me a score."

Ashley's mouth fell open as she became aware of the conversations all around them. The bartender brought several drinks to them from the appreciative crowd. All eyes were on the brazen pair as those who missed the show learned about it from the lucky few who saw everything.

Ashley realized that she was falling behind, she was also incredibly self-conscious. Her mismatched outfit let even to new-comers know that something was going on. She risked a few looks at the crowd and knew that no one cared about baseball anymore now.

Ashley looked back at Jennifer and considered what to score that dare. Jennifer had swapped clothing. But it was Ashley who'd had to expose her breasts to the public. "Three!" Ashley said, with a hint of defiance. "Only three this time." With a mad rush of adrenaline, she almost felt exhilarated as she rediscovered her competitive streak.

"I'm deducting one point for each of the breasts these people didn't get to see." Pointing in Jennifer's direction, Ashley experimented with brazen self-confidence. "We'll have to make it up to them soon, won't we?" she finished.

Jennifer 13, Ashley 9

"And here I thought I would get a 5 for being clever enough no to make a spectacle of myself," Jennifer pouted. She took one of the drinks in front of her and sipped it as she watched Ashley tap the phone screen to get her dare. After a moment, only two words appeared after her name: KISS JENNIFER.

Ashley looked at the screen and re-read the dare. Looking up at Jennifer, something fired in Ashley, and she decided it was time to make a stand.

Jennifer had humiliated her and made her strip while everyone watched. Now it was her turn to take control. Finding her hidden reserve of competitiveness, Ashley came up with a plan. She slid off her barstool and leaned against the bar. She pulled Jennifer to her, their breasts pressed together.

Looking deep into Jennifer's eyes, Ashley leaned in, grazing her lips against Jennifer's. At the same time, she ran both hands down the back of her former blouse now worn by her beautiful partner. She teased Jennifer again, flicking her tongue on Jennifer's lips, before pulling back. Her hand's eased down, past the blouse, and brushed against the bikini bottoms.

Holding eye contact for a moment, Ashley kissed Jennifer. As their tongues danced the tango, Ashley eased the bikini bottoms down. Soon she had exposed a full two inches of anal cleavage to the enthralled crowd. When Jennifer pulled away, Ashley darted in for a last kiss and recovered Jennifer's bottom.

Taking in a deep breath after the exertions of the kiss, Ashley leaned in and whispered into Jennifer's ear, "How was that?"

Jennifer remained motionless for several moments. Only her eyelids moved up and down as she processed what happened. "That was...well it was...shit...I liked it. I give it 4 stars. Would've been 5 if you hadn't exposed my ass crack; that wasn’t part of the dare, was it?." She smiled at her competitor showing she wasn't angry. Several of the guys had now moved to the bar from the tables to get a better look at the women.

Jennifer 13, Ashley 13

Jennifer reached past Ashley and tapped the phone screen. “Jennifer: You are the Playmate of the month. Ashley is a photographer. Let her pose you and take your picture”. Jennifer's cocky smile faded as she read this one. She finished the drink she had already started and did two extra shots before turning to Ashley. "Well, do you have a camera to use?" Several of the male patrons nearby proffered their cell phones to the wild ladies.

Ashley felt a wicked smile emerge on to her face as she realized that the odds were beginning to turn in her favor. For the first time in this contest, a faint flicker of self-confidence began to bloom inside her. Looking at the men nearby, she saw they had focused on Jennifer.

Ashley hopped off her barstool, and strutted around Jennifer, checking her out. With everyone's attention on Jennifer, Ashley felt emboldened. She used her hands to frame the perfect shot. Not surprisingly, Jennifer's face was not the center of any of the shots Ashley was planning.

She declined the offered phones, electing to use her own. She toyed with her phone, considering filters. She hoped her stalling tactics were filling Jennifer with nervous anticipation.

" I don't know much about Playmates" Ashley chirped, "but I don't remember them wearing blouses. I feel bad that our audience missed seeing your chest when we changed clothes."

A feeling of euphoria replaced the humiliation of the past few minutes. Ashley leaned in and whispered, "Perhaps, my Playmate should open that blouse nice and wide.” She savored those last three words and the low rumble of salacious snickering from the crowd.

The smile faded from Jennifer's face, and she glared at Ashley. But as fast as it disappeared, it returned. “Where do you want me to pose?” she asked, as she unbuttoned her blouse.

Ashley smiled back as she watched her undo the buttons on the blouse. She could almost feel the anticipation building as everyone stopped to watch. Ashley hoped that Jennifer would feel a little embarrassment from the exposure. Ashley's bra covered more than Jennifer's bikini top, but it wasn't meant for public viewing.

With the last button undone, Ashley glanced at the bartender and pointed at the bar top as a silent question. He nodded, and his eyes were dancing in delight. Smiling at him in thanks, Ashley turned back to Jennifer. "Now, let's have you on all fours, on top of the bar," she purred.

Ashley heard several men groan in excitement. She felt her face go red a the thought of what she was about to do. She steeled herself with resolve and helped Jennifer up and waited for her to get into position.

Slowly, deliberately, at almost glacial speed, Ashley took pictures from several different angles. She then choose one that gave her a clear shot of Jennifer’s face and breasts. Ashley loved how they nestled down into the bra and the blouse hung like soft curtains around her body. As Jennifer adjusted herself on the bar, her boobs swayed seductively. Biting her lip, Ashley took several photos of the exposed woman, before giving her a bold wink.

She knew that Jennifer would get even, but she knew she had to live in the moment. And this moment was all hers. "Not bad," she said, "not bad at all. What do you think guys? Scale of one to five?"

The men nearby raised their hands, all showing 5 fingers. Over the hoots and whistles, Ashley called out, "Alright! The judges have spoken! 5 out 5 for Jennifer!"

Jennifer 18, Ashley 13

Jennifer hopped off the bar leaving the blouse open, "You better send me a copy of those pics."

Ashley tapped the screen. Sighing, Ashley felt a slight shiver return as she waited for her next challenge. Jennifer, looking over her shoulder, erupted in laughter as the next challenge appeared.

Ashley couldn't believe her eyes. Her courage wavered as she read the dare out loud, "Ashley: Take some clothes off, You choose which items. Run around the room spinning the clothes over your head. Jennifer will record this on video."

Jennifer leaned in, purring in her ear, "5 stars if you go naked, 4 if you only show your tits, otherwise 3 is the best you can do." Jennifer stood there waiting for Ashley to come out of her stupor.

Ashley felt the color drain from her face. Her mind was reeling, and she felt lightheaded like she might faint. Holding on to the bar for support, Ashley wondered if she could convince Jennifer to show mercy. Convince her to keep her top and panties for a four. One look at Jennifer and she realized there would be no negotiating.

Her nervousness returned with a vengeance. , Her fingers fumbled with the wrap that let her keep a semblance of modesty. Eventually, she peeled it off, revealing the bikini top underneath. She sensed the men's growing curiosity. It didn't take a mind reader to know that they were all wondering how much she would be willing to reveal. She was five points down. She almost started to run waving the wrap. Before she took three steps she came to a halt, knowing that she'd have to take a larger risk. If she lost, Jennifer would control her for 12 hours.

She tried to block out the leering men who'd become enthralled with the antics of the two competitors. Ashley's trembling hand found the back ties of the bikini top. With a simple pull on the string, she felt the fabric loosen. Before she could change her mind, Ashley was topless. The bikini top in her hands. the crowd whistled in appreciation. The catcalls didn't help her state of mind, and she stood there topless, for almost a minute.

Realizing the longer she stood still, the longer she'd be topless. She forced her legs and knees to move from a few lumbering steps into an easy jog. She dashed around the room, waving her clothes over her head, keeping her focus on her path and not the people. She ran for an eternity and a half, or so it seemed. She felt like she was in an episode of Baywatch. Running in slow motion letting everyone watch her breasts jiggle, unfettered by clothing. In reality, only about ten seconds past as she streaked through the bar. Before reaching the end of her ordeal, she realized that her nipples were harder than they had ever been. Her obvious arousal only added to her humiliation.

Finally, she found herself back at her starting point. Topless and humiliated, Ashley returned to the bar. She hurriedly put the bikini top back on and secured the wrap around her. Looking at Jennifer, she realized that the other woman had recorded her. She had forgotten about that part of the dare. Her topless run was not a temporary embarrassment. It would exist forever, in glorious high-resolution video. She hoped that Jennifer would at least be discreet with the recording. As she looked around, she saw more phones in the hands of the patrons. Any hopes of keeping her streak quiet evaporated in an instant.

Despite her embarrassment, she felt a stirring emotion deep inside. A small part of her was curious about what would happen if she lost.

“I didn't count on everyone filming you, so I'll give you a 4,” Jennifer conceded. ”I'd buy you a drink, but our fans have bought us enough to give us alcohol poisoning.” Jennifer laughed, pointing at the bartender carrying a tray load of drinks over to them.

Jennifer 18, Ashley 17

Word must have gotten around because the bar was getting packed, and not all the newcomers were men. Jennifer picked up the phone and took a deep breath. She tapped the screen and closed her eyes, not sure if she wanted to see what she had to do. Ashley read the dare first and looked around the room. She wondered if Jennifer would give up when she heard it, Ashley read “Jennifer: line up everyone in the room who is wearing anything pink. Jennifer must kiss or lick the skin closest to the pink item.”

Jennifer exhaled, opened her eyes, and read the dare for herself. Keeping her expression neutral, she took a large sip from her drink and called the bartender over. She whispered in his ear. As he listened a broad grin grew on his face.

As he strode onto the dance floor, all eyes turned toward him. The crowd sensed something was about to happen and the room grew quiet. "Ladies and gentlemen, we need your help,” he announced. “If you're wearing pink and want to take part, please line up shoulder to shoulder right here."

No one moved for a moment as they all looked around, no one wanted to be the first volunteer. After a short wait, a woman wearing a very proper black business suit with a white blouse stood up. She took off her blazer to reveal the bright pink bra underneath. She also slid her skirt down a bit exposing the waistband of the matching panties. One by one, eight other people lined up, some of them opening shirts or pants. One man even pulled his pants up to show off his pink Betty Boop socks.

Once everyone was in position, the bartender walked over to Jennifer. He put his arm around her, and stated, “this lady has to lick or kiss bare flesh, closest to the pink you're wearing. If you would rather not take part, please sit down.”

Not only did all the participants in line remain standing, two more men and one woman joined the group. One of the newcomers dropped his pants to show his pink boxers. The other had a pink tie, and he unbuttoned his shirt. The lady asked, "I want to wait until last before I display my pink.”

Jennifer tipped her head in agreement and walked up to the first person in line. She saw a pink bracelet, so she took the woman's hand and kissed it.

The second person had pink eyeglasses, so Jennifer kissed her on the tip of her nose.

The third was the guy with the pink socks so Jennifer got on all fours and kissed both his shins.

The fourth was the tie guy. Jennifer kissed him on the right nipple, then sucked it into her mouth. Once she had a nice vacuum seal, she pulled her head back until it escaped her lips with a loud, almost obscene pop.

The fifth was the lady with the pink lingerie. Jennifer pulled apart the top of her button-down blouse as far as possible. She leaned down and kissed the top of each of her breasts. Then dropping to her knees, she slid her head under her skirt. Everyone watched in amazement as the woman moaned in pleasure from whatever Jennifer was doing. There was a cacophony of cheers, whistles, and applause while Jennifer pleasured the other woman.

Contestant number six was a man wearing a pink dress shirt, so Jennifer left a large hickey on his neck.

Seventh was another pink tie, so she pulled up his shirt and flicked her tongue into his belly button.

The eighth was a guy in pink boxers. As Jennifer approached him, he pulled his semi-hard cock out and waved it at her. He smirked at his own cleverness. Everyone in the bar froze, wondering what Jennifer would do. Jennifer looked at the twitching penis for a moment, and without a word dropped to her knees and kissed the tip. She let the head slip into her mouth for a split second. Before she pulled back and smiled at the guy who had a huge grin on his face and a fully erect cock.

As he tried to stuff his swollen member back into his shorts, Jennifer told the others, "I'll be right back." She walked over to the bar and drank a shot, then returned to the rest of the participants.

As Ashley watched, she felt amazed at the audacity of their audience. As Jennifer worked through them, Ashley became even more amazed at her audacity.

She watched as Jennifer approached the next person, a woman with pink lipstick. Jennifer gave her a passionate french kiss. Their tongues danced and Jennifer pulled back a bit so everyone saw their tongues intertwined. When they separated, the woman handed Jennifer something. Then she kissed her cheek and returning to her seat. ‘Only three more.’ Jennifer thought to herself.

The next two guys were wearing pink flowers in their suit lapels. Jennifer ran her tongue from the collar of their shirt to their jawline.

Finally, Jennifer was standing in front of the woman who wasn't displaying anything pink. She smiled at Jennifer, "I want to sit while we do this." The bartender brought over a bar stool, and the lady sat sank into it while pulling her skirt up to her waist. Everyone could see she was commando. She spread her lips apart showing her moist pink pussy.

The entire room froze, and several cameras flashed. Jennifer shrugged her shoulders and said "What's good for the goose...”, as she dropped to her knees. She kissed the woman right on her moist sex, letting her tongue dart inside her. Every guy in the room had their phone out and was recording the two women.

Using the distraction, Ashley slipped a hand into her panties. Rubbing, slowly at first, but then with increased vigor, Ashley felt her juices begin to flow. This was the first time she had ever done this in public, and it felt wonderful. Her fingers danced over her clit, she saw Jennifer had stopped kissing the stranger’s pussy. She had started kissing the same woman on her other lips, giving her a taste of her own nectar. Ashley almost reached her climax but forced herself to stop when Jennifer returned.

Jennifer strutted over to Ashley, "Well, how'd I do?" she asked, before downing another shot.

Ashley couldn't reply immediately. She sat there, flustered, painfully aware of how wet she was. Cruelly denied her she found herself hungry for the next dare. A part of her that she never knew existed was begging for the opportunity to Jennifer. Facing her opponent, Ashley croaked the word "Five."

Jennifer 23, Ashley 17

Jennifer was acting with more confidence than she felt. While she had used this app before, it was never this public, with an audience, or a stranger. She wasn't sure how much more she could take. She knew that there were some dares she wouldn't do. Even with a trusted lover, never mind with or in front of strangers. Sighing she saw Ashley signal her to tap open the next dare.

Jennifer tapped the screen and read, “Ashley: You are a dog. Jennifer is your owner. Let her put a collar and leash on you and take you for a walk. Make sure to mark your territory.”

Jennifer laughed out loud as she read this one. She looked at Ashley. "Remember the picture dare? Well, I don't know many dogs that wear clothes..." She smiled at Ashley and waited for her response.

After Jennifer read the dare, she asked the bartender to get a few belts. While he was getting the belts, Jennifer pulled out a scarf she had in her bag to use as a collar.

Ashley struggled to contain herself as the words sunk in. She was six points down, she had to keep up otherwise Jennifer would dominate her for half a day. Half a day of being subject to the whims of this amazingly sexy woman. Half a day of being at her mercy. Ashley had never felt so aroused in her life. She was unsure about this dare though. She'd been topless twice already, but naked, and marking her territory might just be a bridge too far.

The men around them were having their minds blown by the show they were putting on. For a brief moment, Ashley wondered why the staff hadn't stopped them yet. Then she realized that with the near-capacity crowd, the sales of booze and food would be through the roof.

Standing up, in a mild state of shock, Ashley repeated the removal of her bikini top and wrap. It almost didn't feel so bad this time. Her breasts swayed into view, again, she still covered them up with her arm. Then it struck her that if she was on all fours, she couldn't hide them. They would hang down and swing freely for all to see. Ashley closed her eyes and tried not to climax on the spot.

Forcing herself to overcome her modesty, she unzipped the skirt. It fell down her legs and puddled around her feet. Without thinking, she bent over to pick it up, pulling her panties tight on her ass. Standing up, she handed it to Jennifer. She was now more exposed than she'd ever been in front of strangers. Only wearing her damp panties, Ashley whispered, "Can I keep my panties on and still get 5 points?"

Jennifer tied the bandanna around Ashley's neck, "I didn't complain when I was posing for you. You could've had me naked. You didn't. Besides, I've never seen a dog wear panties, have you?"

Jennifer waited for Ashley to remove the last shred of her dignity, and wondered if Ashley had reached her limit. Jennifer smirked at the other woman, waiting for her response.

Ashley's mouth went dry at Jennifer's words. She reached for a drink and finished it off in one long gulp. Shaking visibly, she ignored everyone around her. Ashley realized that she'd be the first one to completely expose herself to this audience. As that thought crossed her mind, she wondered if things could get more embarrassing. Grasping her panties, she ignored the applause from the expectant crowd. Ashley eased the last of her modesty onto the floor of the bar. Her soft, brown, well-trimmed hair exposed for all the strangers to see.

Standing naked in front of Jennifer, it felt like hundreds of eyes were burning into her skin. The bandanna around her neck seemed to be choking her. She waited mutely for whatever was coming next. Jennifer pointed to the floor and waited for Ashley to get in position. Ashley sank to her knees, a feeling of defeat washing over her.

As soon as she was on all fours, Jennifer looped the belt around the bandanna to act as a leash. Ashley waited on all fours, naked, collared, and leashed. There was a piece of her that demanded to know what kind of good, decent, respectable woman acted like this? Ashley blushed as she struggled with the internal conflict.

Jennifer took hold of the leash and began to lead Ashley around the room. She would stop every few tables and command Ashley to sit, rollover, and beg. To add to the indignity, the onlookers took pictures of her from all angles in every position. No part of her wasn't exposed to the crowd, her hard nipples, her dripping pussy, and even her little puckered hole.

Ashley's mind was a sea of confusing emotions. Out of the madness and confusion though, a salient thought emerged. She still had to mark her territory. She was incredibly wet, from her ignominy of being treated like a dog. With an out-of-body detachment, she crawled over to a barstool and rubbed her wet pussy on the leg.

Once Ashley had smeared her essence on the barstool, Jennifer led Ashley back to their seats.. She dropped the leash and smirked.

“Gentleman, if you lent me a belt, come and get it.” She told the crowd.

Suddenly several men surrounded Ashley to retrieve their belts. While getting them, they took the liberty of caressing the naked woman. When Jennifer finally shooed them away, Ashley gathered her clothes and dressed. As she pulled on her skirt, her mind refused to believe what she had done.

She held the wrap tight to her body as she finished dressing. She could feel the cold sweat that had broken out all over her body. Ashley couldn't make eye contact with anyone, and could still feel the fondling hands on her skin. For all her embarrassment though, a survivor's euphoria was beginning to breakthrough. She'd survived the most embarrassing moment of her life. She made eye contact with Jennifer and realized her opponent had an awful lot of humiliation to catch up on.

Finally, she got the wherewithal to ask, "How.... how did... How did I do?" The words stuttering and stumbling out of her mouth. "Surely I... earned a five?"

Ashley almost didn't care about her score. She wanted to see what humiliating dare the app would offer Jennifer. She was certain that there couldn’t be anything more embarrassing than what she’d done.

"Oh, darlin', that was most definitely a 5. If I tried to give you less, there would be a riot." Several guys nearby started to cheer and clap at Jennifer's comment.

Jennifer 23, Ashley 22

Jennifer leaned in close to her competitor, and whispered, "I've never seen that dare before. I'm not sure I could have done it. Good job girlfriend. I'm proud of you." Ashley beamed with pride at Jennifer's words.

After taking a few sips of their drinks, Jennifer took a deep breath and braced herself for her next dare. She cautiously tapped the GO button and read out loud: “Jennifer: take off all your clothes and lay down. Ashley will use whipped cream to design a bikini on you.”

The bartender heard the dare and handed two cans of whipped cream to Ashley. Jennifer looked at Ashley, and mused, "I guess it's my turn to get naked.”

Without waiting for a response, Jennifer dropped the still unbuttoned blouse to the floor. She unfastened the bra and dropped it on top of the blouse. With her right arm covering her naked breasts, she shimmied out of her bikini bottoms. Her left hand covered her mons.

The bartender cleared a stretch of the bar so Jennifer could lay down. As she lay there waiting for Ashley to cover her in whipped cream, someone called out "Wait! How will the whipped cream get cleaned off?" Several guys started clamoring for the opportunity to help clean her up.

The bartender held up his hand. "How about an auction? The highest bidder gets to pick a half to clean, second highest gets the other half.”

With Jennifer laying on the bar, naked, the Bartender conducted an auction. Several guys used the auction as an excuse to examine the naked woman they were bidding on. More than one customer got a quick feel of her breasts, and one slipped a finger in her pussy.

Ashley stood there laughing, glad Jennifer was nude and on display for everyone. It was about time. All too soon, in Ashley's opinion, the auction was over and the winners paid. The guy with the pink boxers bid $550 and was the winner. The second highest was the lady who had Jennifer kiss her pussy. She bid $520.

As they paid, the guy said, “I want the right side, you can have the left.” The lady smiled in agreement.

The bartender put the cash in front of the girl's seats. “Winner keeps the cash,” he told them, hoping to up the competition.

Jennifer felt completely exposed, and very excited. She almost didn't want to get covered. She was dying to let the two strangers lick and suck on her body to get the satisfaction she craved. Ashley started to shake up the first can of whipped cream, as Jennifer said, "please, be kind."

Ashley toyed with the bottles making Jennifer squirm in anticipation. Absentmindedly shaking them, Ashley reflected on what Jennifer made her do. As she walked over to her ‘canvas’, she mulled over Jennifer's request to 'be kind'. Smiling, she leaned in close to Jennifer. "I'll be kind," Ashley whispered, "to the auction winners."

With that, Ashley stepped in close to Jennifer. She couldn't resist hovering a hand over the prone woman's body. Ashley's hand barely touched Jennifer's breasts. She watched her nipples harden as her hand caused air to pass over them. Ashley slid the hand over Jennifer's tight stomach. Letting the faintest touch of skin cause Jennifer to moan. Finally, Ashley's wandering hand found itself hovering over Jennifer's exposed pussy. The woman had a very well maintained pussy, and Ashley almost wished she'd joined in the bidding. With a very indelicate motion, Ashley stroked Jennifer's clit several times.

Jennifer arched her back in pleasure at the light contact with her clit. Her hips rocked forward to increase the pressure on the distended bud. Ashley pulled away and Jennifer groaned in frustration. Ashley took one of the cans and placed the nozzle on Jennifer's right nipple, and let it dance around her areola.

Ashley began to apply the whipped cream. A generous dollop to each breast and lines over Jennifer's shoulders for the straps. Ashley bit her lip to try and stop herself from giving in to the urge to lick Jennifer clean. Ashley applied another glob of whipped cream to Jennifer's crotch. A naive observer might think Ashley was trying to provide Jennifer with plenty of cover. The real reason was to make sure the clean up lasted as long as possible.

Ashley decided that this was her chance to get sweet revenge. Ashley parted Jennifer's lips and sprayed about half a can of the cream inside her. Looking at the winners, Ashley told them, “I'm afraid you'll have to be quite through to ensure you get all the cream."

Adding a few more 'straps' to the bathing suit, Ashley stepped back and admired her work. "Well..." she said, "This is worthy of a few photographs? Anyone in the audience have a camera?" Cameras flashed for the next minute, as Jennifer lay there in her whipped cream bikini. The auction winners couldn't contain themselves as they awaited their prize.

Ashley decided that enough photos had been taken, and instructed everyone except for the winners to step back. Ashley gestured to the male winner that it was him to claim his prize. He moved in, almost shaking in anticipation. As he leaned over Jennifer, his tongue began to lick off the cream from Jennifer's right breast. Long, teasing strokes of his tongue removed lines of the cream, leaving the nipple until last. He went around the areola in a circle, and he could feel the diamond hardness of Jennifer's nipple. Finally, the nipple was revealed, and Ashley heard a low moan. She didn't know whether it was from the man, Jennifer, or both.

With Jennifer's right breast thoroughly cleaned, the man set to work on the bikini bottom. Making sure to leave the left side unmolested, he went down on Jennifer. As he probed her, Ashley wondered if he was still finding whipped cream. Coughing politely, Ashley got the man's attention and pointed to the female winner.

Sighing, in annoyance, the man pulled his face away from the now bare pussy. Stepping back, and looking satisfied, he waved the lady over. Stepping forward, the woman started with Jennifer's already well-licked honey pot. Ashley wondered if there was any whipped cream left in there, given how much attention he paid to the slick hole.

Still, the woman made sure to explore every nook and cranny making sure every dollop was removed. Ashley heard quite a few moans from the crowd. When she looked around, she saw more than a few guys stroking themselves through their pants. There were even some ladies giving a few lucky guys head. Several seemed on the verge of a climax, and Ashley couldn't blame them.

Finally, with a loud smack of her lips, the woman reluctantly stopped. Jennifer was agonizingly close to orgasm when the woman stopped. She was tempted to finish herself off but held back to see what was going to happen next.

The lady hopped onto the bar straddling Jennifer. She then leaned down and started on the left breast. The tongue came at Jennifer fast and hard. She played with Jennifer's nipple and ran up and across her chest to take care of the bikini straps. The task would have only taken a few moments, but time seemed to freeze as the woman went to town. And then, almost as quickly as it had started, it was suddenly at an end. Jennifer was spotless. Not a single speck of whipped cream was left on her naked, prone body.

As the audience cheered, the man and the woman stepped back and took in their fellow patrons' applause. Forgetting her own earlier humiliations, Ashley joined in the celebration. As the cacophony died down, Ashley offered Jennifer a hand to help her down, saying "Five out of five, Jennifer. Five out of five."

Jennifer 28, Ashley 22

Jennifer took several deep breaths to calm herself. She dressed carefully, making sure she didn't touch her clit. Afraid that the mere brush of her own fingers would drive her to climax. Once she had dressed, she told Ashley, "You know, this means war!” doing a passable impersonation of Bugs Bunny.


Please let me know whether or not you liked this story. I do not make money from writing. My sole reward are your comments, votes, likes, follows, shares and emails. Hearing from readers is what encourages me to keep writing. I truly believe feedback is a gift, and I like gifts.

Sal De Klerk The Salacious Scribe.

Follow me on Twitter @scribesalacious


COMING JUNE 30, 2020


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