by Sal de Klerk, "The Salacious Scribe."™️ & AndreaSubbie
© MMXX All Rights Reserved
Preface: Part one and two of this scribble were entered in Literotica's National Nude Day contest. It finished in the top 10. The idea for this story came from a post in the Literotica story idea forums. Special thanks to CarnivalBarker for his assistance in writing this scribble and ElmerStudd for editing it. |
Warning: This story contains explicit written descriptions of sexual acts. You must exit this site/story now if...
Please review the tags before reading. If you find this is not the kind of erotica you enjoy, please find another story more to your liking. |

Mr. James was a private person. Few people knew his name or his wealth. He was also lonely, he had few friends and no sexual partners. He felt ashamed of his sexual proclivities, which were somewhat unusual. When he did allow himself to be intimate with a woman, he always regretted it. His desires were rarely fulfilled leaving his feeling empty and out of sorts.
One day he was meeting with the CEO of a software company he recently acquired, and he met Maria. Maria was a college senior and worked part-time as a gofer. When he first met her, he wondered what she’d looked like naked.
He started spending a lot of time at that particular company, and he always asked Maria to work with him. They would start early in the morning, and not stop until well after dinner.
One night there was an unavoidable social event, and his 'escort' had to cancel. The service didn’t have anyone available on short notice, so he came up with an idea...
“Maria, are you available to accompany me to a gala at The Met, tonight?”
“I could if I had time to get my hair done, and owned an appropriate gown,” she told her employer.
Three hours later Mr. James was the proud owner of a salon, and Maria's hair looked stunning. She also had her nails done and was trying on dresses at Georgio Armani.
Once she selected her ensemble, she changed and strutted out of the dressing room. She was the perfect date, lovely cultured, at ease with the rich and famous, and beautiful. Mr. James knew that he would invite her to his home at the end of the evening.
After the Gala, they went to his Park Avenue Penthouse he used while in Manhattan. They spent the night doing things to each other. Unspeakable things! Unspeakable things, she enjoyed.
The next afternoon, they were still naked in bed. Their bodies needed to recover from a morning of more unspeakable things.
“Mr. James, can we have a serious conversation,” Maria asked.
Releasing her small breast with the extra-long nipples he looked into her eyes and nodded.
“I love working with you! But, working full time, going to school full time, and now being your lover, is too much for one person. If you let me, I can find a few other girls to help out so nothing suffers.”
Soon, Maria was overseeing Robin the Junior, Layla the sophomore, and Rita the freshman. Mr. James had never been happier or more satiated in his life.
Ch. 01 The New Girl
Stanford Phillip James VIII woke up on his favorite day of the year. Today was Freshman Orientation at his Alma Mater. Hundreds of girls would receive their Orientation package, with a help wanted ad. ‘His help wanted ad’ for a new personal assistant. He lay in bed smiling, wondering how long it would take to find, hire, and train his newest personal assistant.
After his usual morning routine, he went to the sun porch off his private office for breakfast. Cassie, his de facto senior assistant, had put the final touches on his breakfast table. She would wear the Junior Assistant uniform until he hired a Freshman assistant. Then she would get promoted to senior
Mr. James sat down to eat, and peruse the latest financial, and political news. As he was reading the Journal, Cassie, crawled under the table, fished out his cock and started giving him a blow job. It was one of the things Mr. James required at least one of his assistants to do every morning.
He smiled as she swallowed his cock, delighting in the anticipation of the hiring process. The shy awkwardness of the first call. The nervous energy at the initial interview. The excitement when he explains the compensation package. The puppy-like eagerness to please him to get the job. Then finally, selecting the perfect girl, and teaching her what the job entailed.
As Cassie started to lick his balls, Amber, who was about to replace Cassie as his Junior assistant, walked in. She wore her uniform and carried some documents needing his signature. She set them down, far from anything that might spill on them before she joined her coworker under the table.
They had been working together for three years. Mr. James thought they were two of the best assistants he’d had since Maria had hired Robin, 15 years ago.
Mr. James put down his tablet and picked up the last strip of bacon. He chewed it as he savored the oral ministrations of the two girls. They kept switching back, and forth, taking turns sucking cock, and balls. Sooner than he wanted, his cum burst out into Cassie's mouth.
He sighed in pleasure as she milked him dry. The girls crawled out from under the table, and Mr. James offered each of them a hand to help them up. Once they were on their feet, Mr. James offered Cassie a breath mint, and she popped it in her mouth.
“That was a pleasant surprise! You haven't offered to take a load from me since April's graduation party,” Mr. James told Cassie.
“I wanted today to be special, so I did everything I could to avoid taking a load. This way you would appreciate it more.” She winked at her employer.
He gave her a stern look for several seconds. Amber stood off to the side wondering how Mr. James was going to react. His mouth turned upwards into a small smile, and he wrapped his arms around Cassie. “Well done, well done indeed! Now go find out where Jeanie is, and get her ass in here immediately. Oh and double-check everything is ready for today's interviews. Amber’s already cleared my calendar for the next three days.
Cassie kissed Mr. James on his cheek and strutted off to carry out his instructions. Amber handed him the documents and discussed how to handle them. She pointed out the few that needed signatures, then had him initial to confirm he’d signed them. Mr. James kept glancing at his cell phone. He had trouble concentrating, as he wondered when the calls would start. He licked his lips in anticipation.
Mandy had had a rough summer. She received acceptance letters to her top three college choices. After doing a lot of research, and talking with current students, and alumnae, she made her choice. She was going to Northwestern.
She filled out scholarship forms, applied for grants, and tried to get every dime of funding she could. Every application was DENIED! Even with student loans, she wouldn’t be able to afford tuition, never mind room, and board.
Her parents made decent money with their construction business and had a nice nest egg. They agreed to pay her tuition, room, and board. They paid the first two months fees, for classes and housing. Mandy still needed to earn pocket money and pay for transportation.
The day after the check cleared, her father issued a notice he was being sued. A subcontractor used substandard materials which caused a building to collapse. Thirty-Six people injured and two killed. Her parents sold everything they owned to cover their legal expenses. Days before Mandy had to leave, the civil suit dismissed and the criminal charges dropped. IT was too late for her father and his company. His reputation was beyond repair. His employees left for other jobs. He had no money and no clients, and no prospects. He took a job as a night watchman making $10 an hour, and her mom went back into accounting making decent money.
Mandy decided to go to school and figure things out. She had a place to live, and the first tuition payment already cleared. She could start school, but if she didn’t find a job fast, she would be in trouble. She had spent much of her free time searching for unclaimed grants, and other funding. To her chagrin, most of the deadlines had passed, and monies distributed. After seventeen rejections, she decided to talk with the school's financial aid staff.
With her birthday money, she bought a bus ticket to Evanstown, Illinois. With the change from the ticket, she bought food for the two-day journey.
After an uneventful trip, she arrived in time to get some dinner, the first decent meal she had since she left home. After eating her fill at the all you can eat buffet, she found her apartment and began to unpack.
Not having a TV or any other form of entertainment, she decided to walk around campus. She wanted to familiarize herself with her home for the next four years. She stared in hunger at every vending machine she came across. "Too bad I only have thirty-two cents to my name," she muttered in anger.
The next morning, as she ate, she looked around wondering if she would ever meet the strangers around her. As she swallowed the last mouthful of yogurt, Her cell phone chimed. She glanced at it and saw it was time to head over to Freshman Orientation.
Mandy walked over to the school's auditorium and checked in. She took the pink envelope an upperclassman gave her, noticing the guys had blue ones. 'Why color-coded by gender?' she wondered as she went inside to take a seat. Mandy realized she was early, and that only a dozen students had arrived.
Since it was going to take time to get the rest of the class of 2018 checked in, she opened her envelope. The top sheet was a standard welcome form letter. Next was a student handbook, and her class schedule. She also found a phone list for assorted services, including restaurants that delivered.
Amanda put all that into her backpack and pulled out the last sheet of paper. It looked like an advertisement, and she was about to crumple it up when the words ‘Above Average Pay’ caught her eye. She glanced at the ad:
One Female Freshman needed. Part-Time Job, Full-Time pay. Excellent benefits. Must meet exacting standards of deportment, fashion, intellect, manners, and availability. Duties vary. Drug, and smoke-free a must.
Contact Mr. James for details (847) 867-5309.
'It looks too good to be true, but it's worth checking out,’ Mandy thought as she pulled out her phone, and dialed.
Before it could ring, a powerful male voice exploded from her earpiece, “Stanford James.”
"Oh! Mr. James .... um, sorry, I didn't realize I would be speaking directly to you sir, I thought maybe I would be speaking to your assistant... um, it's about the job..." Amanda mentally kicked herself for making such a poor first impression. She could do this... so much rested on it.
Mr. James leaned back in his office chair, and took a deep breath. He loved the insecurity of the first contact, the slight quiver of nervousness in her voice. It was a power trip for him, and he loved it.
He affected a gruff surly demeanor, "Who do you think hires my personal assistant? My chauffeur? Never mind, I don't have the time to waste like that. Tell me about yourself."
"Er, of course, sir, my name is Amanda Jones, I'm 18, from Florida. I am starting at Northwestern this year...”
As she talked he used the details to locate her social media accounts.
One of the first results was an Instagram account that matched the info she provided. As she rambled on, he accessed it, grateful it wasn’t private.
“...apply for the position.” Mandy figured she haad recovered from her earlier missteps. She wondered if she impressed Mr. James with the academic and civic awards she'd earned. Mr. James wasn't even listening. This part was filler. Every girl that called had a similar spiel. Every single one could have read the same script.
Academic superstar in high school. Volunteered at the current pet charity of the woke class. How hard they would work for him with an anecdote that painted them in a positive light. and they all ended with a sob story about why they needed the job.
None of that mattered to him. He let them talk so he had time to peruse their social media accounts. All he cared about at this stage was what his eyes told him. One look at her pics, especially the one of her in that string bikini, and he knew she was the one he wanted. It had been a long time since he had one so...so adorable...so perfect.
“Thank you, Miss Jones, I have a few questions for you. Are you over 18?”
“Yes, I turned 18 in April.”
“Do you have a car?”
“No, I don’t. I do have a bike.”
“A motorcycle or bicycle?”
“If you're hired for this position, you must learn to be precise with your language. In business, ambiguity can cost millions, as one of my former competitors learned. Do you have a driver's license?”
“I have a Class E operator license. Issued by the state of Florida, with no restrictions or endorsements.” She had great difficulty keeping the sarcastic tone out of her voice.
“Good girl. You are a fast learner. Do you have clothing appropriate for an office environment?”
For some reason, she beamed at his praise. It sent a tingle through her body and put a smile on her face. “I have some, but not much. As soon as I get my first check, I can buy more," she replied, worried that her wardrobe was about to cost her this job.
“Finally, Miss Jones, can you tell me the difference between a shrimp fork and a salad fork?”
"A salad fork is smaller than a dinner fork and used for salad. Aa shrimp fork is small and placed on the right for shellfish," she hoped that was good enough. "My parents made sure to teach me manners, I won't embarrass you," she responded as she thought of her questions.
“I have some questions. The ad is light on details about the job. Can you tell me more about it?”
Mr. James leaned back on his chair and rested his feet on his desk after she asked that question. He had been wondering if she would ask about the job. Anyone who didn't was either too intimidated, or blase, either way, they didn’t get an interview.
“Of course you can ask, and I’ll even answer. You will work for me as one of four personal assistants. You will start as the most junior assistant, but if your work is satisfactory, you have a job until you graduate. Your duties will be to do anything I ask, or what Cassie, Amber, or Jeanie tell you. You need to be able to cook, clean, drive, and above all else, be completely loyal, and trustworthy. You will have access to secrets of both a personal, and business nature. Those secrets in the wrong hands could ruin, not only me, but the lives of everyone who works for me, and my suppliers.”
He took a deep breath, and continued, “For this, you will be well-compensated. There is also a generous benefits package, room, and board, and access to all amenities. Are you still interested?”
“Very much so,” Mandy said, trying but failing to contain her excitement. If she eliminated her rent, meal plan, and had a car, she would only need to pay her tuition and books. She figured the salary would cover that, She hoped there would be a little to spare.
“I will have my car at the student union tomorrow at ten am, you will be gone until late afternoon, does that work for you?”
Without even looking at her schedule, Mandy responded, “I’ll be there.”
“Good! I need your full name, exact date of birth, and social security number so that I can run a background check.”
Mandy recited the requested info, as she saw other girls dial their phones, hang up, and dial again. She smirked when she realized that they were calling Mr. James about the job. Thinking it might help, she told him, “There's a dozen girls trying to call you right now. They look frustrated.”
Mr. James chuckled, impressed at her observational skills. He felt surprised that she was comfortable enough to share not only the facts but her impression as well. Deciding to test her, he asked: “What makes you think they’re calling me?”
“There's one three rows in front of me, she dials, listens, curses hangs up, and tries again. I’m pretty sure she’s getting your voicemail.”
He licked his lips, almost certain that she’s the one. “Doubtless you’re correct. On average I get over a hundred calls each year, and only about twenty get interviews. I’ll send you a text message with instructions. Follow them as precisely as possible. There may be other candidates riding with you. I look forward to meeting you tomorrow,” and the call ended.
Seconds later she got a series of text messages...
Mr. James: 58315 East Camden Drive. Hair: Modern conservative style, natural color. Makeup: Conservative colors, and natural looks. Nails: manicured. If polished conservative colors. Clothes: Formal business attire. Suits with skirts preferred. Hosiery is mandatory with skirts. Shoes must compliment the outfit in both color, and style.
Mandy read the message several times and thought about what she would need to do. She was a natural brunette, with gold highlights. She wore her hair in a shoulder-length bob. She didn’t much like makeup but on occasion used some lip gloss or blush to accent her natural beauty. Her nails were trim, and not polished. So that was all kosher.
'The wardrobe might be a problem,' she thought. Then she remembered her mom bought her a business suit at a thrift store, just in case. It was a few years old but a classic style so it should be okay. It was a mid-thigh grey fitted skirt, and matching short jacket with a pale pink blouse. She also had several hold-up stockings in several colors. She even had a pair of open-toe wedges that matched.
She figured she needed to iron the clothes, and she didn’t want to wait until the last minute. She left orientation and headed back to her apartment. As she dashed past a pretty black girl, she heard her say, “A shrimp fork is...,” Mandy laughed, so she was unable to hear anymore.
( ¥ ) ( ¥ ) ( ¥ )
After fielding dozens of phone calls, he had scheduled three appointments for tomorrow. For some reason, he was much harder on the candidates this year than normal. Every time he started to ask his questions, he saw the picture of Mandy on his screen. No other candidate was even close to her in looks or attitude.
Pressing a buzzer on his desk he signaled his current assistants to come into his office.
First, he gave Jeanie a hard stare, “Why were you late this morning?”
"My plane had a mechanical failure, and made an emergency landing." She knew better than to apologize.
"You're traveling to close a time-sensitive, multimillion-dollar deal. Your plane breaks down. How would you explain to your shareholders why they lost millions in revenue. Would any excuse stop them from removing you as CEO? What lesson did you learn?"
"Not to travel at the last minute, and to always have a backup plan," Jeanie said, looking down at the floor.
"Good my pet. Now I will think over your punishment, and make it part of the screening process tomorrow. Go to your room, and think over how disappointed I was."
"Yes sir." She stood up, kissed his cheek, and left the room.
Once Jeanie had left, he handed Cassie a sheet of paper. “These are the three interviews I’ve set up for tomorrow. Go check their permanent records.” Cassie nodded, took the slip of paper and left on her mission.
“Amber I need you to call Burt Macklin, give him the info on these three, and have him send the reports to my email.” Mr. James knew that the retired FBI agent would find out everything about them.
It had been a long day, and Mr. James wanted to go to bed. He debated calling Jeanie to his bedroom, but he didn't want to feel relaxed and happy tomorrow. That might make him go easy tomorrow. He’d made that mistake a few years ago, and it had cost him. He went to bed and dreamt of the pretty Mandy in that oh so sexy bikini.
After she finished ironing her suit, Mandy went to dinner. While she was getting her meal, she overheard some girls talking about a rude obnoxious guy.
She smirked when she heard “Fuck Stanford James, the asshole.”
‘Guess they didn’t get an interview,’ she thought to herself.
After dinner, she called her parents to check-in. She told them she had a job interview in the morning, but she was one of at least twenty under consideration. Her parents were grateful she was already finding employment opportunities. They had enough cash flow issues. If Mandy could pay for her school that was one less thing to worry about.
Mandy took a shower and gave herself the full treatment. She exfoliated, shaved, plucked, and all the things that women do to themselves to look their best. She went straight to bed but didn't fall asleep for ages. Her alarm woke her for breakfast, she brushed her hair and put on a sweatsuit before she headed to the dining hall.
After breakfast, Mandy watched interview technique videos until she had to get ready. She dressed and headed over to the Student Union, hoping no one would be riding with her.
She was there, ten minutes early, and saw a silver Town Car at the curb. There was a handsome man, about a decade older than Mandy, who was holding a sign that said ‘Mandy, Isis, & Sara’.
“I’m Mandy,” she told the driver. He opened the door, and she got into the backseat. The partition was up discouraging any conversation. A few minutes later, the pretty black girl Mandy saw yesterday joined her.
"Hi, I'm Isis," she said as she offered her hand.
"How are you Isis, I'm Mandy," she replied as they shook hands.
The driver got in and drove away. As the car pulled away, a girl wearing a business suit started running and yelling at the car. Mandy knocked on the partition, and it opened.
"Is that...,"
"She was late," and the partition rose again.
Mandy followed their route on a map on her phone to make sure that they were going to the right place. Isis sat there in silence sending text messages non stop.
Mandy was happy when they pulled up to the house she had seen on Google Earth when she’d checked the address. The car stopped under the portico, and the door opened. Mandy and Isis got out and looked around. “Thank you,” Mandy called to the driver as he got back into the car, and drove out of sight. Isis ignored the chauffer and sent another message.
Mandy walked up to the front door, rang the bell, and waited, gave herself a once over.
The front door opened, and the girl who’d opened it was wearing a gray business suit almost identical to Mandy's. Mandy noticed it was a designer label and not made of polyester. She felt a bit ashamed of how poor she was. Before she could say anything, the girl who opened the door spoke.
"Hi, I'm Cassie. Mr. James Senior assistant. You must be Mandy, and you're Isis. Relax ladies, three years ago I was standing right where you are, nervous, and scared. It turned out to be the best job I've ever had."
"Yes, I'm Mandy, Mandy Jones, nice to meet you, Cassie."
Cassie smiled at Mandy, then at Isis. Her eyes narrowed as she saw Isis continued to stare at her phone. She glanced back and gave a small shake of her head.
"Well, I hope I get the job then! I need it!" she said, giving away any possible negotiating advantage she might have had. "I have my resume here .." she said, offering it to Cassie.
"Hold on to it. If Mr. James wants it he'll ask for it."
"Ladies, this is a demanding job, but it has some great rewards! I haven't started Senior year, and I have a job offer from a multinational, firm for an executive director job. My major is art history, not business. The contacts you’ll make, and the people you’ll meet are the creme de la creme of their profession."
Cassie grabbed Mandy’s hand and pulled her into the house.
"Isis, have a seat and someone will be with you shortly," Cassie said as she shut the door. Without letting go, she led Mandy through a dark hall filled with medieval antiques. The only light came from faux torches along the walls.
"Yes, of course," she replied, while she maintained some dignity. It wasn't easy to be professional, as she got pulled through the dark hallway.
"Mr. James had an ancestor who was a Grand Master of the Knights Templar. He’s fascinated by their history and legends." Cassie told her as they reached a set of massive oaken doors.
Cassie knocked on the right door and opened it a crack. "Mandy’s here sir," she called into the room, before opening the door, and gesturing for Mandy to enter. As she walked in, Cassie called out, "Good luck,” before closing the door.
From what she could see the office looked like a ren-fest storage unit. Swords and shields decorated the walls. There were weapons, banners, and other objects she couldn’t identify. Mandy saw an older distinguished-looking man in a navy blue, pinstriped, three-piece suit. He remained seated in his personal throne, and it wasn’t white, or porcelain.
As Mandy watched, Mr. James spoke into an old cell phone. His hair was short like a Marine, high, and tight, and had started to go salt and pepper. He had a full mustache and trimmed goatee.
She stepped closer to his desk, and heard, “Tell me the difference between a shrimp fork, and a salad fork." He listened for a few seconds then said, I am sorry Miss Hayden, but this job is not right for you. I do wish you luck in your job search. Have a nice day." He disconnected the call, and almost immediately it started ringing. Mr. James held the power button, and the phone shut off.
Walking around his desk, he extended his hand, “You must be Mandy, I’m Stanford James. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. James," Mandy said taking his hand.
He loved how soft, and warm her hands were, and he let himself imagine, just for a moment that he was touching her breasts. He had to remind himself, not yet, not yet. He couldn't wait to have her tied to his desk and use her body. But first, he had to make sure she would be willing. “Let’s go out onto the patio. It’s a bit less stuffy, and intimidating out there. Would you like something to drink or a bite to eat.?"
Mandy looked over Mr. James and found him to be handsome, and well dressed. She was glad he realized his office might be a little overwhelming.
Without waiting for an answer he picked up a landline. "Cassie bring a platter and pitcher of something to the patio, and join us after you do that thing."
"Right away Sir."
Mr. James led Kristen to the patio and signaled her to sit at the glass top table. The patio was like something from a Country Club brochure. The view was incredible, with a wide view of the town below, and the river beyond. The dorms and towers of the campus were visible over the trees across the river.
"Before we begin, let me tell you how this will go. First, you’ll tell me about yourself. Then I’ll ask some questions based on our conversation. Then we'll review your background check. Based on our conversation at that point, one of two things will happen. Either Cassie will escort you to the door, and you return to campus. Or I start to ask the third set of questions, to get to know my newest assistant. Do you have any questions?”
Mandy took a deep breath, “I do. But, I have a feeling you’ll answer them as you interview me, and I know, that you don't have the time to waste like that.” She parroted his words from their first conversation.
Mr. James smiled, and nodded, “Good Miss Jones, you’ve learned that lesson as well. Impressive.”
Cassie walked onto the patio carrying a platter loaded with finger foods. A second girl followed her, dressed in the same business suit, in black. She had two pitchers, one lemonade, one iced tea in her hands. A third girl, in a dark maroon version of the suit, carried several glasses. The food and drinks were set on the table, and the other three girls pulled up chairs, joining the interview.
“You already met Cassie, Amber is in the black suit and Jeanie in the Maroon. Ladies this is Mandy Jones.”
All three girls smiled at her, and Cassie gave her a thumbs up. She nodded in greeting to Cassie.
"Mandy, this is Amber, and Jeanie," Cassie said indicating which girl was which. It was clear to Mandy that if she got the job, she would be the junior assistant. Then, to give herself a little time to gather her thoughts, she crossed her left leg over her right. Which made her skirt rise up her thigh and revealed her stocking tops.
"So young lady. Tell me about yourself. Where you grew up, what your family was like. Summarize your life story for me." His eyes bored into hers. He noticed the hint of naked thigh above the stocking and licked his lips.
Jeanie began to pour drinks for everyone, “What’ll it be Mandy, Tea or Lemonade?”
“Lemonade please,'' she responded, then looked back to Mr. James.
"Well," she began, "I graduated from Barton High School in May. I was on the swim team, and the cheer squad, which might explain why I like to exercise. I had a boyfriend for a few months, nothing serious. Once he left for college he stopped contacting me, so I guess I’m single. I worked as a lifeguard at a community pool. I plan on majoring in journalism, with a minor in either communications or marketing. I have two siblings, and a dog at home. I haven’t met anyone at school yet, so I’m scared and alone. My parents had a business setback and are unable to help pay for my schooling so I need a job..."
She thought about how her family had gone from living in a five-bedroom 3 bath home to a double-wide trailer. “...I guess I’m an average Florida girl,” she shrugged her shoulders.
All through her monologue, she crossed and uncrossed her legs. Each time the skirt hem rode higher showing Mr. James more of her firm pale thigh.
He smiled as he watched her hem slide higher, and higher, wondering if this is a ploy by the young woman. Using her sex appeal to get him to hire her. He chuckled to himself. If she only knew. After he listened to the abridged version of her biography, he pulled out a sheet of paper from a folder. " Amanda Genevieve Jones. Age 18, born 12:03 am April 2, 1995. Graduated Barton high with a 3.89 GPA, 5'4" 116 pounds, size 2 woman, size 5 shoe. You won 63.2% of your swim meets, senior year. You worked at Whitestone Pools for two years, where you earned $19,289.14. You rescued 3 people, and performed CPR once, saving 8-year-old Grace Maries' life. Every year on August 11th her parents send you a gift basket. Mother Marcia Jan Jones née Bradley, a senior accountant at Richmond wholesale foods. Father Preston William Jones, former contractor, currently an Armored Truck Guard for Wells Fargo. Sister Kelli Marie Jones age 16. Brother Robert Ward Jones age 12. And a four-year-old beagle named Roy Brown.”
Mandy sat there in shock at the amount of personal detail Mr. James had discovered about her and her family. It was creepy! She wondered if she needed this job bad enough to accept his invasion of her privacy. She forced herself to be courteous, but she felt outraged.
Mr. James looked at her smiling, “I like that you named Snoopy's cousin after the man who shot down the Red Baron. That’s like the ultimate in geek trivia, with pop culture thrown in.”
Mandy chuckled, “Dads a history geek, and loves Peanuts. It was his idea.”
Mr. James looks back down at the paper, “Dated Mark Paul Hoster for 5 months 3 weeks until he met one, Lucy Temple.”
Mr. James paused and sipped his Iced Tea, "I’m sorry you had to find out this way,” with genuine sorrow in his eyes. Cassie reached out and patted her arm. Jeanie and Amber looked on in silent commiseration.
Mr. James said, “He's a real jerk for treating you that way. You deserve so much better than some loser like that." Mr. James handed her a tissue, and asked, “Do you need a moment, or to use the bathroom?”
"It's okay," she said. She sputtered mentally for a moment, and then returned to the present. "You've done your research," she said. "May I ask why?"
She wondered if she still wanted the job. She felt creeped out that he identified her brother and sister. This did not seem like a typical job.
“I’m sorry about this. I have some sensitive government contracts, and they run a deep background check. I hired a retired FBI counterintelligence agent to run the same checks for me.
“That makes sense,” Mandy admitted, relieved that he wasn’t a creeper. She poured herself some lemonade, then didn't drink it. She was too nervous to risk her hand shaking it out of the glass if she’d picked it up. Her hands fell to her lap, while she waited to hear more, too anxious to speak further at the moment.
He looked at her, reading the anxiety in her eyes, but impressed at how well she hid it. She sat there composed, and the way the light was hitting her, she seemed to be glowing. Mr. James envisioned her naked in his pool as he watched from the balcony.
“Are you planning on participating in any extracurricular activities?”
"Extracurricular? Do you mean like sports? or whatever? I don't have anything that will stop me from working the hours you need... but studying will be important..., I think..., no, I know I can be available for you whenever you need.” Mandy said as she met his eyes.
"The four of you will share the job, so you’ll each have time for your studies.” Mr. James looked her in the eyes while he poured a glass of lemonade. He loved this part. He was the spider, she was a fly. She was already trapped in his web, she hadn't realized it...yet.
"Before I tell you about the job, I'm gonna tell you the situation you're facing. You're an 18-year-old freshman. No place that serves booze will hire you. That leaves fast food joints, supermarkets, mall kiosks, call centers, or big box stores. First, they rehire returning seniors and juniors who worked for them last year. Then Sophomores who were lucky enough to get a job as a freshman. Any jobs left at that point go to Athletes, and scholarship kids. By the time you get a job, it'll be time for Christmas Break.” He poured himself another lemonade and took a big sip.
“So now you have to choose, Stay here for Christmas break, making $9 an hour. Or go see your family, and have no job when school starts again."
“Or you can come to work for me. Your duties range from picking up dry cleaning to escorting me to social functions. You will travel the world. Everyone of these ladies has been on every continent, including Antarctica.”
Mr. James bit into a pretzel chewed and swallowed. "Your compensation package is a three-room suite bedroom, office, and sitting room. All meals, full use of all amenities. A mid-size sedan for your personal, and business use. An iPhone, an AmEx card to pay all school, and work expenses, including clothing. You will also get a monthly stipend of 1,000 dollars to buy anything else your heart desires."
Mr. James looked at his current assistants. They had been examining Mandy from head to toe and taking copious notes. “Ladies, what do you think?”
She'd been aware of the other girl's scrutiny. She understood part of the interview process was to see if she would work well with them. The actual job didn't sound too difficult. She hoped that Mr. James would like her as much as he liked the other girls. Mandy already had a massive girl crush on Cassie and felt drawn to Amber as well. She had trouble getting a read on Jeanie. She had been quiet, and serious like she had something on her mind.
"We need to hear from her about what she thinks of the job so far, then we can tell her the rest,” Amber said.
Mr. James turned to Mandy. "Well, young lady. What do you think so far?"
"I'll do it, I'll take it, I'll do whatever you ask. It's more than generous, and I need it. Yes, I accept,” Mandy gushed, eager to get an agreement from him before he changed his mind.
"She's a bit of an eager beaver," Amber chimed in, as Mr. James, and his assistants started laughing at her reaction. She was far from the first girl to react that way, and wouldn’t be the last. But it’s different when you have the job and are watching someone else react.
When their laughter subsided, Mr. James looked at Cassie, "What do you think so far, Cassie?"
"Well, her panties are cute," Cassie deadpans as the other girls start to giggle.
The corners of Mr. James's mouth curve up in a slight smile. "Yes, and her legs aren't bad either. But what about hiring her?"
Mandy blushed when Cassie commented on her panties. Then when Mr. James commented on her legs, she was both horrified and flattered. She hadn’t realized that her skirt had ridden up so far. She tried to lower it, but the way she was sitting on it, prevented her from moving it to a more modest position.
"Miss Jones, there are a few things about this job that make it ...unique. There is a uniform, of sorts, and some special tasks. Cassie, you know what to do.”
Mr. James stood up, and left, leaving the four girls alone. Cassie stood up, “Alrighty bitches it’s time.” She took Mandy’s hand and led her into a nearby mudroom. There were four tote bags in the room. Three had a name on them the fourth was blank. The three women stripped out of their clothes, and rolled everything up.
Once all three of them had removed all their clothes, Cassie said, "Your turn Mandy. Strip, or use that door over there." Cassie pointed to a door leading to the driveway. "If you choose to leave, you don’t get the job."
"So if I stay, and put on the uniform, I have the job?" She wasn't sure if staying meant she had it, but she knew that leaving meant she didn't. Unfastening her jacket she folded it, then unhooked her tight short grey skirt, sliding it off. Her blouse didn't quite meet her ivory panties, and her flat tummy glowed in contrast to the white, and ivory.
She slipped off her blouse, and only hesitated a moment before she unhooked her bra, and slid it off forwards. Holding it in her right hand, she slid down her panties, aware of the contrast her trimmed bush and her pale skin. The lingerie joined the rest of her clothing. Finally, she rolled the hold-up stockings down the length of her legs and draped them with the rest. Mandy waited to see what the uniform would be, surprised that no one had started dressing.
Cassie looked at her and smiled. "You won't have the job until he hands you the AmEx card. But, the only time a girl got this far and didn't get the job was because she refused to strip.”
Amber took a wad of material out of the tote with Cassie's name on it. They both helped Cassie dress in a black garter belt with red trim, matching stockings, and shoes. "This is the Senior assistants uniform around the house,” she told Mandy.
"It's pretty," Mandy said, looking around for the rest. It took a few seconds for her to conclude that there wasn't anymore. Mandy blushed a bright red, as she experienced a sick but fascinated dread. She needed that Amex card for her education! But, it’s more than a bikini would show, even a tiny one. But, he paid well, very well, so if he wanted her to walk around in sexy underwear so be it. Mandy steeled herself, wondering if the uniform got smaller the more senior you were. At least they were in a private house, no one else would see them like this. Yes, she could do this. She was positive.
Jeanie opened the bag with Amber's name on it, pulling out some lingerie. Cassie and Jeanie helped Amber into a red corset with black trim. It wrapped around her waist without covering her breasts. It hung down to her belly button so her ass and mons were visible. She also had matching heels.
Once Amber was ‘dressed’, Jeanie grinned. "For the first time, I get to wear something," Jeanie said.
She walked over to the tote with her name on it and pulled out a bunch of straps. She began to warp herself in them with her friend's help. Once Jeanie had it on, it ran all around her body, and covered almost nothing, and was the sexiest of the three outfits.
“Are you ready to see your uniform?” Cassie asked as the other two girls smirked.
Something about the deliberate flaunting of their nudity was worse than being nude. The clothes emphasized the nakedness of each girl. Mandy was aghast at the thought of what her uniform might be. But, it was her uniform, and there was, some tiny part of her that was proud it was hers. A flicker of defiant acceptance crossed her face as she replied, "Yes Cassie, I’m ready."
Cassie pulled a box out of the unnamed tote and handed it to Mandy. Everything you're going to wear in this house for the next year is in that box. No additions or subtractions.
The box was quite big, and all sorts of images of dresses, and costumes flicked through her mind. She took the box and felt its weight. She looked at the spiderweb of straps Jeanie was wearing and considered it might be bondage wear. The faces of the three girls were a sight to behold. It was difficult to read exactly what each was thinking, but they seemed eager to see her reaction.
“Go ahead, and open it,” Cassie told her.
Placing the box down, and lifting the lid, Mandy saw ...boots! Black boots! Shiny black boots! Open-sided lace-up, rather sexy shiny black boots! "Fuck! They're gorgeous," she muttered. , forgetting for the moment the bit about them being the total of her clothing for the next year when in the house. She lifted the first boot from the box, and felt it, looked at it. Looking at Jeanie, who'd had to wear the for the last year, she added, "But they are fucking sexy boots, aren't they?" grinning, enjoying the moment.
"They should be your size. Mr. James is very thorough about things like that," Cassie told her.
"I wore them all last year, you'll get used to it faster than you expect. Besides, it saves time, and money on laundry." Jeanie told her, "And pretty comfortable too. Not quite like sandals, but not as bad as heels usually are." Jeanie told her, getting on her knees to help her put them on.
"Hurry up ladies we still have one last thing we have to show Mandy before she gets the job," Cassie told them.
Mandy looked up at Cassie as she said that, but she wasn't too concerned. Jeanie helped her put on the sexiest fucking boots ever, as Mandy guessed that Mr. James liked nude girls.
Once Mandy had her boots on, Cassie led a parade of naked female flesh through the house, and down to the basement. The march through the house amused Mandy, but also made her feel oh so sexy. Cassie Stopped before a large iron door that looks like it came off a medieval castle.
Cassie looked at Mandy. "This is the final hurdle. Feel free to leave anytime. All you have to do is tell any of us that isn't tied up...,"
The other two giggled, "...and one of us will take you to your clothes, and you can leave. If you stay and do as you're told, you’ll get the job."
‘Tied up,’ Mandy giggled, ‘What a sexy way to describe working,’ she thought.
Cassie pounded her hand on the door, and the sound echoed on the far side. When the echoes died, Mr. James's voice deep, and foreboding comes from the other side "Who goes there?"
Cassie responded, "You're humble, and loyal servants wish entry Master. We bring the prospect, to do your will, and satisfy your desires." Cassie winked at Mandy.
Cassie's reply was a bit dramatic but fun. It seemed they all had a good sense of humor. The dungeon aesthetic, Cassie's ritualistic response, and the nudity made Mandy feel deliciously sexy. She was eager to join this team, and not only for the money. The job was almost hers, one more hurdle, whatever it was.
The door creaked open, "Follow us, and do what we do", Jeanie whispered, as the door opened to expose what was beyond.
The walls were of gray stone, and from the temperature, and acoustics, it was not a facade. The only lights were actual, honest to god flaming torches. There was one every few feet along all the walls. Overhead there was a large wooden chandelier with 200 candles, all burning bright. The effect was like something out of Game of Thrones.
The central fixture was a raised dais with an oversized ornate gold throne shaped like a dragon. Mr. James sat on the throne and looked like he was some medieval lord. He was wearing black swashbuckler boots, pantaloons, and a sleeveless tunic. the tunic had an elaborate, and colorful pattern on the chest. To Mandy, he didn't look like a man in a costume. He looked as if he belonged on that throne.
Cassie nudged Mandy to walk forward. When they reached the foot of the Dias, Cassie, Amber, and Jeanie all dropped to their knees. Their legs spread open, and their arms crossed behind their backs. Mandy thought the least ridiculous part of this surreal experience was the skimpy lingerie that didn’t hide any assets or frontsets.
Distracted by everything, Mandy didn't follow Jeanie's instructions and failed to kneel. The dungeon was beyond her comprehension. She was in sensory overload. While waiting for instructions, she scanned the room, seeing odd, uncomfortable-looking furniture. There were two large wooden X's, several frames with complex pulley systems. A couple of clear boxes that resembled aquariums. There were stocks, pillories, and other pieces she couldn't name or describe.
"As you instructed master, we have brought the prospect attired, as you commanded. She is here to witness the punishment of the one who defied you," Cassie intoned.
‘Wait! What?’ Mandy thought when it registered that Cassie had mentioned the prospect. And what was that about punishment? ‘I’d better pay attention,’ she tore her eyes away from the room, and focused on Mr. James.
"Very well. We shall make muse the St. Andrews cross. Secure the one in need of chastisement."
Mandy's, eyes grew wide as Cassie, and Jeanie went to the wood X. Cassie secured Jeanie’s wrists, and ankles. Then she picked up an object and forced it between Jeanie, and the X. The object made her buttocks stick out. Once she in position, Cassie turned and bowed to Mr. James.
"Paddle her", he commanded.
Cassie walked to a storage box designed to blend into the room, and opened it. Inside were many items, some of which Mandy knew, some she didn't. There were whips, riding crops, and more exotic, objects. Cassie took out something that looked like a ping pong paddle and returned to Jeanie. She drew her arm back, and held her position. Mandy’s eyes grew wide as she realized that Jeanie was about to get spanked.
"Come sit on my lap," Mr. James said to Amber, and Mandy, as Cassie waited for the command to begin.
‘He's talking to me,’ Mandy thought, feeling self-conscious about her nudity. She followed Amber up the steps to the throne and sat on Mr. James's left thigh. Amber straddled his right leg. Once they sat, the dias rotated until it was facing the two women and the X.
"Begin," Mr. James commanded.
Cassie's arm flew forward striking Jeanie on her buttocks. "One" Jeanie called out as Cassie drew back, and struck her again.
"Two," she said as tears came to her eyes. Her ass was starting to redden as Cassie continued to deliver hard blows. Jeanie continued to count each one, her voice cracking as she fought back her sobs.
Mr. James smiled and rested a hand on Mandy's bare thigh. Whispering in her ear, "I do not do this to be cruel. Jeanie failed in one of her duties yesterday morning. Now she is being corrected for that failure." As he gently caressed her thigh.
Amber purred as Mr. James started to rub her clit. "Do you like watching this Miss Jones? Is it making your pretty little pussy wet?" He continued whispering in her ear watching the ongoing punishment of Jeanie.
Mandy couldn't take her eyes off the paddling, but felt sorry for Jeanie, she could see the girl was suffering.
"Um, Sir, I feel sorry for Jeanie. I can't help thinking what it would be like to be there, getting paddled like that...," her voice trailed away. Like most people, she didn't like pain. But, there was something about the humiliation of getting spanked in front of people. It was doing things to her, nice things, things she enjoyed.
"I'm feeling... kind of... hot... it's all ... so...so sensual Mr. James," was the best she could come up with.
"18," Jeanie said her voice hoarse.
Mr. James let his hand slide higher on her leg. "How would you react if I told you I wanted you to suck my dick while Amber licked your cunt?" he asked as his hand ever so lightly grazed her outer lips.
"Wow, ok...," trying to buy time, remembering that this was the final hurdle. If she passed this test, the job was hers. "Um, I'd assume you had a good reason to say that Sir," she replied, with more confidence than she felt.
His hand grazed her pussy and tickled her clit. "I said it because I want you to suck my dick while Amber eats your cunt,” he said enunciating every word. “This is part of the job my dear."
"25," Jeanie said, through her sobs.
He slipped the tip of a finger inside her. "If you are not willing to be my sex toy, as well as my assistant for the next four years, then Amber will escort you out. If you want this job, take my hard cock out, and wrap your pretty little mouth around it."
Amber looked at her, raised her eyebrows, and gave her a slight smile, and nod encouraging her to do it.
"28," Jeanie said, her words almost unintelligible as Cassie continued to rain blows on her ass.
"So that’s it? nothing else? I agree, and I'm in?" Mandy asked, “No more surprises.”
It wasn't like she'd never given a blow job before, and he was hot for a guy more than twice her age. With Amber's encouragement, she undid his pants and freed his swollen cock out. She leaned in ready to slip his big rod between her lips, looking up at him for confirmation that she had the job.
"To be clear, this will not be only one blow job. It will be oral, vaginal, or anal sex. You will allow me, my other assistants, and a few select others access to your body at all times. Refusing is cause for termination. There will be times you will be in Jeanie's position, or on one of the apparatuses for my amusement."
"50" Jeanie wailed, and Cassie stopped.
"Put her in the pillory, then come up here," he said to Cassie.
Cassie carried out his instructions and hurried to join her master at his throne. She knelt before him and awaited further instruction.
"So Miss Jones are you going to accept these terms? Or are you going to leave?"
Cassie implored her with her eyes to do as he asked. Amber was nodding trying to encourage her. Even Jeanie through her tears seemed to be telling her to do it.
It was worse than she'd expected... it was like she was his whore, to give to anyone! She didn't see any other choice. She'd be a prostitute. She leaned down, and sucked his penis into her mouth, looking up into his eyes, a yes written in them.
Cassie and Amber applauded for her when she took his cock into her mouth. He pulled her off him and kissed her on her forehead.
He pulled an envelope out of his pocket and handed it to her. "Cassie will go over the details with you. You and the others are free to stay, and watch or to show Mandy her room." He stood up and walked over to where Jeanie stood tears falling from her eyes. Mr. James thrust himself into her and began to pull her hair as he roughly fucked her swollen ass.
"So do you want to watch this or see your room now?" Cassie asked as Amber hugged her.
Mandy returned Amber's hug, "I'll stay and help Jeanie when he's done." Amber said, releasing her new coworker from her embrace. "How about we all meet in Jeanie’s room in an hour to have lunch, and tell Mandy about what the hell she’s gotten herself into."
Cassie nodded, "So Mandy up to you?"
Mandy was part of the team, ‘Get used to being a whore,’ she told herself. 'If I'm a whore, I'll be the best, classiest, whore there ever was.
"I'd like to stay, and watch Master fuck Jeanie, so I can learn what to expect! I'm sure Amber could use help when he's done." She glanced over to see her Master punishing poor Jeanie's ass. Mandy felt a little sick, she'd never even thought about anal before. She wondered how long it would be before Mr. James claimed her brown cherry. She made a mental note to ask the girls to help prepare her for that eventuality.
Cassie draped her arm around Mandy. "That master shit is only for certain occasions. The whole dog and pony show is only for parties, and when we're initiating a new assistant. Otherwise, it’s Mr. James. When you want something special, a girlish 'please master' usually works."
Cassie's arm felt nice ...
"Oh cool, only I’ve never had my ass fucked. I'm curious, and well...I need to... be ready for...” she gestured at Mr. James pounding Jeanie's pud.
Mr. James grunted and rammed in one more time driving his cock deep into Jeanie's ass. As Jeanie screamed in protest, he sent rockets of cum into her bowels.
When he fished, he kissed Jeanie on the cheek and pulled his cock out of her cum coated bowels. Amber immediately went to his side and dropped to her knees. She opened her mouth, took his shaft into her mouth, and began cleaning it.
"That's the worst part of the job, one we do. After he cums, one of us has to clean his dick no matter what orifice it's been in," Cassie told Mandy.
Once Amber finished cleaning him, he fastened his pants, and walked out of the room, stopping to look at Mandy. He reached out, tweaked her nipple, and left without another word.
Amber stood up, "I'm gonna go brush my teeth, can you help Jeanie?"
Cassie nodded and went over to Jeanie. She opened the pillory and helped Jeanie stand up. Leading her out the door, she called to Mandy, "Close the door, and follow me.”

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I can't get no, I can't get no
I can't get no satisfaction, no satisfaction
No satisfaction, no satisfaction
I can't get no..."
Keith Richards and Mick Jagger after reading one of my scribbles.