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Authors Note:
The idea for this story came from the Literotica story idea forum. Thank you janetsexy77. The prologue contains NO adult content. It is strictly an intro to the characters and their relationships. If this isn’t your kind of unsmut then please find another story.
Special thanks to...
Editor: ElmerStudd & madame_tasha
This story and it's associated images contain sexually explicit content. If you are not at least 18 (or the age of legal majority) or if this type of content is in any way restricted in your locale please leave this site now.
This story contains adult oriented content. Please review the categories and tags before reading. If this is not your kind of smut, please find another story.
Agatha Allbut was a nerd. Not a hot nerd, like Willow or Velma, but a real, true to life NERD. She would have fit in with Lewis, Booger, and the rest of the Tri Lams if she had been alive in the eighties. She looked exactly like you think someone with that name would look. She stood 5'1" weighed 95 pounds, with measurements of 32A-26-31. Her hair was long, stringy, and an ugly mousy brown, always in a ponytail. She had pale, oily skin, thick glasses, and, of course, braces. Junior High had been miserable for Agatha and high school had already proven to be worse.
One day her AP International Studies teacher announced a family lineage project. Everyone would research their family history and the meaning of their names. Agatha looked forward to this assignment until she found out what her name meant. The name Agatha derived from a Latin word that meant good. Her surname was Germanic, from the root name, Albodo. Albodo was a compound name, from Adal, which meant noble, and Bodo, which meant messenger.
Agatha knew that despite the meaning of her name, Good Noble Messenger, her new name would be Good All-Butt. On the day of her presentation, she tried to feign illness. Her parents took her temperature and which was normal, she got sent off to school. Of course, the inevitable happened.
As soon as third period ended the gossip mill had spread her new nickname all over school. Though it took some time, most of her classmate's found other targets. As cruel as her classmates could be, none were as harsh or abusive as Bree and Pris. They were the co-captains of the school's renowned Spirit Squad aka cheerleaders. They were the queen bitches of the school. All the girls, (Except Agatha) wanted to be them, and all the boys wanted to date them. But the bottle-blonde alpha girls with their fake tits and faker noses were as mean as they were popular.
At a pep rally, Agatha watched them go through a new routine. It looked like something out of her dad's favorite movie, Striptease. 'These moves are better suited for a gentleman's club than a high school football game.' Aggie thought to herself. She became nauseated with the male teacher's lechery and trouser bulges. She was even more sickened when she saw similar looks on some of the female teachers.
'They look like a bunch of bimbos.' Aggie thought and that was the day she began referring to them as the Bimbo Squad. In the next edition of the school paper, an op-ed Aggie wrote appeared. She was very proud of the ending. ‘...watch them prance and gyrate like exotic dancers so men old enough to be their fathers to get an illicit thrill. Why any organization still exhibits almost nude underage girls is beyond reason. There is no excuse for this outdated, sexist tradition to continue in the age of consent. It is demeaning to all women and an anachronism that needs to go the way of the dinosaurs.
That article didn't win her many friends and her time at school didn't get any easier. She was glad this was the final semester of her senior year. As soon as she graduated, she would leave for Bryn Mawr. Exactly 2,487.379 miles from her door to the main entrance of the campus.
Agatha was a math genius and a master of numbers. She could do calculations in her head that would baffle computers. She could accuratly estimate sizes and distances to within three decimal places.
Agatha ordered a yearbook, not sure why, because she only had one fond memory of her high school years. That incident didn't even happen at school and wasn't going to be in the yearbook. Even that experience ended with the Bimbo Squad's horrid antics. It happened right before midterms.
§ §
- LARS -
Agatha had begun tutoring a freshman that lived right next to her crush, Lars. Lars was the hottest, richest, and most popular boy at St. Sextus Academy. She had first met him on her second day of Jr. High and before she even heard his name she knew he was going to be her first lover. She had a huge crush on him, even bigger than the one Farkle had on Maya and Riley.
As Agatha taught him to simplify equations, raucous party sounds kept disturbing them. Every one of the popular kids was at Lars' weekly beer bash. His parents traveled a lot, dealing with clients of their International Law Firm. Frustrated by the excessive noise, Agatha decided enough was enough. She headed over to make Lars turn the music down.
Agatha trudged into the wall of noise emanating from the McMansion and went looking for Lars. She heard, "Chug, chug, chug, chug," and assumed that Lars was downing the beer to the adoration of his minions. She followed the noise and found him standing in front of a keg, high fiving his loyal flunkies. She tapped him on his shoulder. Lars turned around in a drunken haze and looked at Agatha without seeing her. Agatha opened her mouth to speak and without warning, she tasted someone else's tongue. Her body stiffened, she sucked in a breath, then it occurred to her; Lars was kissing her. She was making out with him!
Without thinking, she allowed her eyes to close and her body to melt into his arms. She let her crush explore her mouth with his tongue and savored every second of their intimacy. Part of Agatha was hoping the kiss would never end. Her rational brain was screaming that she needed to get the hell out of there. It was only a matter of time before Bree, the leader of the Bimbo Squad, and Lars' girlfriend, would find them. Bree wouldn't care that Lars was too drunk to realize he was kissing Agatha.
Agatha forced herself to relax and began to enjoy the amazing kiss. Her first one ever. A s she avored the strong musky odor of a teenage boy, a blinding white light lit up under her eyelids. Someone pulled her head and jerked her off the luscious lips she had been savoring. She lost her balance and fell to the ground.
Blinking away the spots floating in her eyes, she looked up and saw Pris, Bree, and the rest of the Bimbo Squad. They stood over her and looked pissed. "What the FUCK do you think you're doing you freak of nature?" Pris hissed at Agatha.
Agatha swallowed and before she could say anything, Bree kicked her in the side. Agatha almost passed out from the pain. "That's enough!" a voice boomed throughout the room silencing everyone at the party.
Agatha opened her eyes and saw Lars looking down at her with what appeared to be genuine concern. The look on Lars' face made Agatha even more nervous.
"Are you okay?" he asked.
Agatha nodded and braced for the emotional assault that the bimbo squad was about to unleash. Lars offered her his hand, but Agatha was loathe to accept his help. She tried to get up, and fell back down, so she took his hand for the added leverage. As soon as their hands made contact, she felt electricity flow through her body.
"Come lie down in my parents' room until you feel better." Without letting go of her hand, he led her past the hostile stares of the bimbo squad.
"Uhh, no! Thanks. I gotta go," Agatha gushed, pulling her hand out of his, she dashed toward the door.
As she started down the steps, she could hear Lars attempting to calm Bree. She paused to listen, "Bree, that was my fault! I felt a hand on my shoulder and thought it was you. I spun around and went for the kiss. I didn't know it was Agatha!"
"Why the fuck was that loser weirdo here anyway?" Bree demanded.
"You know everyone is welcome at my parties. No exceptions. If you don't like my guests you're free to party elsewhere," Lars answered.
Agatha smiled at those words. It was the first time anyone had ever defended her, and it made her love for the handsome jock grow. Even though she would never go to one of his parties, knowing that she was welcome made her heart flutter. When Lars told off his bimbo squad girlfriend Agatha melted. She pranced home, forgetting all about her tutoring session.
§ § §
The following Monday at school, Agatha was sure that everyone was gossiping about her. The sidelong glances and subtle gestures were a dead giveaway. She sunk into her seat, dreading another day in this hell hole. 'Soon,' she reminded herself 'soon, I'll be out of here and on my way to college.'
That afternoon, the jocks on her bus were laughing and looking at her. Agatha was on the verge of tears when one of the Jocks stopped next to her seat. He looked down at Agatha and when her eyes met his, her heart sank. She knew he was about to send some dopey epithet her way. She glanced away, preparing herself for yet another inane, yet hurtful remark.
"Interesting party, huh?" he said with a slight smile. Agatha looked at him, surprise evident on her face. "Lars and Bree broke up because she wouldn't stop bitching about you after what happened."
Agatha's only reaction was a raised eyebrow. She was uncertain if this was the beginning of some elaborate prank the jocks were playing on her. The Jock laughed and continued, "No joke, Lars dumped Bree's ass in front of the whole school! Then he warned them against revenging you. If they do anything Lars said he would 'make 'em suffer." He smiled and touched her shoulder, then walked off the bus calling out to his friends.
Agatha was so lost in thought that she missed her stop. She got off the bus, mentally cursing herself and dreading the long walk home. She couldn't believe that Lars and Bree broke up because of her and that Lars was protecting her. Lars had never spoken to her before that night and had no reason to protect her. She wondered why he would do that. The concern about her elaborate prank theory returned.
The next morning, she walked into the school and started to make her way to her first class. Somehow, the other students seemed somewhat friendlier. Even the Bimbo Squad walked past her without a single snide remark, which was unheard of. As she reached her AP Statistics class, she saw Lars standing in the doorway. She felt afraid, wondering why he was there since he had never taken an AP class. Agatha tried to slip by him, but he put his hand on her arm and she stopped. She felt her cheeks burning and couldn't even look at him as he started speaking.
"Agatha, I want to say I'm sorry about what happened to you. I dumped Bree at the party."
Without moving her head Agatha managed to squeak out "Okay."
"I also wanted to make sure you weren't hurt when that bitch from the... umm... what is it you call them?"
"The Bimbo Squad," Agatha said her eyes downcast, feeling stupid at the immature phrases.
Lars laughed, "That does fit them!" His voice grew warm and friendly. He rubbed her arm and said, "I want you to know you're welcome at any party I have, ever. The bimbo squad is off the guest list, PERMANENTLY!" Lars let her arm go before she could move he leaned close to her ear and whispered salaciously, "For the record, you're one hell of a kisser and you do have a great... all butt." He winked at her, then spun on his heel, turned and walked away, whistling.
Agatha rushed to her seat, hoping to hide her face which had turned three shades of red. She felt her classmate's eyes as they stared at her. They all wondered what the handsome, rich jock had said to make her smile and blush.
§ § § §
After school, Agatha decided to walk home. As she turned the corner to her street, she saw a familiar car approaching. She had a sinking feeling as the car began to slow down. Agatha saw Bree sitting in the passenger seat of Priss' convertible. Everything started moving in slow motion. Agatha watched in horror as Bree launched a bright green orb at her. Her brain was screaming at her to move, but her limbs had locked in place, unable to move. Agatha's eyes followed the trajectory of the orb as it flew out of the car and struck Agatha on the chest. It exploded and released its liquid contents all over her.
Her clothes dripped from the fluid as she felt droplets splash her on the face. Time returned to normal as a foul but familiar smell invaded Agatha's nose.
"You know what they say skank. It's better to get pissed off than pissed on!" Bree cackled, as Pris hit the gas so hard the tires squealed as the car sped away.
Agatha looked down at her sopping wet clothes, dripping Bimbo Squad urine. The noxious fluid had soaked through her jacket, blouse, and into her white cotton bra. She could feel it running down her legs, and soaking into her panties. Agatha cried all the way home.
She walked into her house and stripped. She didn't want the Bimbo Squads foulness to contaminate her only safe space. As she shed her clothing, she called out to her mother, needing solace. She slid her panties down her legs and dropped them onto the pile of clothes she planned on burning. She stood in her foyer naked, wondering why her mom or dad hadn't responded to her pitiful cries.
§ § § § §
She walked naked into her home, calling out for her parents with no response. Her voice echoed in the emptiness of her home. This was beyond unusual, it was unheard of. Her parents owned a very successful web design company. They and all their employees worked from home. If her parents weren't eating or sleeping, they were writing or reviewing code.
Agatha walked into the kitchen, wondering where her parents were. She was more in need of comfort and ice cream than any white girl in history. When she went to open the fridge, she saw a note on the fridge...
'Agatha, as soon as you get home call us at Mom-Mom's.- Dad.'
Agatha called her grandparent's house and her mom answered the phone. "Sit down baby I have some bad news."
Agatha sank into a kitchen chair. The tone of her mother's voice made her feel as though the floor was about to crumble beneath her.
"Honey, Mom-Mom, and Pinto were flying back from their summer home in Florida, there was... an accident... the landing gear... They're...they're..." Her mother started sobbing into the phone.
Agatha went into shock, her mouth opened and closed. She was at a total loss for words. Her hands started shaking and her chest started constricting. She could hear her father's voice, weak and pained as he tried to assuage his wife.
As her mom's sobs faded into the background, he spoke: "Cutiekins, I sent a Lyft to get you, They're about 15 minutes away. Go pack some clothes and whatever else you think you'll need. We love you and will see you soon."
She squeaked out an, "I love you too Daddy," before hanging up the phone. Tears exploded from her eyes as she dropped to the floor, wracked with grief.
Agatha missed the last few days of her senior year and her graduation.

I do not make any money from writing. My only reward is feedback from my readers. Please like, comment, share, retweet, upvote, repost, retweet, follow, join or whatever you can do on the site where you read this. All feedback is a gift, and I love gifts.
Sal De Klerk, "The Salacious Scribe"
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