© MMXII All Rights Reserved
Authors Note:
The idea for this story came from the janetsexy77 in the Literotica forums.
Special thanks to...
Editor: madame_tasha & ElmerStud
This story and it's associated images contain sexually explicit content. If you are not at least 18 (or the age of legal majority) or if this type of content is in any way restricted in your locale please leave this site now.
This story contains adult oriented content. Please review the categories and tags before reading. If this is not your kind of smut, please find another story.
Agatha ended up going to a state school because Bryn Mawr gave away her spot after she missed several deadlines to enroll while dealing with her grandparent's premature death. Pinto, the retired Magazine editor. Mom-mom, who managed a small independent grocery store she had worked at since she was a teen. Agatha tried to use her inheritance to buy her way into the school but ran into too many roadbocks and eventually gave up . Her parents were too shell shocked to care about anything. It took all summer, but her Grandparents wealth was all hers now. She headed off to school and arrived a day late, missing Freshman Orientation.
Agatha navigated the antique car her grandfather left her, to the lot outside her dorm. She pulled up in the unloading zone in front of the building, and shut off the car. She took a moment to enjoy the relative quiet and look around at her home for the next four years. As she got out of the behemoth she heard a rich, somewhat familiar baritone voice behind her, "Wow! that's a hell of a ride!"
"It's a '57 Chevy Bel Air Hardtop. Before you ask, yes, It's got all original parts and I'm the 2nd owner," she said in a monotone. She had grown tired of gear heads drooling over the car. Wishing that, at least once, a cute guy would drool over her instead of the car.
Without looking behind her, she opened the trunk and stacked her belongings on the curb. 'I wish that there were still guys who would help a girl in distress,' she thought as the pile grew. There has to be at least one cute guy on campus that knows what it means to be a gentleman.
Agatha slung a garment bag over her shoulder and to the presence behind her, "I'll take you for a ride if you help me." She turned, expecting to see the guy speed walking away. She froze when she saw a very familiar face, "Lars?" she exclaimed, stunned and confused. Embarrassment making her tongue twist itself into a clove hitch.
"Agatha?" Lars responded with a giant smile, recognizing his high school classmate. "Where'd you get that fine ass piece of automotive history?" he asked appreciating the curves of both the car and the girl.
Agatha smiled back unable to respond. Her tongue finished the clove hitch and added two half hitches.
"Wow," he whistled, as he gave her a long slow appreciative look. "You’ve changed, changed a lot. You look...hot!"
Agatha shrunk into herself, not used to that reaction from a guy. Especially not this guy. Feeling self-conscious, she gestured toward the car, trying to get Lars to stop looking at her.
"My...um... My grandparents died..."
"Yeah, I heard. I'm so sorry," he said, "I know how close you were to them." He stepped closer to her, offering to hug her.
Agatha, still feeling self-conscious and uncomfortable, stepped back. "They left me the car and some money. I decided to start college looking... different." She looked away, embarrassed. She had worked hard to change how she looked, but explaining it to someone from her past made her sound vain and silly.
Sensing her discomfort, Lars changed the subject, "You would've loved graduation."
"No biggie," she replied. "Not like I had a lot of friends or fond memories." As she spoke, she remembered her last interaction with The Bimbo Squad. How they bombarded her with urine-filled balloons. That was the same day that her grandparents died in a plane crash. Agatha's cheeks began to burn, both from embarrassment and rage, as she tried to push that memory away.
Lars nodded in understanding. "When I heard you were coming here, instead of Bryn Mawr, I made sure to get your copy of the yearbook and the graduation video. Let's get your stuff to your room, then while you unpack, I'll get them."
After several trips, Agatha and Lars were hot and sweaty but finally finished. "I'll be right back," Lars said as he gave her arm a friendly squeeze. Agatha began to unpack, putting her clothes away, making the bed, making her part of the small space her own. She made a good start in getting unpacked and organized in the twenty minutes Lars was gone.
"I'm back," Lars called as he walked into the room. Grabbing Agatha's laptop off of the desk, he opened the CD drive and inserted a disc labeled "Grad Video". Agatha shook her head, annoyed that Lars insisted on screening the ceremony. She mustered up her courage, "Fuck graduation. I don't give a shit."
Lars reached up and grabbed Agatha by the wrist. "Sit down Aggie, you'll love this," as he guided her onto the bed next to him.
Agatha had always been called Agatha. No one had ever called her Aggie before. After thinking about it, she realized that Aggie was a better fit for her new look. She hadn't had any surgical enhancements, she did consult several medical professionals. A dermatologist for her seborrhea. A Lasik surgeon for her astigmatism. Her orthodontist removed her braces. Even better, Mother Nature had finally turned her body from a surfboard, to a surfboard with a slight waistline and noticeable hips. Even her itty bitties had grown to be a nice handful.
Working with a cosmetologist, she learned how to care for her dull hair. The stringy mousy brown gave way to a luxurious caramel balayage. After mastering styling tools, she could create soft curls or sleek blow-outs at home. She also learned how to use makeup a to emphasize her best features, and hide her flaws.
She finished her transformation by hiring a fashion consultant. She taught her how to select more attractive and fashionable clothing, and how to dress for her lean body. She wasn't comfortable with some of the outfits, like the corset top, tight jeans, two-inch heels she was wearing.
Changing your appearance is easy, changing who you are...not so much. Agatha was ninety-nine and forty-four one-hundredths percent sure that a dye job and pricey shoes couldn't change her. She was still the same introverted, wallflower, church mouse she was in high school. But going by Aggie might take her from an ugly, depressing nerd to a kinda cute, less introverted nerd.
§ §
Aggie shook her head to end her reverie. She sat on her bed next to Lars, their legs nestled together. "Show me the stupid thing already," she growled, dreading the ugly memories the opening montage was sure to bring back. Lars hit play as Aggie realized that she was alone, in her bedroom, with a boy. Not just any boy, the one she had been infatuated with since they first met. Her tongue added a sheet bend to the knots already in her mouth.
The video started, and the St. Sextus Academy logo appeared on the screen. It faded to an aerial view of the campus. As the image moved over the Main building towards the sports field, the image faded to a long shot from the stage. Pomp and Circumstance began to play as the Seniors processed in. Aggie sighed in frustration when she saw The Bimbo Squad had front row seats.
Once the graduates were all seated, a voice intoned "Ladies and gentleman the graduating class of 2012. Thunderous applause blasted from the speakers as the seniors, following tradition, began to chant "Sha Na Na Na, Na Na Na Na hey hey, goodbye."
As the applause died out and the chant faded, the video jump cut to a long shot from behind the audience looking at the faculty on the stage. The shot seemed to glide toward a screen about the stage. A flickering dark video started to play on the screen. The video cut to a direct feed of the montage covering the graduating class's high school experience.
The video changed to a very rough grainy, out of focus amateur video. It showed the interior of a locker room. Aggie had seen that room enough times to recognize it as the senior section of the girl's locker room. At first, there was no one on the screen, then the entire Bimbo Squad came out of the showers wrapped in towels. The camera wasn't positioned to capture the best footage. the details weren't clear, but you could identify the people in the video.
As the girls dropped their towels and started to dress in their street clothes, they began discussing their plans for the weekend. Things like what mind-altering chemicals would be ingested. How to stay out after curfew and not get caught. Who had to get some plan B cause their boyfriend refused to wear rubbers, and other secrets teen girls share with trusted friends.
Aggie sat there in amazement as she watched Bree, Pris and the rest of The Bimbo Squad reveal their secrets. When the girls started to leave, the video faded to black.
"I had the projectionist take a break, locked the booth, and squirted Krazy glue into the lock, Lars smirked.
Aggie looked at him in shock as he continued, "You and I have the only copies. For some reason, the faculty canceled the sale this year. Lots of students protested that decision. I stole the master from the AV room and made a copy for you," Lars told her with a straight face.
Aggie was staring at him in disbelief. "But why...how?" She couldn't fathom why he would do this to his girlfriend and her friends.
"Remember Dave Jones? He bet me he could get a video of the Bimbo Squad naked. He snuck into the locker room and hid his phone with it running a security cam app. He won $50 bucks, I got revenge for what happened ..." he paused not wanting to mention her grandparent's death, "The last day you were in school."
"You should’ve seen it, parents grabbing their daughters. Teachers running around trying to stop the video. Our Classmates laughing so hard most of 'em pissed their pants. The entire Bimbo Squad disappeared. No one’s seen hide nor hair of them all summer.”
Aggie began to laugh. It felt good to know that after all the torture and humiliation she’d suffered at the hands of The Bimbo Squad, karma had finally balanced the scales.
§ § §
As they sat in her dorm laughing, Aggie wondered if she finally had a friend, a cute guy friend. When they finally stopped laughing, Lars handed Aggie a yearbook with her name embossed on the cover. She took one look at it and put it down, knowing there would be a total of three pictures of her and zero signatures in it.
Lars looked at her and said, "Don't you want to open it, Aggie?"
"later," she replied.
"Trust me, open it now."
She hesitated a moment before she opened it. Aggie's jaw dropped when she saw the book was full of signatures. Most admitted they were happy The Bimbo Squad got what was coming to them. Some said that they wished they had befriended her. Most wrote KIT with phone numbers and addresses. When she turned to the last page, she saw a larger than average note, saying...
'To the best kisser, I know, hope to see you and your sexy Allbut soon,' Lars.
Tears welled up in her eyes as she looked at Lars. "Why...," she squeaked, unable to get the rest of the words past the Gordian knot her tongue had become.
Lars looked at her and shrugged, "It's how my folks brought my up. Truth, Justice, and the American Way, all taught along with my ABC's."
"You don't know what this means ..." Aggie never finished speaking as Lars looked deep into her eyes.
Without saying a word. He put his hand on her chin and eased her forward. His eyes boring into hers, reassuring and inviting. "right before their lips met Lars murmured, "Say stop and I will."
Aggie had no desire to stop. She always wanted him to be her first, from the first time she saw him walk into class. Finally, her desire was coming true. Their lips met for the second time. This kiss surpassed the first one by far. For one thing, Lars was kissing Aggie on purpose. Second, it lasted longer, a lot longer, but the most important reason, there was no violence done to her person.
Without breaking the kiss, Lars maneuvered them into a prone position on the bed. Without stopping the kiss, he began to run his firm hands over her body. Aggie was in heaven. She lay back in ecstasy, knowing that soon her Chevy would be the only thing she had that was still cherry.
Lars finally broke the kiss and looked hungrily at Aggie. Keeping his eyes fixed on hers, he guided her into a sitting position. He and pulled her top down, as he leaned in and began to kiss and nibble on her neck and ears. Aggie pulled his head closer to her, his hands found the clasp on her strapless bra. He unfastened it, letting it fall to the floor, exposing Aggie's breasts.
Aggie crossed her arms over her chest to hide her small breasts, embarrassed by her size. Lars kissed Aggie to reassure her as he tugged her arms away from her chest. Her mounds quivered as his lust-filled gaze committed them to memory. Lars used his weight to get Aggie prone and then shifted his mouth to her erect nipples. For the first time in her 18 and 1/9th years on the planet, a male mouth touched her nipple. Aggie had no idea anything could feel that good.
Aggie felt Lars's hand grasp hers, their fingers intertwined as he sucked, licked, and bit her nipples. She squirmed at the oral onslaught on her hypersensitive buds. More than once Aggie had brought herself to orgasm in the shower, only by washing her breasts.
She felt that same heat wash over her as Lars flicked her nipple with his tongue. Aggie wanted Lars inside her, she wanted her first orgasm with him from intercourse. She pushed Lars away from her breasts, Lars immediately understood. He stripped himself naked, exposing his strong firm toned body. His penis was hard and pointing right at Aggie's mouth. He knelt on her bed one knee on each side of her torso.
Aggie froze as she got a close-up view of the first post-adolescent naked male she had ever seen. His ... thing ... was huge, 9.416 inches she calculated. Aggie remembered learning that the average size for adult males in the US was 5.51 inches. ‘My first time is above average,’ she thought and giggled, hoping the experience would stay that way.
Lars shifted forward his cock was too close to Aggie's mouth for comfort. "Give it a kiss baby," Lars said, "It likes to be kissed by pretty girls."
"Eww, no way I am kissing that," Aggie said, fearful of his reaction. Lars looked down at her and saw the same fear and desire he saw the night he deflowered Pris and Bree. "Is ...is this your first time?" Aggie nodded, despite her fear that he wouldn't want someone as inexperienced and timid as she was.
Lars smiled to reassure her, and pulled his cock away from her face. He returned to kissing her breasts as his hands found the button on her jeans. Aggie sighed in relief, while Lars pulled the coarse material down her legs. Aggie was trembling in fear and lust as she lay there in her neon green boy short panties that said:
Keep calm & Eat Pi
Aggie started to tremble in fear and lust. Lars kissed his way down her smooth belly, stopping at her belly button for a few seconds. He continued down her body. Soon he reached the waistband of the last piece of clothing hiding Aggie's treasure pot from him. He took the waistband in his mouth and pulled her panties down exposing her completely.
Her scent wafted to his nose, his nostrils flared in arousal as he removed her panties. He shook his head like a dog with a bone, letting the panties fall to the floor as he climbed back onto the bed. Lars placed a hand on each of Aggie's knees and eased her legs apart. He lowered his face, and kissed his way up her thighs, getting closer to her overflowing pool of moisture.
Aggie sat up, alarmed, "What are you doing?"
"Lay back and relax, you'll enjoy this," he responded.
"No ... stop," Aggie said as she squeezed her thighs together to stop him from putting his mouth down there. Lars looked up in surprise. Aggie couldn't believe she heard herself saying "Please fuck me. Take my cherry."
Lars smiled at her words, "As you wish milady." He stood up, eased her legs open, and placed the crown of his manhood near her wetness. Aggie could feel the heat radiating from him. It was the most erotic sensation she’d ever experienced. She waited for him to enter her, to make her a woman.
Lars remained still, looking at Aggie's naked body. He could see her goosebump covered skin tremor from lust, fear and anticipation. He knew she was ready for him, so he said, "Ask me."
"What?" she said in confusion.
"Ask me. Tell me what you want me to do."
"Please take me," she whispered, not sure what Lars wanted.
"Be descriptive, use your imagination. Tell me exactly what you want from me."
"Make love to me," she pleaded.
"Not like that. Be dirty."
"Fuck me?" she questioned.
"Better," Lars said, "but try something like “Lars put your cock in my cunt and bust my cherry. Then ride me until your balls empty your cum into my wet cunt. Feel free to paraphrase."
Her face turned a bright red listening to his dirty talk. Hearing those words she felt herself get wetter, but there was no way she would or could say that. She was horny and desperate enough to try, "Lars please make me a woman by sticking you're... Ummm ... tool inside me. Make me a woman."
Lars smiled kindly at Aggie. "We'll have to work on your bedroom talk." he quipped, and then began rubbing his tip up and down her slit, getting it ready to enter the folds of her dripping hole. He paused for a second, then pushed until he felt resistance. With one quick thrust, he broke through the thin barrier and was inside Aggie. She screamed, uncertain if it was from pain or pleasure. Aggie watched as Lars kept pushing himself deeper into her. Lars started to probe into her.. Aggie closed her eyes to get used to the new sensations that raced through her.
Aggie estimated she had 3.833 inches of him inside her. She didn't think she would be able to take all of him. She wanted to, but she knew that she was 17.836% smaller than the average woman. He was 12.621% larger than the average man. She didn't think that the numbers would work. Aggie always trusted numbers, they’d never steered her wrong.
When Lars stopped thrusting, She looked up at him confused. Sweat glistened on his forehead and little droplets rolled down his chest. She watched as one drop flowed down his pectoral muscle and onto his erect nipple. She watched in fascination as it grew in size and hung off his nipple. Soon, it lost its battle with gravity and fell toward her. The droplet landed .357” to the right of her belly button. 'Was it over?' She wondered, 'Did he ejaculate?' She didn't want to ask, afraid she would insult him, and/or reveal how naive she was.
"Damn Aggie, I didn't think your tight little body could handle me. But look, I'm balls deep in your pussy." Aggie looked and couldn't see his shaft. His dark thick pubic hair meshed with her light wispy hair. She could see that her belly was a bit distended. She wondered if it was her imagination or if Lars was that big.
Lars exhaled and began to thrust into her tight pussy. His strokes grew frenzied as he enjoyed the tight pussy of his latest conquest. He began to think about his summer to keep from cumming too soon in the tightest pussy he’d ever fucked.
§ § § §
- LARS -
Lars had always had a thing for tight petite bodies. In high school, he would've fucked Aggie because she looked like an elf, even though he thought she was a plain Jane. Over the summer in Europe and Africa, he’d met lots of sexy waifish women who succumbed to his charms.
That wasn't the only thing he learned over the summer. As he and his Dad took a day off to go sightseeing in the European Union, his dad turned to him and said, "Most girls are whores. True whores want money upfront, get you off, and leave. No cuddling, no talking, no 'will you respect me in the morning’ bullshit. They're true professionals. Every other woman on this planet is a whore in denial. Instead of cash for cunt, they want to pretend you aren’t paying them. So you buy them dinner, movies, clothes, and if they feel like it, you’ll get a halfassed blow job and before throwing your hot dog into a cave.”
Lars was amazed that his parents hadn't gotten divorced years ago. He now understood his parent's relationship. He had always known that both of them had lovers. He also knew the closest his parents came to having sex together was renting seperate rooms in the same hotel to bang their current lover.
Their relationship was like one of the mergers they finalized. It made great business sense to be married. Who cared if they loved or fucked each other. It was a simple business arrangement. Lars didn't even know if his dad was his dad or not. As a teen, he thought about getting a DNA test but decided it's not sperm that makes a man a dad. The one thing he learned from his parents was that he was going to love the woman he married.
§ § § § §
Lars was brought back to reality by a gasp from Aggie. "Are you okay," he asked concerned, ready to shift his weight or change position. Anything so that he could finish fucking his petite princess, "Do you need me to stop?"
"No-No! NO! OH GOD NOOOOOOOOOO!" Aggie yelled as she had her first non-self induced orgasm. She began trashing below him as Aggie succumbed to his skills in pleasuring women. Her movements were making him build pressure fast. He thought back to an hour ago when he saw the body by the car. That's all it had been to him, his preferred female form with a hot classic car. All he could think about doing was climbing in the backseat and fucking the waif of a girl standing near it.
He couldn't believe it was his high school classmate, Agatha Allbut. She had changed over the summer. While not grade A pussy as he found in the Netherlands, Italy, or South Africa, she looked pretty damn good. He decided he was glad he humiliated The Bimbo Squad. It might help him get into her pants, without the bullshit of courting that most girls expected. Shit, thinking of the visuals she gave him while he tried to decide how to approach her pushed him over the edge. He began to fill Aggie with his spore.
Aggie was still incoherent as Lars thrust one last time into her, releasing his seed into her depths. Once their climaxes had subsided, they lie together in silence. Letting themselves recover from the salacious experience, as they continued holding hands. Lars considered trying to talk her into a second round. He’d enjoyed the first, it was nice, but too vanilla for him. Meanwhile, Aggie was mentally planning their wedding and future lives.
Lars fondled her nipples, amazed at how big and sensitive they were. They responded to the slightest touch, and when erect they almost doubled the size of her bust. Her breasts were nice, round, and plump. Bright pink and the areola was dark enough to complement her tanned skin. As he flicked her nipples, he told Aggie "I want to name them. This one," he said, kissing the right one, "is going to be Alpha. And this one," he said as he tweaked the left nipple, "is going to be Mu."
"Why Alpha and Mu?" Aggie asked, knowing it was a joke, but not getting it.
"Where would an Aggie be without A & M," he laughed.
Aggie swatted his arm, "You're terrible,” she said and laughed.

Without warning, the door flew open and a girl walked in. The stranger stopped short and looked at Aggie and Lars. She smiled and said, "Looks like somebody wasted no time."

I do not make any money from writing. My only reward is feedback from my readers. Please like, comment, share, retweet, upvote, repost, retweet, follow, join or whatever you can do on the site where you read this. All feedback is a gift, and I love gifts.
Sal De Klerk, "The Salacious Scribe"
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