© MMXV All Rights Reserved
Co Author: Caron4Flash
Authors Note:
Caron4Flash commissioned this piece and helped write it. He has Cerebral Palsy and finds it difficult to meet and interact with ladies. This is one of his many fantasies.
This story and it's associated images contain sexually explicit content. If you are not at least 18 (or the age of legal majority) or if this type of content is in any way restricted in your locale please leave this site now.
This story contains adult oriented content. Please review the categories and tags before reading. If this is not your kind of smut, please find another story.
Donna was happy to be home from work. "Another day another fifty cents after taxes", she muttered under her breath." She took out her keys and began to open the outside door to her apartment building. As she opened the door, her cute neighbor, the one in the wheelchair, was coming home from where ever he spent his days. She decided to wait and to hold the door knowing how difficult fit was for him to pull it open.
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Jerome was grateful to be heading home from his job. He was an accountant at an multinational investment firm. Despite the limits his body imposed on him, his mind was sharp. He didn't notice Donna as she waited for him as he rolled up the street slowly, feeling sorry for himself. He was lonely. He had the same needs and desires as everyone else, but few people, especially woman took the time to get to know him. His diability was a turn off for most women. The few that did befriend him were either looking to mother him, or were paraphiliacs. He didn't need an over protective mother or to be some perverts sex toy. As he rolled up the ramp to the door, he noticed a great set of legs coming out of a tight sexy yet business casual skirt. He followedf those legs up around the taut ass, and realized it was Donna. She was fairly new to the building, and Jerome had many fantasies about her but they never had an occasion to talk. He rolled into the Foyer and began to get his mail trying to come up with something clever to say.
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Donna watched him to cruise up to the door and into the foyer. As she got her mail, Donna glanced sideways at him. He was an attractive man, but his condition, and the wheelchair, had held her back from making any overtures of friendship. For some reason, she decided to change that right now. "So how was your day neighbor?" she asked smiling at him. She glanced down at her mail while waiting for his reply.
His mood brightened when Donna asked about his day. Jerome decided to take a shot. He pulled out his iPad and replied using the voice app, "Not great. But seeing you made it better. I could use some company tonight. Could you...would you join me for dinner? I don't want to go out, but don't want to be alone. We could get to know each other."
The unexpected invitation made Donna freeze. "Tonight, come over, I...I...don't know..."
Jerome appreciated how Donna gave hime time to answer. Hat showed she was kind and considerate. Most people got irritated when he took so long to answer even the simplest of questions. What's to know. I'll cook and clean, all you have to do is come over and enjoy."
"NO!" She exclaimed when the iPad fell silent.
Seeing his crestfallen expression, Donna realized she needed to clarify her response. "Let me rephrase that. I was raised that it was rude to show up at someone home empty handed. As you responded, I was trying to think of something I have that I could bring over. The no was because I can't think of anything, but I can run to the store. What time should I be there?"
Jerome responded, "You don't need to bring anything, but that beautiful smile and your appetite. Come by about 7ish?"
"I'll be there,... with... something." She smiled at him and started up the stairs. Jerome watched her climb the stairs and admired how her calf muscles flexed as she walked and the way her ass shifted under the form fitting dress. Donna felt his eyes on her so she put a little extra shimmy into her walk for him to appreciate.
Jerome rolled off the elevator and into his apartment. He popped a frozen Lasagne into the oven and changed out of his suit and into Jeans and a dressy polo. He turned on some mood music, and lit a few candles. He popped open some sparkling grape juice and set the table with the good china he inheritied from his grandmother. He warmed up some Texas Toast and put some salad into a bowl. Once everything was as close to perfect as he could make it, he began to practice pulling out Donna's chair. It was a difficult manuver due to the space and he didn't want to appear to be awkward or uncoordinated in front of Donna.
Donna went to her apartment and dropped her stuff. She stripped off her work clothes and stood there naked surveying her wardrobe. 'It's been too long since I had a relationship' she thought as she looked at the work clothes and the hook up outfits that dominated her closet. She found a pair of cut off jean shorts that would emphasize her assets, and left her long legs bare. She paired that with a pink spaghetti strap top without a bra. The top was getting a bit threadbare and her areola could be seen if you looked had enough. She found an old white blouse and put it on, tying the ends just under her breasts, to lift and expose a bit more cleavage. She slipped her feet into her favorite cowboy boots. She smiled at her reflection, while she debated on wearing her cowboy hat. She decided to let her long wavy auburn locks hang free. As it got close to seven, she headed out to the corner bodega and bought a fresh dutch apple pie, some ice cream, and cool whip. It was 7:03 when she knocked on Jerome's door.
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Jerome yanked open his door and looked at her. stunned into silence. He remembered one sultry night a few weeks ago. Doona and some of her girlfriends were heading out and she wore the same outfit. Now she wore it just for him. "You look amazing," the iPad intoned while Jerome's eyes ran up and down her legs. Remembering his manners, he took the dessert from her and wordlessly invited her in. He wanted to show that despite his gestured for her to follow him. He wanted to show her how independent he was despite his body's limits.
Donna stepped into the apartment and looked around. "Did you renovate this yourself. I didn't realize that you were able too... er uh... I mean... that is..." Her face turned red when she realized that she sounded like she was praising a kindergardener for tying his shoes. "I always figured that you had a nurse or caretaker of some sort. Guess you don't need help," she said hoping she didn't sound as condescending as thought. Taking a deep breath, she looked at him "is that Lasagna I smell? Homemade or delivery?" She wondered if he knew it was one of her favorite foods.
Jerome was used to peopes gaffe's and discomfort when the spent time around him. It didn't bother him as much as it used to. He had learned that most people meant well but were ill informed and uncomfortable around those who were different. He ignored her rambling, and simply said, "It's Stoffer's.
"Well... if it's Stouffers, it's got to be good," Donna said grageful to have something to say that didn't sound rude or demeaning.
Jerome laughed and asked, "Shall we sit down to eat?"
"If it's ready. Is there anything I can do to help you?"
Jerome shook his head no and took her hand and lead her to the table. He pulled out her chair and waited for her to sit.
Donna realized how badly Jerome wanted to impress her and show he didn't need help. Once she was seated, she took his hand and kissed him on the cheek. "You've already put in more effort on this date than my last two boyfriends put in our entire relationship, combined."
Jerome's chest swelled with pride and he felt his face flush where her sweet soft lips touched him. After he got all the food on the table he took his iP ad and said, "Please talk to me during dinner. Tell me all about yourself, your hopes, dreams, childhood or anything you want. I don't keep the tablet on the table while I eat...just in case." He felt ashamed admitting he couldn't trust himself with electronics around food and drink. Donna nodded in understanding, and waited until they both had served themselves.
Jerome thought about the night he saw her in this outfit. She looked so sexy. He had used that image many times over the last few weeks. He couldn't believe Donna was now sitting a few feet away looking even more appetizing than Lasagne and Garlic Bread. He listened as she told him about growing up on a 20,000 acre ranch in Montana and caring for 35,000 head of cattle.
When they had finished eating, Jerome got his iPad and said, "I guess it's my turn to talk. What do you want to know?"
"Well I don't want to sound rude, but I can't think of another way to put this. What is wrong with you?" She asked trying to sound kind and loving despite the harsh words.
"Nothing is wrong with me! I have a condition called Cerebral Palsy that limits my motor control. I do have someone come in a few times a week to help with some stuff I can't do by myself anymore. Mostly housework and bathing. Other than that I'm pretty independent. I have a job and do a weekly trivia night at Gators Dockside." Any other questions?"
"Is there any medication or treatment that will counter the effects of your condition?"
"When I was first diagnosed I did some physical therapy to strengthen my muscles to limit and delay the loss of use. Unfortunatly there's nothing else medical science has found that helps.
Donna looked saddened at that, and Jerome saw the piting look he was all too familiar with when he told people there was no treatment. "Any more questions?"
Enjoying their conversation, she asked "When were you diagnosed? How long have you been in the chair?" leaning forward exposing a bit more of her cleavage to his gaze.
"I was born with Cerebral Palsy. I was still in elementary school when I began to need the chair," he said without rancor.
"So, you've been in the wheelchair since you were a kid? That must have made school rough. Hell, I had braces in 7th grade and cried myself to sleep every night because of the teasing. I can't imagine what you went through." Donna says, trying to empathize with him.
Smiling, Jerome admitted, "I was almost 20 when I graduated high school. I had to go to College part time, due to my condition and the lack of professors who were willing to work around my limitations."
Donna nods in sympathy, regreting th fact she let his condition stop her from getting to know him sooner. He was intelligent, friendly and considerate. He wasn't an oddity to be curious about or a broken person to be pitied. He was just a guy. A cute guy, she admitted to herself, with hopes, dreams, and aspirations.
"I can tell there's something else you want to ask. What is it?"
"Can you... do you need... does your body... do all your parts... function?"
"What do you mean by function?"
"Do you need... medical devices or stuff... to... help with... biological imperatives. Like in the... bathroom or..." Her eyes lower and her cheeks turn a pretty shade of light red, "...bedroom?" She turned her face away, embarrassed. "Never mind that's none of my business."
"I have learned... ways to use the bathroom solo. There are times I might need some help, but those are few and far between. As for the bedroom...," his face flushes when he hears the tinny speaker say what he typed, "...I don't have much experience. I have the usual desires, bt willing and available partners are rarer than an honest politician.
"Donna throws back her head and laughs loudly. Jerome smiles as he watches her long kissable neck, and the way her breasts jiggle. My experience with ladies is limited to a pity suck from my step sister on my 21st birthday, and at a concert some chick on E wanted to 'Blow the cripple' to piss off her boyfriend."
Donna saw the anger and contempt he had for the woman who used him for her own selfish reasons. "Wow... that's... umm... okay... damn." She had no idea what to say. She knew he didn't want pity. She pitied the skank who never got to know Jerome as a person.
Jerome figured she wouldn't have asked about the bedroom if she wasn't thinking about using it. 'To the bold goes the victory,' he reminded himself, and only hesitated for a moment, "Are you dating anyone?"
"There's this one guy I hook up with on occasion. It's more than a booty call but weren't not friends with bennies either. Honestly, I'm getting a bit tired of the hook up scene. I miss being in a relationship and doing things outside the bedroom with a guy I truly care about . So no, I'm not dating anyone."
Donna looked direfctly into his eyes and felt a strong connection. She could see he felt it too. "Would you consider dating me?"
"You'd have to ask me on a date to fine out," she replied coyly.
"Can you at least tell me if you think I'm attractive?"
"You answered my questions that were a lot more personal. I guess it's only fair I answer yours." She paused to take a breath. "You're... not unpleasant to look at." She said winking.
Jerome smiled at her admission and wondered how far she would go on a first date. He moved his chair closer to her, "If you give me a chance, I think I'll be able to make you happy."
Even though the words were delivered through a second rate speaker, in a monotone, the double meaning of the phrase was unmistakable. Her eyes widened at the way their conversation veered from theory to practice. Donna found herself considering his offer. She had planned on calling her part-time lover when the evening ended, but Jerome's offer was intriguing. 'YOLO' Donna reminded herself.
"Well should we have dessert, or would you like me to serve you up some warm apple pie a la mode topped with some cool whip and a cherry?" She asked, teasingly.
Jerome looked at her and with a smile "define dessert?"
Walking over to his bookcase, she pulls out a dictionary. She flips it open and finds the entry she's looking for. She walks over to Jerome and puts the book on the table in front of him, and pointed...

His body was shaking in laughter as he used his iPad to say "Very funny! You know what I meant." He backed away from the table and decided to go all in. He looked deep into Donna's eyes and brazenly and deliberately lowered his zipper. He saw her eyes grow wide and her nostrils flare as she locked onto his crotch. He was glad she didn't tell hiim to stop of worse yet run from his apartment.
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In a forced non chanlant voice, she said "It would be an interesting experience to fuck a grown man that's a virgin in a wheelchair. When Donna finished talking she stood up and untied the white blouse and lett it waft its way down to the floor. With only the pink tank top covering her breasts, she walks over to him and straddles his lap. "Can you take your shirt off, or do you want me to do it for you?"
Jerome loved feeling Donna on his lap. She was so light and soft and smelled like a sexy florist shop. He had hoped for a kiss and a second date. Even in his wildest fantasy Donna gave him a hand job. Faced with the reality of actually having sex with a woman he was attracted too, made him nervous. Reaching for his iPad, he typed, "I was only kidding. We don't have to do this. I don't know if I'll be able to..."
"There's only one way to find out," Donna drowned out the end of the sentence, then plastered her mouth against his and pushed her tongue past his lips and explored his mouth. Jerome let her tongue take the lead since he had limited tongue movement. He loved how soft and moist her lips were. As they kissed, she pulled her top off exposing her pale white breasts capped with ruby red nipples and nickel sized aerola. Pulling her head back, Donna thrust her tits into Jeromes waiting mouth.
His lips felt good on her nipples. She hadn't realized how horny she had been. It had been a few weeks since she had been with a man, and her need had been building. She needed this, as much as he did. Donna stood up, opened her shorts, and pushed them down her legs. She kicked off her boots and stepped out of her shorts, leaving herself naked.
She watched as Jerome lowered his pants and saw his hard cock standing proud and ready to enter her womanhood. Once he got his pants off, Donna rubbed her damp pussy on his hard shaft. Jerome was more than ready for this to happen, but he didn't want to disappoint her. He was worried about his size, his stamina, and that he would fail to please her. "Let's go to my bedroom" the iPad intoned, as Donna rubbed his cock on her inflamed lips.
"What's wrong with right here?" Donna asked. Before Jerome could explain his reason for wanting to use the bedroom, Donna's pussy swallowed his shaft. His reasoning died as he felt the warmth and moistness envelope him as she lowered herself onto his shaft. She started with short slow strokes on his cock. As his dick got harder, and she got wetter, she increased her speed until her ass was slapping on his thighs, as they found their rhythm. As his dick drove her passion, she grabbed his hands, put them on her breasts and held them there.
The feeling of her wet warm tight pussy caressing his shaft was amazing. It was better than what he imagined when he stroked himself the her legs in those boots. He murmured a long forgotten prayer that he would last long enough to give her as much pleasure as she gave him. A light sheen of sweat formed on her body as she moaned, "Oh God baby! I can't wait til you fill my wet cunt with your cum"
Jerome freed one of his hands and used it to ask her to turn around. Donna stood up and let his shiny hard dick slip out of her body. Turning around she worked her legs into the wheelchair and guided his shaft back into her slit. Putting her hands on the armrests, she used them to lift herself up and ease back down. Pulling his head to her right breast she fed her nipple to him. Jerome loved Donna's take control attitude, and how she forced him to suck her soft enticing tits. He was close and fought to hold his impending ejaculation back. He pulled his mouth off her nipple and puckered his lips hoping she would understand. Donna leaned down and put her lips against his. She nipped his lower lip as she felt his cock start to quiver inside her. She squeezed him with her muscles and milked his cock for all she was worth. Jerome moaned as he exploded inside her, his cum flooded her pussy and she felt it leak out around his cock.
Donna released his lip, and eased herself up and down to pull out the last reminants of his cream from his shaft. When she had caught her breath, she looked Jerome in the eyes, "Well that was fast." Jerome's face fell, and he turned away from her. It took Donna a few seconds to realize she had once again deep throated her size fives. "Dammit, I did it again!" she hissed aloud. She Grabbed his face and forced him to look at her. "Oh Jerome," she said and kissed him. I didn't mean you. I meant that we went from 'Lets have dinner and get to know each other' to 'fill me with your cum' a bit fast. Faster than I ever have. I'm just a little confused," she admitted.
Jerome grabbed the iPad. "Sorry if I forced you. I should have made you stop. I'm the only one to blame."
As Donna extracted herself from the wheelchair and her lover, his cock pulled free of her pussy with a loud sloppy moist pop. She winced at the sound and grabbed a blanket from the couch and wrapped it around herself. "You're not the only adult here who could have said no, or stop. I'm a big girl. I was the one who took my clothes off. You have nothing to feel bad about. I don't regret what we did, I just wish we had waited a bit. I've never acted like such a slut. Especially with a guy I really like. I don't know what came over me."
She pausedf and seized her glass from teh table. She swallowed the last of the the sparkling grape juice and put the glass down. "We don't really know each other. Hell! In three hours we went from hi neighbor nice to meet you to pound mmy cunt with your fuck stick. I've seen porno's that had more build up before the sex." She sat down and crossed her legs. "I hate to be a cliche from a Hallmark movie of the week, but I do want you to respect me. I think there could be something between us, and not just orgasms. I'm tired of being a booty call and side chick. I want a relationship."
Jerome listened to her vent and when she finished, he typed a message. Donna watched him as he typed away. She sat up and listened as the iPad spoke, "What we did tonight was the best gift anyone has ever given me. There are no words to express how I appreciate what you did for me. You filled an emptiness in my life, now I want to do the same for you."
She smiles at his words. Taking a deep breath she tosses the blanket aside, exposing her sweaty, naked body. "Well in for a penny, in for a pound. I believe you said something about a bedroom earlier?"
Jerome smiled and spun his chair around and lead Donna into his bedroom. Jerome looked at the headboard he had designed with some college friends to allow him to fuck a woman normally despite his condition. When he first got it he tried it out with an inflatable sex doll. Tonight he would put it to a real test. He smirked and hoped Donna would appreciate it as much as he aoorecuated what she did for him.
He gestured at the bed and indicated she should lie down. She laid on her back with her legs splayed open. Jerome's cum salaciously leaked out of her. Jerome watched the sexy sight for a moment then he carefully transferred himself to the bed. He grabbed the headboard and used it to position his body atop of hers. He guided himself into her and began to thrust into her. Donna groaned in pleasure and wrapped her legs around his back, so she could pull him deep into her. He was going all out tencouraged by her moans and gasps as she met his thrust with her own.
"Fuck me real good baby. Bang me hard and make me cum." Donna gasped out as their groins slapped together lewdly. Jerome fucked her as hard as he could so he could show her he was as good a lover as any man she had before. He paused to catch his breath and watched her breasts heave and her body shuddered through a mini climax as she glistened with perspiration. Jerome started thrusting again when he saw her eyes beg him to continue. Donna rocked and gyrated her hips, determined to get hers. Her hands gripped the sheets, as he pumped into her, both of them savoring every sensation.
Donna held his shoulder with one hand to offer added support, while she rubbed her clit like mad. Jerome feared she felt cheated out of an orgasm from their first round. 'I'm gonna make her cum. If it kills me, I will make her cum,s' he thought to himself while drilling her hard! Donna was moaning and panting in pleasure from the rough fucking.
Donna couldn't believe this was the same man who was so passive their first time. She enjoyed the lovemaking, but this...this was pure fucking. Bodies slamming together, grunts, and moans filled the room. Hearing her moans of pleasure, only served to make Jerome grow thicker and harder in Donna's twat. He moaned in delight, as he felt a spasm building. Despite that, he kept going full force, and slammed into her.
"OHH baby so good, so fucking good. Pound my wet twat. fuck me silly." Donna moaned encouraging him as she got close to her first climax of the evening.
Jerome's spams grew worse, but he wanted nay he needed to make her cum. Donna pulled her hand from her clit and supported him with both hands so he could fuck her with even more vigor. Her pussy tightened on his wet slick cock.
"Yes baby, drive that monster into me. Fill me with your cum." She starts to breathe heavy and she shuddered each time a drop of sweat fell off his body and landed on her.
He could tell she was close, he was going to make a woman cum. the thought that he could make a beautiful sexually expierenced woman cum sent a surge of pride through him. His legs start to shake with his effort, but he refused to stop, to give in to his body's weakness. 'Keep fucking going Jerome,' he commanded himself.
Donna's hand returned to her clit when she sensed that Jerome was close to finishing for a second time. "So good baby, so fucking good," she moaned as she frigged herself. Jerome's legs trembled as his cock swelled inside her. He was trying to hold himself back until Donna got her release. Her eyes fluttered closed as the beginnings of her orgasm flowed through her body. Waves of pleasure emanated from the core of her being, driving her climax ever closer. Her orgasm exploded inside her, and she thrashed around, which made Jerome spill his seed into her.

After her climax subsided, she felt drained. She lay there next to Jerome and rested her head on his chest. Her breasts pressed into him, and she drifted into sleep. Their future uncertain, but for now, she was happy.

I do not make any money from writing. My only reward is feedback from my readers. Please like, comment, share, retweet, upvote, repost, retweet, follow, join or whatever you can do on the site where you read this. All feedback is a gift, and I love gifts.
Sal De Klerk, "The Salacious Scribe"
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