This novel covers a wide range of explicit sexual practices, so if you are offended in any way by stories with strong sexual content that you may consider abhorrent were it practiced in real life, please cease reading now and delete the file. If you are under 18, you have no right to read any further and MUST delete NOW!
This story is Copyright by the author who retains all rights whatsoever over publication in any form. It must not be published on any pay-site or used in any publication for profit without the author's written approval. The file may be reposted to Newsgroups but must not be changed in any way, must be posted in its entirety and must contain this note "FROM THE AUTHOR" in full.
All names are fictitious and do not intentionally relate to any person, either living or dead. All comments and constructive suggestions may be directed to the address in my profile.
Kathy Andrews, at 28 years old, was the youngest VP of Financing the company had ever had. She also was one of the most beautiful women working for the company. Her long wavy blond hair was accented perfectly by her emerald green eyes. She was of average height, standing 5'6" tall; but nothing else about her was average. She could best be described as being exceptionally proportioned. Her large firm breasts were at least a 'C' cup in size, but seemed all the bigger by the fact that her waist was so tiny. Below that minuscule waist she had one of those asses which most would simply describe with one word - perfect. Its shape, size, and firmness, were beyond description.
Although not overly bright, she was an exceptionally hard worker who always seemed to know what cards to play and when, to garner favor with the senior management. And one of those cards she played often was the appearance card, much to the dismay of some of her co-workers. Within several years of starting work, she had managed to work her way up from the general secretarial pool to her current position as VP of Financing. Unfortunately, Kathy also had a personality to match. From the moment she started working there, she had an arrogant air about her. She treated everyone around her, with the exception of senior management, like they were less than her - nobodies. And for those unfortunate enough to work for her, she made their lives a living hell. She had no problem telling people when they made mistakes, but was never one to praise good work. And if one of her people actually did something noteworthy, she would always ensure that she took full credit for the idea, rather than letting senior management know who was really responsible.
Kathy, in her mind, was on top of the world. When she started working for the company, she had been forced to work in the 'bullpen' with the rest of the pool of secretaries, sharing a desk with another employee. And now, just a few years later, she sat in her own plush office which even had its own bathroom. She had been promoted into the position at just the right time, as the building was undergoing major renovation then. She had been placed in charge of the renovation project and therefor had complete control over the design and layout of her own office. One of the things she had insisted on was having her own private bathroom and the other was making the walls soundproof. Kathy enjoyed exercising her power and would often scream and yell at her employees for very trivial things. For this reason, she wanted the soundproofing so that anyone walking by the office wouldn't accidentally overhear her tirade. It certainly wouldn't do to have a senior member of the firm hearing her treat an employee like that.
Kathy's belligerent attitude and demeanor turned many employees against her. And no one hated her more than her executive assistance Vicki Chambers. She had been working at the company for several years prior to Kathy's arrival, and when the promotion came that would have elevated Vicki out of the secretarial pool, she lost it to the newcomer Kathy.
Now Vicki wasn't an ugly woman, she just couldn't compete with the natural beauty that Kathy possessed. She had long jet black straight hair, and dark almond eyes which went well with her slim high cheek bone facial features. She had an attractive figure, though somewhat on the smaller end of the spectrum. She was several inches shorter than Kathy measuring only 5'4", so her 36B breasts seemed smaller than they really were. One thing Vicki did have that Kathy didn't was a keen intellect. Unfortunately for her, Kathy knew that and that was why she had arranged for Vicki to be her executive assistant. This way she would be able to keep Vicki under her thumb and take the credit for any good ideas that she came up with.
However, as it happens with many people in power, Kathy began to become complacent. She became overconfident in her control over Vicki and stopped scrutinizing her every action, believing that Vicki knew her place in the big scheme of things and wouldn't dare take action against her. This proved to be the weakness Vicki had been looking for.
After months of preparation, Vicki was finally ready to confront Kathy and begin the process of change. Gathering up the papers she needed to put her plan into action, she marched into Kathy's office and closed the door without a word. Now before today, this was completely unheard of. Kathy demanded complete obedience from her employees, and insisted they first announce their presence through the speaker phone and wait for permission to enter.
Kathy expression of shock quickly turned into anger when she saw that it was Vicki who had broken the rules. 'That impetuous bitch' she thought to herself. 'I see I'll have to knock her down a peg or two and remind her who's boss.' A vicious sneer began to form at the corners of her mouth.
But before Kathy could say a word, Vicki had marched right up to the desk and plopped the package of papers in front of her. "Before you have one of your little temper tantrums KATHY," stressing the word Kathy, "I think you'd best read those papers."
Kathy's expression quickly reverted to shock at hearing Vicki's tone of voice as well as the fact that she had used her first name. For Kathy, that had been absolutely forbidden. She enjoyed having everyone around her refer to her as 'Ms Andrews'. She thought it helped to remind them of their subservient position to her. Momentarily silenced, Kathy picked up the top sheet and began perusing its contents. At first she didn't understand what she was reading, but as she got to the second and third page, it became readily apparent what it was that she had before her.
"What...how...I don't understand?" she stumbled over her words, trying to piece together what was happening.
"Well Kathy, I think its fairly obvious what it is you've been doing. From looking at those papers, it seems you've been siphoning off a lot of money from the company over the last few months," Vicki replied with an evil grin on her face. "I guess your plush little salary just isn't enough to sustain you anymore, and you now have to steal from the company to sustain your life style."
"No. That's crazy. I would never do that. I've never seen these papers before today. I didn't do this," she objected vehemently - a slightly crazed look beginning to appear in her eyes.
Because of Kathy's arrogant belief that her employees, especially Vicki, would be loyal to her for fear of losing their jobs, she didn't always check the work that they were doing or the paperwork that she was signing. Over the last few months, Kathy had been content to let Vicki run a lot of the projects and just sign off on the paperwork when necessary. This way, she didn't have to do any of the work, but could take all of the credit when it was done. Unfortunately for Kathy, Vicki had been slowly inserting various legal documents for her to sign which authorized the creation of a personal bank account in Kathy's name and the transfer of hundreds of thousands of dollars from the company into this same account. It was done over such a length of time and so surreptitiously that Kathy never had a clue to what was going on. Now, all of a sudden, there was incontrovertible proof that she had singlehandedly stolen a very large sum of money from the company. Every piece of paper had her signature on it - no one else's.
"You bitch!" Kathy shouted at Vicki. "How fucking dare you..."
"NO. You listen to me you fucking cunt," Vicki snarled viciously back at her. Years of hatred bottled up, suddenly exploded out of Vicki. "I've put up with your fucking bullshit for too many years."
Kathy sat back in stunned silence at seeing such raw hatred flow out of Vicki. Until now, Kathy never really understood how much her employees truly hated her.
"There's enough evidence there to ensure you go away for a very long time. You're looking at 15-20 years minimum for the crimes you've committed. I imagine the women in prison will love to get their hands on you," Vicki chuckled menacingly.
"Wait..No..I didn't do this...I'm being set up," Kathy protested weakly.
"Do you think any court in this country will believe you?" Vicki asked incredulously. "Every fucking piece of paper has your original signature on it. Everybody in this company thinks you do all of the work on every project. In your arrogance, you've made sure of that. Nobody will believe that you allowed someone else to do anything for you."
With a sinking feeling Kathy knew what Vicki was saying was true. She always made sure everyone in senior management knew that all of the work done on any project was done by herself. She refused to give any credit to her staff. As far as the higher ups were concerned, Kathy micro managed everything and did all of the work herself.
"Please, why are you doing this to me Vicki?" Kathy asked with panic in her voice.
"WHY? You have the fucking gall to ask me WHY? Are you that fucking stupid? I would have thought 'why' would be the easiest answer for you." Vicki replied contemptuously. "You come into this office with no education or experience, and through your slutty looks alone, get promotions over people who truly deserve them. On the way up the ladder, you never cared who you stepped on to make yourself look better. You treated everybody out in that office with contempt - like we were worthless. You thrived off making our lives miserable. Well, guess what missy, it's all over now. You'll be spending the next 20 years of your life behind bars."
"No, please. There must be another way," Kathy begged. She realized that what Vicki was saying was true.
"There is, so listen up cunt, because I'm only going to say this once," Vicki replied.
Kathy immediately sat up straight in her chair upon hearing that there may be a way out of this mess for her. She expected Vicki was going to make some demands for money, or perhaps a promotion and pay raise. She thought she was prepared for what she was about to hear.
"You have two choices available to you. The first is that from this point forward, you will become my property. You will do whatever I say, whenever I say - without question or hesitation."
"What? Are you fucking crazy?" Kathy asked incredulously. She couldn't believe what she was hearing.
"Your other choice is jail then," Vicki replied nonchalantly. "You have one hour to decide. I'll be back at 9:30pm." And without a further word, Vicki turned around and marched out of the office, closing the door behind her.
Sitting back at her desk, Vicki smiled to herself as she played back the scene in her mind. Everything had went exactly as she had planned. 'God, the look on Kathy's face when she delivered the options was priceless' she thought to herself. Even before the hour was up, Vicki knew what decision Kathy would make. Kathy wasn't bright enough to fight this in court and she valued her comfy position and salary way too much to risk giving it all up.
When at last the hour had passed, Vicki got up from her desk and marched back into Kathy's office. She was still sitting at her desk with a stunned look on her face, looking at the papers before her. Without being asked, Vicki sat herself in the chair in front of the desk and waited silently for Kathy to speak.
After several more moments of silence, Kathy finally looked up from the papers and began to try and reason with Vicki. "Look Vicki. It's obvious we got off to a bad start here. I'm sure we can be friends if we tried. I have money I can give you, or there's that new position that's opening up in contracts I can get you. What do you say?" she offered, trying to sound reasonable.
"You must take me for an idiot." Vicki replied. "I guess that's your decision then is it?" Starting to rise from her chair. " I'll go give the police a call right now. See ya," and she began walking towards the door.
"No. Wait. Please. There must be another way. Why are you doing this to me?" Kathy whined.
"I thought we already went through this you stupid cow," Vicki snapped back. "You have 10 seconds to make a decision, so choose wisely."
Defeated, Kathy sank bank into her chair and near tears, and mumbled, "Alright. I'll do it. Just please don't call the police."
"Very well. Lets get some ground rules out of the way then. First off, you will refer to me as Ma'am at all times when in private, and if in public, it will be Ms. Chambers. For the rest of your employees, you also will refer to them as Mr. or Ms. There will no longer be any first names for you. Second, and most importantly, you will obey me immediately no matter what it is I am telling you to do. Any hesitation or refusal on your part will result in severe punishment. And let me tell you, I will be vicious in my punishments of you. If at any time you just completely refuse to go along with the program, then all bets will be off and the documentation will be released to the police. There will be no tolerance for disobedience. Do you understand?" Vicki asked.
"Yes," Kathy replied quietly.
"Look at that. Your first infraction already. I guess you really are as dumb as you look, aren't you?" Vicki asked sarcastically.
"What did I do?" Kathy asked questioningly.
"That's two."
"No wait. Please,. I'm sorry, I forgot. Ma'am. There I said it alright?" She began to get desperate.
"I told you that I would have no tolerance for disobedience and therefor you will be punished accordingly," Vicki explained. "Now stand up whore."
With a shocked look on her face, Kathy tentatively stood up behind her desk.
"Now come around to the front of your desk where I can see you."
On obviously wobbly legs, she began to move slowly around her desk.
"Move it whore. You're slower than fucking molasses," Vicki chided.
Finally Kathy stood in front of her desk several feet away from where Vicki was sitting. She was extremely nervous and began fidgeting with her hands as she stood there under the gaze of her new tormentor. Kathy's wardrobe consisted of mainly tight blouses and short skirts as she realized the effect it had on men, more specifically the senior men of the company. But now as she stood there under the scrutiny of Vicki she began to feel horribly under-dressed.
"Every day you come into this office looking like a slut, so I think it's only appropriate that you act like one," Vicki explained.. "Take off your clothes, NOW," raising her voice on the last word.
"Oh my God, please...," Kathy began to plead.
"Are you disobeying me?" Vicki asked sharply.
"No...Ma'am." she hesitatingly replied, and began to undo the buttons on her blouse.
Untucking it from her skirt, she pulled it off her shoulders and placed in on the desk behind her. Looking imploringly at Vicki, hoping for some kind of reprieve, she hesitated momentarily at the skirt. When Vicki continued to sit there impassively and say nothing, Kathy's shoulders slumped further in defeat and she began to undo the clasp and zipper for her skirt. Wiggling her hips slightly she worked the skirt down and off her legs and placed it on top of her discarded blouse. Turning to face Vicki, her hands self-consciously moved to cover her bra and panties.
"My God, you really are the fucking slut, aren't you? Look at those panties," Vicki exclaimed.
Kathy's face reddened under the verbal assault.
"Now the underwear cow," Vicki ordered.
With shaking hands she reached behind her and unfastened the clasp on her bra. Slowly drawing the straps down her arms, she finally pulled the cups away from her breasts and placed the bra with the rest of her clothes. As she turned back to face Vicki, her hands immediately went up to cover her exposed flesh.
"Keep your hands at your sides cunt," Vicki chastised.
Reddening further, Kathy lowered her hands from her breasts. Against her will, Kathy's nipples had hardened from the sudden exposure to the cool air blowing in from the air conditioner. Though Vicki would never admit it aloud, Kathy had beautiful breasts. The kind most women would love to own. Despite their size, they were extremely firm and had no visible sag to them.
"My God, look at those big fat tits of yours. It's no wonder you wear a support bra with those fucking udders." Vicki had no intention of giving Kathy any praise or kind words. "Now the panties cow," she ordered.
Hooking her thumbs into the waistband of her tiny panties, Kathy slowly rolled them off her hips and down her legs. As she bent down to step out of the panties, her tits swung pendulously below her. Once the panties had been added to the pile, she straightened back up and faced her tormentor, arms held firmly at her side.
Kathy, in all her vanity, had neatly shaven a heart in the tuft of hair above her pussy.
Laughing out loud, Vicki exclaimed, "Look at that jungle of hair down there. It's like the fucking Amazon forest. That dirty mess just won't do," Vicki scolded shaking her head. "When you get home tonight, you will shave it bare and keep it that way from now on. If I even get a hint of hair growing down there, I will sit you down in a chair and pull each and every hair out of your cunt with a pair of tweezers. Is that clear?"
Nodding her head yes, Kathy mumbled, "Yes Ma'am."
"Start turning around slowly." When Kathy had her back to her, Vicki told her to stop. "Spread the legs wide apart....Wider than that whore. Now bend over and spread those fat ass cheeks wide apart. Show me your dirty little asshole."
Kathy was blushing so deeply now that from her shoulders up was a dark rosy red in colour. Reaching back, she grabbed each of her ass cheeks and pulled them apart. Every part of her was perfect, which only served to make Vicki angrier.
"You're probably such a slut that you take in the ass all the time, don't you?" Vicki asked rhetorically.
"No Ma'am," Kathy responded quickly.
"I'll bet. While holding your ass cheeks apart, I want you to look back at me through your legs and repeat after me," Vicki ordered. Once Kathy was completely bent over and looking back at Vicki through her spread legs, she began. "I'm a worthless whore."
In an almost whispered voice, "I'm a worthless whore."
"I deserve to be punished."
"I deserve to be punished," Kathy repeated.
"I need to be humiliated and abused."
"I need to be humiliated and abused," Kathy repeated, choking back a sob.
"Very good slut. Now say it all again together," Vicki ordered.
"I'm a worthless whore. I deserve to be punished. I need to be humiliated and abused," Kathy stammered.
"I'm a worthless whore. I deserve to be punished. I need to be humiliated and abused," she repeated.
"From now on bitch, that will be your motto. If I ask you to repeat your motto, I expect you to say it exactly as we've practiced here today. Understand?"
"Yes Ma'am," Kathy quickly added.
Getting up from her chair and moving it into the center of the room, Vicki ordered Kathy, "I've seen enough of that fat ass now, stand up and get over here."
Kathy stood and hastened over, glad to be no longer in that humiliating position.
"Sit down in the chair," motioning toward the seat she had just left.
The chair was one of those stuffed leather chairs which had the wooden padded arms which curved around from the backrest. The chair was naturally wider than ordinary ones as it was designed to hold the large girth of overweight, executive males. Kathy looked kinda foolish sitting in such a large chair completely naked, but it'd suit Vicki's purposes just fine.
Vicki then spent the next minute arranging Kathy on the chair. She had her slide forward until her ass was about half-way to the front of the seat. Leaning back, she then had Kathy lift her legs and hook her knees over the armrests of the chair. Lastly she had Kathy reach over and grab hold of each ankle with her hands. In this position, Kathy legs were splayed wide apart and it appeared as if she was offering up her tits and pussy to Vicki.
"Now listen very carefully to what I'm about to say," Vicki whispered, bending down and speaking softly in Kathy's ear. "You are to keep your hands on those ankles, NO MATTER WHAT. If I see them leave for even a split second, I will invite the entire office in here and let them each have a piece of you. And let me tell you, there are people out there who hate you even worse than I do," Vicki cautioned menacingly.
Walking over to the desk, Vicki opened the top drawer and pulled out a 12 inch plastic ruler. Tapping it menacingly in her hand she casually strolled back over to where Kathy sat spread eagled. Walking slowly around the chair she continued to tap the ruler into her hand, enjoying the sight of Kathy's naked body trembling in fear. Vicki had dreamed of dominating Kathy for as long as she had known her. And now, it was all coming true.
Stopping behind Kathy's head, Vicki bent down and whispered a final warning, "Remember what's going to happen if I see those hands move from those ankles. Right now this is just between you and me. But it could be with the whole office if you wish."
Not waiting for a response, Vicki stepped to Kathy's side and bringing the ruler down as hard as she could, hit Kathy across the top of her right breast. Instantly a dark red welt materialized on the milky smooth skin of her breast, and Kathy let fly a blood curdling scream.
"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh......................." She had never felt such pain in all her life. Kathy had never had to work for her perfect body, it was just something that always was. She had never been into sports and had pretty much led a pampered life until now. So aside from a stubbed toe here and there, she had never really had any experience with real pain.
Letting Kathy catch her breath, Vicki waited several more seconds before bringing the ruler down hard across the top of her left breast. Another horrific scream. Kathy's hands were gripping her ankles so tight, that they were beginning to turn white from the pressure. Despite the fact that the office was soundproofed, Vicki began to get concerned that someone was going to hear Kathy's screams. When no one approached after the second scream, Vicki began to relax and started to get into the punishment.
Vicki began beating the ruler down rhythmically across Kathy's breasts. Starting at the top, she worked her way slowly down each breast, ensuring that no surface was missed. The screams were particularly brutal when the ruler landed right on the nipples. Kathy was sobbing so hard between her screams, that she was having a hard time catching her breath. When Vicki got to the undersides of Kathy's breasts, she reached down, and grabbing a nipple in one hand, pulled it out from the chest thereby exposing the sensitive underside. Holding the breast in this position, Vicki continued her assault until the entire surface of the breast was completely covered in red welts. She then did the same for the other breast.
Taking a break after the breasts were done, Vicki stood back to survey her handiwork. Kathy was a blubbering mess. She had cried so hard, that her face was red and blotchy from the exertion and her mascara was running in rivers down her cheeks. Her chest was heaving as she tried to regain her breath.
Stepping forward, Vicki bent down and whispered in Kathy's ear, "That was for your first disobedience. This is for your second one," and without further warning, brought the ruler down hard on Kathy's exposed pussy.
With just the tuft of hair on top, there was really nothing to soften the blow on this most sensitive of areas. Kathy had just started getting her breathing under control, when this latest strike fell. A new torrent of screams quickly followed. With slow, deliberate blows, Vicki struck first one pussy lip and then the other. After they were both a deep red, she reached down with one hand and spread the pussy lips apart, exposing Kathy's clit. Giving pause for effect, she then smacked the ruler down hard right onto Kathy's clit several times in rapid succession. Kathy's entire body went rigid as the pain coursed through her. Her hands had death grips on her ankles to the point that her nails were drawing blood from the flesh. Kathy's head had lolled back by this point, and her eyes began to roll up into her head. She was now just making grunting and moaning sounds. Figuring Kathy had had enough, Vicki put the ruler down and stepped back to admire her work. Looking down at her own hand, she realized that the one which had been in Kathy's pussy, was wet with juices.
Sitting on the edge of the desk, she studied Kathy for a while. When at last it seemed Kathy was beginning to come around, Vicki stepped close and spoke quietly in Kathy's ear, "That was for your second disobedience. I hope you've learned a lesson from all this. I warned you that the punishment for disobedience would be harsh. Will you try to be more obedient from now on Kathy?" she asked sweetly.
Between ragged breaths Kathy mumbled, "Yes Ma'am."
"That's my little whore," patting Kathy condescendingly on the top of her head. "Now, using only your right hand, you are going to masturbate for me, and you will cum. If it takes too long, then I will resume beating you tits and cunt. Is that clear?" Vicki asked sharply.
"What....? Ma'am, you can't be serious," Kathy stammered with a shocked look on her face.
"Are you choosing to disobey me?" Vicki asked menacingly.
"No Ma'am," Kathy quickly replied, with a look of fear on her face. Bringing her right hand away from her ankle she hesitantly brought it to her clit, and with a wince, began to gently rub it. At first it was slow gentle circles, but within a minute Kathy's eyes were closed and her hand was moving rapidly back and forth across her pussy. Her breathing began to quicken.
Encouraging her on, Vicki began verbally assaulting her. "Come on you fucking slut. You know you want to cum for me. I know you do it for all the senior staff of this company. Everyone knows what a fucking whore you are." This continued for several minutes as Kathy got closer and closer to an orgasm.
Just before Kathy orgasmed, Vicki reached out, and grabbing hold of both nipples, gave them a hard squeeze and twist. The combination of pleasure and pain quickly pushed Kathy over the edge as her entire body erupted in a violent orgasm. Tremors passed through her body, as she shook and writhed in her seat, howling like a banshee.
Finally releasing her hold on Kathy's nipples, Vicki stepped back one final time and studied Kathy while she was in the throes of passion.
'It's really quite remarkable,' Vicki thought to herself. Despite the enormous pain Kathy had been subjected to, her body was still able to react so powerfully to erotic stimuli.
Vicki had given this whole situation a lot of thought over the last several months and had decided on a general course of action to follow in her training of Kathy. As part of the training program, she wanted to ensure that Kathy would never experience pleasure without pain - whether it be physical pain such as what she had just been through, or mental pain such as the feeling of humiliation from being made to do certain acts. She felt it only appropriate given the amount of pain she had caused everyone around her for the last several years.
Clapping her hands and chuckling aloud, Vicki spoke to Kathy, "That was quite the performance whore. And to think, the entire scene was completely captured on video, from many different angles."
Eyes wide with panic, Kathy began to frantically look around the room for a camera. "What...where...I don't see a camera..."she stammered.
Shaking her head, Vicki replied, "Of course you don't you stupid cunt. One more example of your ignorant ways. Don't you remember? You placed me in charge of the renovation project. Well, I decided to have your office wired for sound and video. There are a half dozen hidden cameras and microphones throughout this office. And of course its all being recorded for posterity sake."
Wide eyed, Kathy looked about the office trying desperately to spot the hidden cameras. "Oh my God...no," she whispered.
"That's right. Not only do I have the documentation proving the thefts, but I now also have some lovely footage of you masturbating lewdly in your office during the work day. Do you think the senior members of the company would like to see that video?" Vicki asked sarcastically.
"Please no...Ma'am," Kathy murmured with a sick look on her face.
"Well, as long as you continue to obey me, then that won't be necessary," Vicki replied. "Now lets go over what your daily schedule is going to be from now on. First thing in the morning, we will meet here, at which time I will give you any particular instructions for the day. I may also conduct a training session if I feel it is warranted. At 10am, when everyone breaks for coffee, you are to head to the public washroom. Once in a stall, you will completely undress. And I do mean all of your clothing. Once naked, you are to settle back on the toilet and begin masturbating until you cum. You will not stop until you've achieved orgasm - no matter what. I don't care if someone is trying to have a conversation with you, you will continue rubbing that cunt. And now you may be asking yourself, 'how will I ever know if you're actually doing this?' Well, let me assure you, I will. I also took the liberty of having cameras and microphones installed above all of the stalls. So yes, I will be able to check if you are following my instructions correctly. And what will happen if you aren't following them?" Vicki asked.
"I'll be punished Ma'am," Kathy quietly replied.
"That's right slut. So every morning coffee break, you will proceed to the public washroom and masturbate. Then at lunch time, you will wait in your office for me and we will conduct a training session. Finally, when the afternoon coffee break rolls around at 2:30pm, you will again head to the public washroom and, after stripping naked, masturbate until you cum. This will become your daily routine. I may see fit to add other sessions during the day, or you may receive tasks to perform outside of those scheduled times. That will be left up to my discretion. Do you have any questions?" Vicki asked, adding quickly, "And it better not be one of those whiny 'Why' questions either," with a snarl in her voice.
Too shocked to really formulate a question, Kathy could only shake her head slowly and mumble, "No, Ma'am."
"OK, then get dressed whore. Except the panties. I want you to put them in the garbage can next to your desk. Leave them on top so that anyone caring to look inside will be able to see them," Vicki ordered.
"But the janitor...." Kathy stammered.
"That's right. Ole' Joe the Janitor will get a nice pleasant surprise today when he empties the garbage cans, won't he?" Vicki asked rhetorically. "You are not permitted to wear underwear for the rest of the day today."
By the time lunch rolled around, Vicki couldn't wait to continue Kathy's training. For Vicki, it felt like she was walking on cloud nine. The adrenaline rush she got when she was dominating and humiliating Kathy was intoxicating. She definitely wanted to feel that rush again. The closer the clock got to 12pm, the more anxious she became and the less able she was to concentrate on her work.
When at last the clock struck 12, Vicki had to struggle to keep herself from running into Kathy's office. Closing, and locking, the door behind her, Vicki walked to the center of the room and began rearranging the furniture. When she was done, she had cleared all of the chairs out of the centre of the room creating an open area.
"Hello whore. How's your cunt and tits?" Vicki asked .
With a quiet voice, Kathy replied "Sore, Ma'am."
"Glad to hear it. Perhaps you'll learn a lesson from all of this. Doubt it though. You're pretty fucking stupid," Vicki replied sarcastically. "Get up slut, its time we start your next training session. Walk around to the front of your desk and take off all of your clothes again."
Kathy stood on wobbly legs and walked around to the front of the desk. She no longer hesitated before removing her clothing as the punishment for her last disobedience was still very fresh in her mind. Her pussy and breasts still throbbed with pain, even after a couple hours of rest. Once all of her clothes were piled on her desk she turned to face Vicki and stood passively with her hands at her side.
Walking close, Vicki studied the results of the session this morning. Kathy's breasts were covered in raw red welts from top to bottom, and the skin around her pussy was also red from the abuse.
"I have to say, I think you look better this way. Perhaps we should keep you looking this way from now on?" Vicki asked.
A shocked look on her face, Kathy quickly replied, "Oh please Ma'am, no. I couldn't take it. They still hurt so much. Please, I promise to be good, I really do," she begged.
Her pitiful plea sounded so sincere that it momentarily surprised Vicki. Quickly gathering herself again, Vicki ordered Kathy to bend over her desk with her ass pointed towards the office door and her legs spread wide.
"Alright slut, grab hold of the edge of that desk on either side of your body and don't let go. The same rules apply as they did this morning. If I see those hands leave that desk for even a fraction of a second, then you'll have the entire lunch room in here entertaining themselves with you."
Taking the ruler used this morning in hand, Vicki stood by Kathy's left hip and admired the sight before her. Though Vicki prided herself on having a very attractive rear end, she knew hers couldn't even hold a candle to Kathy's perfect ass. Reaching out with her left hand, she gently trailed her fingers across the silky smooth skin, admiring the firmness she felt beneath them. Then, without warning, Vicki brought the ruler down as hard as she could on Kathy's left ass cheek.
Her head thrown back, an awful shriek erupted from Kathy. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh......"
Pausing, Vicki watched in fascination as a dark red strip quickly formed across Kathy's perfect ass. Knowing sometimes that anticipation made things even worse, Vicki waited a little longer before bringing the ruler down hard on Kathy's right ass cheek. This time it was 3 strong blows on different parts of the cheek.
A new wail of agony sounded as Kathy desperately tried to work through the pain. Her ass cheeks began to involuntarily clench and unclench as Vicki looked on with satisfaction. Now with the initial shock past, Vicki began to smack Kathy's ass with a regular rhythm, ensuring all areas were hit, including the backs of her thighs. Vicki knew that Kathy would have a hard time sitting down this afternoon, once this session was over.
By now Kathy was sobbing in agony, able only to mutter incoherent words and phrases. By the time Vicki stopped, every square inch of Kathy's ass and thighs were a bright red in colour, and she was a blubbering mess. Sitting down on the couch along the wall, Vicki put down the ruler and stretched her tight muscles. She hadn't realized the effort required to properly punish someone. Her hand and shoulder ached - though not as much as Kathy's ass and thighs she surmised.
Looking at Kathy, Vicki saw that she was gripping the edge of the desk with a death grip - her knuckles were as white as ghosts. The cheeks of her ass were still clenching and unclenching, though it was with less frequency. Kathy's sobs were now muted and her breathing not as hard, as she fought to regain control of herself.
Giving her one more minute to calm down, Vicki finally ordered, "Stand up slut and face me."
Still sniffling, Kathy stood up and turned to face her abuser. Her face was blotchy red from the exertion of crying, and what little makeup she had re-applied this morning was now again ruined. She shifted uncomfortably from foot to foot as her ass continued to scream at her in pain.
Vicki had wanted Kathy's first day of submission to be a very painful one, both physically and mentally. She believed that by showing Kathy how painful the punishment could be, that Kathy would work that much harder to please Vicki in the days that followed. Vicki also felt that by shocking Kathy's system with such a severe amount of pain right off the bat, it would mean that when lesser degrees of pain were applied in future sessions, Kathy would be more willing to accept the lesser pain.
Opening her purse, Vicki removed the dog collar and leash she had placed in there this morning before leaving for work. "On your hands and knees slut," she ordered. Once Kathy was down on the floor, Vicki ordered, "Crawl over here like the dog you are."
Burning brightly with shame, Kathy crawled over to where Vicki sat on the couch. Leaning forward, she fastened the collar around Kathy's neck and then attached the chain to it.
"Well, since you're such a bitch all the time, I think it only appropriate that we treat you like one."
Standing up, Vicki began walking about the room pulling sharply on the leash as she went. "Heel, bitch. Come on you stupid dog, heel." Each order was emphasized by a sharp tug on the leash.
Kathy tried desperately to keep up with Vicki, but she was unable to crawl quickly enough and found herself being frequently pulled off her hands and knees causing her to fall flat on her face and bruised breasts. Each time she would scramble as quickly as she could back to her hands and knees, but would only last a few steps before she again found herself sprawled face down on the carpet. By the end of it, her already sensitive breasts were rubbed raw from repeatedly grinding them into the carpet.
Dropping the leash, Vicki walked back over to the couch and sat down again. "Here bitch. Come here," Vicki motioned to Kathy as if she was calling over a dog.
Kathy crawled painfully over to where Vicki sat and waited patiently for the next command.
"Be a good doggy and clean my shoe for me," Vicki ordered.
With a pained expression on her face and fresh tears welling up in her eyes, Kathy lowered her head to the floor and began tentatively licking the shoe on Vicki's right foot. Vicki had carefully chosen her footwear this morning for maximum effect. She was wearing black leather open toed shoes with 4 inch heels on them.
Kathy's tongue was barely making contact with the shoe, so Vicki hollered, "Lick that foot like you mean it bitch, or do I need to get the ruler and encourage you some more?"
Suitably motivated now, Kathy began licking the shoe and foot with gusto. After several minutes of this attention, Vicki raised her foot off the floor until the base of the shoe was pointed toward Kathy.
"Now suck on the heel bitch," she ordered.
Shuffling forward, Kathy opened her mouth and took the 4 inch heel within it. Closing her lips around the heel, she began bobbing her head back and forth on it like it was a cock.
"Wow, what a hungry little cocksucker you are. We may have to do something about that," Vicki mused.
Lifting her other foot and using the flat of the shoe, she began swatting Kathy's tortured breasts. Even though Vicki wasn't hitting them very hard, because they had been through so much today and were already hyper-sensitive, each tap of the foot elicited a muffled squeak or yelp of pain from Kathy.
Vicki continued to give Kathy orders, "Alright bitch, you've slobbered enough on them. Back down on your hands. Now turn around bitch. That's it. Since you've nicely greased up the heel, this shouldn't hurt too much," and without any warning, brought the lubricated heel up to Kathy's ass and rammed the heel into her asshole.
Kathy screamed out loud. "Ahhh, please no Ma'am. Not there. Please stop. I've never had...you know anything there. Please stop, it hurts," she pleaded.
"Well slut, I find that hard to believe. All whore's like you take it in the ass. I'm sure you're used to this by now," Vicki replied sarcastically, continuing to fuck Kathy's ass with her heel.
"Ow, ow, ow. Stop please," Kathy continued to beg.
Vicki raised her other foot and once again began slapping her exposed flesh - this time on her recently spanked ass. Still feeling the effects from the spanking, Kathy began mewling in pain from both the invasion in her ass and the slapping of her already red ass.
"Start playing with that cunt of yours bitch. I want you to cum on my shoe," Vicki ordered.
Lowering her head to the ground, Kathy reached back between her knees with her right hand and begin fingering her clit and pussy.
Vicki literally had to keep pinching herself to convince herself that this was all real and was really happening. 'It was just too good to be true', she thought to herself. Here she had her boss naked and on her knees with her ass in the air and her face ground into the carpet. Kathy was playing with her own pussy while Vicki rammed the heel of her shoe up Kathy's ass and spanked her with the other shoe.
Noticing some wetness quickly forming on Kathy's spread open pussy, Vicki hollered, "My God, what a fucking whore you are. Your cunt is wet. You're getting turned on from this abuse and humiliation, aren't you slut?"
"Nooo...," Kathy moaned, but you could tell her body was starting to betray her as she was beginning to thrust back, ever so slightly, against the heel in her ass, and the hand buried in her pussy was picking up speed.
"What's your motto bitch?" Vicki asked.
Moaning more openly now, Kathy whispered, "I'm a worthless whore. I deserve to be punished. I need to be humiliated and abused."
"Again, and louder this time slut."
Kathy's hand was now a blur on her pussy and she grunting out loud each time Vicki buried the heel in her ass. More loudly she said, "I'm a worthless whore. I deserve to be punished. I need to be humiliated and abused."
Nearly screaming it this time, "I'm a worthless whore. I deserve to be punished. I need to be humiliated and abused."
"Come on you fucking whore. Cum for me. Now say it again," Vicki ordered, increasing the tempo of her thrusts into Kathy's ass.
"Oh God, I'm going to cum...I'm a worthless whore. I deserve to be punished. I need to be humiliated and abused," Kathy practically raced through the words and just managed to finish them when her orgasm exploded within her.
She let out a loud howl and then her entire body went rigid, clutching the heel of Vicki's shoe deep inside of her ass. Kathy remained motionless for several seconds before her entire body went limp, falling forward until she lay flat upon the floor. Her body began twitching to and fro, while her fingers continued to dig in her pussy. Kathy continued to moan and twitch for a while longer until she finally came to rest curled up on her side in the fetal position, with her right hand still buried in her own pussy.
Vicki was stunned by the intensity of the orgasm she had just witnessed. She had never thought it possible that someone could react that strongly to such pain and humiliation. She was eager to explore this avenue further with Kathy, but knew that she had had enough for today.
When it appeared that Kathy was back and aware of her surroundings again, Vicki ordered, "Get up and suck the heel of my shoe slut. Its time you clean your filth off of there," holding her foot up again for Kathy to clean.
Rising shakily to her hands and knees, Kathy crawled over to Vicki's foot and engulfed the heel of her shoe in her mouth. A wave of revulsion passed through her as she tasted her own shit on the heel. Fighting through it, she continued to suck on the heel until it was clean.
"That's enough for today, I think." Vicki said, withdrawing the heel from Kathy's mouth. "You may get dressed now slut and go for lunch. But remember what you have to do during coffee break this afternoon. Trust me, I'll be watching whore."
Vicki rose from the couch and walked toward the door leaving Kathy kneeling naked on the floor of her office. With her hand on the knob, Vicki turned back to Kathy and reminded her, "Oh, don't forget to shave that hairy cunt of yours tonight. I had better not see any hair on it tomorrow morning," she threatened.
When 2:30pm rolled around, Kathy peered out of her office nervously and looked about. Vicki was no where to be seen, and nothing else appeared out of the ordinary. Walking quickly to the public washrooms down the hall, she stopped when she reached the door and looked quickly in both directions. She didn't want anyone to see her enter as that would only prompt questions as to why she wasn't using her own private bathroom. She had ensured that everyone in the office knew she had her own private washroom and didn't have to use the public one with the rest of the peons. Seeing no one, she quietly slipped into the bathroom and nearly ran to the empty stall furthest from the door.
Locking the door of the stall behind her, she turned to face the toilet and contemplated how to proceed with the next step. Listening for any noises which might alert her to the presence of others in the washroom, Kathy began to quickly undo the buttons on her blouse. Once that was off and hung on the hook on the back of the door, she reached behind herself and unfastened her bra. Hanging that on the door, Kathy thought to herself that she was actually glad to be out of the bra, as it was causing considerable discomfort on her tortured breasts. Reaching down she unfastened the button and zipper for her skirt and shimmied out of it and hung that with the rest of her clothes. Now naked, except for the shoes on her feet, she stepped out of those, and then sat down upon the toilet seat.
Feeling very conscious of her location, and fearful of someone coming in and discovering her, Kathy had difficulty beginning. However, she also knew that she was currently alone in the bathroom, and that the longer she stalled, the greater chance there was that someone would come in from their coffee break and discover her there. Figuring it was best to get it over with as soon as possible, she opened her legs wide, leaned back against the basin of the toilet and began rubbing her clit.
Kathy had been through so much today, and had experienced orgasms, that before today, she had only dreamed were possible, that it didn't take long before that familiar feeling began to build within her. Her eyes were now closed and her hand was practically flying across her pussy as she began to quietly moan and grunt. Without realizing it, Kathy's other hand reached up and began kneading her breasts, pinching and pulling hard at her own nipples. It was then that Kathy realized that she desperately wanted to experience another one of those earth-shattering orgasms like the ones she'd had earlier in the day. This knowledge combined with knowing that Vicki was once again watching her humiliate herself, was all it took to push Kathy over the edge again.
Squeezing her left nipple as hard as she could, Kathy heaved forward on the seat, expelling the breath from her lungs with a loud hiss. Pinching her clit with her other hand, Kathy's entire body went rigid and then began to convulse on the seat, as the waves of pleasures coursed through her body. She was completely lost in the throes of passion, and wouldn't have noticed if someone had entered the bathroom. Thankfully for her, no one did, and she was able to quickly get dressed and leave the bathroom before anyone noticed.
On her way back to her office, she approached Vicki's desk and noticed her sitting there with a big grin on her face. Kathy's face immediately turned beet red with embarrassment as she realized that Vicki had likely been watching the entire spectacle. Hanging her head in shame Kathy ran the rest of the way to the office and closed the door quickly behind her.
For Kathy, the next morning came too soon. With all that had happened during the previous day, her evening had not been a good one, and as a result, she was unable to get a good night's rest. Remembering Vicki's final words after the lunchtime training session, Kathy ensured her pussy was shaved completely bare before her evening bath. For the rest of the evening, Kathy found her hands continually strayed down to touch her newly shaven pussy. Whether it was out of fear that she had missed a hair, or was as a result of something else, Kathy just wasn't in the right frame of mind to decipher it.
Kathy arrived for work at her usual time feeling very sluggish, and quite worried about what Vicki might have planned for her today. No sooner had she sat down at her desk and began reading her e-mails for the day, did Vicki stroll into the office with a big grin on her face.
Whereas Kathy had a mostly sleepless night, Vicki had slept the sleep of the dead. Now that her plan had been successfully set in motion, Vicki's stress had completely dissipated and she found herself more relaxed now than she had ever been in the time she had worked for Kathy.
Waltzing right up to Kathy's desk and sitting down on the edge Vicki asked, "And how was your sleep last night slut?"
Eyes averted, Kathy murmured, "Not good, Ma'am."
"Ohhhh, that's too bad." Vicki mockingly consoled. "Well no rest for the wicked. Get up and walk around to in front of your desk, whore."
With only the slightest hesitation, Kathy rose and walked around to the other side of her desk and stood in front of Vicki.
"It's time we check and see if you remembered your instructions from yesterday," Vicki explained. "Take off all of your clothes."
With shaking hands, Kathy unbuttoned her blouse, and with a shrug of her shoulders, let it fall from her arms and placed it carefully on the desk in front of her. Her bra came next, followed by her skirt and then finally her panties. Kathy began to tremble slightly as she stood naked before Vicki's piercing gaze. Rising from her seat on the edge of the desk, Vicki slowly began to walk around Kathy, inspecting her body as a drill sergeant might in the military. She couldn't help but smirk when she noticed the marks remaining on Kathy's body from the punishment sessions yesterday. Faint red welts could be seen streaking her ass, tits and pussy.
Pulling the chair from yesterday into the centre of the room again, Vicki barked, "Assume the position slut."
Realizing that she meant for her to assume the same position as she had been placed in yesterday, Kathy climbed onto the chair, and hung her legs over the padded arms of the chair. Being forced to display herself in such a humiliating position again caused some strange sensations to arise within Kathy. She recognized the feelings of revulsion, but the others were a complete mystery to her. Her mind swam with possibilities, but in her confused state, she was unable to identify what they might be. Holding her ankles as she had been instructed previously, she waited for Vicki's next move.
Kneeling down in front of Kathy's spread pussy, Vicki brought her face close and began inspecting it for any trace hairs. 'Even Kathy's pussy was nearly perfect,' Vicki thought to herself. It was even more evident now that all of the hair had been shaven off. Reaching out with both hands, Vicki pretended she was still inspecting the pussy as she pulled and prodded at Kathy's pussy lips. Spreading the ass cheeks apart, Vicki also made a show of inspecting Kathy's asshole for any stray hairs.
By now the scent emanating from Kathy's pussy was unmistakable. The combination of the humiliation and having a woman prodding at her pussy and asshole was causing her pussy to involuntarily react.
Feigning disgust, Vicki remarked, "Well look at this you fucking whore. Your cunt is fucking dripping juice and you've gotten my fingers soaking wet. You obviously must be a real slut to enjoy this."
Kathy's face and shoulders turned a crimson red at hearing this as she slowly shook her head no.
"Don't try and deny it you whore, the evidence is right here," Vicki barked, shoving her wet fingers under Kathy's nose.
Kathy tried desperately to move her nose away from Vicki's fingers, but met with little success. With a sinking feeling in her stomach, Kathy realized that what Vicki said was true. She could smell her own excitement on Vicki's fingers and could feel that familiar stirring in her loins. Kathy couldn't understand why her body was acting this way.
"Well, being such a fucking whore, you obviously need to cum again. Christ, you just can't get enough, can you?" Vicki asked. "Alright then. Your wish is granted." Grabbing a hold of one of the legs of the chair, Vicki pulled it around until Kathy and her spread pussy was facing her office door. Looking at her watch, Vicki muttered, "Let's see. It's 8:48am right now, and you have a meeting with Contracts scheduled for 9am. I guess you'd better get started, because you're not getting up from there until you've cum, and that door isn't locked."
"Oh my God," Kathy moaned with a mixture of shock and fear playing across her face. She realized that she had to perform again for Vicki and was now under pressure to cum quickly or else risk having the personnel from Contracts walking into her office while she was still openly masturbating herself.
Bringing her right hand away from her ankle, Kathy began aggressively rubbing her clit and pussy. With dismay she realized how right Vicki had been; her pussy was already soaking wet before she even touched it. Closing her eyes, she began to rub her clit as quickly as she could. The time pressure was so great and her concentration so hard, that Kathy found herself having a hard time overcoming those barriers and achieving orgasm. The more she tried, and failed, the more desperate she became.
With eyes closed, Kathy never saw Vicki approach and stand behind her. Reaching down, Vicki grabbed hold of each nipple between thumb and finger, and squeezing as hard as she could, simultaneously twisted and pulled the nipples straight up and away from the body. Eyes opening wide, and back attempting to arch as much as possible to alleviate the pain, Kathy howled in agony. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhh........." But despite the pain, Kathy's hand continued to rub her clit with lightening speed.
Releasing the nipples for several moments, Vicki watched in amazement Kathy's response. The pain actually seemed to egg Kathy on. Grabbing hold of her nipples, Vicki once again twisted and pulled on them as hard as she could. Anther scream erupted from Kathy, but the masturbation didn't stop. In fact, it only seemed to quicken the pace. Realizing this, Vicki began to cycle the pain to Kathy's nipples. Each time it was applied, Kathy would scream with pain but would then begin to grunt as she furiously rubbed her pussy anew.
Finally with a shriek, Kathy's entire body went rigid as her orgasm raced through her body. The juices flowed out of her now overstimulated pussy and soaked the padded seat cushion beneath her. Her head rolling side to side, Kathy began moaning in ecstasy. She couldn't understand it. Each subsequent orgasm seemed to be more powerful than the last.
After several more seconds, Kathy finally began to come around and quickly moved her hand away from her pussy when she realized she was still playing with it. Grabbing onto her ankle again, she hung her head in shame as she realized the wanton display she must have put on for her tormentor and the hidden video cameras.
"My, my, my. What an amazing show that was you dirty little whore," Vicki remarked. "It's 8:55am, you'd best get up and dressed quickly before your 9 o'clock appointment arrives." Unhooking her legs, Kathy scrambled up out of the chair and practically ran to her clothes on her desk. "Not those though," Vicki said as Kathy reached for her bra and panties. "Give me those. You'll not be wearing any underwear today."
"Please Ma'am. Can I wear my underwear?" Kathy asked in desperation.
"Are you questioning me, slut?" Vicki asked with an edge to her voice.
"No Ma'am. Here they are," as Kathy placed the bra and panties in Vicki's outstretched hand. Turning, Vicki placed the underwear set into Kathy's wastepaper basket next to the desk. With dismay, Kathy stepped into her skirt and after fastening it, pulled on her blouse and buttoned it up. No sooner had she got that done, and Vicki had pulled the chair over to the edge of the room, did her 9 o'clock appointment arrive.
Feeling very self-conscious about her still hard nipples poking through her blouse, the juices running down the inside of her thighs and the pervasive smell of sex in the air, Kathy desperately tried to regain her inner balance and take control of the meeting.
All too soon, 10am rolled around and everyone in the office headed down to the coffee room for morning break. Vicki, however, remained at her desk watching Kathy's door intently. Within seconds, it cracked open and Kathy's head peered out. Upon seeing the outer office area empty, she opened the door fully and began walking towards the public washroom. Only then did she actually notice Vicki seated behind her desk. Lowering her head further to hide the blush creeping up her neck, she quickened her pace as she walked past.
"Best hurry up slut, or I may have to send several people your way," Vicki called out as Kathy hurried past.
Turning back to her computer, she opened up the monitoring and recording program she had installed for the hidden surveillance system in the office. From there she was able to listen to and watch any feed and also record from any and all of the cameras. All 6 of the cameras installed in Kathy's office were automatically set to record and the files were stored in a hidden directory on her computer. She periodically checked the recorded files there and forwarded the ones she wanted to keep to her home computer. She then purged the unneeded ones in order to save space on the hard drives. Toggling the bathroom cameras she set them to record and then sat back in her chair to enjoy the coming show.
Moments later, the cameras showed Kathy hesitantly entering the bathroom. Once the door was closed behind her, she stopped and scanned the entire length of the bathroom for any occupants. She then slowly walked past each stall, crouching down to look under the door, checking for users in each one. When she reached the last one and realized that they were all empty, Kathy visibly heaved a sigh of relief before entering and locking the last stall door behind her.
Vicki switched the view to the camera mounted in the ceiling over Kathy's stall and watched with anticipation. In the beginning, she had done all of this out of revenge and spite, with the sole purpose being to humiliate and then ultimately to destroy Kathy's life. But after this morning's session, she found herself enjoying the situation and was even a tab bit turned on by it as well.
Kathy quickly stepped out of her skirt and removed her blouse, hanging both up on the back of the door, before sitting down on the toilet seat. The moment she was seated, Kathy's legs spread wide open giving the overhead camera a perfect view of her newly shaved pussy. With no hesitation now, and perhaps fueled a bit by desperation, Kathy's right hand dove down to her pussy and began rubbing quickly across her clit. Her head soon lolled back and her eyes fluttered closed as she began to concentrate on her efforts. Seemingly of its own volition, Kathy's left hand snaked up to her now heaving breasts and began to painfully pinch and pull at her own nipples. The angle of the camera was perfect for catching the flashes of pain in Kathy's face each time she brutally twisted and pulled on the nipples. The more she pinched, the quicker her hand seemed to move across her pussy.
Leaning forward in her chair, Vicki began watching Kathy's right hand intently. It had stopped its rubbing and now seemed to be grasping and pinching at the clit. It soon became obvious that she was pinching her clit and nipples at the same time, and then between pinches, rubbing her pussy furiously. A rhythm of pinches and rubbing soon developed which rapidly increased in tempo. Within a minute, she was panting like a dog and grunting through clenched teeth with every pinch.
Suddenly, Kathy's legs snapped closed with her right hand still buried in her pussy, and she lurched forward, practically burying her head between her knees. A low hissing sound could be heard as tremors rippled down her back, the muscles of her body tensed hard as a rock.
Vicki sat back in her chair, stunned, and excited, at the spectacle she had just witnessed. Even without someone standing over Kathy telling her what to do, she appears to crave the orgasms enough to self-administer the pain necessary to achieve them. Vicki could hardly believe that it has only been 2 days since Kathy's conditioning and training had begun. Two days of pain, humiliation, and 5 powerful orgasms, were quickly changing Kathy's behavior. Vicki knew that the more frequent and powerful the orgasms, the more Kathy would crave them and the lower she'd be willing to go to get them. She just never expected to have it start happening so quickly.
A moment later Vicki was startled out of her reverie by the sounds of footsteps approaching. Looking up, she could see Kathy walking quickly towards her office door.
Calling out Vicki ordered, "Come here slut."
With a startled look on her face, she quickly glanced around the room to see if anyone had heard Vicki.
Once she was standing before her, Vicki said, "Lift up the front of your skirt and show me that cunt of yours."
"But...it's....what if..." Kathy stammered, worried that someone might see her.
Raising an eyebrow, Vicki asked menacingly, "If I have to say it one more time, I will tie you over this desk right now and beat that ass of yours until it is black and blue. Is that clear?"
Nodding her head quickly, Kathy replied, "Yes Ma'am. Sorry Ma'am," and proceeded to lift the front of her skirt in the middle of her office.
Looking at it, Vicki could still see redness around the clit and lips where Kathy had been pinching at it. As well, her pussy and thighs were still wet with her juices and the familiar smell of sex was strong in the air.
"That'll do. Back to your office whore," Vicki said dismissing Kathy with a wave of her hand.
Letting her skirt fall and with a face as red as a tomato, Kathy made a beeline for her office, anxious to get back within its relative safety before anyone returned from their coffee break.
Time, for Kathy, was beginning to become a bit of a blur to her. It felt like only minutes had passed since she had returned from her humiliating experience in the bathroom, and now it was already 12 o'clock and Vicki would be on her way in soon.
As if on cue, Vicki opened the door and strolled into the office carrying a small duffle bag and wearing a large grin on her face. Setting the bag down on the floor beside the desk she looked down on where Kathy sat and asked, "And how's your little cunt now, whore? I bet it wants some more attention, doesn't it?"
Shaking her head, Kathy began to mumble, "No Ma'am, I..."
Cutting her off, Vicki continued, "Don't try and deny it, you fucking whore. I saw how you played with yourself in that bathroom this morning. Your fucking body craves what I give it. You're turning into an honest-to-God slut here."
Kathy reddened further under this assault and began shaking her head no again.
Forging on, Vicki added, "Your training is going better than I had expected. Whether you admit it or not, I think there was always a slut lurking somewhere within you begging to be released."
"No, I'm not a slut," Kathy murmured, but deep within herself Vicki's words were causing her to doubt herself.
She couldn't understand why she was reacting to the humiliation and abuse like she was. The orgasms she was having were more powerful than anything she had ever experienced prior. Despite her protestations to the contrary, her body seemed to have a mind of its own, and reacted strongly to Vicki's ministrations. Kathy knew she should be fighting this whole situation with every breath she had, and desperately wanted to, but every time Vicki pushed, Kathy's willpower just seemed to fade away.
"Right, and that's why you are going to stand up and take all of your clothes off right now, isn't it?" Vicki asked sarcastically.
Shaking her head, Kathy tried to resist the command, but could feel her resistance quickly fading away, and she soon found herself standing up and beginning to remove her clothing.
When she stood naked before her, Vicki began verbally abusing Kathy. "My God, you're a fucking cow. Are you getting fatter by the day? Look at those udders and that fat ass."
Kathy hung her head and blushed red with shame.
For Vicki, she found that the more she abused Kathy, the more turned on she became herself. Vicki never realized till now just how stimulating and erotic controlling someone could be. She felt her own pussy beginning to get wet as she laid into Kathy.
"Get your ass over here whore," gesturing to Vicki's side of the desk.
Whenever possible, Vicki always wanted to have Kathy's back to the door so that there would always be that element of uncertainty in her mind about whether the door was locked, or if someone had entered unheard and was watching her humiliation. It was those subtle things that Vicki had given a lot of thought to.
She then had Kathy bend over her desk, in a position which was soon becoming familiar to her. Legs spread wide and gripping the edge of her desk, Kathy waited nervously for what was to come next. She desperately prayed that Vicki had locked the office door after entering.
Reaching into the duffel bag, Vicki grabbed the dog collar used yesterday and walked around to the other side of the desk.
Fastening it in place about Kathy's neck, she said, "You'd best get used to wearing this bitch. It's a symbol of your new found status in this office. You're just a bad dog who needs to be trained and disciplined."
Smiling at her choice of words, Vicki continued to walk around the desk and stooped to grab several more items from the duffel bag. Standing up, Vicki held the ruler from yesterday in her right hand, and in her left she held a cordless vibrating wand.
Standing behind Kathy's spread legs, Vicki leaned forward across her back and whispered, "Remember what is going to happen if I see those hands leave the edge of the desk."
Without waiting for a response, Vicki brought the wand up and switch it on. The head began to vibrate quickly making a low humming sound. Vicki placed the vibrating head against Kathy's pussy and began moving it around in small circles.
Almost immediately, Kathy's body began to react to the stimulation, as moisture began forming on her spread pussy lips. Kathy's ass began to move back and forth subtly , as if it was humping an imaginary cock. Soon a low purring sound could be heard coming from Kathy.
Then, without warning, Vicki pulled the wand away from Kathy's pussy and brought the ruler down hard repeatedly across both cheeks of her ass. Kathy's head shot back and shrieks of pain echoed about the office. Her ass was clenched tight against the assault of the ruler.
As suddenly as it had begun, Vicki stopped and immediately replaced the ruler with the vibrating wand against her pussy. Though her ass continued to redden from the barrage, it soon unclenched and began its subtle back and forth motion. The crying subsided as well, and moans could now be heard emanating from Kathy. Her pussy was now soaking wet and rivulets of juice could be seen trickling down her inner thighs.
"Look at you whore. Your cunt is more wet now than when I started spanking your ass. You like the pain don't you slut?" Vicki asked.
Shaking her head, Kathy moaned out an airy, "Noooo."
"What's your motto cow?" Vicki asked as she focussed the wand directly on Kathy's hardened clit.
With a hiss, Kathy replied, "I'm a worthless whore. I deserve to be punished. I need to be humiliated and abused."
"I'm a worthless whore. I deserve to be punished. I need to be humiliated and abused," Kathy repeated, her ass now humping the desk with gusto.
Pulling the wand away a second time, Vicki began spanking Kathy's ass once more with the plastic ruler. Her moans quickly turned to screams and her ass clenched tight again as she tried to weather the latest assault.
Increasing the pace, Vicki began alternating between the wand and the ruler more frequently. Every time Kathy appeared to be getting close to climax, Vicki stopped and beat her ass with the ruler some more. By the end, Kathy was thrusting her ass back to meet each blow of the ruler and thrust of the wand - no longer was she able to differentiate between the pleasure and pain. The only sounds heard aside from the slaps of the ruler and hum of the vibrating wand was rough guttural grunts from Kathy.
With a howl, Kathy's body went rigid as her ass slammed forward into the desk and her back arched up. Eyes squeezed tightly shut, a low keening wail reverberated about the room as Kathy experienced a mind shattering orgasm.
Looking down at Kathy's pussy, Vicki could see it clenching and unclenching as if she was milking a cock buried deep within it. Pussy juices now completely covered the insides of Kathy's thighs as the orgasm continued to ripple throughout her body. With a grin, Vicki also noticed a slight wetness developing within her own panties. Vicki had never contemplated lesbian sex before, but found herself now wondering what it would be like to have another woman lick her pussy.
Pushing those thoughts aside, Vicki stepped back and placed the wand and ruler back within the duffel bag. Rummaging within it for several seconds, Vicki finally found what she was looking for and stood back up. In her hand she held one of the newly acquired butt plugs. As part of Kathy's slut training and humiliation, she intended on abusing every hole Kathy owned, including her ass. She had purchased 3 different size plugs the smallest measuring 1.5 inches across at its widest point, and the largest measuring 2.5 inches. She wanted to cause pain and discomfort for Kathy, but she wasn't interested in doing any irreparable damage to her. So she figured starting small would still cause sufficient pain, and would allow her to gradually stretch Kathy's asshole over time by gradually increasing the size of the plug used.
Kathy was still lost within her own pleasure so did not take notice when Vicki stepped back behind her and began rubbing the rubber plug on her shaven pussy to get it lubricated. Without warning, Vicki placed the now lubricated tip of the plug against Kathy's sphincter and began pushing determinedly in.
With a shriek Kathy bellowed, "Nooooo. Please not that. I've never had anything in there before. Please stop, that hurts." Tears forming anew in her eyes as Vicki continued to push against the tensed muscles of Kathy's sphincter.
With a snarl, Vicki replied, "You'd better loosen that ass up quick whore, or I'm getting the ruler back out and it'll be your pussy and asshole I beat next. This plug is going into this ass, one way or another. If I have to, I'll call a couple guys in here right now to hold you down while I hammer this plug in. It's your choice slut."
With a sob, Kathy begged for leniency one more time, "Please Ma'am. Not that. I've been good. I've done everything you've asked of me. Please don't make me do this. It's so....wrong," she pleaded.
"And you're going to continue to do everything I tell you to do, or else you know what the consequences will be. A slut like you had better get used to this because I have a feeling your asshole is going to get used a lot in near future," Vicki threatened. "Now are you going to relax that asshole or do I need to get the ruler out again?"
"No please, not the ruler, it hurts too much."
"Fine, then open up bitch, because here it comes!" and with that, Vicki began pushing again, forcing the butt plug in bit by bit.
The pain in Kathy's ass was intense as her anus got stretched wider and wider with each passing moment. She desperately fought the urge to tighten up and push the intruder out, knowing that it would only get worse for her if she resisted. As the pain increased, all other sensations were forgotten about, as she became single-mindedly focused on what was happening to her asshole. Every time Vicki seemed to make some headway in stretching her asshole, she would then pull it out a bit, allowing it to close up some, before shoving it back in a little more.
This only seemed to add to Kathy's pain, as she was soon muttering a constant barrage of, "Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow..."
Vicki was mesmerized by the sight of Kathy's sphincter stretching and receding as she continued to work the plug in little by little. The wider the hole became, the louder the 'ow's' from Kathy got. It was almost like rhythmic music to Vicki. Her own pussy was tingling, and she knew she would need some relief herself once this was over. As if it was a real cock, Vicki worked the plug deeper into Kathy's ass with small thrusting motions. When it reached the thickest part of the plug, and Kathy's asshole was stretched as wide as the plug could make it, Vicki stopped and held it there, savouring the moment, and prolonging the agony for Kathy. With a final push, Vicki shoved the plug the rest of the way, and watched in amazement as Kathy's ass seemed to suck the rest of the plug into it, quickly closing over until only the base of the plug remained visible.
The 'ow's' had finally stopped and Kathy was left panting as she desperately tried to adjust to the sensations of the new intruder in her ass. The urge to push it out was strong, as it left her feeling constantly full. The sensations were similar to those she had when she needed to use the bathroom.
"Stand up whore," Vicki ordered.
On uncertain legs, Kathy pushed herself off the desk and attempted to stand with dignity before her tormentor. However, the constant reminder of the plug in her ass made it very difficult to maintain any semblance of calm. Her head hung with shame as the import of what had just happened fully sunk in.
"Now listen up slut. That plug will remain in your asshole for the rest of the afternoon. I will be doing spot inspections to ensure that it is left in. If you need to use the washroom, then you will come to me and ask permission to remove it. I may allow it, I may not. It'll depend on my mood at the time. If you have been a good doggy, then I will remove it at the end of the work day. Is that clear?" she asked.
Nodding her head, Kathy mumbled a, "Yes Ma'am."
"Good. Now remove your dog collar and give it to me."
Once Kathy had taken it off and handed it over to Vicki, she was ordered to get dressed and go for lunch. Vicki then reached down and grabbed the duffel bag and marched out of the office leaving Kathy standing there naked.
Kathy's afternoon bathroom session was pretty much a repeat of the morning session, except that Vicki noticed there was much less hesitation on Kathy's part to begin. Vicki also noticed that Kathy put the bathroom seat cover down first before sitting on it. At first she was puzzled by this but then realized that by doing this, Kathy was purposely using the seat cover to help push the plug further into her own ass. The whore was actually getting off on it Vicki realized with a shock!!
At the end of the day, after most of the staff in the office had departed, Vicki called Kathy out of her office and had her stand in front of Vicki's desk.
"You've been a good little slut today, so you can now take out the butt plug."
With a look of relief on her face, Kathy murmured, "Thank you Ma'am" and turned to leave for her office to remove it.
"Hold on slut. Where are you going?" Vicki asked raising her voice.
Whispering, for fear others may overhear their conversation, "To my office to remove the plug, Ma'am."
"I didn't say you could go to your office to do it. I told you to remove it now - here," Vicki replied matter-of-factly.
"What? Here? But someone might...what if...no, please you can't..." Kathy stammered.
"Oh, but I can slut, and I will. The sooner you do it, the sooner it'll be over. Procrastinate any longer and someone might walk in on you. Now reach behind you and pull the fucking thing out, NOW." Vicki ordered, raising her voice. "Or do you want me to bend you over this desk, here and now, and do it myself?"
"No, no, I'll do it. Please."
Reaching behind her with her right hand, she squatted down a bit and opened her legs to allow easy removal of the rubber butt plug. With a grunt, she pulled the invader from her ass, and quickly stood back up, blushing furiously throughout. She prayed to God no one in the office just saw what had taken place.
Vicki left her standing there sheepishly holding out the butt plug, waiting for Vicki to take it. After a few moments she took the plug from Kathy's proffered hand and placed it back within the duffel bag.
Dismissing her with a wave of the hand, Vicki replied, "You may go now whore. I'll see you tomorrow. And remember to keep that cunt of yours cleanly shaven."