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Stripped for Poker

Writer's picture: Aaron1944Aaron1944


I did not know what it was, but I had a feeling that something had changed over that last two weeks. David was different. He had a more loving approach to me. He seemed more sexually aroused and we were having sex a lot more often, not that I objected to that. David and I had been married for six years. He owned a small engineering firm, and I worked there three days a week doing the accounts and keeping the office work in order. It was a friendly place to work, and we often met up with our employees socially. Wednesday night, for instance, was poker night where David regularly met up with three of the guys from work--Tony, our works manager, and two of the machinists from the shop floor. They all took turns to go around to each other's houses. It was a good thing for us wives, for while the boys played poker, we got a chance to go out for the evening. Well, at least three of us did. The hostess for the evening was expected to stay home and provide a drink and food service for the players.

I seemed to feel something had happened from that night two weeks ago to change things. David had arrived home from Tony's more cheerful than usual. He wasn't a particularly good poker player and he didn't win very often. But this week, he did not complain about losing, nor did he complain about his usual bad luck. Instead, he took me in his arms, kissed me, and suggested that we go to bed. In bed, he was very attentive and our love making that night was the best it had been for quite some time.

It was Wednesday and I was in the supermarket shopping for things for the poker night, as it was our turn to host this week, when I bumped into Irene and Val, the wives of Bob and Tony, two of David's poker buddies. "Are you ready for tonight?" Irene asked.

"As ready as usual," I replied. I noticed her glance at Val and smile. What was that about, I wondered?

Then it struck me. There had been something in the air on our last two evenings out, something I could not put my finger on. Something seemed to be going on and I did not know what it was. David arrived home a little earlier than usual that evening. He said he had come home to help me get things organised for tonight. I usually did it myself, but I was glad for his help. It gave me a little more time to get ready.

With his help, it did not take long before the beer was in the cooler and the food was all prepared. "Going up to get ready now, darling," I called over to him.

He smiled at me and nodded. "I'll be up myself in a moment," he said. I was down to my bra and panties when he came into the bedroom. "You look as wonderful as ever," he said, smiling at me. He came over and took me in his arms and our lips met in a long passionate kiss. I felt his impatient fingers working on the clasp of my bra. It came quickly undone under his expert touch. I felt his hands move around and begin to caress my breasts, and my nipples came quickly alive.

"David, we don't have time for this," I said, pulling away from him. "We have only half an hour before they will be here."

He smiled. "Yes, I know. I just wanted to show you how much I love you."

I thought it was a strange comment to make, but I smiled back at him. "I know you love me, David," I said, "and we can show each other just how much later when your guests have left." With that I slid out of his arms, peeled off my panties, crumpled them into a ball, and tossed them at him. He caught then deftly and held them to his nose with a deep sigh. I smiled. As I showered, I could not help touching myself tenderly between my legs. I would have loved to have made love with him, to feel him inside me, but for me, sex was not a thing I liked to rush and there would be plenty of time later. I left the shower running and David followed me in, playfully slapping me on my bottom as he stepped into the shower. I was sitting with just a towel draped around me when he came out of the bathroom toweling his hair dry. "What shall I wear tonight?" I asked.

He looked at me smiling. "Something terribly sexy."

We settled on a fancy top cut rather low and a long skirt with a thigh high split in it. Under it, he selected some of the sexy new underwear I had bought last week as a special treat for him. He suggested that I wear some of my long hold up stockings with fancy lace tops, and my black patent high heels to finish the outfit off. "Will I do?" I inquired after I had dressed. I did a twirl for him.

"Yes, darling, you'll do," he replied with a grin.

The guys arrived altogether and on time as usual. One of their wives dropped them off so that they could all have a drink. They greeted me with kisses on the cheek and made nice compliments about my outfit. Then they settled down around the table. I took their orders for drinks and when I returned with them, they were already well into their first game. I liked watching them play and they did not seem to mind my presence. As they all drank beer while they were playing, David had opened a bottle of wine for me in the kitchen. I kept my own glass topped up every time I went in for drinks for them.

I did notice, not surprisingly, as the evening went on, that David was not having very good luck. I also noticed that his pile of chips was diminishing rather quickly. Half way through the evening, they broke for food and trips to the bathroom. After they had eaten, I cleared away the dirty plates, refilled their glasses, and the game resumed. I busied myself in the kitchen washing up the few pots, and when I came back in; I could not help but notice that David was down to his last two chips. Tony, on the other hand, had a large pile in front of him, and it seemed to be his night. I stood behind David and watched as Bob dealt out the cards. He picked them up one at a time. He had a pair of jacks and a pair of eights. Not a bad hand, I thought. Kevin tossed in a chip and Dave followed suit. Tony packed his cards in and so did Bob, so it was now between Dave and Kevin. Kevin counted out some chips. "I'll raise you ten," he said.

Dave looked down at his single chip. "Will you take an IOU?" he asked.

"I'm sorry. You know the rules, Dave, no IOU's. If you can't go, you will have to pack your cards in." David looked disappointed. Tony suddenly spoke up. "If we had been playing strip poker, you could have gotten a few pounds for your shirt," he said. They all laughed.

Then Kevin looked across at Dave. "Well, I know we are not actually playing Strip poker, but I'm willing to make an exception, and of course, if your Karen is willing." He smiled at me. "I would not mind advancing you a few chips for that fancy top she is wearing." At first, I did not believe what I had heard. I looked at Dave. He smiled at me, showing me his cards. "Well, what do you think, is this hand worth your top?" I had to admit that it was quite a good hand, but did he actually want me to take my top off here in front of his friends?

I leaned down and whispered in his ear. "Do you really want me to take it off?"

He nodded his head slowly. "Please?" he said. I looked around the table. They were all looking at me, waiting to see what I would do. I smiled, reached behind me, unfastened the two small buttons, and then I took hold of the top and drew it slowly up over my head. There were murmurs of approval when my breasts came into view, encased in a skimpy black lace bra. I tossed the top over to Kevin and he pushed some chips over to David.

At first, I felt very self-conscious standing there in my bra. I knew that my nipples were probably almost visible through the thin lace. David saw my discomfort and suggested some more drinks and I was glad to get back into the kitchen. I took a big swig of my wine to settle my shaking legs. I considered slipping into something, but I did not think that would be appreciated. So I refilled the glasses and took the drinks back in and passed them around.

Even with the injection of money from Kevin for my top, David was soon on the losing end again. I wondered what was going to happen next. Was I going to have to remove something else to help him out? The answer was, of course, yes. David was soon out of money again and when an offer came from Tony, this time it was for my skirt. I looked across at Dave and he smiled and shrugged his shoulders. I was now beginning to wonder just where this was going. I unclipped my skirt and began easing it over my hips. I handed the skirt to Tony and I felt even more self-conscious now as I was displaying myself to them in just my skimpy bra and brief panties. I noticed that all eyes around the table were taking a rather close inspection of my briefly clad body.

I made an excuse and made my way to the kitchen. My legs were really shaking now, and I was beginning to feel quite warm even with my lack of clothing. I filled my glass and took a long drink. Then suddenly it dawned on me. This is what must have been happening at all the other venues. This is why David had changed over the last few weeks. It was all a set up. At first, I could not believe it. Had all my friends been stripping for the guys? I guessed they must have. It was then suddenly that my feeling of self-consciousness gave way to a feeling of excitement. Would I be expected to strip completely in front of the four of them? I began to feel even warmer. I got that telltale feeling between my legs at the thought of having to strip completely naked in front of them.

I adjusted my stockings, hitched up my panties, and walked back into the room, with a little more confidence now that I knew exactly what was in store for me. So David wanted to show me off to his friends. So who was I to complain about that? I busied myself filling their glasses. I could feel all their eyes on my body as I walked around the table.

Now I could hardly wait for David to again run out of chips. At last it happened, and I had to smile when Bob hesitantly put in an offer for my bra. I acted a little shocked, looked around the table, then reached behind and slowly unclipped my bra and let it slip away to expose my breasts. The sight of them all looking at me caused my nipples to stiffen a point or two. I am sure they all noticed. It felt strange and exciting standing there in front of them clad only in brief panties, stockings, and high heels.

I could now feel the wetness beginning to start between the lips of my pussy. It was only two hands later that I finally had to forfeit my panties for the cause. I stood in the centre of the room and they all turned and watched as I slowly slipped them down to display my moist pouting pussy lips and my neatly shaven pubes. I could hardly believe what I was doing. Here I was in my own lounge exhibiting my naked body to my three best friend's husbands. I could not believe the excitement I was feeling and I could not resist giving them a quick twirl to display every aspect of my body, and they all applauded.

David smiled at me. "I think we should all thank Karen for her interesting little display," he said. The others agreed and gave me a second round of applause. "I think we will call this the last hand," he said, "as it's getting rather late and I want you all in bright and early in the morning." They all groaned. He suggested coffees before they left and they all nodded. I left the room knowing that all their eyes were following me. It had been an exciting and erotic feeling to be the centre of all the attention. As I stood there making the coffee, I wondered if I should slip into a wrap just to cover my nakedness, but I felt so decadent and excited to be naked that I decided not to bother. I placed the coffees on a tray and walked back in with them. They had stopped playing cards and turned as I came in. I could see from the looks I got that I had made the right move. I handed out the coffees and even stood chatting with them. Outwardly, I was quite calm, but inwardly, I was so excited I could feel the juices running from my aching pussy. I hoped that they did not notice the state I was in. I think at that moment if any one of them had made a move on me I would not have objected. I would have welcomed their hands on my breasts, their searching fingers between my legs. But alas, it was not to be.

At last they reluctantly decided it was time to go. They thanked me for a very interesting evening. Tony came over and put his arm around me he hugged my naked body to his and kissed me lightly on my cheek. I could feel the bulge in his trousers. The other two followed suit. Young Bob even let his hands drift down and gently squeeze my bottom. I smiled at him. David came over and slipped his arm around me and gently caressed my breast as we saw them out. As soon as the door shut, I could hold my lust back no longer. I went for him, tearing off his clothes. We went at each other like animals there on the floor of the hallway. After our initial lust was spent, he carried me to bed and we made more comfortable love long into the night. It was the following morning before I got the chance to talk to him about what had happened the evening before.

He admitted that similar things had happened at the last two poker nights. "How did you feel about it," he asked.

I smiled. "Well, I was a little taken aback at first, not too sure what was happening, but when I was down to my undies, I was so aroused by the guys watching me that I could not wait to get everything off."

He smiled. "You looked great." He then told me that it had been one of his fantasies to see me naked in front of other men, "God, I was so turned on when you dropped your panties and stood there without a stitch on. I almost came in my shorts."

I noticed with some amusement that he was again becoming very aroused just talking about what had happened and I offered no resistance when he grabbed me, turned me onto my back, and was sliding his rock hard erection into to my well lubricated tunnel of love. When he returned home in the evening, I asked him how things had been at work. He grinned. "You were the main topic of conversation. Tony could not stop talking about you. He really has it hot for you." I smiled at the prospect.

He saw my expression. "Do you fancy him?" he asked.

"Well, I can't say that I would turn down the chance if it were ever offered." I grinned.

He looked at me as though deep in thought. "We will have to see what can be arranged," he said. I couldn't believe that he was actually considering letting Tony have sex with me, but then I had always fancied Tony, so who was I to complain?

It was a couple of weeks later that Dave had asked me if I would go in with him on a Saturday to complete a stock check for the auditors who were coming in the following week. I did not mind as otherwise I would be spending the day at home by myself. It was a warm day and I had dressed in a flowery top and shorts. I had not bothered with a bra as I knew it would be warm work in the office and there would be only me and Dave around. We got on quickly with the work and by early afternoon we had almost completed it. We were just taking a break and having a cool drink when much to my surprise, Tony suddenly arrived. He had known we were working and had brought us some food, which I thought was very good of him.

He joined in the food with us and we chatted. I could not help but notice the way he kept glancing at my breasts. I guessed that he had noticed that I wasn't wearing a bra and that he could probably see the shape of my nipples. "Will we be getting another display of your charms next time we are at your house?" he suddenly asked me. I felt myself redden at the thought of exhibiting myself again. I looked across at Dave. "Depends on Dave's luck. He might not need me to strip next time."

Tony grinned. "I'm sure something can be arranged," he said. Tony looked at me again. "Dave told me that you quite enjoyed the experience."

I nodded. "Yes, after the initial shock, I found it quite exciting. I have never done anything like that before, but I have to admit that I rather enjoyed the sensation of being naked in front of you all."

Tony smiled. "I'm glad you enjoyed it because we all did." Again, I felt myself blushing slightly. I saw that Tony was smiling. I was just wondering what he was thinking about. He looked across at Dave, then at me. "I'll tell you what," he said. "If you strip off for us this afternoon, I will stop and help you with the audit."

I looked at him a little shocked, then I saw Dave's face, and realised that he was not going to say anything. Then I suddenly remembered our conversation on Wednesday night. Had he actually set this up? Was I about to get fucked by our works manager? This could be very interesting. I looked at Dave. "Do you mind me working without my clothes?" I asked.

He just shrugged and grinned. "Could make it an interesting afternoon," he said.

I shook my head. "You two are incorrigible," I said with a grin. I climbed to my feet and stood facing them in the centre of the office. I unbuttoned my shirt but did not take it off. I unclipped my skirt and slid it over my hips. I could not believe that I was actually stripping again, and I was already feeling that exciting feeling. It wasn't as though Tony was a stranger; he had seen me naked last Wednesday, but to be undressing again in front of him knowing that I was probably going to have sex with him before the afternoon was over was making me feel very aroused. I stepped out of my skirt and placed it on the desk. Then I slipped out of my shirt and placed it with my skirt. Tony's eyes lit up at the sight of my exposed breasts and he watched with interest as I peeled off my last item of clothing to stand naked before them. Tony nodded his approval and I could see that Dave seemed to be enjoying the sight of his wife naked again in front of another guy.

It was quite a strange sensation working with the two of them without any clothes on, and it was also quite arousing. Between the three of us, we soon got through the remaining work, and at last Dave said we could call it a day. We all went back to his office and he opened a bottle of wine. I was seated in a low chair sipping my wine, my legs were slightly parted and Tony, who was sitting opposite, was getting a good view of my pussy, not that he had not seen it displayed for him for the last two hours. He looked across at me. "You look a little on the damp side," he said, nodding in the direction of my open legs.

I glanced down and saw the moisture running down between my open thighs. "Well, displaying myself to you two all afternoon is enough to turn a girl on." I smiled as I ran my fingers over the wetness.

Dave turned to Tony. "I think we ought to help her out, don't you?"

I saw Tony's eyes light up. Dave was offering me to him. I felt myself getting suddenly warm. I felt I needed to take control of the situation. I looked at Tony. "It's OK for you two, but it's me who has been naked all afternoon. I think it's about time I got to see what you have to offer."

Tony did not hesitate. With just a quick glance at Dave, he stood up, unbuckled his belt, and dropped his trousers, quickly followed by his boxers. He stood there facing me, rubbing his hand along an impressive cock a good nine inches in length and about as thick as my wrist. "Is this what you wanted to see, baby?" he asked. I nodded and ran my tongue over my dry lips. I looked across at Dave. He was sitting behind his desk watching the proceedings with interest. I got up from my chair and walked slowly over to where Tony was standing. I began to unbutton his shirt. He smiled at me. I slipped his shirt off and he stood there naked. I ran my hands across his strong chest, then leaned forward and gently kissed each nipple. He groaned. I ran my hands down his flat stomach and wrapped my hands around his cock. I felt his whole body shudder as I ran my hands along the wonderful length, feeling it hard and hot in my hands.

I felt his hands begin to caress my breasts, cupping them, and gently teasing my already aching nipples. I looked over his shoulder to where Dave was sitting watching us. He smiled at me and mouthed a kiss. His hands were under the desk and it was not hard to guess where they were. I slowly sank down on my knees in front of Tony. I was still holding his erect cock. Now it was only inches from my face. I could sense the musky smell of sex. His whole body tensed when I ran my tongue over the end. I did that several times before wrapping my lips around it and taking it deep into my throat. Tony gripped my head in his hands pushing me even closer. At first I almost gagged on the size of it. Then I began to relax and work on it with both my lips and my tongue, sucking it deep into my warm mouth. It was not long before he was crying out, trying to hold back the inevitable, wanting to make the pleasure last, but his body needed relief, and with a cry, he came. He tried to pull himself out but I was having none of that. I wanted to taste his cum. I wanted to feel him fill my throat. I gripped his thighs and held him to me, swallowing down every last drop he produced.

At last I allowed him to slip out, his cock still semi erect. I looked up at him and smiled. I could feel his juices running down my chin and dripping down onto my chest. We rested for a while. Tony poured out some drinks. Dave, I noticed, was looking rather sheepish as he cleaned himself up with some tissues. What a waste I remember thinking to myself, but I knew there was probably plenty more to come. I looked across at Dave. "Is this what you want? Seeing another guy fuck me?"

He smiled. "Yes, It's something I have fantasized about seeing for a long time," he said.

I smiled. "Well, now that I've seen the size of Tony's cock,"-- I reached over and took it in my hand-- "I am quite willing to let you enjoy your little fantasy as long as I can enjoy mine." I turned and squeezed Tony's cock. I smiled at him, "Your boss wants to see you fuck his wife, so how about it? I eased myself up on Dave's desk and spread my legs, exposing myself lewdly. I opened up my pussy, and smiled at Tony. "Get yourself in here, big boy. I want you to fuck me so hard that I will be begging you to stop," Tony smiled at my outburst. He quickly moved across and with no effort, slipped deep into my waiting body. I cried out as I felt him fill me. I clung to him. "Please fuck me hard," I said. "I need to feel it so bad." He responded with enthusiasm, pumping into my willing body, his hands gripping tightly onto my arse.

As I had just milked him only minutes before, he was able to give me the fucking of my life before he finally came. I wrapped my legs around him and held him tight against me as I felt his juices pump into me. "That was wonderful," I whispered in his ear. "When can we do it again?"

He looked at me and grinned. "Just you name the time and place and I'll be there." I kissed him and allowed him to slip out of me. Dave was over the moon. He had never expected that I would go for his fantasy, and he said it was more exciting than he ever thought it would be. I was feeling a little worn and dirty, so I left the guys to it and made my way down to the bathroom in the factory. It was a strange sensation walking across the factory floor naked. I smiled to myself thinking what it would be like to be down here on a normal day with all the young guys working around me. I shuddered at the thought. Maybe one day, I thought to myself, as I made my way into the shower.

I did have to admit that I had thoroughly enjoyed the experience of having sex with Tony while David watched. The rest of the weekend had been amazing. We had just fucked ourselves silly. David had been so turned on by the whole thing that I did not think he was ever going to get enough of me, not that I was complaining for one minute. I saw him off to work on Monday morning, and then I went back to bed just to get some rest. I got up around lunchtime and spent an hour in the bath letting the warm water relax my body. My breasts and pussy were still feeling a little tender after all the action they had taken over the weekend.

By the time David arrived home, I was feeling more like myself again. I had prepared him his favorite meal, filet steak, served with a good red wine, and followed by apple pie and ice cream. I sensed there was something on his mind, but he kept me in suspense until we had finished our meal and I had cleared away.

"Tony has come up with an idea you might be interested in," he suddenly said, looking over at me.

"He wants some more of my pussy?" I said with a cheeky grin on my face.

"He probably does," David said, "but that's not what his idea is."

I looked across at him. "Well, go on, don't keep me in suspense." I said, interested to know what I was being let in for this time.

"Well," David said, "you know that it is the big charity day for the children next week, and everybody is raising money by doing some stunt or other," I nodded. "Well, Tony had this idea, and I said I would put it to you." I looked at him expectantly. "What he has suggested is that you should come into work and spend the day naked." He looked across at me. I said nothing. "He said that if you were willing to do it, he would get the staff to sponsor you."

"And what do you think of the idea?" I asked David.

He shrugged his shoulders "It could make for a very interesting day," he said with a wide grin. Although I did not want to show it, I was more than a little excited by the idea. I remembered only too well the feeling I got on Saturday when I walked around the factory naked and how I had imagined what it would be like to do it when all the workers were there.

"I don't mind giving it a go," I said, "as long as we raise a decent amount for the charity, but I am not going to be paraded naked in front of everyone for just a few quid. So you can inform Tony that if I'm going to do it, he's got to make it worth my while." I could see that David was pleased that I had agreed to do it, and he showed me just how pleased he was when we went to bed. Afterwards, just before I fell into a contented sleep, I looked back over the interesting last couple of weeks and realised just how much my life had changed.

Wednesday was my day in at the office and I noticed an air of excitement when I pulled into the parking lot. Some of the workers who were outside taking a smoking break waved and smiled as I walked the short distance to the factory. Once inside, I was greeted by a large poster depicting a naked woman sitting before a desk and a headline that said, "Karen's Naked Day." It went on to describe the event and stated that every member of the workforce had voted to give up their wages for the day to sponsor the event. It also went on to say that anyone visiting the firm that day would be expected to contribute to the fund.

Tony smiled when I walked into the office. "How do you like the advertising?" he asked.

"Looks good," I said.

"I am already having a big response," he went on. "You have been sponsored for well over a £500 already. I guess everyone wants a chance to get a look at you without your kit on." He laughed. I felt that interesting feeling again between my thighs. I realised then just how much I was looking forward to Friday. Tony explained to me that he did not want me to do anything special on Friday. I was just to carry on with my work like any other day. The only difference was that I would not be wearing any clothes. As the day went on, I realised just what I had taken on and what I was going to have to do on Friday. I spent a lot of my time on the shop floor sorting out progress sheets. I had to deal with visitors and representatives who called and look after the requirements of both David and the staff with coffee and refreshments.

Although I was in most ways looking forward to my naked day, I did have a few reservations and I did not sleep too well Thursday night. I was still feeling a little nervous when David woke me with a cup of tea. The deal was that I spend the whole day naked and that meant the full day, so after my shower, much to David's pleasure, I ate breakfast with just a towel around my hair. The only concession I had been allowed was a pair of shoes, as it would have been dangerous to walk around the workshop without anything on my feet.

David had decided that he would remain in the office all day, not only to be there in case any problems arose, but also because he did not want to miss a moment of my day. It did solve one problem; he could drive me into work and save me taking my own car. I knew the chances of me having an accident were minimal, but on the off chance that I did, how was I going to explain to anyone concerned my lack of clothes?

It felt strange and rather exciting walking out to David's car naked. Luckily, we live in a secluded area of town and I don't think I was observed by anyone. I slunk down in the seat to make myself a little less obvious. We did not want to get pulled up, but even so, one guy in a large white van got a surprise when he got an unexpected eyeful of my body when he pulled up beside us at a set of traffic lights. He was so shocked at seeing a totally naked woman sprawled in the front seat of an expensive Jaguar. He stalled his van and there was a loud bang as someone ran into him. I often wonder what he told the police, or if they believed him.

We finely arrived at the factory and David pulled into the parking lot. As we pulled up, David turned to me. "Well, are you ready for this, darling?" he said.

I shrugged. "As ready as I'll ever be," I said, with a slight grin. I was actually tingling with excitement.

David came around and opened the door for me. He looked down at me. "You look unbelievable," he said. "I will never get tired of seeing that wonderful body. It's a sin to put clothes on it." I smiled up at him and pouted a kiss. "I just want to tell you before you go in," he said, "it makes me feel great when other guys look at you and I am proud to let them see your beautiful body in all its naked glory."

I stepped out of the car and put my arm around his neck. I pulled him to me, crushing his firm hard body against my nakedness. I kissed him hungrily. "Thank you for that, darling. I'm going to need you tonight," I said. "I'm going to need you so damned much."

David's parking slot was close to the entrance, but evens so, I was spotted by a couple of other cars pulling into the car park, both who hooted their horns. I turned and cheekily waved to them as David pulled open the door to our unit. I was more than a little surprised to be greeted with whistles and a loud cheer as I walked into the factory. It seemed that everyone had come in early for my appearance. Tony came over and greeted us. I saw him eyeing up my body. "Karen," he said, "I have got to say you look as wonderful as always." He turned to the group of workers, most of whom had never taken their eyes off me since I walked in. "Well, what do you think guys, isn't she worth half your wages?" There were murmurs of approval. "And the best part," Tony said to them, "is that she's going to stay like this for you for the rest of the day, so make the most of it. Now you have all seen her, let's get to work." Somewhat reluctantly, with a few backwards glances, they made their way over to their respective machines.

David left me to go to his office and I followed Tony up to the general office. I could still feel their eyes on me as I made my way up the stairs. In the office, Phil, the office junior who had only been with us a few weeks, looked up from his desk as we came in. I was amused to see him blush when he saw that I really was naked. I don't think he thought I would go through with it until that moment. I took my place at my desk and started going through the mail that Phil had already opened for me. It was always my first job of the day, sorting out the bills from the ones that David needed to look at. I looked across at Phil and saw him quickly turn away not wanting me to see he was looking at me. "A cup of coffee would be nice, Phil," I called over to him. He looked across at me and nodded. He got up quickly and disappeared into the kitchen. He came back shortly with my coffee and placed it on my desk. As I smiled and thanked him, I noticed that he still looked a little nervous and tried not to look at my exposed body. Tony had gone down to the workshop and we were alone in the office. I realised that it must feel strange for him to be working with me in my state of undress. He was only just eighteen and a bit of a quiet lad. To be left alone with the boss's wife was bad enough, but the fact that I was naked and going to remain that way all day seemed to be proving a little too much for him to accept.

"Phil," I said, "come over here for a moment. I think we need to talk." He came over a little reluctantly. "Sit down here," I said, indicating the chair beside me. He nervously edged his way into it. I don't think he had ever been so close to a naked woman before. "You know why I am not wearing any clothes today, don't you?"

He nodded. "Yes," he said, hesitantly, "it's to raise money for the kids."

"Yes, that's right," I said. "So you have to get used to seeing me like this without any clothes on. I don't mind you looking at me. In fact, I rather like men to look at me, especially when I am not wearing any clothes. It excites me." He seemed to be relaxing a little. "Just think what you can tell your mates tonight, that you have worked all day in the office with the boss's wife and she was not wearing a stitch of clothing, you could see everything." I cupped my breasts, lifting them slightly. "You will be able to tell them about my breasts, how firm they were, and they are bound to ask you about my pussy and if you could see that." I parted my legs slightly allowing him to see my smooth shaved pussy. I ran a finger slowly along between the pouting lips. I could already feel a trace of wetness. I saw him shudder. "So I don't want you to worry, just enjoy yourself, look all you want, it's not often you will get a chance like this." At last he smiled. I smiled back. "Now let's just get on with our work..." As he made his way back to his desk, I smiled to myself as I saw him trying to hide a rather noticeable bulge in his pants.

I finished the mail and put David's personal stuff together. I was just about to go across with it when Tony rang me from reception. He told me that a Mr. Clarkson from one of our main suppliers was in reception and wanted a word. I smiled to myself. I wondered just how many of our suppliers and customers would be calling in today. I walked through into reception. Tony was standing at the counter with a smart looking guy holding a brief case. When I walked in, the look on the guy's face was one of pure amazement. He must have known what he was in for because the posters were still in place, but I don't think he could actually believe it was happening. Here walking towards him was a beautiful woman totally naked. I smiled at him, but I don't think he noticed my face. He was too engrossed in the sight of my breasts and the unrestricted view of my pussy. He did manage to stutter some explanation to me of what he had called in for, but it was some trivial matter that could have been easily settled on the phone. I kept him chatting for five minutes or so letting him get his money's worth. Tony at last interrupted our conversation by informing me there was a call for me in the office. I am quite sure that if Tony had not come in, he would have been happy to chat with me all morning. After Mr. Clarkson, a regular stream of visitors dropped in under one pretext or another and I had to blatantly display my naked charms to all of them. I must say that Tony had certainly put his heart and sole into promoting me.

It was just before lunchtime that Tony breezed into the office with a list in his hand. "Just thought I'd bring you the list of sandwich orders," he said, with a slight grin on his face.

I looked at him. It was something I sometimes did when I was in; go out to the snack van and collect the food for the work force. "I know it's my usual job," I said a little hesitantly, "but surely you don't expect me to do it today, like this?"

He shrugged. "Well, it is one of your jobs and you did say that you would do all your jobs." As he looked at me, I realised there was no way out. I was going to have to do it. I took the list off him and made my way down stairs to the factory floor. The men were all watching me with interest. I bet productions were going to be down today, I thought to myself. I slowly opened the unit door and looked across the yard to where the lunch van was parked. I was slightly relieved to see that there were only a couple of men standing by the van. Sometimes there was quite a queue. These two looked like a couple of delivery drivers taking a break.

I took a deep breath and started across the yard. I was about halfway to the van when one of them noticed me. There was a look of disbelief on his face. He nudged his mate and nodded in my direction. The second guy's face took on the same expression. By this time, I was almost up to the van and they could now see that their eyes were not deceiving them. There was an attractive, totally naked woman approaching the lunch van.

Both of them watched me with renewed interest, taking in all my exposed charms. Jim, the lunch van owner, seemed to take it in his stride as though it was quite normal to have a naked woman calling to collect her order. I did find out later that Tony had warned him of the day's events and what to expect. It seemed that it had been the van owner's idea that I should come out and collect the food in reward for a sizeable donation for the fund.

While I was kept waiting for our order to be prepared, several other workers from some of the other units strolled over and I soon found myself the centre of attention. One or two made comments, although none of them were offensive. It seemed that they were only too pleased to be allowed to view my attributes at close quarters. I have to admit that it was quite an exciting feeling to be surrounded by so many admirers, and I think I was almost as sorry as they were when Jim informed me that my order was ready and I had to leave.

David came over and joined Tony and Phil and myself for lunch. David asked me how things were going. I had to admit to him that after a shaky start, I was beginning to enjoy myself. I told him how everyone had treated me with respect and were just happy to be allowed to look at my exposed body. I did have to admit to them, when Phil had left the office to pop out and see someone, that I was feeling rather aroused and that it might be a bit of a struggle to work out the rest of the afternoon without some relief. They both looked at each other and grinned. "I am sure we can arrange something," Tony said, a smile crossing his face.

The afternoon followed where the morning had left off. Visitors called and in turn I was called in to display myself to them. I also had to make several trips down to the workshop floor to check on the progress of work on some outstanding orders. All the time this was happening, I was becoming more and more aroused. With a continual succession of men viewing my nakedness, my nipples were aching and I had to use a tissue to soak up the dampness between my thighs. In the office, Phil had now become more relaxed, and every time I looked across, he seemed to be watching me, staring hungrily at my breasts. It was about three o'clock when Tony came up to the office. He came over to stand at the side of my desk. He put his arm around my shoulder. I shivered, feeling his hand on my naked flesh. He smiled. "You still in need of some relief?" he asked, leaning close to my ear so that Phil did not hear what he was saying.

I looked up at him to see him staring at my breasts with their hard erect nipples. "What do you think?"

He smiled. He turned to Phil and told him to look after the phones for a short while, as I was needed down stairs. He took my hand and pulled me up and I followed him out of the office. As we went down the steps to the shop floor, I could not help but notice that no one was at their machines. Strange, I thought, but I presumed it must be their afternoon break. I followed Tony across to the mess room. He opened the door and ushered me inside. I was surprised to find the entire workforce gathered there. They looked up and smiled as we came in. David was there as well. He came over to me and took my hand. "You know the little problem you discussed with us this lunch time? Well, hopefully we have come up with a solution to it. It was actually Tony's idea, but I did agree to go along with it as long as it was OK by you." I looked at him wondering where this was leading.

Tony smiled. "It was your saying you needed some relief," he said. "I think most of the men in the workshop have been feeling that way since they first saw you this morning. In fact, several of them have been spending rather longer than usual in the men's room after you have been down to visit the workshop." He smiled. "So after a discussion with David, we came up with an idea to raise some extra cash for the fund and to solve your problem." I looked at the two men wondering what was coming. David looked at me. "We all agreed to put a £20 pound note into a hat after first putting our names on it."

I looked at David. "And?" I asked.

"Chris here was the winner," Tony said.

I heard a movement across the room and I turned to see a naked guy standing there, his rock hard cock standing out in front of him. I looked at him. Then it dawned on me, I was the prize in the draw. I looked at Chris and that tempting cock and I turned and looked at David. "You don't mind?" I asked.

He smiled. "Not if it's for charity," he said with a grin.

How could a girl in my state turn down such an offer? I walked into the centre of the small room to where Chris was now standing. I reached out and took his cock in my hand. It felt hot and hard. I saw the guys around me, some licking their lips in anticipation. "Where do you want me," I inquired huskily "On the floor, on my knees or over the table?"

"It's up to you," he said, looking hungrily at the body he was about to possess. I turned my back to him, leaned over one of the tables, and spread my legs. He accepted my offer with enthusiasm. He grabbed my thighs and with little finesse, drove his weapon into my waiting well-lubricated hole. I heard cheers from the other workers urging him on. The problem was that because of the aroused state that both of us where in, we both orgasmed quickly that first time. But with my help he was soon hard enough to take me again and between us we put on quite a show for the very appreciative audience. The problem was that the whole thing developed into a bit of a gang bang, not that I had any objection, but no more work was done that afternoon. I think the work force left that day feeling completely satisfied with their day's work.

As we drove home in the car, David inquired if I were OK. I looked down at my naked body and tenderly stroked my hand over my abused pussy. "I'm feeling fine," I said, "but I don't think you will be able to use this for a few days."

He grinned. "That's OK. I can manage that long on the wonderful memories of today." We drove in silence for a while. Then he said almost to himself, "I wonder what plans Tony has for next year's event?"



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