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Skinny Dipping at The Cloisters v06.21

© MMXX All Rights Reserved

Authors Note:
This story comes from a series of events in my life, and a healthy dose of imagination. The muse for combining reality and fantasy was “Stripped in the Pool’’ by sensuallyembarrassed on Literotica. I will leave it to you dear reader to decide what is fact and what is fiction. If you want more please ask. I do have an idea for at least one more chapter, but if no one lets me know they want more, why should I write it.
Special thanks to...
Editor: ElmerStudd
This story and it's associated images contain sexually explicit content. If you are not at least 18 (or the age of legal majority) or if this type of content is in any way restricted in your locale please leave this site now.

This story contains adult oriented content. Please review the categories and tags before reading. If this is not your kind of smut, please find another story.



I worked for the Winter Park Police Department, a suburb of Orlando. To afford to live within the city limits I would work several off duty shifts a week. That allowed me to afford to live in the overpriced upscale city. Tonight I was working one of my favorite locations. An upscale four-story single building condo complex called The Cloisters. It was located a block or so from Park Ave the heart of the city.

My job was to make sure nothing happened during the night. The biggest problem was keeping drunks from skinny dipping in the pool after the bars closed. Most city residents were young singles or couples, but this condo housed a lot of seniors. The youngest resident was over 60 and there were four people over the century mark. So this location was not exactly a hotbed of activity at any time, especially at night.

I’d worked at The Cloisters several times a month for two years or so, and had only met two residents. My shift started at ten pm to and I got off at six am. By the time I arrived, the whole place was dark, except the lights on the east side parking lot. The west side of the building was the pool and hot tub, although hot tubs in Florida never made sense to me.

I'd worked this post so many times I had the routine down pat. Show up, radio in and walk around the property several times to make sure nothing happened. I’d fill out the daily report, leave it in the property managers dropbox and go home. It was boring, but easy money.

Well, one night, around three am, it was still hotter than fuck and around 90% humidity. I’d spent most of the night in my patrol car with the AC running. Every time I’d stepped out to make my rounds, the sweat would pour off my body like Niagara Falls. The night shift supervisor already swung by, and no one was ever out and about at this indecent hour. After making my usual patrol, I decided to take advantage of the very inviting pool.

I stripped off my uniform and locked it in the trunk of my car with my gun belt and body armor. Wearing only my boxers, I jogged over to the pool and eased myself into the cool water. I swam around for a while enjoying the cool water on my sweaty skin, it felt glorious. After three minutes or so, I began to feel guilty and climbed out of the pool.

I didn't have any towels with me so I dried off best I could. Then I figured that I needed to strip off my underwear. After all, I didn't want anyone to think I pissed myself. I took them off and threw them into the trunk of my car and slipped into my uniform. Once I looked like a cop again, I made another round. When I finished and returned to my car as hot as before.

As I sat in my car, updating my duty log, I thought about how I felt when while naked in the parking lot. It felt like freedom, or the first time on a thrill ride, exciting and scary. I also got a thrill from my illicit swim. I knew I would swim again soon.


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It was several weeks before I could sign up for a shift at The Cloisters. When I put my name on the roster, I felt a surge of electricity run through my body. All I could think about was going for a three am swim.

I arrived early for my shift. My excitement made me anxious to get there. I signed in and made my first round. Time seemed to drag as I waited for zero hour when I would take my dip. Nothing unusual happened that night. After an interminable wait, my watch chimed, to let me know it was three am.

I could hear on the radio it was a hectic night. There had been an event at Rollins College, and most of the department was dealing with the traffic. The usual public drunkenness and minor drug offenses continued as well. This meant the night supervisor was too preoccupied to check on off duty jobs.

I stripped down to my bathing suit, which I had worn under my uniform. Then I walked over to the pool carrying my towel. If a resident caught me, I'd claim to be someone's great-nephew having trouble sleeping. If a fellow cop caught me, I knew that the ‘blue wall of silence’ would protect me.

Smiling as I stood at the edge of the pool, I took a deep breath and jumped in. When I hit the water it felt sublime. I spent over an hour swimming, floating, and cooling off. When I climbed out I thought to myself, 'The only thing missing is a sexy female in a small bikini.'

I dried off as I walked back to my car. As my patrol car came into view, I remembered the thrill of stripping last time. I decided to take off my swimsuit, and walk the last 50 yards or so in the buff. There was a breeze blowing, which felt like ghost hands were fondling my cock and balls. The sensation was enchanting. I ambled to my car so I could experience the sensations coursing through me.

The next day I got a phone call from the Lieutenant in charge of off duty assignments. He asked me to pick up a couple of shifts at The Cloisters since I would be in court all week. I agreed my body charged with anticipation, knowing I wouldn't bring my swimsuit again.


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For the next several nights I kept my boxers on while I walked to the pool. When I got close I would drop them and swim bare-assed naked. The second to last night, I took stripped before going through the pool fence and would leave my boxers on the gate. I loved the naked stroll to the water's edge. On my last night, my cock got hard as soon as I arrived. I felt subdued with nervous anticipation. The clock ticked the seconds away, each one taking longer than the last.

Finally, my watch alarm beeped! It was three a.m. My cock spasmed as I hurried to my car and stripped off my entire uniform. I left my boxers with my uniform, in the trunk and meandered to the pool. All I had was a towel and flip flops as I headed to the pool for my perverse nightly ritual. I could feel my body relaxing during my trek. I thought about how free I felt when I went naked in the outdoors. I considered a weekend trip to Titusville to visit Playlinda beach. If I only had a lady to go with me.

I dropped my towel onto a lounge chair and stretched my back and sides. I realized I prolonged the time I spent exposed, enjoying the freedom. Then eased myself into the pool, using the stairs in the shallow end. Standing tall, I savored each step as I moved into deeper water. I delayed the amazing feeling of cool water surrounding my genitals as long as I could.

When I was waist deep, I ducked under and swam the length of the pool underwater. I decided to swim back to the shallow end without coming up for air. Once I returned to the shallow end, I lifted my head out of the water to breathe the sweet-smelling night air. As I did, I heard a female voice on my left say, "Hi stranger."

I whipped around at the unexpected greeting, "Holy Fuck!" I murmured when I saw her. My cop's mind went into overdrive, memorizing her details. Female, White, five foot six, 110 pounds. Early 20's, red hair to her shoulder blades, green sparkling eyes. Freckles on her forehead and around her eyes, fading out around her cleavage. She was wearing a modest bright yellow bikini, that showed off her flat stomach. She had a single belly piercing, a large emerald. No other visible marks scars or tattoos, on the front. Her finger and toenails were hot pink and her lips matched. Even if I wasn't naked, a woman this beautiful would have made me mute.

I stood there not knowing what to say as she stood on the pool deck, smiling at me. "Uhh hi," I stammered, despite the flock of butterflies in my stomach.

"I couldn't sleep, because my AC broke, so my apartment is way too hot. I figured a dip in the pool would help me cool off," she said, keeping her eyes locked on mine.

I wasn't sure if she noticed my lack of clothing from where she stood. If she got into the pool, she would definitely notice my rapidly expanding baton. "Yeah, sounds reasonable", I answered, as my mind raced with plans to get out of this dangerous situation. I needed to wrap my towel around my naked and very erect cock.

"I hope you don't mind if I join you. You aren't a rapist or ax murderer are you?" she giggled as she walked closer to the pool.

With each step she took, my anxiety grew. If she got in it was inevitable she would find more of me than expected. Then she would scream and all hell would break loose. She walked to the deep end and stopped at the edge. Sitting down, she dangled her legs in the water. I dove to down until my chest scrapped the bottom. Then I swam to the deep end. When I reached the wall I, using it to shield my nudity. I was only a few feet away from her. I leered at her long lean supple legs, trying to come up with a plan to extricate myself. As I tried how to get the hell out of there, I heard her say, "Hi I'm April. I live across the street. I hope you won't call the cops and have them arrest me for trespassing," she admitted.

I swallowed hard, wondering if she knew who I was. I feared she wanted to get me in hot water, maybe file a sexual harassment or attempted rape charge. With the current anti-police sentiment among young people, I half expected her to bust a cap in my ass. I could see the headline:


Now that would be a salacious story that would broadcast nationally. WPPD would never recover from that black eye. I knew I had to get out of there in a hurry. But I had no idea how. "I'm Tom," I replied to her.

"You're too young to live here," she said, winking at me. "Everyone here is at least 80."

Trying to be nonchalant I nodded. "I work here. I do overnight shifts and was on my lunch break," I told a half-truth.

"So that's why I only see you here some nights. Although it's been fun watching you strip naked and skinny dip the last few nights."

"Wait! What?" I exclaimed.

"I'm a bartender on Park Ave. I usually get home around three. I usually have a light snack before bed. My kitchen window overlooks this pool. I've seen you out here a few times swimming around as I ate. When I realized you swam naked, I kept my lights off so I could see better. Then yesterday I bought a pair of binoculars and watched you strip down before jumping in. Tonight I decided to join you."

My face was burning, knowing that my escapades hadn't been as secret as I believed. If she had seen me all those times, then who else had witnessed my foray into nudism. Now I was glad that my patrol car was on the other side of the building, out of her line of sight. She had no idea I was a cop. I breathed a sigh of relief at that, but I knew I had to go, SOON. The hourly radio check was coming up. If I missed it, several patrol cars would roll up, lights flashing, to check on me. That would be bad. If one cop found me naked in a pool talking to a hot redhead it could be kept from the brass. If Several cops and a supervisor found me, it would mean suspension, if not termination.

"Since you know I'm naked, you won't mind me getting out and going? My break's over and I need to get back to work."

April pouted, "But we were getting to know each other," she complained. "Can we meet here tomorrow night?"

"I wish I could, but I won't be here on overnights, for a few days at least," I replied.

"Well here's my number, text me when you will be here, and we can meet up. Next time, I'll bring you lunch." She winked at me as she wrote her number on my hand with a Sharpie. ‘This girl comes prepared,’ I thought as I turned pushed myself up out of the pool.

April sat there watching me, or a certain part of me as I collected my towel. I draped it over my shoulder, turned my head and called out, "Be careful swimming here. The property manager has a cop here every night. If he catches you, you might get arrested for trespassing."

"So why don't you get arrested?" she asked.

"I told you, I work here," then I winked at her and strode off. I opened my trunk in time to hear dispatch giving a second call for me. I grabbed the mic and responded in a strong voice, "post 24, 10-4.” The district sergeant was a cop I had gone to the academy with and we detested each other. As soon as the check ended, he told me to switch to a secondary freq.

I switched over, "What's up sarge?" I inquired.

"Why the fuck didn't you answer the first call!" he demanded in his belligerent tone.

"I had a mouth full of nice tender roast beef on rye." I lied knowing that he recently found out he was allergic to meat, couldn't eat his beloved roast beef sandwiches anymore.

There was a brief pause, but his anger was so strong I could feel it emanate from the radio. "Switchback," was his reply. I switched back, to the primary channel for the zone, and checked back in with dispatch. After I dressed I decided to check out the pool to see if April was still there. I arrived in time to watch her run across the street and go into an apartment building. I stood there watching the windows to see if a light went on in an apartment. I was disappointed.

At six am I closed out the reports, leaving out the trespassing April. I drove to the station to see if I could sign up for more shifts at The Cloisters. I was lucky, the new sign up hung from the bulletin board, and no one had signed up for any shifts. I put my name down for The Cloisters for every shift that wouldn't affect my duty schedule. I wanted to see more of April again soon so I sent her a text...

My dick leapt at the thought of eating the sweet sexy April. The rest of my shift was a blur. As I headed home, my phone rang.

"Officer Houlihan."

"Hey Tom it's Lieutenant Flynn."

"What's up Lieu?"

"I need you to work The Cloisters tonight. Officer Hanson got hurt in a fight and is on sick leave. I know you're duty shift is eight to eight tomorrow. I checked with the shift sup and he approved you to work as house mouse noon to mid, instead. Can you do me the solid?"

"Wilco, but how's Hanson? We were in the Academy together."

"She'll live. A couple of broken bones from a bad fall. They want to observe her for a day or two before sending her home."

"Shit! Her husbands Gaurd unit deployed last week, and she has two tender age kids. Can you let everyone know I'll be setting up a meal train for them?"

"I'll let everyone know. Thanks."


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When I parked my car, I sent April another text:

I looked up the duty roster to see who the night supervisor was. It was Sargent Lopez, an old-timer, who drove up and down Park Ave to leer at the college girls as they bar hopped. He never checked on any off duty posts, unless something happened. I grinned at my luck and went into my apartment to nap before my shift. My alarm went off at 9:30. I ate some leftover pizza and put on a clean uniform. I drove to The Cloisters and began my shift. It was the same old same old. I wanted to get to the pool before April, so I set my watch for 2:45. I knew I would be comfortable naked in the water. Walking up to the pool naked with someone watching was a bridge too far, for now.

I removed my uniform and walked over to the pool. I brought my swimsuit but didn't wear it. My cock and balls were swinging free. I jumped into the water, and when I surfaced I heard a now-familiar female voice, "Hi stranger."

Spinning toward the sound, I smiled at April. She looked exactly the same, except her bathing suit was green instead of yellow.

"Hi yourself," I replied as I stood up in waist-deep water, drinking in her nubile form. I wondered how far we would go tonight. ‘I can't wait to get her out of that suit,’ I thought as my eyes drunk in her well-formed calves. I let my eyes follow them up past her sexy knees and over her toned thighs, until I reached the valley of hidden delight. 'Hopefully, it won't be hidden for much longer.'

"I have some food set up on the table over here," she smiled as she and pointed to a table nearby. I looked over and saw an honest to God picnic basket. Looking at her I mumbled, "You promised sticky sweet."

She must have heard me because she gave me a curious look. "Well get out of the pool. Then you'd see I have homemade honey buns and individual strawberry shortcakes. Now join me."

She turned her back and walked over to the table. Her jiggling ass cheeks enticed me out of the water, and I followed her delectable ass to the table. She unloaded her goodies, though they weren't the goodies I desired.

After watching her unpack some plates and silverware, I shrugged my shoulders and got out of the pool. I walked over to the table and sat down. I realized the table she chose had a glass top, so it wasn't hiding my dick from her view. She served me a piece of shortcake and a honey bun, then served herself some and sat down next to me.

As I put the first forkful of the cake into my mouth, I realized her naked thigh was touching mine. It was soft and warm, the heat headed straight to my dick. As I swallowed I wanted to compliment her skills in the kitchen. Before I could open my mouth, her hand grabbed my semi-erect dick and started teasing it. My eyes sprang wide open and I looked over at her.

April was looking down at her hand on my cock, watching as she caressed it up and down. She had a small smile on her face as she watched it grow to its full size. She was an expert at giving handjobs. She teased my shaft and caressed the head, and even played with my balls. All the while sitting there eating the deserts she had made. I decided not to ruin a good thing and sat there letting her stroke my dick, feeling the cum churning in my balls. I wanted to explode, but I hoped it wouldn't be on my chest or the concrete pool deck.

The whole situation was surreal. I was naked, while on duty, getting a handjob from a beautiful woman, dressed in a bikini, who had been a peeping Tom to my Lady Godiva. Neither of us were talking to each other and this was only the second time we had met. I shook my head and continued to eat the delicious treats, enjoying the way she handled my cock and balls.

As she took her last bite, she increased the tempo of her hand and used my pre-cum to ease some of the friction. She had grown serious about making me cum. Her hand was a blur as it pulled the cum from my balls. I sat there moaning softly as I felt my dick begin to enlarge. I tried to hold back as long as I could. April's smile had grown as she felt the pressure build.

"Cum for me baby," she whispered as she put her other hand on my chest and pinched my nipple.

"FFUUUCCCCKKKKK," I moaned, as my dick exploded, blasting cum all over the cement under the table. Her eyes widened and her breathing quickened as she watched my thick white cream blast out of my dick.

April leaned over and kissed my cheek as she squeezed the last few drops out of my still hard dick. Without another word she stood up and threw everything into the picnic basket. I sat there waiting for the strength to return to my legs so I could stand up. I planned on putting her on the table face down so she could look at my cum as I drove my hard cock into her wet cunt.

I stood up she kissed me full on the lips and licked my lips with her tongue. She pulled back from the kiss before I could get my tongue into play, and whispered, "We'll get together again, soon."

She stepped away from me without another word she packed her stuff and headed home. Chuckling at the turn of events, I grabbed my stuff and went back to my patrol car to get dressed. My head filled with visions of April in all sorts of positions and I would do all sorts of things to her. I hoped this was the start of a great friendship.

Ch. 02 Meet the Roommate

I was dead on my feet when I got to work the next day. I only had four hours of sleep before I had to go to work. I was glad to be a house mouse for once. I finished up the filing and sorting of the paperwork that was the bane of every cop's existence. Then I delivered interdepartmental mail and legal notices to various officers. Once the stacks of paper had moved from the ‘in’ to the ‘out' basket, I asked the shift Sergeant if I could head home early. The sarge told me to go home and get some rest.

After going home and taking a shower, I realized that I hadn't contacted April after the fun I’d had with her last night. Sitting down on my couch, I decided to ask her out on a traditional date:

Me: U n me dinner 2nite. U pick time n place

April: NO! but let me know when I can see u @ pool'll be worth it,’ she replied.

‘What is it with this chick,’ I wondered to myself. She spies on me skinny dipping, then boldly comes up to me while I'm naked in the pool and talks to me like it's nothing. Several days later she gives me a handjob, then disappears before I can even say thanks. Shrugging I turned on my TV and ordered a pizza and some beers.

After dinner, I felt restless so I headed out on the town. Not feeling like hearing the same old BS, I avoided the local cop bar. I headed over to the college bars near Rollins College. I knew I was more likely to score with a coed than with the yuppies and hipsters that hang out further north on Park Avenue.

The first bar I walked into was jam-packed. I had no idea so many college kids would be out drinking on a weeknight. When I looked at the TV I knew why. The Tars women's basketball team was playing their rival school, Florida Southern College. Not something that often happened for this small, little known, Liberal Arts College.

The crowd's excitement was contagious because they were winning. I found an empty table and grabbed a seat. A waitress strolled by and I ordered a Tom Collins neat. I watched the waitress wiggle her cute ass through the raucous crowd to the bar. To my surprise, I saw April working there mixing drinks. I smiled thinking I could spy on her now. There's no way she'd notice me in this crowd.

I sat there, sipping my drink watching April work the crowd. She flashed her pretty smile and bend down so guys could ogle her cleavage, to maximize her tips. I sat there and sipped my drink when I saw a cute, well stacked, blond fall when the Tars scored a three-pointer to end the half. I reached out and grabbed the blond's arm and stopped her from impacting on the floor. She gave me a grateful look, so I gestured to one of the empty seats at the table offering it to her.

She walked over and sat down, finishing her drink and putting it down on the table. "Thanks, this crowd is wild. Someone is going to get killed," she said, looking around.

"I hope not," I replied. "That would bring a lot of cops here ending the party," smiling at her.

"Yeah cops always ruin good parties," she said, looking at me. "I'm Cindy."

"Tom," I said, offering her my hand. "Would you like another drink?" I asked, waving the waitress over.

"A grasshopper," she said to the waitress.

"Tom Collins for me," I said, paying for the drinks in advance, hoping that would make her bring them a bit quicker. It worked and she was back in a few minutes with our order. I lifted my drink and said, "To new friends and the adventures that await them."

Cindy raised her eyebrows at my toast and then smiled shyly and took a big sip of her drink. Before she was halfway done I ordered another round, figuring it would be my last one. I planned to invite Cindy to go with me. If she agreed, great, if not then I had Wi-Fi at home and lots of Cory Chase videos waiting.

Cindy and I chatted for a while. She told me about some of the latest gossip from around campus and about her home life out west. It was hard to hear over the crowd, but I caught enough to know Cindy started slurring her speech. In my cop judgment, if she drank any more, I would have to abandon my plan of partying with her somewhere a bit more private.

I pulled her close and asked if she would like to go get some food. She nodded her head eagerly and said, "wait here, I need to freshen up, and let my roommate know I may not be home tonight."

I coughed at her comment and watched her push her way through the crowd to the bar. April saw her and made her way over to the petite blonde. Now that I was able to take a good look at her, I could see that she was short, even for a female. Maybe 5'0", but she had a lovely shape, and she was charmingly proportioned.

She gestured to me and I turned away, to avoid having April recognize me. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw her head to the bathroom. Twenty minutes later we were walking down Park Ave, holding hands. More to help her stay upright than romance.

I sat her down at the first open, outdoor table I found. I headed inside to let the hostess know. I grabbed a couple of menus and headed back outside, asking the hostess to send us a couple of coffees. The waitress arrived without coffees and I ordered two pieces of cherry chocolate cheesecake. Cindy smiled at my choice. As the waitress went to get our order, Cindy asked, "So are you in college?"

"No. I graduated a little over a year ago from UCF."

"So where do you work?"

"I work for the city of Winter Park."

"OH really." Her eyes grew wide. "I am thinking about getting into Government work when I graduate. What do you do for the city?"

"I handle problems that the mayor and city council don't want to deal with," I hedged.

"Oh, you're like a troubleshooter. Making sure the things are taken care of but giving the higher-ups deniability."

"Something like that," I said, smiling at the accurate yet misleading job description. When our food arrived, I dug in and took a bite. "Is there anything finer than a Bru-Bakers slice of cherry chocolate cheesecake?" I asked, taking a second bite.

She nodded her head and ate her cake. We had two more cups of coffee and made some more small talk. As I finished my last sip of coffee, I nonchalantly asked, "So I saw you talking to the bartender. Is she your roommate?"

I saw a dark look flash across her face. "Why!" she demanded, her body language getting very defensive.

"You said you were going to tell your roommate that you were going to be out late and I saw you talking to her. I was curious," I replied, reaching for my wallet to pay the bill.

Cindy seemed to relax a bit. "Well we aren't exactly roommates, I rent a room in her apartment. There've been a few guys desperate to meet her, so they pretended to like me. Then they tried to hook up with the hot redhead. She doesn't date college guys. She likes older men with careers, but that doesn't stop the boys from trying.”

I could see she was a bit insecure from the crappy guys she had met. While it was true I wanted to get to know April better, Cindy was sexy and sweet. "Those boys were idiots, they're like the dog with the bone who sees his reflection in the lake."

Cindy looked up at me. “I've never heard that story." I explained to her about the old greedy dog who had a bone. Then when he was walking by a lake he saw another dog with a bone. Deciding he wanted what the other dog had he started to bark and the bone fell out of his mouth and sank in the lake.

Her eyes lit up and she said, "So you think I'm sexy."

Without saying a word, I stood up and took her by the hand. I led her down the street. I turned into a maze of alleys that held shops that closed hours ago leaving the alley deserted. Stopping by one of the empty storefronts, I pushed her up against the wall and bent down to her level. I kissed her on the mouth, driving my tongue between her lips.

She froze for a second and didn't respond. Then her arms wrapped around me. One hand was on my head pushing me deeper into her mouth as she began to suck on my tongue like it was a cock. Her other hand was caressing my chest and feeling the muscles under my shirt.

Being bent over was beginning to hurt my back, so I wrapped my arms tight around her and lifted her up so I could stand up. Her body shuddered as I lifted her off her feet without breaking the kiss. Her legs wrapped around my torso and her panty covered pussy was rubbing my already hard dick.

Knowing that the cops never patrol this area at night, I felt safe in getting my freak on with the sexy blonde coed in the dark alley. She was so light that I was able to keep her in the air with one arm. With my other arm, I undid my pants and pushed them down freeing my cock. When Cindy felt the hardened shaft against her panty covered pussy, she sighed and sucked harder on my tongue.

My hand forced its way between our bodies and I slid it up her thigh and found her panties were sopping wet. My fingers slid into the leg hole and penetrated her honey pot. When Cindy felt them slide in she threw her head back and moaned, "Fuck me now."

I shifted her body a bit so my dick would find her pussy and the tip slid home like a bullet sliding into the chamber of a gun. Cindy gasped as I paused. "Are you sure you want me to fuck you right here, right now?" I asked.

"If you don't, I'll find someone who will. Fuck me, fuck me now!" she hissed at me, trying to rock her hips to take my shaft into her young tight cunt.

"As you wish," I told her and then slowly slid my dick into her pussy. She gasped and moaned as it went deeper and deeper until I finally had my entire length buried in her. She moaned and started to gyrate her hips. She almost fell from my arms with the unexpected movement, so I wrapped my other arm around her waist.

We started fucking like animals in heat. Dick ramming into pussy, pussy gripping cock as the friction built our pleasure. I pistoned in and out, faster and faster with each stroke. We were no longer human, we were a pair of rutting animals in heat, and nothing would stop us. I wanted to rip her top open and suck on her tit flesh. I was unable to get the right leverage to expose her breasts, and keep slamming into her. but with the way, our bodies were slamming into each other I didn't want to risk moving my hands.

Her hands had been busy unbuttoning my shirt and playing with my nipples. She loved making them hard and sucking on them. She was the first girl to ever do that to me and I wondered if it was weird that I liked the feeling. I went with the moment and kept driving my cock into her sweet tight pussy.

With each thrust it felt tighter and wetter until she moaned, "I'm cumming! Oh my fucking god I'm cumming on your hard cock. Fuck me stud fuck my cunt and blast your cream into me."

I'd always loved a girl talking dirty while my dick was inside her body and this time was no exception. Her words went straight to my cock and forcefully blasted my cream deep into her. I fought to stay upright when my climax hit. I was able to keep Cindy in my arms, as her body thrashed uncontrollably while her climax washed over her.

Once we regained control of our senses, we kissed passionately and I lowered her to the ground until she was on her feet. Once she was standing on her own, we broke the kiss. At that moment the magic and passion between us disappeared. It was suddenly awkward, with me standing there with my pants around my ankles, my shirt hanging from my left wrist, (more than once I asked myself how the fuck...) and my cream covered dick dripping our combined fluids.

It was all the more awkward since she had all her clothes on and her panties held in any fluids that tried to escape her body. If anyone saw us they would think that I was some pervert flasher or worse and that she was an innocent victim. The only sign of our animalistic copulation was a light sheen of sweat on her pale white skin and her fast breathing.

I looked at her and asked, "Would you like to come to my place for the rest of the night?" Even to me, it sounded pretty lame and desperate.

"Umm, no thanks," she replied. She dismissed me like I was offering her fries with her burger. "I'll see you around sometime," she said, as she turned her back on me and walked out of the ally.

I stood there naked wondered what was with these two women. They both gave me sexual pleasure without removing a stitch of clothing. "Fuck it," I said aloud after I thought about it. Who was I to complain? I’d gotten a handjob from a hot redhead, then I got to fuck her hot, petite, roommate. 'Not bad for a beat cop.'

I stood in the ally exposed to nature, watching Cindy walk away from me without a backward glance. I stood there breathing in the night air, savoring the illicit thrill of indecent exposure in public, in the middle of the city, well, in a back alley in the middle of the city. After enjoying the gentle caress of the cool night air on my cock and balls for several minutes, I started to feel sleepy. I pulled up my pants and adjusted my shirt before I headed home and to sleep.

I have started writing a second part to this story. My plan is to have it culminate in CFNM 'dancing bear type party, but as of now not sure when or if I will finish it. If you want to reaed more about these characters please let me know. 

I do not make any money from writing. My only reward is feedback from my readers. Please like, comment, share, retweet, upvote, repost, retweet, follow, join, or whatever you can do on the site where you read this. All feedback is a gift, and I love gifts.

Sal De Klerk, "The Salacious Scribe"

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