by Sal de Klerk, "The Salacious Scribe."™️
© MMXXI All Rights Reserved
Preface: Salacious Liaison is a series of scribbles that are based on chats the author had with various woman. They had fantasies they wanted to explore so I wrote the story for them. This one is for Shy155. I miss you my sweet shy girl. If you ever read this, email me. It's the same as my skype name at Gmail. Originally this story had a different title and Sal and Candice were married, just no to each other. Readers complained about both the infidelity and the fact that Sal let his side chick get gangbanged. They felt it was unrealistic. I rewrote it and think it's a little better. I hope you do too. Special thanks to Lucy Lewis for beta reading this for me. She made it better. Thank you, lovely lady. |
Warning: This story contains explicit written descriptions of sexual acts. You must exit this site/story now if...
Please review the tags before reading. If you find this is not the kind of erotica you enjoy, please find another story more to your liking. |
The sun's gentle rays tickled my naked skin and woke me. I looked over at Candice and watched her eyes open. At that moment I realized something was wrong. I looked around and saw we were all alone on the beach with the fire pit the frat boys dug last night. There was a piece of paper stuck under a rock that fluttered in the gentle sea breeze.
"Where are the guys? And our clothes?" Candice looked around at the empty beach.
"I was thinking the same thing," I grimaced as I stood up and walked over to the paper. I tugged it out and announced, "It's a note.” Then I read it aloud. “Thank you for last night. We appreciate what you did for us. We’ll never forget you. We took your clothes as a keepsake. We'll display them in a place of honor in our frat house for years to come."
So, you're wondering why Candice and I woke up naked on a beach, and frat boys stole our clothes. Well, I have no idea why they stole mine. But the reason they stole hers is one of our fondest memories.
When we got married, we were both older. She was twenty-seven and I was twenty-nine. We were both virgins, and sex… well, it sucked. Our first two attempts left us with no desire to try again. Other than the bad sex, we enjoyed our honeymoon. We kissed, held hands, and loved each other. As for the other activities, well we were well-rested in the mornings.
That all changed on our fourth day. Candice met this guy. We've forgotten his name, but his legacy will live on forever. He invited Candice to party on his YACHT. If you saw this vessel, you'd understand the caps. She brought me along and we had a blast. Caviar, champagne, and other foods I couldn't identify or pronounce. It was an amazing day. After dinner, Candice and I were both a bit drunk. When he invited us to join him and his candy of the week in the owner’s suite. Over the next two days, they taught us things… amazing things. We would never be well-rested again.
After we got home, Candice and I sat down and had a long talk. We agreed that what we did was fun, but neither of us wanted an open marriage or to be swingers. We tried monogamy for almost two years, and it always felt something was missing.
On our second anniversary, we took a vacation to Hedonism II in Jamaica. We figured a little voyeurism, and some exhibitionism would fill the void we felt. It didn't. We were on the verge of calling it quits, not the vacation, our marriage. We decided to have dinner then retire to our room for a long talk. We went to the restaurant, and there was a long wait. The manager offered us a discount if we were willing to share our four-person table. That’s how we met Bob and Sue.
Bob and Sue were from Maine. I can’t imagine a whiter couple. On the outside, they're what you’d expect. Conservative upper-middle class. He's an orthodontist, she's a housewife. I could see her entering table-setting competitions at a state fair. That's how white these folks were. Over the course of that dinner, we became friends. Not, let’s go somewhere and fuck, friends. Real friends. We learned a lot from them. They were monogamous too, but only fifty weeks a year. Once a year they had a two-week sexual purge. Anything with anyone, no questions asked. The only rule was to tell your partner everything.
Candice and I looked at each other and at the same time said, "let's do it." That night I had my first threesome, and Candice had her first BBC. Unfortunately, that was our last night at the resort.
For the last six years, we've lived strait-laced vanilla lives at home. Then on vacation, we became wild wanton insatiable sexual beasts. Life was great. I know you want to hear all about our sexcapades. One day I may tell you about them. But for now, I'm going to tell you about our favorite one. The 2018 beach gangbang.
We checked into our hotel that would be home for the next ten days. We unpacked and decided to head to the beach for a couple of hours before hitting a club and starting our purge. I had worn my board shorts and swim shirt to the hotel, so all I needed was a towel and I was ready to go. Candice had to change and do all that lady stuff that takes 'five minutes.' I watched some mindless sitcom while my mind raced with the possibilities of the coming week.
She came out of the bathroom two and a half episodes later. I looked up and my jaw dropped. My heart leapt into my throat and blocked the passage of air to my lungs. Her bathing suit had less cotton than you would find in a vitamin bottle. The only thing that held the scant material together was some dental floss. I stood up and left my jaw on the floor.
"I'm ready to hit the beach." She smirked at my reaction.
I nod, lick my lips, "Then let's go show you off."
Candice looked me over and said, "Nice erection." Then she laughed. "I meant expression, but the erection is nice too."
I took her hand and we walked down to the beach. We set up our reclining beach chairs and an umbrella. Candice lay on her stomach, and I stared at her exposed flesh, too awestruck to speak. She giggled again and said, "Pussy got your tongue?"
Her double entendre breaks my catatonia, "It's not the pussy. It's what's almost covering it, that left me dumbstruck." While I'm talking, I let my eyes roam over her luscious body.
Candice threw her head back and laughed. I watched her body jiggle in all the right places. She winked and said, "What, this old thing? It was something I had lying around." As she twisted her body to show herself off. My eyes bugged out as I studied her graceful movements designed to entice people to leer at her. When she's done with her crowd tease, she hugged me. Candice ground against me and felt my erect penis. "I can't wait to taste this juicy piece of meat," She murmured in my ear.
We stopped the hug, and she laid back down on the lounge chair. "Sal, will you rub some lotion on my back?"
I pulled our sunscreen from her beach tote and poured some onto my hand. I started to rub it into her upper back and shoulders. Then worked my way down to her legs. I avoided her sexy naked ass because I was close, too close. She lifted her ass and wiggled it. "You don't want me to have a red bottom this early in our vacation, do you?"
I shrugged and rubbed lotion onto her exposed cheeks. When I had lathered her in cream, I pulled out my book and sat down to read. After an hour or so, Candice said "I'm hot, I need to cool off."
I chuckled and told her, "You're hot all right. Water won't stop that kind of heat." She laughed and swatted my arm.
We walked hand in hand to the ocean. We dove into a wave and swam past the breakers until the water covered our chests. Candice swam close to me, and we kissed. As our tongues wrestled, I grabbed her glorious ass. I slid a finger along the outside of her pussy, while my other hand slid under the eye patch that covered her nipple. She gasped and moaned, "Either fuck me now, or stop."
I looked around and saw that there were people too close to us. The risk of someone seeing us was too high. I let my hand fall away from her and kissed her. "Oh, we will baby, we will. But not yet. There’s a lot of carnal delights cumming your way."
"If you're not going to satisfy my hunger, then let's get some food," Candice trilled.
“Sounds good to me. I could go for a nice hot fish taco.” She let out a deep groan and splashed me with the seawater. I took her hand, to stop her from splashing me again. We walked to a concession stand on the boardwalk. As we walked, I noticed that everyone who saw Candice followed her with their eyes. Even the college girls in their thongs turned green with envy at the hot woman I was with. Not one of them could compare to this almost nude beauty. Like the superstar she is, she ignored the stir she created.
“What can I get ‘cha,” asked a cute teen girl with her hair in a bun as she chewed a piece of gum.
“I’ll have a bacon cheeseburger, onion rings and a strawberry shake. My wife wants a nice thick juicy bratwurst with some crunchy Cheetos and a bottle of water.”
She glanced up and saw Candice. Her eyes narrowed and shook her head. “Hun not sure that suit is legal on this beach, but it’s sexy as hell, where’d ya get it.”
Candice let out a deep throaty laugh and turned so she could see it and her from all angles. “Just something I found at a little boutique that caters to sex workers.” My eyebrows shot up I knew the place she was talking about. It was in a seedy part of town right across from one of the few strip joints that hadn’t been shut down by the county. ‘What was she doing in there I wondered as the girl licked her lips as she stared at my almost naked wife. I must admit I was hoping for a dude to take our order. We would’ve gotten at least part of it free. Oh well.
Candice and the girl had to stop there flirting as the line grew and we had to step aside to wait for our food. Once we had our order, we found an empty picnic table and sat down to eat. Every eye was on Candice as she sat down. When she lifted her brat and slide the large juice meat tube between her lips there were a few muted groans. She closed her lips around the plump juicy tube and let her eyes roll back in her head. She knew what she was doing and loved the attention. I heard someone behind me groan and a voice yelled, "HOLY SHIT! WISH THAT WAS MY TUBE STEAK." Several male voices chuckled in response. I heard a few women cluck their tongues in disapproval, and a few turned away while they shook their heads.
A group of young guys walked closer to us and stood where they could watch Candice fellatiate her bratwurst. Candice completely ignored the commotion around her. She slid the phallus out of her mouth, minus the tip. There was an audible pop as it escaped her lips. Those who were close could see juices ooze onto her face.
This had turned from a sexy suggestive tease to straight up pornography. No one complained. She looked deep into my eyes as she chewed. When she swallowed, she dabbed her mouth with the napkin and again slid the brat into her mouth. This time she sawed it in and out a bit before taking it deep into her throat. She held it for several seconds and slid it out before she took another bite. More than a few guys got dragged away by their female companions.
The group of guys sat at the table next to us. They leered at Candice as she continued her faux fellatio. When she had finished the sausage, she used her fingers to wipe the juice off her face, then licked them clean. I almost came in my trunks! She looked at me and said loud enough for the guys at the next table to hear, "That hit the spot. Now I need a different type of meat to hit another spot."
"I know where to get what you need," I replied as I adjusted myself to a less obvious position. We headed back to the beach, holding hands. Candice glanced over her shoulder and squeezed my hand. "Are they following us?"
I looked back and saw the group of guys that watched us, okay watched Candice, eat. They were a reasonable distance away. "Naw. I doubt it." Before my words faded in the warm sea breeze, I realized the beach had emptied, and the lifeguards were gone.
We quickly gathered our stuff and walked as fast as we could back towards the boardwalk and our hotel. The guys followed us.
We walked toward our hotel which I could see up ahead. I kept up some inane chatter to appear nonchalant so Candice wouldn’t see the mild fear that washed over me. Before we got to the hotel, the footsteps behind us sped up. In seconds we're surrounded by a dozen guys. Candice clutched my arm and stood close to me. I gave her a reassuring kiss and looked at the guy in front of me. "Dude we don't have any cash so; you might as well let us go."
He looked around and realized how it looked. "I'm so sorry," he said to me. He looked at the other guys, "Wait for me on the boardwalk." His compatriots walked away and left us alone with him. "I'm sorry, we didn't mean to scare you. We wanted to tell you that was the hottest thing we've seen. I'm Kevin, the President of the local chapter of Alpha Eta Pi fraternity. We're having a bonfire tonight and wanted to extend an invitation to both of you. All the booze and food you want, no charge. How about it?"
"Sounds fun. But I'm not sure if we can. We have plans for this evening." I fibbed to get us away from him.
He looked disappointed. "We'll be by the pier, around 8 pm, if you change your mind. And I hope you do." He turned and walked over to his guys while Candice and I dashed to the safety of the hotel.
We returned to our room and Candice said, "I'm gonna take a shower." Three seconds later her suit was a puddle on the floor. My eyes feasted on the six square inches of her body the suit covered.
"Should I join you?" She tossed me a look and walked into the bathroom. Not sure if that was a yes or no, I didn't move from where I sat. A moment later her arm came out of the bathroom and a finger beckoned me.
I walked in and she looked at me "Why are you still in your swimwear? Do you wear that in the shower?"
"No," I proclaimed as I dropped them to the floor and kicked them off.
"That's better," she replied as she looked me over, like a gourmet chef evaluating steak. She adjusted the shower to a comfortable temperature. We got in and I started to massage her scalp as I washed her hair. She told me that she wanted to wash my hair. I’m about a foot taller than Candice, so I knelt so she could wash my hair. While she worked the shampoo into a lather, I kissed her smooth navel and probed her belly button. My hands reached around and latched onto her ass. I pulled her tight to me and kneaded her fleshy orbs while I teased her hole. She rinsed my hair, so I stood up and kissed her. I thrust my tongue deep into her mouth. She sucked on it like it was a straw and pulled it deeper into her mouth. My hands slid down to caress her inner thighs and brushed her outer lips.
She buried her head in my neck and sucked on it as my fingers danced over both of her holes. I moved my head down and took one of her erect nipples into my mouth. Candice had the longest nipples I ever saw on a woman. She tossed her head back as she moaned. I increased the suction on her nipple and slid a finger into each hole. I probed inside her body as I shifted my mouth to her other nipple.
"God that is so good," she moaned. I started to slide my fingers in and out of her holes. Her hand found my erect cock and began to caress it, while her other hand pushed my head into her tit.
I continued to finger both holes and tongue her nipple. She fondled my balls and stroked my shaft. She held the wall for support as I pumped her faster. She started to chant, "harder… faster… deeper…, harder… faster… deeper..." Over and over, so I added a second finger to her holes. She let out a little scream and rode my hands like they were cocks. Her knees buckled as she screamed, "DON'T STOP! I'M ABOUT TO CUM!"
I kept going and she had to grab the wall to keep herself upright. I rubbed her clit with my thumb and bit her nipples. This pushed her over the edge, and she collapsed on top of me as her body convulsed in ecstasy. I slowed my fingers and allowed her to finish her orgasm.
Once she regained her senses, she dropped to her knees and parted her lips. She used the tip of her tongue to tickle the hole in my engorged cock. She ran her tongue around my dick and moved down the shaft. She made sure her tongue coated the whole thing. When she reached the base of my cock, she continued down and licked my balls. After she coated my entire sack with her saliva, she took my left ball into her mouth and sucked it. After a minute or so she switched to the right one. She released my ball and kissed the head of my cock. She parted her lips, took my head into her mouth, and licked it like a lollipop. When she finished with the head, more of my man meat sank into her mouth. Her hands fondled my balls. With each thrust, she took a bit more until my cock filled her throat.
She stopped moving her head with her nose buried in my stomach. I started to fuck her face as she grabbed my ass and pulled me deeper into her. I slammed my cock into her as hard and deep as I could. I felt the pressure build. My cock grew in her mouth, and she stuck a finger into my ass and tickled my prostate. I exploded so hard that I saw fireworks. Candice gagged on my cum so I pulled my cock out of her mouth. The last few spurts plastered her face with my seed. Once my cock ran out of sperm, I leaned back against the wall to catch my breath.
We kissed each other and finished washing each other. We dried and dressed, then headed out to get some food. We walked over to a nearby restaurant and sat down. After we ate, we decided to split a dessert. When we were almost done, Kevin walked by. "Hey guys, I know you said you have plans, but we need you to come by the bonfire. If you know any other ladies, bring them too."
"What do you mean need?" I asked, curious.
"And why bring females?" Candice adds
"We invited our sister sorority. The bus they rented broke down in some Podunk town and they're stuck until tomorrow. If we don't get some ladies, this will be the lamest sausage fest bonfire ever."
"We're not from around here, and don't know anyone to bring, but we’ll stop by if we can,” Candice told him.
"Thank you so much," Kevin said and left.
I looked at Candice, "These frat bonfires are famous for turning into drunken orgies on the beach."
Candice shivered in delight. "So, there are 12 or more cocks and no one else to fuck. Sounds delicious." She smiled a very wicked and sensuous smile.
"Looks like tonight is the night you’ll cross gangbang off your list." Candice leaned over and kissed me hard.
"Let's go back to the hotel and change into something more appropriate for a bonfire."
"Sounds good," Candice agreed. I paid and we left. We walked back to our room. I put on clean trunks and a sleeveless tee. Candice slipped into a bikini top and a pair of daisy duke shorts. She threw a large tee-shirt over her outfit and put on a pair of roman sandals. We kissed and groped for a few minutes.
"Are you sure you want to do this?" I asked.
She nodded. "As long as you’re there, I'll be fine." I kissed her again, and we headed out to the bonfire. We walked down the beach until we saw the glow of a small fire. As we approached, I saw a keg ready, and a table with enough food to feed an army.
Kevin saw us and walked over. "I'm glad you made it. Most of the guys we invited heard there wouldn't be any ladies, so they ditched. We have a few guys and a shit ton of refreshments."
I look around and saw thirteen guys including me. They stood around in small groups and ogled Candice as they talked about her. After all, she was the only female within leering range. I got us a couple of beers and we watched as the flames consumed the pallets, they had found God knows where. The other guys stood a few feet away and talked among themselves. We both knew she was the center of attention. "Do you want to dance to get this party started?"
She nodded and grabbed my arm. I could feel her tremble in fear and anticipation. The air was full of nervous energy, and I could feel the sexual tension as it radiated off Candice. We got close to the fire and started to dance to the music that played over the Bluetooth speaker set up by the food. At first, we swayed to the music, and the guys watched from a respectable distance. As we danced, our moves got more suggestive, and Candice pulled off her tee-shirt and tossed it aside. The guys whistled and cheered as they watched her breasts jiggle in her bikini top. I pulled her close and whispered in her ear, “I'm gonna fake a leg injury. You whine that you want to keep dancing. I'm sure someone’ll volunteer." She laughed and hugged me.
I tried to do a leap and landed wrong. I fell to the ground and winced. When I stood up, I pretended to fall again. "Dammit! I wrenched my knee. I don’t think I can dance anymore."
Candice looked crestfallen as she whined, "But I wanna dance...," and gave us her sexiest pout.
I looked at the guys surrounding us. "I’m sure you can find a partner.” I hobbled over to the table and sat down to see what would happen.
One guy walked up to Candice and handed her a beer. She slammed it, or so it appeared. Most of it ran down her face and dripped onto her tits. The guy started to dance with my wife. Candice turned her back, bent down and he ground his crotch into her ass. The other guys cheered and clapped, as we all watched. A dozen muscular guys in their early twenties wanted my thirty-something wife. My chest swelled with pride at that realization. Candice and her stud danced close and rubbed against each other until the song ended.
Another guy walked up, handed her a beer which she drank like the first. As they danced this guy took things a little further. He ran his hands over her body without letting them linger. He felt her ass, tits, and thighs. He tried to get between her legs, but she danced away before he could. While he felt up my wife, he glanced at me every few seconds. I could see he wondered how far he could go before I knocked him on his ass. I kept my face neutral, and he got a bit bolder and squeezed her tits and cupped her ass.
When neither Candice nor I objected, a line formed. Every guy held a beer and waited their turn. As one song ended, the next guy gave Candice a beer and ground against her. Most of the guys risked a quick feel here and there. No one wanted to go too far and end their fun. After several guys took their turn, I grabbed a beer and limped to the front of the line.
"Hey, I'm next!" I heard a guy tell me.
I gave him my 'You don't wanna fuck with me, pal' stare. To make sure they all understood, I announced, “She’s, My wife! I get front-of-line privileges." He glared at me but kept his mouth shut. When my turn came, Candice slammed my beer, but she only took a sip. The rest ran down her beer-coated face and onto her tits. I smiled in approval. She wanted the guys to think she was drunk, but I could tell she was as sober as a Deacon in Church on Sunday. I leaned in and kissed her as a slow song started. I pulled her close and asked, "Are you having fun?"
"Not as much as I want to."
"Do you want this to happen?"
"God, I wanna fuck all these college studs 'til they can't walk anymore."
"As you wish. Let the sexual purge begin."
She smiled and squeezed my hard cock. "As long as I get that in me at some point tonight, it's all good." She said as the song ended. I smiled and kissed her once more. I moved away from her so Mr. Pouty could have his chance to feel up my wife. While he danced, I saw Kevin was next in line. I hobbled over to him. “Since you're in charge I'm gonna tell you what's about to happen."
"What?" He looked at me confused and worried.
"This week is our annual sexual purge. Anything goes. Candice has a gangbang fantasy, so here are the rules. No pain, no bondage, no disrespect, and anything she says is the law. Anyone breaks these rules, and the party ends. Can you guys live up to that?" Kevin stared dumbfounded at me and nodded his head. Before he could regain his composure, it was his turn. He walked up to Candice and handed her a beer. As soon as she finished, he kissed her, and he made sure they all saw his tongue slip into her mouth.
One guy yelled "Holy Shit!" Several glanced at me with fear on their faces, and a few laughed. Kevin was more aggressive than anyone had dared to be to this point. He grabbed her ass and pulled her tight against him. He kissed her neck and slid his hand between her legs. As the song wound down, he put his hand on the back of her neck and pulled her in for a final kiss. When he released her, her top fell and exposed her small but firm breasts. All the guys stared at them with a mixture of lust and fear. They expected Candice to get pissed and leave.
"HOLY CRAP!" yelled one of the guys "She could poke eyes out with those nipples."
Candice and I laughed, as everyone stared at her nipples which, when erect, measured one and a half inches. Candice continued to dance while everyone watched her tits shimmy. A few guys looked at me, so I signaled the next guy in line to go dance. He walked up to her and began to dance close and touched her all over. Candice twisted and turned to show off her sexy body. Her partner let his hands rest on her tits and flicked her nipples every chance he got.
A few more guys danced with her not doing much more than play with her tits and squeeze her booty. I saw Kevin talking to the guy at the head of the line. He looked at me and gave me a thumbs up. I saluted him with my beer and moved a little closer to watch.
As soon as he got close, he reached out and grabbed the waistband of her shorts. He pulled them open and lowered the zipper. Candice shimmied her hips to help him get them down her long dancer's legs. When they reached the ground, she kicked them out of the dance area. I could see several tents pop up, as the guys watched her dance in a pair of translucent lavender panties. She moved away from her partner and began to put on a show for us. All the guys stood there and watched her body undulate in the flickering light of the bonfire.
As the song reached its climax, the stud that removed her shorts moved closer to finish his dance. He spun her around, bent her over, and jerked her panties down. That move took her by surprise and she lost her balance and face planted into the sand.
We all ran over to check if she's okay. She rolled onto her back and propped herself on her elbows. She looked up and saw all the tented bathing suits.
"Now that's a nice view," she smirked. "But how come I'm the only one naked?" I reached down and helped her to her feet. "I'm going to rinse this sand off and get rid of some of the beer. When I get back, anyone still dressed gets to play peeping Tom. Everyone naked gets to fuck me. I escorted my naked wife to a nearby restroom. Once she rinsed all the sand off her body, we headed back to the bonfire."
As we got closer, there was a guy on the boardwalk. As soon as he saw us, he yelled. "Here she comes," then ran to the bonfire.
"What the hell was that?"
"I have a feeling he was a lookout.”
“A lookout?”
“They were afraid you might ditch them, and they would be standing around dicks in hand. So, they posted someone to let them know to strip as you headed back.”
She threw her head back and laughed at the thought of abandoning all these hard dicks. "That would be funny as fuck, but I'm too horny. I need to get laid."
As we get closer, we see only one guy wasn't naked. His bathing suit had a knot he couldn't untie. Candice shook her head and walked over to him, "Sorry, dude. You’re the peeping Tom. If you’re a good boy there’s a chance you can have me after your brothers have finished." The other guys laughed as he cursed his luck. Candice started to look at all the erect college cocks. I could almost hear the hum as their dicks vibrated in anticipation.
"Very nice," she said, as she scanned each naked guy. "Okay, my husband gets the first choice of a hole. Kevin gets second. If you're gonna use my ass, there's a bottle of baby oil in my shorts. Use a lot. I'm pretty tight back there." I nodded when she said she was tight. I knew from experience how she could grab a cock and hold it. I dropped my swimsuit and placed my hand on her moist pussy. I slid two fingers in and started to finger her. My thumb started to rub her clit.
Kevin says "As president, I'm using executive privilege. I claim her ass." He pointed at the guy that pulled off her panties, "You get her mouth, the rest of you line up."
Several guys carried over a picnic table from the boardwalk and set it down. Candice climbed on it and positioned herself for easy access. Then they all get in something that I'd call line-ish. They all stood in a place that gave them a clear line of sight of the action. Kevin found the lube and applied it to his cock. He walked up behind her and looked at me. I nodded. I pulled my hand from her pussy, and I counted
On three we both slid our cocks into her body. Candice screamed as two cocks entered her. Panty guy climbed onto the table. Candice turned her head to the side and wrapped her lips around his cock. Our hands were all over her tits. We pinched and tugged in her nipples. I was the only one that could get my lips onto her long nipples.
She slurped on the cock in her mouth while Kevin and I pounded her in unison. I felt Kevin’s cock swell through the thin membrane separating us. His cock began to spasm as he shot his cream into her. His cock twitched. That feeling coupled with the sight of a cock in her mouth, and the smell of sex in the air overwhelmed me. I emptied my load into her pussy.
Candice moaned through her first orgasm as two cocks filled her with cum. When I finished, I pulled out and another guy was sliding into her before I took half a dozen steps. I saw several guys applying baby oil to their hard cocks. "Her hands are free if anyone wants a hand job while waiting for a hole." Two guys ran over, and Candice grabbed their boners and began to Jerk them. White cream erupted from her lips as the guy in her mouth came so hard, she couldn't swallow the whole load. He pulled his cock out making a loud salacious pop.
One of the hand job guys climbed onto the table and lowered her balls to her mouth. “Suck my nuts baby. I wanna jerk off on your tits while you suck on my balls. Candice took him in her mouth. He stroked himself fast as her tongue played marbles with his nads. Another guy got into position and put her hand on his cock since nut boy obscured her vision. I could see Candice was loving it and the guys were in good hands. Pun intended. I walked to the ocean and jumped in for a quick refreshing swim.
I swam out five or six yards and could still hear the wanton debauchery from the bonfire. After a ten-minute swim, I returned to the action. Candice was being spit-roasted by two guys. Everyone else had taken their turn in at least one hole. The guy with the knot problem was nude and jerkin' off as he watched his friends bang Candice. His state gave me an idea. I walked over to Candice and waited until the guy in her mouth blew his load. As he moved away, I whispered to her, “Knot boy is still here. He’s jerkin like he stole it. I have an idea…” She gave me a wicked smile and nodded in approval. I kissed her sweat-covered forehead and left her to finish off the guy still fucking her ass.
He stroked his cock in and out of her ass, while he rubbed her clit, and fingered her well-fucked pussy. He wanted this to last as long as possible. Candice screamed, "FUCK ME LIKE A MAN, NOT A LITTLE BOY." His friends laughed at him so he thrust harder, and we could hear their bodies slam into each other. After several fast and deep strokes, he pulled out and shot cum all over her glistening ass cheeks. Candice lay there for a minute to catch her breath. Some of the guys were ready for round two. I waved Kevin over, "What's the name of the outcast?"
"Hey Bill, get over here,” I yelled.
Bill ran to me as everyone laughed as his hard cock bounced with each step. "Kevin, can you go stoke the fire?"
"Which one? The one burning wood or the one in her loins?"
I chuckled. "The bonfire, cuz you'll want to see this. Kevin nodded and threw two more pallets on the fire. I pointed at Candice who was on top of a picnic table spread eagle cum flowing out of her. As Bill approached her, she said, "I'm willing to take pity on you handsome. But since you broke the rules, I can't let you bang me."
Bill looked over her sweat-covered body, "What do I need to do?"
"Lick my pussy clean. If you make me cum, I'll let you fuck me while these boys get ready for round two," Candice said loud so everyone heard her.
"But it's filled with cum." We all watched to see what was about to happen.
"That's why it needs cleaning, silly. Think about it like this, if you clean me out, instead of sloppy fifth's it'll be like getting me first.
One of the guys yelled "Do it, Bill. Lick her pussy."
Another guy chimed in "We did the fuckee, you do the suckee."
The others voiced their encouragement to Bill soon we all chanted "LICK IT, SUCK IT, THEN YOU FUCK IT." With all the peer pressure he was under, he gave in. He dropped to his knees and touched his tongue to her pussy. As soon as he made contact, she threw her head back, grabbed his ears, and mashed his face into her cum filled slit.
Wild cheers filled the air as Candice ground her pussy all over his face." Bill got into it and started to lick her inside and out. He sucked down every drop of fluid from her pussy. We watched as her body thrashed around, her muscles convulsed, and she moaned in pleasure. When her orgasm ended, she ordered, "Finish your task, Bill."
Once she's satisfied that Bill had removed all the cum, he could, she released his head. Bill stood up and his cock was even harder than before. His face looked like a glazed doughnut, and everyone yelled, "Way to go," and "Great job," as we all applauded. He bowed to the crowd and then grabbed her ankles and spread them open. Without a word, he slammed his cock balls deep into Candice. Another orgasm wracked her body as he fucked her like a savage.
"Fuck me hard, fuck me fast, fuck me deep" She cried as he pounded his dick into her hot cunt. All the guys watched the two of them and most are hard again. Bill continued to pound her pussy, until he made her cum again. After her second orgasm, Bill pulled out of her pussy, grabbed both her ankles and lifted them over her head. He pulled out of her pussy and buried his cock, coated with her cream into her ass. He used one hand to hold her legs, while his other hand fingered her. Candice stretched her arm out and pinched his nipple. That pushed him over the edge. He grunted and slammed into her one final time. His whole body spasmed when his cock shot his cum into her bowels.
As soon as he pulled the rest of the guys swarmed them. Hands, mouths, and tongues were all over Candice. All her holes got stuffed. Every time a cock emptied its load another replaced it. Candice started to have back-to-back orgasms. Whenever a cock slid out of her mouth, she sucked air until another one pushed past her lips. She looked like a total slut, and I could see she loved it.
After what felt like hours of sex, she collapsed to the sand soaked in sweat. We surrounded her and stared at her naked sweaty body. She looked up to see twelve men with erect cocks. “I can't believe you boys are ready for another go. I can’t take any more in me. If you want to get off again, this gangbang is now a bukkake party. Jerk off on me. Cum all over me. Make me a glazed slut. We started to jerk off as we looked at her on the sand with a sweet, sated smile on her face. Her eyes danced from guy to guy as she watched our hands slide along our engorged cocks.
She played with her tits to encourage us to cover her in cum. "That's right boys, you filled my insides with your cum, now cover me with your thick hot seed. I want the entire world to know what a slut I am for college cock.” I smiled as several guys groaned. “I want everyone to know I was a party favor for a dozen guys. I want to walk into my hotel smelling like a whore as cum drips off my body." That was too much for one guy, he shot his load onto her tits and covered her nipples. "God that hot cum felt so good on my tits. I need more. I want you to coat my body from head to toe.” Then she scooped up some of the cum and slurped it off her fingers. While she licked it off her fingers, her other hand smeared the cum all over her tits.
We all stroked faster as we watched her antics. Soon several more guys came one after the other. Her stomach and pussy were now basted in guy gravy. I stood close to her face so I could be the first to give her a facial. She looked into my eyes and blew me a kiss which was the final straw. My cock twitched and I plastered her left eye and forehead with my cream.
She was now covered from face to waist in thick hot white cum. “Don’t forget my legs and feet boys,” she told the last four guys. They shifted to her lower half and gave it the old college try. One guy stood by her feet, and he was getting close. She lifted her right leg and used it to caress his balls. That was all it took. He creamed her cute feet and polished toes.
Another guy got close and stood with his legs on each side of her waist as he creamed her thighs. The next one knelt by her knees and shot his load on her knees and lower thighs. The last guy dropped to his knees beside her and fought to hold back. The expression on his face was one of pain and delight. We all stood there in silence, and I wondered how long he could hold out as his hand flew along his shaft. When he exploded, he lost his balance and fell forward. His dick was on her lower legs, and he lay across them as his body shuddered while he came. I got a beer and handed it to Candice. She chugged it, for real this time. I sat in the sand next to her. "Have fun," I asked as I stroked her hair and she put her head in my lap. She smiled in contentment and nodded, too tired to speak. Her eyes closed and she fell asleep.
Kevin handing me a beer and a plate of food. “Thank you both so much. That was the best bonfire ever.”
“Thanks.” I wasn't sure what the proper etiquette was for this situation. Don't think Emily Post included gangbangs in her guides. We shook hands but it was awkward. Kevin walked over to his guys who had gotten food and beers and ate in silence as they watched the fire die down. That was the last thing I remembered.
The sun's gentle rays tickled my naked skin and woke me. I looked over at Candice and watched her eyes open. At that moment I realized something was wrong. I looked around and saw we were all alone on the beach with the fire pit the frat boys dug last night. There was a piece of paper stuck under a rock that fluttered in the gentle sea breeze.
"Where are the guys? And our clothes?" Candice looked around at the empty beach.
"I was thinking the same thing," I grimaced as I stood up and walked over to the paper. I tugged it out and announced, "It's a note.” Then I read it aloud. “Thank you for last night. We appreciate what you did for us. We’ll never forget you. We took your clothes as a keepsake. We'll display them in a place of honor in our frat house for years to come."
I looked at Candice, “Fuuccckkkk!” I knew we'd be arrested if anyone saw us, naked, on a public beach. I walked over to Candice and helped her up. "Let's get into the ocean. That'll hide us from anyone out for an early morning stroll, not to mention wash off last night’s remnants." We ran into the sea until the ocean hid Candice’s breasts. We made our way through the water toward our hotel. It woke and refreshed us as it cleansed our bodies while it hid our nudity from the early birds walking the beach. When we could see the hotel, I told Candice, "Wait for me while I go to find something to cover us."
She nodded her head and whispered, "Hurry up." I kissed her and dashed across the sand to the fence around the hotel pool. I hid in some foliage as I scanned the area for signs of people. We were lucky, it was too early, and the pool wasn’t open yet. I could see a few people in the breakfast room but they had their noses buried in screens. I saw a cart with a stack of towels for guests. I jumped over the fence and grabbed two towels. I ran back to the beach and waved Candice ashore. While she made her way to me, I wrapped one around my waist. “Her use this,” I told her as I offered her the towel. She wrapped it around herself and found it was too short to cover her. The lower part of her buttocks hung out and as she walked you could see flashes of her labia. If she lowered it enough to cover her lower half, her nipples would hang out.
“Okay, here’s the plan. Stay behind me. We’re more likely to have people in front of us. Once we’re in the hotel, go into the lady’s room and wait for me. I’ll get us new key cards, go to the room and get you some clothes.”
Candice took my hand and nodded. “You got us this far without us getting caught. I can trust you a bit more. But if I gotta suck dick to keep us from going to jail, you’re helping.”
I laughed at her joke. At least I hoped it was a joke. I wasn’t bi and had no interest in other men. “That gives me an incentive to get us there without anyone seeing us.” I teased back. We made our way up to the hotel and I peeked inside the main entrance. No one was visible so I pulled it open, and we walked in. Candice scurried off to the lady’s room and I went to the desk and rang the bell. When the clerk appeared I said, "I went for an early swim, when I came back, I realized I forgot my keycard. My wife’s asleep and I don’t want to wake her."
The clerk shook his head in annoyance. "What's your room number?"
"Twenty three nineteen."
He looked banged on his keyboard and then handed me two keycards. "Your old ones don't work anymore. Make sure you use these instead."
"Thanks." I snatched the cards, went up to the room and grabbed Candice’s robe, and pulled on a pair of shorts and a tee-shirt. I went back to the lobby and saw a woman about to go into the lady’s room. “Excuse me miss.” She looked at me with a mixture of annoyance and fright. I held the robe out to her. “My wife’s swimsuit got damaged while we were swimming. Can you give this to her for me?”
I saw her body relax when she realized I wasn’t a creep about to hit on her. She took the robe and gave me a quick smile. “Yeah, I can do that.” And she walked into the restroom.
“Thank you I called as the door was closing. A few minutes later Candice walked out. We kissed as we laughed in relief. We stood there until our laughter subsided. “I’m famished. I took her hand and led her into the breakfast room so we could get back some of the calories we lost last night. After we ate our fill, we headed up to our room and showered. We scrubbed each other clean and caressed each other’s clean shiny skin. Neither of us had anything left in our sex tanks so it was all after play. We dried each other and climbed naked into bed, and she put her head on my

chest as I caressed her naked back. Our legs intertwined and we started to fall asleep when Candice murmured, "So can you top that?" I didn’t answer, but she was going to be surprised, incredibly surprised.

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"I can't get no, I can't get no
I can't get no satisfaction, no satisfaction
No satisfaction, no satisfaction
I can't get no..."
Keith Richards and Mick Jagger after reading one of my scribbles.