©2020 Sal De Klerk, "The Salacious Scribe". Aliceinchains36, All Rights Reserved.
Final Revision July 2020
Authors Note:
This is the sixteenth installment of a series of 26 stories about a naked cleaning service. Each story is self-contained, no need to read every story or in any order. I am not completing them in any particular order. They're sorted by name. P is the 16th letter of the Alphabet.
This story contains adult content including spanking, lesbian sex, mother-daughter role play, and more. If this is not your kind of smut, please find another story.
"Neat n Naked...where our girls suck better than Hoovers. How can we help you?"
Riley stuttered into the phone before hanging up. "Damn it." She sighed. She took a deep breath before dialing the number again.
"Neat n Naked...where our girls suck better than Hoovers. How can we help you?"
"Um yeah. Hi." Riley said once the woman on the other side answered. "This is... I um... I've never... I'd like a cleaning?" She stuttered into the phone.
"We have many female clients who hire us to clean their pipes. Are you interested in a male or female cleaner?"
"Female." Riley managed to squeak out. "A-And um... Can you make her older? Like um... Could I have the mommy experience? If you guys do that?"Riley asked, getting excited admitting her fantasy to another person. "And dark hair too? Long dark hair." She said, her voice filled with nervous excitement. "And I want her to be dominant, but not a meanie. But tell me what to do. Because I won't know. I'm already nervous... Like it's... I'm rambling. Do you have someone like that?" Riley stammered.
"Of course we do my dear." The voice said. "When would you like to schedule your appointment?
Riley thinks for a moment and stammered, "Today, as soon as possible. Otherwise I...I may not...not do it."
"Let's see whose available... Okay, I found three women who are available today that are dominant MILFs. Let me send your their profiles...
Riley's phone chimed and she saw she had three new messages. Tapping the icon and a photo appeared on the screen...

After studying the photo, Riley opens the second image...

Riley felt a connection with Patti, but to be sure she opened the third picture...

Riley closed Sonia's image and looked at Patti one more time. She nodded in appreciation at the sexy plus-sized lady. She kinda looked like a mom Riley knew. Lifting the phone back to her hear, Riley cleared her throat, "Definitely not Sonia, she looks mean! Not like a mommy. Joyce is pretty, but she doesn't have that mommy aesthetic I'm looking for. Patti though..." Riley, licked her lips imagining them intertwined on her bed. "Yea. I like Patti. Can she come over like soon?" Riley asked.
I'll send Patti a text as soon as we take care of a few items. The voice went over some policies and collected payment. Then she gathered the information for Riley's new client file. Once the business was out of the way, the voice told Riley, "Patti'll be there in twenty minutes or less. Is there anything you would like her to know before she arrives? Likes, Dislikes, fantasies, taboos?" the voice asked.
"I... I don't know. I've never done this before. She should definitely know that...that it's my first time. Well, not first, first time. But the first time like this." Riley rambled into the phone. "But I don't know what else to tell her. What do you think I should tell her? Should I send her a picture of me? But what if she doesn't think I'm pretty? Am I supposed to send a picture? Am I even allowed to?" Riley continued, talking a mile a minute. She realized she was rambling and stopped herself. She took a deep breath before speaking again. "Um, what do you think I should tell her? In your professional opinion, what does she need to know?" Riley stammered.
"We never provide clients with the contact information of our employees. So there's no need for a picture. Our employees see the beauty in all people. We have never refused a client based on physical appearance. Now I have some questions for you."
Imitating the way Riley spoke, she rattled off a series of questions. "First is this your first time with a woman, with a paid companion, with an older woman, with a dominant woman? Second Is there anything special you want from this experience? Or you don't want from this experience? We need your full name, address of course to take payment. If things get too wild she'll stop as soon ask. If you want to enjoy this experience, then tell me, or Patti what your limits are and what you want to try."
"Um wow..." Riley said, her cheeks turning bright red. "This is my third time with a woman. First time paying, first time with someone older, and dominant." Riley gushed. "As for the other stuff... Riley mumbled, feeling a warmth growing in her belly. "Can we play it by ear. I can...ask her to stop if...if I don't like something...."
"Exactly my dear. I'll let Patti know you'll try anything at least once. Is that okay with you."
"Yea." Riley managed to squeak out. "Is there anything I should do? Should I wear anything special? Or nothing?" Riley trilled.
"I'm betting you won't have time to do much..." the voice chirped as a knock on the door echoed through the apartment.
"Oh... She's here? She's here! Riley gushed. "I've got to hang up now. Thanks for all your help!" Riley chirped, hanging up the phone.
Riley looked herself over in the mirror before heading to the door. She took a deep breath before opening the door. "Uh... Um... Hi. I'm Riley. Are you... Um... Patti?" Riley simpered.
"Hi, Riley. Yes, I'm Patti. You are such a cutie." Patti wraps her arms around the younger girl hugging her tight.
Riley hugged Patti back, too stunned to even speak. "I... Uh... I'm... Um... Can... Um..." Riley stuttered as she held Patti. After a moment Riley released Patti. "Um... I need you to... Um... Clean my apartment? So... Can you... Uh... Come inside?" Riley asked, inventing Patti into the spotless apartment.
Patti steps inside thinking to herself, 'I've seen hospitals that weren't this clean.'
"My my my, such a mess you've made little girl." Patti snarled. "I am very disappointed in you. Since you want to live in a pigsty, you can live like a pig...and pigs don't wear clothes. So strip piggy." Patti commanded looking at her.
"O-oh. Ok. Mommy." Riley said, a little bit surprised at how fast Patti took control. She stripped off her t-shirt and jeans, standing in front of Patti in a cute pale yellow sunflower bra and panty set. "I-Is this good? Mommy?" Riley asked, hesitating when she said mommy, but loving the way it sounded.
"Do little piggies wear cute undies? I've never seen my bacon wearing clothes. Off they go." Patti says standing in the open doorway glaring at the girl in front of her.
"S-sorry mommy," Riley said, unhooking her bra. "Can... Um... Can you close the door first, please? Mommy." Riley asked, holding her bra on with her hands.
Patti steps in and kicks the door closed. She stands there waiting for Riley to finish undressing. Riley let her bra fall to the floor to reveal her large breasts. She then lowered her panties revealing her clean-shaven mound. Patti's practiced eye could see some slight irritation. She knew Riley had shaved herself no too long ago. "Is this good mommy? I shaved this morning for you. Do you... Um... like it? Like me?" Riley stammered.
"Of course mommy likes her girl. But she has to learn not to be so messy. Look at this pile of nasty dirty clothes in the middle of your kitchen, where any visitor could see them. With your panties on right on top. Anyone could walk in here and see this mess. Clean it up now!" Patti orders her as she licks her lips looking at the sexy Rubenesque young woman in front of her.
"I'm so sorry mommy!" Riley choked. She started grabbing her clothes and folding them. As she folded each item she stacked them on her small kitchen table. "What would you like me to do now mommy?" Riley asked.
"Are you for real?!" she asks in annoyance. "Do you eat clothes? Is it a good idea to put your dirty stinky undies where you eat?" Patti says. shaking her head in disappointment.
"I'm so sorry mommy!" Riley croaked as she started grabbing her clothes. She took them to her bedroom where she put them into the dirty clothes basket. "Is that better mommy?" she asks when she returns.
"Yes. Yes, it is. Such a good girl I raised." Now show me around your lovely little home," Patti purred, smiling at her.
"Well you saw the kitchen living room combo, and this is the bedroom," Riley said. "And that's the bathroom through there. In case you need it... For anything..." Riley told her. "And that's the whole apartment. I don't need anything bigger." Riley said, wishing she wasn't the only one naked.
"It's a nice place. You decorated it well." Patti reaches out and ruffles Riley's hair. Now my sweet, it's' time that we sit down and talk.
She takes Riley's hand in hers and leads her to the loveseat in the living room. Patti sits down and pats the seat next to her as she crosses her long legs. Her skirt rode up her thigh giving Riley a momentary glimpse of her panties.
Riley sat down next to her, with her legs together so she's won't get chastised for being immodest. "What do we need to talk about mommy?" Riley fretted.
"How long will it be before you offer me a beverage, or ask if I would like to get comfortable," she scolded Riley.
"Oh! Right! Sorry!" Riley said, standing and dashing to the refrigerator. "Is sprite ok? It's all I have. Or water." Riley said, grabbing a glass and waiting to see what Patti would ask for.
"I'll have a sprite please, my dear. Four ice cubes," Patti tells her. She can't help but smile at how cute Riley is when she gets flustered. 'This client's going to be a lot of fun' she thought. Her eyes watching the way her ample bottom jiggled as she scurried around.
Riley pours a glass of sprite and adds four ice cubes. She returns to Patti and hands it to her and sits down. "So, um... Would you like to get comfortable?" Riley asked, not sure what Patti meant by that.
"Of course I would sweetie. Please help me," she says as she stands up and starts to unbutton her silk blouse.
Riley gasped like a fish out of water as she watched Patti work the buttons of her blouse loose. Patti ket the blouse slid off her arms and she caught it before it fell to the ground. She folded and put it down on the coffee table. Patti locked her eyes onto Riley's and reached behind her back and released her bra. Patti pulled it away from her and put it on top of her bra. Riley was like a deer caught in the headlights. She couldn't move or think. She could only stare at Patti's beautiful breasts.
"Hey snap out of it." Patti snaps her fingers in Riley's face. "I said help me not stare at me."

Riley realized her mistake and squatted down. She lifted Patti's right foot and unfastened the jeweled ankle straps. Then she slid the gorgeous shoe off Patti's foot. "Are these Jimmy Choos?" she asked looking at the sexy shoe.
"Yes. Yes, it is my sweet. Mommy has a special friend that sometimes buys her nice things. He bought these for me yesterday. Do you like them?"
"They are so sexy mommy. I wish I could afford shoes like this, or have a special friend who would buy gifts like that for me."
"Mommy might be able to help you with that. Do you want mommy to find you a special friend to buy you pretty, girlie things?"
"That would be soo nice mommy. I would love to have a friend like that." Riley admitted. She wondered if this was roleplay or if Patti was serious about helping her find a sugar daddy. Riley had a decent job that paid enough to live on. If she lived cheap. She would love someone to give her nice things. She made a mental note to discuss this with Patti after the scene. Riley looked down at Patti's foot and saw it was beautiful and perfect. She couldn't help herself, she kissed each toe.
Then she did the same for the left foot. Riley couldn't decide if she liked Patti's breasts or feet more. Riley reminded herself of her task. She looked up and unzipped Patti’s dress, Summoning a bit of courage she didn't know she had, Riley placed her hand inside of Patti's panties.
"Ummm," she moans as the younger woman's hand touches the sensitive flesh covered by her panties. "That's nice baby girl, but it would be better if the panties were out of the way." Patti said as she shrugged the dress off her shoulders.
"Uh-huh," Riley responded her brain not registering what Patti said. She was too engrossed by the soft supple skin she was feeling to listen.
Patti shook her head at Riley's lack of response. Reaching out she pinched Riley's nipples hard. She knew that would bring her back from the lust-filled stupor she was in.
Riley moaned and shuddered when Patti pinched her nipple. She turned bright red when she realized what she was doing, and pulled her hand from Patti's panties. She tugged the older woman's pants down her hips before pulling them away, leaving her panties. "Here we go..." Riley gasped, pulling Patti's panties down.
"That's so much better," Patti says finishing her drink. "Now lick my pussy and I'll consider letting you cum." She says sitting down and spreading her legs apart.
Riley kneels in front of the older woman. For a moment she flashes back to her childhood in the fundamentalist church. She giggles as she thinks about worshipping at this altar. She leans forward and inhales her musky aroma. "Will... Will you make me? Like grab my hair and force me to lick you?" Riley trilled, her hand wandering down between her legs.
A huge smile grows on Patti's face. Without a word, she stands up and grabs a handful of Riley's hair. Marching to the kitchen she dragged Riley behind her. Riley whimpered as Patti dragged her by the hair. With a twist of her arm, Patti forced Riley to lay on the table her face staring at the cheap light fixture.
Patti got on the table, straddling Riley and lowered herself onto Riley's mouth. "Lick my cunt bitch. Drink my girl slime. Make me cum all over your slutty face." she hissed. Riley began to lap at the pussy forced on her face, licking and sucking the swollen lips.
"That's a good little girl. Lick my pussy." Patti said as she ground her cunt on the younger woman's face. Riley licked and sucked Patti's pussy, loving the rough treatment. "Rub your little kitty," Patti commanded Riley. Riley reached down between her legs and began to tease herself.
Riley began to finger her pussy when she heard Patti. She parted her lips, giving her clit long slow strokes, giving Patti a show while she was being eaten.
"That's it, little girl, pet that kitty and make it purr. I want you to cum for me, while you lick up my sweet cream."
Riley pulled her hand away from her pussy and slid her head out from between Patti's thigh. "I-I don't want to make myself happy. I want you to be the one to make me happy, mommy." Riley said, sliding her face back between Patti's legs to resume eating her.
Patti sighs. "The things a mommy has to do for her daughter," she sighs as she shifts into a 69 position and begins to feast on Riley.
Riley moaned as Patti shifted her weight so that she was on top of Riley. That by itself felt amazing, the warm soft feminine curves pressed into Riley's body. That plus the sensation of a mouth on her inexperienced pussy sent Riley over the edge. She came hard, screaming into Patti's thigh as she came all over the older woman's face.
"My. my, my. someone is a bit sensitive. Aren't you?" Patti asks, her face covered with girl cream. You need to wash mommy," she says rolling off Riley allowing her to get up.
Riley whimpered in disappointment when Patti rolled off of her. "Can I lick you, clean mommy?" Riley begged.
"Yes my sweet little girl, you can lick me clean," Patti says as pulling her close.
Riley sighs in gratitude as the soft warmth of Patti's skin pressed against her again. Riley started to lick her juices from Patti's face.
Patti caresses the younger woman's head enjoying her enthusiasm. "That's it you little slut lick me clean of your cream."
Riley licks Patti's face, not stopping even after every drop of cum is long gone. Riley reaches around and grabs Patti's ass, using it as leverage to grind herself on the older woman.
"You are a horny little bitch, aren't you?" Patti laughs. She pulls out a huge strap on. It was about as thick and as long as her forearm. Slipping the harness on, she challenged the younger woman, "Cunt or ass?"
"Th-That's too big! There's no way I can take all that!" Riley gasped, staring at the immense size of the dildo.
"You can and you will, my sweet, or I will get very angry."
"What happens if you get angry?" Riley asked.
"Ever read the She-Hulk comics?" she asks looking into Rileys eyes.
"Y-You turn green?" Riley asked.
Patti lets out a hearty laugh at Riley's comment. "No but the anger is similar," she says. You don't want to see me angry.
Riley swallowed hard, "What if I do want to see you angry." She said, closing her legs.
"You want to make me mad?" She asks. "Be careful what you wish for little girl, you might get it."
Riley thought about it for a moment, before nodding.
Grabbing Riley by the throat she sits up and pulls the hapless girl over her lap. The large dildo pressed onto her stomach. Raising her hand, she slaps Riley on the ass. "Is this what you wanted you little disobedient bitch? To get beaten like the skank whore you are?" she screams as she continues to slam her hand on Riley's ass and thighs.
Riley whined and wriggled on Patti's lap. The spanks hurt, but the rough treatment thrilled Riley. "I'm sorry mommy!" Riley cried out.
"No, you're not, you little whore. You've been begging for this." She says continuing to spank her, admiring how her ass jiggled with every strike. She forced Riley's legs apart and started to spank her on the pussy.
Riley howled in pain and pleasure as Patti's hand slammed into her wet pussy. Riley was getting close to another orgasm, and she became incoherent as she begged Patti for more.
"Speak English you uneducated tramp. I know your mouth is better at sucking cunt than talking, but I know you can speak." Patti says continuing her assault on Riley's pussy.
"Moommmyyyy!" Riley wailed, unable to say anything more.
"SUCH! A! BAD! GIRL!" Patti screamed punctuating each word with a hard slap on the pussy. "YOU! WILL! REGRET! MAKING! ME! DO! THIS!" as she watched the pale skin change colors.
Riley sobs in ecstasy as the slaps connect with her dripping pussy. On the last word, she has the most powerful orgasm of her life. "MOMMY!" Riley screams, squirting all over Patti as the powerful orgasm ravages her.
"Such a little slut you are. Now start licking your slime off me. Or I will make your tits match your ass and pussy." She commands the younger woman.
"No." Riley gasped, rolling onto her back and looking up at Patti in defiance.
"Oh, you think that was a request. Something you could say no to? GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE RIGHT FUCKING NOW AND LICK ME CLEAN!' she bellowed at the top of her lungs. Her face turning red and spittle spraying like Riley had moments before.
In a calmer voice she says "If you don't, I'll drag your naked ass out to my car, and drive you downtown. I dump you out of my car in front of a biker bar and leave you there. No clothes, no cash, no phone, nothing but you skank holes to trade for a ride home."
Reilly's eyes widened in shock when Patti said that. "Um... Patti? C-could you maybe... Um, bring it down a little bit? Please?" Riley asked, feeling genuine fear at the threat.
Patti looked at her with a single raised eyebrow. "Do you think this is a game?" She said staring hard at Riley. "Did I give you a safe word? she asks.
"N-No... But... The lady on the phone said..." Riley said, a shiver of fear running down her spine.
"She isn't here, is she?" Patti pointed out. "Is anyone here but you and I?" She sat on the table. Now, do as I told you or else...
Riley knelt and began to lick Patti clean. Licking up her cum part wasn't what made Riley hesitate. It was the fact that Patti had threatened to drag her to a biker bar. Riley wanted the mommy experience, not the evil stepmother. The fear became real, and somehow it helped intensify the experience. Riley was even more aroused than before. 'Either Pattis is a genius or scarier than I thought,' she told herself.
"Now that's a good girl.' Patti said soothing the girl. "Get mommy nice and clean, and I'll give m;y sweet girl a nice bath before I tuck her in for the night. she said petting Riley on the head.
Riley licked Patti's thighs and stomach clean, licking every inch of her smooth skin clean. "I'd like a bath mommy," Riley whispered, as she continued to lick Patti.
"I know you would my sweet. When you finish cleaning mommy, we can take a bath together."
Riley licked every drop of her cum off of Patti, before standing up. "So... Bath time now mommy?" Riley asked.
"Yes, my sweet. Let's go take a bath." Patti says standing up and following that sexy rotund ass into the bathroom.
Riley followed Patti into the bathroom and turned on the faucet, filling the tub with warm water. "So how do we do this? I haven't taken a bath in forever." Riley chattered.
Patti climbs into the tub making herself comfortable. She made sure she could reach the various bottles she would need. "Now my sweet, get in the tub and sit in front of me so I can hold you while I wash my pretty girl."
Riley climbed into the tub. She sat between Patti's legs and leaned back against the older woman. "This is what I had in mind when I called you mommy. I did like the spanking though." Riley said, enjoying the feeling of Patti's body pressed against her back.
"I bet you did you, silly girl," Patti says pulling her close and pinching her nipples. "You know mommy would never let any mean dirty bikers touch your sweet sexy body. I was only trying to scare you. Now relax and let me wash you." Patti picks up a bottle of Johnsons and Johnsons no more tears shampoo pours some on Riley's head. Patti starts to give Riley a scalp massage working the shampoo into a lather.
Riley leaned back and snuggled against Patti. "That did scare me, mommy. I wanted to run and hide." Riley admitted. "But the fear did make me tingle all over. It felt kinda nice." Riley let out a soft moan, enjoying the way her scalp was being massaged. "This feels so nice." Riley sighed, closing her eyes.
"Yes. Yes, it does my sweet. Mommy loves this part the best. Taking care of my pretty princess after playing with her kitty." Patti said smiling as she kissed Riley on the back of the neck. She ran her fingers through Riley's hair undoing knots while working in the shampoo.
Riley sighed again, sinking a little deeper into the water. "Wash my chest to mommy?" Riley asked.
"I will my sweet. Now relax and let mommy take care of you," she says reaching around and caressing an erect nipple. Patti started scooping water up to rinse the shampoo from her hair.
Once her hair was free of suds, Riley took the bottle of liquid soap and pumped a few squirts into her hands. She rubbed her hands together building up a lather. She started at Riley's neck, Patti used her hand's wash and massage Riley's neck and shoulders.
Riley moaned again, as Patti's hands worked over her body. It felt so relaxing. Being caressed like this was almost as good as sex. "Mommy, I'm getting sleepy," she yawned.
"Go ahead my sweet. It's been a long day." Patti says as she starts to wash Riley's breasts and stomach. As she washed she stared singing a sweet melodic song.
There is a castle on a cloud
I like to go there in my sleep
Aren't any floors for me to sweep
Not in my castle on a cloud
There is a lady all in white
Holds me and sings a lullaby
She's nice to see and she's soft to touch...
She listened to Patti's wonderful sotto voce, acapella rendition of the Broadway song. Riley snuggled into Patti, enjoying the loving way the older woman was washing her. She rested her head on Patti's breast and without a thought sucked a nipple into her mouth. Riley sighed in contentment and drifted off to sleep suckling on Patti. Patti continued singing as she finished washing Riley.
She says Riley I love you very much
I know a place where no ones lost
I know a place where no one cries
Crying at all is not allowed
Not in my castle on a cloud
When the last note faded she leaned down and kissed the top of Riley's head. In the short time they'd known each other, Patti started to have maternal feelings for her client.
Patti sensed that Riley had fallen asleep. She Continued her routine. She washed and massaged each arm in turn. and then Riley's crotch, taking a minute to caress her pussy before she rinsed her off.
Easing the sleeping girl out of the tub, Patti picked her up and wrapped her in a towel. Patti took Riley to her bedroom and put her down on her bed. She patted the girl's body dry, she tossed the towel aside. She put Riley in her bed and tucked her in. Instead of leaving, Patti slipped into the full-size bed. She spooned with Riley and let herself drift off to sleep, holding her new playmate.
Riley woke up a few hours later, clean, dry, naked, and curled up next to Patti. Riley stretched which woke Patti. "Um... Hi." Riley sputtered. "Are we done?" Riley asked.
Patti stretched letting the covers fall off her body, exposing her breasts. "That's up to you my sweet. Did you?"
"I did, Patti thank you. It was all I hoped for and more," She threw her arms around the older woman and buried her head in her breasts.
Patti smiled and mussed her hair, "I had fun. I hope you call me again." She kissed the younger woman.
"I definitely will," Riley said, leaning off the edge of the bed and fishing her wallet out of her purse. "So how much do I tip?" Riley asked.
"That's up to you my sweet. You pick the amount." Patti told her as she got out of bed and stretched again, twisting her body to show it off.
"Ok." Riley said, handing Patti a bill, "Is a hundred enough? Or should I give you more? I don't know the rules." Riley said.
"Whatever you want to tip sweetie. It's up to you."
"One hundred then," Riley said. "Actually two," Riley said handing her a second bill. "I guess that's it..." Riley whimpered. She wanted to ask, but couldn't bring herself too. She got out of bed and brought Patti her clothes. She sat on the bed, watching Patti as she dressed.
As Patti fastened the strap on her last shoe, Riley squeaked "Actually I have a question..." Patti stopped what she was doing and looked at Riley. "...The special friend." Riley blurted.
"What do you do for a living?" She asked looking down at the pretty girl.
"I teach kindergarten. Sometimes I get jealous of the kids. Their moms hug and kiss and love them. My mom ran off when I was young, and my dad was... well, he was a guy."
Patti nods in understanding. "I know it sucks my sweet, I have many clients with similar stories. I know as a teacher you don't make a lot of money. She hands Riley the card, "

If you want to make extra cash, call this number and use my referral code. With only three appointments a week you could double your income, and that doesn't include tips. You can set your own hours. I know my guy would love a sexy submissive little like you."
"Ok. I'll think about it. Even if I don't take the job, I'll hire you again. This isn't the last time you'll see me. I promise." Riley said, kissing Patti on the lips. They said their goodbyes and Riley watched as Patti left the apartment, the card in her hand.
She went to make herself dinner and sat down to eat. As she watched the local news, she kept looking at the card. She took out her phone and pulled up the Jimmy Choo site and found the shoes Patti was wearing cost over two thousand dollars. That made up her mind. She picked up the card and dialed the number.
It was an automated system that ran thought a preliminary questionnaire. Once she answered all the questions, the robotic voice told her she would receive a text soon.
The text message was a link to a website where she filled out information about herself. It took her two hours to finish. When she did she received an email that someone would be in touch soon. Before she could close the page, her phone rang.
"So you decided to take the job my sweet," Patti's voice boomed from the speaker. "Let me tell you the real deal..."
Please let me know if you liked this story. I do not make money from writing. My sole reward is your comments, votes, likes, follows, shares, and emails. Hearing from readers is what encourages me to keep writing. I am a firm believer that feedback is a gift, and I like gifts.
Sal De Klerk, “The Salacious Scribe”.
Follow me on Twitter @scribesalacious