©2020 Sal De Klerk & DrStein, All Rights Reserved
Authors Note:
This is one of 26 stories in this series. Each is a standalone story with unique characters and actions. They can be read in any order since they do not have any plot points in common.
This story contains adult content including hetro vanilla sex. If this is not your kind of smut, please find another story.
"Neat n Naked...where our girls suck better than Hoovers. How can we help you?"
"Hi, I'm calling on behalf of a friend. His name is Logan, and he's a professional musician. He's been working his ass getting a following on social media. He's at the point where he can make a living from selling his music. The trouble is, he hasn't had much of a social life these past few years. I thought your services might be a nice present for him and help him ease back into the world."
"Well aren't you a nice friend", came the familiar sexy voice. "So tell me about Logan the musician. What he likes in girls and in bed."
"Well, he's pretty open about his sex like. He likes demure goth girls. He's not a fan of piercings below the neck, and there is an upward limit on tattoos. The whole Morticia Adams esthetic is his thing. He also told me once he's got a thing for fishnet stockings. He’s a real charmer, and very spiritual. But it’s important that whoever you send is not in a relationship. He will not be a side dude. A girl once lied to him about her life, and he ended up with a bowie knife in his ribs. That left him with strong feelings about infidelity.
"So we need a goth girl with a handful of tat's and facial piercings only, who's cool with spirituality. I can find someone like that. All our employees with personal relationships have the consent of their partner. So there’s no worry about a jealous partner. I found one girl that should be perfect for him.
The caller's phone chimes with a new message, when he opens it he sees a new picture message. He opens it...

After studying the photo and scant details for a few minutes, the caller says, “She seems perfect. But are there any other options? I want to be sure. ”
"We do have other Goth girls. I ruled them out because they have more tattoos or piercings than you wanted. There is one other girl, but she is not a true goth, she owns some goth outfits."
I'm going to go with Felicity. Logan's been a good friend to me and I wanted to do him a solid. He lives in a ranch house on the beach at 23 Surf Drive. How soon can Felicity be there? He's going to be busy busking this weekend, so if she could show up on Monday, that would be great."
"Okay let me get some information from you, and then I'll send you confirmation that the appointment is set." The voice went over legalities, took payment, and set up the new client account. Once finished the voice told the caller, "Felicity has confirmed she will be there at 10:00 am.
( ¥ ) ( ¥ ) ( ¥ )
Felicity pulled up at the address and parked her car. She climbed out wearing the same outfit she had on in her photo. She shivered in the cool air and walked up to the house. She paused a moment before knocking on the door. As she waited, she shrugged her overcoat off so the client could see her outfit as soon as he opened the door. She raised her hand and knocked six times, and waited for the door to open.
Logan was sitting on the sofa with a guitar in his hand doing a simple picking exercise. In the background, the news ran on the TV, when he heard the knock. Ken had told him what to expect and he had to admit that he was curious to see how today would go. He put the guitar aside and went to answer the door. When he opened the door, he saw a beautiful woman. She had started to shiver from the chill in the air.
Logan was tall and lean with a sun-kissed tone to his skin from all his time outdoors. He was fit with a handsome rugged face framed by long locks of dark, curly hair. Dark eyes showed a worldly experience and gentleness. A well-trimmed beard added to the rugged masculine look while emphasizing his jawline. He wore jeans, cowboy boots, and a Led Zeppelin graphic tee without sleeves to show off his tattoos. The one on his left arm was a stylized image of a native American canine. On his right was a Hopi brave dancing.
"You must be Felicity," he said in a warm baritone. Though he knew how to play several instruments, Logan's greatest gift was his voice. Years of practice allowed him to vary pitch, tone, lilt so he could change it to fit the situation. "Please, come in." He gestured with one arm inviting her in. Once she walked through the door, he closed it and took her coat from her. He hung the coat on the wall next to his denim jacket and smiled at her. "I'm Logan." His eyes roamed over her body like an art connoisseur taking in a masterpiece. "Would you like something to drink? I don't have coffee, but I do have some amazing teas."
"A nice warm cup of tea would be awesome. While you do that for me, should I get ready for work, or are you happy with this outfit for now?"
"You look lovely as you are," Logan said. "I'll get the tea started. At the moment, the only thing that needs immediate attention would be the dishwasher. Follow me." He took Felicity's hand and led her into the kitchen. The dishwasher had finished a few minutes before she arrived. As Logan made the tea, he told her where to put everything as she emptied it. Logan put teacups, lemon, sugar honey, and some pastries on the table.
Felicity smiled at the rugged handsomeness of her current client. "I want to be clear, you’re dance of seduction isn’t necessary. I'm a sure thing. But, I do appreciate your efforts. It’s sweet.”
Logan smiled when she told him that she was a sure thing. He knew full well what the arrangement was. Still, that was no reason to be rude and demand her services right away. He wanted to get to know her a little bit first. "Tell me a little about yourself. I understand you're an aspiring tattoo artist?" His tone was pleasant, conversational, and friendly. After all, Logan had little taste for rushing into things. He liked to go slow and easy, to savor the experience. Better to take things slow and savor the experience. He loved people almost as much as he loved music. He wanted her to feel welcome and safe.
As he got the tea ready she gave him the condensed version of her life story. “When I was in middle school, I had one of those four-color BIC pens. One day I was sitting in class when inspiration struck. I sketched a character and came out with a little story to go with him. That sketch won a statewide art contest. Ever since I loved to draw. I took every art class I could. In high school, I would use colored sharpies and draw on my friends. Soon I was selling what my classmates called sharptats. After high school I got a job doing face painting at fairs, That was too much like paint by numbers. I met a guy who did henna art. I learned from him, and then became a model for body painters for awhile. I loved the way his visions took from on my naked body. But these were all transitory, and all that work ended up in sewers. I wanted to do something permanent. That's when I decided to pursue tattooing as my life work. I'm licensed and certified by the state. I own my gear and have worked several fairs tatting up college kids that wanted to piss off mommy and daddy. Now I'm saving money to open a tattoo parlor."
She looked at him finishing up the tea, making sure he wasn't bored with her story. She could tell he was listening to her, something her ex-boyfriends never did. Especially when she dressed like this. "I'm taking some business management and marketing classes so I can learn how to run and market a business. I'm saving to open my place. I should be able to be up and running within 24 months." She smiled at Logan.
He listened to her story as he prepared the tea. Since it was a cooler morning, he decided on oolong. Felicity finished her story around the same time that the tea finished steeping. He put her cup on the table since it was still steaming hot. "Taiwanese oolong tea. Good for mornings like this. Has a little more body and a very rich taste. I added a bit of Jasmine to it. Jasmine is reputed to stimulate passion." He was nonchalant with that statement. They both knew what was going on.
Felicity nodded, not sure what to say. Her entire knowledge of tea was Lipton tea bags and 4-C iced tea mix. "So, how did you get into music?" She asked to learn about her client.
Logan took his cup and sat down at the small table in the kitchen. "There's a bit of a story to it. I grew up an orphan. I was kind of introverted at the time. One day I heard Solsbury Hill by Peter Gabriel on the radio. After that music became my constant companion. I bought a cheap guitar and taught myself to play it and to sing." The way he glossed over his childhood made it clear it was a subject he didn't like to talk about.
"When I was 19, I hit a low point so I sold most of my stuff and hit the road. I hitchhiked cross country for 5 years before I settled here. While I traveled I taught myself other instruments and would sing for my supper. When I stopped traveling, I started busking between whatever work I could find. A friend who does web design needed music for a site he was building. I wrote and recorded music for him and he built a web site for me. I started recording and posting my music online and marketing it all over social media. I would play open mic nights festivals and anywhere I could get on stage to promote myself. It took time, but I built a large following, and now I can record music full time." He sipped his tea, savoring the taste. "There's been rough patches here and there. But things have a way of working out sooner or later."
She smiled at Logan. "I hope your words are prophetic for me," Felicity said sipping her tea, "Ooh that’s nice. Where can I get some of this," she asked taking a long sip finishing almost half the cup in one swallow.
"There's a tea house on Atwood Street that imports a lot of exotic loose leaf teas. It's called The Cherry Tree. One of the places I used to play open mic nights." Logan held his hand out to Felicity across the table. When she took it, both his hands enveloped hers. He massaged her hand with a gentleness that his rugged appearance belied. "You're a beautiful and charming young woman. I'm sure you'll find a way to make things work."
She smiled at him, feeling a weird connection like they knew each other well in a past life. She had never been so comfortable around a man before, especially one who was such a stranger. Felicity sat there and let him do as he pleased. She relished the peaceful yet powerful vibe emanating from this strange and wonderful man.
He stood up and held his hand out to Felicity, inviting her to stand. He brushed a few loose strands of hair from her face before resting his hands on her shoulders. "There's not a lot of cleaning that needs to doing today. I generally don't make a mess. That begs the question of how can we pass the time?”
Felicity chuckled and replied, “There’s a lot we can do. We can read, play checkers, steam clean your carpets, clean your gutters, organize your clothes by color and fabric, give each other manicures..."
Logan smiled at the joke and decided to roll with it a bit. As he walked behind Felicity and wrapped his arms around her waist, he pretended to think about it. He leaned in so that his lips tickled her ear as he spoke. "Well, let's see, My wardrobe consists of about 150 concert T-shirts almost all black. Would you like to take a look?" He ran the tips of his fingers in lazy circles along the pale skin of her stomach as he said all this.
"Hmm...The bedroom you say..." She leaned back into his masculine body surrendering herself to him and allowing him to do as he pleased. "I bet after showing me your tee shirt collection, you’ll find another reason to keep me in there. Then you’ll need to take off your shirt, and soon we're naked on your bed doing nasty things to each other. Am I right? Because if I'm not, then I'm not interested."
Logan let out a small laugh at that. He leaned down and trailed soft kisses along her neck as his arms tightened around her. "You are a guest in this house after all. And I would never want it said that I wasn't a good host. So let me indulge you." His hand lifted her head to look at him and he placed a lingering kiss on her lips.
Felicity closed her eyes and she felt a slight tingle in her lips as they pressed against Logan's. She savored the moment, not moving, eyes closed trying to capture that feeling. It was too elusive and in mere moments it was gone.
"Carry me", she whispered. "Carry me to your bed. Let me please you the way you've pleased me if I can." Her eyes were downcast. She felt inadequate to satisfy this unusual man. She never felt this way before. Felicity knew she was an excellent lover, but Logan was on a completely different level. One she didn't understand or believe possible. She didn't want to leave him unsated.
Logan scooped Felicity up bridal style and carried her across the living room to his bedroom. His house was tasteful yet eclectic, like Logan. Band posters, mementos from his travels, a coyote skull on his dresser. The mirror had photos from around the country stuck to the edges. The bed itself had a dark blue comforter and there was an elaborate wall tapestry hung on the wall behind it.
He set her down on the bed and removed his shirt. A medicine pouch and a pewter medallion hung from a chain on his neck. He removed them with more than a passing reverence and placed them on the nightstand. His lithe body had dark curls on his chest leading down his stomach and disappearing under his jeans. On the front of his left shoulder was a tattoo of a heart wreathed in flames. Logan climbed onto the bed and straddled Felicity. Cradling her face in his hands he kissed her with burning desire.
As he approached the bed her heart started to flutter and butterflies started to breakdance in her stomach. 'Stop it,' she told herself. You weren't this nervous when you lost your cherry.
As Logan came in for a kiss, Felicity again closed her eyes. This time it was different. She could feel his passion. She returned the kiss reaching up and caressing his cheek. Her other hand rested on his right pec feeling his warmth and strength.
Between kisses, they shed their clothes. Logan's touch was slow, deliberate, and methodical. "You don't have to be nervous," he whispered in Felicity's ear. One hand went to her breast and kneaded her flesh while the other went down between her legs and rubbed her pussy. "You're beautiful. So very beautiful. You've got perfect skin, a gorgeous body, and a lovely face."
Felicity blushed at these comments and turned her head away from Logan. She was feeling a bit vulnerable. She wanted this to happen. For some reason, she was aware of all her physical imperfections. The scar on her left calf, her muffin top, and that she was not quite as taut as she was when she ran track. She allowed Logan to remove her clothes but didn't help him. She returned his kisses and opened herself to his touch as she hoped he wouldn't see her defects.
Logan traced his lips down her neck and over her shoulder, the hair of his beard tickling her skin as he went. He reached her breasts and his tongue began to circle and flick one of her nipples. His hand at her pussy became more insistent until he dipped one finger into her. He could tell how nervous and self-conscious she was becoming. It wasn't the first time. Some women lost themselves in the moment. Others grew self-conscious with this much attention. For Felicity, the best thing he could do was continue. If anything his touch became more insistent.
Felicity decided to go with the flow. Since she was flowing, she lay back and tried to drive away her fears. She shut her eyes to let the sensations Logan created wash over her without any distraction. Her hand found his arm and she grabbed it to keep herself somewhat anchored. She could feel his muscle and sinew shift as he moved his arm inside her body. Somehow that felt more intimate than having his fingers inside her. She shuddered through a mini orgasm and smiled as she began to relax. Her initial apprehension was receding. Felicity shifted her hips to get his fingers onto her g-spot and sighed when they made contact.
He felt her juices flow around his hand and knew she had begun to relax. When he felt her shift, he knew what she wanted. He curled his fingers inside her so that the calloused tips rubbed her g-spot. His mouth and second hand continued to tease her nipples. He wanted to hear her moaning. He wanted her to scream with pleasure. And he knew how to make her once she freed herself of her reservations. "That's it," he said in a throaty whisper. "I want you to cum for me, Felicity."
Felicity nodded and bit her lip, as she felt self-conscious again. She took a deep breath and blew it out to force herself to relax, and enjoy what he was doing to her body. She started to breathe like she did when she meditated. The breathing helped her relax and focus on the moment and helped drive away her doubts. She forced herself to open her eyes and stared into Logan’s. Unlike most of her clients who looked at her with lust, he looked at her with happiness. Happiness from the pleasure he was giving her. That more than anything set her mind at ease and she was able to enjoy his skilled hands and mouth. "Kiss me again" she whispered, wanting to taste him as he brought her to the peak of pleasure.
Logan saw and felt the tension leave her as she asked him to kiss her. He smiled and obliged, leaning forward again to capture her lips. His talented hands continued to work her body as his tongue licked at her lips asking for entrance. He played her body like a Jimmy playing the National Anthem. He had the care and precision of a musician and a compassionate lover. His fingers inside her began to rub her g-spot harder and faster. The more she relaxed, the more he gave her. 'It's a shame that her prior lovers were losers that only cared about their pleasure,' Logan thought. He couldn't conceive of sex as anything less than a joining of two spirts. It wasn't only physical for him, it was spiritual, almost sacramental. He couldn't enjoy himself if his partner didn't. Logan's attitude was that any man who couldn't please his partner didn't deserve to call himself a man
Felicity parted her lips at Logan’s insistence. As their tongues danced, she inhaled the air from his mouth. She wasn't sure why, but she felt stronger, braver, more confident. She wasn't sure if this was her brain or if he had some kind of charm or power. The caller said he was spiritual. Either way, she was ready to give her all to him.
She relaxed completely and let herself become his, to please, to tease, to enjoy as he saw fit. Her body tensed as she felt pleasure waves ripple outward from the center of her being. Instead of weakening like ripples in a pond, they grew in intensity like an earthquake. The waves reached her extremities and started a return journey intensifying the pleasure. All these waves started to converge and focus her pleasure until she erupted. Her fluid exploded out of her like Mount Vesuvius spewing Lava into Pompeii.
She heard someone in the distance making loud unintelligible sounds. She wondered why the voice was so familiar when she realized it was her voice. Her body was convulsing, as every once of fluid in her drained out from the hole between her legs. After days of uncontrolled spasms, Felicity was able to control her breathing. She couldn't believe how wonderful that was. While she had squirted before, the orgasm itself was the most intense experience of her life.
Felicity's release and the way her body quaked from the intensity of her orgasm was a beautiful sight. Logan continued to caress her until she returned to her senses. He kissed her cheeks and then her lips and smiled down at her. "That wasn't so bad, was it?" he teased. He ran a hand through her hair as he let her recover.
Logan considered women to be his one true vice. He had had steady girlfriends, one night stands, friends with benefits. It wasn't about conquest or bragging rights. He seldom talked about his partners with anyone. They were intimate moments to share behind closed doors.
And now Felicity was here. Ken had told him he called up her service as a favor for a friend him. Logan admitted he had been neglecting his social life while building his brand. He was grateful that Felicity was here. He needed to reconnect with this part of himself. Of course, he would make sure the time was as good for her as it was for him.
Felicity lay there catching her breath and holding on to the warm afterglow. She felt Logan kissing her from a distance. She felt like she was glowing and was more content than ever before in her life.
Once she could interact with the world around her, Felicity realized that she was thirsty. "I need a drink of something", she said her voice croaking. She released Logan’s arm and smiled at him in gratitude for the gift he had bestowed on her.
Logan returned her smile and helped her off the bed. As he turned toward the door, several scars on the lower left side of his stomach and back became more visible. They looked like short slash marks, four in total. Two of them still had the marks from where the stitches must have been.
He placed his hand on the medallion on the nightstand and lingered a moment before going to the kitchen. He got out a glass and filled it with water from a filtered pitcher. "Ice?" he asked in a soft voice.
"Please" she squeaks, sitting on the bed.
Logan placed a few ice cubes in the glass and returned to the bedroom. He handed the glass to her. He stepped behind her and started rubbing her shoulders. "I'm guessing that was a little more than you were expecting," he said in a conversational tone. "I can tell you're experienced. I guess your partners were only concerned with their pleasure first?"
She drank the entire glass in one gulp. "I've had lovers both in my personal and professional life who only cared about their needs. Most had at least some concern for my pleasure. I usually got at least one, sometimes two. But all of them combined, wouldn't come close to the one you gave me. How the fuck did you learn to do that?"
"Easy. When I'm with a woman I listen and pay attention." He said it like it was obvious. "Being good in bed isn't all that different from being a musician or learning any skill. Figuring out what a woman wants isn't hard if you listen and are attentive to her."
Felicity's brows furrowed. "But...but women often aren't sure of what they want, how can you figure it out."
"Most people are bad at figuring out what they want." Logan stepped out from behind her and sat across from her. There was a wistful, reflective look in his face for a moment before he continued. "I learned a lot of things on my journey. I learned how to read people from a lot of different teachers. An FBI agent in Virginia. A tarot reader in Arizona. A police negotiator in Illinois. Everyone is broadcasting unconscious messages all the time. When you learn to decipher them you can get to know someone and what they want."
"Let me put it this way. I knew you were getting nervous because of the way your lips and brows moved. When I touched you, I could feel the tension in your body. You were confident before, so I knew you were experienced. I took a gamble and figured you weren't used to that much attention from a partner. When you relaxed I figured I'd guessed right. If I hadn't, I would've tried something else to put you at ease. As for your orgasm? Well, I listened to your voice and pay attention to how you moved to figure out what you liked.
Felicity nodded in understanding. "If you could teach what you know, you'd be a very rich man." She wondered what else the afternoon had in store.
Logan laughed at her remark. "If people weren't so self-centered and selfish, then it might be worth my time. until then..." As long as he had enough money to keep making music money wasn't all that important to him. He leads a simple life and his tastes, while specific, weren't expensive. He was content to spend this moment in comfortable silence. He looked into Felicity's eyes with a soft smile on his face. Her pale skin was still flushed from her orgasm. He sat there taking in and appreciating how beautiful she was.
Felicity took time pondering what she had learned. She felt a touch bashful about the casual nudity. She didn’t mind nudity as long as she was doing something. Sitting around nude letting a practical stranger gaze at her body seemed wrong.
Felicity seemed to be at a bit of a loss. She was someone who liked to do to go. Logan loved time for introspection. He could sit for hours doing nothing. Realizing she was growing uncomfortable, Logan stood up and offered her a hand. The led her out into the living room and sat on the couch. He took a warm throw off the back of the couch and pulled Felicity into his lap as he wrapped them in it. Logan held her in his strong arms and looked deep into her eyes.
Felicity felt like a little girl in her father's lap, safe and secure and warm. She leaned against his chest and began to tickle his wispy chest hair.
Logan let out breathy little chuckles as she played with his chest hair. He responded by giving one of her nipples a playful little pinch. "We've still got time before I have to do some recording. Shall we pick up where we left off? Or do you want to play it by ear?"
"You're the client. If you want to give me another orgasm like that, who am I to say no?" Felicity teases him, "But ears don't do anything for me. There are better body parts to focus on." She says winking at him and rocking her groin against his.
Logan responded by leaning in and kissing her. One hand caressed her thigh while the other went to her breast and thumbed her nipple. His cock rubbed against her as they ground their hips against each other. A low groan rumbled up from Logan's chest and hummed against her lips.
Felicity decided to follow Logan’s lead wherever it took her. She allowed Logan the freedom of her body. She tried to make sure he was getting back a small portion of the pleasure he was giving her. She lay her head on his shoulder and started to kiss his neck.
Logan moaned and shifted his weight so the two of them tipped downward. He put a small pillow under Felicity's head as he laid her back and propped himself up over her. He started grinding his hips so his shaft rubbed up and down her pussy. He loved to hear women beg for more but he would never demand it from someone. It was much more satisfying for both him to make her want to on her own. He cupped her cheek in his hand and kissed her as he continued rubbing his cock along her slit.
"Oh God Logan, you make me feel so good," Felicity says looking up at him and watching his every move. "Make me feel the way only you can. Probe my depths and explore my body. Let me try and give you what you've given me."
Logan guided his cock into her body and with a slow push filled her up. He captured her lips in a kiss and gave her time to adjust to him. When she adjusted, he leaned in and whispered in her ear, "Do you want me to cum inside you? I won't if you ask me not to." His cock throbbed with a slow, steady pulse inside her as he spoke.
Felicity shuddered at the thought of his fertile juice spraying into her unprotected belly. She loved the thought of bringing another man like Logan into the world. But it wasn't her time. Besides she wouldn't have a child without a father, or trap a man that way. "Cum where ever you want. I'm safe." Her hips began to meet his thrusts wanting...needing him in her as deep as possible. At this point, Felicity would do anything for him as long as he gave her another mind-blowing orgasm.
Logan rocked back and forth, pulling out to the head and then pushing all the way in. He let out an appreciative groan of pleasure, the sound rumbling out of his chest. The pace was even without being slow. He was drawing it out for their mutual pleasure. Of course, Logan was never in a rush. Anything worth doing was worth taking the time to do well.
Felicity was moaning like a porn star, except the sounds weren't fake. Logan was making her feel wonderful. She was using every trick she learned to please a partner. She wanted Logan to experience the same pleasure.
Logan leaned down and whispered in her ear in a husky voice all the dirty things he wanted to do to her. His pace built sped and the fantasies he described became more intense. Bending her over the table and giving her a rough fucking from behind. Tying her to the bed and making her cum for hours. Taking her out to a restaurant and fingering her under the table, denying her an orgasm until they got home.
"Yes, yes, yes. All of them YESSSSSSSSSSSSS!" she panted out as she listened to his salacious whisperings.
"I'll make every one of them and more happen," he growled in Felicity's ear. By now the pacing was intense. The sound of skin on skin mingled with her moaning and the throaty grunts and groans Logan made. They were still wrapped in the throw and a thin sheen of sweat made their skin slippery.
Felicity was ecstatic. She had never felt as good as she did with Logan. How could one man make her feel like this? She didn't know but she was going to enjoy every second of it.
Logan's lips crashed down on Felicity's in a passionate kiss. He growled into her mouth as he roughly fucked her. The more she craved, the more he gave. Felicity kissed back and loved the feeling of someone else being in control for a change.
Logan's forceful pounding slowed to a stop. Then he gave her three particularly hard thrusts before he erupted and blasted his seed into her. He broke the kiss and pressed his forehead against Felicity's as he groaned with each throb of his cock. Felicity wrapped her legs around Logan and pulled him in deep as she felt him start to shoot his cum into her. Her head was spinning and she started to cum without even realizing it was happening.
Logan cradled her in his arms as they rode out their orgasms. He kissed her face, her neck, and her breasts as she came back down. "You okay?" he murmured. There was a satisfied smile on his face and warmth in his eyes as he spoke.
"I'm...I'm wonderful. Thank you so much for what you've given me. I don't know how I can repay you." She lay there in his arms feeling warm and secure listening to his heartbeat, and feeling his warmth. His regular breathing was soothing, and soon she was asleep.
Logan kissed her forehead. He cradled her in his arms for a while before he tucked her in on the sofa and let her rest. He put his boxers, jeans, and shirt back on and went to his home studio. He needed to do his vocal exercises and now was a good time. He worked through all the exercises that made his voice the refined instrument it was.
Felicity slept for about 30 minutes before she woke. IT was a deep and peaceful sleep. When she woke up she stretched and felt somewhat disappointed to see Logan wasn't holding her. She stood up and stretched again, working out a few kinks. She cocked her head and listened. She heard something but had no idea what it was. It was very faint almost inaudible. Any other sound, or a bit less concentration and she wouldn't have heard it. She padded barefoot around the house trying to find where the sound was coming from. She soon found the door where the sound was strongest. She opened it and jumped at the sudden increase in volume. She stepped in and closed the door, watching Logan sing, with his back to her.
She couldn't believe his vocal abilities. His skill at singing varied styles and impersonating famous artists was beyond impressive. He was almost a better musician than a lover. Though after experiencing his ability in bed, it was hard to believe that anyone could do anything better. She closed her eyes, enjoying the sound and the feel of the music as it washed over her bare skin.
Logan was grooving and dancing along at this point, not realizing he had an audience. His computer cued up his cover of Poker Face by Lady GaGa. It kept transitioning styles from punk to ska to rock to disco. He sang along, mimicking each style. When it finished, he turned to reach for a guitar and saw Felicity. She stood there naked and mesmerized by the show he was putting on. He smiled at her, realizing she must have been there a while. "What’d you think?"
"That was amazing. You're good enough to be a celebrity impersonator in Vegas. I've always loved singing. Too bad I have no range and sing in the key of L."
"Is that so?" Logan closed the door behind her and wrapped her in his arms. "Having good technique is important, but anyone can learn to sing. It's natural. Let me show you." He tightened his arms around her, his hands avoiding her sensitive parts. One hand rested over her belly. "Take a few deep breaths in and move only the area right above my hand." He felt her breathing as he told her to. "Good... firm up your core... like that. Now sing a note, any note that feels natural the way you feel." With that, he nipped her shoulder.
'Why does everyone with a talent tell people who don't have that talent that anyone can do what they do?' Felicity wondered to herself. She leaned back in his arms and followed his instructions. She opened her mouth, and the sound that came out made an angry injured moose sound like Dean Martin. It was horrific. Even Felicity winced at the sound. "See I told you, singing is not something I can do."
"You're not letting go. You're letting the sound get stuck in your throat instead of opening it up. Singing is emotional. Some singers are all emotion and very little technique like Joe Cocker and Rod Stewart. But if you're not comfortable with it..." He let his arms slide off from around her and he stepped around back into the middle of the room. He picked up a guitar, tuned it, and switched on the amp. He began playing Caught in the Middle by Dio.
Logan's melodramatic facial expressions matched his over the top delivery of the lyrics as he emulated Ronnie James Dio. He was completely un-self-conscious about expressing himself. He even hammed up the guitar solo. He looked more like a drunk frat boy playing air guitar than a serious musician. He smiled at Felicity when the song finished. "Quite a far cry from my 8-year-old self who couldn't carry a tune in a backpack."
Felicity was awestruck by the performance. She was not a big follower of artists and she didn't know most of the names he used. She knows most of the songs and enjoyed his interpretation of them.
She stood there listening to him perform a rendition of a song that was kind of familiar. It was an impressive performance, she had seen major artists in concert that didn't put on a show that good. Then again she wasn't standing a few feet from them naked, filled with their cum either.
"What can you play besides guitar?" she asked trying to change what was a bit of a sore subject. She had tried out for a choir and had gotten ridiculed by her classmates and the music teacher when she sang a solo. When it came to music she took after her mom, not her dad. Dad taught himself to play guitar and keyboard. Dad used to come to her room and play the guitar singing her to sleep. Dad would have jam sessions with his friends and play at local festivals. More than once her mom the musicians asked mom not to clap because she was throwing them off time. Dad used to say she was the only Latina chic in the world with no sense of rhythm.
Logan put the guitar back and showed Felicity the rest of the equipment in the studio. He had a bass, several guitars, keyboard, several microphones, drums, and a particularly odd-looking instrument he called an eigenharp. "Still learning to play that one." With the mixing board and laptop at the desk, he had a functional home studio. "I use the webcam to do some live streams and a few videos. My fans sometimes challenge me to do some weird stuff. The most recent was a guy who wanted to see me do a rap song about that movie The Box Trolls. Finished it last week. My newest challenge is to write a folk/dubstep fusion song. I'm working on the lyrics now."
Felicity nodded as he showed her around the studio. She may not know a lot about music, but she could recognize valuable equipment when she saw it. "Have you ever recorded yourself having sex, to maybe use in a song..." she suggested to him.
Logan laughed, a rich sound that seemed to bubble up out of him. "A couple of bands already beat me to that. Of course, if you're offering to help, it would be rude to say no." He once again took Felicity in his strong arms. "I'm thinking something with ambient drones to add texture. Some major key chord progressions with modal melodies. A little bit of Joe Satriani with Enya and some of John Mayer's pop sensibilities with a touch of Pink Floyd." He smiled at the look on her face. "It'll make more sense when I compose it."
She looks up at him and says "I hope it sounds as good as it feels. Then dropped to her knees taking his cock into her mouth to get it ready for another jam session.
Logan groaned and tangled his fingers in her hair. His cock began to stiffen inside her mouth. Felicity had never liked performing fellatio. She had gotten good at it because it was her job, but she never enjoyed it, nor did it arouse her. It was part of her job. It always seemed a bit demeaning and had a touch of subservience to it. She also felt that there was no real technique, as long as the lips slid up and down the shaft the guy was happy. That was until now.
Logan was somehow able to make this degrading task pleasurable for her. She was getting wet and moaning in pleasure as she slurped and slobbered all over Logan’s thickening cock. Felicity tried to deep throat it. It was her first time, and she had trouble. She popped it out of her mouth and spit on it. Using her hands she smeared her spit on the shaft and took it back into her mouth. She kept moving her head forward and exhaled forcing herself to relax her throat and accept the invader. She gagged a bit and pulled back to take another breath. This time she decided she was going all the way no matter what.
Logan’s cock slid over her tongue and down her throat. She felt the head push her uvula out of the way and enter her throat. She tilted her head to make the penetration smoother. Soon her nose was being tickled by Logan’s trimmed pubic hair. Felicity closed her eyes and continued to take his shaft deeper into her throat. She felt the wiry pubes on her cheek and the skin of Logan's ball sack on her chin. She smiled around his shaft and opened her eyes looking up at Logan her eyes filled with pride. As their eyes met, Felicity began to hum an old song she hoped Logan would know.
Logan met her eyes and even in the haze of intense pleasure, he could recognize the song. He started to sing an acapella version of the melody but it was harder than usual to stay on key. Very few women he had been with had taken him that deep, and he never pressed the issue. That Felicity was enjoying herself made it more gratifying. He gave his head a quick shake to make sure he could stay focused and smiled down at Felicity as he cupped her cheek
She wanted nothing more than to make her rendition of French Kiss by Lil Louis, as he stroked his cock in and out of her. She took his cock out of her mouth and licked the shaft from tip to balls. Then she sucked on his nutsack as she kept stroking his shaft with her hand, amazed that it was still growing. Her eyes looked up at him watching him sing, wondering how he could concentrate on his music when she was playing the meat flute like a virtuoso.
That was it. Any hope Logan had of staying on key was gone. The melody cut off with a short, strangled croak and a shudder traveled up his spine ending with a shake of his head. "I don't want to make a mess in the studio," he rasped before finding his voice again. "So we better decide how to finish this. I can't hold out much longer." He could feel his crotch prepping for the inevitable fountain of ejaculate.
Letting him fall from her mouth, she kept stroking and said, "Pick a hole, any hole and blast your hot cum deep inside me."
"Open your mouth." Logan put his head in her mouth, gave his shaft a few strokes, and shot his of hot cum onto her tongue. His body gave a hard shudder and his cock began to soften. He smiled down at Felicity and wiped a light sheen of sweat off his forehead. "You were wonderful."
"If was half as skilled in the carnal arts as you are with your voice, I would be ecstatic," she told him. Standing up she hugged him and asked "So Logan is there anything I can do for you. You've given me so much, I need to return the favor."
Logan responded by wrapping his arms around her and kissing her forehead. "We'll think of something. For now, just be your usual beautiful self. Being around a woman that's comfortable in her femininity and sexuality, is refreshing." He took her back into the living room, pulled up Netflix, and wrapped the two of them in a comforter while he put on Ed Wood. "Have you ever seen this one?"
She snuggled up next to him, "I've never even heard of it", she replied, letting her hand rest on his thigh close to his dick.
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Sal De Klerk, “The Salacious Scribe”.
Follow me on Twitter @scribesalacious