©2020 Sal De Klerk, "The Salacious Scribe". Umyes, All Rights Reserved.
Final Revision July 2020
Authors Note:
This story was a fun write, and went in a very different direction then I planned. My characters take on a life of their own, and these had a definite direction, one they didn’t share with me until it was too late.
This story contains adult content including outdoor sex, shower sex, sex with food and more. If this is not your kind of smut, please find another story.

Beth and Tommy pull up at the address Maggie had sent her. Beth hadn't met Maggie yet, but their sons were best buds in school. They had the kind of friendship that lasts a lifetime. Beth missed having adult friends. She only knew about fifteen people and most of those were about seven. One day toward the end of the year, Beth sent a note home with Jimmy for his mom. Later that night she got a text message. Soon the two women were messaging back and forth regularly. They agreed to get together for a playdate, but schedules were an issue. Maggie owned and managed a tech consulting firm. Beth was still looking for a job and doing as every side hustle she could to keep food on the table and bills paid.
Once school ended, Beth enrolled Tommy in the same day camp/childcare Jimmy was in. This year July fourth was on a Friday. Maggie of course had her business closed so it was the perfect day for the long-awaited playdate. Beth hoped she would make a friend while their boys had some fun.

They walked up the cobblestone path to the split level ranch house. Beth held
Tommy's hand as they approached the door. As Beth set foot on the first step leading up to the small porch, Jimmy came running around the corner. "Tommy," he screams, "come see my treehouse," and the boys take off running. "Hi Jimmy," I shout to their retreating backs, "be careful boys," as they disappear. Shaking my head at their indefatigable pursuit of fun.
I climbed the last two steps, rang the bell, and waited for someone to let me in. Beth took a look at her outfit and hoping it wasn't too casual. She had a red and white off the shoulder, short sleeve peasant blouse, and place blue capris. She wore a pair of flat sandals that tied around her ankle, to show off her polished toes. Not bad, she thinks, giggling when she realized that she felt like she was on a first date.
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"Clark," Maggie yelled up the stairs.
"What," came the annoyed almost disrespectful response.
"Jimmy's friend Tommy is coming over with him mom today. I need to run to the store and pick up a few things for the cookout. Please keep an eye on your brother and clean the bathroom before they get here. If not for me, do it for your brother."
Maggie glared up the stairs, she knew the chances of a clean bathroom when she got home was 60-40 and pick 'em. She sighed in exasperation and grabbed the keys to her 2018 BMW X1. She headed out to Wal*Mart, the only store open within a short drive.
Clark watched his stepmom drive off and, threw himself into the gaming chair his dad bought for him. It was the last gift his dad gave him before that asshole drunk ran him over. Clark couldn't believe it had been almost a year since they buried him. He had been more sullen and aloof than normal for the last few weeks. Clark switched on his gaming system and began to play his favorite game, Sims 2. He loved being able to live his fantasy life, have friends, even a girlfriend, and live in his dream house. It was the perfect escape from the stress of his real life.
Clark had no intention of cleaning the bathroom. His stepmom had cleaned it last night after they all showered. It was still clean, 'Why is she being such a bitch lately,' he wondered. He was adding a game room with a patio over the two-car garage, something he always wanted. As he began to put arcade machines and other items in the room, he heard a door slam. He looked out his bedroom window and saw a beautiful blonde woman getting out of a gold 2010 Ford Fusion.
He watched as she walked around the car and opened the back door. She bent over and reached in. Clark grabbed his Binoculars, the ones he used to look at the hot nudist lady across the street. Her ass was firm tight and juicy as a peach. His other hand grabbed his semi-hard dick and caressed it through his nylon shorts. He couldn't take his eyes off her.
Beth stepped back and straightened up. Clark groaned in disappointment. His hands dropped to his sides and he saw she held a kid about his brother's age. 'Must be Tommy he thought to himself,' He saw her hip check the door to close it before putting the kid down. Clark focused on her face and saw she was beautiful and much closer to his age than to his stepmom's. 'Is that Tommy's mom or sister he wondered, as he again lowered the binoculars to watch her approach the house.
She kinda looked like an actress on a show he watched, one he had a major crush on. He couldn't believe the resemblance. Almost like they were twins. As they walked up to the house he heard Jimmy, his half brother scream "Tommy!" Clark smiled at the happiness in his brother's voice. 'At least someone can be happy,' he thought.
"Hi, Jimmy. Be careful boys." floated into his ears. It was melodic and happy. It sent a shiver down his spine that ended at his dick. He lost sight of her when she climbed onto the front porch. He heard the doorbell echo through the empty house. He ran down the stairs to the front door. He paused to look in the mirror. he ran his fingers through his unruly hair so he would be somewhat presentable. Bare feet, nylon jogging shorts, and a tee-shirt...

Clark grimaced at his clothes. 'Not an outfit meant to impress a sexy lady,' but it was too late. The doorbell sounded again.
He threw open the door and stared at the woman who couldn't have been more than twenty-three or four. She smiled at the young man. "You must be Clark, Jimmy talks about you...a lot. I'm Miss Dixon, Tommy's mom. How are you," she extended her hand to him.
Clark felt his jaw drop when he opened the door. This lady was stunning. Clark looked her over as her words flew past his ears without stopping. Clark stared at the hand she proffered. His brain realized it had to react. It sent a request to the penis for a shipment of blood and a tiny bit of control over the body the two organs shared. "I'm Clark," he squeaked as he grabbed her hand and started shaking it. Clark marveled at how soft and dainty her hand was, as he lost himself in her ice-blue eyes.
Beth chuckled in delight, at the young man's reaction. She saw a look in his eyes that frightened her. It was the same look Tommy's father had on Prom night. That was the night she lost her virginity and gained a son. She knew she had to be careful, Clark was even better looking than her ex, and she was so lonely. She jerked her hand back, not wanting to give Clark any ideas about her, or the two of them.
"Mom had to run to the store, and I'm in the middle of something," Clark said. Please come in. Can I get you a drink or something? I think we have some sweet tea in the fridge."
Beth stepped into the cool house out of the hot sun. "A nice tall glass of tea would be perfect. And go do whatever you need to, I'll sit in the yard to watch the boys until your mom gets home."
"She's my step-mom. Jimmy is my half brother. Dad died about a year ago. Mom...Maggie, I never know what to call her, agreed to let me stay here as long as I help with Jimmy and am in school." Clark had no idea why he told her any of that. As he spoke, Clark caught a faint odor. He inhaled deep and realized it was emanating from Miss Dixon. It was a sexy, floral scent and the bit of blood that his brain had borrowed, returned to his penis, bringing more with it. The worst part was, in these shorts a hard-on was next to impossible to hide. They tented out even when he had a semi. Clark tried to nonchalantly hide his erection with his hands as he led Beth through the house. Soon they reached a sliding glass door. He opened it and let her walk onto the screened in patio that overlooked the yard and treehouse. "I'll be right back with your tea," he said before he scurried away like an eager puppy.
Once he was in the kitchen, Clark leaned on the kitchen counter. He took several deep breathes but his swelling wouldn't go away. He didn't want to embarrass her, or himself. He decided to treat this swelling like his baseball coach treated the knot he got from a wild pitch. He applied ice. The cold made him scream like a girl, but it worked the swelling went away. He dropped the handful of ice cubes in the sink and washed his hands. He took out a tall glass and poured filled it three-quarters full of tea and added several clean ice cubes. He returned to the patio with her drink.
"Thank you, Clark," she said taking the glass from him and sipping it. Clark looked in her eyes and felt a zap in his gut. It was at that moment he fell in love with her.
"I uh...have to go finish...something, he stammered. "When I'm done, I'll keep you company."
Beth smiled at him, and opened her mouth to speak when she heard Tommy yell, "Hey mommy watch this."
She turned her head and saw both boys jump out of the treehouse! "NOOOOO!" She screamed and took off running. When she got to the treehouse, she saw thick cushioned pads on the ground. Clark caught up to her and saw she was trembling in fear.
"Dad knew boys. He knew they would jump down. He made sure to get mats to cushion the landing, so they wouldn't get hurt." He put a hand on her arm as she stood there watching Jimmy and Tommy laughing delight.
"Boys no more jumping today, okay."
"But, why," Jimmy whined.
"Because it scared Miss Dixon. both of you need to apologize and you're punishment is no more jumping off the treehouse today. now say you're sorry."
"Sorry, mom."
"Sorry, Tommy's mom."
Beth nodded at the two boys who had already jumped up and climbed the ladder to the treehouse.
Clark led Beth back to the patio and eased her into a seat. "Are you okay?"
Beth shook her head. "I...I saw a friend fall off a roof in middle school. He was in a coma for two years before he died," she stated without emotion in her voice.
"I'm sorry that happened. Are you okay?"
"I will be. Thank you for that, you handled that like an experienced dad," Beth said. Color had returned to her face and she showed signs she had recovered from her shock.
"Ever since my dad died, I've had to be a father to Jimmy. I want kids of my own one day, I was a boy scout and worked with cubbies, and still volunteer with Jimmy's pack. So I guess I learned how to handle kids."
Beth puts her hand on Clark's arm and looks into his eyes. "You're going to be a great dad one day. Just make sure you're in a position to provide for your family. Do me a favor," she stared intently into his eyes.
"For you, anything," he replies as he dropped to his knees next to her.
"Don't knock up some girl then move to another country to avoid responsibility," she spat. While she spoke, her brain had very different thoughts. 'Damn dude has some muscle on him. I wonder if he has any stamina...' she stopped that thought before it took her to a dangerous place.
Clark realized she had told him her story. Clark never understood how any man could abandon a beautiful lady or a child. "Do...do you need to...to talk about it."
Beth looks away and shakes her head. "No! No need to stir the shit," she replied. "Go do what you need to do," Her hand caressed his face and she almost kissed him. "I'll wait for you right here."
Clark jumped and dashed into the house, "I'll be back as soon as I can." He flew to the bathroom and scrubbed it like a man possessed. When he finished it was cleaner than when it was brand new. When he finished cleaning, he stripped his clothes and threw them in the hamper. He took a fast shower, shaved, and for the first time in at least three years, he combed his hair. He looked out the window and saw the boys were shooting imaginary things with stick guns. He smiled as he remembered killing countless imaginary enemies from that treehouse.
He grabbed a tee-shirt he still had from his time in JROTC, the only shirt he owned with the American flag on it. Then he put on a pair of khaki shorts so he wouldn't look like a slacker. He slipped his bare feet into a pair of boat shoes. He took a deep breath and took out a serving tray they used for parties. He put the pitcher of iced tea on it. Then he added some cubed cheese and crackers. As he lifted the tray he panicked. 'What if she's organic? Or gluten-free? Or vegan? Or lactose intolerant? Or...' He put down the tray and looked for something for her to eat that met those possibilities. He found some organic gluten-free protein bars his coach wanted the team to eat. He put them on the tray and figured that was the best he could do.
When he got to the patio, he saw Beth was barefoot. Her quick angry stride reminded Clark his African safari. His troop had stopped at an animal rescue, and there was a wild lion in a cage. The animal's wounds had healed and it was ready for release. Clark never forgot that animal and how it wanted nothing more than it's freedom. When he looked at Beth he saw that same energy. He cleared his throat, not wanting to intrude on a private conversation.
"I have to go, my host is back," she snapped and ended the call. She turned to Clark, that was my mom. It was her weekly call to tell me how I'm fucking up my life, and Tommy's," she tossed the phone on the futon by the door. "Fuck her!"
Clark had no idea what to say so he lifted the tray, "I brought snacks. If you can't eat this I can find something else," he offered as he set the tray down. She looked at the tray and chuckled. I love she's and crackers. Sometimes I'll eat an entire block of cheese and package of Ritz for dinner. She sat back down and sipped her tea and took some cheese and a few crackers.
"Tell me about yourself, Clark," she asked as she snacked.
Clark sat down across from her, so he could stare at her as he talked. He let his eyes wander over the parts of her he could see. He loved the delicate gold necklace that hung between her breasts. "So I grew up in this house. Mom died when I was young. Dad raised me. About eight years ago dad met Maggie. They got married when he knocked her up as you so delicately put it," he teased her. "Dad added the room over the attic for me, so the baby could have a room closer to them. I earned my Eagle scout about two years before dad died. I have a baseball scholarship at Florida State. I'm about to start my Junior year studying computer science in case I don't make the majors. I like to play video games, my favorite is The Sims 2. Now it's your turn, how did you meet mo...Maggie?"
"I haven't met her yet. Tommy and Jimmy go to school together. They became friends as soon as they met. Jimmy is always at school when I drop off Tommy and gone when I pick him up. We've texted a bit, but never talked."
"Uh, what part of town do you live in? Do you live alone?" Clark asked wondering if she had someone in her life.
“I live in a small brick cottage in Lafayette Park. As soon as Tommy saw it, he said

it looked like the third pig’s house. He demanded I buy it so we could be safe from bad things. I couldn’t say no after that. It’s only Tommy and I. We moved here three months ago from this little town in Georgia. There was this guy who went a little crazy and...well people got hurt. I left before things got worse. I moved here used the last of an inheritance to buy my house. since I moved in, I’ve looked for a job with no luck.
“What kind of job are you looking for?”
“Anything that’ll pay the bills and leave a little extra for some fun for Tommy and I.” Not a lot out there that pays enough for someone without any skills.

“Did you graduate from college,” Clark asked as he glanced over his shoulder to
see the boys chasing things only they can see. When he turned back, he noticed her fingernails. They had a cool and sexy patriotic design. His cock twitched. He had a thing for nail art.
"Graduate, no,” a wistful smile flashed over her face. “I went to college for like a minute and a half. I was a bit of a party girl,” she glanced over her shoulder and watched the boys fight off a horde of invisible somethings. She smiled sadly at their innocence, she knew it would soon be gone. She turned back to Clark and wondered why she had opened up about her life to this boy.
Feeling his heart race, Clark wondered if her escapades had gotten her thrown out of school, or if it was her poor grades from having to much fun that made her leave school. “You could always go back. I’d be willing to tutor you if you needed help.”
“I could if I had the time and money. Tuition is what fifteen thousand. I can’t afford that. Then I have to work full time and raise my son. That’s already two full-time jobs. There’s no way I could go to school on top of that. I do need to sleep sometime. Besides, what college guy would want a broke single mom. They want a virginal barley legal honeypot...” her voice trailed off when she heard what she was said.
Clark choked on his tea and coughed a few times before he got himself under control. “There are plenty of working professionals in my classes. Besides, you’re as hot if not hotter than most of the school's cheerleaders.”
"OH stop it. I'm old enough to be..." then she realized there was only 5 years difference in their ages. It was her life that made it seem like there was a huge gap in their ages. "...your older sister." she finished lamely. this conversation had grown awkward. She felt a strong attraction to the handsome, fit young man. Not just a physical one, he was sweet and considerate and seemed to have direction in his life. Many of her former boyfriends had no clue what to do with their life. Meeting someone with ambition and goals was a nice change. She knew she could fall for him, but in some ways, he was still immature and a child. There was no way she would get involved with someone like that...again. She had a son to consider. She was only interested in relationships with men who could provide for them. Not cute boys who wanted a bang. She decided to change the subject, "So how long before your mom gets home?"
"Any minute now," he replied as a car door slammed. "That's her now. Let me introduce you." He stood up and walked through the house with Beth no too far behind.
'God he would have a great ass,' she groaned to herself as she watched the muscles shift as he strode to the front door. Clark opened the door and saw Maggie unloading her purchases.
Maggie heard the door and turned. "Oh! Good. Clark. Please help me with this stuff. I got a little carried away. She turned and began to walk toward the house. Clark went down the steps toward the car and Maggie saw Beth in the doorway. "Oh, hi, you must be Beth."
Before anyone could say anything else, a small blur screamed, "Mommy," and hugged her legs. Maggie was in the middle of a step and she started to fall. She instinctively threw out her arms to act as a counterbalance. The added weight of the bags she carried saved her from crashing to the ground.
"Jimmy, I've told you a hundred times, don't hug my legs when I'm walking. You almost made me fall, again. Next time...,"
"Hi, Jimmy's mom" Tommy yelled, interrupting Maggie's tirade.
"I'm sorry mommy," he said with his head down.
"Go play with Tommy, we'll talk more later," Maggie told him.
"Hi I'm Maggie," she said and gave Beth a big smile.
"Beth Dixon, let me give you a hand," she replied as she took some of the bags from the older woman.
"Thanks, Beth," Maggie said as headed into the house with her lighter load. A few seconds later, Clark walked into the house with a dozen bags. He put them on the counter and started to take stuff out of them. "Sorry, I wasn't here. I realized this one..." she ruffled her older son's hair, "had eaten everything we had. I went to get some snacks and burgers and hot dogs to cook on the grill," she said smiling.
"Anything I can help you with?" Beth asks wondering why Maggie already felt like a big sister.
"Sure! I'll make some coffee, and we can chat while we do some prep. Clark, can you keep at least one eye on the boys while we get the food ready?"
"Sure mom."
"Sounds good," Beth told her standing up. "See ya later Clark," she says as he headed to the patio.
Beth and Maggie spent the day chatting and getting to know each other. First over coffee and food prep, later over wine and clean up. As they sat down to watch the Boston Pops Fireworks Spectacular, Maggie asked, "Can you do me a favor?"
"Depends what the favor is."
"I have a situation. A work thing came up while I was out. I need to catch a flight to Macon in the morning. I'll be gone until late Monday morning. My usual sitter is out of town. I trust Clark, but it's not fair to him to make his watch Jimmy for two or three days without a break. I can drop Jimmy at your house tomorrow morning, and you bring him back here Sunday afternoon. Is that doable?"
"Sure, I can do... oh crap. I rented a motel room near the beach for Tommy and I this weekend. I don't want to cancel and disappoint Tommy. I thought about inviting Jimmy, but I'm not comfortable taking both of them to the beach by myself."
"What if Clark goes with you? He can girl watch...," Beth felt a pang of jealousy at the thought of Clark ogling other women. "...between helping with the boys. Clark and Jimmy love the beach, we don't go often enough." Maggie tells her. "I can drop both of them off at your place around eight if that's okay."
"That'll work," Beth agreed as she flushed with excitement at the thought of being in a motel room with Clark.
Clark came into the room to join his mom and Beth. He sat on the couch between the two women as the show started. "Oh Clark, do you have plans for tomorrow?"
"Me and the guys planned to head over to the campus and hang out..."
"Instead of stalking coeds on campus, you'll be helping Miss Dixon keep an eye on the boys at the beach. No arguments, mister, or I take your video games away."
Clark damn near came in his shorts when he pictured Miss Dixon in a bikini. "Fine," he growled, to hide his excitement at the prospect. He stared at the television no seeing anything. He contemplated how best to seduce Miss Dixon. The eager helper? The young confident aggressor? The brooding sensitive artist?
With the constant influx of messages, Maggie didn't have time to wonder why Clark didn't argue. As soon as the show ended, Beth scooped up Tommy thanked her hosts and headed home.
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"Go ahead and push the button, Jimmy," Clark tells his kid brother as the approach the front door. "Mrs. Dixon? We're here!" he yells when he doesn't hear a sound in the house. Jimmy starts to play with a shrub as they wait.

Miss Dixon opens the door wearing a colorful sundress. '"Hi Clark, Jimmy." she says smiling at them. "Tommy, time to go," she shouts. "Clark there's a cooler in the kitchen. It's too heavy for me, would you mind," she asks him as she grabbed Jimmy's booster seat. She went to her car and secured it. When she finished, she saw Clark with the heavy cooler. She opened the trunk and helped him put it in the car. "Nice to have a strong handsome guy to help out," she flirts. Before he can react, Beth dashed to the house to lock up.
Clark added his and Jimmy's bags to the car already full of beach gear. Clark closed the back doors and sat in the front seat to wait for Beth. He felt like he was a dad going on a road trip with his family. The feeling was intense. "Uh, boys, are you ok?"
"LET'S GO," Jimmy screamed
"YEAH! LET'S GO," Tommy echoed.
After she ensured the boys had buckled their seatbelts, she started the car and headed to the beach. The hotel was a thirtyish minute drive, and near the intersection of US 90 and SR A1A. As she turned onto her street, Clark said, "You look lovely. I guess I'm going to have to protect you from the guys on the beach," he was half teasing her and half-serious.
"I won't need that kind of protection. This is a family beach, and no one ever bothers anyone else. She glanced at the clock and did some math. They had time to kill. It wasn't even nine, and check-in wasn't until eleven. Beth decided to stop for breakfast. "Do you guys like Denny's," she asked when she saw one coming up.
"Tommy and I aren't picky eaters," Clark replied. He still hadn't figured out how to start his planned seduction of this beautiful woman.
"So Clark is there anyone special in your life," she asked not taking her eyes off the road. "I should have told you to invite her, or some friends. I don't want you toget bored. I mean spending the weekend with your kid brother, his friend, and his old mom.
He decided to take a shot. Clark looked at Beth, "First of all, you're a beautiful woman, Miss Dixon. Stop calling yourself old. You're what? Twenty four at most. That makes you four years older than me. Besides, I love the beach. We'll have a lot of fun today." Clark was full of confidence and wondered how the weekend would go. Anyway, it's nice to have such an attractive woman to go to the beach with." Clark gauged her reaction as they pulled into the beach access parking lot.
"Thank you, Clark. You are such a sweet YOUNG man," she emphasized the difference in their ages. "I don't think it's appropriate for you to talk about me like that. I'm a friend of your mom's," she said with a smile to lessen the sting of the rejection. She pulled into a spot at the diner and shut the car off.
"I know you're my moms' friend. Couldn't we be friends too," Clark asked.
"Clark, your sweet, but our lives... we're in different places. You're in school. I take my son to school. You live with your mom. I am a mom. Your mom supports you, I support myself and my son. I have a job. You have an X-Box. If I did agree to go on a date with you, where would you take me? To a fast food place for burgers, then to your bedroom to make out," She rested her hand on his bare leg. "Clark I don't want to be cruel. You are a handsome young man, if I didn't have a son, I would consider dating you. But I have to think about what's best for my son, not what I want. You can't even support yourself. How will you support me and Tommy," Rubbing his leg, she looked at him.
"I mean you're cool and I like talking with you, but do you see yourself as Tommy's father, and my husband? If you do you're naive, if you don't, you agree with me. I'm sorry things aren't different. If they were...," She let her words trail off and jerked her hand off his leg afraid she was sending him mixed signals. She wasn't confused by her emotions. The problem was she didn't trust her emotions. They caused every problem she ever had. Her emotions caused her to have a child in her teens. Her emotions told her to move 800 miles away from anyone she knew, with a guy she barely knew. Her emotions told her to leave the guy when he started acting crazy. She had to stop following her emotions and start using her brain.
They ate in silence, Clark wanted to try again but knew if he pushed her, she would get further away. When they finished eating, the server brought the check. As Beth reached for it, Clark snatched it. Feeling sheepish after their earlier discussion, he said, "Mom, told me to pay for all meals with her card."
"That's exactly what I was talking about," Beth murmured to him as he handed the server the card.
Soon they were back on the road having killed almost an hour. Beth hoped the room would be ready early, so they could check-in and get to the beach. They rode in silence the rest of the way to the hotel. Beth checked them in and Clark waited in the car with the boys. Beth parked the car in front of their first-floor room. "Here's the key card. Go open the door and get the AC going. I'll get the boys out and start to bring our stuff in.
Soon the foursome was on their way to the beach. They set up near the public restrooms. Part of the reason Beth choose that hotel, it's proximity to the beach's bathrooms. "Clark, take the boys to the water, I'll set up our stuff."
"Won't you need help," he asked.
"Help would be nice, but Tommy and Jimmy will be whining the whole time. If they're not here, I can set up in peace."
Clark nodded in understanding. "Okay boys grab your pails, let's see if we can find any sand crabs," He takes their hands and they run to the ocean.
Beth watched them until the throngs of people hide them from her view. She set up the small cabana she bought, and two camp chairs. She laid a large quilt on the sand, and put each of their day packs on a corner to hold it down. She dug through her bag to get out the sunscreen and pulled out a book and her Bluetooth headphones. She sat in her chair and put her music on shuffle. Then she opened her Kindle app and began reading one of the new Indie authors she discovered. Soon she was deep in an erotic story about a young man who was set on seducing his new neighbor. A slightly older woman with a child.
She was getting wet, and not just from the warm sun. Even the music seemed to be sending her a message. Every song she heard was a ballad by Dan and Jean, The Beach Boys, and other surf rock bands. When Summer Lovin' started Beth looked up and saw Clark ushering the Boys to their home. All three were dripping wet and smiling. Tommy ran up to her and jumped in her lap. "Mommy the waves are great. You have to get wet mommy."
She laughs at his exuberance. First, you need to dry off, then put on sunscreen. That goes for you Jimmy, and Clark too." Clark rubs sunscreen on Jimmy and Beth rubs it on Tommy. Once they covered the boys, Beth looked at Clark. "Okay mister, your turn."
She squirted the thick white cream in her hand, her state of mind made even that simple, innocent act dirty. She tried to ignore the thoughts that ran through her head, as she applied the lotion to the well built young man. She started on his back, It was taut and firm and strong. She let her hands roam more than they needed feeling his toned back. She was breathing heavily when she handed him the bottle. "Finish yourself off, then do me," she said and blushed at her Freudian slip.

Clark looked at her in shock. He had a bunch of lewd and crude remarks ready to explode from his lips. He showed wisdom beyond his years and didn't comment on the back to back double entendres. He took the bottle of lotion and Beth turned her back to him. She shimmed as she pulled the dress up and over her head. Clark squeezed the bottle and it spurted as Clark let out a low moan, and almost spurted himself. Beth was wearing a black bikini with a mosaic print. The bottoms were small but full-bottomed covering her entire ass, and there wasn't even a hint of a camel toe. The top was strapless and but covered her whole breast, not even a hint of cleavage was showing.
Clark rubbed the lotion into her back. He took his time and he worked his way around to her sides before massaging her shoulders. Beth didn't say anything as Clark rubbed her shoulders and neck. It felt so good. It had been years since anyone had rubbed any part of her, and it felt so good. His strong calloused hands worked several annoying kinks out of her neck as she stood there. It felt so good she almost purred in pleasure. Beth was overcome with an urge to kiss him and knew she had to put a stop to this. She reached up and grabbed his hands. "Clark. Stop. This is wrong. We can't...," she turned and took the sunscreen from him. Go play with the boys.
"Okay BETH," he emphasized her name, to make them social equals. He wasn't going to let her treat him like a kid for the rest of the weekend. Starting now he was going to assert himself as a man. He went to play with the boys as Beth looked at him in surprise. He smirked at her and dropped to his knees to help build the sand fort the boys were working on.
Beth sighed, 'This is going to be hard," and she chuckled to herself. The music and erotic story she had been reading put her in a bad place. She didn't have any toys with her and was sharing a room with a muscular, handsome guy, and two little boys. Not an atmosphere conducive to self-pleasure. 'Once the boys are asleep, I'll tell Clark he can order a movie on pay per view. While he watches some bloody or jiggly movie, I can take a bath and have a little personal time.' She smiled as she pictured herself nude in the tub, aiming the showerhead at her pleasure center. She shivered in anticipation.
They spent the day in the sun surf and sand. The boys occupied most of their attention. Clark bought them all burgers fries and milkshakes for lunch. After lunch, Beth decided to get the rest of her body wet. She strolled to the water feeling a lot of eyeballs ogling her. It was a feeling she was able to ignore, but never enjoyed. She walked into the ocean ankle deep and squatted down. she splashed the brine on her arms and belly as she waited for a nice sized wave. She saw a big wave and ran out to meet it. As the wave got close, she leapt into the air and dove headfirst into it. She relished the feeling of crashing into the water and having it flow over her almost nude body. She smiled as the taste of the seawater touched her lips.
When she was little she wanted to be a mermaid and live in the ocean. She had never outgrown that fantasy. Every time she went to the beach, she spent time playing in the waves like she imagined mermaids would. As her body floated through this wave a big piece of seaweed started to get tangled in her legs. She pulled her legs away and felt it wrap around her ankles. She kicked her legs until the plant was gone. She swam out to meet the next wave so she could body surf it back to shore.
As she rode the wave to shore, she felt a draft on her backside. She glanced over her shoulder and saw her pale white buttocks, not the black bathing suit she had a few moments ago. She dove under the wave to hide and looked around for help. The good thing was no one was close enough to have seen her. The bad news was no one was close enough to help her. She looked around trying to figure out what to do. Her five-foot four-inch frame was chest-deep in the ocean. She began to make her way toward shore, ready to drop down if the water level dropped below her navel.
She could make out her spot on the beach and she could see two small and one larger form playing in the sand. There was no way she could scream loud enough to attract their attention. She had no idea what to do. She focused on Clark and tried to stare at him as hard as she could. She hoped he would feel her eyes burning into him and come looking for her. She was as close to shore as she dared get. The water was at her belly button. Even a few more steps toward land and she would risk flashing anyone who was looking at her.
She watched Clark stand up and take both boys by the hand and he led them to the water's edge. The two boys squatted down and rinsed their hands as Clark scanned the ocean for her. Beth started to wave both her arms over her head in the hope that Clark would see her.
Clark spotted her and waved at her to join them. Beth gave an exaggerated shake of her head and waved at him to come to her. For almost a minute they signaled each other to join the other. Clark told the boys to wait, and he waded out to Beth. As soon as he was in ear shout she said, "I lost my bottoms." A shocked realization dawned on Clark's face and he charged out of the ocean. He stopped and pointed to Beth and then the ground. The boys nodded and began to chase each other. Clark sprinted away. Beth watched the boys play as she wondered where Clark went. 'He could have grabbed a towel from our camp,' she thought as she waited. Twenty minutes she saw Clark. he charged through the crowd like a tank in San Diego. He knocked people down, leapt over others, and ignored all the complaints. He ran right past the boys and charged headlong into the ocean. As he approached her, she realized he had something crumpled in his hand. When he got close, he tossed her a pair of solid black boy shorts. Beth squatted down and pulled them on. She felt a wave of relief and gratitude wash over her once she had her privates covered again.
She stepped close to Clark and kissed his cheek. "Thank you for saving me. I appreciate it." They walked back to the boys holding hands. The boys joined the daisy chain and headed back to their camp. "It's getting late guys. Time to pack it in and head back to the room."
"But mom...,"
"I wanna swim some more...,"
Beth held up a single finger and looked at the boys. "One more word and we go home tomorrow morning instead of spending the day on the beach. Now if you help me pack up and behave, after dinner we'll spend a little time at the hotel pool before bed."
The boys started to run around and collect their toys as Beth and Clark packed everything else. They made their way back to the hotel. They stopped at an outdoor shower to rinse the sand and salt off their bodies. When they got to the room they dumped all the sandy stuff in one corner. Beth went into the bathroom and took a fast shower and washed her hair to get the salt off. When she got out she left the shower on and called out "Tommy, your turn." Tommy came into the bathroom and showered as Beth used the hotel blow dryer. She brushed her hair as she dried it. When her hair was somewhat neat, she got Tommy out and dried him off.
They walked out of the bathroom, both wrapped in towels. "There's only two towels," she told Clark. "Take Jimmy and go into the bathroom. Once Tommy and I dress we'll give you these towels. I'll also call the front desk and ask for more."
"Sounds good," Clark replied and grabbed Jimmy's hand. He took his brother into the bathroom. As soon as the door closed, Beth helped Tommy dress. Tommy please go to the car and get my phone charger," Beth asked him. As soon as he was out of the room, she dropped the towel and pulled on her panties and a bra. Then she grabbed a red floral print sleeveless dress with buttons up the front. She pulled it on and buttoned it before Tommy returned.
Beth picked up both towels and knocked on the bathroom door. "Here are your towels," she said cracking the door open. She hadn't expected Clark to be standing outside the shower. She got a full-frontal shot of the young man. Her face flushed, she threw the towels in his face and slammed the door. Tommy and I will be outside so you can dress," she called out. As she walked to the door her mind replayed the scene in slow motion. His firm chest, with erect nipples. His six-pack abs, hell even his belly button was attractive. Her mind's eye continued to pan down as she fought to stop it. She saw his trim pubic hair and then she saw it. It wasn't hard, but it hung down more than a few inches and it was about as thick as a medicine bottle. She licked her lips as she imagined it growing, lengthening, 'STOP IT,' she yelled to herself.
She stepped out of the hotel room and looked around for Tommy. He was still in the car pretending to drive it. She chuckled when she heard his vroom..vrooms and squeals. She went a got in the passenger seat. "Where are we going," she asked.
"To find a daddy," he said as he spun tried to turn the steering wheel which had locked.
Beth sat there in shock as Tommy raced the car. She had no idea how to reply. A few minutes later Jimmy and Clark walked out. Beth felt her breath get caught in her throat. Clark wore pleated Khaki's, and a pale blue button-down shirt. She couldn't believe how handsome he looked. She swallowed hard and tried to think of anything except ripping those clothes off his body.
She got out of the car and they got the boys in. When started the car, she told them, "Unless anyone objects, There's a nice Italian place only a short drive."
"Yummy!" Tommy screamed.
"I want pepperoni," Jimmy shouted.
"It's unanimous," Clark agreed.
Beth put the car in drive and drove to the Ristorante Italiano. She parked and they walked in. After the hostess seated them, Clark ordered sweet tea for Jimmy and himself. Beth ordered a Rose wine for herself and Apple juice for Tommy. They sat there listening to Tommy and Jimmy ramble on about all the things they had seen and done on the beach.
Beth put the car in drive and drove to the Ristorante Italiano. She parked and they walked in. After the hostess seated them, Clark ordered sweet tea for Jimmy and himself. Beth ordered a Rose wine for herself and Apple juice for Tommy. They sat there listening to Tommy and Jimmy ramble on about all the things they had seen and done on the beach.
As they ate, Clark who sat next to Beth dropped his hand under teh table and took her free hand in his. Beth didn't pull her hand away, and they sat there eating and holding hands. They didn't let go until they got back to the hotel and needed to get the room key out.
"Mommy I'm too tired to go to the pool," Tommy yawns and reached up for her to pick him up.
Clark held the door open and Beth picked up Tommy and carried him into the bedroom. She stopped at the bed furthest from the door and put Tommy down and he was fast asleep.
Jimmy looked at Tommy and yawned, "I'm not...," he yawns again, "...tired. Can I watch a movie?"
"Sure sweetheart," Beth tells him. "Clark, why don't you find a movie for you and Jimmy to watch. My muscles are sore from swimming. I'm going to soak in the tub. See you guys in the morning."
Beth walked into the bathroom and took off her dress. She looked at herself in the mirror. She was proud of her 32-23-34 figure, but she wished her 30B's were bigger. She took off her bra and saw her firm perky titties. Her light brown nipples stood out firm and proud. They were almost twice as thick as a pencil eraser stubby. Her areola was the size of a fifty-cent piece. She toyed with her erect nipples and moaned. She forced herself to stop after one last pinch. Beth adjusted the water in the tub to steamy. While the tub filled she put on her headphones. She started her sexy time playlist and opened up the ebook she was reading on the beach.
She lowered her foot into the water and jerked it back. She adjusted the water temp so it was cooler to lower the water temperature. After several minutes, she eased her foot into the water. It was not quite scalding, so she stepped in teh tub and lowered her nude body into the steamy water. She sighed in contentment, and let her eyes drift closed. The heat permeated her body and eased the tension that had been building all day. She forced herself to take slow deep breaths to relax as she cleared her mind of everything. When she felt peaceful, she opened her eyes and again adjusted the water to be hotter.
Beth picked up her phone and began to read where she left off. As soon as she read the first sentence she felt her fluids begin to flow. She held the phone in one hand as she read about how the neighbor boy saved the mom when her car broke down. After he called AAA with his card, he drove her home. She invited him in for coffee and cake, and instead, they made a cream pie. Beth paused her reading and shut off the water since the tub was half full.
She returned to her reading and her free hand began to caress herself between her legs. As the story progressed, the characters fell deeper and deeper into love. Of course, they didn't realize their true feelings and thought it was only lust. After one salacious encounter between the two lovers, Beth put her phone down and closed her eyes. One hand started to rub her clit as the other slipped between her lips and started to probe her insides. She threw her head back and her body started to undulate as she pleasured herself. The music was loud in her ears, and she knew she moaning, but couldn't hear herself.
She felt herself approaching the precipice and forced herself to stop. She lay in the tub and tried to control her breathing. When it approached normal, Beth opened her eyes. She blinked several times so her eyes could adjust to the ambient light. When she did she sensed something was different. She looked around the room and saw the door was open. Clark was standing in the doorway, his mouth hanging open to his chest. There was drool oozing out of the sides of his mouth. As Beth drew in a breath to scream at him, she noticed he almost naked except for a pair of light gray bikini briefs. The scream died as her eyes followed the prominent bulge as it grew even more. Beth sat up exposing her naked, wet torso to Clark.
Her eyes never left his crotch as she said, "What the hell are you doing in here?"
"I...I hear...heard ya...ya...ya...you ca...ca...call my name. I came in to see what you...you needed," Beth thought it was cute the way he stuttered with his eyes locked on her breasts.
"I didn't call you," she said puzzled.
"I heard you! You repeated Oh Clark, Clark CLARK, several times. I thought you might have hurt yourself so I came in and saw...," his voice faded and he gestured to her naked body.
'Oh fuck was I moaning his name,' she asked herself. She saw his cock throb and a small wet spot formed on his shorts. Beth licked her lips. She was horny beyond belief and her fingers wouldn't be satisfying anymore.
"What happens at the beach...," she murmured.
"Stays at the beach," Clark finished.
Beth smiled and beckoned him to step closer. Clark took one small step forward. Then another and one more, until his crotch was less than an inch from her face. Beth reached up with both hands and dragged his shorts off his body, revealing the erect shaft to her gaze. Beth shifted until she was kneeling in the tub and opened her mouth and sucked him deep into her throat. Clark groaned as his hips rocked forward.
"Oh, that's...so good...so fucking good...," he moaned as she bobbed up and down on his dick. Beth loved to suck dick, but her pussy insisted on getting some attention. She sucked on him a little longer to make sure he was ready to fuck her raw. She let it slip from her lips with a light pop. Beth stood up, grabbed Clark by the upper arms, groaning when she felt his firm biceps. She pulled him to her and slammed her lips onto his mouth. She drove her tongue into his mouth and explored every nook and cranny.
She pulled her head away from him and said, "Pound my cunt, slam your dick into my pussy. I need it hard fast and rough. She turned around and thrust her ass out. "Slam that fuck stick in my cunt now!"
Clark stepped into the tub and squatted down until his dick touched the entrance of her hole. He took a deep breath and rammed himself balls deep into her.
"Fuck me, boy," she growled as she rocked her hips back trying to get him deeper.
Clark grasped her hips and began to fuck her. His dick glistened with her cream as he withdrew it. He rammed it back into her. Their bodies slapped together as growls and grunts filled the bathroom, punctuated by an occasional gasp or 'FUCK!'
Clark had set into a nice rhythm and let one of his hands drift. up to her tit and he crushed it like an empty soda can as he leaned in and nipped at her neck.
Beth gasped, Fuck my cunt, fill me with your seed," as her hands reached back and grabbed his hips to pull him into her.
Clark stepped back and pulled Beth with him. She was now bent in half as he fucked her hard. He took her wrists in his hands and stopped moving. He used her arms to push and pull her along his dick like she was nothing more than a lifesize fleshlight.
"Ride! My! Cock! Take! It! all!" He enunciated each word as their bodies crashed together. Beth was on the verge of her orgasm. She was unable to speak. She could only growl, grunt, moan, and groan as she felt herself getting ready to fall over the edge.
Rivulets of perspiration ran down his body as he kept pounding into her. His orgasm was starting to build and his desperation drove him to fuck harder and faster. He let go of Beth's arms and wrapped an arm around her waist. He leaned forward and slammed into her. Several drops of sweat flew off his head and splattered on Beth's back. The felling of teh warm fluid striking her skin pushed Beth over the edge. Her knees went weak. Her entire being was centered on her slit. She felt her orgasm crash into her and flood her whole being with pleasure. Only Clark's arm around her waist stopped her from crashing into the tub of water.
Clark kept pounding her, surfing on the waves that rippled through her body. It only took Clark a handful of strokes to reach the point of no return. He buried himself to the hilt and howled as his cum exploded from him and flooded her body with his potent seed. As his dick throbbed inside her, Clark doubled over and kissed her back. They stayed that way for several minutes. recovering from their intense coupling.
Clark stepped out of the tub without letting go of Beth. With his free hand, he grabbed a towel and held it out for Beth when she was ready. Beth stood up and blew her breath through her mouth. She bent over and pulled the stopper. She adjusted the water and twisted the knob so she could shower. "Put that down and join me," she told Clark.
Without hesitation, Clark dropped the towel and got back into the tub. he wrapped his arms around her and lowered his head to her breast. She bit her left nipple and she crushed his head into her breast. One hand rested on Beth's flat smooth stomach. The other encircled her petite body and squeezed her naked ass cheek. Beth threw her head back and let out a sound somewhere between a roar and groan.
Her fingers grabbed his hair and pulled him to her, as his bites turned to suckling. His hand slipped down her slick wet skin until he found her creamy center. He slipped on finger inside her which made her knees buckle. Clark kissed and nipped his way down her body lapping at the water that flowed over her skin. He was on his knees with both hands on her ass. He pulled her forward and tilted his head up, and kissed her second set of lips.
Beth locked her fingers in his hair and mashed his face into her creamy pie. Clark was in heaven. It was the first time he got to live out one of his porn fantasies. He pushed his tongue into her and began searching for his deposit. He sucked hard and liked around her insides as his dick grew while eating her cum filled pussy.
Beth ground her pussy on Clark's face, "It's been years since I've had my pussy licked. Eat me Clark, drink our cum."
Clark swiped his tongue along her slit, he used it like a backhoe scooping out as much of his cum as he could. His hands spread open her cheeks and he started to move his fingers closer to her smaller hole. His tongue found her nub and he sucked it into his mouth as one finger teased the tight opening.
Beth saw he was hard again and used her grip on his head to pull him to his feet. "Make love to me," she murmured to him. Clark grinned and interlocked his hands with hers. He raised her hands and put them against the wall. He bent his knees and shifted his hips until he lined up with her holes. He straightened his legs and his hard shaft pushed into her. Beth gasped as his hardness filled her. Their eyes locked, their hips rocked. Clark thrust into her as little squeaky gasps passed through her lips.
They held that position, the entire time. The only motion was their hips as they came together and separated. Beth yipped every time Clark slide into her and would inhale as he pulled out. Beth watched beads of sweat appear on his forehead as he continued to rock in and out. When he felt he was getting close, he bit his bottom lip and his breathing grew irregular. Beth knew he was close and she nodded, at him to let him know he could cum inside her again.
Two, three, four, five, six more strokes was all it took. Clark slammed himself home one final time and he throbbed inside her for the second time in an hour. Beth pulled her hands free and grabbed his ass and pulled him tighter to her. She brought her mouth to his neck and bit him hard. Clark grunted and pulled back and slammed into her so hard he lifted Beth several inches into the air.
When He finished they were both exhausted and slid down until they were sitting in teh bathtub. They let the water run over their sweaty bodies. Clark reached up and grabbed the soap. He worked up a lather and washed Beth who sat there letting his hands freely roam over her naked wet body. Clark washed, then stood up took the handheld shower, and rinsed them both. He shut off the water and stepped out of the tub. He grabbed Beth's arm and helped her stand. He wrapped a towel around her and another around himself.
He looked at Beth and turned to go back into the main room. Beth grabbed his arm. He turned back and she stepped out of the tub and kissed him gently. "Thank you," she murmured and kissed him again. They walked out of the bathroom and Beth stopped when she saw the boys were in one bed. She looked at Clark, her brow furrowed.
"Jimmy wanted to sit on the bed with Tommy while we watched the movie. He fell asleep before the opening credits ended. I was waiting until you came out to move him."
Beth looked at the boys sleeping so peacefully. "Leave him," she said with a shy smile. She took his hand and lead him to the bed. "Hold me while we sleep," she asked and gave him doe eyes.
Clark wrapped his arms around her and kissed the top of her head. "I thought you'd never ask."
Beth pulled on a long tee and Clark pulled on a pair of shorts and they climbed into bed, with Calrk as the big spoon. Clark slid the shirt up as much as he could. He put his hand inside the shirt and let it rest on her stomach. within minutes they were asleep.
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Beth was the first one to wake up in the morning because something pressed in her back and made her uncomfortable. She reached back and felt a man's cock. Suddenly last night's wanton debauchery filled her head. She bolted upright and looked behind her to see Clark on his back, sound asleep. Beth jumped out of bed cursing herself for once again acting on her emotions, and not thinking. She scooped up Jimmy and put him in bed with Clark. She got into bed with her son, and lay there and tried to figure out how she was going to handle Clark. AT some point she must have fallen asleep again because when she woke up hours later, the room was empty.
She pushed herself up on her elbows and looked around. On the nightstand next to her bed was a note. the handwriting was her sons, but the words were too mature for him. 'Mommy, Clark took us to get breakfast. We'll bring back you a western omelet with bacon and English muffin and OJ. But don't tell Clark I told you. He wants it to be a surprise.'
Beth laugh's at the note and gets up and puts it in her purse so she can add it to her scrapbook. She got back into bed and turns on the TV so she won't have to think about her mistake last night. Before the first commercial break ends, the phone rings.
Clark's voice came out of the earpiece, "Pretend to be asleep. The boys want to wake you up and serve you breakfast in bed."
Beth's heart jumped for joy when she heard Clark's voice. It was like her first boyfriend all over again. The asshole only did two good things for her. He gave her Tommy, and he never contacted her again. There was no way she was going down that road again. "Got it, how long before you get here?"
"We're across the street. Be there in a few minutes. Gotta go the boys are coming," and the phone went dead.
Beth shut off the TV and lay in bed and forced herself to avoid her thoughts. After an eternity of doing nothing, she heard the door open. She rolled on her side and faced away from the door. She heard the boys giggling. They made more noise trying to be quiet than they would normally. She smiled and forced herself not to laugh. When they got close to the bed she closed her eyes to let them 'wake her.'
She feels the bed shift as someone climbed on it. There was a small pair of lips that kissed her cheek. she let her arm wrap around him and opened her eyes. "What are you doing my sweet little piggy," she asked. Tommy snorted and laughed as she swept him across the bed and tickled him. He laughed in delight as Clark and Jimmy chuckled.
Through his laughter, Tommy said, "We brought you breakfast."
"Oh you did, did you? Well, this little piggy is all the breakfast I need," she said and blew a raspberry on his tummy. Everyone was laughing at their antics.
Clark took a folding lap tray out of a bag and put the styrofoam container on it and a bottle of OJ. Jimmy added a mermaid vase and three pink roses. Beth let Tommy go and sat up. Clark put the tray on her lap. "Boys go sit on the other bed and I'll turn on teh TV for you."
The boys jumped on the other bed as Beth started to eat her breakfast. She looked up at Clark, and mouthed 'Thank you,' and got a wink and nod in return. Clark found a channel with a show for the boys that he could stand to watch for more than five minutes.
The boys lost themselves in the program. Clark sat on the bed with Beth. She didn't even look at him. She had no intention of letting things spin further out of control. 'Another fine mess you've gotten us into,' she heard in her brain from an old movie she used to watch with her p-paw. She ate in silence. Clark tried to rest his hand on her leg as she ate and she moved it away from him. She felt bad, but she had to stop with the mixed signals. 'There weren't any mixed signals last night,' her brain screamed at her.
Beth fought to silence her inner critic, as she finished eating. "Okay plan for the day. Clark, you and the boys pack anything we won't need at the beach in the car. Make sure to keep one clean outfit out for everyone. I'll go check out, and then we spend the day at the beach and head home around four. now hop to it."
"Okay boys, you heard her, hop to it." Clark clapped his hands. Then he pushed out his top teeth, put his hands up like a bunny, and began to hop around the room. Jimmy and Tommy copied him so the three of them hopped around the room. Beth shook her head but there was a huge smile on her face as she climbed out of bed and started to hop with them. For some reason, the whole morning felt right, perfect. It felt how her life should have been. A sadness washed over her and she stopped hopping. "The longer you hop the less time we have on the beach."
The boys stopped and began to grab stuff to take to the car. Beth grabbed her swimsuit and went into the bathroom. She took off the tee-shirt and took care of her morning routine. Then she pulled on her modified swimsuit and the tee-shirt over it. After she checked out and helped load the car she led the way to the beach. They set up in the same area they occupied the day before. Beth noticed a lot more kids around the boy's age on the beach today. For the most part, it was a repeat of yesterday, apply lotion, play in the sand and surf, have lunch. After lunch, someone set up a bunch of beach games and invited all the kids to play. Jimmy and Tommy ran over to the Cabana, "Please can we play," Tommy asked.
Before Beth could answer, Clark spoke up. "Yes but here are the rules, you do not go into the water without one of us. You are to stay where I can see you all the time. If I shout your name, you come back here immediately. understand?"
"Yes," Tommy said.
"Okay," Jimmy replied.
The boys ran off and Beth and Clark were alone. They looked at each other, both wanted to speak first but neither dared.
Beth knew if she didn't say something first she might head deeper down the trail of bad decisions. "Clark, last night was great. Something I needed. It'd been...God, I don't even know how long since my last time." She paused and looked at him, 'God damn. Why the fuck does he have to be so hot,' she thought. 'You can do this girl. You are strong and can handle this child,' she told herself. "The way I feel about you...I could fall for you, hard," 'Why did you say that.’ her brain screamed. ‘Don't give him a reason to pursue you, dumbass.' "Is the same way I felt about Tommy's dad. I can't, I WON'T put myself through that kind of heartache again. I came close to suicide. Not again, NEVER again!" 'Good! That was good. Keep it up,' her brain told her.
"Everything I told you yesterday in the car is still true. Just because I had a night of weakness doesn't mean we can or should continue. It was a mistake, a great mistake I enjoyed, but a mistake nonetheless. I'm sorry, I had no intention of hurting you, and I know I am. But it's better to end things now than in a few months when we hate each other. I'm sorry. I am truly sorry, but it has to be this way."
Clark sat there listening to her. When she finished, he took her hand in his. "You had you're say! Now it's my turn. This has been the best weekend of my life. Most of the time I pretended I was your husband and father to the two boys..."
"That's exactly what I mean. You're playing house with your brother, his buddy, and his buddys' mom. I am a mom. I'm not pretending for a few days then heading back to live in my mom's attic and play video games..."
"You said you're piece already. It's my turn. I didn't interrupt you, please don't interrupt me. "He gave her a hard look and Beth nodded in acquiescence. "I don't want us to stop. I don't mean the sex, well I don't want that to stop either," he pauses and flashes her a smile. "I want more than that. I'm not proposing. You're right that I'm not in a position to support you, or even myself. But I'll graduate in two years and I already have some decent job prospects. Meanwhile, we can get to know each other, spend time with each other. I'm sorry that Tommy's dad was such a tool. It seems to me that experience left you distrustful of all men. Most of my gender is good and decent. You just need to give one of us a chance. I want to be that one. I want to teach you that some men are worth the risk. Please take a chance on me." When he said that last line his eyes were big and round like a puppy.
Beth felt it was a mistake, but he was her kryptonite. If Beth placed and order a custom made partner, it would be Clark. His appearance, build, facial expressions, and personality, were exactly what she wanted in a partner. Even his dick had the right shape and size to maximize her pleasure. Beth took a deep breath and blew it out through her mouth. "I don't know..., maybe...," there was a war raging inside her. Her fear of rejection and abandonment had joined forces with her desire to protect Tommy from a parade of 'uncles'. On the other side of the battlefield was her libido, her loneliness, and her attraction to Clark. The battle was hard-fought and there were a lot of casualties on both sides. But her libido and its allies claimed the field. "Okay, we can give it a try. But we need to set some ground rules. First, no one can know about us. It must stay between us. Second, We are not boyfriend and girlfriend. Nor are we dating. We are friends, lovers, and companions. I am not a booty call when you get a boner. Third, no lies! That's a deal-breaker. One lie and you will never be alone with me for any reason. Fourth, you will listen when I need to vent, and will only commiserate with me. You will celebrate with me when something good happens. last but not least, you will find a way to earn money so you can help pay for some of our outings. Do you agree to my terms."
"I do," Clark replied.
"See again you show me this is a bad idea. I'm being serious and you make a dumb joke. I knew this was a bad idea on Friday and you keep proving me right."
"Sorry, I thought it would be cute. Like saying our dating vows. I agree to your terms and have one of my own. To seal our agreement we go down to the ocean and make love in the water." He grabs her hand before she can object and pulled her into the ocean. They swam out past the beakers and a bit further to make sure they were away from other bathers. Clark pulled her to him and kissed her hungrily. She returned his kiss, as her hands pushed her shorts down. she was able to get them off one leg and wrapped her legs around him. Clark freed his cock and pushed it in her. They rode the waves and each other as they kept one eye on the shore and the other on the incoming waves.
They made love in the sea like gently rolling waves. slow sensuous, and with many peaks and valleys. Beth reached down and played with Clark's balls. The sensation was like a rogue wave. It came out of nowhere, got everyone excited, and made things go topsy turvy. He filled her with his seed and as he held her tight. They kissed, and let teh waves carry them to shore as they held each other.
As they walked up the beach to there stuff, Clark saw teh boys. He dropped Beth's hand and walked over to them. "Finish this game and it's time to go guy's,"
"But Clark..."
"Don't even try to argue. If we leave now we'll get McDonald's on the way home. Otherwise, it's a spinach casserole."
The boys shut up and followed Clark. They packed up and walked to the car after they stopped at the public spigots to rinse off the sand and salt. Then used the restrooms to change. After loading the last of their stuff, and getting the boys settled, Beth looked at Clark. "I'm too tired to drive. Do you have your license?"
"Yes, yes I do. No accidents for three years," He says proudly. Beth tosses him the keys and gets in the passenger side of the car. By the time they left the parking lot, three of the four people in the car were sound asleep.
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When they got close to Beth's house, Clark stopped at a McDonalds. He bought dinner for them like he promised and drove to her house. He parked the car in teh driveway and shut it off. He got out of the car and unlocked the front door. First, he took Tommy out of the car and carried him into his bedroom and put him down on his bed. Then he carried Jimmy in and put him on the couch. Then he went out one more time. He put his hand on Beth's shoulder and gently shook her until he saw her eyelids flutter. "Beth we're at your house. Time to wake up."
Her eyes opened and she looked around in confusion. "Where...where are the boys?" she yawned.
"I already brought them in, they didn't wake up. Tommy is in his bed, Jimmy is on the couch. Now it's time to get you inside."
"No, we have to unload the car. I have to work tomorrow," she told him as she stretched.
You go make some coffee, I'll bring some stuff in."
"Well, it's a good thing I got you a nuggie happy meal," Clark told him.
"Nuggies," Jimmy shouted and jumped up. He ran into the kitchen and claimed into a chair and chanted, "Nug-gies, nug-gies, nug-gies...,"
Clark chuckled and handed him one of the happy meals, and poured him a glass of milk.
"I should wake up Tommy and give him some food," Beth told them.
"I got him a happy meal too. and something for us," Clark told her holding up the bags.
"Thanks, Clark," Beth returned several minutes later. She held Tommy who kept rubbing sleep from his eyes. She put him in the chair next to Jimmy and put his food in front of him. He rested his head in his hand and ate, as his eyes kept closing.
Beth smiled at how sweet he looked. She grabbed her phone and snapped some pictures of him as he fell asleep with fries sticking out of his mouth. Clark smiled at the sweet domestic scene.
Beth and Clark sat in the living room and ate their food. When everyone finished, "Clark can you get the boys in the tub and get them ready for bed. I'm going to unpack the bags, so I can start laundry later.
"Hey boys, bath time," Clark shouted. "Tommy, you first. Clark filled the tub half full with warm water. "It's ready when you are Tommy," he shouted. Then went to the living room and popped saw Beth had a huge DVD collection. He popped in one of the G rated ones, and once it started, he checked on Tommy who was drying off. He changed the water and yelled, "Clark, bath time. Tommy go put on your PJ's and then you can watch a movie.
Both boys had bathed and fell asleep on the couch. Beth returned from sorting the dirty clothes and sat on teh couch with Clark. "They're out for the night aren't they?"
"I suspect so," Clark replied taking her hand. Beth kissed him on the cheek. "So, Clark, I need help with...something,"
"Well, I've lived here about six months. Would you believe that...well, I haven't christened a single room yet."
Beth murmured, "We have all night lover. Shoot your white hot cum in me." That was all it took to push Clark over the edge. his cock pulsated and filled her as they kissed.
They lay on the floor for several minutes basking in the afterglow. "If we plan on getting any sleep we need to get the boys in here," Beth said kissing his cheek.
"Let's go get 'em," Clark replied as he extricated himself from her. He stood up and started to dress.
Beth padded naked to the bathroom and grabbed a package of disinfecting wipes. She returned to the bedroom and wiped up the remnants of their intimacy, then sprayed the room with air freshener. She collected her clothes and went into her bedroom and dropped them in the hamper and pulled on her robe. She joined Clark in the living room and they picked up the boys and carried them into Tommy's room. They put them on the bed and tucked them in. Beth kissed them both on the forehead and then shut the door as she left.
They went to the kitchen. Clark stripped off his pants and Beth dropped her robe. They started to kiss with a burning passion, and hands roamed over each other's bodies. Clark grabbed her hips and lifted her onto the glass top stove. He dropped to his knees and pushed her knees apart. He took a tentative lick at the thick white fluid leaking from her. He shuddered at the taste of the cream pie as he buried his face in her clean-shaven slit.
Clark tongued and slurped the creamy treat until he couldn't taste his cum anymore. He pulled his shiny face away, and he stood up. Beth jumped off the stove and licked some stray cum off his upper lip, and kissed him pushing the tidbit into his mouth. Clark sucked on her tongue as his hands squeezed her breasts. He felt himself twitch and swell a bit. Beth felt him brush her thigh and she dropped to her knees and took him in her mouth.
Clark rolled his head back and let his eyes close as he enjoyed her talented mouth. She felt him grow and she kept sucking as she fondled his balls. Clark expanded in her mouth and she kept bobbing up and down on his shaft until he was hard enough. Beth let it escape her lips and she looked up at him. "do you want to finish in my mouth or...another hole," she asked shifting her ass.
"I need more time to recuperate, but it's your turn anyway," he told her as he pulled open the fridge. "Ah! Yes! Perfect," he said as he withdrew a long thick cucumber. "Bend over, ass in the air, and I'll toss your salad."
Beth stood up with a huge smile on her face. She leaned over the table and wiggled her pert tight ass at him. Clark watched and let out a low throaty goal. he stepped up to her, and slapped her right cheek and watched it shimmy as he breathed in her scent. Beth jumped when his hand struck her rump and she cried out in pain and pleasure. Clark smiled as she jiggled it inviting him to continue.
He spit on the cucumber and started to rub the tip on her lips. Beth jumped a bit, "Shit, that's fucking cold," she gasped as he pushed it through her lips.
He smirked as he pushed it into her until only a stub was sticking out. He started to kiss her back as he fucked her with the vegetable. Her knees started to shake and her breath came in ragged gasps as her orgasm began to build. Her knees trembled and she moaned as it crashed over her. "Yes, yes, oh Clark, yes..." as her fluids burst out of her, and made a mess on the kitchen floor.
Beth held on to the table so she wouldn't fall since her legs were too weak to support her. Clark ran his tongue over her back and fondled her ass as she worked to get her breathing under control. Clark was painfully hard and wanted to fuck her, even more than the day he met her. He lifted her, and put her on his shoulder, and carried her into the living room. He sat on the couch and eased her off his shoulder. "Suck my cock baby," he pled.
Beth dropped to her knees and took him in her mouth again. Clark groaned, "Fuck that is so fucking good," Clark groaned. "Whenever your ready, I wanna fuck your pussy again," he told her.
She let the cock fall from her lips, "Only my pussy," she asked with a wink, then sucked him back into her mouth.
Clark shivered at the suggestive tone. 'Does she mean what I think she means,' he wondered. 'If so I need to take her up on that offer...,' he thought. Clark had a sexual bucket list and anal sex was in the top two items. The other one was to eat a cream pie which he had done at least twice with Beth. He had a lot of other items on that list, and he had done some of them with Beth. Make love outdoors. Make love in the ocean. Make love in a shower. Make love bareback.
As he was going over their sexual history, Beth climbed onto the couch and straddled him. She grabbed his dick and held it against her swollen red lips. "I haven't fucked this much, well...ever," and took him inside her. She used her legs to glide up and down his cock. Clark just sat back on the couch and watched her body as it moved. Teh way her muscled shifted, her tendons went taut and relaxed. How her skin shifted. The look of ecstasy on her face as she welcomed him into her and the distress as she rose off him. Clark fell head over heels in love with her. He knew he wanted to marry her.
"Suck my tits, Clark, please," she purred.
"As you wish," he whispered and leaned forward. He sucked one of her nipples into his mouth and began to suck on it and flick it with his tongue. Beth grabbed his head and crushed it to her chest. He could hear her heartbeat and feel her pulse as she rode him and he enjoyed the soft warm firm breast.
He started to have trouble breathing and pulled away. As soon as he did, he knew it was a mistake. He turned his head and took her other breast into his mouth. This time, he didn't just take the nipple, he took as much of her breast as he could. He sucked on it as hard as he could as she rode home faster and faster until neither of them could hold back. They exploded in unison grasping each other tightly and Their bodies merged as one.
Their physical need was temporarily sated. Now their emotional need for human contact became overpowering. They clung to each other and savored the comfort only another human being could provide. Soon they fell asleep in that position.
Beth opened her eyes and looked around. She saw it was a little after eight pm. She still felt tired and wondered what had woken her. She listened and heard an insistent knocking at her door.
"Clark, Clark," she shook the man who's soft cock was still inside her. "Clark, wake up! There's someone at the door, and I don't know anyone that would come over without calling."
Clark opened his eyes and heard the knock. He got up and lifted Beth with ease. He put her down and peeked out the window, "Shit, that's my mom's car. Fuck!"
Beth grabbed her robe from where it had fallen. She pulled it over her naked sweaty body to hide the rivulets of cum that dried on her thighs. She walked to the door, as a naked and erect Clark squatted down beside a side table to hide. Beth opened the door and feigned a yawn, "Maggie! You're home early. How was your trip?"
"Exhausting. I just want to grab my boys and go home. I hope they weren't too much trouble," Maggie replies.
"No trouble at all. But they're exhausted! Jimmy is sound asleep in Tommy's bed, and Clark crashed on the floor. I was about to go to bed myself. Why don't you head home, take a bath, and take the night for yourself. Let's meet for breakfast tomorrow and schedule some more day trips for the boys."
Maggie smiled in gratitude. "That works for me. Tomorrow morning at Panera's, my treat. Say ten?"
"Sounds good to me, I planned on sleeping in, and I'm sure the boys will. They're exhausted." Beth tells her faking another yawn.
"Thank you," Maggie steps in and hugs Beth and gives her a cheek kiss. "See you tomorrow. Give Jimmy and Clark a kiss for me." Maggie says as she turned and walked to her car.
"Oh, I will. I definitely will," Beth murmured as she closed the door. She let the robe slip off her nude form. "Now where were we," she asked a naked Clark who stood up once he heard the lock click home.
"I think the bathroom and your bedroom are is the only rooms we haven't christened yet," he replied. He slipped his arms around her and lifted her and carried her to the bedroom.
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Sal De Klerk, “The Salacious Scribe”.
Follow me on Twitter @scribesalacious