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Mom, The Unwilling Slut

©2013 All Rights Reserved.


This story contains dubious/non-consenual sexual encounters. This is only a fantasy. Always ensure you have explicit consent from all sexual partners prior to engaging in sexual liaisons. If you were a victim of sexual assault please seek help from The National Sexual Assault Hotline ({*}) ({*}) ({*})

It was a shitty day. My attempts at finding a job were as pointless as vacuuming your lawn. I just wanted something that paid enough to get the fuck out of my parent's house and stop dating Rosie palm. As I turned onto my street I was glad to see my parent's car wasn't in the driveway. I DVR'd one of my favorite movies last night. It was one of those B movies where the bimbos drop their tops every time they turn around. This one had a fairly decent plot, and I desperately needed the stress relief. Mom had been staying up late and dad was getting up early so I hadn't had a chance to even jack off for a few weeks.

I went into the house and made some popcorn and poured myself a drink and sat down in my recliner to watch Bikini Bistro. I slide my pants down and began to lightly rub my penis to get it hard. I know the scene I wanted to cum to. About halfway into the movie, one girl gets naked against a tree and I have a thing for sex in the woods. I figured with the lackanookie I had experienced since moving back in with my folks, that I would have to be careful of cumming too soon.

About 15 minutes in, I was lightly stroking my cock, when I heard a car door close. Knowing I only had seconds, I grabbed a blanket and threw it over myself. I went to grab the remote to change the show, and I dropped it. I reached down for it and was just able to sit back up and adjust the blanket over myself when the door opened. Unfortunately, my mom walked in just as the waitresses were changing into their uniforms. Lots of close-ups of tits and ass. She had a disgusted look on her face and began to bitch me out for watching such degrading, demeaning, anti-woman smut. I sat there silently, the movie still playing, and my dick for some reason was getting harder and demanding attention.

Just to be ornery I left the movie on just to piss her off. Mom stormed over to the TV and shut it off. She then pulled some cables from the DVR stormed into her bedroom slamming the door. I was infuriated. I got up, pulling up my pants and burst into her room without knocking. Mom was standing there in the process of unbuttoning her blouse.

She turned toward me "You come into my bedroom unannounced!", she said while glaring furiously at me.

"Give me the goddamned cable!", I growled in reply.

"Fuck off you pervert!", she snarled "now get out so I can change, I only have a few minutes before I need to leave to meet your father."

"I don't give a rats ass about your fucking parties, I'm not leaving until you give me the motherfuckin' TV cable."

"Listen, you piece of shit, I'm gonna change. If you want to stand there and watch your mother get undressed and redressed, then you're not just a pervert you're a sick animal that doesn't have a single redeeming human trait, and you will no longer be my son. Now get the fuck out asshole." Then completely ignoring me she turned back toward her dresser and finished unbuttoning her blouse.

At this point, I began to see red, and my dick for some reason was harder than it had ever been in my life. Mom slipped out of her blouse and dropped it in her laundry basket. Her bra was, well being a single guy all I can say is H - O - T, hot. The cups containing her above-average tits was low cut and made of thin material. I could easily see her large areola which always turns me on, and her nipples were erect and at least ½ inch long.

Mom continued to ignore me and began to unzip her skirt, completely ignoring the fact that her son was standing several feet away. This was enraging me even more than the fighting and insults. As she lowered her skirt, her feminine lacy panties came into view. The panties matched the bra, something I always found erotic. But I also noticed and honest to God garter belt. The garter belt was attached to some thigh high stockings, and the panties were actually under the straps of the garter.

At this point I was so enraged I wanted to physically attack her. I took three steps closing the gap between us and grabbed her arm not knowing what I was going to do. I spun her around to face me and said "Shit bitch! You piss and moan about me watching a movie where bimbos take off their clothes because it's degrading to women. Yet, here you are stripping in front of your son. You're no better than any of those whores! Now I'm gonna do to you what I wanted to do to them. So I guess it's time I use a cheap nasty skank the way I always wanted to." Mom opened her mouth to speak and I smacked her in the face. "One word out of your cock sucking face hole, and you will regret being born a female." I snarl.

Mom tried to pull her arm out of my vice-like grasp, but I was too enraged. She looked petrified, and I didn't care. I looked into her eyes and smiled cruelly. I grabbed a pair of scissors from the small writing desk she used to send out thank you notes to her society friends. Using the scissors, I indulged in one of my favorite fantasies. I began to cut her bra off her body, as she whimpered, "please don't do this" she whispered almost inaudibly.

I backhanded her across her face. "Speak again and you will regret learning how to use that mouth for anything other than sucking dick!" I screamed at her, spittle flying out of my mouth hitting her in the face. A single tear formed and started to run down her face. I was thoroughly enjoying the control and domination of this woman who had given me nothing but grief my whole adult life. I bent down and licked the tear from her face savoring the flavor of her fear. I finished cutting the shoulder straps on her bra and then ripped it from her body leaving angry red marks on her flesh around her torso. I dropped the bra to the floor and reached up and pinched her nipples so hard she screamed in pain. I smiled at "Scream all you want 'cuz when I'm finished with you, you won't be able to walk normally for days."

Mom started crying in earnest which only fueled my desire to hurt and humiliate her. I pulled her nipples stretching her tits as far as they would go. Mom started sobbing but I could only think about totally degrading her. I released her tits and cut her panties off her body, noticing that they were somewhat damp. I ran a finger over her lips. Her body shuddered when she felt me touch her moist intimate spot. I looked at my finger and saw that it had collected some liquid from her pussy.

This pleased me and I spun mom around and pushed her over the bed. I slapped her ass hard making her sob harder. "Bitch you better get me wet, cuz I'm gonna fuck your ass till I cum." I then dropped my pants, releasing my cock which seemed to be double its usual size. "Keep your legs straight, and your face on the bed while I get my dick wet in your skank hole.", I ordered her as I rammed my dick deep into her pussy. I started stroking slowly letting her natural lube get me wet, remembering the weekend I discovered masturbation and the resulting friction burn. After I fill your shit hole with my cum, you're gonna lick me clean", I told her as I started to thrust a bit faster.

Mom moaned when she heard this and the tears flowed faster. I tossed the scissors aside and began to rub her clit to increase the lubrication. As I looked at the mirror in her room I saw a bottle of baby oil within easy reach. I grabbed it and withdrew my shaft leaving just the head in my mom's cunt. I poured almost half the bottle on my dick and around her ass and pussy. Moms body shuddered when the oil fell onto her skin.

As I began to furiously thrust into her, I began to finger her puckered hole, forcing oil into her. One by one I added fingers until I was two knuckles deep with three fingers. I slowly fucked her ass with my fingers letting her mentally prepare for the invasion of my cock.

I pulled my slimy cock from the hole I was pulled out of all those years ago, and mercilessly drove my raging hard-on into her bowels.

"PLEASE NO!" screamed mom as she felt my cock invade her bowels. "No one has ever done that to me, please don't...stop", she whined as I began to thrust.

My balls were slapping her cunt as my shaft began to slide out of her tight asshole. "I warned you not to speak twice already", I said harshly. "Now you have to pay for your stupidity and disobedience."

"But...but I'm your mother. How can you treat me like this?" She said turning to look at me, her mascara and eye shadow streaking down her face from the tears she had been crying.

Seeing my always fastidious, perfectly coiffed, fashionably chic, impeccably groomed, smartly manicured, exquisitely made, always in control society bitch of a mother transformed into a slovenly street whore from the low rent side of the tracks turned me on immeasurably. I began to slam my cock into her tight virgin ass, "Take my fucking dick you sorry excuse of a cunt. You stuck up society whore, ride your son's dick. Feel him grow more erect in your ass as he pumps into you. Since you decided to you were no longer my mother, I won't treat you like a mother. I'll treat you like what you are, three holes two tits, and a heartbeat, all for my salacious pleasure. You will take my cum any time any place and in any location, I decide."

She sobbed harder at these words. Hearing her cries grow louder, drove me insane with lust. All higher brain functions stopped and I became an animal overwhelmed with lust. I drove my cock into my mother's ass relentlessly. I kept slamming into her harder and harder. As my cock kept plunging into that virgin abyss, I began to spank my mother on the outside of both her ass cheeks.

My assault on her increased her wails of anguish and kept me going further into the carnal animal I had become. Her whole ass was red from my violent assault. I felt my balls boiling and I held back my release trying to think about anything except the wonderful sensations coursing through my body. One minute became two and two became three and three became excruciating as I tried to hold back the imminent explosion.

I roared like a lion as my first jet of cum blasted deep into her ass. I quickly pulled out of her ass and spun her around so my second blast of cum hit her left nipple. I pushed her down, the rest of my cum would spray onto her face. She moaned softly as jet after jet of cum plastered her face, and I saw her hand between her legs frigging her clit to make herself cum. I nodded pleased knowing that she truly was a little whore and enjoyed being controlled and humiliated.

Mom continued to frig herself, as I pulled my cell phone out of my pocket. I took several pictures of mom's face coated in my cum, making sure that you could see she was rubbing her clit. When mom realized I was taking pictures of her, she tried to get away, but I grabbed her throat.

"You ain't done yet fucktoy. Now you gotta lick me clean. Then I'll let you go and meet dad, and his friends. If you clean my dick thoroughly I might just let you wash your face, and change your dress before you leave."

As mom opened her mouth to take my cock in I took more pictures. When the flash went off, she would flinch. Mom was not an experienced cocksucker. She had no clue what to do with her tongue or lips. She literally sucked my dick like it was a straw.

After a few minutes, I looked at my watch and said "Well I guess I'm a motherfucker now. And I think I will be one until I get tired of you", I looked down at mom "Go get dressed. Don't put on panties. I want you worried that my cum will leak out of your ass and down your leg in front of your friends."

Mom silently stood up and walked into the master bathroom. She left the door open, as she adjusted the water, and stripped off her remaining lingerie. When she got in the glass-enclosed shower, I left her room and went into mine. I took off my cum splattered clothes and put on a robe my last girlfriend gave me. I went back into the family room and began looking for something to watch now that I didn't need relief anymore, although the thought of what had just happened, had me semi-erect.

I heard mom come down the stairs and try to sneak out without speaking to me. "STOP", I called out and mom froze in her tracks. I looked at her and saw she was wearing an ankle-length skirt and a high collared blouse. She reminded me of a schoolmarm in the westerns my dad made me watch when I was younger. "Let's see if the dumb cunt can follow simple directions," I announced staring at my mom.

Mom had an expression of disgust, embarrassment, and loathing on her face and she didn't move. Yet I could see a strange glint in her eyes showing she was enjoying the way I was treating her. Surprisingly, so was I. I had always tried to be gallant and gentlemanly to ladies. Maybe it was time to start treating them like skanks and whores.

Standing up I took one step toward her and said in my most commanding tone of voice "Show me now, or I will cut every piece of clothing you own into confetti. Then you can explain to dad why you're sucking another man's cock in your marital bed." She but she pulled up her skirt, and I could see she was wearing pantyhose, but no panties.

"Well you did obey me you slut, but you tried to be sneaky. For that, you need to be punished. Come over here, kneel in front of me and kiss my balls before you leave. Mom opened her mouth to say something, and I cut her off, "Speak and you will not like what happens.", I warned her.

Mom walked over to me slowly and dropped down to her knees. She leaned forward and kissed the material of the robe. I reached down and grabbed a handful of her hair tilting her head back painfully, making her eyes meet mine as I towered over her.

"I said kiss my balls, not my robe. Now before you leave you will suck my dick until I cum. If you do a good enough job I'll let you swallow. Do a shitty job like before, after I com on your face and blouse, I'll toss you out of the house."

I let her hair go, and mom reached up to the belt of the robe and quickly untied it. She pushed the robe open and closed her eyes as my cock entered her open mouth. Watching her do this made my semi into a full-size hard-on. As she began to try and do a decent job, I pulled out my phone and took several pictures of my mom sucking my dick. Then I switched over to video and began to record her orally pleasing her son.

"Do you like sucking off your son before going to your parties fancyyou little slut?" I asked and Mom smiled around my shaft and nodded her head while her face was turning red. "Are you going to be a good mommy slut for your son and do whatever he tells you and whoever he tells you?" Her blush deepened and there was no response, so I smacked her face so hard it knocked her mouth off my dick.

I grabbed her by the hair and said "Did I tell you to stop sucking my cock mommy whore? Did I tell you to take your son's big hard dick out of your mouth?"

"No" she whimpered.

"Then what the fuck are you waiting for bitch get it back where it belongs," I told here. Mom was so scared of being struck again, she swallowed my shaft in its entirety, gagging on it. Enjoying the sensations created by her throat muscles I grabbed her head and held it in place letting her gag as I kept recording this for posterity.

As I began to fear mom would puke, I let go of her head and she jerked back remembering at the last moment not to release my cock from her mouth. Keeping just the head in her mouth she was gasping for breath.

Just then, my mom's cell phone rang. It was dad, I could tell by the ring-tone. I shook my head no, begging me with her eyes not to answer. When it stopped ringing, the house phone rang. I picked up


"Where the fuck is your mother?", my dad's voice boomed out of the phone. I saw mom wince when she heard dad's voice while sucking her son's cock.

"You know how she is pop. First she had to whine about some bullshit or other, then she had to shower, choose an outfit, do her makeup, change her mind about her outfit, redo her makeup to match the new outfit....then on her way out the door she told me she's on this new protein diet that's all the rage with the ladies at the spa. She said she needed to get one before meeting you, she's probably sucking it down right now." Mom struggled to remain quiet as I rammed my dick down her throat.

"Shit, another fad diet. Damn the last one cast me like $1000 bucks a month and she looked no different after 6 months. Fuck."

"I don't believe this one will be expensive pop, but it seems like she likes the flavor and will be drinking a lot of them. I don't see her giving this one up anytime soon."

"GODDAMNIT!" He exclaimed. I need her to close this deal, she's the fuckin' key. This client likes her and well... Shit, I gotta go some drunk is hitting on my client." The line went dead in my hand, and I started to laugh.

Mom renewed her efforts on making me cum, and in my relaxed state, I came fairly quickly. Luckily for her, I had drained my balls, into her ass not too long ago, giving her the lions share of three weeks worth of stored sperm, so mom was able to keep my whole second load in her mouth.

I pulled out of mom's mouth and sat down in the recliner. She stayed put not sure what to do. "When dad falls asleep tonight, come into my room naked. And don't think that dropping a nightie at my door counts. You will leave all your clothes in your bedroom and walk down the hall naked. Not even earrings or a beret in your hair. If I'm asleep when you arrive suck my dick until I wake up. If I'm awake, kneel beside my bed and await my instructions. Failure to comply will mean these pictures go to everyone you know."

Mom nodded in understanding, and I waved my hand dismissing her. She stood up and left without another word. I started to channel surf looking for something to watch. About an hour later, I got a text message from my younger sister...

After unlocking the back door, I went up to my room to get some sleep before my mom came home. I was laying in my bed naked, too restless to sleep. I got up and began to copy the pics and vid from my phone to my computer, and backed them up on my Google drive. Once that was done I decided to watch the video I had made. After watching the video a few times, I started to go through the pics. I hadn't realized how many I had taken, or how hot mom looked with her makeup smeared all over her face, her hair tousled, her eyes red from crying. I was getting hard again reliving what had happened.

I was debating if I should rub one out now, or wait for mom's sweet pussy. My dick was screaming for both. I had just taken my hard cock in my hand when I heard the back door open and close. "Bro, you here" came my sister's voice. A wicked idea crept into my mind. "Hey sis, I'm in my room and I need a hand with something..."

I heard her running up the stairs and smiled.

She walked into my room and stopped short, seeing me sitting at my computer naked, with an erection and pictures of our mother with a cock in her mouth on my computer screen.

As calmly as I could, I told her, "I taught mom her place in this family, now it's your turn," I told her, standing up. She didn't move, watching my cock bob as I walked over to her. "Now, you have two choices suck my dick or get naked and suck my dick."

I stood in front of her enjoying the look of horror and revulsion on her face. Her eyes were fixated on my hard cock. I expected her to run away or scream at me, but what happened shocked me even more.

Kayla sank to her knees and took my cock into her mouth without a word. She was an excellent cocksucker and knew how to please a man. Even though I had cum several times in the last few hours, I had been denied for so long that I still had plenty of cum for my little sister.

She pulled her mouth off my dick and sucked my balls into her mouth. I groaned in pleasure. "Oh fuck sis, you give a hell of a blow job," I told her.

I let her suck on me for a while more, enjoying her talented mouth. When I started to feel some pressure build, knowing I was going to blast another load soon, I decided I wanted to try her 19-year-old cunt. I grabbed her hair and pulled her off my dick. I pulled her to the bed and threw her on it. I looked at her long legs in the tights she wore as part of her work uniform, with a short skirt and belly shirt.

I flipped her skirt over her ass and saw she was wearing pantyhose and no underwear. I grabbed the material of her hose and pulled until it ripped open exposing her little hairless cunt. "Good girl, shaving that slut hole,” I told her as I slammed my cock into it.

"FUCK YES," she screamed as I started to drive my cock into her. Curious reaction, I thought to myself but figured I would let it go for now and just enjoy her unstretched birth canal. I fucked her hard and fast as she fucked me back.

"Fuck this slut, sir. Pound my fuckhole with your wonderful cock," she moaned. "Use this slut for your pleasure."

I raised my eyes, wondering where Kayla learned to talk like that. She sounded like a girl in one of those cheesy BDSM stories I read online. What the hell, I thought, might as well enjoy it.

I felt my balls getting tight and decided to see how slutty she was. I pulled out of her and began to stroke myself. "Turn around slut," I commanded.

She scrambled to face me and when she saw what I was doing, she dropped to her knees and leaned in close to the head of my dick. Her eyes looked at mine as she opened her mouth wide and stuck her tongue out as far as it could go.

The sight of her in that position was enough to push me over the edge and I plastered her face with my cum. I fell back into my chair, spent, and watched Kayla crawl to me and take my cock into her mouth, cleaning our combined fluids from me. Then she sat back and used her fingers to scoop my cream off her face and lick it up.

When her face was clean I shook my head. "You're a little skank. Aren't you?"

"Sir, this one was with someone who was very dominant and learned that she lives to serve. This one was without an owner for a long time and when you spoke as a Dominant, this unworthy submissive had no choice but to obey."

"Wow. Uh, Okay. So you like being used, abused, and humiliated?" I asked, licking my lips at the prospect.

"YES!" she squealed in delight. "May this one ask a question?" I nodded at her, my brain coming up with scenarios so disgusting Larry Flynt would balk at them.

"Are those pictures of you fucking mom?" she asked, sounding like the sister I grew up with.

"Not just pictures, videos too," I told her, with a little pride.

"Would Sir mind sharing them with this undeserving set of holes?" she asked, staring at the image of our mom, her face covered in mascara and cum.

"Come sit here," I said, patting my lap, "But get rid of those clothes first."

She was naked before I could blink and she planted her dripping pussy on my bare thigh. I relinquished control of the computer and let her scroll through the photos as I started to tell her about the fight we’d had. I told her about how hypocritical she was because as she berated me for watching a movie where girls get naked, she was doing the same thing right in front of me.

I told her how I was making her suck my dick and talking to dad on the phone when she started laughing. "What's so funny?” I asked her.

"I did that to you once," she said. “You were clueless.”

"Talked to you on the phone while having sex."

"When!" I demanded.

"About a year ago. The night of my 18th birthday. After the party, Doug and I went to Lovers Cove to get it on. It was my first time. He was going down on me when my phone rang. He lifted his head from sucking my clit and told me to answer it."

My hands started to squeeze her naked breasts as she continued. "I did and it was you. You told me that I had left my keys home and you were heading back to your apartment and wanted to know where I was so you could drop them off." She giggled at the memory. "I told you Doug had felt peckish so he was getting a bite to eat down under and you thought we were at Outback."

"As soon as you hung up, Doug took my cherries. Doug figured I would be easy to control when I did what he told me to do without arguing. That night he began to teach me about being a sub. I learned a lot from him and his parents over the rest of the time we were dating."

“Doug's mom was a full-time sub and she helped teach Doug how to be a Dom. I was Doug's plaything and he shared me with his dad, mom, and friends. I loved every salacious second of it. I would have worn his collar, but he decided to go to Trinity College in Ireland and told me that he was releasing me from my oath until he moved back to the U.S. I haven't found anyone to use me like I need since he left until tonight," She said, turning and kissing me. "Thank you, I needed this."

Wait, you're telling me your boyfriend was fucking his mom? You were fucking his dad, mom, and other people?" I asked in shock. Even though I’d just fucked her, there was still a part of me that saw her as my virginal baby sister, not the 19-year-old sexy college student she had grown into.

"I did anything Doug asked, just like I will for you," she told me. "I saw how close Doug was to his parents, not just physically but emotionally as well. I always wanted our family to be close, but mom is a cold fish, and Dad is way too busy with work to show he cares about us. She leaned back against me as I started to rub her slit.

We sat there in silence, going through the pictures and talking about other things we could do to mom, not only later tonight, but when dad went on his business trip in two weeks.

Our conversation got me hard again and I pushed Kayla onto my desk bent at the waist. I drove my dick into her pussy and fucked her for a few minutes while using my hand to collect some of her fluids and applying them to her ass.

When she was ready I slammed my cock into her bowels and fucked her fast and hard, filling her bowels with my cum. This time I didn't let her clean my cock. ( ¥ ) ( ¥ ) ( ¥ )

I was asleep in bed when I heard my bedroom door open. I cracked my eyelids to see a shadow moving through my room toward my bed. I forced myself not to react, as the figure walked by the window the glow of the streetlight from across the street allowed me to see that it was my mom and that she was nude.

She got to the side of the bed and looked at me. I could see the war that was wagging inside her. I lay still waiting for her to make the only decision she could.

Silently she dropped to her knees and pulled my sheets off my naked body. She sat on the edge of my bed and began to stroke my cock with her hand.

After a few seconds, I opened my eyes. "I told you to suck it until I was awake, not to give me a handjob. What the fuck is wrong with you, you stupid cunt?" I asked her sharply.

She hung her head in shame. "I thought I would get it hard first..." she said, her eyes downcast.

"Well, your first mistake was to think," I told her. “You are a set of holes to pleasure me, not a brain to think. Now suck me, before I take you back to your bedroom and fuck you in front of dad."

Her eyes grew wide in fright and she quickly bent over and took my shaft in her mouth. Even in the ambient light, I could see her make a disgusted face when she tasted my cock. I pushed her down until her nose met my navel. “Good job slut. You took my ass fucking cock deep into your mouth. That odor you smell and taste on me is the girl I fucked in the ass while you were out. How does her pussy smell? How does her ass taste on my dick?"

Mom started to struggle when she heard my words, but she didn't have any leverage with the position she was in. I was able to easily hold her down and could feel her retching as I started to face fuck her.

She continued to struggle but was getting weaker and I was afraid she would pass out. I pulled her up, leaving about a third of my dick in her mouth. I felt her tears falling on my belly button, as I said "Keep sucking slut. You belong to me now. I control everything about you, even when you are allowed to cum and who you get to fuck."

Her oral skills hadn't improved at all and I wanted to humiliate her further. "Get in here," I yelled quietly. Mom's eyes widened as another form entered my room and walked to my bed. I shoved her head back down before she could see who it was. Now mommy slut, either suck my cock like the whore you are, or my friend will begin to spank that fat jiggly wad of cellulite you call an ass."

Mom, who worked out regularly and kept herself fit and toned, audibly sobbed at my words as she began to try and please me.

She did a barely satisfactory job, but she was able to draw what little cum I had left up from my balls. "Give me your left hand," I told her.

Her hand reached out to me and I took it in mine. I signal Kayla to pull her off my dick. Kayla grabbed her hair and pulled her up, off my dick.

"Stroke me with your right hand," I ordered her. She blindly reached out and began to jack my hard cock. As I was about to climax, I put her left hand in the line of fire. I aimed carefully and when I finally did start to spurt I made sure to coat her ring finger, which had the ostentatious engagement ring, the simple wedding band, and the matching 25th-anniversary band, with all our names and birthstones on it. All three rings were coated in my cum. The look of horror on her face was priceless. The room filled with a flash and mom jumped in shock.

"Don't worry," I told her calmly. "That was my friend, the one whose shit you sucked off my dick, taking a picture of your wedding rings covered in my cum. Now she will take you back to bed, without washing your hands. You will sleep in your marital bed with your rings covered in your son's cum until after dad leaves for work in the morning. Then you will come back here for more instructions.

Mom opened her mouth to speak, but I held up one finger. "One single fucking word and my friend will use that huge strap on we found in your bedroom to rape your ass the rest of the night.”

Mom closed her mouth, my bluff paid off. Kayla pushed mom toward the door and I watched as they headed down the hall. Kayla returned a few minutes later and climbed into bed with me. "Holy fuck, that was hot." Where did you get that idea to cum on her rings?"

"It just came to me. I thought it would be a great way to humiliate her. She won't sleep knowing she could smear my cum on her husband. That will make her tired and easier to control tomorrow when we tell her what her life will be like until we tire of her."

Kayla laughed in delight and interlaced her legs with mine. She put her head on my chest, her breasts crushing into me as we fell asleep.

( ¥ ) ( ¥ ) ( ¥ )

It was the big day, dad was leaving for his business trip. Kayla was moving back home today, so we could have mom all to ourselves for the week. Mom had gotten used to the rules I had given her. No clothes were to be worn unless dad or someone else was in the house. Her holes were available to me 24/7/365.25 and only I got to decide if and when she could fuck dad, but she did have to blow him at least once a week. I had never seen dad happier. Mom still didn't know that it was Kayla I had ass fucked before she sucked me off that night. Today was the day she would find out.

As soon as she got home from the airport, before getting out of her car, she stripped off her clothes. She walked into the house from the garage and found me sitting in the living room, using the web browser on the TV. I pulled up my account on a website known for having MILFs getting caught fucking their stepdaughter's boyfriend and convincing their stepdaughter to join in. I knew the one I wanted, it starred Cory Chase as a family therapist and her children are always fighting. So she has them do some things together to try to get them to bond. The therapy works too well and they bond at the genitals and Cory’s mom joins in the fun.

I started playing the movie and mom, having learned what I expected, dropped to her knees, and began to nuzzle and nibble on my cock, making it start to get hard. About 10 minutes in, I saw Kayla quietly enter the house and walk into the living room, standing behind mom. At this point in the movie, Cory catches her children fucking, Kayla, taking on the role of Cory, quotes the movie, "What the hell is going on here? Why are you blowing him?"

Mom jumped up and spun around, seeing Kayla standing there fully dressed. Her entire body is red and her mouth is opening and closing trying to come up with something to say to her daughter after being caught sucking her son's cock.

"Bitch, did I say stop?" I asked her.

Mom, knowing my tone, instantly dropped to her knees and took me into her mouth. I could tell from the quality of her blow job she was distracted. "Oh mom, I guess you can go kiss your daughter hello. Why don't you do that?" I said winking at Kayla. Mom jumped up and started walking to Kayla. "Give her a nice wet tongue kiss..." mom froze and looked at me in horror, "...On her asshole," I finished my sentence.

Mom glared at me, part of her wanting to argue, but we both had learned she loves to be humiliated and this was the most humiliating thing I had done to her since the first time I fucked her.

"Yeah mom, cum lick my asshole. It's not like you haven't tasted it before." Mom spun away from me and looked at Kayla in confusion. "Remember the shit you licked off your son's cock? That shit came from my ass. Your son has been fucking me most, leaving you here alone when dad is out with his barely legal sugar babies," she told her, verbally bitch-slapping mom with what we all knew but never talked about.

"You have your instructions cunt. Do it," I ordered her. Kayla slowly lowered the zipper on her black leather strapless sheath dress. We all watched the slow descent as the dress slowly parted. First, it shows a small amount of her cleavage, and as it went lower the inside edges of her breasts were exposed, leaving no doubt that she was braless.

We kept following the zipper down and soon her mons came into view. It was rough with a lot of dark black stubble all around her pussy. "Sorry big bro, I didn't have time to shave," she told me.

“That's okay," I replied. We have a slave who can take care of that for you."

Kayla's response was to give mom a predatory smile, pull her dress off, and throw it in her face. "Hang it up mom. My friend Julie is flying out later today to meet dad and spend the week with him. He told her to wear that dress and only that dress and that she wouldn't need any other clothes."

Tears were running down Mom's face as she took the dress and smoothed it out. She walked over to the hall closet and put it on a hanger. She stood there looking at the dress, sighing as she closed the door and walked over to Kayla.

Without another word, she knelt behind her daughter, spread her ass cheeks apart, and leaned in. She kissed Kayla directly on her asshole and began to tongue it.

"So Kay," I asked, "Got your stuff in your car outside?"

"Just a few boxes. I also promised Julie a ride to the airport after dropping my stuff off. She's waiting in the car.”

"Well, we shouldn't keep her waiting," I told her, grabbing a pair of shorts and pulling them over my erect cock. Picking up my tee-shirt off the floor, I pull it on and said, "Mom go get Kayla's boxes and put them in her room. While you're in the garage, see if Julie needs anything before her flight."

Mom pulled her face away from Kayla's ass and reluctantly headed off to do as she was told. I stood and hugged Kayla. "That was perfect. After today she will be malleable to our plans.”

Kayla got the dress as mom went upstairs with several boxes. When she came down, I told her, "Go get in the car, we're going for a ride. You can sit in the back with Julie. Oh and don't tell her who you are or who your husband is."

Mom nodded stiffly and did as instructed. Kayla and I grabbed a couple of bottles of water and headed out to her car. "I'll drive," I announced. Adjusting the driver's seat to fit my larger size, which had the added benefit of crushing mom in the backseat of Kayla's convertible.

"Hi Julie, I'm Nico. Kay's brother. Nice to meet you," I said to my father's lover.

"Hi, Nico, nice to meet you. Thanks for taking me to the airport," Julie replied, staring at the naked older woman beside her. "Can I ask..." she said, amused.

"About the naked skank next to you?" I questioned, smiling as I backed out of the driveway. "She's just a neighborhood MILF I fuck on occasion when her husband's out of town. She tends to be submissive and loves humiliation, so feel free to do anything you want to her," I continued as I stopped the car and hit the button to put the roof down.

"Here's your dress," Kayla said. “I hope your sugar daddy doesn't mind me using it."

"Trust me, he won't. He'd buy you a whole wardrobe if you flew out with me tonight. He would love to have the two of us taking care of him. His old shrew of a wife hasn't given him any pussy in almost a month, but she did start blowing him weekly," Julie said, confirming to mom that Julie was on her way to spend a week with dad in a hotel.

Kay laughed and replied "I'm a one guy kinda girl. I don't wanna compete with another girl for my guy's attention."

"That's too bad," Julie said. “My guy would pay us both a lot of money for just a few hours together," while pulling off her tee-shirt, exposing her huge, obviously fake breasts. "Sugar daddy paid for them. Would you like to feel?" Julie asked my mom, who was staring at them. "I could give you the name of the doc who did mine, he's fantastic." She took Mom's hand and put it on the tits dad had paid for.

I was laughing inside, as Kayla took the tee shirt from Julie and pulled it on over her naked breasts. I stopped at a red light, Julie stood up, wrapped the dress around her body and zipped it up, covering her nude form. Then she shimmed the shorts down from underneath the dress. She handed Kay the shorts who pulled them up her legs. Now, mom was the only person naked in the car as I turned onto the freeway, heading to the airport.

"How did you meet your sugar daddy?" I yelled, over the wind noise as I got up to highway speed.

"Through a dating site. I put up an ad and he answered. We hit it off right away and have been seeing each other almost a year now. I know he has other girls, I've met a couple of them, but as long as I'm willing and ready when he wants me and he takes care of my bills, we're good."

I saw a semi-truck up ahead in the right lane and gunned the engine to catch up. Julie saw mom was crying. "What's wrong?" she asked.

"It's just the wind," she lied as the truck blasted it's air horn, making mom lookup. She saw a fat, bald, sweaty, beady-eyed, man staring at her naked body.

"Cum for the nice truck driver," Kayla told mom, handing her a large black vibrator, as I keep pace with the larger vehicle. Julies' eyes got wide as mom leaned back and spread her legs and started to run the toy between her lips.

I could see the driver on his radio and I saw a truck up ahead of us in the right lane move to the left lane and slow down. I slowed a little bit to let the other truck get into position to watch as mom started to fuck herself with the rubber cock.

Soon there was a line of trucks in both the left and right lanes and I would speed up and slow down making sure all the drivers got a good look at mom fucking herself silly with the toy. We were approaching our exit and mom was close to cumming.

"Julie, why don't you rub her clit and play with her tits so these nice men can see her cum before we have to get off," I said.

"I thought you'd never ask," she replied, kissing mom as her hand finds her clit and begins to rub it furiously. Within seconds mom was thrashing about in orgasm and I hit the gas so all the truckers could see her writhe in orgasm.

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We pulled up at the airport departure drop off, having put the top-up. Julie jumped out and waved goodbye as she hurried inside to make sure she made her flight.

We pulled away, and Kayla told mom, "I hope you're hungry, we have a nice meal planned for you."

"I can't go to a restaurant like this," she said, her fear making her voice shake.

"Oh, we're not going to a restaurant," Kayla said as I drove down a street that had more potholes and pot dealers than asphalt.

"Where are we going?" she asked, assuming the fetal position.

"Wherever I want," I told her as I turned onto a major roadway, famous for the hookers that stroll up and down the sidewalks during the evening hours. I pulled into the Mega Sex Shop that advertises on late-night cable channels. I had talked to a few friends who confirmed it had what I was looking for. I parked the car as far from the door as possible and got out of the car. It wasn't quite getting dark yet and the parking lot was easily visible from the street. I reached into the backseat and offered mom my hand. "Let's go, the longer it takes you to get started the longer this will last," I told her.

Grudgingly she took my hand and I led her around three sides of the building to the door. I opened the door and pushed her in, following close behind. Julie made sure a few of the locals saw the naked woman go in so word would spread that something kinky was afoot.

I led mom straight to the back of the mostly empty shop and found the private booths that would let you watch any type of porn you could want. 5 minutes per token, I put a $20 in the token machine and handed the tokens to Kayla, whispering, "I'm first."

She led mom into the booth and put the first token in. She typed in the keyword and found a perfect movie to play, and started it as I entered the booth next door. Mom was so focused on the screen, watching the white MILF suck on a black cock that protruded through a wall.

I stuck my cock through the hole and felt it poke bare flesh. I heard a gasp, "What the hell Kayla?” mom whispered.

"It's a glory hole mom," Kayla said, loud enough for people in the store to hear. You're going to suck a lot of cocks before we leave. So get started."

I could feel the look mom was giving Kayla as I wagged my cock, trying to get her started. Soon I felt a warm wet mouth envelope my cock and begin to pleasure it.

"Come on mom, suck it like you want to make it cum. I have 20 tokens. You need to suck off at least one guy for each token I put in the machine. If you don't, then you get tied up, out in the shop and we'll let anyone use any hole they want until closing," Kayla explained to her.

Suddenly mom was sucking cock like a champ. She was slurping and gagging and devouring my shaft like a starving woman who’d found a gourmet meal. Since I had been denied my normal morning orgasms and had been around multiple naked attractive females all day, I was ready to blow. I pumped most of my cum into her mouth, but I pulled out of her lips and made sure the last few spurts hit her on the face.

I zipped up my pants and left the room saying, "Holy shit, there's some slut in the middle booth sucking all cummers," loud enough that mom and Kayla could hear it. I heard Kayla laugh and mom wail.

A shrimpy white guy that made me think of the short story character Walter Mitty went into the booth. I stayed nearby just in case and I was shocked and a bit aroused by the quality and quantity of filthy language streaming from his lips. I made a point to remember some of the phrases he’d used.

When he exited the booth, he tipped the derby hat he was wearing as he walked past me and left. Word spread quickly and a line had formed, almost every one of the guys waiting was black, ranging in color from slightly darker than me too so dark he seemed to absorb light.

One by one the guys entered the booth and got their dicks sucked. Most of them were quiet, a few would talk dirty or call my mom names. Then a small skinny black guy who looked so scared of everything that he would have a heart attack if he heard a fly sneeze.

He went into the booth and suddenly everyone in the store crowded around the door.

"HOLY MOTHERFUCKINGSHIT!" Mom's voice blasted through the door.

"Oh, my dicking fuck!" Kayla said, her voice was filled with shock and awe. All the guys around me started laughing and high fiving.

As the guys continued to celebrate, I found a clerk off to the side. "What's going on?" I asked.

"The slut met meat," he responded.

"What now?" I asked, even more confused.

He beckoned and led me toward the back of the store where a bulletin board was hanging. It had a bunch of handwritten notes for escorts and other quasi-legal services. He lifted a flier and I choked on the air I was breathing.

"No one knows his real name. We call him meat. If he would let someone measure he would probably the largest known cock in history. I estimate 15" when hard, and almost 3" around. I started laughing, now understanding why mom and Kayla reacted the way they did. "No one ever goes when meat finishes. You'll find out why soon. But bring those honeys back anytime, shit, that's great for business."

I shook his hand, taking one last look at what meat is packing and wondered how the fuck he walks normally.

I headed back to the booth and saw two guys carrying mom out of the room. I started to panic, but heard Kayla saying "gently boys the last guy almost drowned her."

I stepped next to Kayla and asked: "what happened?” She spun to me, her eyes wide as saucers. "The last guy...big...fucking huge...jolly green giant-sized," she said to me.

"that part I know. What happened?"

“Mom had her mouth about a third of the way down that fire hose. She couldn't go any further, but she was trying. Then a dam burst and cum sprayed everywhere. I swear cum was oozing out of her ears. I'm not entirely sure she's breathing and no one here wants to do mouth to mouth."

I stepped up to mom, laid out on a bench, and verified that she was breathing. More than a few guys were standing around staring at mom's naked form. I have to admit she looked like she’d been the center of attention at a circle jerk.

Kayla was beside me. "Mom swallowed every load, this was the overflow from that last guy.” The clerk walked up with a bucket of warm water and a few rags. Kayla and I went to work cleaning her off.

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The week was coming to an end and things were getting kinda routine. I felt we needed something special to shake up mom and Kayla. I had started using my pet name for Kayla from when she was a baby. She used to squish up her face when she laughed and I loved to make her laugh, so I started calling her my little squishy. Mom was still slut, skank, fuck holes, or whatever else we called her.

Dad was supposed to be home tomorrow, so today was our last day with the house to ourselves. I had tied mom to the dining room table and had a parade of service people coming to the house. An exterminator, a plumber, an electrician, a property appraiser, and more. I made sure to escort each one through the dining room, then I'd get called away, leaving them with a naked and bound woman. Kayla had set up her cell phone in the room and streamed the feed to the TV we had bought for my room.

We watched as each of these guys did anything from feeling her up to getting a blow job. One even fucked her and came in her pussy. As I was leading the solar panel salesman to the door, I heard the garage door open. "I'm home," boomed a powerful male voice.

"Daddy," Kayla squealed in delight and ran to him, trying to buy me time to free mom and get her dressed.

I shoved the guy out the door and slammed it closed. I ran to the dining room while Kayla was rambling on about one of her friends who was hurting for money, keeping dad's attention with the prospect of gaining another sugar baby.

I ran into the dining room where mom was struggling against the ropes holding her. Her face, a mask of terror, as I began to untie her legs. I finished untying her legs and ducked under the table to release her arms. I tripped over my own feet, bouncing my head off the table, stunning me. I face-planted right into Mom's pussy, making her scream.

Dad and Kayla came running in, "WHAT THE FUCK?" he screamed, seeing his fully dressed son, face buried in his naked wife's pussy with her arms tied to the table we used to eat family meals on.

"Hi honey, you're home early," mom said, trying to make the surreal seem normal. He just stood there looking at us.

" long have you..." dad was trying to ask the unthinkable question.

"Not as long as you've been fucking Julie, Amber, Kelli..." Kayla started to list the girls she knew that were fucking her father.

Dad spun on her, his face so red it looked like it could melt steel. "Enough!” he bellowed, as Kayla was listing his sugar babies.

I regained my senses and scrambled under the table to finally free mom. Her arms were soon loose but she stayed there, waiting for whatever was about to happen.

"First of all, they aren't my family. They are adults, who choose, of their own free will, to do things for me. Things I would never ask your mother to do and for that, I make sure they are fairly compensated. It's strictly business."

Mom sat up and glared at him. "Name one thing I wouldn't do for you if you asked?" she said in anger.

Dad turned to face her. "Mortimer and Randolph," he said, naming the founding partners of his Brokerage house.

"WHAT?" mom asked.

"Mortimer and Randolph like to ply their clients with booze and girls. One of my responsibilities is to procure young attractive females who, for a fee, will allow old, fat, ugly, and uncouth men to use them for pleasure."

"You don't partake?" She asked in surprise.

"Not often." He replied "There are times I do have to so I can be seen as a team player. But if I can avoid it I do."

"Then why haven't you fucked me in over a year?" mom asked, I could hear the heartbreak in her voice.

Dad stood there for a few minutes, a puzzled look on his face. "It's been that long?" he asked.

Mom nodded and I took Kayla's hand and led her to the garage. "I think mom and dad need some time,” as I got into her car and we drove off.

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When we got home, several hours later, mom and dad were sitting at the kitchen table. Mom was still naked, a fresh load of cum visible on her tits. "Come sit down kids," dad said to us.

Kayla and I sat at the kitchen table and waited nervously to hear what dad was about to say.

“Mom told me everything. Seems like you two have a very kinky side. I want to see those pictures and videos Nico,” dad said, smiling at me.

"I was involved in a Dom/sub relationship in college before I met your mother. I thought I had gotten over that, but hearing about everything you did, especially that glory hole, damn I want to watch her suck off meat,” he said. “It brought back all my fond memories and dormant desires. So now mom is a family slave to use and abuse anytime we want. Whatever you two have going on, that's up to you.”

“The one thing that will change is that mom will be going to a lot more of my business meetings and trips, to help woo the clients. Any questions?”

We were both too shocked to ask anything at that moment. We just stared at our dad, in shock.

“Well, then how about you ladies get us some popcorn and we take a look at our private family album.”


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