by Sal de Klerk, "The Salacious Scribe."™️
© MMXXI All Rights Reserved
Preface: This story came from a challenge on Twitter. SDLee writes erotica tweeted out a challenge...
Since I had already written a story based on Escape, The Pina Colada by Rupert Holms song called If You Like..., I decided to do another. SDLee beta read it and suggested improvements. He approved of this version. Thanks, my friend. It was a fun exercise.
This story contains explicit written descriptions of sexual acts. You must exit this site/story now if...
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Please review the tags before reading. If you find this is not the kind of erotica you enjoy, please find another story more to your liking.
My girlfriend, Naomi, and I had our worst fight ever. We’d been together almost three years, and I planned to ask her to marry me. I was saving for the engagement ring she wanted. I had asked her BFF Tiffany to take her on a girl’s day out and get her to look at rings so Naomi could pick the one she liked. This way I knew what to get her. My plan worked but the ring was more than I could currently afford, so I was saving money to buy it for her. That put a dent in our routine. We liked to eat out a lot and go to concerts and party with our friends. I knew I would have to cut down on our spending to be able to afford her ring. I lied to her and told her my job cut my pay and we had to be frugal. She didn’t like eating at home four nights a week, and only going out to bars once a month.
She was in her final year of Law school. I was a junior associate at Gambini and Woods and assigned to the criminal law division. The pay was decent, but not what I would be making as a senior associate in four or five years. I could afford to support her, and some extras for us including a decent investment portfolio. I didn’t want to charge almost ten grand on a credit card and put myself deeper in debt. I mean law school loans aren’t a joke. She wanted to go out and party, to destress from school. I wanted to buy her the ring.
When spring break rolled around, she wanted to head to South Padre Island. I couldn’t afford that and suggested Daytona instead. She went ballistic. “All my friends are going; I know we can afford it. Put it on one of those damn credit cards. You only live once…,” were some of her arguments. I was only a few grand away from getting the ring. I needed two or three months at most, then I could propose. A trip to Texas would set me back two months or more. My plan to propose on our third anniversary would be in jeopardy.
“Naomi, we can’t. First, I have to work. I can’t take a week off right now. I have a trial about to start. Besides, the budget is too tight right now. I can’t afford the trip. Even if I send you, by yourself, it’s out of my reach right now.”
We didn’t talk much the next few days. Thursday night I came home late one night to a note,
“Babe, I love you. I really do. But I need to get the fuck away for a week. Clint agreed to pay for my plane ticket and Tiffany’s sorority will let me stay in one of their hotel rooms. I’ll be back soon, and we can talk.
PS I left my phone home so don’t try to call me.
My mind raced and I felt sick. I knew Clint had a thing for her. He was the type of guy that would expect her to put out after he spent several hundred on a round trip ticket. “NOPE! Not on my watch, not with my girl,” I shouted into the ether. My trial started Monday. Over the next few days, I planned to review all the statements and depositions to make sure we didn’t miss anything. I figured I could do that as I flew to Texas. I booked a roundtrip ticket leaving tonight and returning Sunday afternoon. I packed a bag for the weekend and the files I needed, then called my supervisor. “Vivian, it’s Lamarr. I need to take a personal day tomorrow. There’s a family thing I need to deal with. I’ll make sure to review everything before the trial.”
“Don’t be late on Monday. You know Vinny has a special interest in this case. He plans to be in the courtroom for opening arguments. Your position with this firm could ride on yours.”
“Not that there’s any pressure.”
She laughed. “I hope everything’s okay. You know how we are. If there’s anything you need, let me know.”
“I will Vivian, and thanks,” I hung up the phone and tossed my charger into the bag I packed. I requested a Lyft to the mall and made a purchase. After that, I caught another Lyft to the airport and as she drove me, I reserved a car and hotel room. Thank God for AmEx’s no-limit policy. Paying it off is next month’s problem. But I wasn’t going to let all the days we’ve been together get destroyed by the days we’re apart. This relationship wasn’t a bunch of nothing, I knew I was still in her heart.
Now I had to consider my biggest problem. How could I find a single, hot twenty-four-year-old law student in a town overrun with college girls? Especially if she didn’t know I was in town. As I waited for my flight, I called hotels at random to ask if Naomi, Tiffany, or the UMinn chapter of Delta Nu had a room. Since it was the first day of spring break, the clerks had little time to answer questions or look up guest names. When they called my flight, I put my phone away and boarded. I had no idea how I got a seat. The plane was standing room only. I was stuck in the middle seat, between a drunk jock and his cheerleader girlfriend. My guess was they booked the aisle and window seats hoping no one would take the single between them. They tried to convince me to take the window seat, and I refused. We were in the air by the time we reached an agreement. I got $100 and the aisle seat, so they got to sit together. I bought them a round of drinks.
I read through all the depositions on the seven-hour flight. There was a one-hour layover in Houston, but I didn’t get off the plane. I wanted to get as much done as I could, so I could spend the next three days looking for Naomi. I had a rough draft of my opening argument almost finished when it was time to land. I put all my papers away and tried to ignore the female moans from my traveling companions. Earlier I had blocked out the bouncing blanket in the jock's lap, during the first leg of the journey. This wasn't as easy to ignore.
When we landed in Texas, I disembarked and headed to the rental counter, got my car, and drove to the hotel. It was a forty-minute drive in heavy traffic. As I drove, I saw people already on the streets and going wild. I got to the hotel and grabbed the first spot I saw. I went inside and shoved my way through the throng of swimsuit-clad drunken revelers until I got to the desk. I shouted at the poor overwhelmed desk clerk so she could hear me above the cacophony. She had to be all of nineteen and had no idea how to handle the Neanderthalic behavior of the crowd.
“Hi,” I smiled at her. “I have a reservation, SB210024601.”
She sighed and typed on the computer. “Here it is, Mr. LaMarr Headlee. Oh, hang on,” she typed some more. “Mr. Headlee, we’re overbooked. We don’t have the single you requested. We do have a room for you, but it’s our nautical-themed honeymoon suite. It has a brand new, never used, queen-size waterbed.”
“I can’t afford that,” I protested.
“There’s no extra charge. Our way of saying sorry. All I need is your credit card.”
I handed her my AmEx card and she returned it to me moments later with a room key. “Top floor, door to the right.”
“Thank you.” I took the items she held and forced my way through the crowd to the elevator. I hit the button for the top floor and was grateful no one else got on with me. I unpacked and sat down to try and figure out how to find her. I had no idea when I realized she was with Tiffany. Tiffany tweeted every second of her life. I grabbed my phone and pulled up her profile. Sure enough, she had dozens of tweets about her journey from the airport to the hotel. She didn’t mention the name of the hotel. But between street names and some store names, I could narrow it down to a handful of hotels. That would give me a chance to find and talk to Naomi.
I know exactly what you’re thinking. Call Tiffany, dumbass. Tiffany and I got along great. She was like a kid sister to me. She was the one who introduced Naomi and I. Tiffany and I met in high school. We were in Future Lawyers of America and student government together. We went on a handful of dates but there was no romantic chemistry. We stayed friends despite the two-year age gap. She met Naomi during their first year of college when she joined Delta Nu. Tiffany knew right away Naomi and I would be the perfect couple. It wasn’t until halfway through their sophomore year that I met Naomi. By the end of the weekend, we were a couple. Despite how close Tiffany and I were, she was a chicks before dicks kinda girl. If Naomi told her not to take my calls, she wouldn't take my calls. I’d seen it happen before with her other friends.
I pulled up a map and looked for street names she mentioned and interesting sights she spotted. That with some pictures she took enabled me to limit my search to four hotels. Now that I had a target, I took a deep breath and relaxed for the first time since I read Clint paid for her trip. I looked at my watch and it was too late to do anything. Bars were playing closing time and drunks were all over the streets. No way I could find her in these crowds. I figured she’d be partying and wouldn’t be up until noon. I’d start with brunch at some restaurant with a view of the hotel and keep an eye on the entrance. If I didn’t see Naomi or her friends, I’d use my business card and some fast talk to find out if she was there. I called the front desk. “This is Mr. Headlee in 902. I need a wake-up call for 11 a.m.”
“902, 11 a.m. Got it. Anything else.”
“No thanks.” I hung up, showered, and went to sleep.
To make a long story a little shorter I didn’t find her until Saturday afternoon. Well, I didn’t find her, I found Tiffany.
I was in a candle store near the third hotel on my list. I knew how Naomi and Tiffany loved candles and would come in here at some point. I needed a break from the heat and went into the candle shop. I looked around and relished the air conditioning. I heard the door tinkle and glanced up. I saw a great pair of tits in a black bikini that looked about three sizes too small. I forced my eyes away so I wouldn’t get caught staring.
“Welcome to Flamers Candles,” I heard a clerk greet the tits err I mean woman.
“Hi, I was in here yesterday and ordered a custom candle. I got a text that it was ready.”
As the clerk and lady chatted something bugged me and then I realized it was Tiffany’s voice. I moved to the door so she couldn’t leave without seeing me. After she picked up her candle, she headed my way. “Hey, Tiff,” I said with all the nonchalance I could muster.
“LaMarr, dafuq u doin’ here?” I don’t know why an intelligent woman like Tiffany spoke like she was texting.
“I got Naomi’s note and I don’t trust Clint. I put the ring on my card and want to propose as soon as possible. Will you help me?”
“You’re here to propose and not start a fight?” I pulled out the ring and showed it to her. “Holy fuk! Dat is 1 hell of a roc. Aight, I’ll help. Wait 4 her @ da cafe by da hotel. She’ll b der soon.”
“Thanks, Tiff, I owe you.” She kissed my cheek and left.
I bought several candles from the shop for our place and then headed to the cafe. I sat down and ordered a sweet tea and waited. It took Naomi about twenty minutes to arrive. As soon as she walked in, I stood up. She looked pissed as she stormed over to me. “Why are you here,” she hissed.
I stayed calm and pulled out a chair for her. “Please sit and have lunch with me so we can talk. Then if you want me to leave I will. My flight back home is in less than twenty-four hours.”
She glared at me but sank into her seat. She wore a pair of yellow flip-flops, daisy dukes, and a cute pink tee shirt. As I sat, I said, “I really do appreciate the fact you're sittin' here. Your voice sounds so wonderful.” I noticed as I spoke her face clouded with anger. I raised my arm and signaled the server to bring us some beers.
“Look honey, I’m sorry, okay. I know money’s been tight and you haven’t been able to party and blow off steam. There is a reason and I wanted you to know why money’s been so tight.”
“So, tell me again about that pay cut, you liar.” Her voice was like ice and there was hate in her eyes.
“Yes. I lied to you about the pay cut. I did that because I needed to save money to buy something expensive.”
“What? A big-screen TV? Or some new fucking video game system?”
“NO! I was saving to buy,” I dropped down to my knees. “This. I pulled out the small box. Her hands started to shake as her eyes grew wide and flew to her mouth to cover her shocked expression. “I wanted to wait until our anniversary. But I was afraid you might decide to break up with me, so I came down here and…,” I shrugged my shoulders. “Will you…,” I couldn’t talk as her arms flew out and wrapped around my neck, choking off the rest of the question. through the buzzing in my ears, I could hear the other patrons cheering for us. Naomi let me go and I stood up and waived as I got back in my seat and opened the box.
“Holy shit!” Her eyes bulged when she saw the ring. “That’s what you were saving for? I forgive you.” She held out her hand and I slid the ring on her finger.
The server arrived with our beers and looked at her finger. “God damn girlfriend that rocks bigger than our chicken nuggets. Congratulations.”
“Thank you,” Naomi replied as she showed the server the ring and beamed with pride. After the server left us, Naomi asked, “So what do we do now?”
I replied, “Let’s get drunk and screw. My hotel room has a waterbed ready and waiting for us.”
“So, you weren’t upset that Clint paid for my flight down here?”
“A few of my co-workers think the two of you are already fucking. I know that’s not true. I know he wants to steal you, but you love me.” I drank a third of my beer. She drank most of hers as we sat there and held hands and drank those beers and a few more until we were both buzzed. I paid the bill, and we took a Lyft to my hotel.
When we arrived, we rode up in the elevator and went into my room. Naomi slammed the door and turned to me. “I’m pretty drunk, so it’s time to screw.” Naomi began to dance around and strip off her clothes as I sat on the waterbed to watch her put on a show. My pants grew tight, and I unzipped them. She dropped to her knees and took me into her mouth and gave me the best blow job I’d ever had. It was wet, sloppy and I felt all kinds of good vibrations as she choked on me. I lay back and let her do her thing as I imagined Clint’s face when he saw the ring and me, arm in arm with my fiancée. That thought, even more than the hot drunk girl with her mouth on my cock made me stiff as rebar. She pulled her head off my cock and there was a string of her spit and my precum that ran from her lips to my shaft. “I love you, baby,” she said and sucked my balls into her mouth.
My hips jerked up and I moaned as her tongue licked my taint. She used her tongue to play marbles with my balls and I gripped the bedsheets to try and stop myself. She let them fall out of her mouth. Cum in my mouth baby. I wanna fuck for a long time. Give me that first load so you can fuck me all night.”
“As you wish,” I replied to her salacious request. She took my shaft into her mouth. Whilst she sank her nose in my trimmed pubes, I groaned “FUUCCCKKKK.” I was getting close, and I sucked in my breath and savored her moist lips as they caressed my shaft. “Here! It! Cums!” My hips thrust into the air. She grabbed my ass cheeks and held me in her throat as my cock pulsed and filled her with my cum. She swallowed my whole load and then climbed up my body and kissed me with a fervor we hadn’t had in a long time. I tasted my briny flavor on her mouth and felt a slight tingle in my groin. We continued to kiss, and my hands caressed her skin, toyed with her breasts, and teased her nipples. We kissed until I felt myself growing again, and Naomi climbed on top of me and straddled me. I smiled, ready for action.
She looked down at me. “My turn stud,” she trilled and planted her slit right on my face. My hands found her hips, pulled her tight to me, and began to probe her opening with my tongue. “Lick it stud, make me cum on your face. I want to make you look like a glazed doughnut.”
I laughed as my hands squeezed her luscious ass cheeks, as I tried to get my tongue between her cheeks. Then swiped it forward along the entire length of her slit to her clit. I sucked on the little nub and caressed her labia with my fingertips. “Oh yes, fuck yes.” She panted as I nipped her clit, then focused my attention on her thighs. She groaned when my mouth left her creamy center and nipped the tender flesh of her toned muscled thigh. I licked the right and sucked on the left. Nipped the right and kissed the left. She squirmed to try and get me back on task. I kept avoiding the target to keep teasing her. “Lick my slit you fuck,” she cried in desperation.
I slammed two fingers in her and attacked her folds with my tongue. “Shit yes, yes shit, shit yes,” she chanted as I focused on her pleasure. She shifted and lay down so were in a sixty-nine position. I gasped when she took hold of my shaft and started to caress it. “Make me cum or no sex for you.” I buried as much of my face in her as I could and added a third finger. Naomi grunted and rocked her hips as she juggled my balls and pumped my shaft. I felt her legs start to quiver and her stomach tensed. I fingered her faster and plunged my tongue into her and slurped up the cream that gushed out of her. “YES, YES, YES, YES, YES, YES, YES, YES, YES,” she chanted as her body writhed in pleasure.
After her orgasm, Naomi jumped off the bed. went to the minibar and got us some beers. “My buzz is gone.” She chugged the beer. I popped mine open and chugged it was well. Naomi got us a second round and I drank half and then put my thumb on it, shook it up, and sprayed the beer all over her naked body. She returned the favor and we both dripped with beer. I was hard and ready to go. I grabbed Naomi and pulled her onto the bed, and she got on all fours. I knelt behind her and pushed myself into her.
“Fuck me hard! Pound my cunt! Make me cum on your dick, stud.”
“As you wish.” I pulled out until only the tip was inside her then slammed back into her. The bed rippled and made it hard to control how I moved. No matter how I thrust, the bed's movements threw me in a different direction. I grabbed her hips for stability and slammed into her. She tried to match me thrust for thrust. But the way the bed tossed us about was like the SS Minnow on that ill-fated three-hour tour. It got so bad that the motion of the waterbed tossed us overboard, in different directions. We laughed till our bellies hurt and tears rolled down our faces.
When our mirth subsided, I was the first on my feet. “You okay,” I asked Naomi as I helped her to her feet.
She giggled and put her hand on my still hard cock. “I’m fine, glad to see you're still raring to go.”
“Let’s try a left lateral recumbent position.”
“You mean on our left side in a spoon position.”
“That would be the common vernacular.”
“Stop with the fancy lawyer words and talk like a guy who’s horny for his fiancé.”
“If you insist. Bitch, get yo ass on that bed so I can slam my dick into you.”
“Better she said and kissed the head of LaMarr’s cock, and she climbed on the bed. LaMarr was right behind her. We squirmed into position and LaMarr pushed his dick between Naomi’s thighs. Her hand took hold and she pumped him several times and then guided him inside her. His hands found her breast and pulled her to him. He kissed her neck and began to make slow and tender love to her. She put her hands on his and crushed them into her breasts. He picked up the pace as the bed acted like a trampoline on a small boat during a storm. The room filled with carnal sounds. Hard cock squishing into wet pussy and flesh slapping as we came together. I grunted in pleasure at our fierce copulation. “I LOVE DRUNK SCREWING,” she bellowed, and I growled in response.
Naomi gyrated against me every time we came together. She would mewl in pleasure as she ground herself against me. I was close, she was panting, and I felt her muscles had tensed. I felt myself thicken and lengthen. I didn’t want this to end, so I withdrew from Naomi who gasped when she was empty. I pinched the tip of my shaft and took several deep breaths while I counted to ten. Once my impending orgasm receded, I thrust inside her and continued the hard fucking. She shifted so she was on her back and spread her legs apart to let me slam her harder. It started in my toes and crept up my legs as I pumped her with a ferocity I’d never known before. I roared as the first blast fired into Naomi then collapsed onto her back. I slammed into her to get deeper with each spasm of my cock that sent my fertile seed into her unprotected womb. We lay there still drunk and finished screwing on the waterbed.
“You said you’re flying home tomorrow? I want to go with you. I want us to spend spring break together. I was wrong to come without you. Please forgive me.”
Babe, I forgave you as soon as I read your note. I trust you, it’s Clint I don’t trust.”
“He’s harmless. He has a harmless crush on me.”
“Maybe,” I replied and took Naomi’s hand and kissed her ring. “Call the airline and see how much it’ll cost to switch your ticket. I need a shower.”
“Wait for me, babe. I’ll shower with you.”
“I’ll shave while you call,” I winked at her and went into the bathroom. I turned on the water and began to scrape the stubble off my face and neck. “I shave while you call,” I winked at her and went into the bathroom. I turned on the water and began to scrape the stubble off my face and neck. I heard bits and pieces of her conversation. It was intense but I'd have to wait until she joined me to find out what happened. I finished shaving and was washing the last of the shave butter off my face when a pair of arms encircled my waist. I put my left hand on hers as I rinsed the last of the balm off my face. “So? What happened?”
“I traded in my first-class ticket and had to pay an extra $1500 to go coach. But we’re on the same flight and have adjoining seats. I had to use your credit card. I hope you don’t mind.”
I mentally tallied what I would owe AmEx and felt nauseous. It was more than I made in a month. Even with the money I had saved, I had no idea how I would pay off the bill. That was a problem for another day. I had a horny, drunk, naked, beautiful, woman holding me. Her tits crushed into my back and her hands’ inches from my cock which had begun to perk up. I grabbed the sink and savored the soft warm body melded against mine. I cleared my throat, “Shower,” I squeaked.
She chuckled, released me, and stepped back. The steam filled the room from the hot shower. Naomi took a washcloth and got it all soapy and started to stroke my cock I put my hand on the wall as she tickled my taint. I sucked in my breath and put a hand on her ass and squeezed the plump juicy cheek. She let the rough slick cloth glide up and down my shaft as I raised periscope. When I was at full extension, she rinsed the suds off me and stood in front of me. She put one leg on the ledge and moaned, “Fuck me handsome.”
I obliged. I took hold of my cock and stroked it a few times to make sure it was ready. Then I moved close to Naomi and pushed past her sweet folds until I was balls deep. She put her arms around my neck, and I knew what she wanted. I put my other hand on her cheek and lifted her as she wrapped her long legs around my waist. I held her up as she bounced up and down on my dick. I sucked a nipple into my mouth as I stepped under the shower. Naomi had a fantasy of making love under a waterfall. This was the best I could do until our honeymoon.
I felt her leg and thigh muscles flex as she pushed herself up my dick and lowered herself on me. I held her ass and lifted her as she went up and supported her as she took me inside her again. Her head rested on my shoulder as we made love under the warm running water and savored our intimacy. My arm muscles started to burn, and I felt her legs grow fatigued. The position required more strength and stamina than we possessed. I held her as she unwrapped her legs and stood up. She stepped back and I slipped out of her. Naomi turned around and bent at the waist. “Fuck me, baby. Fuck me hard.” I entered her again and began to pump her hard. The sound of two wet bodies slapping together filled the room. “Yes baby, yes. Fuck my sweet little cunt.”
“As you wish, my sexy little slut.” I smacked her ass and jackhammered her with one hand on the wall so I wouldn’t slip on the wet floor. One fall per sexcapade was more than enough.
“Oh fuck baby, smack my ass. Spank your naughty little slut.” I grinned and began to smack her ass cheeks with my hand as I pistoned in and out of her. “Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck,” she chanted.
“Fuck baby, I’m about to cum. I’m gonna fill your slut hole with my baby batter.” I drove deep into her one last time and felt myself spasm and shoot several spurts of cum into her belly.
“Fuck baby that was amazing. I love you so much.” She ground herself on me and I reached between us and found her little nub and rubbed it. MY other hand toyed with her asshole, the only hole of hers I had yet to explore. Usually, she chased me off. This time she pushed back against my probing fingers. If I hadn’t shot three loads in the last ninety minutes, I would’ve tried to go for the trifecta. Alas, even the thought of anal wasn’t enough to get me up a fourth time in under two hours.
My semi-erect dick was still inside her and I continued with my attempts to draw forth her pleasure. Her legs quivered as she got close, and I pulled out of her and plunged my fingers into her. A doxology of lust-filled pleasure escaped her lips as her legs gave out. Waves of rapture flooded her and my hand inside her was the only thing that kept her from falling to the floor. When her voice faded, I eased her down to the floor to let her recover as I washed the rest of my body. When I finished, I saw Naomi had to struggle to stand. I grasped her arm and pulled her to her feet and kissed her. Then I took my time to wash every square inch of her skin from head to soul. When we got out of the shower later, an hour later, we were as clean as two people could be.
We dried off and went into the bedroom to dress. I heard my phone chime every thirty seconds or so. I walked over to it and looked to see dozens of unread text messages. I looked to see who it was and saw Tiffany had been blowing up my phone for the last hour-ish. I didn't bother to read the older message, the newest ones gave me an idea of what she wanted. She wanted to know where Naomi and I were and what happened between us. I responded and spent a few minutes exchanging messages.
WHERE R U?!?!?!?!?!
She said yes. We spent the pm fucking. we just 🚿.
Why didn’t you answer sooner
I was fucking Naomi. Kinda rude to text n fuk
I guess
We had to celebrate our upcoming nuptials.
she said yes?
She swapped her tix 2 🛫 🏠 2morrow.
kk c u in mini-soda
tell her 2 msg me when u get bk
We spent the rest of the night in the room drunk and screwing. We woke up hungover and sticky. We showered together to clear our heads and get clean. Neither of us felt amorous at this point. I was closer to a golf pencil than a jumbo marker. Even if Naomi could get a rise out of me, my cum was on backorder there was none left. I hadn’t had that many orgasms that fast since I learned about masturbation. We stopped at her hotel on the way to the airport and checked in.
We headed hand in hand toward security, a thick crowd all around us. As we waited for our turn, I got jostled and we became separated. I looked around until someone behind me nudged me and said it’s your turn dude. I put my stuff in the bucket as I looked for Naomi. ‘Did she already made it through,’ I asked myself as I put my shoes in a second bin. I walked through the scanners without setting them off and gathered my belongings. As I did, I heard someone strumming a guitar and singing…
I found a love for me
Oh darling, just dive right in and follow my lead
Well, I found a girl, beautiful and sweet
Oh, I never knew you were the someone waiting for me
I looked around and the crowd had moved away from the man with a guitar who played and sang Perfect by Ed Sheeran. I recognized Clint as soon as I saw him. Naomi stood by a conveyor, her shoes in her hand frozen in shock. “What the fuck is he doing?” I asked no one as he continued to sing. Most people stood and watched the spectacle of a guy professing his love for a woman at the airport.
“I thought this shit only happened in lame romance movies, written by a hack with no original ideas.” I heard to my left.
“What?” I asked the TSA agent, whose nametag read Sal de Klerk. “You’ve never seen some pathetic loser try to win the heart of a woman as she’s about to fly off with the man she loves?” We shared an amused look as the song ended.
The crowd was silent and waited to see how Naomi would react.
“Go on honey, kiss him,” yelled an elderly woman.
That broke Naomi’s stupor. “Clint, what… why… what the hell.”
“Naomi, I’ve been in love with you since I first saw you. I want to be your husband. Will you marry me,” he asked as he got down on his knee.
The crowd started to slow clap and I wondered when my life turned into ‘Not Another Teen Movie. I looked around to see if Molly Ringwald was about to step in and tell him off.
Naomi held up her hand and the crowd grew quiet. “Clint, we have one class together twice a week. In the three months since we meet, you've never even asked me out. I'm guessing that's because you know I've been with my boyfriend for almost three years. I wouldn’t even call you a close friend. Why would I marry you? ” I had to admit I felt sorry for the guy. I knew how rejection hurt in private. In public with dozens of phones recording it to post it online for clout was more than humiliating.
“LaMarr asked me to marry him yesterday. I said yes. I thought she flipped him the bird till I saw the engagement ring on her finger. She put her shoes on the X-ray machine and backed through the scanner while she kept flipping him the ring. She found me and kissed me with so much passion my toes curled. “This is my fiancé. You’re a classmate. You need to find someone else.” We grabbed our stuff and headed to our gate. The voices of the crowd rehashing what they saw followed us. Even on our flight, people pointed to Naomi as they told those who missed the spectacle what happened. Later Tiffany told me she saw the video online. But only one and it was gone before I could see it.
Sunday night, I was reviewing the documents for my case. As I read the arresting officer's affidavit, I found grounds to file a motion to dismiss. I typed the motion and the next morning I got to court early and had my client sign it. I gave a copy to the prosecutor who read it. “Fuck me,” he said and looked at me. Is this true?”
“It was in an affidavit by the arresting officer. We have to be in chambers in twenty minutes.” Twenty-eight minutes later the Judge threw out the arrest and evidence. I won my first criminal case and put a car thief back on the streets, by getting a seasoned cop suspended. For some reason I didn't feel good about that. I went into the courtroom and found Vinny. “Vinny, I got the case dismissed in chambers,” I told the firm's senior partner as I handed him our copy of the motion.
“Holy shit! Dat’s some guud werk.”
I beamed at his praise. “So, I get a two-week paid vacation, right,” I joked. “I mean I ended the trial without even having to make opening remarks.”
“Yeah, nice try. Git back ta da office. Vivian gots a job fer ya.”
I was about to reply when the Bailiff called, "All rise." Vinny and I stood and waited for the formalities to end, so we could leave.
When I got back to the office, the first thing I did was check my AmEx balance. It was almost twenty-four thousand. I swallowed hard. I had almost eight in my savings, and a nice portfolio I didn’t want to liquidate right now. I could pay it off with my savings and a month’s salary, but that would leave nothing for me to live on. I mean I still had to pay rent, food, Naomi’s tuition, and other monthly expenses. Now I had to add saving for our wedding and the house I wanted to buy Naomi as a wedding present.
I went to Vivian’s office and knocked. “Vivian, can I talk to you?”
“Sure. come on in and close the door.”
I sat and looked at my shoes. “You know how you say the firm is here for us when we need anything…,”
“I do, and I meant it. What do you need?”
“My family thing was to go to Texas to find Naomi so I could propose to her. She said yes…”
Vivian squealed in delight, jumped out of her seat, ran to me as she clapped her hands. As soon as she got within reach, she wrapped her arms around me and cooed, “Congratulations. I’m so happy for you.” She realized what she was doing and stood up. “LaMarr, forgive me. I’ve been spending too much time with Elle. There was a time I couldn’t have made those sounds, even if I wanted to. Nor would I have hugged a co-worker without consent.
I chuckle at her remarks. “That’s part of the reason I came to work here. I liked the culture Elle infused here. Other law firms are so stuffy and old-fashioned by comparison.”
“I know what you mean. I was once like that. I’m glad Elle and I became friends and she loosened me up, and I helped her get a little reserved.”
“I can’t imagine Elle being more gregarious than she is.”
“Don’t tell Elle I told you this, but in law school, there was a Semi-formal meet and greet soiree for the first-year law students. Elle showed up in a bunny costume. I still have a picture somewhere.” Vivian grinned. She claimed some bitch told her it was a costume party. Vivian laughed.
LaMarr chuckled as he imagined his attractive boss in a bunny outfit. ‘I would love to see the picture, but that might be pushing things too far,’ he told himself. “Anyway, the reason I’m here is that... well, I had planned on proposing in June on our fourth anniversary. But another guy bought her a first-class ticket to South Padre Island. I didn't want him to get her drunk or drug her and...," he held up his hands and shrugged. "So, I charged a same-day plane ticket, rented a car and room, bought the ring, and lots of room service after I proposed. On top of all that I had to pay a fee to swap her ticket so we could fly home together. I owe AmEx almost twenty-four grand. I can pay them off if I give up eating and housing and gas and pretty much everything else. Is there any way I can get an advance of twelve thou on my salary? Between my pay and what I have saved, that'll allow me to pay off my card.”
Vivian sat back behind her desk. We can do advances, but that’s more than I can authorize. I'll need to ask Elle and Vinny. I’ll let you know by the end of the day. Now go do some work, there’s an assignment and files on your desk.”
I stood up. “Thank you, Vivian. And don’t worry about the hug, it felt nice. Hug me anytime.”
“Get out of here,” she said in mock anger. I found the files on my desk and began to read and read and read. Around four p.m. I took a break and went to the kitchen to find something to shut my stomach up. Vivian was in there getting herself a coffee. “I was about to come find you. Elle wants you in her office in ten minutes. Good luck.” She winked and walked off. I found some cookies and ate them with some coffee then headed to the Pepto Bismol bottle. Elle loved pink and her office and everything in it was pink with white accents. It felt like you were inside a bottle of the well-known pink medicine.
I knocked on her door and heard a musical and sweet “come in,” float into my ears. I opened the door and prepared myself for the pink nightmare I was about to enter. I stepped in and saw Vinny sitting on the sofa and Elle sat on her desk, her legs crossed at the ankle. She was barefoot and her toenails were nice and pink as always. Her skirt had slipped up her thigh a little. It showed off her shapely legs and thighs toned by hours of Brooke's Butt-Buster workout. I shifted to keep my sudden erection a secret. I cleared my throat, “Vivian said you wanted to see me.”
“Sit down LaMarr. You want water or some organic vegan candy?”
“No, no thank you.” I forced myself not to shudder. I said yes at my interview, and it took three weeks to get that taste out of my mouth.
“Vivian told us you’re engaged. That’s great. I’m so happy for you.” I had to rip my eyes from her toes as she spoke. I forced myself to meet her eyes which wasn’t easy when they encountered her breasts. “Give Naomi my love and tell her to call me. I can have Versace make her a gown. I still have my double platinum V.V.I.P. Versace Preferred Customer identification card. I'm sure I can get her a good deal from Donatella.”
“That'd be great. Thank you, Elle.”
“So, you need cash, huh,” Vinny said.
“I asked for an advance on my salary to help…,”
Vinny waved his hand, “Viv tole us. Elle n' I tawked aboudit. Wes choze not ta give ya da advance.” My face fell. I never thought they would refuse me. I had no idea what else I could do except a personal loan. This engagement would end up costing me three times what I paid for it. I opened my mouth to try and convince them, but before I could say a word, Vinny pulled a check out of his pocket. “We chowze ta give it to ya for ya engagement, as a present. Ya done a great job n' got a burright fucher.” He handed me the check. I jumped out when I saw the check was for twenty thousand. “Use da change ta git yerself an ice scream or sumthin’,” he said with a grin.
I stared at the check, “Thank you. Thank you so much.” I forced my eyes up at Vinny then Elle. Elle slid off her desk and padded over to me. She held her arms open and we hugged. I hoped she didn’t notice my tumescent penis, or how it jumped when her large warm soft breasts pushed against me. ‘Emmett will kill you; Naomi will castrate you,’ I reminded myself and let her go. Vinny offered me his hand and we shook.
“Don’t be expectin’ a big weddin’ gif'.” He laughed as he walked out of Elle’s office.
Elle had a huge grin on her face, “Oh don’t listen to him. He’s a grouch. Bruiser and I get you something splendiferous.”
“Thank you, Elle. Thank you so much.”
“Go home and take Naomi out to eat and have fun. Work will wait until tomorrow.”

She was right. I went home and got Naomi and we went out and partied, then we went home and well, my golf pencil is now a golf tee.

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Sal de Klerk, "The Salacious Scribe."™️
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Legal Disclaimers:
• All characters who witness, participate or encourage sexual encounters are of legal age.
• This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to anyone living or dead is coincidental.
○ If any of my stories resemble your life, let me know. I want to buy you a drink or five and see what happens.
• No animals were harmed in the writing of this story, except that one damn skeeter.
• Void where prohibited
• Some assembly required
• Not available in all areas
• Gents: If you're erection lasts more than four hours, consult a local sex worker or four.
• Ladies: If your flow won't stop, go to a local frat or sorority and ask them to lend a hand or mouth or whatever...
• Non-Binary: If you can't get no satisfaction but you try and you try and you try and you try... Remember Keith and Mick wrote that after reading one of my tamer pieces of erotica, so you're in good company.