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Journey to Gutterslut 01 Catt Get’s RULE’d

by Sal de Klerk, "The Salacious Scribe."™️

© MMXXI All Rights Reserved

Preface: Thanks to Katt2007 for the story idea and breaking the worst case of writer's block I ever had.

Special thanks to ElmerStudd for his help with editing. I owe you one brother.


This story contains explicit written descriptions of sexual acts. You must exit this site/story now if...

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Please review the tags before reading. If you find this is not the kind of erotica you enjoy, please find another story more to your liking.


"Shit!" I screamed as my car plowed into the only tree I had seen in the last 5 miles. Fortunately, I was wearing my seat belt and while sore, I wasn't injured.

I scrambled to find my phone which had flown out of my hand during the crash. When I found it. I heard yelling through the earpiece.

"Mrs. Gato...Mrs. Gato...Catherine, can you hear me...are you okay...OH God...?!"

"I'm fine Doc, it was a minor accident. How's my family?"

"Oh, thank God. I thought..."

"Doctor, my family?” I demand, cutting her off.

"Your children are improving, but, your husband is getting worse. While his injuries are not currently life-threatening, we will need to operate soon. So we need you to sign the consent forms. which by law we can't do until you sign off on the procedure."

"I'll be there as soon as I can Dr. I'm about 45 minutes away."

"I'll keep you..." the annoying tones that signaled the phone shutting off played.

"FFUUUCCCCKKKKK!" I screamed as I looked at my now useless iPhone. "I wish these fucking things had a battery that lasted more than four hours," I said out loud to no one.

I got out of my car and saw it was totaled. 'Alonzo's going to be pissed, I thought. I hadn't even had my new Lexus for six months and now it's scrap metal. I had to figure out how to get to my family who had also been in an accident earlier today, and now were in the hospital.

I scanned the area and realized that I couldn't have crashed in a worse place. The road was empty and rarely traveled. The only building in sight was about 300 yards up the road and looked unkempt and abandoned. It could have a payphone hoped. I began to walk towards the structure, hoping someone would drive by and rescue me.

Up until today, my life was almost a storybook. I met my husband, Alonzo in fifth grade and we had never dated anyone else. In seventh grade, we knew we were soulmates and agreed to get engaged as soon as we graduated high school. We went to the same college, where I majored in Business and became the head cheerleader. Alonzo majored in computer programming and was the captain of the football team.

Our wedding was exactly one year after we earned our master's degrees. The twins, Cassie, and Victoria were born about two years after we married. Our son Cory, soon followed. Our last bundle of joy was Gus. He was born the day before our sixth wedding anniversary.

I was on my way home from a conference to celebrate Gus' eighteenth birthday. His dad took them out for the traditional birthday breakfast. On their way home, some lush rear-ended them. The car got sent into an intersection, causing a semi to t-bone them. The truck couldn't have been doing more than twenty-five or so, according to the doctor I was talking too.

The impact caused injuries to my whole family and they were all in the hospital. My children had some internal bruising and broken bones. Alonzo had some internal bleeding and other organ damage requiring surgical repair. His life wasn't in danger yet, so the hospital wouldn't open him up without a release from the next of kin. All the kids were on painkillers so they couldn't give their approval. This is what led me to be driving 100 miles per hour on a winding back road, trying to avoid cops and traffic. I lost control of my car on a curve as I answered my phone. That's how I ended up stranded in the ass-end of nowhere.

I was finally close enough to the condemned building to see it was a bar. The closer I got the more I wanted to run. There were several dozen motorcycles parked in front of the bar. Not wanting to go into a biker bar, I looked around the outside for a payphone, but there wasn't one. Knowing I had to go in, I had a feeling of dread in the pit of my stomach. Besides making a call, I realized that the Trenta Mocha Latte I drank to stay awake had taken its toll. I needed a bathroom, and soon.

I took a deep breath and regretted that decision. I was inhaling odors I didn't even want to identify. I put on my negotiating face, steeled my spine, threw open the door and took one step inside. I had been planning on walking straight up to the bar and asking for the bathroom and phone.

As soon as my eyes adjusted to the dim lighting in the bar, my plan fell apart. Instead, I froze in shock. I saw things that I would never believe happened outside of a porno. There were fifteen or so guys I could see, every one of them engaged in sexual activity with females in various stages of undress. My focal point centered on one short statuesque girl with tits bigger than a basketball. She had a dick in every hole, was jerking off 2 more while 3 stood around waiting their turn.

I stood in the doorway, aghast. The additional light that flooded the salacious activity in front of me attracted the attention of several bikers. As my stupor wore off, I began to look around a bit more. I saw that all these guys were wearing cuts and were members of a motorcycle club. I finally could thank my husband for watching that damn series I hated about the outlaw biker gangs. I couldn't make out the name of the club through the haze from the smoke hanging in the thick atmosphere.

I felt a hand on my arm and it jerked me into the bar, letting the door finally close. I was glad that the light diminished, hiding some of the more perverted activity from my eyes.

"Bitch wha da fuck?" asked a large biker, who was standing in front of me, holding the door, my only escape, closed. "You ain't no ole lady, you dressed to nice to be a skank and you too old fer a sweetbutt. So da fuck you want?"

"Well...I...Uhhh...That is," I silently cursed myself for being this intimidated. I dealt with heads of state and multi-billionaires on a regular basis. Yet with this dirty, smelly, half-naked criminal, I'm at a loss for words. I mentally bitch slapped myself and tried again.

"MycarcrasheddowntheroadandIneedtogethomefast.CanIuseyourphoneplease." I gushed like a scared little schoolgirl.

"So pretty lil rich gal is stuck here with us badass bikers and is desperate for what I got," he said and laughed. I look down at the floor trying to figure out how to get out of here intact. "Bitch you here on the club's motherfuckin anniversary and we's got dis rule. Once you is fuckin in, you stay fuckin in til da end. In udder words, you ain't fucking goin nowhere 'til we let ya and while yo ass is here we get to use it any way we damn well please."

I gritted my teeth at what I guessed was his way of sweet-talking me, "Please let me talk to the club president." I replied, holding out hope that money could get me out of here without being raped, or worse. He leered at me, well at my breasts, and waved someone over.

Another guy walked over and looked at me. At that moment I remembered my need to piss because I felt it start to trickle down my leg. The club president walked over to me and looking me over like a side of beef said "Well...Well...Well, lookie what we got us here. We got an uptown girl, lookin' for a downtown man," he said, laughing.

Trying to hide my annoyance and my desperation to pee, I ignored his crass joke. "I have a business offer for you, but first I need to use the lady's room."

Several bikers who weren't otherwise occupied had joined our group. There were a lot of swinging cocks and hairy balls around me. They all laughed, and one said "Shit bitch, ain't no ladies here. You gotta piss, use da bucket.”

He pointed to what looked like a large spittoon that was on one side of the bar. I looked on in horror as I saw several bikers sitting nearby, drinking from beer bottles. They watched a black woman as she pissed into it. They all cheered as she walked over to the nearest biker, took his cock into her mouth and started sucking on him.

I couldn't believe this was happening on the same planet I had grown up on. Even third world countries have indoor plumbing, at least in the cities. Before I could decide whether to use the chamber pot, or go squat outside behind a bush, my decision was made for me. My stream burst out of me so hard I could feel splashes on my upper thighs as my piss ran onto their floor.

"Damn bitch! Ain't yo momma teach ya no manners," said the guy who pointed at the chamber pot, as the others jumped back in disgust.

‘Great,’ I thought to myself. ‘I grossed out filthy naked bikers in the middle of an orgy,’ I knew things were going to get real bad for me real fast.

"We ever piss in yer office?" I heard one ask.

"Why da fuck you piss in our clubhouse?" another voice said.

They were all glowering at me and I was more afraid for my life than ever been before. The club president gave a slight nod to the guy who manhandled me out of the doorway. He stepped up to me and slapped me across the face so hard I damn near fell. I may have blacked out for a second or two. "Bitch you dis us like dat you gonna get beat. Now clean yer mess or you gonna find out what we do to disrespectful rich bitches."

"Wha...wha...what c...c...can I cl...clean it with?" I stuttered my legs quaking in fear. I held a slim hope that I could still salvage my dignity and get out of here alive.

"Youse gots a skirt n a shirt, use dem." The club president told me, "Or Fister is gonna put yer ass over his knee and beat it black and blue. Yer choice."

Looking around, realized the angry bikers had surrounded me, and there was no way words were going to help. I was glad that when I’d first got the call early this morning, that I had thrown on my clothes on over my sleepwear. I pulled off my blouse and I could see the disappointment in their eyes when they saw my Betty Boop tee shirt. I eased myself to the floor and started to wipe up my urine with my blouse. When it got saturated, I wrung it out in the chamber pot and returned to cleaning this nasty floor.

Most of the bikers got bored watching me since I wasn't giving them the show they were hoping for. Most of them wandered away and found more entertaining and willing females. Fister stayed close to me, watching to make sure I cleaned up every last drop.

When it was as clean as possible, I stood up and tossed my urine-soaked blouse into a nearby trash can. I reached into my purse and pulled out my hand sanitizer and used it to clean my hands and knees. I saw the club president, standing with Fister, so I walked over to them, determined to get the hell out of here.

As I approached the outlaws, I pushed down my fear and humiliation. I reminded myself emotion has no place in negotiations. I’d taught myself to turn off my emotions when I was making deals and soon I was closing deals no one else could.

"Okay gentleman," I said, almost choking on the word, but forcing it out with a smile on my face. "My car wrapped itself around a tree a few hundred yards from here. My phone is dead, my husband and children are in Lake Erin County hospital and need surgery. The doctors won't operate until I sign a release. How much will it take for you to let me use a phone to call a cab and wait in your parking lot until it can get here?"

Fister looked at the president and laughed. I see on the president's cut he has a name embroidered on it, so I shifted my position a bit so I could read it. Joker and Fister let out a big belly laugh, making several people look over at us. Not seeing anything, they return their attention to their carnal pursuits. After several minutes of laughing, Fister informed me, "Lookee here darlin, ain't no damn cabs comin here. The boys," he gestured at the orgy, " boys, ain't gunna leave this fiesta jus' to drive some snotty lil rich gal into town. Unless she makes it worth his while."

"How much would it take to get a ride?" I asked, feeling more confident now. In all likelihood, these guys combined earned less than my monthly mortgage payment. I figured a few hundred, or even a grand, or two, at the most and I would be on my way to seeing my family.

Fister looked me over up and down, leering at my trim figure. I must say for a 48-year-old, I'm in excellent shape. I run at least 20 miles a week and do yoga twice daily. Standing 5'7" in my stocking feet, I weighed 140 pounds with a larger than average bust. My hourglass figure paired with my long runner's legs made for a nice package. My stomach is as flat as an ironing board, with just a hint of a six-pack. My long flowing jet black hair was loose and hanging down to my shoulder blades. My Asian mother gave me her exotic eyes and soft full lips, my Latino dad gave me his olive complexion. The freckles were a gift from some Irish ancestor long forgotten.

After sizing me up like a rancher would look over a cow at auction, Fister says, "Money ain't gonna work ta-day darlin'. But you do have other...assets that might convince someone to take you for a ride." The nearby bikers laughed at the crude joke. "Course you may have ta ask a few o' my brothers before one agrees ta leave all this."

Without another word, Joker and Fister stood up and walked away from me. They found two unoccupied naked females, roughly bent them over and rammed their hard dicks into them. They started pounding the females, their eyes boring into mine, daring me to look away. Never one to back down from a challenge when I was making a deal, I stared right back at them.

I must admit, I did find their staying power impressive. They drove their cocks into the moaning girls for almost 20 minutes. They never broke eye contact, as sweat covered their torsos. The girls seemed to be enjoying the rough pounding as their moans grew louder the rougher it got. It didn't sound forced to me, not that I was all that experienced with sex. Now I wasn't a prude, I loved sex...with my husband.

He was the only man that had ever been inside me. Only one other man had seen me naked and that was my roommate’s boyfriend. One night after a bit too much to drink, my college roommate and I fought about whose boyfriend was a better lover. We ended up making a bet. We agreed to fuck our boyfriends at the same time, in the same room. Whoever had more orgasms before their boyfriend would be the winner. We lay on our backs, side by side, our legs overlapped. We watched each other get fucked, I wanted to reach over and grab her tits. I couldn't bring myself to do it, afraid of her reaction.

Shaking my head to get rid of that image, I tried to think of something...anything else. The smell of sex hung heavy in the air, and the sounds of orgasms flowed around me. The visuals of everyone copulating, in pairs and groups, was too much for me and forced everything but sex from my mind. I began to imagine Fister bending me over and ramming his dick into my cunt. I started to wonder what it would be like to let someone use me for pleasure. Never knowing who or when or where the next dick would be.

Once again I had to force myself to stop thinking those perverse thoughts. I had to figure out how to get to the hospital and these guys were not being any help. I needed to get a ride without losing more of my dignity...or clothes. I looked around for a likely candidate to give me a ride.

As my eyes roamed around the room, my hand caressed my naked thigh. I jerked it away and thought, ‘God damn this shit is getting to me, I've gotta get outta here and soon.’ I looked to see if anyone had noticed.

Only Joker and Fister were looking at me. Based on the expressions on their faces, I doubted they'd notice a S.W.A.T. Team crashing through the front door. I couldn't help but watch as they pulled their wet shiny cocks out of the woman they had fucked. I groaned to myself as their cum blasted out of their magnificent cocks and coated the girl's bodies. I watched the girls get up and use wet wipes to clean themselves.

"What a waste," I mumbled as I imagined myself licking the cum off their bodies. ‘I need to leave,’ I thought. ‘I'm becoming a common gutterslut.’

Joker and Fister sat down and with a knowing look Fister asked, "Having fun?"

My face turned red, thinking that he saw me starting to rub myself. I tried to come up with a reply, but my mind was stuck in neutral, and nothing came out.

Ignoring my lack of a response, Joker looked at Fister. "What about No-Bone?"

Fister nodded thoughtfully and looked at me. "We got dis brother, who ain't able to join da party. He jus' might be willin' ta take ya inta town." Fister pointed at a door labeled private. “Knock on dat door and see if he'll take care of ya."

I looked at him, not sure if I was being set up or if this was my chance to escape this den of iniquity. I tried to get more information, but Fister ignored me, while he talked to some of the other bikers.

I hesitated, as I wondered if stepping through that door would be the last time anyone saw me alive. Screwing up my courage, I knocked and heard movement. I held my breath as I waited. The door jerked open and I had to choke off a scream.

Behind the door, in the half-light was a man-sized creature from the deepest darkest recesses of humanity's nightmares. I stared at this creature for God knows how long before. Eventually, I realized that this was a human who had been horribly burned, and disfigured.

Regaining my composure, I said "I'm sorry to bother you. I was told No-Bone was back here."

"That's me lady. What can I do for you?" came a gravelly voice from the poor unfortunate being.

No Bone looked over my shoulder to where Fister was sitting. I forced myself not to turn around and look at the improprieties taking place. I didn't know how much longer I could fight off my desire to join in.

No Bone stepped out of the doorway and into the shadows, so I could enter this room. "What can I do for you Miss," he asked politely. It was a refreshing change from the uncouth sub humans I had been dealing with.

As he closed the door, I started to tell him my story and asked for his help. He looked at me and I could see the concern for a fellow human being in his eyes. Trying to appeal to his human decency, I finished by saying "So if I don't get there soon my husband and children might die."

"Well, that's a right sad story miss. I feel for you and I guess I can give you a ride, but what do I get in return?"

"I have money, I replied, hoping I could appeal to his greed since sex was out of the question.

Shaking his head he replied. "I don't need money. I have everything I need. Well almost everything," he said sadly.

"What is it you need that you don't have?" I asked, knowing there was very little I couldn't get. I was willing to get anything, legal or not, to get out of this nuthouse.

"Well as Fister told you, I can't have sex anymore. I do still enjoy a female's body. I'd be willing to give you a ride, but in return, I want a sexy striptease and lapdance."

"No way!" I yelled. "I'm a happily married woman who's always been faithful to her husband. There is no way I am giving some stranger a lap dance for a 30-minute drive." I was reaching for the door to leave when his voice stopped me.

"Look lady, I know I'm horrible to see. I have to hide back here so the ladies entertaining my brothers out there aren't grossed out. If I step out there most of those women will run off screaming and never come back. So I hide back here and listen to my brothers having sex, when I can’t."

I look at him in sympathy not knowing how it would feel if my husband had something similar happen. "If you go out there, my brothers will strip you, rape you, and toss you out. The worst I can do is look at you and caress your breasts or pussy, then you're on your way to your family."

I thought about it and knew he was right. I wished I could rewind the last 4 hours and get on the damn freeway. "What kind of people are you?" I demanded. "I can give you enough money to buy a brand new top of the line Harley and instead all you think about is sex. This is crazy."

"You call it crazy. I call it a fair trade. A ride for a lap dance."

I had given a few lap dances to my husband on special occasions. I always felt it was not something a respectable married lady and mother of 4 should do. It always felt wrong, wrong, and dirty.

My mind flashed to an image of the girls getting plastered by cum. My brain said what harm is there. This isn't your home or your husband. In this salacious environment giving a stranger, a lapdance didn't seem as skanky as it did in my bedroom. "Let's get it over with," I said. No Bone sat down in a chair as I started to sway to the music.

As my hips gyrated side to side, I pulled off my Betty Boop tee shirt and dropped it onto the floor, freeing my breasts. The same breasts that had fed my children all those years ago. I bent over a bit to let them hang down and shimmied my shoulders. I saw No Bones eyes light up as he reached out and let his hand brush against the soft flesh. His touch made me moan in pleasure and I stepped closer to him.

Turning my back, I unfastened my skirt and eased it down my legs, bending at the waist to lower it all the way to the floor. I let it puddle at my feet and looked back as No Bone reached out and touched the booty shorts I had slept in last night. I jiggled my cheeks as his hand made contact.

"My God," he exclaimed, "You're soaking wet."

"My face turned red when I realized my shorts were still soaked in urine. I didn't want to admit my shame so I kept my mouth shut and danced. I Stepped away from him hooked my thumbs into my shorts and slid them off my legs. My body shuddered as the urine-soaked material left wet streaks down my thighs and calves.

Now naked except for my shoes I danced around the well-spoken, deformed man, and let him get a good look at my nude body. I was hoping to end this humiliation soon, but as I moved back in front of him, he patted his lap. I didn't have a choice, I moved closer to him and rubbed my tits against his chest. Then I dragged them up his chest and shook them in his face. He seized the opportunity to suck my nipple into his mouth. My body shuddered and I realized I was close to a climax.

I pulled my nipple free, and noticed a tear roll down his cheek, as his hands slipped between my legs. He started to rub my labia, and I felt powerful and sexy. This man became enraptured by my naked body and nothing could take his attention from me. I let him rub my pussy until I got close. then sat down on his lap in a sitting reverse cowgirl.

His hands wrapped around my body and grabbed my tits. He started to knead them as my pussy found his penis and started to rub on it through his pants. My hips were rocking, my tits were being squeezed and I was loving every second of this. I heard No- Bone moan in pleasure and start to thrust his hips against me. We rubbed our bodies together. The friction of his jeans on my burning pussy was all it took. I was thrashing about, groaning as the orgasm that had been building since I’d arrived finally washed over me.

As I was overcome with pleasure, No Bone found my clit and rubbed it to prolong my climax and it worked. I kept cumming for almost a minute under his expert manipulation. When I finally regained my senses, I realized what I had done and where I was. My whole body turned beet red. I jumped off his lap and grabbed my skirt and tee shirt and covered myself. I left the booty shorts on the floor of the club not wanting the reminder of my humiliation.

Once I had dressed, I looked at him trying to regain some authority. "Now it's time to go," I told him. Sitting in the seat he looked at his hand which captured my secretions. I watched as he put his fingers into his mouth and tasted me. My knees went weak and I almost stripped again. I closed my eyes and took several deep breaths to get myself under control.

After he savored my flavor, he stood up and smiled at me. He crowded me and he whispered "Thank you, it's been years since I made a woman cum," and then he kissed my cheek. Stepping back in embarrassment he took my hand and led me out a side door. He climbed onto a bike and handed me a helmet. I put it on as he started the bike.

As soon as the motor roared to life, I knew I was in trouble. The powerful vibrations of the steel horse seemed to concentrate right on my naked pussy. Then I realized that sitting astride the back pushed my skirt up almost to my hips. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled my body close to hide my naked bits from other travelers.

Riding over the bumpy back roads, my hair streaming out from beneath the helmet in the wind. My skirt around my waist, vibrations in my crotch, and dozens of people having sex conspired to make my pussy burn with desire. Part of me hated the fact that I was so turned on by these punks, yet part of me felt so alive and free. I wanted to cum again, but my modesty and decorum held me back from letting myself reach the peak my pussy was dying for.

I didn't want the poor, disfigured man, who was giving me a ride, knowing how horny I was. I was afraid he would tell the others how they affected me. They could get my address from my car’s registration and one night they would break into my house and rape me. In my minds eye, I saw my husband and sons tied up and gagged while the bikers raped me and my daughters in every hole.

"OHH MMMYYYY GGGGGOOOOOODDDDDDD!" I screamed into the wind, as my body convulsed in one of the most powerful orgasms I’ve ever had.

I felt shocked and confused. I hadn't touched myself and I felt revulsion by the thoughts and feelings running through my body. Yet, here I was, on the back of a motorcycle. My arms wrapped around a disfigured criminal, and I was cumming so hard I almost blacked out. I had no idea that so much pleasure was possible.

I hated to admit it, but there was a small part of me that wished I had let myself give in to my lustful cravings. To be another set of holes for those brutal men to use and abuse as they wished. If I had been there a few more minutes, I would've fucked every hard object in sight.

As the war inside me raged for control of my body, I felt the bike slow and finally stop. I looked around and saw we were at a rundown abandoned house that was set well off the road. I feared for my life and was a little turned on when I imagined what was about to happen to me.

As the bike slowed to a stop, I shouted over the noise of the engine. "Why are we stopping? You're supposed to take me to the hospital." No-Bone shut off the bike and gave me a non-committal look as he climbed off. I began to look around for a way to escape, not entirely sure I wanted to.

Before I could get off the bike and put my plan in motion, I heard him say "I would love to take you all the way, but I can't," and he started to laugh when he realized the double meaning of his words.

I looked at him in confusion and he pulled up his pants leg, showing me a pager looking device strapped to his ankle. "I'm on house arrest. I can only leave the clubhouse 90 minutes a day and I was out this morning for an hour."

"So why did you make me strip for you..." I began to scream at him. I wasn't that angry, but I felt that a respectable wife and mother would be, so I had to act like I was.

He held up his hands in a slow down gesture and I paused. "One of the club's prospects lives here. He can take you the rest of the way. Follow me and I'll introduce you."

I nodded, not trusting my voice since my pussy was still pulsating from the vibrations of the bike. No Bone walked into the house and motioned for me to follow him. I climbed off the motorcycle, glad to have my skirt covering me again. I prayed that my legs would support my weight. I trod up the steps of the porch and opened the screen door and walked into the house.

If anything the condition of this house made the bar look like a hospital. Filthy didn't even begin to describe it. "Someone lives here?" I asked in shock. I wondered what vaccinations I would need from exposure to this contamination.

In the center of the nastiness, stood a man. Not just any man, an Adonis of a man. He was at least 6'8" tall and weighed more than any two linebackers in the NFL combined. Not an ounce of that weight was fat. He was a mass of muscle, even his muscles had muscles. He had long blond hair to his shoulders, worn loose, and bright blue eyes that showed there was a dark side to him. He was wearing jeans that looked like they had belonged to Bruce Banner after he became the Hulk, and his cut.

My knees went weak as I looked at his chest. He had a very well defined six-pack, pecs the size of a Volkswagen bug, and his upper arms were about as big around as my waist. His wrists were the size of my thighs. All I could envision was this hunk of a man throwing me to the floor and ravishing my body over and over again. I felt another orgasm build as his eyes looked me up and down as a little half-smile ran across his face.

"So, NB here tells me you need a ride. He also told me you gave him a lap dance. Well, what do I get?"

Before I could even think about it I blurted out "A blow-job!" and was on my knees and undoing his pants before I knew what came over me.

He smiled as he gazed down at me, struggling to undo his pants. "Later NB." He called out as his friend walked out the door. "Now ya slut, ya wanna suck my cock? Den ya git dem fuckin' clothes off. Ya don't suck dick unless yer nekkid."

I stood up and I was in a cartoon from the '50s. I had an angel on my right shoulder and a devil on my left. The Angel reminded me of my family in the hospital, and that a lady doesn't give blow jobs to bikers in filthy houses. The devil reminded me of how good my orgasm felt and promised better ones if I gave in to my carnal desires.

As the angel and devil fought for control. I looked into the eyes of this gorgeous man that was the same age as my oldest son. I imagined him fucking me, while my son watched helpless to stop him. That was all it took, the angel disappeared. I was going to let this exquisite piece of masculinity shoot his load in my mouth.

I pulled off my tee-shirt and watched him smile as he saw my breasts. One hand reached out and hefted the fullness. His thumb flicked across my nipple sending shivers down my body. His rough calloused hand played with my tits. I unzipped my skirt, and let it drop to the floor, leaving me standing before him in all my glory. His eyes locked onto my shaven pussy. He smirked as he watched a rivulet of fluid snake its way down my thigh.

Once naked I stood there letting him drink in my trim, well-maintained figure. He put his hand on my head and pushed me to my knees. I knelt before him, and my hands reached for his belt buckle, releasing it. Pulling the zipper of his pants down, I tried reaching in and pulling out his cock. A sharp tug on my hair made me look up into his eyes. He had a frown on his face and was shaking his head no. Getting the message, I unbuttoned the waist of his jeans and pulled them down over his massive hips.

As the pants slid down his body, his thick wiry pubic hair came into view. 'What a surprise,’ I thought, ‘bikers don't manscape.' My breathing became rapid and shallow. I was licking my lips, desperate to get his manhood in my mouth.

I began to see the flesh of his dick where it meets the waist. I smiled as I let my hand brush up against the juncture of his body and his being. My shoulder angel tried one more time to get me to be the wife and mother I had been for half my life. The siren song of my lust was too powerful the angel was vanquished. As his pants continued downward, exposing more and more of his shaft, I began to wonder if it was as long as his legs.

When the head popped free of his dungarees it whacked me in the nose. Inhaling his musk drove me wild and I couldn't wait anymore. My mouth opened and captured the head of his shaft. "By the way, bitch, my name's Aiden, but sluts like you can call me Master. What's yer name?"

Taking his cock out of my mouth, I said, "I'm Catt...Catharine Gato," I replied, wondering why I told him my full name.

He gave me a firm smack across my face and said, "Wrong. Dat's yer old name, what's yer name now?"

Recoiling when he struck me, I looked at him not understanding his question. My hand continued to stroke his shaft not wanting to give up such a wonderful, sexy cock. Realizing what all the bikers called me, I tentatively said, "My name is slut, Master."

"Very good slut. Now you can have da honor of tastin' my cock and drainin' my cum from my balls," as he rubbed my head and smiled down at me.

For some reason, I felt happy and eagerly took his shaft into my mouth. I used every trick I had learned to make this the best blow-job he ever had. As I slobbered on his shaft, he reached down and pinched one of my nipples hard.

"I'm gonna squeeze n' twist your nips until I spray my cum down yer throat. Da sooner I cum, da less you suffer, my pretty little pussy." He increased the pressure on my nipples a cruel smile on his face. I took more of him into my mouth. I was desperate to feel it in my throat and to taste his cum. But, he was so big I didn't know if I could take it all. Even in pornos, I had never seen a dick this big.

I took as much of him as I could into my mouth without choking. At least half his length not receiving stimulation. So I stroked the base of his cock with one hand and fondled his balls with the other. I used my tongue to lick and suck every part of him I could reach. Wanting and needing to please this gorgeous beast of a man, and to taste his cum. I kept worked up more and more saliva so I could take more of him into my mouth. He continued exerting pressure on nipples as I sucked, jerked, and fondled him. It made me hornier than I had ever been in my life.

A wave of pride ran through me when I was able to bury my nose in his wiry pubic hair. I had never been able to do that with my husbands much smaller penis. I felt myself gagging from the invasion of my throat and I didn't care. Keeping him in me I looked up my eyes shining in pride. He twisted my nipples so until they inverted. I screamed around his cock and slid my head back to get some air.

I redoubled my efforts to make him spray his creamy sauce, sucking like an Oreck Vacuum sucks a bowling ball. My head was bobbing like an 80's teen at a hair band concert. The pain in my nipples was deliciously excruciating and all I could think about was whether I wanted his cum on my face or in my belly.

Almost too soon, I felt his dick start to thicken and Master began to try and rip my nipples off my tits. The pain was going straight to my pussy and bringing me close to orgasm like never before. I could feel how close Aiden was to flooding my mouth with his delicious sauce. I worked my hard faster and massaged his balls.

Soon I heard Aiden start to breathe harder and faster and he started saying "Yeah bitch, suck my fuckin' cock. Use dat whore mouth on my hard dick." A small shudder ran through me at his words and I slid my hand off his balls over his taint and up between his ass cheeks. He pulled my nipples out, even more, making me groan around the hard flesh in my mouth. The pain in my tits brought the early warnings of another orgasm.

I heard Aiden say, "Bitch, I fucked a nigger whore in her ass last night and ain't washed yet. I betcha like the taste of nigger whore ass on my dick don'tcha?"

At his words, I started to cum even harder than before. I rammed a finger into his ass and touched his prostate. Master jumped backward, which jerked his cock from my mouth and tore my sweaty nipples free. I made a sound somewhere between a scream and a moan as the blood rushed back into my nipples.

That sound-triggered Aiden's orgasm. The first blast of his cum plastered across my right eye. His cock continued to fire like a Tommy Gun on Valentine's day in Chicago. Each shot of his spunk splattered on my face and each time his warm cream hit me, my orgasm intensified. I couldn't stop cumming even if I wanted to.

My body continued to shudder. , I gasped and moaned until I became too weak to support my own weight and collapsed onto the floor. After an eon or two, I finally stopped convulsing. My senses, which had shut down from the overload of pleasure, began to come back one at a time. As I became aware of my surroundings again, I remembered who I was and what I had done.

I fought back tears of shame, thinking about my family lying in their hospital beds suffering. My arousal fled like an illegal alien from an Arizona State Trooper. I wanted to curl into a ball and die. Jumping to my feet, clutching my clothes to hide my nakedness, I ran through the open door to the bathroom. Slamming the door shut, I tried to turn on the water, but nothing came out.

Aiden pushed the door open and stood there watching me as he buckled his belt. "Where can I wash up?" I asked sullenly, as I covered my naked body.

Aiden laughed "Bitch, dis place look like dere's runnin' water?"

"Can I have some bottled water and a towel at least?" I asked, stepping away from him, trying to keep him from attacking me again.

"Nope. I guess we can stop at da pump and dump and you can use da shitter to make yerself purdy." Aiden smirked at me and my skin reddened even more. I looked at the man who had made my knees weak and my pussy tingle a short time ago. Now he made me want to vomit.

With all the dignity I could muster, which wasn't much at this point, I used the last few pieces of toilet paper to wipe the sticky goo from my face. Then with Aiden watching, I pulled on my skirt and tee-shirt and used the filthy mirror to try and fix my hair.

Aiden and I walked outside to his bike and he climbed on. He handed me a helmet, and I put it on, wrinkling my nose at the smell of stale sweat and other things. I didn't even want to guess what created those odors. I climbed on behind him and wrapped my arms around him getting a whiff of his pungent body odor. I looked at the back of his cut to see which MC I was going to report for rape. Unfortunately, all he had was a bottom rocker with the word prospect on it.

After riding for a few minutes, Aiden pulled into a rundown mom and pop gas station. Pulling up to one of the pumps, he pointed to the side of the dilapidated building, "Shitter's over there." Then he got off and began to fuel his bike. I walked into the unisex restroom, closed, and locked the door. Stripping off all my clothes, I turned on the hot faucet full blast. I waited several minutes and all I got was tepid at best. I pulled several handfuls of toilet paper and took them to the sink. I put the TP under the water and then tried to get soap from the dispenser and it was empty. Using the TP I cleaned the caked on slime from my face as best I could. The cleansing became a spiritual experience. Removing the stain of the last few hours from my soul.

Using the cracked, discolored mirror, I reapplied my makeup, making my face look if not presentable, at least better than it did coated in dried cum

Looking at my clothes, I wanted to cry. My skirt was black, and there were noticeable wrinkles, but it didn't look too bad. My shirt had a lot of cum stains. I wanted to rip it off my body and flush it down the toilet, but riding topless with Aiden was out of the question. I finished making myself as presentable as possible and left the safety of the restroom

Entering the store, I was hoping they sold something I could use to replace the shirt I was wearing. For the first time, today lady luck was with me. There was a rack of shirts all the same shade of deep red. Looking at them, they all had the same design. On the back was a stylized skull and crossbones. The skull was engulfed in flames, and the crossbones were swords dripping blood. Above the logo were the words Rogues of the Underworld in a semicircle. Underneath the image, there was the name of our county, Lake Erin in an upwards arch. The two sets of words almost encircled the skull and crossbones. Turning the shirt around, I saw the words Bikers R-U-L-E me emblazoned in large block letters across the front of the shirt.

I grabbed one of the shirts, without even checking the size and took it to the register to pay for it. The proprietor looked at Aiden, who said "She's a very special friend of the club Murray," and laughed.

Murray, the proprietor, looked me over and licked his lips. Raising his eyebrows suggestively he said "Ya know I'm a good friend of RULE too. If you wanna party, I live in the house out back," and he leered at me as he rang up the shirt.

I suppressed a shudder at the thought of screwing this short fat bald hairy hillbilly. I paid for the shirt and ran to the bathroom to change. As I pulled it on, I remembered a news story I heard about a new Biker Gang in the county that had taken over and pushed out the street gangs. They came out of nowhere and quickly showed they had no problem with violence.

Now that I had a clean shirt I went back to the bathroom and pushed Betty Boop deep into the trash can. I pulled on my new and hopefully very temporary top. I couldn't wait to get away from these criminals and back to my normal life. I took a few deep breaths to steady my nerves and left the restroom. Aiden had already started his bike, so I put on my helmet and climbed on. We roared away, spitting gravel behind us.

The miles passed quickly and I tried not to think about anything. The vibrations were getting irritating and making my legs tired and numb. I still felt nauseous. The odors; Aiden's stench, the exhaust fumes, and stale sweat from the helmet made me want to vomit. I considered vomiting on Aiden's back, but I was too afraid of what he would do to me. He would probably kill me if I did.

I was debating asking him to stop, but I didn't want to be around him any longer than necessary. I fought the bile down, holding out hope I would get there alive. Soon I saw the hospital entrance and I knew I could make it.

As soon as the bike stopped, I jumped off threw the helmet to Aiden, and ran into the safety of the building. I was in the lobby and saw a sign for restrooms. I ran to the lady's room and into the first stall, making it just in time. When my stomach was empty, I turned on the hot water and scrubbed my face raw. I even mixed a small amount of soap with water and washed out my mouth to get rid of his taste. I then used my finger to brush my teeth, trying to not feel so dirty inside. Washing wasn't helping.

Some vomit had gotten on the new shirt, so I went to the lady's room door and waited until a nurse walked passed. I told her that I needed a top since I had puke on the one I was wearing, and she brought me a scrub top. Gleefully I took off the biker club shirt and went to throw it out. For some reason, I put it in my purse instead of the trash can. Pulling on the scrub top, I went looking for my family. Trying to treat the last few hours like they were a bad dream.



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​​Legal Disclaimers:

  • All characters who witness, participate, or encourage sexual encounters are of legal age.

  • This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to anyone living or dead is coincidental.

  • If any of my stories resemble your life, let me know. I want to buy you a drink or five and see what happens.

  • No animals were harmed in the writing of this story, except that one damn mosquito.

"I can't get no, I can't get no

I can't get no satisfaction, no satisfaction

No satisfaction, no satisfaction

I can't get no..."

Keith Richards and Mick Jagger after reading one of my scribbles.


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