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Jane and Her Stalker

©2020 Sal De Klerk, “The Salacious Scribe”. & Hulk781 All Rights Reserved

Final Revision June 2020.

Authors Note:

The story started when Hulk781 posted the first paragraph in a role play forum. I knew no one would respond. In order to teach him a lesson I responded. Then he did and soon we were having fun and went from preposterous to ludicrous fairly quickly.


This story contains adult content including non-consensual sex, over the top non sexual violence, an assassination and a war between the criminal bikers and the USMC. If this is not your kind of smut, please find another story.


This story contains dubious/non-consenual sexual encounters. This is only a fantasy. Always ensure you have explicit consent from all sexual partners prior to engaging in sexual liaisons. If you were a victim of sexual assault please seek help from The National Sexual Assault Hotline 


Ron stared at the voluptuous Jane with lust. He followed her down the street outside her office. When she stopped walking, he bumped into her and ground his cock on her ample bottom. Jane moaned and ran off in fear. Ron followed her from a distance. His lust-filled eyes watched her every move. She entered the perceived safety of her home. The next day Ron found Jane outside her favorite restaurant. He walked up behind her and reached around and grabbed her large tits. Ron squeezed them hard and twisted her nipples. Every few days Ron would appear at random times and places and assault Jane. After six weeks of this treatment, he decided to go to the next step. Ron waited in his car outside Jane's home. When she walked by, Ron used his most commanding tone, “Get in the car now!”

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After each assault, Jane had filed a police report. She felt that paperwork wasn't going to keep her safe, so she went to a local gun range and learned to shoot. She applied for a license to carry a gun and purchased a Colt 1911 .45 handgun. When Jane heard the voice, she looked over and saw her attacker sitting in a 1978 powder blue Chevette. She drew her gun and fired four rounds. Each bullet struck him center mass. Jane watched as blood poured out of the wounds. She heard his final gasps for air, as his life force ebbed away.

When the police arrive, Jane turned over her weapon, and license. Then she showed them the restraining order she got on a John Doe meeting his description. Last she hands over a list of report numbers for the thirty-four assaults she reported. In less than a day, the shooting gets ruled self-defense, and no one claims the body. Ron got buried in paupers field with no mourners. Jane's life goes on.

Ron stood there watching Jane sleep. She tossed and turned and muttered 'blood, dead...' Ron assumed her dream was violent.

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Ron had gone to elementary school with Jane. She ignored him and never spoke to him. Ron had a huge crush on her and when his family moved away he swore he would come back and marry her. When he returned after his discharge from the Marine Corps he used his training to find Jane.

When Ron saw Jane after all these years he knew he had to have her. He approached her and tried to strike up a conversation. Jane looked at him in fear and fled. Ron obsessed about Jane and started to stalk her. He learned about her life and routine. Ron used his military training to gather intel and make a plan to claim her. Tonight he put that plan to action.

He knew that on Fridays Jane would leave work early, stop at Papa Sabz for a Gyro platter and feed half of it to her dog. Posing as a sales rep from the restaurant's food vendor, he gained access to the kitchen. When no one was around, he added crushed sleeping pills to Jane's meal.

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Jane grew sleepy after only a few bites of her dinner. She put the leftovers in her fridge and went to lay down. She wanted to be awake later since she had plans with a friend.

Ron found her asleep on her bed and used some zip ties to secure her hands. Jane's eyes fluttered open and she saw the man that had molested her by her bed.

'I should have locked that damn window,' she thought to herself then screamed "Let me go asshole!" As struggled to free herself. While she struggled, she wondered why Nova, her 200 pound St. Bernard wasn't ripping him apart. "Nova," she screamed as she flailed her legs at the invader.

Ron loved how her body moved as she struggled and squirmed to get free. He took his time slicing off Jane's clothes. Once her clothes no longer covered her, he forced her to roll onto her stomach and started to slap her juicy ass. "Your mutt can't help you. I drugged him." He said as he pulled off his clothes.

Jane was in a panic. She had no idea what this psycho intended to do with her. She believed she was going to die. She screamed as loud as she could hoping one of her neighbors would hear her and call the police.

Ron slapped her and she grew quiet as her eyes widened in fear. He grabbed a roll of duck tape and put a strip over her mouth. She tried to fight but Ron was too strong. He covered her eyes with a sleep mask, then whispered "I'm not going to kill you. I'm here to make you mine. I've loved you since we were kids. After tonight you'll love me as much as I love you.

That sentence was the most frightening thing Jane had heard in her life. Ron had climbed on top of her and Jane tried to roll over and pin him under her weight.

Jane's attempts to fight Ron turned him on more. Ron wrestled Jane and got control. Ron started to rub Jane's pussy while he pinched her beautiful breasts. Jane moaned and felt herself getting moist. She felt horrified her body was betraying her. She stopped fighting hoping the fucking pervert would spray his slime and leave.

When Ron felt her stop fighting, he told her, "You're going cum more tonight than you have in your entire life." Ron penetrated Jane's sweet pussy with 2 fingers. He arched them and found her G-spot. His thumb played with her clit as he sucked her inner tighs.

Jane hoped he would recoil in disgust as most of her lovers had when they saw her clit. It was the size of a small cock and when aroused she would get an erection. For once Jane didn't feel self-conscious when nude. This time she wanted the guy to get disgusted and leave. She hoped her scumbag rapist would feel disgusted by her girl dick.

Ron jumped back in surprise when he saw her large clit. He wasn't deterred by the unusual prominence of the organ. He stretched out her giant pussy lips as he jerked off her clit. After he stroked her for a few minutes, he turned her over and started to stroke her from behind.

Jane couldn't believe he was still assaulting her. 'What the fuck will it take to stip this motherfucker.' she wondered as she tried to come up with a way to scare him off. She pulled her legs closed to make it harder for him to fondle her. Then a long-forgotten memory from her high school health class surfaced. She forced her muscles to relax and closed her eyes. She started to picture every waterfall she ever saw a picture of, as she played the sound of rain from memory.

It took several minutes but it worked. She held back as long as she could to let the pressure build. When it became too much she let go. Her stream burst out of her and sprayed her attacker on his torso. She smiled pleased with herself. 'That should cool his libido.' she thought smugly.

Ron felt liquid splashing onto his stomach. He grinned pleased that he made Jane squirt. Ron slammed his cock into Jane and fucked her hard at a furious pace. Ron felt her pussy pulsate, and hot juice flowed over his dick. Ron scooped up some of the fluid and licked it off his fingers. That was when he knew that Jane didn't squirt. 'The stuck up bitch pissed on me.' Ron had a salacious smile on his face as he continued to fuck Jane until he blasted his seed into her. His load was enormous. The biggest load he ever shot. Ron's dick throbbed as he let every drop of his cum flow into her. He pulled out his dick, still hard and throbbing.

Ron picked up a black duffle bag he had brought with him. He watched Jane struggle. He pulled her hair back and snarled "This is only the beginning. I came prepared for a dirty whore like you". Ron threw the duffle bag on the bed next to Jane so she could imagine what he had in store for her.

A deep masculine voice called "Jane, I'm here. Got pizza and the movie. Hey Nova... Jane, what's wrong with Nova? he's not moving." Seconds later a huge black man was standing in the doorway. He was 7' tall weighed 400 pounds and not an ounce of it was fat.

Seeing Jane trussed up and a naked stranger standing over her, he reacted at once. He grabbed the stranger and punched him in the face, breaking his nose. Then he picked the man up and tossed him across the room, his head struck the wall so hard plaster flew everywhere. Ron lost consciousness.

When he came to he was on Janes bed. He was still naked, His arms and legs tied so tight they were numb. The Black man was sitting in a chair looking at him.

"Now my friend, it may be hard to prove rape. It's not hard to make someone disappear. But there are some people who want to meet you first. They are going to have some fun with you."

Ron swallowed his rage and waited for an opportunity to escape. This wasn't the first time he was in a life or death situation, and he had always survived. He goaded his captor, "Jane's pussy loved my big dick. I dumped so much cum in her, she'll have a litter of my kids."

The black man lost his temper and started to beat Ron. Ron didn't make a sound. He let the black man beat him to distract him. While his face was getting pounded, Ron worked himself free. The man who tied him was unfamiliar with these restraints and didn't secure them. When Ron had freed himself, he looked at the black man through the only eye that wasn't' swollen shut. "You hit like a bitch. Jane's clit is bigger than your dick."

He threw a haymaker at Ron, that would have taken his head off. Ron dodged the blow and threw an elbow to his throat. The black man went down and Ron untied his legs. Ron got up and seized the black man's head. He slammed it into the floor over and over until his enemy stopped moving. Ron stood up and went looking for Jane. Before he could find her, he heard someone opening the front door. He ran into the bedroom, grabbed his bag, and climbed out the window. As he runs naked he heard several motorcycles. He glanced behind him dozens of headlights pointed at him. He held up his hand and found himself surrounded by twenty women in jeans, boots, and cuts. They advanced on him, each carried a weapon, clubs, chains, and more than a few guns.

"Rape my sister you fuckwit," said the 5'9" 220 lb leader of the Red Tide MC. "Go ahead try that shit on me," she spat. The rest of the crew advanced on him. They wailed on him until he passed out again.

When he woke, he found himself in a forest. His back was against a rough tree and his hands tied around it. The only light is from a huge bonfire and there are at least fifty women he could see. There was a huge ball gag in his mouth, so he couldn't speak. A metal bar ran between his legs, keeping them spread apart. He was unable to move.

A female voice shouted, "He's awake," and all the women surrounded him with looks of hatred in their eyes. One woman walks up to him. "You made a mistake shithead. You raped our founder's sister. The guy you beat, well he's an officer int Rogues of the Underworld MC. His club is on the way. You got an hour before you're another face on a milk carton. No one will find a piece of your body when we're done."

She smacked him so hard his head bounced off the tree. When he regained consciousness he heard the roar of motorcycles. The Rogues had arrived.

Ron knew these were his last moments alive. He accomplished his goal. Jane would never forget him. No matter what, she was his forever. Ron hears the lynch mob of angry bikers and makes peace with his fate. As he watched the group advance on him, he saw the log cabin style fire collapse.

Several flaming logs fell out of the fire pit and the dry spell left a lot of dry tinder and kindling. A wildfire started burning and before anyone could react, it was out of control. Ron smiled knowing that his death would be painful but he wouldn't die alone.

The bikers see the fire. They ran to their bikes and sped off leaving Ron to burn to death. While not as painful as what they planned, it was a fitting death for a rapist. As they rode off Ron's haunting screams of "JJAAAAANNNNNEEEEEE". gave several of them nightmares for weeks.

The local fire department arrived on scene mere moments after the bikers fled. As they fought the fire, one of them saw a person tied to a tree. The firefighters and wildfire were in a race to Ron. The flames were faster. The rescuers got to Ron before he died, but he was crispy. As the medics put him on a stretcher, Ron saw one of them had an Eagle Globe and Anchor tattoo. He grabbed his fellow Marine and whispered in his ear before he succumbed to his injuries.

Several days later, at Ron's funeral, some Senators and Cabinet members were present. They were there to offer condolences to the Commandant of the Marine Corps. General Ronald Thomas son burned to death in a forest fire. After the internment, the General met with a Marine turned paramedic. General Thomas clenched his fist as the medic spoke. After the service, the General met with his intelligence officer. Then he held classified briefings with the law and order politicians.

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Fister was the intel officer for the Lake Erin charter of the Rogues of the Underworld MC. On a daily basis, he would scan popular news sites for items of interest to his club. Today while he scanned The Navy Times website he found an interesting article. A decorated Marine died in a forest fire. The Marine in question happened to be the son of the Commandant. Fister called Joker the charter prez on his burner phone. They discussed the pertinent details and the prez called his charter to church.

"The scumbag that raped Jane, he's the son of some big shot Marine General. He spent time in combat and has some of his fellow Marines in the area. Everyone needs to be on the lookout for the next few months." he tells his men and adjourns the meeting. Across town Red Tide MC was having a similar meeting.

The next day the officers of RULE MC and RT MC met to discuss the potential threat. They made sure all their members had weapons and ready to defend themselves. The two clubs had a tight relationship. The ladies in Red Tide Motorcycle Club were the sisters, daughters, and cousins of the men RULE MC. They weren't friends they were blood.

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All was quiet for about six months and life had gone back to normal for RULE and Red Tide. Then a flurry of news stories about criminal biker gangs permeated the news cycle. News stories on bikers and criminal activity dominated the news.

Politicians everywhere start swearing they will fight the growing crisis. New laws get passed, local police get military-style equipment. The National Guard gets mobilized to curtail the violence. The Marine Corps sends observers to help local police stop the biker gangs. The official position is that this is a war on crime. In the operations center, it's a war on biker gangs, especially RULE and RT MC.

RULE and Red Tide MC hold a joint news conference. They point to all the charity work they do. They admit like all organizations a few bad apples don't make them all criminals. They talk about government overreach and harassment. Joker asks "Why are the police concerned with people who ride bikes. When they could go after groups like the North American Man-Boy Love Association."

They also point out that the task force is in violation of federal law. Under the Posse Comitatus Act, the military can't take part in civil law enforcement. Civil rights and anti-police groups protest. Politicians receive so many complaints that they strip the military gear. POTUS orders the National Guard to stand down. Life returns to normal.

General Thomas decides to take one last action. He orders a squad of Marine Raiders to capture Jane and her sister. The mission was successful and they imprisoned in a top-secret bunker. General Thomas officers insult and degrade the women while holding them prisoner. After several days, he orders Jane to watch as her sister gets beat to death. Then he has her drugged and released several hundred miles from her home. General Thomas returns to his office in the Pentagon, satisfied with his revenge. He still wondered what the hell his son saw in Jane.

Lucky Lou was a member of RULE MC. Before earning his patch, he was a Marine. He served two tours as a Scout Sniper and earned promotions to Staff Sargent. He was in the reserves and got activated due to his MOS and rank. He finagled a billet at the Scout Sniper School in Quantico Va. The CO and CSM were old friends who made sure he was on the shortlist for promotion to Gunny. Lucky Lou had friends all over the Corps. Through his myriad of contacts, he found out what the General had done.

The next day, General Thomas left his favorite restaurant after a lunch meeting. As he lit a cigar a 7.62X55mm round entered the Generals skull. His brain exited the opposite side.

No evidence of the shooter was ever found. The striations on the bullet matched the General's personal M40-A5 rifle. NCIS opened the Generals gun safe and found the rifle. It was clean and looked like it hadn't moved in months. The only fingerprints found on it belonged to the General. There was a box of ammo with the rifle. The NCIS agent opened the twenty round box. He found nineteen rounds and one brass casing without the bullet.

A few days passed and every member of the Generals staff E7 and up got a picture in the mail. Every photo had a masked person pointing a gun at the head of a relative as they slept. The message was clear. Fuck with us and people you love, die.

Since there were no leads, NCIS closed the investigation. The case remained open. Lucky Lou used his contacts to make sure the case files disappeared. His buddy who worked in a classified storage facility put them in the wrong place. The files spent eternity gathering dust right next to the Ark of the Covenant. Neither was ever seen again.


Please let me know whether or not you liked this story. I do not make money from writing. My sole reward are your comments, votes, likes, follows, shares and emails. Hearing from readers is what encourages me to keep writing. I truly believe feedback is a gift, and I like gifts.

Sal De Klerk, “The Salacious Scribe”.

Follow me on Twitter @scribesalacious



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