by Deadly Joker
© MMIII All Rights Reserv
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Belinda was feeling so blissful she almost purred in contentment as she sipped tea and looked out the kitchen window. Outside of their country house the fields and woods were bathed the rich sunlight of an autumn afternoon.
"Wow, I've forgotten how beautiful it is out here," she said. Belinda had quit her secretarial job and moved back home from the city after breaking up with Carl. She was tall and blonde, but her glasses and sweater couldn't completely hide the knock-out body underneath, slim from fitness and but blessed with generous breasts and ass. Belinda was idly planning to find another job, to get back into the rat race; maybe in the same city, maybe somewhere else. But for now every day in her first home felt better and better.
Her younger sister Fiona, the middle child in the family, raised her head. She was sitting at the kitchen table, going over a short story anthology with a highlighter.
"Yeah," Fiona said, "It is nice. I mean, if anything, it's gotten quieter since you left. So many farms and businesses closing up, a lot of land just going back to being wild."
Fiona went back to idly scanning over her book. She had a full slate of courses at the university, but most of them were largely done over the internet, so that she only needed to take the 90 minute drive to the campus about every second week, borrowing her father's car. Fiona was dark-haired and husky in stature, which gave her face a roundness, and emphasized the curves of both her breasts and butt.
"Though, it's probably not the greatest for Dad," Fiona added, taking her attention from the page again. "I mean, he doesn't get to mix with a lot of new people here."
Belinda nodded and sighed, leaning onto the counter while looking thoughtful. "Yeah, I mean, it's been over a year since Mom died. And he doesn't do much except work in his study, huh?"
"Well," Fiona said, "it's not like he doesn't get outside. Y'know, stuff like chopping wood or hiking or even canoeing, which he's been doing more of. But he does all that stuff by himself.
"He's really dived into his work. Business is going great, and he's making loads of cash. But the problem is he just does it all from the computer in the study. I wish he expanded his horizons a bit. Took a break to relax."
"Me too Fi," Belinda said, "me too."
The kitchen drifted into silence. They heard a large vehicle some distance away, passing by on the road at the end of their long driveway.
A few minutes later their youngest sister, Samantha, came bouncing in: "Hey guys! Why the serious looks?"
Samantha was in her final year of high school. She had blonde hair like Belinda, but her body structure was radically different: svelte and petite. At first they thought because she was the youngest, that she was just taking time to bloom. But she was now a young woman, though she could easily make herself look much younger than her eighteen years.
"Oh," Belinda said, "we were just discussing Daddy. We were worried that he was working too much."
"He does work too much," Samantha said. "And spends too much time alone.
"Hey! Maybe we can do something with him for Halloween tomorrow? I got invited somewhere, but I can cancel, no problem. How about you guys?"
They all jumped on the idea, and soon sat around the table discussing various possibilities.
At one point, Fiona looked like she wanted to speak up. Her sisters became silent, but Fiona just twirled her highlighter between her fingers, and then chewed a bit on the end of it with her teeth.
"Well..." she began, "what about if we...uh...you guys know the stuff we always talked about doing? Especially on those late nights when we snuck into each other's rooms?"
The three sisters leaned their heads closer to each other, and their conversation was scattered with wavering whispers and nervous giggles.
At one point, Belinda spoke up. "Listen girls, as someone who's been out in the world for a few years, and someone who left here and never thought she would come back, let me tell you this: there aren't going to be many more chances like this for us. Heck, maybe none. So if we want to do this, we should do it."
"And...?" Samantha asked.
"And," Belinda said, taking a deep breath, "I want to do it."
"So do I."
"Yeah, me too."
The three sisters flashed big toothy grins at each other.
Later that afternoon, Belinda walked down the hallway and stopped at the door of her father's study. She saw him working away at the desk in the corner, surrounded by stacked file folders, some of them overflowing with papers.
There were a couple of large picture windows which framed the beauty of the changing autumn leaves outside, but his gaze was fixed on one of the three computer monitors in front of him. As he pecked away at the keyboard, Belinda secretly admired the way his motions made the muscles quiver under his plaid shirt. With his sleeves rolled up, and with the slight flecks of grey in the short dark hair on his head and in the stubble on his face, he looked like a nineteenth century lumberjack confined to doing some twenty-first century computer engineering.
Belinda softly knocked on the door and then strode in, bending over behind her father's chair and hugging him by wrapping her arms around his upper chest.
"Hello, Daddy," she said softly in his ear, and then gave him a kiss on the cheek. She looked at the computer screens, but the scattered numbers were gibberish to her. She stayed locked in the hug and inhaled his scent.
"Uh," he said, "did you want something, Princess?"
"Oh yeah!" She'd been lost in that musky scent of her father's. "Dinner'll be ready in about half an hour." She was still hugging him and speaking softly into his ear. "Also, you know tomorrow's Halloween, right?"
"Oh," he said, like he didn't actually know. "You girls want to go out tomorrow night? The car's yours, no problem."
"Actually, what we thought was, it would be fun for all of us to spend together, as a family." Belinda gave him a squeeze at the last word. "You know, dress up in costumes, watch a few scary movies, that sort of thing?"
"Don't worry Daddy, we'll take care of that. Just promise you'll free yourself up for the evening. I don't want to hear about any client meetings or any fences that need painting or anything like that, got it?" she teased him.
"Um..." Her father tried to turn to look at her while she hugged him from the back. "Yeah, alright, should be fun. You girls are too good to me, thinking of your old Pop."
"Oh, we'll be very good to you," Belinda said. And then, fearing she'd said too much, she quickly kissed her father on the cheek again and hurried out of his study.
Early evening the next day, the father of the three girls, Bruce, was sitting in his study feeling restless. He'd wrapped up all of his work a few hours ago, like he promised his girls. But they told him they didn't were 'getting everything ready' and asked him to stay in his study with the door closed.
Bruce had settled into an armchair with a novel, but the light through the window was now fading. There was a knock on the door.
"Come in!" Bruce called.
"Hey Dad!" Belinda stepped in and then twirled around so that her father could take a look at her outfit. "Whataya think?"
Her father was silent, and just stared at his oldest daughter. She wore extremely high, black platform high-heels. Black stockings covered her legs, and enough of her short skirt had slipped up that you could see not only the lacy tops of the stockings, but the beginnings of the garters that held them in place. The skirt Belinda wore was black with grey pinstripes and was not only short but also so tight that the vertical lines warped dramatically over the bulge of her butt, and her panty lines were visible.
Her lacy black bra showed wherever it touched the thin white silk of her sleeveless top, and enough buttons were undone that the part that held the two cups together was visible. Belinda's straight blonde hair was worn up with a clip, and her thick-rimmed glasses had slipped halfway down her nose.
Belinda handed her father a bag. "We went through your closet and put together a great outfit for you!"
Bruce looked in the bag. "My summer suit? I haven't worn that in...damn."
Bruce took his clothes out of the bag, and Belinda suggested her father start with the pants. "Uh," he said, "can I have a little privacy?"
"Hmm?" Belinda asked, looking over her glasses. Then she giggled. "Oh, alright Daddy. But just remember, you're only allowed to dress up with what we picked out for you. That means you go commando."
"No underwear." Belinda saw the questioning look on her father's face and grabbed one of his hands in hers and pleaded. "Come on! We're just having a little fun! Let us girls be a little crazy, huh? If you want all of us to have fun, you can't be a spoil-sport and play by your own rules, can you?"
Her father nodded hesitantly. When he called her back in, Belinda could see the outline of her father's cockhead pressing against the white cloth of his pants. She shot him a smile.
Bruce finished dressing up in his 'costume' and looked at himself in the closet mirror. "It's a look I guess, but is all this jewellery really necessary?"
"Why of course it is, silly!
"Let loose! Get into character! It's Halloween!" Belinda circled her dad and looked him over. He wore a white suit and black dress shoes. Gold necklaces of all kinds were hanging on his naked chest between the lapels of the suit jacket. The girls had also found multiple gold bracelets for each of his wrists, and even a false hoop earring to put in one ear.
"And just what is my character?" Her father asked.
"And now the final touch..." Belinda placed a fedora on his head. "Hmm, not the same color, but good enough! Ta-da! Presenting 'Pimp Daddy'!"
Her father blinked, "Hmm, what?"
Belinda smiled and stood in front of him, smoothed down his lapels, and ran a finger down his gold chains - getting a chance to touch the flesh of his chest.
"I said you're Pimp Daddy! You know, buying and selling pussy, keeping your ho's in line. That sort of thing.
"C'mon, let's show you off!"
Belinda pulled her disbelieving father by the hand down the hallway. There was a scowl forming on Bruce's face, though he also paid attention to the way his daughter's ass moved under her skirt.
She brought him into the widest part of the hallway, where the stairs were.
"And now," Belinda called out, "presenting 'Slutty Samantha'! Ta-da!"
Samantha popped out of the darkness of the living room. She jumped in front of her father and twirled around. She had her blond hair tied up in pigtails on either side of her head. Her face was heavily made up, with strong red lipstick, rouge on her cheeks, and heavy eyeliner. Her short-sleeved white shirt, under which there was no bra, was tied up underneath her breasts, leaving her flat stomach on display. She wore a short schoolgirl kilt and knee-high white socks, and her platform heels were as high as Belinda's.
Samantha stepped up to her dad, leaned in and stretched up to kiss him on the cheek, said, "Lookin' good, Pimp Daddy," and then twirled off to the corner.
"And now!" Belinda called out again, "'Fuckdoll Fiona'! Ta-da!"
Fiona stepped out of the living room as well, and a gasp came from Bruce's lips. His eyes were locked on her as she turned herself around for him, and then Bruce felt frozen in place when she kissed him on his other cheek and whispered, "I'm your fuckdoll, you're my Pimp Daddy."
She wore a black leather mask over her head that let her hair out wildly through a hole at the top. Her dark eyes looked out through holes that could be buttoned closed by leather flaps, and her red lips and white teeth showed through a hole that could be covered up as well. A bright red ball-gag hung around her neck. She wore a black corset which was tightened so that there was an extra swell in the cleavage of her breasts, which were barely held in by cups at the top of the corset. Leather gloves, black as well, stretched all the way to her elbows.
Fiona's platform heels were as high as those of her sisters, but in her case they were part of black patent leather boots that went up to her knees, intricately laced all the way. Fishnet stockings went up from there, until they ended just before her leather hotpants, which had a zipper that began in front and went all the way down her crotch and up the crack up her bum, where the loop of the zipper dangled.
"And I," Belinda said, "am 'Backdoor Belinda'! Ta-da!"
Belinda went up and kissed her father on the lips. Then she turned around and rubbed her butt into his half-stiff cock, and turned her head to give him a wink.
"Hold on, hold ON, HOLD ON!" Their father stepped back and waved his hands around. "I...uh...I dunno what..."
Samantha, in her schoolgirl clothes, tilted her head and whined, "Daaaaddy. We're just having a little fun! What do you think people do on Halloween? Dress up, that's what!"
"But, but..." Bruce sputtered, "What about that outfit, Fiona? Where did you even get that stuff!"
"Dad!" She admonished him, and fixed him with a gaze through her two eye-holes. "You always encouraged us to be creative! And it's just us four, just family. Not like we have to worry about our 'reputations' or some bullshit like that. Nothing's going outside this house."
"But..." Bruce's voice was less strenuous, "This is...this is some kind of theme you picked out...I don't know..."
Belinda spoke up and put a hand on her father's shoulder. "I know having three sexy young women in hand may not be your idea of a good time," she gave him a sarcastic smirk. "But think about us, huh? We're all grown up enough now, and we wanna let off a little steam, huh? If we can't be a little wild and crazy and 'out there' with our own dad, then what's left for us, hmm?
"C'mon. We'll go and make some pizza, and then watch a scary movie, and it'll be no big deal. I mean, we know you're an old fogey," she playfully poked him lightly in the stomach, "but let us girls have a little fun, huh?"
Bruce smiled and chuckled, "I'm not that old! Why, I...um, never mind. Anyway; yeah, yeah, alright, last thing I wanted to do is ruin your Halloween. It's one of my favourite holidays. Why..." he playfully clinked the jewellery around his neck, "why, I might just show you young girls up and be the wildest one of all!" He laughed.
"Yay! Let's go into the kitchen and make pizza!" Samantha said.
As they walked to the kitchen, someone pinched Bruce's bottom.
"C'mon ho's, let's get cook up some food in our kitchen before Pimp Daddy beats our asses!" Belinda giggled.
"Yeah!" added Samantha. "Cookin', cleanin' and fuckin', that's all us ho's are good for!"
An admonition was halfway out of Bruce's lips when Fiona said, "Maybe not so good on the first two!"
The girls laughed uproariously.
The girls moved their father into a seat by the kitchen table. Fiona made a show of straining to twist off the top of a bottle of cold beer, and then bent over in front of her father to hand him the opened bottle, displaying her jiggling cleavage.
Fiona and Samantha did most of the preparing of the pizza, while Belinda looked on, hand on hip, giving out orders that were spiced up with remarks like, "C'mon bitches, Pimp Daddy's getting hungry!" and "Arch your backs and show Pimp Daddy your asses while you're working...he doesn't keep you bitches around because he loves you!" She emphasized these remarks with spanking Fiona or Samantha's ass.
Bruce would sometimes make a motion as if to protest, but every time his beer bottle became empty, Samantha would say, "Fuckdoll Fiona, can't you see Pimp Daddy needs to be 'serviced'?" Fiona would then grin through her mask at her father, get another beer from the fridge and twist the top off while pressing her arms together so that her breasts heaved, and then bent over to place the bottle beside her father, rubbing against him and letting him look at her breasts for as long as he liked.
Bruce, face now a little flushed, was finishing off his third beer when the girls placed the pizza in the oven.
"Alright!" Belinda clapped her hands together. "Now, while it's baking, let's go to the living room for a little Halloween dance competition! You'll be the judge Daddy...um, Pimp Daddy, sorry. Gotta stay in character!
"Anyway, you'll be the judge, so pay close attention!"
"Dance? Judge?" Bruce asked.
Bruce settled into the large leather recliner in the living room, while the three girls gathered around the stereo.
Suddenly a sound boomed out, loud enough so that Bruce jumped in his seat:
"Oh baby, baby, How was I supposed to know..."
Samantha began stepping, swaying and shaking in front of her father, in time to the synthesizer beat.
"...My loneliness is killing me..."
Bruce clutched the armrests a little tighter, and as he tried to gulp down his saliva, a bead of sweat was forming on his forehead. Samantha shook her ass, flapped her skirt so that her panties showed, and thrust her hips.
"...Hit me baby one more time!"
Samantha was grinding her crotch on her father's knee and moving upward on his leg when the song ended.
She stopped, flipped away a few stray strands of hair from her face and said, "Damn...alright, Fiona's turn."
Fiona took the spot in front of her father's seat. She stood perfectly still until another electronic beat, this one dirtier and more aggressive, spurring her fetish-doll body to movement.
"...You let me violate you, You let me penetrate you..."
Fiona put a finger of each hand in her mouth, through her mask. Then she moved her hands down over her body, cupping her breasts, sliding down over her stomach, and then grabbing upwards at her crotch. She turned her ass to her father and bent over. She began pulling down the zipper that ran between her ass cheeks a few notches, which elicited a sharp gasp from her father, before she playfully pulled it back up again.
The beat of the music became harder and more urgent: "...I want to fuck you like an animal!..."
Fiona sat down in her father's lap, facing him, and moved her ass around, giving him a nasty lap dance over his hard cock. She grasped his head by the hair and pulled it into her breasts, rubbing his face in the soft warm flesh.
The song was over, and silence descended on the room. Fiona withdrew her hands and stopped moving, but her father's head still stayed pressed between her breasts. She giggled and pulled away, "Now, now, I know I'm your favourite, but you've still got one performance to watch."
Belinda took the floor, a few feet in front of her father. In contrast to her corporate sexy-secretary clothing, a heavy rap beat began pumping through the speakers.
"Got you working with some ass, yeah..."
Belinda moved her ass and stockinged legs in time with the beat, showing her butt off to her father, bending over, sometimes pulling up her skirt a bit or spanking her own bottom so that her father could see the constrained jiggle.
"...Call me big daddy when you back that ass up, Ho who is you playing with, Back that ass up..."
Belinda, facing away from her father, shook her ass at him in time with the music. She slowly moved towards him, rubbing her ass over his bulging cock and up over his stomach.
The music faded out then stopped, and Bruce was suddenly staring at his eldest daughter's ass resting on his bare upper chest, close enough he could probably get his face into it if he craned his neck forward.
"So, who's the best dancer of your ho's, Pimp Daddy?" Samantha had moved beside him, and now was running her hand along his shoulder.
"Yeah, who's your pick?" Fiona was on his other side, and she brushed his neck gently with her gloved hand.
There was a moment of silence where only Belinda's breaths, from her exertion as the last dancer, filled the air. Then a buzzing alarm came from the kitchen.
Belinda turned back and looked down at her father's face, over the curve of her ass, "That's the pizza. Maybe we'll decide who's best later, hmmm?"
The girls seated him at the head of the table. Bundles of candles burned at the centre of the table, and on the shelves and cabinets surrounding them, throwing strange light and shadows. All the glasses were filled to the brim with wine, and the girls would fill up their father's glass whenever it was less than half-full. By the time they moved back to the living room, which was now also bathed in candlelight, the glasses they brought with them held the last of a second bottle of wine.
Bruce settled into the centre of the large leather couch in front of their wide-screen television, and Belinda snuggled in against his left side, while Fiona snuggled against his right side. Without asking, Samantha climbed up on his lap and curled up, resting her head against his chest.
The film the girls had picked out, The Legend of Hell House, played on the DVD player. Bruce had begun the film with an arm around each of the girls at his side. Soon, Fiona discreetly grasped his hand and slipped it downward, so that his hand was on the heat of her breast, palm touching the warm naked flesh. Bruce tried to gently pull his hand away, but Fiona held it down against her. Bruce stopped trying to pull away, and gave his daughter's large breast a squeeze. Fiona snuggled in more closely, and Bruce kept his hand there
Every so often Bruce would squeeze or caress Fiona's soft breast with his right hand. Seeing that all the girls seemed to be focused on the action on the screen, he moved his left hand down off Belinda's shoulder, and cupped her left breast lightly. Hesitating a moment, he then rested his hand there, occasionally caressing and squeezing her breast through the bra and slippery silk.
At one point in the film, one of the characters, a usually faithful wife now a woman in the grip of demonic lust, wandering around in a translucent nightgown, snarled to another man: "All together. Naked, drunk, clutching, sweating, biting. Touch me. Touch me or I'll find someone who will!"
Bruce's fingers pressed into the breasts of his daughters, and his cock moved against Samantha's ass.
The film ended and the credits rolled. Samantha said, "I gotta use the little girl's room," and sprung off her father's lap, the tent of his erection now obvious to everyone.
Samantha quickly came back, but when she tried to swing herself back down into her father's lap, her foot swung over the coffee table and -smash!- her father's wine glass was struck, cracked as it tipped over onto the table, and was left as three large pieces of ragged glass in a small puddle of wine.
"Oh shit!" Samantha leaped up. "Sorry! Shit."
Belinda leaped up as well, out of the embrace of her father. "What the fuck are you doing, you drunk little cunt!?!" She grabbed Samantha by the pigtails, bent her over, and flipped up her kilt. -spank!-spank!-spank!- rained down the blows on both her ass cheeks. Bruce could see the multi-coloured teddy bear designs on her panties. He kneaded Fiona's breast. "This cunt's fucking drunk! Daddy didn't give you wine so you could break his fucking glass, did he? Go clean it up, quick!" -SPANK!-
Samantha rushed off to the kitchen as quickly as her high-heels could carry her. She came back with a trash can and a wet cloth, and quietly disposed of the broken glass and wiped the coffee table clean.
Belinda, hands on hips, looked down at her work. She growled, "Might as well take all the other glasses to the kitchen too. Then get back here for your punishment."
Samantha came back and stood in front of her father, eyes to the ground, even though it was Belinda giving the orders. "Get down on your hands and knees! C'mon, Fi, I'm gonna need help teaching the bitch a lesson."
They positioned Samantha so that her side was to her father, and Belinda crouched at her front, while Fiona knelt behind her.
"Spank her little ass 'til it's glowing like a jack-o-lantern!" Belinda ordered. Fiona flipped up Belinda's kilt and began spanking both of her cheeks with a gloved hand. Sometimes she'd stop and rub her hands over her sister's ass, pulling and kneading the now-inflamed skin so that more of her panties would slip off her asscheeks and down into her crack. Then Fiona would begin spanking again, forehand and backhand: -spank!-spank!-spank!-
Fiona would look over at her father, and when he looked at her masked face, or at the jiggling and rippling of Samantha's ass, she'd smile at him.
In front of Samantha, Belinda hand one hand gripping Samantha's head, while she tried to shove as much of her other hand as possible into Samantha's mouth. "C'mon bitch, take it! Fuckin' take your punishment." Samantha's saliva-spattered lips were stretched over the knuckles of her sister's hand. Belinda tried to find an angle to work her whole fist in, but could only get to the point that trying to work her hand in deeper would result in gurgling, chocking, and flying spittle.
Samantha's eyes were wide and panicked and tearing up, and her nostrils flared, but when she looked to her father for any help, she saw a man slouched down into the couch, eyes half in trance. With one hand he was slowly rubbing up and down the outline of the erect cock in his pants.
"Fuck!" Belinda withdrew her hand from Samantha's mouth, leaving a trail of saliva. Samantha coughed, and more of her spit dripped down to the Indian rug on the floor.
"We need something else to punish this bitch." Belinda turned her gaze to her father. "Daddy, why don't you get your cock out and shove it down your daughter's throat here? It's just what she needs, to learn her lessons from her Pimp Daddy."
"N-No," Bruce croaked. "That...That's too much."
"Aw, c'mon." Belinda put her hand in front of Samantha, and Samantha used her lips and tongue to clean off the gobs of spit. "Just slide that big cock of yours down her throat - it's what she needs."
Bruce bit down on his lips, and shook his head side-to-side.
"Hmph. Fine then," Belinda said. "Fuckdoll Fiona? Can you get that dildo from your room? You know, that big black one you've got stashed away?"
Fiona rushed back quickly, waving the dildo around like it was a prize she'd just won. It was large and thick, with veins down the shaft and a suction cup at the end. Fiona handed it Belinda, and went back to fondling, caressing, and punishing her sister Samantha's ass.
Belinda held the dildo and aimed it at Samantha's mouth, who opened up her lips like a goldfish. The head of the dildo pushed inward.
Belinda didn't do much until she felt the first hint of resistance and heard the first choking sounds. Then a grin spread across her face and she furrowed her brow, beginning to push in, pull it out a bit, rotate, push it in again - all to shove it deep down Samantha's throat.
Saliva ran past Samantha's lips, along the dildo and onto Belinda's hands again, where it would drip down onto the floor. The sounds were of gagging, of Fiona's spanking and slapping of ass, and of Belinda's occasional commands such as: "Take it! Dirty bitch! Fuckin' whore, Slutty Samantha is right!"
Belinda lodged the dildo as far as she could in Samantha's throat, and then drew her hands back. She looked over to her father. "C'mon Daddy, fake cock is alright, but this ho needs her pimp's cock to teach her a lesson. Real, hard, pulsing cock."
Bruce muttered something under his breath, pressed his eyes shut for a moment, and bit down on his lips.
He opened his eyes again, saw the debauched display in front of him, and began unbuckling his pants.
His shoes were off, and he slipped down his pants and moved toward Samantha, hard cock sticking out front of the jacket he still wore. He used one hand to pull the black dildo out of Samantha's mouth, and tossed it away. Samantha gasped, trying to get air into her lungs.
Bruce pushed his cockhead into her open mouth.
"This what you want? This what you girls want me to do? C'mon little baby girl, take my cock. Oh! Oh, suck it!"
Bruce shoved his cock into his daughter's hot wet mouth. He looked down and saw her eyes looking up at him, looking up at the man that had placed his cock between her lips and was pushing it into her mouth.
"Oh fuck, your mouth's so soft and wet! Mmmm, take my cock, take it into your mouth! Down your throat!"
Belinda drew up beside her father and caressed one of his buttcheeks with her hand, a few fingers playing along his asscrack. "Fuck yeah! Finally smartened up, huh Daddy? Yeah, give her that thick cock!"
Fiona was looking on as well. Now she'd stopped any spanking, and just looked at her Daddy pump her sister's mouth, while Fiona's hands slowly worked between Samantha's legs. "How does it feel, Daddy?" she asked.
"Fuck! It feels fucking good baby!" He was moving his hips. "Your little sister's mouth sucks me so sweet! Awwww yeah!"
"Mmmm, let's try something, Daddy." Belinda said. "Push your cock down into her throat, as far as you can and hold it there." He thrust in, and took a pigtail in each fist, pulling Samantha against him. There was still a good bit of his cock between her lips and his abdomen.
"Now," Belinda said, "I'm just going to hold her nose closed like this...Remember, keep your cock in there!" Belinda held her sister's nose, and struggling sounds came from deep in Belinda. Her cheeks began to puff out.
"Oh shit! I can feel her throat spasm on my cock! Fuck!"
Samantha's cheeks were puffed round, and tears began welling in her eyes, trickling down her cheeks. More muffled sounds came from her throat, and then suddenly her face slipped down her father's cock until her nose bumped against his stomach.
"Oh fuck! I'm in your fucking throat! Your throat feels so good on my dick!" Bruce looked down and saw his daughter's face as he forced it down on his cock, puffed and tearful and turning red. "Just a little more baby. I'm just gonna fuck your throat a little more." Bruce began making evil fuck-strokes, feeling the helmet of his cockhead move up and down his daughter's throat.
He saw the red flush of her face turn deeper and darker, and then finally took mercy and pulled away.
Samantha heaved, trying to get fresh air into her lungs. Spit and bile dripped out of her mouth.
She wasn't breathing normally yet when her father went back to her, held her head with one hand and plugged her nose with the other. She opened her mouth and closed her eyes. "Oh fuck yeah, I need more," her father growled. "More skullfucking."
He did it a few more times. After the first time it was easier for Samantha to deep-throat her father, letting his cock slide down as far as it could. He'd fuck her then, not letting her breathe, taking delight as her throat clenched around his cock.
Her father drew back, "Fuck, I need a better angle of attack." He stood up on his feet, knees bent, and had Samantha kneel in front of him. He was doubled-over, shoving her face into his crotch and using his ass-muscles to move his cock in the slimy mess, and the hand that had been on her nose was now free. He used it to reach down and smack her ass, saying, "Bad bitch! Fuck yeah! Take it! Take it! Take it! Nasty!"
Sometimes a gob of fluid would force its way past his cock, and shoot out with her cough onto his cock and balls, hanging and dripping from his pubic hairs.
He pulled off, her head still in one of his hands, when Samantha broke out suddenly in a powerful bawling. Many more tears began streaming from Samantha's face, and her body was wracked with sobs. Bruce began to try to force his cock in again, past the trembling lips, but then shook his head and then drew back.
"Oh baby," he said, kneeling down and hugging her, letting her rest her head on his shoulder. "Baby, I...I don't know what came over me. I'm so sorry. I'm an animal."
Bruce felt the shoulder of his jacket getting wet with her tears. He looked off to the side where his other two daughters knelt, but they looked on with stillness.
After some time Samantha's sobs grew less dramatic, and she finally pulled herself off her father, wiped her runny nose with a hand, and looked up at him.
"Oh baby dear," Bruce said, having trouble looking at her. "I'm so sorry...I didn't hurt you too bad, did I?"
Samantha sniffled, and her voice was hoarse, "Daddy it's not that...well...what I mean is, I guess it kinda hurt, on the surface. But...But it felt so good deep inside." She ran a hand up and down her chest to illustrate. "In here. Like a fire burning.
"That's why I was crying. It was just so fuckin' intense"
"Huh?" Her father frowned.
Samantha wiped away a few stray tears, and then began unbuttoning her father's jacket. "Let's get this thing off of you...the tears should dry out.
"What I meant is...It was just so fuckin' good I had to cry, you know?" She reached down to his cock, which was only half-hard now. She stroked it a few times, and then lowered her mouth. "I mean, you're just so big and beautiful...slurp"
She sucked his cock a bit, and then drew off, and looked up at him with a smile and said, with her throat still sore from his cock, "You're gonna fuck my throat some more, right?"
"Ungh...You bet, baby." Her father moved her over, laying her down on her back on the coffee table, head hanging down over the edge and facing him.
"Oh yeah Daddy," Fiona had crawled up beside him, "fuck that slut's mouth." She held Samantha's head down against the table edge.
Bruce put his cock into her mouth, and began pumping, hearing his daughter's struggles. "Oh, fuck, that's good baby...You make your Daddy feel good."
Samantha's head was pressed against the edge of the table, giving Bruce full access to her throat. He looked down at her outstretched neck, rubbing it gently. "Oh fuck...fuck, I'm close baby." Fiona's hand was on his butt, tapping its fingers to the beat of his thrusts.
"Oh FUCK!" Bruce leaned forward, gave a few last, hard thrusts, then fell forward and sucked on Samantha's panty-covered pussy, and came in his daughter's mouth.
Both Samantha and her father moaned and writhed, while Fiona and Belinda moved their hands over the entwined couple, worshiping the scene they'd brought to pass.
Bruce finally pulled himself off and looked down. He pulled his shrinking cock out of Samantha's mouth. Her face was streaked with cum and spit.
"Oh fuck." Bruce shook his head, disbelievingly, as he looked down at the scene. He stumbled backward, and settled himself on the couch again.
He looked at his two other daughters lovingly try to clean Samantha's face up; sometimes using fingers to scoop up fluid into her mouth, sometimes lapping away with their tongues.
Then, moving together as if in a pack, they crawled toward their father again. Belinda again sat on his left, running her hand over his chest. Fiona on his right bent over and took his right nipple in her mouth, nibbling and sucking gently. Samantha curled at his feet. Samantha said, "Fuck! My panties are soaking wet." Bruce saw them leap into the air a moment later, and land on his naked stomach.
"You really like the rough stuff, huh Dad?" Belinda said it into his ear, but loud enough so that the other girls heard. He didn't say anything, so she continued, "It's okay, we found all your hidden videos and magazines a long time ago. And all that stuff on your computer too.
"Not to mention hearing you and Mom go at it over and over way back when. I bet you really miss how she fucked you huh?" Belinda's voice was soft - loving and gentle.
"Yeah, your mother was really something," Bruce said. He looked into Belinda's eyes. "I mean, we used to fuck like crazy. Mad. She was so nasty. So beautiful and sexy, but downright dirty too. I think she was even kinkier than me."
Bruce laughed. "Man, if she was around and you pulled this shit on her, she'd fuck you girls over so hard, you'd be sore for weeks.
Belinda nibbled on her father's ear. "Well, now you've got us to fulfill all your desires. We wouldn't mind if you fucked us over. Not a bit."
Bruce sat up, dislodging Belinda and Fiona. "No, no. Look, we all had a bit too much to drink, and got carried away. We'll all go to our separate bedrooms and feel stupid about this in the morning, huh? We can stop this. Now.
"I should get dressed first. Where are my pants? Ah, there-"
Fiona grabbed her father's pants off the floor, and ran out into the hallway. The three in the living room heard the front door open, then slam shut a open later.
Fiona strode back, and stood in front of her naked father, who was now standing as well. "Hah! I threw your pants away Daddy!
"Do you think that's fair? What, you get off an then it's bedtime for everyone? We've got needs too!"
Bruce stood there for a moment, and then lunged toward his daughter. "Fucking BITCH!" He slapped her across her masked face, and then used the hair coming out the top of her mask to pull her down to the floor. "Fucking, fucking nasty bitch!"
"Ow! Ow Daddy!"
He shoved her down on all fours. "Get that fuckin' big ass up in the air!"
Fiona looked back at her father kneeling behind her. His eyes had a sparkle of something, but no hint of rational thought. She pushed her butt up at him.
"Ow! Owie Daddy! You're spanking it hard!"
"Keep it there! Keep your fat ass in my face or I'm really gonna make it hurt!" He spanked her ass, especially the parts of her cheeks that burst past her tight leather hotpants.
He looked over to the couch. Belinda was running her hands over Samantha, like a surreptitiously lesbian teacher molesting her favourite little student.
"Oh fuck! You're really laying into my ass, Daddy!"
"Your big ass. Say it!"
"My big ass. You like my big ass, Daddy? You like spanking it?"
"Your sexy big fat ass. Say it, Fi!"
"Oooh, Daddy likes to punish my sexy big fat ass? I love to show it to you Daddy. Make my sexy big fat ass burn!"
"Ungh!" Bruce grunted with lust. He squeezed Fiona's butt, then pulled down the zipper of her pants, spreading the two parts of her shorts onto each of her legs.
He spread open her asscheeks with his hands, and looked down at the crinkled brown pucker of her asshole.
"Oooh! Daddy's face is up my ass!" Fiona called out, bucking backwards. "Keep it up there. Fuck, use your tongue! Suck my ass!"
Bruce pulled back, adjusted his hands to get a better spread of Fiona's ass, and spit into the crevice. He dove in again, lapping his tongue up and down, trying to push inward.
Bruce was absorbed in eating butthole when he heard Belinda's voice above him. "You like ass? I got an ass too, baby."
He looked up and saw Belinda's skirt-covered ass bouncing and bobbing above him. From her other side, Samantha reached around and slowly pulled up on Belinda's skirt, exposing the swell of her ass, then the g-string panties that ran over the mound of her pussy and hid in her asscrack.
Belinda saw her father looking up at her, and squatted down, rubbing her cheeks against his face. She looked over her shoulder and said, "Wanna find out why they call me 'Backdoor Belinda'?"
Bruce pressed his face into Belinda's ass. Then he drew back and pulled her panties over a cheek and off to the side and dived in, licking her asshole.
"Oh baby," he said, "I know it's wrong, but I want dessert first." He lapped at her ass. "I want this ass right now. Is that okay?"
Belinda giggled. "You're the pimp. It's your ass, Daddy." She walked away, swaying her hips, pushing her panties down so that they fell to the floor. She knelt on the coffee table, and put her head down with her ass up high.
Bruce crawled over, and then invited with his finger, "Fi, get over here."
Fiona crawled over, and when she sat up beside him he adjusted the flaps on her mask so that she couldn't see. "You don't need to see, huh? Just taste. Taste ass." He pressed her face against Belinda's butt, which she began to eat out.
Bruce turned to Samantha. "You ever eat pussy, Samantha?"
"Well...um...I mean..."
Bruce grabbed her roughly by the throat, and pulled her to him. "Your father is asking you a fucking QUESTION!"
"Yeah!" Samantha's voice squeaked. "I...uh, I eat pussy, Daddy. Lots of pussy."
"Well, suck on this!" He positioned her under Belinda, facing up, and pressed her mouth against Belinda's pussy. Belinda began to rock her hips as both her sisters stimulated her between her legs.
Bruce's cock was hard again, and he took it in his hands. He pulled Fiona off, and shoved his cock in her mouth. "Yeah, suck it, get it wet, get it wet!"
He pulled his pulsing dick out and pressed it against Belinda's slick pucker. "I'm gonna fuck your nasty ass, baby. Daddy's gonna sodomize his little girl."
"Ah! Oooooh! Oh fuck, I can feel it coming in, Daddy! I feel you up my little pooper!"
Bruce pulled out the head of his cock, and pushed Fiona's head on Belinda's ass. "Get it wet! Open it up! I need to get my dick up your sister's ass!" Satisfied she'd done enough, Bruce pulled Fiona off and dipped his cock into her mouth a few times, before again assaulting Belinda's butthole.
"Ugh! How does that feel, Belinda baby? 'Cause your ass feels fucking great on my cock!"
"Oh! Um, if I tell you it hurts, are you going to stop?"
"Does your ass hurt, baby girl?" He kept pressing in.
"Yeah, it does. But it's good. Don't stop. Please, don't stop. I want you to use my little shithole, Daddy. Fill up my little ass while Samantha tongues my empty pussy. Ugh. Is my ass tight Daddy? Hot and tight around your big cock?"
"Ugh. Yeah, hot'n'tight, but nice'n'nasty. Love your tight little hole. Hot hole, like Sam's throat. I love all my girls with tight, hot holes for my cock.
"Don't worry baby, I won't stop. I'm going balls deep. Balls deep up your hot tight nasty shithole."
Bruce pulled out, and again pressed Fiona's face against Belinda's ass, watching her tongue flick Belinda's gaping asshole. Then he pulled Fiona off and pressed his cock into her mouth, letting the saliva wet it for another plunge.
He plunged in Belinda's ass again, and saw Fiona, blinded by her mask, just settle in against Belinda's leg until she would be needed again. He grabbed her by the hair and dragged her over, "C'mon, might as well make yourself useful. Eat my ass."
Belinda squealed, "Oooh, Daddy, is Fiona eating your ass?" She tried to crane her head to look.
"Yeah, her tongue is moving up and down my hairy, sweaty asscrack. C'mon Fi, push into my ass with your tongue. Lap it out."
"Oh, this is so sexy, Daddy!" Belinda squealed. "Sam's eating my pussy, you're fucking my ass, and Fi's eating your ass out! Do you like that Daddy? You like to get your ass played with too? Oh, you've got a sexy ass, I can't wait 'til I get my tongue and fingers on it!"
They shifted positions. Bruce sat back on the couch, and Belinda sat her ass on his cock, facing away from him, while he kneaded her butt. Fiona, eyes uncovered again, lay down on one side of him, while Samantha lay on the other. They were both running their hands up and down their father's chest.
"How come you can't get another job, huh?" Bruce called out to Belinda. "With job interview techniques like this, what the fuck's the problem?"
"Oooh, Daddy, you want me to, huh? Want me to give up my ass in every interview, to every guy who looks at me funny? The way I'm giving my hot ass up to you? Ok, Daddy, I'll fuck 'em all. I'll let 'em all up my ass, every fat old man and greasy executive...even wrinkled old cunts can shove their hands in there!"
Her father pulled her over to the side, and they both fell on top of Fiona's outstretched body. Bruce lifted one of Belinda's legs up and kept fucking her ass from the side. Samantha crawled up, halfway over her father, and lay on top of him, arms wrapped around his shoulders as if she were riding him.
Bruce snarled into Belinda's ear, "So what was the real problem with Carl? What kind of guy would give up a girl who assfucks like this?"
"Mmmm, Daddy fuck my ass! Uh...well, first off he wasn't really into fucking ass. Or 'fucking' really, for that matter. Oooh, like that, slower but deeper! And...and...And he couldn't fuck like you. Fuck hard. Fuck nasty. He was such boring wimp in bed.
"But fuck him! Forget him! You're what I need! I want you to fuck my slutty ass, Daddy! FUCK IT!"
Bruce strained to move more forcefully in the bundle their four bodies made. Fiona was still underneath, quietly feeling their heat of their bodies on top of her. And Samantha was wrapped around her Daddy, encouraging his fucking by thrusting her cunt against his back in time with his fucks.
"Oh fuck Baby, I'm gonna cum. Cum right up your ass!"
All the girls gave him encouraging groans and sighs. Bruce let out a growl, thrust deep into his daughter's bowls, and pumped his cum up his oldest daughter's ass.
When his spurts were through, all the girls lay exhausted, but there was still a fire that burned in Bruce.
He dragged Fiona out of the pile, onto the floor, and descended on her pussy.
"Oh Daddy, eat my cunt! You lick my pretty kitty so good! FUCK!"
After making sure Fiona came at least once he moved to Samantha.
"Mmmm, Daddy's still hungry, huh? Eat it, eat it! Jesus Christ, you eat pussy better than a girl! Ugh!"
After a screaming orgasm, he moved on to Belinda.
"Oooh, yeah! Daddy likes how our little plan turned out, huh? Mmm, use your tongue! Holy shit, is your cock hard again? You're a fuckin' stud, Dad! Um, don't use it yet though...Get me off you with your tongue...Oooo yeah!"
Bruce then fucked Belinda's tight pussy on the couch, and then lifted Samantha onto Belinda's stomach and fucked her young pussy too.
Fiona was sitting in the recliner, booted legs hanging over each armrest, playing with her pussy. Her father moved in on top of her and plunged his slick cock inside. "Oooo, you've got a nice tight pussy, Fi!"
They fucked slowly, some of the candles had already gone out, and the moon was out and shining against the pulled curtains.
Fiona giggled and nudged her father's chin, "Look Daddy, I think we're the last two still going at it."
On the couch, Samantha was lying against Belinda's chest, and they had both covered themselves with a blanket. Belinda had removed her glasses, though her eyes still seemed open a fraction, but Samantha was already fast asleep, breathing deeply.
"Here, let's get this off you," Bruce said. He worked her mask off and looked at Fiona's sweaty face, red where the leather mask had rubbed or chafed. He leaned in and father and daughter exchanged a hot, sloppy, wet kiss. Bruce kept pumping his daughter's pussy.
"Do you..." Fiona hesitated, "Do you really think I'm sexy Daddy?"
"Of course baby, beautiful and sexy," her father said. He looked down at her large breasts, which had long since broken free. "I mean, Jesus Christ, look at these tits." He leaned down and took a nipple in his mouth.
"Oooh! Wow! Umm...well, I just asked because...y'know...I know I could lose a few pounds..."
Her father looked her in the eyes. "Baby, don't say that. You're soooo beautiful." He kissed her. "I mean, when I see that ass walk by...FUCK!"
Fiona giggled, and ran her hands down her father's body, "Really, Daddy? Tell me more."
"Well, like, when you're wearing jeans. Your ass sticks out, and you don't know how often I've wanted to just fucking bury my face in there! Or, when you're wearing those old tight shorts sometimes. Fuck! I just want to beat my meat on your ass. Take my hard cock out and bounce it off my baby's mind-blowing ass. Fuckin' jerk off 'til I cum all over it, and then start jerkin' again. Or just shove my hard cock in until it breaks right through and get buried right between your fucking cheeks!"
Fiona had her eyes closed, and breathed heavily. "Why don't you take my ass right now? I want it. I want my Daddy up my ass."
Bruce pulled out, and pressed Fiona's booted legs back and up against her ears. Her asshole was already wet from all the juice running out of her pussy, so he didn't need to work it in much.
"Oh yeah, your sexy nasty big fucking ass taking my cock! Ugh!"
"Mmm...that feels good Daddy. Y'know, I've got a bunch of nasty books in my room. Dirty stories and stuff. Maybe now you could come up and read them to me before bed? Mmmm, I'd like that. My Daddy reading a nasty story to me before bedtime. Maybe you could sit on my face while you read it to me, and I could eat your ass and stroke your cock?
"Though, I guess we can't forget the other girls too, they'll probably want a piece of you too..."
"Um, let's just keep tonight for tonight, huh?" Bruce said. "I don't want to think about tomorrow."
Fiona's father fucked her ass harder as they kissed. "Are you ready to cum, Daddy?"
"Ugh. I'm getting there."
"Why don't you give me a little midnight snack?" Fiona winked at her father and licked her lips.
Bruce pulled out, and climbed up over his daughter. "Anything for my baby girl. Suck it! Suck it! Your tongue feels so...AAARRGGGHHHH!!!"
Bruce looked down as Fiona wrapped her big lips over his cock. She closed her eyes and her tongue and throat worked all of her father's sticky semen into her stomach.
She popped open her eyes and let her father's cock slip out of her mouth. "That was yummy! Tasting the mix of your delicious cum, and all of our pussies, and a little bit of assjuice to spice it up."
The two curled up. Fiona grasped another blanket from the floor and draped it over both of them, and they quickly fell asleep.
Bruce woke up and the sun was shining into the living room. He was still lying in the recliner naked, covered with the blanket. But no one else was around, and there wasn't any sign of last night's activity except for a few candles burnt to their base.
Bruce, unthinking, half-dazed, walked around the house naked. The girls had left the rest of the pizza in the kitchen for him, but no one else was home. Finally, he remembered that all the girls had plans or obligations that morning, and he wasn't sure when they'd be back.
After a shower he decided to go on an long walk in the beautiful late-fall weather. He saw his neighbors taking down Halloween decorations: scarecrows, witches, pumpkins, and other things. He cleared his mind, made peace with what happened, felt good about closing the chapter where for one night he made a mistake.
Coming home again, he saw the car in the driveway. The house, though, seemed as empty as in the morning, until he called out and heard Belinda's voice, "We're upstairs Daddy!"
He walked up, feeling a slight tremble. He was surprised to hear sounds coming from his own bedroom, the bedroom he used to share with his wife.
He opened the door, and his cock hardened as soon as the scent hit him: the smell of pussy. All of his three daughters were there on the large bed, splayed out, giggling, eating ice cream in little bowls. They wore a lollipop rainbow of lingerie, Samantha in white, Fiona in green, Belinda in red. Scattered around them were toys like double-ended dildoes, buttplugs, and Ben Wa balls. His daughters fixed their gaze on him.
Bruce stepped forward woodenly, slowly, afraid to get too close to the fire.
Again, he muttered under his breath, scrunched his eyes shut, bit his lip.
He opened his eyes again, and croaked out, "Show Daddy...show Daddy the asses he owns."
Quietly, obediently, they all got in line on the bed on their knees and bent over, heads down on the bed and asses high.
Bruce saw Fiona's big ass on one side, Belinda's shapely ass on the other, and in between was Samantha's petite ass in lacy white lingerie.
"Daddy made a mistake, didn't he? Daddy screwed up bigtime last night, right?
"Daddy forgot to fuck your ass, Sam. I'm sorry."
The sound was of a belt buckle being undone, and then a zipper opening.
"Daddy's gonna make things right."
To begin with, he leaned over and bit down on Samantha's ass, leaving the impression of his teeth in her flesh.

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