by Imstillfun
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Friday night was the office holiday party. It was pretty much all we talked about for the week. I wasn't here last year but I heard the party got kind of wild. The story was that bunch of people stayed kinda late and that some of the women took off their tops and danced topless
No one in my group was there to see it but they'd heard about. I figured it was just an office rumor. Our company was pretty big, 200 people. I mean, I guess it could have happened, but I doubted it. Wouldn't everyone know who the girls were? Wouldn't they talk about it? I asked who the girls were, no one knew.
Truthfully, When I heard the story I became a little obsessed with these women. I wondered who they were how they could dance topless like that. The thought made me anxious. I tried to imagine me dancing topless. I couldn't even fathom the thought, but trying made my heart beat faster.
It was Monday when I heard the story. I went home that night and told my husband, Warren, the story at dinner. Spouses were invited, so I thought he'd find it fascinating.
After I told him he said, "Maybe this won't be such a bore after all."
I threw my napkin at him playfully. "Oh stop it," I said. "You've been to office parties before, you always have fun."
It was true. Warren had a way with people. He loved them and they loved him. He was the epitome of someone who could talk to anyone. He was an extrovert that loved meeting new people.
"True," he said, "and maybe I'll get to see some tits."
I laughed, "You can see mine anytime."
He acted shocked. "At dinner?"
I pulled off my top and bra and threw them at him. "Even at dinner."
He ate a few more bites threw down his fork and laughingly said, "Oh fuck this."
He stood up, pulled me up, grabbed me, and kissed me.
I playfully pushed him away. "But the food will get cold."
"I love cold pasta," he replied.
"You just like my tits," I countered.
He bent down and took a nipple between his lips. "Much better than pasta," he said.
The truth is Warren and I had a great sex life. We had been married for 2 years. I was 27, he was 29. We both worked out to keep in shape. At 5'7", 36c, and 125lbs I had a few curves on me. I had long dark hair to the center of my back. Him, 5'11", 185, beautiful greyblue eyes. We made an attractive couple and found each other very attractive. We had sex several times a week and we were fairly adventurous.
He turned me around with my hands against the wall. My hips pulled outward. He undid my belt, unzipped my pants, and with one movement pulled them down so they were around my thighs. By this time I knew what I was getting. I was already getting wet.
As he unzipped his pants I teased, "So, just because I show you my tits at dinner you think you can fuck me up against the wall like some slut?"
As I said it I pushed my ass towards sim and wiggled it.
In mock horror I went on, "Is that what you want? Some slut you can fuck while dinner gets cold on the table? I suppose you're just going to jam that big cock in me. Are you going to take my wet pussy and fuck it because I did something slutty"
It was fun. We played like this all the time. I was his wife. Sometimes his lover, sometimes his naughty girl, sometimes his slut, but, I was his.
I felt his cock line up with my pussy. I was wet and it slid easily inside me. I loved his cock. It was thicker than most. I always felt full. This time was no different. I moaned as he entered me. God I loved fucking him.
For his part he got into the role play too.
"Anyone who shows their tits at dinner, deserves to get fucked," he said as he pounded my pussy.
"Maybe I won't ever wear a shirt to dinner again," I sighed.
I let myself go to the pounding feeling of his cock. I was loving it. I loved being "taken" this way. All of a sudden my mind returned to the women who danced topless at the party. Did they deserve to be fucked? If I danced topless at a party, would I deserve to be fucked?
Between the thoughts in my head, and the cock in my pussy. I came. I moaned loudly as I came. I went a little limp, but Warren's strong arms supported me.
When I caught my breath, I turned and kissed Warren.
"You are such a great fuck," I said.
"I love you," he replied.
"I love you too," I answered. We kissed again.
I stepped back, kicked off my pants and panties, and said, "Let's put this stuff away so I can take you to bed and fuck you properly."
I got no argument. We cleaned up dinner and playfully raced Each other to the bedroom. This time we made love. It was gentle, sweet, and loving. A perfect end to a fun evening.
We were lying in bed after when the topless girls came into my mind again.
"Do you think they got fucked after the party?" I asked.
"Who," said Warren.
"The girls who went topless at last year's party. Do you think they got fucked after?" I replied.
"I'll bet someone fucked them," he said. "Whoever they came with probably"
"Hmm," I wondered. "What if they came alone?"
Warren laughed, "I wouldn't worry about them. I'm sure they found someone to fuck them."
I laughed, kissed him, and said, "I'm glad I have you to fuck me."
"Anytime," he replied.
The next day at work we were again talking about the party. I again brought up the topic of the topless girls.
One of the women said, "You're really curious about them. Why are you so interested?"
I stammered a bit, "It's just so odd." I covered.
At the same time I started to think 'Why was I so interested?' The conversation was turning me on. My nipples were hard just talking and thinking about it. I wondered what it would be like to be topless in a room full of people I knew or was acquainted with. As I wondered my pussy was getting wet.
"Kelly," I heard her say. "Are you OK?"
I didn't realize it but while these thoughts were going through my mind I had stopped talking. Everyone was looking at me.
"Yeah, I'm fine," I said. "Just thought of something I had to get done."
The conversation turned normal again but in the back of my mind I kept thinking about the girls.
That night at dinner I brought it up again.
"How do you think their husbands or boyfriends felt?" I asked
Warren, having no clue as to what I was talking about, said, "What?"
I clarified. "The women who danced topless at the party, how do you think their husbands felt?"
"Oh them again?" He looked at me quizzically. "Maybe they were there by themselves."
"But," I went on, "If they did go with someone, how do think they would have felt?"
"Provably a bit turned on, I suppose," he said.
"Really? You think they'd be turned on? Why?" I asked.
"What man doesn't like to see a great pair of tits in public," he replied.
"What if it was me?" I asked.
"I like seeing your tits," he said.
"No, be serious," I said. "How would you feel if I had been dancing topless at that party?""
He thought. "Were you having fun?" He asked.
"I guess if I decided to go topless it would be because I was having fun," I said.
"Then sounds fun to me," he said.
"You wouldn't mind other people seeing my tits?"
"No," he said. "You have great tits. Sometimes I wish I could show them off."
That shocked me. I wasn't sure what to say so I let the conversation drop. I went to bed wondering if he'd really want me to show my tits. When he climbed into bed next to me I immediately turned and took his cock in my mouth.
"Whoa," he laughed. "To what do I owe this treat?"
"I like cock," I said and went back to what I was doing.
"Well thank god for that," he quipped.
We fucked for at least an hour.
The next day at work the conversation turned to what we were wearing. I said I had a dress I wore to a family wedding which should be appropriate for an office party. My coworker said she didn't think that would fit in.
"Really?" I replied. "What do you recommend?"
"Let's look at last year," she said.
We went to the company internal web site and located pictures from the previous years party. She was right. My dress would not have fit in. This was a high fashion event it was cocktail party meets clubwear. I was definitely going to have to change my choice.
We kept going through the pictures. Then I saw it. In the back was a woman in a short, and I mean short, skirt dancing topless. She was in the background and her back was to the camera but she was there. I pointed her out to my coworker. She couldn't tell who she was.
I looked at the scene, I could see a group of people standing around her smiling or laughing. Everyone seemed to be having a great time. I felt a tingle in my pussy. I started thinking about what I had in my closet I could wear.
Getting through work was hard. My mind was stuck on what to wear to the party. I also kept clicking back to the picture of that one girl. I'd enlarge it and scan left and right seeing if there was any clue who she was. I kept looking at her skirt. Damn that was short. It was almost indecent. I wondered what she was wearing with it?
I got home and immediately looked in my closet. I knew the stuff I wanted was in the back. Some I have worn since I was 22 and doing the club thing. I had the body. I used to show it off. Well I still had the body. There was no reason for me not to show it off.
Warren got home and heard me upstairs. He looked in the room and saw all the clothes on the bed.
"Hi babe," he said. "Umm, what's going on?"
"I'm trying to find something to wear to the party," I replied.
"Your office party?" he asked. "I'm not complaining, I miss you wearing these things, but aren't these a little risqué for that?"
I went to my PC, logged into work and showed him the pictures.
"This is what people wore last year," I said. Then it hit me.
"You miss me wearing these clothes?" I asked.
"You bet," he said. "You were always the hottest girl in the room. I loved the way you looked. I could see the other guys, and some girls, checking you out. They all wished they were me."
"You. Liked them looking at me? Why?"
"Because they all wanted you. I knew what they were missing. In some ways I wished I could tear your dress off and show them what they were really missing."
I couldn't believe what I was hearing.
"You'd like people to see me naked?" I said.
"Well, I never really never thought about it that way, but yeah, I guess I wouldn't mind. Make them all jealous of me," he replied.
Wow, that gave me food for thought. It also made me look at my clothes in a different light. Things I had rejected as too revealing were moved back to the maybe pile. Things I had thought were good were moved to the reject pile.
I settled on a red wrap dress with a halter top. It had a back that swooped to the curve of my ass showing skin from my neck down. The front crossed over my breasts right at the bottom of my breast bone. It tied at my hips one under and one bow on my hip. I tried it on. The dress was longer in the back than the front. The front crossed a few inches below my crotch. The back a few inches longer. I thought it was perfect. I didn't show my husband. I put it aside as a surprise.
The next day I went into work smiling. There was lots of talk about the party everyone was excited. We had Friday off so today was the last day before the party. At one point I asked if anyone thought those girls would be there again. I was met with blank stares. I had to explain which girls I meant. It took a while but eventually they knew what I was talking about.
One guy asked me why I wanted to know so bad. I just shrugged my shoulders. Another suggested that if I wanted to see someone flash so badly, that maybe I should do it.
I gave him a playful swipe and said, "No way." Even as I said it I knew my pussy was tingling.
Friday the day of the party I was restless all day. Home alone I tried doing chores, watching TV, and reading. None of it helped. Eventually I laid down and started thinking of the party. My hands lightly caressed my tits through my blouse and bra. I wondered how it would feel having them admired by a roomful of people. What if someone touched them? What if more than one person did? What would Warren say?
My hand slid down the waist of the yoga pants I was wearing. Under my panties I could feel my wet pussy and sensitive clit. My fingers started a small circular motion. I pictured Warren watching as two guys from my work group grabbed my tits. I came, and fell asleep.
Warren woke me when he got home.
"What time do we have to leave?" he said.
"Around 7," I said.
"2 hours," he said. "Let's take a shower."
He pulled me to him and kissed him. I was definitely in the mood. He pulled off my blouse and bra as I undid his shirt. He then pulled me to the shower. Between kissing and undressing we finally made it into the shower. In the shower we lathered each other up.
As he lathered my tits he said, "So, these babies coming out tonight?"
I slapped him playfully, "No silly, I'm not flashing a bunch of guys at my office."
He lightly kissed each nipple, "Too bad," he said. "They don't know what they're missing."
The conversation was turning me on. I put my hands against the shower wall and pushed my ass towards him.
"I can tell you something else they're not getting, "I said."
"Oh, what's they?" He teases.
"This wet pussy," I said.
He slid his fingers down to my pussy and slid them in. I was wet. I moaned as he fingered me, he pulled his fingers out and traced them up my ass till he reached my little bud. I felt his fingertip slide in. I shivered and pushed back.
"So it seems my little slut is ready for anything tonight," he said.
"Anything baby," I replied.
"Even flashing those tits?"
What? Was he encouraging me?
"If you want me to shows my tilts, I will," I said.
He placed his cock at the opening of my pussyy and as he slid in he said, "I want you to have fun."
I came immediately.
We finished showering and I finished my hair and makeup as he got dressed. He looked amazing. His grey sport coat matched his eyes. I love a man who knows hoe to wear a tie, and he did. I was almost ready to skip the party and just fuck him right there. .
He kissed me and said he'd meet me downstairs.
When I came downstairs he gave me a "Wow."
"I look okay?" I asked.
"You look amazing, " he said. "Turn around."
I turned for him. He pulled me close and kissed me. I kissed back. He stuck his fingers in the band of my thong. I felt him pull them down my hips.
"You don't need these," he said.
"What if someone notices," I whispered.
"Cool," was the response.
With a tingle in my pussy I stepped out of my panties and left them on the floor.
He kissed me again, hands sliding up and down my ass and under my skirt. "Perfect," he said.
As we got in he car my pussy was soaked. I was afraid I'd stain my dress. I actually pulled it up so I would be sitting on it. Warren teased me about it and played with my pussy as we drove.
"So, do you think you'll be one of the girls they talk about next year? In that dress can you flash just your tits? What if some guy tried to touch you? What would my little slut do?"
With his fingers in my pussy, I didn't answer. I just kept moaning as I came.
When we arrived at the venue it was a huge house. Almost a mansion. It had beautiful gardens and a gate. We pulled in and parked. Warren helped me out of the car.
When I stood up Warren said, "you should straighten yourself out. You look like you've just been fucked or you are ready to be fucked."
I looked in the mirror. He was right. He was also right that I felt that way.
We walked in. The house was beautiful. We saw guests everywhere. Upstairs, kitchen, dining area, backyard. It looked like about 300 people. There were 4 bars and four buffets. There was music in every room and people dancing in small impromptu groups. Warren offered to get me a drink.
As he went to the bar I was immediately approached by some people from my group. We started a small conversation. Warren could see me from the bar. They complimented me on my dress. One of the guys teased me about trying to outdo the flashers. I just laughed, but it did give me a strange feeling. They suggested the rest of our group was outside and that we should join them. I looked at Warren and pointed outside. He nodded and I followed the group.
We were just chatting when Warren arrived with drinks. I introduced him around. He had heard most of their names. One guy complimented Warren on how good I looked.
Warren joked back. "When you have a woman this gorgeous and sexy, you have to show her off and share her."
I was sure he didn't actually mean share, but my pussy tingled anyway.
As usual Warren was his charming self. People gravitated to him and his conversation. He had a small group of people surrounding him and chatting. I was by his side enjoying being his queen.
A song came on he loved. He asked me to dance. I was delighted. I got into an easy rhythm.
Warren watched me for a moment and said, " I've seen you dance sexier at church."
I laughed and started to move my hips and body in the way I knew he liked. Others were dancing around us. But I also had an audience. I was loving it and truthfully showing off a bit.
After we stopped we ended up talking to some guys from the advertising group. I'd met them but didn't know than very well. Warren once again fell right into the conversation. A song came on that I loved. Warren was in the middle of a conversation. I started swaying to the music. One of the guys asked Warren if he could dance with me.
Warren looked at me, gave me a big smile and said, "Show them what you've got."
I started dancing. There were a few other couples dancing around us. I didn't hold back. I admit to a little grinding after all. I was having fun. I like the feel of the hard cock though my barely there dress. It didn't take long for my partner to realize I was naked under my dress. I didn't mind. I let his hands wander a bit. Another guy from the same group joined in. I found myself sandwiched between them. It felt hot and sexy.
I looked for Warren. He was standing where he could see me talking to 2 men and another woman. He smiled at me. Here I was, sandwiched between 2 guys on a dance floor and he smiled at me.
You have to understand, there really weren't dance floors. Just pockets of dancers in different rooms. Slowly people moved on. One of the guys was dancing with the other woman. I was still between 2 men. Warren was chatting up the other guy.
Everyone had left the room but the 7 of us. The guys I was dancing with continued to take liberties feeling my body through my dress. Once in awhile a hand would slide under my dress and I would feel it on my thighs or cupping my naked ass. I looked at the other couple dancing. I noticed they were grinding and he had pulled her skirt ½ way up her ass. I was getting hot.
I felt the guy in back of me pull my skirt up over my ass. My naked ass was now grinding against him. I knew my pussy was soaked. I was wondering if I was leaving wet marks on his pants. I could feel his hard cock pressed up against me. I reached back and slid my hand over the bulge in his pants.
I looked around. Warren and the other man were now just watching us. The girl next to me had a few buttons undone on her top and her skirt around her waist. She was wearing a thong and her whole ass showed.
The guy talking to Warren went over behind her and put his hands on her waist. She immediately pushed her ass against him and started grinding against his crotch.
From another room a cheer went up. I couldn't see what was going on. Warren walked to the hall. When he came back he said, "Some girl took off her top. Want to go see?"
I did, but I was having too much fun. As I looked at the other dancers next to me I saw that the guy behind her had hooked his fingers in her panties and was playfully sliding them down over her ass and then back up again. She looked over her shoulder, smiled at him, slightly chastened him, but you could tell she was not mad. In fact she pushed her ass back into him and wiggled it.
Another cheer went up from the other room.
Warren went and looked.
"Now two girls are topless," he said.
One of the guys dancing with the other girl said, "Oh no, we're missing the show."
She replied, "you can go if you want."
"No Suzy," Now I knew her name, I'm staying right here."
Suzy kissed him. A short kiss, but then she went back for a longer one. The guy behind her still taking liberties with her thong.
As I watched them, the guy behind me still had my dress up over my ass. I looked and saw Warren watching and smiling. The guy's hands were all over my ass and hips. I wondered if I knew his name. If I did, I couldn't remember. I was getting very wet. His hands started sliding forward, rubbing my thighs and hips as they did. I was enjoying the sensation. Every time they approached my pussy. I would stiffen up. As he pulled them away I felt a tug of disappointment.
We heard another cheer. Warren reported that 2 of the girls were dancing in just their panties. He asked me if I wanted to go see. I shook my head. The guy in front of me kissed me. I looked at Warren. He smiled. I kissed back. The guy then pulled back. I wanted more kissing.
I saw that he was watching Suzy. As she was being kissed the guy behind her had unzipped her skirt and pushed her skirt and panties to the ground. She stepped out of them. She was now naked from the waist down. I could see her sexy pert ass and shaven pussy. As she kissed the guy in front of her the guy behind her slid his fingers between her legs. She moaned.
The guy in front of me reached for the tie of my dress. It was only held on by those two ties. I looked at his face as I let him untie it. One side dropped away, then the other. I was completely exposed to him. The dress was only held in place by the tie around my neck. The guy behind me pulled the tie. The dress fell to the floor.
I was wildly embarrassed, wildly turned on, and wildly scared. Warren walked over to me turned my head to him and kissed me. I threw my arms around the man kissing me and pushed my ass against the guy behind me. I hadn't noticed but while Warren was kissing me the guy had pulled out his cock. Now I was rubbing my naked ass against his naked cock.
The guy slipped his hands around me and started playing with my nipples. I sighed. The guy I was kissing slid his fingers into my wet pussy. I nearly lost my balance.
There was a couch in the room. The guy in front led me to the couch and sat down. He unzipped his pants and held out his cock. It was nice, about the same size as Warren's. I started sucking it.
The guy behind me said, "I've been dying to fuck you since I met you."
Without turning I said, "Well fuck me."
He rubbed his cock up and down my wet slit. As soon as the head started to split my pussy lips I knew he was bigger than usual. I stopped sucking the guy's cock to catch my breath and concentrate. I felt that big cock hit bottom, I came. My mouth fell on the cock I was sucking. I wanted him to see the best blow job I could give.
Meanwhile the guy behind me started pumping me harder and harder. I felt he was about to cum. He started to pull out.
"Don't you dare pull out," I hissed. "I want all that cum inside me."
With that he shot off like a firehose. I felt it shoot deep inside me. I came again. As he pulled out I could feel the cum dripping out my pussy and dripping down my leg.
I hadn't noticed but on the floor next to me the woman had one guy on his back and she wa sucking his cock. She had her ass up in the air and the other guy was pounding her. She let out a guttural moan with every thrust. She was having a hard time concentrating on the blow job.
The guy who had been getting the blow job from her moved behind me. We all looked at my husband. He nodded. The guy pushed his cock into my pussy. I came again.
As his cock thrust into me I could feel myself being pushed on the cock I was sucking. I grabbed it with my hand and stroked it as I sucked it. I could feel it grow inside my mouth. He started to cum. I swallowed as much as I could but some dripped down my chin. Suzy saw it grabbed my face and licked it clean. That must have been too much for the guy she was fucking. He pulled out and came all over her back and ass.
I wanted to go over and lick her ass clean, but I was being fucked and decided to concentrate on that.
"Come on, fuck me. Fuck me hard. Give me that cock. I want another load of cum." Yes all those words came out of my mouth. Finally the guy came. As he shot inside me. I came too. I was exhausted.
Warren took off his sport coat. He wrapped it around me, said "time to go," and walked me to the car. I'm sure people saw me walking to my car in just a sport coat,
When we got onto the road, all of a sudden I was scared. I mean Warren could have stopped it at any time, but maybe it was a test of how far I'd go.
Warren finally broke the silence. "You are fucking hot," he said. "I am not letting you out of the bedroom all weekend. I am going to fuck your slutty little body silly."
I giggled, "Promise?.
"Yes," He replied. "I promise."
As soon as we got home he pulled me in the shower. As we washed each other we fucked. When we hit the bed we fucked. We fucked on the couch, on the table, on the stairs. The doorbell rang. He made me answer it naked. My mother called. He fuckrd me while I talked to her.
Monday was work. I was scared. What if someone saw me, how would I love this down. I was greeted by a co worker.
"Did you see it this year?" She asked.
"What, " I replied.
"Really? There were 3 women dancing in just panties and heals. How'd you miss that?" She asked.
"I was outside with Warren a lot. The house has lovely gardens." I said and hoped it was true.
"Yeah," she said. "You should see them in the daytime."
She continued, "There's also a rumor that 2 couples were fucking in the parlor."
"No way!" I said trying to hide the panic in my voice."
"No one seems to know. Probably just a rumor," She said. "There's always so much gossip at these parties.
We said goodbye and I started walking around wondering if I'd recognized the other girl, or the guys I fucked. I didn't.
Life returned to normal. One day Warren called and said we were having company. He said he'd sent me a package. Something to wear and it was all that I should wear.
Wasn't that sweet I thought. The package arrived. It was a 1959s style apron that went from Breast to thigh with Ruffles. When tied it, it left a good part of my ass exposed. I heard tithe doorbell ring. It was Warren, 3 guys and a girl I did not know. I asked if I could get them drinks. I knew it would be a fun evening.

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