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Friends With Benefits

Writer's picture: JT123JT123

by JT123

© MMIII All Rights Reserved


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Jim and Ron had been best friends for many years. They first met in grade school when Ron's family moved to the fairly quiet suburban town to get out of the hectic lifestyle of the big city. They quickly became best friends and remained so all through high school.

Jim and Ron both loved joking around and often kept their friends and classes laughing at their jokes and antics. They quickly gained the reputation of being "class clowns". Both of them were natural hams and always seemed to be joking with each other or doing some sort of silly gag. Neither of them shied away from the spotlight and weren't above making themselves look silly or doing weird things for the sake of a good laugh.

Generally, their joking around didn't get them into too much trouble with their teachers as they were both nice kids and got decent grades. Their joking nature and outgoing personalities made them very popular at school and they had a huge circle of friends.

One of their good friends was Dan. Often during high school Dan would hang out with Jim and Ron. Every year, starting with their sophomore year in high school, Dan threw a huge Halloween party at his place. His parents were really cool about the party and he was the first of their circle of friends to be able to have a party with little parental supervision or involvement.

Each year the party grew a little bigger and a wilder. By the time they were seniors in high school the party was one of the premiere events of the first part of the school year. It was during that party that Dan's parents allowed alcohol, and drinking with a big group of friends in wild costumes only made the party wilder and more fun.

This year Jim was very much looking forward to the party and he was excited that Halloween was now only a few days away. Jim was in his second year at college and he didn't get to see his old friends from his hometown very often. He and Ron had planned on going to the same college but at the last minute Jim received a scholarship offer from another school that was simply too good to pass up. That left him attending college about an hour away from his hometown while Ron attended another school about 45 minutes from his hometown in a different direction.

Jim and Ron still hung out during the summer and over holiday breaks and they managed to visit each other at school a couple of times. Still, Jim missed his best friend and looked forward to Halloween since he knew Ron would also be coming back to their hometown to attend Dan's party.

Dan still lived at home with his parents and attended a small commuter college on the edge of their hometown. He said he had plans to transfer to a bigger school after this school year, but Jim suspected that Dan might be the kind of guy to stay at home with his parents as long as possible.

Dan continued the tradition of his Halloween party even after he and all of his friends started college. It took a lot of planning, but Jim went back home for the party the previous year. He had a great time and was happy to see many of his high school friends there. There was now a new group of people that Dan had met at his college joining the party and so the party was getting still larger by the year.

Dan was one of those guys who went all out for Halloween. His entire house was decorated from top to bottom and he always wore elaborate costumes to his party. He spared no expense and Dan's enthusiasm for the holiday was contagious. Everyone looked forward to its arrival each year and now many of the guests went to elaborate means to create their costumes for the night.

Dan started a new tradition a couple of years earlier to encourage more costumes. He put in some seed money and asked each guest to pay $5 into the pot when they arrived. During the party everyone voted on best costume and the winner got to keep all of the money.

At last year's party the winner of the costume contest received a pretty large cash prize. Jim and Ron were always very competitive and they both put a lot of effort into their costumes for the past couple of years. Jim never quite seemed to have the creative knack of Ron and although his costumes were good they never were good enough.

Ron had nearly won the costume contest each of the last two years. He finished a narrow second the previous year and had been joking all year long that he wouldn't settle for anything less than winning this year. He kept his costume a complete secret but promised it would be unbelievable.

Jim decided to skip his two classes scheduled on Friday and took the bus home from campus on Friday morning. His mom met him at the bus station and they spent the afternoon catching up. He had only been back on campus for a couple of months after spending the summer at home but his mom fussed over him like she hadn't seen him in far longer than that.

After a nice dinner at home with his parents Jim got ready for the party and took the car keys so he could go pick up Ron. Even as Jim drove to Ron's place he had no idea what Ron's costume was going to be. This year Jim had decided to go as a "hipster" from the 1920's. He had a full zoot suit with pinstripes, fancy shoes with spats, pocket watch with chain, and a cool, matching hat. To get himself in the mood he had swing music blaring from his car stereo as he pulled into Ron's driveway.

Ordinarily he and Ron would take dates to the Halloween party, but this year it worked out that they both were between girlfriends. Jim had been dating someone through most of the previous school year, but she dumped him just a few weeks into the current school year. He'd been on a few casual dates since but nothing serious.

Ron had been casually dating a couple of women but neither of them was able or interested in making the drive back to Ron's hometown to spend Halloween with a bunch of Ron's old high school friends. Ron told Jim he didn't really think these relationships were going very far anyway so he wasn't all that worried about it.

The end result was that neither Jim nor Ron had a date this year and so they ended up going together. Jim didn't mind too much as he was looking forward to hanging out with Ron. Besides, he thought that the party might be a good place to try and pick someone up. There were several good looking women from his high school he wouldn't mind hooking up with and last year there had also been a few hot women from Dan's college in attendance.

When Ron opened his front door Jim froze for a second and his jaw dropped open. Jim then exploded into wild laughter. He laughed so hard that he had to lean against the door frame to hold himself up. "What the hell is that?" Jim finally gasped between bursts of laughter.

"What?" Ron asked, "Haven't you ever met my twin sister before?"

Ron had dressed completely in drag for the night. However, this wasn't just a guy throwing on a dress. As usual, Ron had gotten 100% into his costume and had completely dressed in drag for the night. He wore a wig with long, straight black hair, and under his top he wore big, fake tits. He wore a black skirt that was fairly tight and came down to about his knees. Underneath he wore a pair of black fishnet nylons and a pair of black shoes with a short heel.

"Did you fucking shave your legs?" Jim asked.

"Of course," Ron replied, "I told you I was going to win the contest this year."

Jim then looked at Ron's face and asked, "Is that make up?"

"Yup," Ron answered. "My sister never goes anywhere without her makeup."

"Well then," Jim said as they stepped out on the front porch and walked toward the car, "may I just be the first to tell you that you are perhaps the ugliest woman I have ever seen."

They joked and laughed about Ron's costume all the way to Dan's house. At one point Ron said, "Hey man, check this out." He then lifted up his skirt and showed Jim what he called the final touch.

"You've got to be kidding me," Jim said when he saw the top of the nylons on Ron's thighs. "Are you wearing a garter belt?"

Ron laughed and said he thought it was the perfect final touch. "If you don't win the contest I'll be anxious to see who does," Jim said.

Dan went wild for Ron's costume when he answered the door. The three of them joked and laughed as Dan asked Ron where he found the clothes. Dan got his date and she almost choked on her drink when she saw Ron. Before Dan led Jim and Ron downstairs to where the rest of the party was happening he told them to wait.

Dan went to the bottom of the stairs and yelled over the music that he had some bad news. "I've just learned that our good friend Ron won't be able to join us tonight," Dan said. "All is not lost however as he was able to find a member of his family to take his place here tonight with us." He then flourished his hands and said, "I'm pleased to present Rhonda, Ron's twin sister."

With that Jim and Ron came downstairs. The room erupted with wild laughter as "Rhonda" smiled and waved and made her way around the room introducing herself to everyone. Ron's costume was obviously a big hit.

The party, as usual, was great. The drinks flowed freely and everyone was having a great time. Some of their friends teased Jim about his "date" for the night. "Does Ron know you've got a thing for his sister?" a few of them asked.

Sensing an opportunity to get a good laugh Jim and Ron played up the idea that they were dates for the night. "Rhonda" started telling people what a great guy Jim was and how he was really good in bed. Jim countered by telling how "Rhonda" had this really kinky side. They kept up this sort of joking banter all night.

At one point a couple of people teased Jim and told him to kiss his date. As the crowd burst into a wild cheer Ron "kissed" Jim on the lips but put his hand in between their mouths. Still, they kept up the act like they were really getting into their kiss and the crowd whistled and cheered them on.

As the party continued things got wilder. Even more than in past years the party started getting a little kinky and sexual. Some couples were openly fondling each other as they danced and others were off in dark corners wildly kissing.

The atmosphere was exciting and a little erotic and Jim was eager to find someone to hook up with. With all the good looking women and the sight of the other couples fondling or kissing Jim was getting very horny. Soon Jim focused his attention on Cindy, a girl he had gone to high school with. He and Cindy had an on-again off-again sort of relationship in high school. Jim was always interested in Cindy but most of the time it seemed Cindy was just interested in teasing Jim or in stringing him along. Tonight Cindy seemed pretty receptive to his flirtations and she was definitely flirting back. Cindy was always a bit of a tease but Jim hoped that tonight might actually lead to something.

Ron had been flirting and dancing with Michelle, a friend of Cindy's from college that Cindy had brought with her. Michelle seemed really nice and was really good looking. It seemed that she and Ron were really hitting it off.

During one song Ron and Michelle ended up dancing right beside Cindy and Jim. Near the end of the song Dan and a few of their friends started teasing Jim and "Rhonda" and asking whey they weren't dancing with each other. Dan called out that he was going to tell Ron that Jim wasn't doing a very good job of showing "Rhonda" a good time.

Right on cue Jim and Ron stepped away from their partners and started to dance. Dan put on a slow song and the crowd cheered wildly as they put their arms around each other. They left a good foot of space between them as they danced but the crowd still went wild. Jim and Ron continued to play it up as they danced through the rest of the song.

When the song finished they returned to Cindy and Michelle. Cindy now had a mischievous look in her eye that Jim recognized easily. Based on his past experiences with her this look either meant he was going to be in store for a wild time later or that he would end the night very frustrated after she teased him unmercifully all night long.

Jim's hopes were raised when he and Cindy danced again because she seemed very excited. She immediately groped his ass and soon they fondled each other's asses as she rubbed her pussy against his crotch. They kissed a couple of times but she always parted the kiss after just a brief time.

The party got wilder and more lust filled as the night went on. At one point when the four of them were talking Cindy commented to Michelle, but in a way that made it obvious she was also talking to Jim and Ron, that she thought it was really hot watching Jim and "Rhonda" dance together earlier. She then added that she'd love to see them dance again.

Not missing a beat, Ron replied that he'd be happy to do it if Cindy and Michelle agreed to also dance together. Cindy gave a wicked smile and she and Michelle looked at each other for a moment before Cindy replied, "OK, you're on."

Like most of his friends, Jim would do just about anything to watch two women together sexually. He had a collection of lesbian porn, and fantasies of women fucking or even just kissing each other were common for him. Both Cindy and Michelle were really good looking and the thought of watching them dance together was enough to make his cock twitch.

This was especially true tonight as both were dressed in sexy costumes. Cindy was dressed as a naughty witch. Her costume really wasn't that elaborate as it basically consisted of a pointy witch hat. Otherwise she wore a skimpy black dress that Jim had seen her wear once before. The dress was short and stopped well before the halfway point of her thighs leaving the majority of her legs on display. Tonight she wore black nylons and black high heeled shoes. The collar of the dress dipped fairly low in front but in back the dress was open all the way down to her ass leaving her entire back exposed. She looked sexy as hell.

Michelle was dressed as a baseball player, and she was definitely the hottest baseball player Jim had ever seen. Her pinstriped pants hugged her like a second skin and beautifully displayed her ass. The top three buttons on the uniform top were open and Michelle's huge tits and deep cleavage were easily visible. The uniform top was nearly as tight as her pants and only added to the allure of her big tits.

"You first," Cindy said motioning out to the dance floor.

Jim and Ron stepped in front of the two women and started to dance again like they had done before. Cindy leaned toward them and said, "If you want to see us dance you're going to have to do better than that." She pushed them toward each other and said, "Come on boys, let's have some fun."

Suddenly Jim and Ron found themselves pressed against each other as they danced. For a few moments Jim wondered if Cindy wasn't just trying to make them look foolish, but then Cindy held out her hand to Michelle and the two women copied Jim and Ron's embrace and danced right beside them. Seeing Michelle's hands come to rest on Cindy's bare back and seeing Michelle's big tits press tightly against Cindy's chest made Jim's stomach knot.

They stayed like this until the song ended and then Jim went back to Cindy and Ron to Michelle. They danced for a bit longer before Cindy asked Jim if he liked seeing her dance with Michelle. Jim answered yes and she asked if he'd like to see them do more. Jim nodded and Cindy moved over to Ron and whispered something into his ear. He looked at her excitedly and then, with less hesitation this time, Jim and Ron started dancing together again.

Cindy and Michelle watched for a while before Cindy said, "So why don't you show me what you'd like to see us do?"

As Jim still stared at Cindy he felt Ron's hands immediately slide down his back until Ron was groping his ass. Jim shot Ron a quick look but Ron muttered, "Relax dude, I'm dying to see those two together."

When Jim turned back toward Cindy and Michelle they were now dancing together. After only a few seconds Cindy's hand slipped down Michelle's back until Cindy was caressing her friend's ass. Soon Michelle started groping Cindy's ass. The sight of the two women fondling each other drove Jim wild. He then got an idea and reached up to massage and caress one of Ron's big, fake tits.

Cindy smiled wickedly and her hand slowly crept up toward Michelle's tits. It seemed to take forever and the anticipation was driving Jim crazy. When Cindy's hand finally reached Michelle's tit Ron moaned excitedly and Jim stared with wild lust.

Cindy continued fondling Michelle's tit as Jim did the same to Ron's fake tit. Michelle continued to massage and caress Cindy's ass as Ron had kept his hands on Jim's ass. Jim was so caught up in watching the two women that he wasn't really aware of what was happening until he noticed that something felt different. Jim pulled enough of his attention away from the women to realize that his cock had grown hard from his excitement. That, however, was only part of what he now felt. It took him a few seconds to realize that he was also now feeling Ron's hard cock rubbing against him as they danced. Occasionally their cocks rubbed against one another through the fabric of their clothes. Being like this with his friend made him feel a little strange but he was so excited and distracted by watching Michelle and Cindy he didn't think much about it.

After a while longer Cindy and Michelle parted their erotic embrace. Cindy and Jim moved back together and resumed dancing. At this point, however, their dancing was little more than wild groping and deep kissing. A quick glance over at Ron and Michelle showed that they were doing the same thing.

Jim caressed Cindy's soft ass and let his tongue eagerly slide against hers as they traded a long, excited kiss. His cock was still rock hard and he excitedly pressed it against her wanting her to feel how hard he was. Jim had fucked Cindy once before and he was sure that tonight was going to be a second chance. He had never seen her so wild and willing and there was every indication from her kisses and her excited caresses that she wasn't just teasing tonight.

Cindy kissed her way across Jim's cheek toward his ear and then whispered, "Do you want to see me kiss Michelle?"

"Yes," Jim groaned.

"Good," Cindy giggled. She then pulled Michelle into one of the darker corners of the room as Jim and Ron eagerly followed. By now the party had descended into a series of pairings all wildly making out or otherwise so involved with each other that nobody was really paying much attention to anyone else.

This was especially true in the dark corner where they finally stopped. Cindy pulled Michelle close and for a moment Jim thought they would kiss. Instead, Cindy stopped just short of kissing her and looked expectantly at Jim and Ron. "You first," she said.

Jim and Ron looked at each other not sure of what to do. Ron shrugged and said, "Are we ever going to have a better chance to see them kiss? I guess I'm game if you are."

Jim didn't know what to do, but seeing Cindy and Michelle on the verge of kissing didn't leave him thinking straight. He needed to see them kiss and before he realized he was doing it he gave Ron a quick nod even as his gaze returned to Cindy and Michelle. Ron moved to Jim and soon their lips came together and they gave each other a cautious, tentative kiss on the lips.

The kiss ended pretty quickly and they turned to look at Cindy and Michelle. "I don't know," Cindy teased. "I guess that was pretty good, but I was thinking more of something like this." With that she turned to Michelle and the two women met in a long, deep kiss that seemed to last for several minutes. Jim could see their lips part and their tongues dance as the kiss continued. He had never before seen anything as hot or wild as this kiss.

The kiss had barely ended when the quiet of the moment and of the room was disturbed by Dan. "Hey everyone," Dan called out, "I'm sorry to break up the fun but I realized I haven't yet officially announced the winner of the costume contest." When he announced that Ron was the winner everyone cheered wildly and Ron made his way to accept his money. Dan insisted "Rhonda" say a few words and Ron immediately obliged going into a really funny routine where "Rhonda" talked about the party and how much fun she was having with everyone. The room filled with laughter and cheered again when Ron finished talking and made his way back to Jim and the women.

Jim had been focused on Ron while he was talking and was surprised when he turned back around that Michelle and Cindy weren't standing right beside him any longer. They were a few feet away and talking back and forth into each other's ears. Jim and Ron made their way toward Cindy and Michelle, but Jim could tell right away that something had changed. Suddenly, Cindy seemed distant and aloof and not interested in him any longer.

Before long the party started to break up with various couples leaving together. The four of them walked out of Dan's house together but then Cindy and Michelle left with barely a goodnight for Jim and Ron. The guys suddenly found themselves standing outside Dan's house alone together. "Well, shit," Ron said in disgust as they got back into Jim's car.

"I can't believe I fucking fell for that act again," Jim said. "How many fucking times in high school did I let her do that same damn thing to me? And now I let her do it again."

For the rest of the drive to Ron's place they alternated between complaining about Cindy and Michelle ditching them and talking excitedly about Cindy and Michelle kissing and fondling each other. In between talking, however, Jim found himself thinking about what Cindy had made him and Ron do. What surprised Jim was that he wasn't feeling particularly upset or disgusted by it. Sure, he was pissed that Cindy had manipulated them and a little embarrassed that she had convinced them kiss and grope each other in front of their friends, but that wasn't what really stuck with him. Besides, with all the other groping and kissing happening he guessed that very few people, if anybody, had even noticed them. Their friends were the types to comment loudly and right away about something like that and so he was sure that if they had seen anything they would have already heard about it.

Instead, what stuck with him was the moment when he and Ron danced when he realized he could feel Ron's hard cock rubbing against him. Maybe it was just the wild atmosphere of the party or maybe it was his own crazy lust from watching Michelle and Cindy together, but whatever the reason he felt something unexpected as he thought about what had happened. Was it excitement? Curiosity maybe?

After a while Jim wondered aloud if Cindy and Michelle were dykes. "Can't you just imagine them now, maybe back at Cindy's place fucking the shit out of each other?" Ron asked. The very idea sent a chill down Jim's back and made his cock twitch.

They pulled up to Ron's place and he asked Jim if he wanted to come inside. "My dad's got some beer in the fridge," he said.

Jim followed him inside and they went into the kitchen. Ron commented about Michelle's tits and wondered aloud if Cindy wasn't sucking on them right now. Jim was little surprised Ron was talking so loudly and asked about his parents.

"Oh, they're away for the weekend," Ron answered. "Some business convention for my dad's company. They were pissed that they missed out on seeing me, but oh well."

After a little pause Jim asked, "So how did they feel, Michelle's tits?"

Ron handed him a beer and answered, "Fucking amazing. They were so big and soft." With that Ron held up his beer to make a toast and said, "To Dan's party, what a wild night."

They clicked bottles and took long drinks before Ron added that he couldn't believe what they had done and seen at the party.

"I know," Jim answered. "I still can't believe we got to watch those two make out like that."

"Shit," Ron laughed, "what about us? Did you ever think we'd end up dancing like that and kissing?"

Jim laughed and suddenly was aware that the atmosphere of the room had changed. He quickly thought about the way Ron's cock had felt and how it made him feel. He wondered if Ron felt the same way. He couldn't believe what he was feeling and thinking but he suddenly had to know if Ron felt the same way. "Are you sorry it happened?" Jim asked.

"No way," Ron replied, "otherwise we'd never have seen them do what they did."

That wasn't exactly what Jim had been asking and it seemed somehow that Ron knew it even as he answered. After Ron spoke they were silent for a few long moments as an air of anticipation built between them. Jim didn't know what to say but felt a strong urge to say something. Instead he glanced up at Ron at the same time Ron glanced at him.

They held each other's eye contact for a few long seconds and Jim suddenly moved closer to Ron. Ron was leaning back against the kitchen counter and Jim walked up in front of him. Without a word Jim set his beer down beside Ron and, in a move that would have been unimaginable just a few hours earlier, he leaned in toward Ron for a tentative kiss.

Their lips met again, much like when they kissed at Dan's, but this time the kiss lasted a little longer. Jim's hands rested on the counter on either side of Ron and at first Ron's hands just hung by his side.

The kiss was very cautious and tentative. It somehow seemed to ask if what was happening was OK. Eventually Ron raised his arms and wrapped them around behind Jim. Jim put his hands on Ron's back as the kiss continued for a while longer.

Jim's mind spun wildly. He tried to understand exactly what was happening and why it made him feel the way it did. The small part of his rational mind that was still able to think questioned what he was doing. However, this part of his mind was overruled and his lust was clearly in control now. Seeing Michelle and Cindy together and having the chance to kiss and grope Cindy had left Jim wildly horny. And yet after all that happened there was also the memory of Ron's cock rubbing against him that stuck with him and made him curious. Now, as they kissed, that was all Jim could think about.

They continued kissing like this for a while longer before Ron parted the kiss and said he had to go take a piss. "I'll meet you downstairs," Ron offered as he went into the bathroom without saying a word or acting like the kiss had even happened.

Jim went into Ron's basement with his mind still trying to understand what was happening. He and Ron had spent many hours hanging out in this room while growing up. Usually they watched TV, played on the computer, or played pool on the old table at one end of the room. Ron was gone for a while and Jim wondered if he was perhaps changing out of his Halloween costume. Jim wondered what was going through Ron's mind after their kiss.

Jim was left confused by the kiss. It felt strange and unknown, but at the same time Jim was left wildly excited. He wondered what exactly he would have done if Ron hadn't parted their kiss. How far would he have been prepared to take this? What exactly did he want to do to Ron or have Ron do to him? He honestly didn't know the answers but he did know that his cock throbbed excitedly.

Finally he heard Ron coming down the stairs. Jim looked up and was surprised to see that Ron was indeed still wearing his Halloween costume. Jim was restless enough that he had never actually sat down so as Ron got to the bottom of the stairs Jim was still pacing around the room. Ron went to the stereo and turned on some music before turning back toward Jim.

Jim watched as Ron walked over and stopped directly in front of him. "I'm not sorry about anything that happened," he said in direct answer to the question Jim had asked earlier. He stressed the word 'anything' in a way that made Jim's spine tingle.

Without another word they moved together and met in another kiss. This one wasn't tentative and questioning. It seemed they both were now ready to admit this was what they wanted. After only a few seconds Ron's lips parted. Jim opened his mouth along with Ron's and moments later their tongues reached toward each other and began dancing in the midst of a long kiss. Jim's lust was now firmly in control and he brought his hands to Ron's ass. He began fondling his best friend's ass through his skirt. The silky smooth fabric of the skirt made his ass feel sexy as Jim continued his fondling.

It was only a short while later when Jim again felt Ron's cock pressing against his own. By now, despite his wild nervousness at what was happening, Jim's cock was also rock hard. The feeling of Ron's cock in the same state drove any remaining reservations out of Jim's mind.

Jim couldn't wait to explore Ron's cock any longer and slipped one hand off Ron's ass and around his hip. He soon felt the bulge of Ron's hard cock under his fingers through the silky fabric of the skirt. The feeling of a man's rock hard cock under clothes that usually hid the warm wetness of a woman's pussy added to the kinky sensations of the moment. Ron groaned as Jim fondled his hard cock.

Jim couldn't believe what he was doing, but in the moment he wanted and needed to feel his friend's hard cock. He wanted more than that however. He wanted to make his friend cum and he hoped Ron would then do the same to him.

Jim pulled away from their kiss and grasped the waistband of Ron's skirt. Ron reached behind him and opened the zipper enough that Jim could slide the skirt down his legs. Jim paused for a moment before standing up and spinning Ron around so Ron's back was facing him. Jim grasped the sides of Ron's underwear and pulled them down his friend's legs. Jim moved in close behind Ron and caressed Ron's bare ass with his right hand as Ron gave a slightly surprised moan.

Finally, Jim pressed in closely behind his best friend and let his right hand snake around Ron. His fingers first grazed Ron's hip and slipped ever closer to Ron's hard cock. Finally, Jim wrapped his fingers around his friend's hard shaft. Ron moaned wildly as Jim softly touched and explored his friend's cock.

In this position it was much like Jim was playing with his own cock. The angle of his arm and Ron's cock position felt very much like when Jim played with himself. However, the feeling of this new cock and the knowledge that he was about to make his best friend cum made this far more erotic and wild than any time he had played with his own cock.

Jim finally started to stroke Ron's cock eliciting another excited moan. Jim slipped his thumb over the tip of Ron's cock and collected a heavy load of pre-cum. Jim smeared the pre-cum along the length of Ron's shaft as he stroked his friend. There wasn't any question in his mind how to stroke or touch Ron. Somehow this felt very natural and comfortable and it was like he knew exactly what to do with Ron's cock in his hand.

Ron was already so excited that this moment didn't last long. After only a few brief minutes Ron moaned louder and Jim felt his cock twitch excitedly. Finally Ron let out a long groan as he started cumming in waves all over the floor. Jim marveled at the feeling of Ron's cum surging down his shaft just moments before it erupted out of the tip of his cock. He had felt it hundreds of times in his own cock but it now seemed so much more intense and wild to know that he had caused this to happen to someone else. Jim stroked Ron until he had coaxed out Ron's entire heavy load of cum.

Suddenly Jim was gripped with a quick wave of fear. What would Ron do now that he had cum? Would he think Jim was being "gay" and kick him out? Would he be too chicken to return to the favor to Jim? Even before Ron's cock started to soften in his hand Ron gave him his answer.

Ron spun around and immediately drove his tongue deep into Jim's waiting mouth. The kiss only lasted a few seconds, however, as Ron pulled away and led Jim over to the couch. They stopped in front of the couch and Ron immediately reached for Jim's belt. He soon had Jim's belt open. He removed Jim's pants and boxers before pulling off the rest of his clothes to leave Jim completely naked.

Ron guided Jim down onto the couch so Jim was sitting. Ron knelt on the couch on Jim's right side. Jim gasped and shuddered as Ron's hand touched the inside of his thigh just above his knee. Slowly and steadily Ron's hand continued moving higher until his fingers finally wrapped around Jim's balls. Jim groaned and parted his legs to give his friend more room. Ron played with his balls for a while longer before his fingers wrapped around Jim's shaft.

Jim had never felt anything like Ron's hand on his cock. Ron's hand was so big, so strong, and a little rougher than the women who had previously touched his cock. It was like Ron instinctively knew exactly how to touch him. Ron soon had Jim going out of his mind with lust as he expertly stroked his cock.

Jim was already fighting hard to contain his orgasm after only a few minutes. Most of the time he had his eyes closed but finally he opened them and gazed at his friend. The image was strange and oddly exciting. Jim knew it was Ron and it was obvious that it was his friend stroking him, but Ron still wore his wig and make up and still had "Rhonda's" fake tits on under his top. Ron's gaze was firmly fixed on Jim's cock and the look of lust in Ron's eyes was more than Jim could handle.

He thrust his hips forward and cried out as he started cumming. The intensity of the orgasm was more than anything he could remember before and his cum surged out of his cock with a wild intensity. Ron stroked him eagerly until all of his cum was spent and continued stroking him for many long minutes after he finished cumming. The last few surges of Jim's cum had merely seeped out of his cock and now Ron's hand and Jim's entire cock were coated in cum as Ron continued playing with him.

Now that Jim had finished cumming he began to feel a little nervous again. What had they just done? How could he have let his best friend do this to him? How could he have just done what he did to Ron?

He and Ron looked briefly into each other's eyes and laughed self consciously. Ron slowly released his cock and they sat beside each other in silence for a few seconds.

"Are, um, you OK with this?" Ron asked.

Jim laughed and replied that it was a little late to be thinking about that. He then got more serious and answered, "Yes." There was another pause and Jim said, "Can you believe the night would end up like this?"

Ron now laughed and answered, "No." Ron then paused and quietly asked, "Do you want to spend the night?"

Jim looked at his friend. Clearly, Jim knew that Ron was asking more than if Jim wanted to crash at his place. Instead, Ron was asking him if he wanted to continue what they had been doing and Jim knew it. Jim couldn't believe he was considering the invitation but here he was already sitting naked in front of his friend after already having one of the strongest orgasms of his life.

Besides, there was something about stroking Ron and feeling him cum that made Jim feel very sexy and horny. He couldn't believe how it felt to touch Ron's cock and he already knew he wanted to touch it again. He also knew he wanted to do much more than just touch it. As these thoughts ran through his head he nodded and answered, "Yes."

Ron smiled and stood up. Jim couldn't resist glancing down at Ron's cock. It was already semi-hard and Jim was fascinated with how it looked. Once he pulled his eyes away from his friend's cock Jim took in the rest of Ron's appearance and started laughing. Ron's skirt and underwear had been removed but he still had on his top, the fake tits, the wig, the nylons, garter belt, and black shoes.

Jim laughed as Ron asked, "What the hell is your problem?"

"You look pretty silly," Jim answered as he stood up. Without another word Jim reached for the buttons on the front of Ron's shirt and began to open them. When he opened the last button Ron pulled his shirt off and Jim chuckled at how silly Ron's bra and fake tits looked.

"Can you give me a hand with this?" Ron asked pointing to the bra. It took me forever to get this thing on. Ron spun around and Jim unclasped the bra before Ron pulled it off and tossed it aside. The sight of Ron's bare back and ass drew Jim toward him and the next thing Jim knew moved close behind Ron and wrapped his arms around his friend. His fingers ran across Ron's chest and he pressed his still wet cock against Ron's ass.

The long hair from Ron's wig tickled Jim's face before Jim reached up and pulled the wig off his head. He tossed the wig aside and as he did Ron spun around. The friends embraced again and for the first time Jim felt his naked cock rubbing directly against Ron's cock. The feeling was wild and unexpected and made Jim feel very excited.

Jim and Ron came together in another kiss. This one was again long, deep and passionate and their tongues danced wildly together. Jim wasn't sure if his cock started growing first or if it was Ron's, but in any case he soon felt Ron's cock growing harder and longer as it rubbed against his cock. Jim's own cock soon grew hard. As their kiss continued their hard cocks rubbed against each other.

After a while longer they parted the kiss and Jim said, "Why don't you go take off your make up, Rhonda? It's starting to look a little silly without the costume."

Ron laughed and made his way to the bathroom. On the way he finally kicked off his shoes. When he came back his face was freshly scrubbed and he finally looked like himself. "There," he said, "better?"

"Well, yeah, I guess. Except for one more thing," Jim said with a point to the garter belt and nylons. Jim sat on the couch and motioned for Ron to come closer. Ron's cock was still mostly hard and pointed directly at Jim's face as Jim unclipped Ron's nylons from the garter belt.

Jim opened the clips on both of Ron's legs but the work was slow as he was very distracted by the proximity of Ron's cock. Jim stared at it closely and noticed how it was different from his own. It was about the same width as his but if anything it seemed a little bit longer. It also curved ever so slightly when it was fully hard. Jim didn't know exactly what it was, but there was simply something about the way Ron's cock and balls looked that was very exciting.

Once he had the clips undone Ron opened the garter belt and tossed it aside while commenting that he was glad to finally get rid of that thing. As he did that Jim reached for the top of Ron's nylon and began sliding it down his leg. Jim couldn't believe how smooth Ron's legs were. "Shit man," Jim said, "you really did shave your legs."

Jim pulled off one of the nylons and then reached up for the second. As he pulled the second one down he let his fingers drag along Ron's skin. He pulled off Ron's second nylon and finally Ron was naked.

Jim again gazed intently at Ron's hard cock and reached toward it. Ron moaned when Jim's fingers caressed him. This time Jim had a very different view of Ron's cock as he fondled and explored it. The last time he couldn't really see Ron's cock since he was standing behind him. This time he gazed intently at Ron's cock. The sight of his fingers moving over the cock amplified the amazing sensation of feeling Ron's cock and balls.

Jim wasn't in any hurry to make Ron cum. He spent a long time simply touching and fondling Ron's cock and balls. He couldn't believe how much he liked playing with Ron's cock and eagerly caressed him.

Eventually Ron started to thrust his hips back and forth as his lust grew. With Ron's cue Jim wrapped his fingers around the base of Ron's cock. Jim slowly stroked back and forth on Ron's cock. At first he had a little trouble settling into a steady tempo from this angle, but soon he grew more comfortable and found an easy tempo.

Ron continued to thrust his hips in time with Jim's strokes and they quickly settled into an easy rhythm. Jim stared at Ron's cock and the way his hand looked as it stroked back and forth across Ron's shaft. Jim had jerked off in front of a mirror before, but that was nothing compared to this. He was entranced by watching Ron's cock as Ron built to his orgasm.

Eventually, Ron started grunting and thrusting his hips harder and Jim knew he was ready to cum. With a final few strokes Ron moaned and started cumming. It hadn't occurred to Jim what exactly would happen when Ron started cumming, but as soon as the first jet of cum erupted Jim realized he had accidentally placed himself perfectly to have Ron cum all over him.

Ron's first jet landed on Jim's forehead and his following jets landed on his chest and then on his thigh. Ron's last bit of cum trickled out of his cock and seeped down onto Jim's hand and forearm. Ron's cum felt warm, sticky, and very sexy even as Jim felt it starting to slide down off his forehead toward his eyes.

Jim continued caressing Ron's cock until the cum on his forehead started to drip down past his eyebrow and into his eyes. He released Ron's cock to wipe the cum away from his eyes as Ron went to the bathroom. Ron returned with a towel and handed it to Jim who used it to clean the rest of Ron's cum off him.

Jim tossed the towel on the floor and Ron sat beside him on the couch. Jim looked at his friend and they met in another long kiss. As they continued to kiss Ron moved around so he was straddling one of Jim's thighs. Ron's thigh was now between Jim's legs and Jim felt his cock and balls rubbing against it as they continued to kiss. After a while Ron's hand ran down Jim's chest and stomach and he started fondling Jim's cock.

Jim moaned and for a moment he thought Ron was going to again jerk him off as he had done earlier. The feeling of Ron being this close greatly added to Jim's sensations. He could feel Ron's cock against his leg and Ron's legs rubbing against his own. The feeling was wildly exciting and Jim brought his hand up to Ron's thigh. As Ron continued playing with and stroking Jim's cock, Jim ran his fingers up and down on Ron's thigh. He then snaked his hand behind his friend and fondled Ron's ass softly.

Ron's fingers danced easily and gracefully around Jim's cock sending waves of intense pleasure through Jim. Jim's fondling of Ron's ass and thigh intensified as his own lust grew. Jim was so completely lost in his pleasure that it was almost startling when Ron shifted his position. Ron slowly released Jim's cock and stood up. Ron then lowered himself until he was kneeling on the floor in front of Jim.

Jim still didn't know what Ron was doing but he spread his thighs apart widely when Ron placed his hands on the inside of Jim's knees. Ron slowly moved his hands up Jim's inner thighs causing Jim to moan excitedly. When Ron's fingers reached the very top of Jim's thighs he slipped his fingers around Jim's balls and slowly caressed them. Jim moaned and then gasped when Ron's fingers found his rock hard shaft and began caressing him.

Jim closed his eyes and leaned his head back as Ron fondled his cock. After a few more minutes of this intense pleasure Jim became vaguely aware of Ron shifting his position. Just as Jim moved his head and opened his eyes he felt something new, unbelievable, and yet familiar on his cock.

One of his previous girlfriends had been particularly fond of oral sex. As such Jim was the happy recipient of many long blowjobs. His last few girlfriends didn't share the same passion for sucking his cock and so it had been a long time since he had felt the sensations of a tongue or a mouth on his cock.

Suddenly all those sensations and memories came flooding back. Even as he opened his eyes and stared down at the sight of Ron tentatively kissing the tip of his cock he still couldn't quite believe what was happening. Ron's lips moved slowly over the tip of his cock and then down the shaft as his fingers still held the base of Jim's cock. Ron's movements were cautious and tentative but very focused. It seemed clear from his body language that he was very excited and intent on what he was doing even if he was nervous and unsure.

After a few more cautious kisses Ron paused and looked up at Jim with a look that was clearly also a question. Jim looked down and made direct eye contact with his friend. Ron's look was clearly asking if Jim was OK with what he was doing and all Jim could do was give Ron one slight nod.

As soon as Ron had this assurance he looked back down at Jim's cock. He resumed kissing Jim's cock but now it was with more confidence. Jim groaned and his head spun with wild lust and confusion. How could this really be happening? How could his best friend since grade school really be doing this?

A new sensation interrupted Jim's line of thought. He looked down again to see Ron had now opened his mouth and was licking Jim's cock. Jim moaned and felt his cock twitch excitedly as Ron's tongue ran along the underside of his hard shaft. When his tongue reached the tip of Jim's cock it ran slowly over it sending wild waves of lust through Jim.

After a few more amazing moments of this teasing Ron opened his mouth again and lowered his head until his lips were wrapped around Jim's cock. Jim groaned wildly as he felt the tip of his cock enter Ron's mouth. Ron moved his lips slowly down until perhaps a third of Jim's cock was inside his mouth. The sensation was amazing but what was really driving Jim crazy was simply the realization of what was happening.

At first Ron's blowjob felt like the first blowjob he had received from the couple of women who had sucked his cock before. Ron's mouth moved carefully and tentatively but still the sensation for Jim was mind-blowing. However, it didn't take long for Ron's blowjob to become far different from those first tentative blowjobs Jim had experienced previously.

Before long Ron's sucking and licking drove Jim wild. Jim had only experienced something close to this before with his one girlfriend who was way into oral sex, but this was still somehow different. Maybe it was the simple knowledge that it was a man, and not only a man but Jim's life long best friend sucking his cock. Maybe it was that Ron somehow immediately knew how to suck a cock since he knew how he liked to have his own cock sucked. Maybe it was just that Ron was a natural at sucking cock.

Whatever the reason, Ron's sucking and teasing soon had Jim going out of his mind. Ron's lips and tongue moved perfectly over Jim's cock as if Ron could somehow read his mind and knew just how Jim liked it. Ron also seemed to know just how much sucking pressure to apply to maximize the effect.

Jim knew he wouldn't be able to last much longer and he began thrusting his hips forward to drive his cock into Ron's mouth. Jim resisted for as long as he could but finally knew he had reached the end of his control. He grunted, "I'm gonna cum."

Ron continued sucking his cock for a few seconds longer and Jim wondered if Ron was going to take his cum in his mouth. None of Jim's girlfriends, not even the one with the oral sex fetish, had ever done that before. The mere idea that Ron might do it drove Jim wild.

At the very last moment, just as Jim's cum was about to erupt from his cock, Ron moved his mouth away and firmly stroked his cock. Feeling Ron's hand so smoothly and expertly stroking him and feeling the additional lubrication from Ron's saliva only added to Jim's intense pleasure. He started cumming in long, thick jets of heavy cum.

Ron's face was still quite close to Jim's cock and the first couple jets of Jim's cum landed on the side of his face and his shoulder. Ron didn't flinch and continued steadily stroking as Jim's cum continued to shoot out. Jim was surprised at the intensity of his orgasm and the volume of his cum especially since he had already cum a short while earlier that night. By the time his orgasm finally ended he felt utterly drained. Ron's right side from his cheek to his fingers were heavily sprinkled with dots and lines of Jim's cum.

Ron caressed Jim's cock for a few moments after his orgasm finally finished. He then released him and crawled back onto Jim's lap. He straddled Jim's thigh and they immediately met in a long, slow, deep kiss. Gone was the hesitation of some of their previous kisses. This kiss was full and complete with both of them giving themselves to the moment.

Jim wrapped his arms around his friend and held him tightly as their tongues danced and their kiss continued. This was all so amazingly new and unknown for Jim. He never imagined wanting to do something like this before, but now here he was with his best friend sitting naked on his lap after having just given him quite possibly the best blowjob of his life. Jim couldn't have been happier.

As they kissed Jim became aware that much of his cum was getting rubbed back on him as their bodies pressed and rubbed together. This only added to the wild nature of the moment and Jim let his hand slip down onto Ron's ass.

Finally their kiss parted and Ron moved off Jim's lap. Ron retrieved the towel and used it to wipe Jim's remaining cum off his face and body before handing the towel to Jim so he could clean himself up.

"Holy shit," Ron said quietly. He didn't say anything else but Jim knew exactly what he meant. From his tone alone Jim could tell that Ron was also coming to grips with what had just happened and what they had just done with each other.

"I know," Jim said.

"That was unbelievable," Ron replied.

"I know," Jim repeated.

They chuckled for a moment and then Ron asked, "You want to go upstairs to my room?"

"Yes," Jim replied. Jim stood up and followed his friend upstairs to his room on the second floor. Jim was struck by how suddenly they were now so comfortable being naked with each other. They had seen each other naked lots of times before in locker rooms after gym class, games, or working out. However, those times they didn't linger at all and quickly got dressed. Now, however, neither even made an attempt to cover themselves or was shy about walking from the basement to Ron's bedroom completely naked.

On the other hand, Jim realized that it was completely normal to be comfortable naked with someone you had just fucked. As they reached Ron's bedroom the thought flashed through Jim's mind that he and Ron were now lovers. The idea made him nervous, excited, and curious all at the same time.

Ron pulled back the covers and crawled into bed. Jim quickly followed him. The full sized mattress was a little crowded with both of them on it but Jim wasn't about to complain. In some ways Jim didn't want to fall asleep. He didn't want this night and this crazy, amazing experience to end. However he was already exhausted and the bed felt amazingly warm and comfortable.

Before they fell asleep Jim and Ron lay on their sides facing each other. They resumed kissing and Jim brought his hand up to Ron's hip. As they kissed Jim was wildly aware of the fact that their cocks were softly rubbing together. Neither of them had a hard on, but Ron's cock was a little excited. Still, just feeling his cock rubbing against Ron's was wildly exciting.

They kissed for a while longer before Ron rolled over and said goodnight. Jim scooted up close behind Ron in the classic spoon position. He pressed his soft cock against Ron's ass. Even as he finally fell asleep Jim couldn't believe this felt so comfortable or that this was how his night was actually ending.

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