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Fortress of Ecstasy

Writer's picture: SkibumSkibum


Co-Author: CreamyLady

The Arctic sun shone down on the North Pole as Kara Danvers, known to the world as Supergirl, sulked alone in her private room in Superman's Fortress of Solitude. A couple of empty quart containers of Ben and Jerry's Chunky Monkey and a half tube of Clearasil littered her otherwise pristine surroundings. A few shards of broken ice on the floor marked the spot where one of her mood swings had resulted in violence to the furniture. Now all was calm.

She had been there alone for five days, craving the isolation during her least favorite time of the month. Only the direst emergency could get her out of the remote Fortress at this time. Her cousin, Superman, had been through this, enough times to know that it was better to stay in his Metropolis town house during her self-imposed exile. Now that it was safe again, he would probably be in today to fix the expected damage to his beloved retreat.

Kara had come to a decision during her sabbatical. She was determined to lose her virginity. And there was only one man on the Earth capable of penetrating her Kryptonian hymen.

Kara carefully laid her trap for the Man of Steel. She removed all the traces of her rather rocky few days in the Fortress. With a few quick blasts of heat vision she carved a new chair to replace the one she had destroyed and burned the empty ice cream containers. She hid the Clearasil away for her next monthly bout with raging hormone levels. And lastly, she donned a raspberry-colored camisole set that was sure to knock his socks off.

Finishing her preparations, Supergirl tuned her super powered hearing to detect the approach of her quarry. It was not long before she heard the faint sound of Superman's body splitting the air at near supersonic speed as he approached the Fortress of Solitude.

Assuming a provocative pose on a sofa carved from a block of Polar ice, Kara's heart beat a steady rhythm beneath her ample breast. She knew that Superman's equally sensitive hearing would normally alert him to her presence before he arrived at the Fortress, so catching him by surprise was not an option. She would have to take a direct approach in seducing her cousin.

Superman hurled his body through the polar ice cap to the underwater entrance of the Fortress of Solitude. Kara was startled by the abruptness of his entrance. Uncharacteristically, the Man of Steel was oblivious to her presence in his home. Her eyebrows rose as her super-hearing made his barely audible muttering clear.

"What the HELL is Lois thinking? Does she really think that she can trifle with Lex Luthor and get an exclusive interview with the world's greatest villain? If he finds out she is only after a story, a story that could put him behind bars for life, she'll wind up in Metropolis Bay wearing cement overshoes. And if she thinks Perry White or Jimmy Olsen will be able to help her ..."

Superman abruptly stopped his muttering in mid-sentence as he became aware that he was not alone in his Fortress. "Kara, I... I thought you would be back home by now. It's been six days..." Superman's voice trailed off as he finally noticed his cousin's attire.

For the first time in his adult life, the man known as Clark Kent was speechless. Then his self-control reasserted itself and a stern look settled over his features, his square jaw thrust forward in determination.

"Kara, what is the meaning of this? Why are you dressed like that?"

"Why, Clark, you should be able to figure that out. You're a big boy," Supergirl purred in a deep, throaty voice she had never dared use with him before. "Besides, you can see right through my clothes anyway, so what does it matter how I'm dressed?"

"It matters because it just isn't right. You are too young to dress like that in front of a man, even me."

"Great Krypton, Clark! I'm an adult woman, and I have the needs of an adult woman. And it just so happens that you are the only man on this miserable little turd ball of a planet that is capable of satisfying those needs! So, if you don't want me, you can just find some other sucker to help you save the world the next time you need help."

Supergirl was really on a roll now. She was wound up with all the anger and passion of a frustrated and horny young woman, and she was not about to stop for anything. "Maybe your precious Lois could put on my costume and fly out to break up an asteroid headed for Earth or stop a runaway freight train just before it hits a school bus, or slap down Brainiac the next time he visits. If that's what you want, just say the word, 'cause that's all I need to send me into permanent superhero retirement! But if you want me to show up every time you need me, you'd better think about how you're going to keep me happy!"

With that Supergirl turned on her heel and disappeared into her own room. The only thing that kept her from slamming the door was the lack of doors in the Fortress of Solitude. After her first PMS visit, Superman had prudently removed anything that looked like a door.

In her room, Kara paced back and forth, steaming. Her cousin was a babe, no doubt about it, but a complete cube. She paced some more, and then used her heat vision to turn a block of ice into a fairly representative model of her cousin, with a cubic head.

It made her laugh, and then she sat down on the bed and started some serious thinking.

He was SUCH a cube that the direct approach was never going to work. He was all caught up in the very antiquated notions of chivalry; his lust object was not a lust object, but an icon of worship and love. Poor Supes: he hadn't yet learned the simple concept of taking his fun where he found it.

Kara thought women were much more pragmatic about such things. True Love was a wonderful idea, and every woman certainly wanted it, but pending Mr. Right, it was a lot of fun - and very relaxing - to bed a series of Mr. Wrongs. They, too, had their uses.

She decided on a more oblique approach and took off the raspberry cami and thong. She took a shower - plumbing wasn't a problem! - and put on a pair of soft, very form fitting jeans and a sweater that was soft and clingy, showing her excellent curves. She then returned to her cousin.

He was sitting on the sofa, still in shock, and still muttering about Lois. Actually, it was a muttering about the perversity of women in general, and Kara sighed. This was going to take a very oblique approach, and she felt she should have put on a twin set and pearls. He was so retro!

"Have some coffee," she said, handing him a mug with a Batman logo. He grimaced but took it.

"How did this get here?" he snarled, sipping the excellent coffee. Kara didn't much care for the domestic arts but had standards.

"Little souvenir from Dick Grayson," she remarked, thinking what a very proper name Dick turned out to be for him.

"Mmmph," was the reply, as her cousin drank the coffee and very subtly began to relax.

Bingo. "Mmm," Kara began, "I couldn't help but notice that you were in a bad mood when you got here, and I know I didn't help. Would you like to talk about it? I can also fix something to eat; I'll bet you haven't had anything more than a veggie burger in days."

Superman poured another cup of the coffee and thought about it. His stomach was rumbling, and Kara didn't seem to be very upset with him. It must have been her hormones; he might have gotten back a little too soon, but then, Lois had his guts in such a knot . . . "I'd like that," he said. "I'm starved."

Smiling sweetly, Kara went to the kitchen area and prepared - courtesy of heat vision and lots of practice - a large steak, baked potato and winter vegetables for her cousin. He actually was a health nut, but she'd seen him pack away the beef on visits to his parents and knew something of what he regarded as comfort food. She finished it off with an apple pie, warm, with some vanilla ice cream that she hadn't gotten around to eating... yet.

His appetite was excellent, and Kara watched him fondly as he packed it away. "God, this is good," he said, between large mouthfuls, and had seconds of everything, thirds on the pie. Kara had piled that overgrown ice block of a sofa with cushions, and he lay back on them, stuffed and happy. His eyes were half closed; he looked like a lion after a particularly large zebra, and when the snores began, she implemented phase three.

Clark woke up about two hours later, warm and comfortable and with a super erection, too. He groaned with mingled pleasure and pain; pleasure because he felt so good and pain because he didn't know what to do with it. Hand jobs weren't too satisfying . . . but he became aware that there was a hand around the base of his cock, a warm, soft hand . . . and that full, warm, soft lips were caressing the head of his cock . . . and that something warm, curvy and very female was next to him.

"What the fuck?" he started to say, but then those lips took his cock all the way in, warm and tight, and the wet sucking started, and he just groaned instead. Oh, God... he was going to go to hell... Kara's blonde head bobbed up and down as she worked his cock with expertise and enthusiasm.

"Oh, shit, honey, I'm going to cum," he moaned, and she turned her beautiful face to him, her mouth full of his cock, and winked. She renewed her efforts, and he did come, hard, almost lifting off the sofa as she sucked and swallowed every drop - without so much as an ouch.

He was in heaven... and she kissed and licked every inch of his cock - and there were a lot of inches, and in no time he was hard again.

"Do you have any idea what you've done," Superman asked his cousin.

"Something Lois couldn't!" Kara was not above a snide comment about the limitations of the object of his desire. "Admit it, Clark. You loved it, and you're ready for more. Just look at that thing!"

"That thing" was impressive indeed. The Man of Steel had a steely hardon jutting impressively from his tights.

"Well, yes, but you're my younger cousin. I'm supposed to uphold 'truth, justice, and the American way'. It's what I do. It's what we do!"

"And you think that if we have sex, give each other a little comfort, it will somehow be at odds with your purpose here?" Kara decided to try a logical argument for a while. "How can we, two aliens from Krypton, the only survivors of our race, possibly hurt those principles, principles that most of the natives could care less about, if we share a little fun in the sack?

"Face it, Clark. We have an obligation to propagate our species. If we don't produce offspring the Kryptonian race will be extinct."

"B-b-but...Kara...I don't know..." Superman was weakening. Kara's arguments did make sense. And she was right there, soft, warm, and round in all the places she should be round. Firm and supple. And Kryptonian strong. Able to take the best he could dish out.

With a groan of surrender, the Man of Steel tore the red and blue jersey and tights from his body. A quick blast of his heat vision, and Kara was equally naked, her sweater and jeans reduced to ashes, the warmth of his optic blast giving her a tingle of anticipation.

He lifted her in his arms like a bride being carried over the threshold, and rising into the air, swooped into his private chamber, the inner sanctum of the Fortress of Solitude. There he placed her nude form on a sheet of ice carved in the shape of an old fashioned four poster bed.

Dropping to his knees between her slender thighs, Superman looked into her eyes and grinned a boyish grin at his cousin. "I'm going to suck that smirk right off your face."

With that he buried his face in the golden curls that surrounded her creamy pussy. Sucking with all the power of his Krytonian lungs, Superman vacuumed all her sweet juices into his mouth. Savoring the taste of her, he thrust his tongue into her with a force unmatched by any human who had tried it before.

And Supergirl reacted like she never had before. For once she could let herself go. With this man she didn't have to worry about accidentally breaking his neck or scratching him to death with her fingernails. She could lay back and enjoy her orgasm as she never had before.

That orgasm was not long in coming. All the anticipation, all the frustration, and all the passion in her lovely young body was freed as she felt his tongue moving at super speed over the sensitive nub of her clit. The heat and friction Superman generated with his tongue was more than a human woman could stand, but Kara was no ordinary human. She was every bit Superman's equal and was built to take it.

As her orgasm peaked, Kara wailed like a banshee with the sheer pleasure of the super licking she was getting. Her thighs clamped around Clark's head and tried to pull him right into her into her sucking pussy. For the first time in her life, Kara felt the full throes of sexual relief wash over her. Wave after wave of pleasure coursed through her body like electricity. It kept on until she could stand it no longer and pushed Clark away, allowing her spasms to subside.

Kara slowly came back to her senses from the mind-numbing explosion. She looked down at Clark's smiling face, and suddenly realized that they were hundreds of feet in the air! The power of her orgasm had shot naked bodies right through the roof of the Fortress of Solitude and into the clear, polar air!

"Good grief, Clark," she managed to gasp. "Now you're going to have to fix the roof!"

"Never mind the goddamned roof," he moaned, grabbing her and pulling her back to earth and the bed. His erection was throbbing, and he was looking at her wolfishly.

"Now, you wanted this," he said, smiling at her expression - wonder, fear, pain and lust in equal parts. He played the tip of his cock in her wet, hot slit, moving slowly to penetration, watching her face.

"Oh, God," she moaned, wiggling as much as she could . . . there was pain; he was big and he was stretching her, she couldn't stand it!

"Oh," she moaned again, still wiggling, hanging onto his shoulders, "oh, please, now, Clark, NOW!" she screamed, and pulled him into her, past the Kryptonian hymen and all the way inside. He groaned.

"Don't grab!" he hissed and began to move slowly. "Even Kryptonians have to take this slow!"

There were tears in her eyes, but she was smiling and moving slowly with him, holding onto him, feeling a hard cock in her body for the first time. "Oh, yesss," she whispered, "I've waited for this!"

Clark just groaned; he wasn't thinking at all, just feeling, and the very hot, tight pussy around his cock was driving him crazy. He moved faster, listening to Kara's cries and moans as she moved with him, into a frenzy, gripping him with her long, strong legs and suddenly flipping him onto his back, sitting astride him and plunging down on his cock.

He yelled from surprise, but grinned as she came, screaming his name... the sound registered on decibel meters as far away as Tampa, and she screamed again, and again... her orgasms were strong, and fierce, and her muscles clamped his dick, milking him, keeping him in that hot wet vise... he felt his balls contract, and came inside her, jets of his semen splashing, washing inside her, hard and hot and strong...

She screamed again, coming, and fell on top of him. He remembered stroking her hair, and then they slept.

They woke up again when the blizzard hit. Cursing the damned roof situation, Clark flew out, returning with ice blocks with which to fix the roof. Kara helped him position the blocks and fuse them, then they went back inside and took a long shower.

It was a lot longer than planned; once he let go Clark was very innovative, and Kara was a willing participant. They lay on the floor of the shower stall, under jets of warm water, in a heap.

"I never thought about a super condom," Clark said idly.

"I never thought about a super pill," Kara said. "Think we got lucky?"

"That depends on your idea of luck," Clark replied.

"Mmm," Kara said, hauling herself off the floor. "Either way, it's not such a bad thing. Anyway, let's get dressed. I'm starved."

"Me, too," Clark said, sitting up. "That steak was a long time ago. I just had a thought, that red sun chamber; I wonder how THAT would work." If it worked correctly, he and Lois might be able to really have at it.

"Hmm," Kara muttered, thinking of Fred and some overdue payback, on her part. He really was impressive.

They left the shower and went to dress and fix a meal. "Kara," Clark said over his shoulder as he went to his quarters, "the coffee was great, but get rid of that damned Batman mug."

"Will do," she said, "as long as you remember I like my steak RARE." She ran into her room; missing the look on his face, as well as the wet towel flying through the air, only to hit the wall instead.

She never was able to get it all out and left it as a memorial to Superman's seldom-seen chauvinism. The steak was delicious.


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