Daddy had withheld the full story behind her mother until Alexis's eighteenth birthday when he had told the story about getting a stripper pregnant, a rushed wedding between two people too young to know better, and how hard he had tried to make it work. Shortly after Alexis had turned 6, her mother had walked out on both of them, relinquished all rights to her, and dropped off the face of the Earth. The word "Mother" meant nothing more to Alexis than "the egg donor."
Daddy had saved lots of little things for after she was a legal adult, like swearing. She remembered the first time she had let a swear word slip in front of him and the disapproving look on his face. "I'm sure you use those words with your friends. But, around me, let's hold off swearing until you're an adult."
On her eighteenth birthday, Alexis had walked into the kitchen and asked, "Guess who's a fucking adult?"
"I don't fucking know, who?" Daddy had laughed, acknowledging her new status.
Alexis had grown up overhearing the disapproving snickers about her dad's dating habits made by bitchy moms whispering in low tones among themselves. Daddy preferred his women young and slutty. She's just like that stripper that left him. Or, When is he going to find an age appropriate girlfriend? Daddy never brought his girlfriends home and never talked about them to Alexis.
Alexis liked the way their relationship had changed since her last birthday. The first time she had made him hard happened later that week. For whatever reason, she had jumped into his arms, wrapping her legs around his narrow waist and began peppering his face with playful kisses.
"Aren't you getting a bit old for big hugs like that?" he had asked. "I mean, you're an adult now."
"Oh Daddy, I'll always be your girl!" she had said.
He had held her by her asscheeks before slipping his hands to her waist instead, as if there could be something wrong holding her butt. As she had bounced, giggling and playing, she had realized Daddy was having an extra reaction to her burst of affection.
There was no denying what she had felt and saw, Daddy had gotten hard. She had MADE Daddy hard and a very big idea had begun growing inside her as a very tiny seed.
Alexis experimented and played with her new, secret knowledge for three months. Now that she was a woman, her hugs and kisses had a different effect on Daddy, an extra effect. She kept the knowledge to herself, teasing him when she could and enjoying his reaction. She never realized what she was doing to herself until it was too late.
She had been sitting on Daddy's lap, squirming and giggling in a not so innocent way, feeling him getting hard and finding it funny. After he had pushed her away, she went up to her room, feeling a lustful, needy buzz of her own. Hidden in her room with her bedroom door shut and locked, she got naked and laid on her bed.
Alexis allowed her imagination to roam. She thought about the other boys she had known, searching for the fantasy that would fit her thrill. She ran a hand over her pert, teacup sized breasts, teasing her nipples stiff. Sometimes, she would catch Daddy looking at her chest and if she glanced down, she would find her nipples were hard.
"Do you like that, Daddy?" she whispered to her ceiling, giggling at being naughty. She knew good girls didn't tease their Daddy and laugh about making them hard. She slipped a hand across her flat stomach and past her belly button until she was touching her soft, smoothly shaved pussy. Daddy had gotten so hard! She giggled again as she slipped a single finger between her lips and felt the warm slippery wetness of her excitement growing.
At least Daddy feels big, she thought, comparing the feel of his aching hard-on pressing against her to her last boyfriend's much smaller dick. Daddy looked big, too. She had seen his hard-on straining inside his pants after teasing him. She slipped two fingers inside her wet pussy and then three. Was that how a big cock like Daddy's would feel? Oh fuck, that felt good.
Daddy was a big man, strong and powerful. He had thick fingers, didn't that mean his cock would be thick, too? Alexis tried pushing away the idea as she fingered her barely legal pussy, eagerly squirming against her three fingers. She felt so wet, slippery, and hot.
Daddy worked out a lot. He had big biceps and a big chest. When he had gotten tired of her squirming on his lap, he had easily picked her up and set her to the side while crossing his legs to hide his hard-on. Alexis liked how his big arms felt. She liked pressing her chest against his strong chest and seeing his narrow ass squeezed into jeans or tight workout shorts.
How would it feel pressing her bare chest against his? She felt a shiver of pleasure surging through her before pushing away the thought. Good girls didn't think about their Daddy's big, strong chest and imagine pressing their tiny titties against him. Damn, her pussy felt wet. She pulled on one of her hard nipples, wondering how Daddy's fat fingers would feel doing that. Would he be rough or tender?
"Fuck," she gasped as she felt her orgasm drawing closer. She needed to stop thinking about Daddy but her imagination wouldn't let him go. She imagined his big, veiny cock deep inside her tiny pussy, filling her, splitting and splaying her in ways lesser men couldn't. His big hands on her tiny tittes, rough fingertips softly caressing her tender, needful nipples. Another gasp escaped as she imagined him over her, on top of her, looking down at her while he filled her with his big, hard cock.
Shuddering and groaning with pleasure, Alexis clutched her body as she experienced an orgasm bigger and more fulfilling that she wanted to admit. Shame filled her. She felt like a very bad girl. Daddy had raised her to act like a good girl, but she knew she was only a good girl on the outside. She had always been a very bad girl, fingering and fucking her pussy with everything she could find for longer than she would ever admit. On the inside, she had never felt like a good girl.
A lifetime of sports and dance lessons had given her a lean, sculpted body at the expense of having boobs. Daddy had also raised her to be smart, fast, and pretty. His advice still rang in her ears. "Never be afraid of being the smartest and prettiest person in the room." Daddy made sure Alexis maintained straight A's in school with a combination of helping her study and rewarding her successes.
So much advice from the one man who would always love her. He had answers to all of her questions and no question was out-of-bounds or off-limits, even the ones she didn't know to ask. "Men, and I mean all men, only want to get into your panties," was his dating advice and by eighteen, Alexis had dated enough to know that was true. Thinking back on a lifetime spent with this man, she realized his advice had always been timely and age appropriate.
Becoming an adult had changed things between them. Daddy didn't hold back on his swear words anymore, particularly when commenting on her outfit. "You know your ass is hanging out the back of those shorts?" he had asked when she popped downstairs in a skimpy pair of shorts.
"Enjoying the view?" she had teased, never letting him know that maybe she was showing off on purpose.
"If I'm noticing, so will every other guy," he had grumbled.
Naked on her bed, filled with an odd mix of shame and growing excitement over what she had just done, Alexis wondered about her Dad. Did he ever think about her when he was jerking off? She already knew only a trim, fit, attractive woman could turn his head for a second glance. Women like her.
Her fingers began moving between her legs again as she imagined Daddy's need. Did he ever think about her like that? Had he ever jerked off because of something she had done? Could he see her in "that" way? She imagined him caressing his big, hard cock, fighting against the reason why. Did he imagine touching her perfect little titties and wonder how her tiny pussy might feel wrapped around his hard, needful cock? She came again, feeling bad, very bad and feeling very bad felt very good.
Alexis couldn't shake the odd mix of shame and thrill she felt knowing she could excite her Dad. The idea clung to her, daring her to keep doing it.
Before dinner, she pulled on a cropped top tank top that showed off her flat, muscular stomach and purposely neglected to wear a sports bra beneath it. Beneath it, she wore painted on yoga pants that were nearly transparent as she helped set the table. Daddy's eyes tracking her every move. Leaning over the table to show off her ass to him, she watched in the mirror above the sideboard, catching him checking out her ass.
During dinner, she announced, "None of the other moms like the girls you date," revealing a secret she had held on to for years.
"None of the other moms were ever as hot as the women I date," he smirked.
"Why haven't you ever gotten serious with one of them?"
"I don't date the kind of girl you get serious with," he revealed, his smirk growing into a smile as he watched her wrestling with his answer.
"So, you're saying you've been a man-whore all your life?"
"Probably," he answered without concern or embarrassment as he shoveled a spoonful of peas into his mouth.
"Why can't I remember you going out?"
"Because it was never your business and it was more important to be home for you."
"Don't you get lonely?" she asked. He shrugged. Pushing the conversation into adult-speak, Alexis rephrased the question. "Don't you get horny?"
"Daddy's are men, too."
"What's that mean?" she asked. Daddy rolled his eyes and didn't answer. Finally, she realized he meant jerking off. "Yeah, girls do that, too." The surprised and startled look on his face turned her giggle into a laugh.
"Maybe I don't need to hear about that from my daughter," he said, fighting off a smile and a grimace.
"Would you rather I was fucking every guy who ever checked out my ass?"
"No," he said as his face turned pink.
"Wait, are you blushing?"
"No," he insisted, picking up his plate and retreating to the kitchen. "I'm a grown man. I think I can handle knowing my daughter sometimes touches herself."
"More than sometimes," she murmured, feeling her face blossoming into a blush of her own. If Daddy had heard, he didn't react. He was already washing dishes and it was her turn to dry. She wrapped her arms around his waist, pressing her chest against his strong back and hugging him tight. "I'm glad we can talk about anything."
What he said next made her believe he had heard her murmured words. "Get your work done, pervert."
"Like father like daughter," she said, picking up the dish towel and standing alongside of him.
"God, I hope not," he groaned, shooting her a smile.
That night, Daddy visited her imagination a second time as Alexis laid on her bed with her fingers furiously caressing the tiny bud of her aching clitoris. Her fevered brain conjured up images of Daddy jerking off. She imagined him caressing his big, long, hard cock, tugging and pulling on it while he surely thought about her. Then her imagination placed him at the foot of her bed, stroking his hard cock while watching her. She imagined the desperate, frustrated look on his face as his hard, man-sized cock ached for relief. She imagined him crawling on top of her, positioning his big dick against her tiny wet pussy before she came.
Hugging herself, Alexis groaned with shame as she fought off the lingering mental images still burning in her mind's eye like the red dot that lingers after a flash photograph. What was wrong with her? She shouldn't be fantasizing about her father, should she? She cradled her pussy, still pressing an eager finger against her clit, hating how that tiny, sensitive bud betrayed her.
She thought about how she had dressed for dinner, purposely dressing like an athletic slut in her tight tanktop and no bra. She thought about how Daddy's eyes had lingered on her upturned ass as she adjusted plates that hadn't needed adjusting. Her finger began moving again, lightly caressing her clit until her imagination had her leaning naked across the table, poking her bare ass at him and looking over her shoulder. She came again for him, for Daddy, for the man who had loved her first.
She rolled over, trying to find sleep while when an impossible thought came to mind: Could Daddy ever want her, too? A soft groan escaped her lips. Why was she even thinking about that? Daddy's didn't love their daughters that way, did they? And why couldn't they? Why couldn't a fully grown woman want a fully grown man? Where was the harm? She fell asleep barely aware how her imagination began to consider the impossible.
"Goals are meaningless if you don't have a plan to reach them," Daddy had taught Alexis. His coaching had been a lifelong experience. "Have both a goal AND a plan. That's how you get what you want."
If she wanted Daddy to make love to her, she needed him to see her as sexually interested. But is that what she wanted? Did she really want Daddy to make love to her? Alexis spent a week in a funk, unable to shake idea. She would find herself staring at his tight ass and wonder how it might feel in her hands. She would notice his full lips and wonder how he kissed. She would hug him, pressing her petite body against him, and wonder how it would feel if they weren't wearing clothes and her breasts were against his big, muscular chest.
All of her sexy thoughts were made worse as she noticed how good he was to her, always. Every night, he cooked dinner for both of them. Alexis didn't drive. The very idea scared her. If she needed a ride somewhere, he would provide it without complaint. If she forgot to make her bed in the morning, he somehow found the time to make it before he left for work. If they watched a scary movie together, she could always climb into his lap and he would keep her safe. And when she giggled because the scare was over, he'd chuckle with her.
Trying to break her funk, she entertained the idea, starting with setting her goal: make love to Daddy. Of course, having a goal meant having a completion date. She arbitrarily choose Valentine's Day. But what would it take to make that happen? Flirting with Daddy wasn't going to be enough because she had done that all of her life. She would need Daddy to know she was a real woman and could treat him like a real man before anything could happen between them. That put her in the research phase. Somehow, she had to figure out what Daddy like most in a woman.
She waited until he was asleep in his bedroom before creeping downstairs. She opened his laptop and began by searching his internet history. That's how she found his Tumblr blog.
His blog didn't include any postings, but he had followed lots of other people whose microblog included naked pictures of hot young women, petites and barely legal teens, all posing and smiling for the camera while they sucked on big dicks, fingered tight little pussies, or just showed off amazing bodies. Alexis recognized how similar those anonymous women were to the gym bunnies Daddy preferred and to her.
Back in her room, she started her own Tumblr account. She fished around the site for a while, exploring how it worked. She saw how following someone added that person to her Tumblr feed and showed their posts on her homepage. She spent days exploring and testing different hypotheses until she understood. Then she compared her findings to how Daddy used his account. He used the "favorites" button from time to time, but never posted anything.
Alexis was careful with her first posting. She posed against a neutral, blank spot on her bedroom walls. She took several pictures with her phone and then loaded them on her computer before uploading them. She inspected each photograph carefully for identifying hints. She scrubbed all the identifying information from the picture's EXIF information.
Satisfied that she was as anonymous as any mouse, she posted a rather tame photograph of her holding a hand across both breasts. The picture hinted at more without showing a thing. Now she needed to make sure Daddy saw it. She followed a couple of names of microbloggers who had appeared on Daddy's list, too. One of them followed her back and reblogged her photograph. From there, others found her pic and some of them reblogged it, too.
By the time she got home from school the next day, her picture had spread to several blogs. More importantly, she was convinced it would show up on Daddy's feed. Would he recognize her? She waited a week before posting another pic, plenty of time for Daddy to see and react to her picture. Without knowing if he had seen it, she couldn't tell if he had enjoyed it without recognizing her. Perhaps it had gotten buried in his newsfeed?
She needed to make sure her pics would be there waiting for him. She posted again and again, every day for nearly two weeks until her blog gained followers, people who wanted to catch her pictures directly from their source instead of waiting for someone else to reblog them. After two weeks of daily posting new pictures of her body parts, she saw a familiar name appearing as one of her followers. The anonymous screen name belonged to her father. He had seen her and, since he hadn't called her out on it, she knew he never suspected that was his daughter showing off her goods to the entire world.
Alexis knew she needed to do more than post anonymous pictures of her naked body. Still, it was an important first step. Daddy had liked her pictures enough to follow her, did that mean he was jerking off to her images? Imagining Daddy stroking his long, hard cock while admiring pictures of her naughty bits tugged at Alexis's libido.
Filled with shame and secret lust, she furiously rubbed her bare pussy, climaxing again and again as she imagined seeing her dad naked and so needy. She imagined him in lust with her, climaxed again, and yet still felt empty. What was wrong with her? How could one idea both excite and frustrate her? Why did she want this? Because Daddy was strong, fit, and handsome? That didn't make sense because all of Alexis's boyfriends had fit that description.
This is so wrong, she whispered to herself, felt a pleasant shiver surge through her, and knew she had found part of her answer. Daddy was the one man she shouldn't have. He was the forbidden fruit that drove her sex drive into overdrive. Could she make him want her, too?
Daddy working late or Alexis having an after school event meant they sometimes missed dinner together, but they always had breakfast together. Over the years that breakfast had turned into sharing two cups of coffee before starting their day. Although he showered before heading downstairs, Daddy always wore baggy sleep pants and a t-shirt to breakfast. Alexis would toss on an oversized t-shirt (and panties, if she had slept in the nude) and nothing more.
Once she committed to her plan, she stopped wearing panties. Her oversized t-shirts hung too low to show anything, even when she reached into the cupboard for her coffee cup. Still, Daddy politely called her on it. He asked why she never wore the bathrobe he had gotten her for Christmas. "Maybe you're too old to parade around in just a t-shirt," he said, suggesting he had noticed her lack of panties.
The next morning, she wore the bathrobe with nothing beneath it. After climbing up on her barstool next to Daddy, she made sure the top draped open, exposing her titties.
"You might want to make an adjustment," Dad mumbled. He had noticed.
"Adjust what?" she asked as innocently as she could.
"I can see inside your robe."
"Enjoying the view?" she asked without making a change.
"I'm still a man," he reminded her in that lower pitched, gravelly tone he sometimes had. Alexis adjusted her robe. It lasted as long as first cup of coffee. When she returned with her second cup, she made sure she had the same problem. "When I bought that robe, I thought you'd wear it over your t-shirt."
"We're both grown-ups," she said, patting on him on the knee. "Does it really matter?" She allowed her hand to linger on leg.
"Maybe," he said, getting up and standing on the other side of the counter. From the change inside his loose fitting sleep pants, she understood why he moved. He had liked what he saw. The next morning she went back to wearing her oversized t-shirts without panties. He didn't complain.
Alexis was beside herself with lust for this man she had called father all these years. It still felt wrong wanting him as deeply as she did, but she couldn't help herself. It was all she could do to keep her hands off of him in the grocery store and letting the entire world know how much she loved him. As they walked down the aisle shampoo, shaving, and soap aisle, Daddy grabbed a bottle of unscented hand lotion and tossed it into the cart.
"What's the lotion for?" she asked with a knowing smirk on her face.
"It's personal," he grimaced, a faint blush pinking his strong cheeks.
"Uh-huh," she giggled. "And so is this," she said, picking up a package of razors and shaving cream. "I hate feeling prickly." Daddy's blush deepened as he pushed the cart towards the end of the aisle. She snagged a tube of lubricant and chased after him. She tossed the lube next to her razors.
"I don't want to know," he said before she could say anything.
"The new one is bigger than I thought," she whispered before giving him a playful peck on the cheek.
"New boyfriend?" he asked, immediately looking as if he wished he hadn't.
"New toy," she giggled, giving his big bicep a squeeze.
"Jesus," Daddy swore, looking very perplexed. He shook his head, but he smirked, too. "We might need to have a conversation about being adults."
"Promise?" she asked, already knowing how she wanted the conversation to go. Valentine's Day was approaching too fast.
Later that night, Alexis worked on a new post for her Tumblr account. She leaned against her bedroom wall, carefully arranged her blue, translucent dildo between her bent knees and made sure the tube of store brand lubricant showed inside the picture. Holding her camera phone up and away, it took several tries before she got the picture she wanted to keep. After studying the extra pictures she had taken, she posted the one that showed the tip of that pretty blue toy just inside her pussy. She didn't want Daddy to worry about her being able to handle something big.
Monday morning, signaled less than a week before Valentine's Day. Needing him to start putting two and two together, she purposely left her big, blue dildo on her bed, carefully covering it up with her blankets so it wasn't too obvious. She left her door open before heading to school as if she hadn't taken the time to make her bed. Sometimes, Daddy would make her bed for her. She sat through the her school day fighting off the urge to squirm as she wondered if today was one of those days.
After school, her room looked exactly as she had left it and she felt disappointed. She knew men weren't made for picking up hints. Guys needed to be hit over the head before they recognized the obvious. She had thought the combination of the picture she had posted and the toy she had left poking out of her covers was a damn obvious hint. But if Daddy had only noticed one, he might not take the hint.
Tuesday, she repeated the same idea, purposely leaving her bed unmade and her toy visible on the bed. She added the tube of lubricant to her nightstand. When she got home, her bedroom looked exactly the same except for one tiny detail. She had left her door wide open but when she had returned from school, her door was pulled shut. Daddy HAD been in her room, or, at least as far as her door. Had he stepped inside? Had he noticed her toy discretely poking out from beneath her covers or the lube on the nightstand?
She began nervously pacing the floor of her room, second guessing every decision she had made. Had she gone too far? Had she become too obvious, too soon? Could he ever want her in the same she wanted him? Had she ruined their relationship?
She couldn't stand it. Her mind was moving at lightspeed. She pulled on her running clothes and hit the streets. She couldn't run away from her fears, Daddy had taught her better than that. Fears were to be faced and stared down into submission, just like aggressive dogs threatening to ruin a good run. She pumped her strong thighs harder and faster, determined to stay ahead of her worries.
Sweat dripped from her trim body as she hit the front door a second time that afternoon. It was nearly dark and Daddy would be home. She saw him in the kitchen as she jogged upstairs for a shower. Naked beneath the hot spray of water she caressed her pussy, feeling its smoothness and satisfied that she didn't need to rake a razor across that sensitive flesh yet.
After finishing her shower, she stepped back into her room. Her door was still ajar when she dropped her towel. It felt like a bold move. What if Daddy came upstairs to let her know it was time for supper? She bent over and rummaged through her drawers for clothes to wear to dinner. If he had seen her picture and her toy and put things together. . . She put on a tight tanktop without a bra and shorty shorts without panties. Fuck fear.
"Have a good run?" Daddy asked, bringing his signature grilled veggie burgers to the table. They ate wholesome and well in their house, they always had.
"Still chilly," she said, watching him carefully. "How was work?"
"Same ol', same ol'," he said with a smile and a dismissive shrug. Alexis smiled back while silently release a sigh of relief. If he had seen her Tumblr post, he hadn't equated it with the same toy resting on her bed all day. It wasn't until they stood side-by-side doing the dishes that Daddy began a difficult conversation. "There is something I want to talk to you about," he began.
"Oh yeah, what's up?" she asked, sounding as nonchalant as possible while she felt her stomach tighten up, sure he was going to say something about her Tumblr account. She held her breath and waited, focused on not dropping the dish she was drying.
"It's sort of awkward," Daddy hedged as a cloud passed across his face as if he was struggling with his words. It wasn't often Alexis had seen him wear that expression and she braced herself for the worse. "Remember when we were grocery shopping and I said we needed to have a talk about being adults?"
Alexis released her breath as a sigh, relieved that's all it was. Daddy didn't seem to notice. Instead, he looked really uncomfortable. Alexis put down her towel and hugged him. "Hey, it's okay. We talk about everything, remember?" Holding him close reminded her that she still had a secret, one he wouldn't discover until Valentine's Day.
"You didn't make your bed this morning," he said, pausing after he said the words as if hoping she might finish for him. She held on to him, smiling behind his back and waiting. "So, I went into your room to do it for you and, um, I didn't. Can you guess why?"
"Because I left something behind?" she asked, biting back the giggle building inside of her. Daddy felt stiff in her arms. Not down there. She hadn't tried touching him down there yet, not directly. He just felt tense.
"Honey, it's okay that you have something like that. I mean, you're an adult now and I think I've done a good job at treating you as one, haven't I?"
"A fucking great job," she said, allowing her giggle to show because of her language.
"It's just that seeing something like that. . ." he said before stopping and taking a second stab at expressing himself. "I mean, knowing you have a toy like that. . ." he tried before stopping and releasing a mighty sigh of his own. "It's hard."
"Is it?" she asked, giggling again while fighting to keep her arms around his stomach and chest instead of reaching down to see if he meant "hard" in more ways than one.
"Stop it," he laughed, picking up on her game. "I'm trying to be serious here." He still sounded nervous, out of his element, and Alexis liked that.
Alexis knew she couldn't let this moment pass without pushing them closer to her goal. This was the kind of opportunity she had been waiting for. "Does it bother you to know I play with myself?" she asked, feeling herself blushing and glad she was still hidden behind him.
"A little."
"Care to talk about your hand lotion?" she chuckled, knowing she was putting him on the spot.
"Not especially," he groaned. "It's just that, we're father and daughter, you know? Maybe there's some things we should keep private, okay?"
"But I thought we could talk about anything?" she said, playfully pouting. She was being purposely petulant and knew it, but did Daddy?
"We can," he said, still not turning around or peeling her arms from around him. Alexis began to wonder if there was a reason why he wasn't moving as she noticed how he was standing. He wasn't just rigid and tense, he was also pressing tightly against the sink as if he had something to hide. "But don't you think some things are really personal and private?"
"It's okay if you get horny sometimes, Daddy," she cooed. "LIke you always say, you're still a man, right? And I know guys get horny and jerk-off. So do girls."
"But I don't need to know that's what you're doing," he said, sounding more frustrated than ever.
"I didn't announce it. I didn't say 'Hey, I'm heading upstairs to fuck my toy,' did I?"
"Jesus," he groaned.
"But so what if I did? I mean, it's okay for me to be sexual even if I don't have a boyfriend, isn't it?"
"I don't need to know, though."
"That's why I didn't tell you."
"But. . .," he said before stopping and giving up. She could hear and feel the change. "I guess you're right. I mean, what you do to yourself in your room is up to you, right?"
"I love you, Daddy," she said, squeezing him tight.
"I love you, too," he replied in that automatic way that a parent returns that little nicety. If her plan worked, in a few more days, that would change.
She kissed his back. "Can I ask you a question?"
"Maybe you can dry some dishes, too?" he suggested, pulling the stopper on his side. "I'm done washing."
Reluctantly, Alexis moved to her side of the sink. She didn't want to let go of him and couldn't wait for the day when she wouldn't have to. He turned away as soon as she stepped back to his side and she noticed how he turned his back to her. Was he rejecting her? "Don't you want to hear my question?" she asked as he retreated from the kitchen. She ran water over the small stack of dishes on her side of the sink, rinsing before drying.
"Yes," he said from the other side of the breakfast bar, as if hiding from her. He offered her a worried looking smile.
"It's stupid," she said, suddenly feeling shy and embarrassed. Her original question got caught in her throat as too outrageous, too far over the line to say out loud.
"Ask me," he said in that dry, flat, urging way he had. She smiled. They had played this game before when she had a difficult question that couldn't quite pass her lips, like when she almost a grown-up and had asked about her egg donor or a boy had hurt her feelings and Daddy was the only boy she knew who wouldn't lie to her.
Do you ever think about me when you're jerking off? was the question she couldn't ask. No way. It was too far over the line, too soon. She needed a second question, anything that felt revealing without being THAT question. "It's really bad," she said in a small voice, buying time while her quick mind searched for a substitute question, comment, or phrase.
"Anything," Daddy insisted as he always had and she found her answer, her safer comment.
"I wanted you to find my toy," she said, too embarrassed with her revelation to look at him. She felt her face heating up and could only imagine how red-faced she had become. But she also felt her nipples swell and her pussy ache with need, even as her stomach did flip-flops. Valentine Day was so close and knew she had to keep pushing.
"Why?" he gasped, sound very un-Dad-like.
"So you would know I'm a grown-up," she said, forcing herself to turn towards him, not caring if he saw her red face or swollen nipples. Daddy's eyes were wide with panic or fear, she didn't know which because she had seen that expression on his face. He looked as if he wanted to say something but his mouth couldn't make words, only the motion of opening and closing.
He forced a smile, "Duly noted."
"And it's okay if you know what I like to do in my room by myself," she blurted out, feeling on a roll. "I like you knowing."
"Why?" he asked again, looking very confused and worried.
"I don't know, it's sort of sexy," Alexis said, affecting a flirting, casual smile.
"Daddy's shouldn't know when their daughters, um, do that," he said looking very tense.
"I don't want to be like other Daddys and daughters. We're special."
"We're not that special," he dismissed.
"Yes, we are," she with a flat, no-nonsense tone. She gazed up and down at him as if she could see through the breakfast bar, as if she could see what he might be hiding behind that countertop and peninsula shaped section of cabinets before turning back to her dishes.
She felt hot and flushed, as if she had just finished another long run. Her heart slammed against the inside of her chest as if it could make her breasts vibrate from the inside out. She couldn't hold in the tiny squirm she felt and shook her ass as if doing the "I have to pee" dance, except she needed to do something much more fun with her body than pee. She wore a small smile as she felt her plan coming together. Victory would be hers.
Daddy sat without speaking for a long moment. She couldn't imagine his thoughts but she did imagine his eyes hot on her backside, studying her firm, bubble butt sculpted and on display inside the second skin of her yoga pants She imagined him noticing her waist and maybe remembering how her firm breasts had felt pressing against his back. More importantly, he didn't deny they might be special. "I think Sportscenter is on," was all he said before leaving her to finish the dishes.
After finishing the dishes, she joined him, flopping down on the couch as if nothing had changed between them. "The best thing they can do is trade one of those morons," she said, commenting on Sportscenter.
"You're probably right," Daddy said, sounding like Daddy again as he pointed out some of the finer points about the game. Alexis liked hanging out with Dad. She liked hearing his thoughts and opinions. She couldn't wait until they could hang-out in more ways than one.
A couple hours passed without any obvious flirting until Alexis stood, made a show of stretching, and caught Daddy's eyes drinking in the sight of her lithe, petite body. "Guess what I'm going to go do," she challenged with a playful grin.
"I'd rather not," Daddy said, rolling his eyes.
"I'm going to study," she said, climbing into his lap. She faced him, straddling his legs, and hugged him. "Then I'm going to go to bed early." She sat on him and fought the urge to wiggle or squirm. "Want to know why I'm going to go to bed early?"
"Probably not," he said, still looking concerned.
"Because I have a test tomorrow," she told him, running her fingers through his hair. "What did you think I was going to say?"
"No idea," he said and they both knew he was lying.
Bouncing around on his lap, she leaned back and feigned a shocked look as she called him out. "You thought I was heading to bed so I could play with myself, didn't you?" He gave her an uncomfortable looking shrug. "Pervert," she cried, laughing and giggling at him. "I think you owe me an apology."
"Sorry," he mumbled, clearly not trusting her.
"I always study before I play with myself. Should I leave my door open?"
"No!" Daddy panicked, looking shocked.
"I mean so you could see that I was studying," she lied. "Touchy, aren't we?" She leaned over, hands on his strong shoulders and looked him straight in the eyes. "I love you, Daddy."
"I love you, too," he said, still looking wary.
She kissed his cheek, smiled, and pushed away, guessing she had pushed things as far as she could that night. Daddy looked confused. "Enjoy your lotion," she said as she walked away.
Back in her room, Alexis knew she needed to post a pic before studying. She needed to post a pic before Daddy got in front of his computer. She wouldn't risk her anonymity towards the whole world, just one important follower. She pulled on a pair of blue panties and a t-shirt she could wear to breakfast in the morning. Pushing a hand inside her panties, cupping her wet pussy, she took a picture that showed her comforter, too. No one else would ever guess it was her. She posted the pic before stretching on her bed to ease the need created from teasing Daddy. She imagined him with her, wanting her, and it felt so good.
The oversized t-shirt she wore to breakfast was a bit shorter than the ones she usually wore. More importantly, it was the same pink t-shirt she wore in the pictures she had posted last night. She slipped on her blue panties, too. On bare feet, she padded past him on her way to the coffeemaker. "Good morning," she sang as she reached into the cupboard for a cup. The motion pulled her t-shirt up and exposed her panties, blue panties Daddy should recognize.
"Shit!" Daddy cried out, spilling his coffee. "Fuck!" he cried out again, jumping up and dashing out of the room. He returned a couple minutes later in a new pair of sleep pants.
"You okay?"
"Just burnt my leg when I spilled my coffee," he said, barely looking at her.
"Aw, poor baby," she said, hugging him from behind and pressing her tits against his back. "Is it bad?" She tried caressing his thigh.
"I'll live," he said, pushing her hand away.
"I could kiss it and make it better," she offered, nibbling on his ear.
"Cut it out," he laughed, pulling his head away from her. "What's gotten into you lately?"
"Nothing," she giggled, again sliding her hand up his thigh. "You didn't burn anywhere important, did you?"
"Alexis! Cut it out!" he said, trying to sound shocked and angry, but it didn't quite work. "You're the reason I spilled my coffee in the first place!"
"What did I do?" she asked, already guessing the truth. "I was just getting a coffee cup."
"Yeah, well, nevermind," he said, getting up from his barstool and moving to the other side of the counter as if he was moving to safety. "Do you even have a boyfriend right now?"
"Just my toy," she smirked, sitting in his spot and sipping her coffee. "Do you want to be my boyfriend?" She saw the surprised look on his face knew she had pushed too far. She quickly tried to cover it up. "You used to be my boyfriend every Valentine's Day, remember?"
"You were eight," he said with a hint of frost in his voice.
"Might be more fun now that I'm all grown up and an adult," she teased, leaning back and stretching. It was gesture she had made hundreds of times before, just an early morning stretch to get the blood flowing, except she pressed her breasts in his direction, closed her eyes, and gave him as much of an eyeful as she could.
"You're going to kill me," he grumbled, picking up his coffee cup and leaving the room. Alexis decided that was a good victory. Before leaving for school, she made her bed and purposely left her toy sitting on it with the door open. It felt very wrong, but Sunday was Valentine's Day and she needed him getting her message before then.
After school, she changed into a yellow tank top that fit her like a second skin. She didn't bother with a bra. Her bottoms were black workout shorts as skintight as yoga pants. She volunteered to help Daddy in the kitchen making dinner. She teased and coyly played with him, finding reasons to reach around him or brush up against him. Even better, Daddy played back. They laughed and giggled together while cutting vegetables and grilling salmon steaks. Alexis felt happier than she could remember feeling in a long time.
Daddy started it. He splashed her while they were washing dishes. "Hey!" she cried out, giggling. She tried splashing him back but he was too quick and blocked her from reaching his side of the sink. When their little struggle was done, he did it again, purposely splaying her with soapy water and bubbles. "You're making me wet!"
"With the way you've been acting lately, that's nothing new," he teased. It was the first time he had come close to making a pass at her.
"Can I help it if I'm young and hot?" she flirted back, arching her back a bit to accentuate her perky breasts.
"Really?" Daddy asked, splashing her top and calling her out on her posturing. "Did you think I couldn't see them already?"
Alexis gasped, shocked that he would call her out on posing for him. She quickly recovered. "Who's the pervert for looking?"
"Who's the pervert for wearing a tight top without a bra. I mean, seriously, Alexis. I know I'm your Dad, but did you think I wouldn't notice?"
"Maybe I don't care if you notice," she said, quietly, hoping he wouldn't shut her down.
"Then let's go all the way," he said, grabbing the spray hose and aiming it at her chest while calling out, "Wet t-shirt contest!"
"Stop it," she shrieked, laughing and giggling. "Now look what you did, you made my nipples all hard!"
"I'm pretty sure they were already hard."
Alexis saw her opening. Acting quickly, she scooped up a handful of water and splashed in across his front. He tried spraying her again, except she turned off the water before splashing him again. Wet, laughing, and giggling, there came a moment when their giggles died down and for the briefest of moments, she was convinced they were going to kiss, really kiss before a sobering cloud crossed his face. Daddy found another smile, but it was a different one than before.
"Guess I'm washing the kitchen floor tonight," he grinned, turning back to the dishes. They behaved themselves, finishing their work. It only took a couple of minutes.
"Guess I'll change out of these wet clothes," Alexis said, walking out of the kitchen. With her back turned to her Daddy, she pulled off her top. Before turning the corner, she crossed a hand over her chest, hiding her boobs from him while making sure he was looking. Giggling, she ran upstairs. What she wore back downstairs wasn't any less revealing, she made sure of that. All that changed were the colors. Instead of yellow on top and black on the bottom, she wore a powder blue version of short-shorts and another skintight tank top.
Daddy finished mopping up their mess in the kitchen before joining her in the living room. She had already turned on Sportscenter for him. They hung out as they did most nights, bathed in the warm glow of the TV. Alexis liked these evenings. Sometimes she studied. Sometimes the TV was put on pause while they chatted about their days or shared random little thoughts. And sometimes, they just sat near each other without a care in the world.
A little snort prompted Alexis to turn her head. Daddy had leaned back in his chair and fallen asleep. A little moan escaped him and she noticed he was hard, not a little hard, but a lot hard. His hardon stretched and strained inside his pants and she studied that long, fat length of manliness. Soon, that will be mine, she thought, squeezing her legs together against the deep ache she felt.
Every fiber of her being wanted him in that way, that wrong way, that way Daddy's and daughters aren't supposed to do. Along the way, she had had her doubts. She had questioned her motives more than once since setting her goal and its accompanying to-do lists.
Why did she want him so badly? That was a question she still couldn't answer. All that was important was being his everything, to give back to him in a way only a daughter can do. Yes, it would be wrong. Of course, no one could ever know. True, he might resist, but once he learned it was okay, they would be fine. It would be their secret, something they could cherish for the rest of their lives together.
"I love you, Daddy," she whispered before heading upstairs to make sure he had something new to look at on his Tumblr feed. Leaving nothing to chance, she put on her yellow top again. She took a picture pushing up her top and exposing her hard nipple for his eager eyes. In the next picture, she was taking off her black shorts, exposing her butt. She left the backgrounds unchanged so he would know the pictures were taken in her room.
Pulling off her clothes, she carefully pushed her comforter and sheets to the side. She kept her toy in bed with her and left her door more open than closed, as if she had meant to close it and just forgot to close it all the way. She made sure the hall light would illuminate her. She fell asleep imagining Daddy glancing into her room on his way to his bed. With only a day to go until Valentine's Day, it was time to seal the deal.
In the morning, she noticed her door was shut and smiled, sure that Daddy had seen her. She pulled on the same t-shirt she had worn the other day, the one that was almost too short to use as a sleep t-shirt. Except this time, she didn't bother with blue panties or any panties at all. Daddy sat drinking coffee and looking at his tablet. She slipped up behind him, giving him a big hug. "Good morning," she purred, already feeling so energized that coffee would be redundant.
"You should really shut your bedroom door," Daddy said, in a flat, plain voice.
"I thought I did," she lied, adding a tiny giggle. "Sorry."
"I'm serious," he insisted. "I'm not supposed to see you like that."
"I won't ever tell anyone," she said, slipping into the kitchen. She pulled open the cabinet and reached for her cup, exposing that she wasn't wearing panties.
His voice was full of ice as he said a single word,"Really?"
"You know what," he grumbled. "What are you doing?"
"Getting coffee," she said, fighting off a smirk.
"And flashing me."
"Maybe a little."
"A little? Which part do you think I didn't see?"
"Which part did you want to see?" she asked.
"You realize you're my daughter, right?" he asked, looking exasperated with her. "You can't keep teasing me like this or . . ." He trailed off without finishing.
"Or what?" she asked, sitting down next to him. Her short t-shirt barely hid her lap. She discreetly crossed her legs because Daddy raised her to be a lady. When he didn't say anything, she put his hand on his knee. "I'm serious, or what, Daddy?"
"Or nothing," he said through gritted teeth as he stood. She pointed looked at his crotch before moving her eyes to his face. He stared her down, looking as if he wanted to say something and couldn't. Instead, he shook his head, grabbed another cup of coffee and carried it upstairs.
Alexis worried she had pushed things too far. Daddy felt distant the rest of the day. When she tried engaging him in small talk but he resisted, answering her questions with grunts or short bursts of words that closed off the conversation from anything more. Alexis had worn a tight, white t-shirt to dinner, hoping that he might splash her while they did the dishes. He didn't.
The only change to their evening? Daddy was drinking, which Alexis found curious. Daddy only drank when something was bothering him. She fished for problems at work and came up empty. She wasn't afraid of him drinking. A couple drinks seemed to loosen him up and she liked that. Maybe he was celebrating that it was Saturday night? Still, just to be sure, she brought up the only thing left that could be bothering him. "Are you mad at me?"
"No, honey," he said with an easy smile that felt much warmer than the cold shoulder she had been receiving. "Frustrated? Maybe. Confused? Probably. Mad? Not one drop."
"Why are you frustrated?" she asked, feeling better.
"Let's just say you've done a good job at frustrating me in the wrong way," he grinned. She pushed for more of answer. He finished his drink before talking. "You're a grownup and I respect that. I like seeing you as an adult. But what you did this morning felt very adult in more ways than one."
"Do I make you sexually frustrated?"
His cluttered and sloppy answer made her smile. "I specifically made sure I did NOT say that," he answered. "Is that what you're trying to do? You have to admit, I've seen a lot of you, haven't I? Especially lately. Especially last night and this morning."
Wait until tomorrow, she thought without saying. She stood up and climbed into his lap. "I'm glad you're not mad at me," she purred, caressing the scratchy stubble on his cheeks. She nearly kissed him on the lips but didn't trust herself. "I'm going to go to bed and play with myself."
"I thought we decided that wasn't something we were going to share," he said, glancing at her chest.
She shrugged. "I just thought you should know what I was going to do so you don't do it at the same time. Unless, of course, you wanted to do it at the same time." She gave him another kiss. "It's not as if I would know you were doing it, right?"
"Right, because it's none of your business. Besides, I'm going to sit here for a while."
She felt the change happening beneath her as Daddy grew harder. "And think about me?" she asked, settling down on top of his growing hardon. She gave him another little kiss.
"Stop it," he groaned.
"Stop what?" she asked, leaning over and hugging him. She pressed her breasts against his chest and ruffled her fingers through his hair while fighting the urge to squirm against the bulge she felt beneath her.
"You know what you're doing," he said, feeling very tense, as if fighting off a squirm of his own.
"Tomorrow's Valentine's Day," she purred. She squirmed, settling on top of his hard cock. There was nothing discreet or accidental about her movement. "Will you be my Valentine?"
"Stop it," he repeated, putting his strong hands on her waist and pushing her backwards as he stood. Damn, he was strong! "I'm going to bed," he announced, pushing her one step farther away, turning, and heading upstairs. She saw how his bulge in his pant led the way.
Alexis turned off the TV, rinsed his empty bourbon glass, and turned off the lights before heading to bed. Had she pushed too far? There was no way for her to know. Climbing the stairs to her room, she noticed the door to Daddy's room was shut tight. She went to bed naked with her door left wide open.
In the morning, her door was still wide open. She pulled on the same t-shirt she had worn downstairs yesterday morning, the short one. The one that would flash him when she reached for her coffee cup in another minute. She saw Daddy's bedroom door was open and smelled the coffee before she was halfway downstairs. Daddy sat at the breakfast bar with his head down as he stared at his tablet. She cuddled up next to him, pressing her tits against him and purring in his ear, "Happy Valentine's Day, Daddy."
"When you're done with your coffee, we need to talk," he said in a soft, gentle tone that still made Alexis freeze as she reached for her coffee cup. She recognized that request and its tone. It's the way Daddy announced they were going to have a difficult talk. It's the way he had started the conversation the morning he announced he was changing jobs. It's the tone he used the morning before they had a talk about birth control. It was how he prefaced telling her the truth behind the egg donor.
"Sure," she said as lightly as she could while pouring her cup of coffee. She sat next to him, legs demurely crossed, and waited for the conversation to begin. He wouldn't start until she said she was ready. She sucked down half her cup. Whatever it was, she wanted it over. "Go for it," she said, bracing herself.
"This isn't easy for me," he began, starting with the same preamble he always used. "But we really need to talk about this." She held her breath, nervously squirming. Oddly, he poked at his tablet as he talked until he set the device in front her. "This," he said, tapping the counter and drawing her attention to the small, flat electronic device. "And this," he added, scrolling upwards and exposing the entire library of her Tumblr pictures from the first one forward.
The breath she had been holding came out as a relieved sigh. "They get better," she said, scrolling to where she started showing her body parts instead of teasing the camera.
"Enough," he sharply said, pressing the Home Screen button and hiding the rest of the stream. "Alexis, you realize these are on the internet, don't you?" She nodded, smiling. "For the entire world to see forever and ever?" Another nod. "What's wrong with you? Did you post any of these before you turned eighteen?"
"No Daddy, not a single one!" she emphatically insisted.
"Well that's good," he sighed. "But, baby, why would you do this?"
"Because I wanted to show off for someone special to me."
He shook away her comment, pushing forward. "I thought you said you didn't have a boyfriend."
"I don't."
"A girlfriend?" he asked. "Did someone make you do this? Were you blackmailed?"
"No, Daddy, no one forced me to do it. I did it because I wanted to do it."
"But other people can see these," he said, as if she didn't understand the nature of the internet. "Anyone. Your friends. People I work with. Your teachers. . ."
"You," she pointed out, stopping his list. In typical man fashion, Daddy did not catch her hint. He didn't realize she had just told him why she had posted those pictures.
"But why do you want people to see you naked?" He hesitated before adding, "and stuff?" She was glad he added the second part because she was a lot more than naked in some of those pictures. "Is this a turn-on for you?"
"No one can recognize me in those pictures," she pointed out, picking up his tablet and going back to her Tumblr page. She scrolled until she got to some of the more graphic pictures. "I was really careful that no one would ever know it was me." She tried pointing out how careful she had been. "See? Just tits. And this one? It's just my pussy and there are lots of pussies on the internet."
"I figured out it was you," he reminded her, his voice flat and accusing. He looked at her instead of the pictures of her on his tablet. His face was red, as if he was embarrassed for her.
"When?" she asked, quickly scrolling through her blog. The pictures were displayed in reverse chronological order with the oldest ones near the bottom and the newest ones closer to the top. It wasn't until she reached the pictures from earlier this week that she would reach the pictures she had left as hints for him. "Here?" she asked, getting closer. "Or maybe it was here," she said, stopping the scroll when it revealed her pink t-shirt and blue panties. The same pink t-shirt she was wearing at that moment.
"What are you saying?" he asked, sounding worried.
"Did you jerk-off to this picture?"
"Stop it," he said, reaching for the tablet. She held it away from him, scrolling a bit more. "Or this one?" She showed the picture of her yellow top and black bottoms.
"I didn't see that one until last night," he said without admitting why he might have been looking at naked pictures on Tumblr.
"Which ones were your favorites?" she asked, scrolling back to pictures that showed her fingering her bald, wet pussy. "I came so hard that night," she said, lingering on the picture where she had posed with her blue toy pressing just inside her pussy lips. "Remember when I said I needed lube for my toy? The day you were buying jerk-off lotion?"
"I don't understand," he said in small voice. He looked lost and very confused. "Why would you want me to see these things?"
"Because I love you, Daddy," she said, resting her hand on his knee and that's when the last puzzle piece fell into place for Alexis, that's the moment when she suddenly realized what she wanted.
She knew she loved her Daddy. She knew he was handsome and sexy, but why did she want more from him? It was the question that had haunted her since she first imagined being sexy with him, before she had a goal and a plan for making it happen. Deep inside herself, Alexis suddenly knew what she wanted: she wanted Daddy to make love to her. Not just have sex with her, though that would be a start. Sex with him would feel good, but with the sudden brilliance of a light switch being flipped on in a pitch black room, Alexis knew she wanted him to love her in the way lovers do.
"Did you want me to. . .," he started before stopping his thought. He didn't need to finish it. She could guess the rest of his question. "Is that what you wanted me to do?" He stared at her with wide, surprised eyes. She caressed his smooth face. Daddy had already showered and shaved that morning. Wearing a small smile, Alexis nodded. "But why?"
"Because I love you, Daddy," she gushed, trying to make him understand. She tried moving her hand farther up his knee but he caught her hand in his, stopping her from sliding it up his thigh.
"But I'm your Daddy."
"No one knows and I won't ever tell," she gently said. If he would have sex with her, she knew it would turn into making love. "It's okay. We're both adults, right?"
"But you're my daughter," he said, his eyes still wide. "You're not supposed to want me like this."
"You mean, like this?" she asked, moving his hand, pulling it from his knee to her chest and pressing it against her breast. Now it was her hand on top of his, hers holding his in place.
"I can't," he said as his hand betrayed him, gently squeezing her tit before he pulled it away.
"Yes, you can," she said. In one smooth movement, she hopped off her barstool, pulled off her t-shirt and tossed it away. Without her sleep shirt, she stood naked in front of him. Both her pink nipples stood erect and eager for his touch. Standing naked in front of him caused her heart to race. She pulled his hand back on her tit while reaching between his legs, giving his manhood a gentle squeeze. "Please, be my Valentine," she said before pressing her mouth against his.
"Stop it," he said, pulling away from their kiss though his hand remained on her tit and her hand stayed between his legs. "Please," he begged with a desperate look in his eyes. "It's been so long, too long. I can't. . . Not with you."
"No one will ever know," she reminded him, kissing him again. "We're both adults," she added before another kiss. "And I want this," she insisted before kissing him once more. He was growing harder beneath her touch. His renegade hand gently clutched at her tit, betraying his desires as surely as his hardening cock.
Daddy pulled away again, looking shocked and stunned as his eyes worked over her naked body. "It's all for you, Daddy," she purred, kissing his lips, cheeks, and even the tip of his nose. "It's why I posted all those pics, for you Daddy. I wanted you to see them. I wanted you to see me all grown up."
Alexis shoved her hand inside his sleep pants and touched his bare cock for the first time. His swollen prick felt hot, firm, and needy inside her tiny hand. She pulled on it, thrilling at finally touching him. "I want this," she purred. "I need it." She forced another short lived kiss on his lips
Daddy pulled away from her kiss, but not her. He caressed her chest, rubbing his thumb across the stiff nub of her hard, excited nipple and watching his fat thumb teasing her. He moved his hand from one breast to the other, squeezing both as if studying them for perfection.
"So wrong," he groaned. He didn't brush away the hand she had inside his pants, rubbing, tugging, and caressing the full firmness of his hard cock. His hand slipped around her waist until he was cupping her firm, bubble ass. "You are the most beautiful woman in the world," he said, still drinking in her nudity as if it was a distraction his eyes couldn't deny. He brushed a hand across her chest again, unable to resist her charms. "And one day, you're going to make very special man very happy."
"Today," she insisted, needing him in a way she couldn't resist. "You."
"Not me," he said, pulling her hand from inside his pants. Her small hand landed outside his pants, still clutching and rubbing his hard-on. She wouldn't give up, not now, not ever. "You've been teasing me for a long time, haven't you?" She nodded, her truth as exposed as her flesh. "Why?"
"So you would want me, like this," she said, afraid her confession brought a blush to her cheeks.
"Why?" he asked, still allowing her to caress his hard cock as she stood naked, ready, and eagerly in front of him.
"I want to make love to a real man," she whimpered, desperate for more.
"There are lots of other real men out there," he scoffed with a tiny smirk at the corner of his mouth. "Any one of them would love to be with you. Why me?"
"Because I love you, Daddy," she said. How many more times would she need to tell him that? A hundred? A thousand? "And I want you to love me, too."
"I already love you, without this."
"But I want you to love me with this," she insisted, fight off a pout. Now was not the time to act like a child! She tried kissing him, but he pulled away and put a finger to her lips.
"IF we did more," and he was very careful to emphasize the word IF. "We would never be able to undo it. We could never try pretending as if nothing happened."
"I want this," she whispered, pulling on his hard cock. She felt ashamed and aroused by her confession. "And I don't want to do it just once."
Daddy studied her face for a long time. His eyes worked back and forth between hers. He looked her lips and the set of her jaw. Alexis knew he saw everything about her. He saw through her and past her as only a father can do. "If you're so grownup, then tell me what you want. Tell me what you hope we'll do together."
"I want this," she said, surprised with the needful moan that crept into her voice as she caressed his hard cock. She was surprised again by the gush of words that suddenly flew out of her mouth. "I want this inside me. I want to fuck you and feel you fucking me back. I want to suck your cock. I want to give you everything, every hole I have, in anyway you want it. Please, Daddy. I know no one can ever know. I know it's wrong and I don't care!"
"And tomorrow?" he asked. "What happens then? What if I come home from work and want you again?"
"I'm yours," she promised. "Every day. Always and forever."
When Daddy pushed her away, out of reach of his hard cock and she felt her heart sink. Panic set in as she braced herself for his rejection. Instead, scooped her up in his arms and held her against his big chest as if she was nothing more than an oversized stuff animal. "Prove it," he said, kissing her lips before tossing her over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. A startled squeak escaped Alexis's mouth before she went slack against him, riding his shoulder while he marched upstairs, past her room, and dumped her on his bed.
Daddy pulled off his t-shirt, exposing his lightly furred chest and strong pectoral muscles. His stomach rippled with his six pack. He hooked his fingers into the waistband of his sleep pants, shucking them off his body as useless and meaningless. Finally, he crawled on the bed, crawling over her supine body. She kept her legs wide and became an eager supplicant for the education he was about to bestow upon her.
Easily supporting his weight with one hand, he handled his hard cock with the other, slipping its fat, bulbous head through her bare, shaved slit, making the tip of it wet with her natural need before positioning himself at the entrance of her pussy. "Last chance," he told her, frozen in place above her. "We can never tell another person or undo what we are about to do."
"Fuck me, Daddy," Alexis gasped, fighting the urge to thrust her hips upwards and impale herself on his long, hard cock. "Make me your Valentine."
Daddy swiped at her pussy once more before becoming satisfied that his big prick was lubed enough for her tight, tiny hole. Slowly, he eased down upon her, splaying her pussy lips with the big, mushroom shaped head of his hot, slippery cock. He moved a single, slow motion, gently lowering himself as he stared into her eyes, watching and reading her expression as his dick first split her and then filled her barely legal pussy.
Midway through his first, agonizingly slow stroke, a low moan started building deep inside of Alexis, growing louder until she felt it, until she felt him all the way inside of her. She felt his body pressing against hers, filling her deeper than any man ever before and spreading her pussy farther apart than any toy. Feeling him deep inside her filled her on a spiritual level more profound than she had ever imagined.
"YES!" she cried out, clutching her arms around his big, strong back while wrapping her legs around his powerful thighs. Desperately, she clutched at him, holding herself against him, keeping him buried deep, while so afraid that he might pull away and end this moment. "YES!" she cried out again, feeling her wet, pussy throbbing around the massive dick inside of it, Daddy's dick. She felt complete. Finally, she felt like a true woman. "YES! Fuck me!"
Daddy moved upwards, carrying her for the first half his stroke before she eased her ass back to the bed for his next thrust. He pushed into her again, spreading and stretching her pussy with his massive, hard cock until he reached the bottom. "Feeling good?" he asked, smiling down at her and looking both impressed and proud. "Don't let me hurt you."
"Fuck me, Daddy," she panted back, feeling her heart pounding, racing with excitement and joy that it was finally happening. After months of teasing him, her plan had worked and she felt him on top of him. It felt better than any fevered dream her teenaged imagination could ever conjure. "All of it," she begged. "All of me!"
Alexis pulled his face to hers and pressed her lips against his with a hungry kiss. She put both hands on either side of his face, insisting he keep his lips against hers until she felt his lips part and she welcomed his hot, wet tongue inside her mouth. She sucked on his tongue, circling it with hers, giving him the kind of kiss lovers exchanged while feeling him rising and falling upon her over and over. She kept his face against her, insisting they keep kissing as he fucked.
Back on a single arm, Daddy fished a hand between them and clutched at her perfect, teacup sized tits. His manly hands with their thick fingers found hard, stiff nipples waiting to be expertly twisted and tweaked with the knowledge he had learned while making love to other women. His fingers understood how to play without hurting. Daddy knew how to tease and please while still working his hard, veiny cock in and out of her.
The thrill she felt made kissing and breathing difficult. Her lungs needed more air that she could suck in through her dainty, little, upturned nose. "Yes Daddy!" she groaned. "Fuck me, Daddy! Fuck me harder!" Daddy picked up his pace, understanding the limit to his strokes and barely kissing the entrance of her uterus with the big head of his massive prick before pulling away for another stroke.
Again and again he fell on top of her, fucking her deeply while raking his fat fuck-stick against her swollen and needy clitoris. His every thrust tugged and pulled at her tight pussy, teasing and pleasing Alexis in ways she never imagined were possible. Yet, even as wonderful as it felt having his cock deep inside her pussy, the best part was looking up and seeing Daddy above her. She watched his face contort as she pleased him. "So tight," he groaned.
"So big," she groaned in reply, kissing him again until the thrill of feeling his tongue inside her mouth became too much. She panted beneath him, clutching at him, and keeping her legs open to his penetration until she felt her orgasm building. "Make me cum, Daddy," she moaned, squirming beneath him. "Do it. Make me cum, please Daddy!" She felt her tummy tightening, squeezing and making ready for her release. Quivers of pleasure surged through her, tugging at his fat cock, trying to squeeze it.
"My God," Daddy groaned, looking between them. "What the fuck are you doing to me?"
"So close," she sang out, unable to control her body's aching need for him. She squirmed against his big dick, clutched at his back, and tangled her feet around his thick legs again until it was unclear who was riding whom. She pressed up against him, taking him deeper than ever, and screamed out the arrival of her orgasm in mighty moans and howls of pleasure. Her muscular body contracted and quaked. Her pussy clamped down around his filling cock and she came with stars in her eyes.
"Oh fuck," Daddy groaned, looking surprised enough that in a deep recess of her mind Alexis worried she had somehow hurt him. "Oh fuck, Alexis. I'm going to cum!" he gasped as if his orgasm had snuck up on him.
"Do it, Daddy! Cum inside of me! Cum inside your daughter!" she panted, redoubling her clutching grip around his body, making it impossible for him to pull away or shake her off.
"Fuck!" he cried out and lost control of his hips. He jabbed and jammed deep inside of her, his cock bottoming out as he filled her with his seed. Wave after creamy wave of his hot semen splashed deep inside while he groaned with its release. His breathing was ragged and hot against her while his face showed a look of wonder and marvel.
Panting, they stared at each for a long time. Daddy brushed a stray hair from her forehead before kissing her lips again. That's when he said it, three words she had grown up hearing from him, but spoken in the voice of a lover, "I love you," he said in a deep. gravel tone and followed his words with a soft, tender kiss.
"I love you, too" she whispered back at the end of their kiss and Alexis couldn't remember a time when she had meant those words more honestly. Her doubts and fears about why she wanted to feel this man against her gone. Her worries that what she wanted was wrong had vanished into a sea of perfect love. This made her feel complete.
Daddy rolled off of her and Alexis curled into a ball next to him. She ran her hand across his bare chest and down his stomach until she reached his thick, veiny, still wet cock. She gave him a playful squeeze, afraid to leave him even as she felt his love leaking from her wet pussy. Not wanting to soil his comforter, she gave him a quick kiss before rolling out of his bed. Out of habit, she went to the bathroom in the hallway, the one across from her room. He was still laying on the bed when she came back.
"You could have used my bathroom," he said, welcoming her back into his arms.
"Habit," she giggled, kissing him. She teased his full lips with her tongue. He sucked her bottom lip into his mouth and teased her back. "Can we do it again?" He nodded. Alexis swung her leg across his body. Before she could pull his cock inside of her for a repeat, he stopped her.
"Wait," he said, thick hands around her waist as he pulled upwards. She moved with him, confused when it felt as if he had pulled her too far up his body until he lifted his head and began sucking on her nipples. "These are perfect," he murmured before letting her slide back down his body.
She pressed against his big fuckstick, wiggling and squirming as he filled her again. "Fuck, you're big," she sighed, already rocking back and forth.
"And you're tight as hell," he said, using each hand to cradle a cheek of her ass.
Alexis pressed her hands against the slab of his big, powerful chest, using his body for leverage as she rocked. He slipped his hands up her body, capturing each breast beneath his hands. When his fingers and thumbs tweaked her nipples, Alexis felt a jolt surging through as if her clitoris had been set on a hair trigger.
She squirmed against his long, fat cock, laying on his chest so she could feel his dick raking against her swollen clit. He grabbed her ass again while she humped him, moving like a slut in heat up and down his prick, searching and finding everything she needed until her body celebrated the multiple sensations with another climax. She came so hard. Her pussy clamped around his cock, tugging and pulling on it as the rest of her body insisted on trying to fuck him. She looked up, her chin on his chest, and came for him again while he beamed with pleasure.
"You look so sexy doing that," he said, smiling as he caressed her cheek. "When I used to see those pictures, your pictures, I kept wanted to see your face. I wanted to know you were this beautiful."
Alexis drew halfway off his cock, moving far enough up his body that she could kiss him. Moving a bit farther for a better kiss, he flopped out of her. She groaned, missing him already. "Once more?" she asked, already settling around him again. Daddy's handsome face wore a big smile as she fucked her way to another orgasm. "What about you?" she asked, still breathless from the thrill.
"Maybe later," he said, holding her close. He held her for a very long time without saying a word.
Eventually, Alexis tapped out. "I really need a shower," she said, knowing she hadn't had one yet that day.
"Go ahead," he said, letting her go.
"Can we stay naked today?"
"We can always get naked," Daddy chuckled.
"Promise me we'll do it again today."
"Get naked?"
"No, make love."
"Sure," he said, running his hand across her body as if trying to memorize her every curve before she left him.
Alexis drifted to her shower, feeling as if her feet were two inches off the ground. She kept her shower short, eager to be with Daddy again. Sundays were always lazy days spent together. She dressed to thrill in her yoga pants and another tight tank top without a bra. She found Daddy downstairs building a salad for their lunch. Was it already that late? Her empty stomach said it was. She slipped up behind him, cuddling against him. He wore a t-shirt and tight workout pants. Without shame, she ran her hand over the front of his slippery workout pants, caressing the bulge that had teased her so many times.
What he said next confused her. "You walked right by it and didn't even notice," he said still chopping carrots as he nodded at the table.
Peeking over his shoulder, she squealed and darted back to the dining room table, amazed that she had missed it. Sitting in the center of the table was a large bouquet of flowers, a heart shaped box of chocolates and a Valentine's Day card. "You remembered!"
"Of course I did," he laughed.
She tore open the card and laughed at its cuteness before running back to the kitchen to give him another hug and kiss.
Daddy put down his knife, holding her against him. His hand slipped over her bubble butt, caressing her, "I guess it's okay if I do this, isn't it?" he said nuzzling against her neck. "You have no idea how many times I've stared at this perfect ass and felt bad for doing it."
"Same here," she said, grabbing his tight, narrow butt. Pressed against him, she felt his bulge against her front. She felt that bulge stirring, growing against her stomach as they clung to each other. She slipped her hand between them, rubbing his cock and encouraging it to finish growing to its full, magnificent length.
"We should eat," Daddy mumbled.
"Exactly what I was thinking," Alexis agreed, dropping to her knees. She pulled off his shorts as she moved, exposing his thick, veiny prick to her eager mouth. She circled her tongue around his thick, mushroom-shaped head before opening her mouth wide and sucking on him. She wrapped her hand around the base of his prick, unable to touch her fingers to her thumb around his thick shaft. She thrilled at the taste of his musky dick inside her eager mouth.
Alexis relaxed her throat and drew Daddy's dick deeply inside her until her nose nuzzled against the short hairs of his well groomed pubic hair. "Holy fuck!" Daddy marvelled, staring down at her with wide eyes and a surprised look on his face. Alexis worked her face back and forth a couple times before pulling away for a breath. "No one has ever done that to me."
"Why do you think I bought such a big toy?" she grinned, rubbing her pretty face against the length of his shaft. "I've been practicing."
"It shows," he said, caressing the opposite side of her face as she made ready to do it again. "Oh fuck," he sighed as inch after inch of his big cock slid down her throat.
Daddy's mournful signs of appreciation surged through Alexis, thrilling her as she pleased him. She grabbed at her tits, clutching them with both hands while bouncing her forehead off his belly. She looked up at him as she pulled away for another breath.
"No one," Daddy repeated with a deep groan, still looking surprised and stunned as she worked him back inside her mouth and throat. Alexis thrilled believing she was giving him something no other woman had offered. She push up her tanktop and clutched at her tiny tits, tugging and pulling on her excited nipples. When that wasn't enough, she shoved a hand inside her yoga pants and rubbed her needful pussy.
She felt wet, slippery, and in need of another orgasm as she filled her mouth and throat with Daddy's big, veiny cock. "Cum for me," she gasped, pulling back for another breath of air before nuzzling her nose against his short pubic hair. She kept her warm, wet tongue pressed against the sensitive underside of his aching cock and swirled her tongue around the fat head of his cock before pressing her face close to him again. Each time, she would look up at him so he could see her joy.
"Oh God," Daddy cried out as his orgasm drew near. Alexis didn't want to stop touch herself. She kept a finger against her stiff, wet clit, rubbing and circling that tiny nub while grabbing his tight ball sac with her other hand. She gently squeezed his balls, hoping to milk that next orgasm from him. "Yes!" Daddy groaned. "YES!" He pressed his hand against the back of her head, shoving his hard cock deep inside her throat, and pumped out his hot orgasm deep inside her throat as Alexis milked his balls.
"Fuck," Daddy sighed, staring down at her with a look of wonder and amazement. "I don't know where or how you learned to do that. I don't want to know," he gasped, still working on catching his breath while Alexis slid her tongue across the slit of his cock and lapped up his last couple of droplets. "Fuck," he said again with a shiver before pulling her up to her feet. His embrace was warm and all-encompassing. "Saying 'I love you' right now feels cheap after that. Can I say 'I loved you doing that' instead?"
"As long as you really mean, 'I love you,'" Alexis giggled.
"Always," Daddy said, keeping her in his arms for a long, long time and Alexis felt his love as much as she felt his affection.
They pulled their clothes back into place and sat at the table for lunch. Both of them kept grinning at each other. "What?" Alexis said after another long grinning-fest.
"You," Daddy said allowing his grin to grow into a smile. "You've been planning this Valentine's Day for a long time, haven't you?" Blushing, Alexis nodded. "What if I had said no?"
"You sort of did," she reminded him. "More than once."
"I would still love you even if we didn't do anything together."
"I know, but I wanted to love you like this, too," she said, touching his hand and wishing she could touch him much more intimately. She ate a few more bites of salad before she admitted the rest of it. "I didn't know that's what I really wanted until this morning, though."
Daddy's grin faded. "Before or after we did anything?"
"Before," she admitted. "Right before, but definitely before. I sort of knew what I wanted, but I didn't understand it until I touched your knee and then I knew."
"Knew what?"
"That I wanted more than us having sex, I wanted us to make love. That's what we did, isn't it?"
"That's what we did and what we'll do again if you want," Daddy said, reaching across the table and running his hand over her breast. His intimate touch sent shivers through Alexis and she squirmed, already wanting more.
She caught his hand beneath hers, holding it against her tit as she had done earlier that morning. "And I want you to do this to me anytime you feel like doing it," she insisted as if another puzzle piece was magically being added to an already completed puzzle. "I need to know you want me, too, okay?" Daddy nodded. "Promise?" she insisted.
"I promise," Daddy said, but that still didn't feel like enough for Alexis.
"I'm serious," she said, still holding his hand against her breast. Her words gushed from her, cluttered and as surprising to her as they may have been to him. "I don't care if you have other girlfriends as long as you still want me, too. And if you don't have a girlfriend, then I'll be your girlfriend, even if I have a boyfriend, I'll still be your girlfriend, okay?"
"What about when you get married?"
"What he doesn't know won't hurt him, right?" she asked, leaning over and sliding her hand up Daddy's thigh. She couldn't stand having this conversation without touching him more intimately. "Please promise me again you'll take me whenever you want me."
"Nope, can't do that," Daddy said, breaking her heart even though he was smiling as he said it.
"Wha-? Why?"
"I don't think the people at the grocery store would approve," he laughed, mending her wounded heart faster and stronger than he had created it.
As their Valentine's Day advanced, Alexis didn't give Daddy a chance to show his desire for her. With the stupid rules of society well broken between them, Alexis couldn't keep her hands off her father. Subtle teasing was abandoned in favor of throwing herself at him. Knowing he loved her tiny titties prompted her to abandon wearing a top for most of the afternoon and all of the evening. Cuddling with him turned into foreplay when his hands began roaming her body. Making him hard became her new past-time as she wiggled and squirmed in his lap, giggling against his hard-on while fantasizing about having it back inside her pussy.
"Fuck this," Daddy snapped midway into their usual evening of watching TV together. Alexis had been sitting topless on his lap, squirming against his hard cock and eager for more play. He kept hold of her as he stood up and once more carried her to his bed.
Alexis lost track of how many orgasms she had that first night together. Beneath Daddy's skillful cocksmanship, she felt like a quivering bundle of orgasms. He put her on top, beneath him, and even did it with her spooning against him. Again and again he fucked her with unbridled passion and glee until she was begging for his orgasm. "Please, Daddy," she panted, unsure how many more orgasms she could tolerate before he was finished. "Cum inside of me again. I want to feel it."
As if Alexis had flipped a switch, a determined look arose in Daddy's eyes. He nodded and ever so slightly changed his positioning. "I'm going to do it," he told her, riding on top of her. "I'm going to cum inside you. Daddy's going to cum."
"Do it!" she gasped, shivering with another orgasm. "Cum for me, Daddy!"
His contorted face displayed the exquisite pleasures her lithe, petite body had given him and Alexis could not remember a moment when he looked more attractive or more desirable. He gasped for deep lungfuls of air as his cock first throbbed and then exploded deep inside of her. She felt every pulsating throb of his orgasm spewing forth deep inside of her and she loved him for it even more than before.
"Thank you, Daddy," she purred, holding him as he collapsed on top of her.
"I love you, Alexis," he gasped before rolling off of her and laying panting on his back. He drew her closer, holding her with an arm around her shoulders, and they cuddled as lovers until sleep found them both.
Alexis woke with a smile in Daddy's bed. She heard him in the shower. She hated the idea of him going to work and her to school. She wanted to spend another day in his arms. She lingered in his bed until he came out of the master bath naked from head-to-toe. "Good morning, sunshine," he grinned. He pulled on a pair of sleep pants and a t-shirt before heading downstairs to start the coffee. Alexis followed him a few minutes later in a t-shirt and nothing else.
"Last night was incredible," she said, reaching for her coffee cup and flashing him. He watched without being discreet, openly admiring her.
When she sat next to him, Daddy put a hand on her bare knee. "Thank you for being my Valentine," he said, kissing her neck. The best part of her morning was how Daddy left his hand on her thigh even as he went back to his coffee and scanning the news on his tablet. It was such a small, intimate caress that reassured Alexis what happened yesterday might last but a piece of her wanted more. A piece of her still waited for him to make the first move. A hand on her thigh felt nice, but it wasn't the same as him initiating sex with her.
Alexis spent her day still buzzing from yesterday's thrills. At the oddest moments, her mind would fill with the memory of Daddy's intimate kisses, the feel of his hard cock deep inside her, or the feel of his big hands on her tiny frame. When she got home, she couldn't stand it and went straight to her room to masturbate. On a whim, she took a couple more pictures, carefully maintaining her privacy before posting them. Only Daddy would know and that was enough.
Alexis dressed in one of her workout outfits, a cropped tanktap, no bra, and a pair of tight running shorts with panties. While part of her wanted to be naked when Daddy came home from work, a bigger part of her needed to play it more casual. She didn't want to come off as a needy slut. More than anything, she needed Daddy to make the first move.
Daddy came home from work in his usual way. He told her good evening before heading to his room and changing out of his work clothes. Wearing comfortable workout clothes, he started dinner and Alexis joined him in the kitchen, grabbing dishes to set the table. She got as far as reaching into the cupboard when Daddy grabbed her from behind.
When he pressed against her backside, she could feel the lump inside his pants. He wrapped a hand around her, caressing her tiny titties while nuzzling his nose against her neck. "You have no idea how much time I wasted at work thinking about you," he murmured. His breath was hot against her neck.
Alexis pressed backwards against his stiffening prick. "I had to play with myself when I came home from school," she confessed. Was that too much of a come on? She hoped not.
"Did you take pictures?"
"How did you know?"
Daddy chuckled. Of course he had guessed she would take pictures. Daddy knew everything about her, especially now. "I love you," he said, hot and moist against her neck as he pushed her tanktop over her breasts, exposing her tiny titties to his eager fingers. "I want you," he said, grinding against her ass.
"But what about dinner?" Alexis protested, purposely resisting his advance. Would he pull away or keep going? She had to know. "I'm really hungry." She bucked against him, as if trying to nudge him away.
"So am I," Daddy said, spinning her in his arms until she face him. He kissed her deeply, forcing his tongue inside her mouth and Alexis welcomed him. She felt the need of his hard-on sandwiched between them but resisted snaking a hand between them to cup him. Instead, she grabbed at his sexy, narrow ass as they kissed. Daddy pulled away, looking down at her with a whimsical smile. "I don't think you need this," he said, pulled her top over her head before his big hands circled her hips. He lifted her from the floor, setting her on the counter before grabbing the waistband of her shorts and pulling them from her.
"Oh-my-God Daddy, what are you doing?" she giggled, holding an arm across her tits with her other hand protectively covering her pussy.
Daddy blinked hard, studying her face for a moment. "If you tell me to stop, I will," he said.
"Did I say that?" she grinned, caressing the lump inside his shorts with her foot to let him know she was playing.
A big smile appeared on his face, too. He surprised her by hooking his hands beneath her knees, making her fall backwards across the same counter where they drank coffee every morning. He pushed her knees apart and kissed down the inside of her thigh. His five o'clock shadow tickled as he worked closer to her prize. Alexis moved her hand out of the way. "So beautiful," he murmured, pausing for a moment to admire her most secret and private of places before pressing his mouth against her pussy.
Alexis liked oral sex. She liked giving and receiving it. Her other boyfriends liked going down on her and she had enjoyed it when they did. But feeling Daddy between her legs changed her expectations for how good it could feel. Daddy didn't just lick her, he made love to her with his mouth. His knowledge, skill, and experienced showed. She didn't need to wiggle until his tongue was in the right spot like she had to do with her less experienced lovers.
Daddy didn't ignore the rest of her body. One hand found her breasts, gently tweaking her nipples as his tongue swirled around her clit, building her climax faster than she imagined was possible. Looking between her legs, she saw his familiar face pressed against her. She saw his kind eyes looking up at her and thrilled at seeing him there. She gasped and came while feeling the counter still hard and cool against her back.
Daddy didn't stop like other lovers would do. Other lovers would bring her to a climax and pull away, satisfied with their accomplishment. However, Daddy kept going. He shoved a two fat fingers inside her pussy and licked around them, sending her to new heights. His other hand gently tugged on her stiff, aching nipples and she marvelled as another, bigger orgasm grew inside of her. She cried out in pleasure, gasping to catch her breath as Daddy kept going.
"Too much," she panted, sure she would explode if he gave her another orgasm.
Daddy's fingers filled her, pressing upwards against the inside of her pussy as he ate her. He teased her clit, bringing her back to the brink of her next orgasm without allowing her to cross over into pleasure. She saw the delighted look in his eyes and knew without being told that he was toying with her. "Tell me when," he said, briefly pulling away from her pussy for his words. His chin and cheeks looked wet and slick. His tongue stabbed at her clitoris, keeping her riding the edge of her orgasm without pushing her into it. How long could she last?
"Do it, Daddy," Alexis decided, unwilling to suffer any longer. "Make me cum, Daddy!"
He poked at her clit a few more times while deeply fingering her pussy. Nothing had changed.
"Please, Daddy!" Alexis pleaded, gasping with desire. The countertop still felt hard beneath her back, but it no longer felt cool. Her sweat had made the countertop slippery. If she squirmed, she remained in place, stuck beneath his tease.
"Tell me you love me," he insisted as his hand left her tits, leaving her nipples aching for attention and feeling abandoned. His entire body wiggled and squirmed as he ate her.
"I do," she groaned, frustrated that he could bring her so close to an orgasm without giving it to her. "I love you. I love you. I love you!"
"Tell me you want me," he said, putting his tongue back on her clit while pulling his fingers from her aching, needful pussy.
"Please," she begged, ready to cry.
Daddy pulled away from her pussy, his face wet and slick. He pulled on her, dragging her towards him. As she slipped and moved, his hands guided her, grabbing her waist as he dragged her to him. Alexis didn't understand what he was doing but she moved with him. Her legs were on either side of his body as he lifted her, guiding, and finally sliding her down and around his waiting hard cock. Somehow, he had wiggled out of his workout shorts.
"I love you," he said as she slid on top of him and Alexis came as his the bulbous head of his fat cock split and filled her pussy.
"I love you, too, Daddy!" she cried, wrapping her arms around his neck and peppering his face with kisses while bouncing up and down his hard cock. "I love you so much!"
Behind them, a timer beeped. Still holding her in his arms, Daddy slipped to the oven and pressed the off button. "This would be easier if I can put you down," he grinned, easing her off of him. His hard, swollen cock throbbed wet from its abbreviated trip deep inside her pussy. Daddy washed his hands, put on a pair of oven mitts, and pulled dinner from the oven. The aroma of dinner filled the kitchen. He placed it on top of the stove, took off his oven mitts, and turned his attention back to her.
Spinning her around, he leaned her over the counter where they drank their coffee. The counter was damp and slick from her back. Daddy grabbed her hips, pulling her bubble butt backwards and filled her pussy again. Alexis laid across the countertop, squishing her tits against the wet spot she had created, and groaning with pleasure as Daddy quickly found his release.

He held her for a few moments, pressed deeply inside of her as he kissed her back before helping her stand up again. There a couple more kisses before she dashed off to bathroom to clean-up. She returned to a table set for dinner and Daddy still bottomless. As they ate dinner, Alexis couldn't stop smiling because she knew Daddy loved and wanted her. It was her best Valentine ever.

Author Postscript:
Thank you for reading my story. I hope I entertained and delighted you at least a little bit. I would appreciate a vote and a comment if you'd like.