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Beta Test

Writer's picture: Beast5Beast5


The large box certainly looked out of place. Sure, it was sitting on the stairs where the mailman usually left packages. And sure, it had a clear address label on its top. But it didn't look like any package Erin had ever received before. The 2-foot wide box was shaped like a cube and was jet black, with no apparent flaps or openings. The box did have her name clearly printed on the top: Erin Feston, 119 Palm Blvd, and so the young woman who had just gotten home from work bent over to pick it up. The box was made of some hard plastic material and was heavier than Erin expected. She was able to get it up and into her house, wondering who on earth could have sent her such a box. Erin set the box down in her living room with a grunt of relief and set about trying to get the thing open. There wasn't a single discernable opening on any of the box's six sides, and the hard plastic felt like it might be quite difficult to cut. There wasn't even a return address listed, just the label with her own address. Since that label was the one thing that seemed removable, Erin pulled it off, and was rewarded by finding a note on the back that read: "Congratulations, you have been randomly selected for a beta test of our new role-playing game. The box you have received contains highly advanced and proprietary technology. It is critical to us that we get an unbiased review of the game before bringing it to market. That is why we sought out random testers instead of self-selecting volunteers. If you agree to test this game, you must commit to total secrecy during the two-week testing period. You may play as much or as little as you want during that time. Testers will receive $500 at the end of the testing period. If you would like to participate, please say 'I agree'." This was not at all what Erin was expecting. She hadn't really known what to expect, but she never would have guessed this box would be an offer to make $500 for playing some new high-tech game. And all she had to do was not talk about it? That wouldn't be a problem. Erin lived alone and she had recently broken up with her last boyfriend. She always got a bit of a geeky thrill out of new technology, and she didn't have any other plans for her Wednesday night, so it didn't take long for her to state out loud: "I agree." As soon as the words were uttered, the top of the box flipped up like a lid, revealing a 2-foot wide computer screen on its underside. Beneath the lid, the box was as solid as ever. "Cool," thought Erin. The screen came to life, displaying an androgynous humanoid form rotating slowly on a black background. A computer voice announced that the first step was to build the tester's avatar. The voice then started asking Erin a string of basic questions. As Erin told the box about herself - female, Caucasian, 30 years old, 5'-8" tall, 125 pounds – the rotating figure on the screen began to take on her characteristics. The questions got more specific – inseam, bust, waist, hips, cup size – and the rotating avatar adopted the firm but curvy figure that Erin herself was so proud of. The avatar stopped rotating and faced front as the box asked Erin to hold still while it took her picture. The box asked Erin to turn 90-degrees to her left and then to her right as it took more pictures. The avatar's face then blurred and a second later resolved into an incredibly accurate representation of the new tester. Erin was quite impressed as she watched herself rotate on the screen. This was more than just photo shopping her picture onto a computer image. It was as if she was actually watching herself on the screen. Every detail had been faithfully represented –her long dark hair, her small nose-ring, the necklace she wore around her slender neck. The avatar was even wearing the same flowery summer dress that Erin was wearing, which fluttered as it spun, showing off even more thigh than the real woman. A small door opened on the side of the box, revealing a set of four red bands. The box instructed Erin to clip one band around each wrist and ankle, explaining that these would give her avatar the ability to mimic all of her movements. Erin did this without hesitation and was thrilled to see that her likeness now mirrored all of her own movements. When Erin raised her hand, her avatar raised its hand. When she jumped, it jumped. She got more excited about the game to come. The box then gave her a short list of options for role-playing games, and Erin quickly picked out the Police Academy option. She had always thought fighting crime would be exciting, and her real career as a city environmental inspector was considerably less fun. The box gave her a brief run through of who her character was, then explained that from then on the box would give no more out-of-character instructions. All interactions between her and the game would be as her avatar: Erin Feston – new recruit. The screen went black, then lit up to show Erin standing with a group of about ten or so other recruits in front of the police training academy headquarters. Captain Anderson, who was apparently in charge of the place, gave them a quick motivational speech, then directed them inside. Erin's avatar stood still for a moment as the rest of the group started leaving her behind. Then Erin quickly discovered that if she walked in place, her Avatar on the screen would walk forwards. It looked pretty sloppy at first, but she quickly got the hang of it. It was amazingly simple, really. It was also a hell of a lot of fun just to watch the depiction of herself do things like step up the stairs in time with her own raised legs or hold the door when she reached out with her arm. Erin marveled at the technology. She had no idea that this was even possible, and she felt like she'd won a jack pot to get to be the one to test it. ----------------------------- By the end of the week, Erin had become quite an expert at controlling her avatar. She played late into the night on Wednesday and into the wee hours again on Thursday. She hurried home after work on Friday, ready to spend her entire weekend in front of the black box. The box had proven to be amazingly versatile. It produced a plastic handgun for Erin to use while her avatar was being trained at the firing range. It unfolded various loops and bars when Erin and the other recruits were running the obstacle course. A full police baton slid out of a side compartment when she was taught various crowd control techniques. And the coolest feature so far had come out during hand-to-hand combat. The whole top of the box opened to unfold a full-size mannequin, complete with a padded torso and mechanical arms that Erin could physically spar with. Erin had quickly decided that the people who made this were freaking geniuses. Even without all the nifty gadgets that popped out of the box, the game would have been incredibly cool. In just the two evenings that she had been playing, she had guided her avatar through 2 weeks of training. That was possible because she was automatically fast-forwarded through all the boring parts: law interpretation, report writing, conflict resolution, and of course sleeping. Erin felt as though she'd formed real relationships with a number of her fellow recruits and a few of the trainers. Early on, she decided that her character would be outgoing, spunky, flirtatious, and tough – characteristics that the normally reserved Erin didn't often display in real life. But when she was playing, she felt like she could do or say anything. This attitude had made her some very close girlfriends from among the recruits, and had also irritated at least a couple of her instructors. But who cared! Erin was happy that her house was so secluded. It wasn't far out of town, but it was far enough away from other houses that she could scream at the top of her lungs and nobody would ever hear her. Her living room, where she was playing the game, was also in the back of the house. The windows looked out onto a small yard and a forest, and she had literally never seen anyone back there. This meant she could be loud and act as ridiculous as she wanted while playing the game, and she didn't have to worry about anyone seeing or hearing her. When Erin got home Friday, she snarfed down some very quick dinner and grabbed the clothes she was using as her 'trainee' outfit. That was one part of the game that seemed odd at first. Her avatar had arrived at the first drill still wearing Erin's flowery dress. The trainer had scolded her and sent her back to the women's dorm to change. Erin tried to mime changing into some clothes that she saw on the screen, but her avatar wouldn't change until Erin actually took off her dress and pulled on some workout clothes. By Friday, changing clothes for real just seemed right. It certainly helped Erin to feel as if she was actually the avatar who going through the Academy. After Erin clipped on the wrist and ankle bands, she slipped out of her clothes and lay on the floor in her bra and panties. In the academy, she had left her avatar sleeping, so she'd have to pick up where she left off. The first night, she'd been ridiculed by the other female trainees in the dorm for sleeping in her clothes, so she quickly started 'sleeping' in just her underwear the way they did. It felt rather silly the first couple times to have to strip and lay on her floor for a couple moments while she was fast-forwarded through the game's night, but by now it was old hat. Erin was excited for the first drill of the day – arrest techniques. Their instructor discussed the correct procedure for taking an uncooperative suspect to the ground and handcuffing them behind their back. The trainees were paired off to practice on each other. Erin was glad to be paired with her closest friend, Jenna, a tall red-head whose spunk matched that of Erin's character. The box produced a set of very real-looking police handcuffs and unfolded the mannequin. It was obvious from the display screen that the mannequin represented Jenna. They decided Erin would go first, so she tucked the cuffs under her belt and took a firm hold on the mannequin's left wrist. She twisted that wrist behind the mannequin's torso, and heard Jenna on the screen say: "Oww, hey! Take it easy!" "Toughen up," Erin replied as she pushed the mannequin onto its face and placed her knee in the small of its back as she had been shown. She then pulled the mannequin's other wrist behind it and cuffed the wrists together. She glanced at the screen when she was done and enjoyed the sight of herself, kneeling on top of her cuffed friend. "You look great like this, hot stuff," she whispered into Jenna's ear. "Yeah, yeah," Jenna replied, "now get off me!" It was Jenna's turn to practice on Erin next. Erin had thought, somewhat optimistically, that this would just be skipped over. When it became obvious that it was going to happen, she got a bit nervous. Those handcuffs certainly felt real, and she was pretty sure they wouldn't come off without the key that she had just turned over along with the cuffs to the Jenna mannequin. But she felt comfortable practicing with her friend, so she wasn't too worried. While Erin was mulling this over, Jenna went ahead and grabbed her wrist and twisted it roughly behind her. Erin said "Take it easy!" the same way Jenna had moments ago, and was ignored in the same way as well. The mannequin easily pushed her to the ground, pulled her other wrist behind her, and had her handcuffed before she knew it. It was all rather frightening, to be manhandled so easily by the robotic arms. She was actually handcuffed and pinned to the ground in her own living room. She struggled instinctively, but it was clear that the handcuffs were indeed locked on and that the mannequin knee could hold her down. Then she heard Jenna's voice whisper to her: "Hey, take it easy yourself." Erin turned her head and was comforted by the fact that it was Jenna on top of her. Erin felt she knew and could trust this friend. Her fears were further abated as she saw the woman on the screen fumble with the key and then unlock her. Jenna gave her a hard time for the little panic Erin apparently had, and Erin quickly convinced herself that she had been silly to worry. Next up, some target practice allowed Erin to blow off a bunch of energy, and she left the shooting range feeling stress free. All the recruits were then directed to change into their work-out clothes and head to the track for physical fitness. This usually just involved running, and most of the time the game just let Erin fast forward through all of it. This, however, wasn't going to be one of those times. One big piece of feedback Erin planned to give the developers at the end of the trial was that a user should be allowed to choose which sections to fast-forward past. She knew she could just skip the exercises, but that would certainly lead to her avatar flunking out of the academy, and she really wanted to graduate and get to see some real action! Unfortunately, it looked like she'd have to do the drudgery if she wanted to do the fun parts. She went ahead and changed into spandex shorts and a sports bra and reported to the track. Erin regretted her rather skimpy clothing choice when she found that it was Sergeant Hayworth who was going to be leading the exercises. Hayworth was a serious hard-ass as well as a total jerk. Erin and Jenna had been regularly mocking him behind his back, and often mocking him to his face. At that point in the game, the guy totally had it out for them. And now he was going to be leading them in an hour-long fitness session. Erin hoped the computer would fast forward at some point, but figured that if not, she'd count it as her exercise for the whole weekend. Sergeant Hayworth started them off with a warm up jog and some sprints. The jog was easy enough, since Erin didn't actually have to move anywhere, just move her legs up and down in place. But in order to keep up with the sprint, she had to crank her arms and legs quite quickly, and she started to fall behind after the 10th rep. Hayworth called them all to a stop then strode over and stood towering above Erin's panting avatar. There was nothing standing over the real Erin, but it was impossible to ignore the feeling and Erin couldn't help but shrink back a bit. The sergeant bellowed: "Cadet Feston, you must learn to keep up! Drop and give me 20!" Erin groaned. Pushups just weren't her thing. When her avatar had first been told to do them, she thought she'd be able to get away with just laying in position on the floor, since the wrist and ankle bands wouldn't move from that position anyway. But it quickly became obvious that the game could pick up at least large motions from its camera, and it knew when she wasn't doing a proper pushup. Sergeant Hayworth certainly knew exactly when a proper pushup wasn't completed, and made her start the count over partway through for not keeping her back straight. When she got to ten, Erin saw the jerk put his foot in the middle of her avatar's back. At the same time, she felt one of the box's robot arms pushing down on her own back, making further pushups nearly impossible. But Hayworth just kept yelling and easing up slightly until Erin was able to complete the 20. Hayworth then had the whole group start doing jumping jacks. Erin was disgusted to see in the screen that the dirty bastard was lewdly checking out all of the bouncing boobs and butts on the female cadets, including those of her own avatar. In her apartment, Erin's boobs were indeed bouncing like crazy as she kept up the fast jumping-jack pace. It just felt so incredibly personal to have Hayworth staring unabashedly at the faithfully recreated bouncing boobs of her avatar. When the perv took a step closer to her avatar to get a better view, Erin just couldn't help herself. She pulled her hand back and slapped the sergeant hard across his face. The rest of the group froze as Hayworth collected himself, then said in a dangerously soft voice: "Cadet Feston, you should think before hitting your betters." Erin was beyond caring about flunking this game, and gave the bastard a big piece of her mind, ending with: "And don't think for a second that you are my 'better.' I could best you in any of the skills we've been learning here." "Oh you think so," was Hayworth's reply. "I'll let you take your pick, then show you how wrong you are, foolish girl." Erin decided that hand-to-hand combat would be her best bet. She'd gotten quite good, and thought that it would be almost impossible for the computer to beat her if she just stayed aware of those robotic arms. Hayworth announced that they would settle this immediately, and had the class form a large ring around the two of them. The padded mannequin and robotic arms unfolded from the box, and one arm made a come-get-me sign, mimicking Hayworth's mocking gesture on the screen. Erin took a breath and paced back and forth in front of the mannequin, knowing that if she stayed out of reach of those arms then there was nothing the mannequin, and therefore Hayworth, could do to her. She made a series of feints, then went in for what she expected to be a solid punch to the stomach. But the Hayworth/Mannequin snatched her fist right out of the air. Before she could even react, her arm was twisted behind her and she was shoved flat on her stomach, just like she was earlier when practicing with Jenna. This time she resisted hard right from the start. However, just like the last time, the mannequin easily pulled her other wrist behind her. Erin struggled and shouted "No!" when she saw Hayworth on the screen pull out his handcuffs, but there was nothing she could do to prevent her wrists from being cuffed together behind her back. Erin saw Hayworth on the screen grin widely as he looked down at her avatar, pinned beneath his knee like captured prey. She saw him reach backward and grab her avatar's ass at the same time that she felt her own ass get squeezed hard by one of the robotic arms. The Hayworth/mannequin arm then came back around, cupped her chin with its hand, and started pulling her head up and back. Erin's chest was lifted off the floor as her back was bent painfully. She heard Hayworth whisper: "Do you submit?" Erin refused to give the bastard that pleasure, but he just kept pulling back on her chin. Her boobs were now off the floor, and Hayworth decided to take advantage of that fact. He reached around with his free hand and began fondling her ample globes. In reality, Erin was being fondled by the mannequin, but she was completely caught up in the game and couldn't really tell the difference at that point. Hayworth asked again: "Do you submit?" With the burning shame of the fondling, Erin continued to resist the pain in her back. Hayworth chuckled, then pulled the front of her sports bra down, popping her boobs out of their cups one by one. Avatar Erin was now on full display to her class-mates, and real life Erin was bare and helpless in her own living room. Both Erins then moaned in pain as Hayworth/mannequin pinched hard on one nipple and pulled it up sharply. He hadn't stopped pulling further up on her chin either, forcing Erin's chest into a near vertical position. The pain in her back finally hit an unbearable point, and despite the humiliation of having her tits shown off and abused, Erin was forced to give in. "I submit," she mumbled "Loud enough so the whole class can hear you," Hayworth demanded. Erin, desperate and beaten, obliged by shouting "I submit!" Hayworth/mannequin lowered Erin to the floor, then lifted her onto her feet. She was still handcuffed behind her back and still had her boobs spilling over her sports bra. "This is what misplaced pride can get you," Hayworth announced, then slapped her hard on the ass and strode out of the room.

Avatar Erin was left cuffed and exposed in a room filled with her peers. Real Erin was left cuffed and exposed in her living room, where she quickly jumped out of reach of the game box. On the screen, Jenna got up, quickly found a handcuff key, and brought it over to avatar Erin. But in the living room, Erin refused to get within reach of the robotic arms. On the screen, this showed up as avatar Erin walking away from Jenna whenever she got close.

"C'mon Erin," Jenna said, "You're making a fool of yourself. Let me unlock you and cover you up."

Erin finally relented. She feared the robotic arm but didn't how else she could get out of the handcuffs. As soon as Jenna unlocked her, however, she tore her wrist and ankle bands off and ran out of the room, vowing not to return to the game.


Ahhhh, but vows can be fickle. After spending the rest of her Friday night pampering herself with a long hot bath and a quiet evening in bed, Erin woke up Saturday morning feeling restless. She had spent basically all of her free time the last three evenings playing the game, and she had been really looking forward to playing all day Saturday. She would have been able to make some real progress at the academy...

Erin was still pissed as hell at Hayworth for what he did and at the box for abusing her. If she had any idea how to contact the game makers, she would have screamed at them last night and threatened all sorts of law suits. But her anger had cooled, and she also started questioning herself. How dumb and slow had she been to let Hayworth beat her like that? And, if she had kept her wits about her and just ordered the game to stop, would it have let her go?

These doubts nagged at Erin, and she found herself sitting in her living room, sitting a safe distance from the box, trying to decide what to do. She had to admit that she really did want to continue playing. She decided that of course the game would have stopped before seriously hurting her, and that certainly it would have stopped if she had just shouted a direct order for it to do so. She also slowly convinced herself that if she was just more careful, she could be sure to avoid another situation like that one.

So, after eating a nice slow breakfast, Erin walked up to the box in her living. She took a deep breath and clipped on the wrist and ankle bands. That was the cue for the screen on the top of the box to pop up and show her where she had left off. She would then have to match the clothing and position of her avatar before the game would start. Erin had been worried that the game would bring her back exactly where she had left, running out of the workout room with her boobs bouncing free on top of her sports bra. She wasn't sure if she would be willing to play if that was the case, so she was relieved to see her avatar sleeping in the women's dorm. Erin stripped down to her undies and laid down on the floor, starting the game.

Previously, when she came into the game with her avatar asleep, the alarm in the dorm room would go off almost as soon as the game started. This time, all the other female recruits were still asleep and it looked like it was still night-time in the game. Erin sat up and saw Jenna sitting up in the bed next to hers. Her friend whispered that she heard that Hayworth had been put on involuntary leave for the stunt he had pulled, and that all of the recruits had been sternly warned not to pester Erin about the incident. Erin smiled and thanked her friend, already feeling good about her decision to get back in the game.

The morning's practice at the firing range put Erin's mind completely at ease. She had become quite the marksman with a standard issue handgun, and unloading round after round at the target on the screen was a great stress reliever for her. She was also thrilled to learn that the next lesson was on heavier guns. While the plastic gun she held in her living room stayed the same, the guns that it represented got bigger and bigger. Her avatar tried out M16s, AK47s, sniper rifles, shotguns and elephant guns. She even got to fire everyone's childhood dream – the bazooka.

Erin spent her whole Saturday in front of the black box playing the game, with only short breaks for the bathroom and lunch while her avatar was sleeping. She was making great progress, was scoring near the top of her class on almost everything she tried, and was having a great time. As the sun was setting in the real world, avatar Erin was finishing her 4th week at the academy, and was summoned to the office of the head of the academy, Captain Anderson.

The large gruff man looked especially serious when she arrived. He told her that the local PD was planning an important undercover operation on a mafia kingpin named Tico. An hour ago, they had intercepted a car that was transporting a woman who they had reason to believe had just been bought by Tico to be his personal slave. The police were sure that this particular kingpin was responsible for a large amount of the crime in the area, but they had never been able to get good enough evidence to bring him down. Now they thought they had a golden opportunity to plant a spy directly with him in a way that he would never suspect, and that was where Erin would come in.

Captain Anderson explained that this slave bore an uncanny resemblance to Erin. They believed that Erin would be able to take the slave's place, gather critical evidence from right under Tico's nose, and bring him down once and for all. The Captain explained that under normal circumstances, they would never ask this of someone who hadn't yet graduated from the academy, but that Erin had been doing so well that they thought she was prepared. If she accepted, they would have to move fast. Any greater delay in the delivery of the slave could raise suspicions.

The Captain then took on an even more grave expression and said: "Now Erin, I am aware of the very unfortunate incident involving Sergeant Hayworth 2 weeks ago. This mission would require you to wear the same restraints that the slave we intercepted was wearing. I need to know if you will be able to handle that, and I completely understand if you decide not to accept."

Erin was getting very excited about the prospect of some real action. She'd been enjoying the drills, but was ready for more, and had recently been wondering if it would take her the full two week beta-test period just to get through the academy. This was a perfect opportunity. The fact that she'd have to be restrained did make her pause, but she quickly decided that everything would be fine. She accepted the mission. Captain Anderson was incredibly pleased, thanked her for her dedication, and sent her down to the briefing room to get changed and prepped.

Officer Doug Crowley was waiting for Erin in the briefing room. Erin was happy to see him – he had always been kind, if firm. She also thought he was pretty cute. He told her that he'd be the one driving her to the drop off location, and that they had no time to lose.

On the screen, the image of Doug handed Erin's avatar two flimsy looking garments and told her to change quickly into the clothes they had found on the slave, and no underwear underneath. The box in front of Erin had opened a side door, and garments identical to the ones on the screen were being handed to her in real life. As usual, she and her avatar would have to be dressed alike, but this was the first time that the box had supplied the clothing.

On the screen, Doug proceeded to strip down right there in the room and pull on the clothes the driver had been wearing. Erin thought this was a bit inappropriate, but understood the need to hurry, so went ahead and did the same. Of course, while Doug's new outfit left him fully covered, Erin would have been more modest if she was completely nude. Her tank top was mostly see-through and didn't quite cover the bottom of her boobs. It also squeezed her tits together and did nothing to hide her nipples.

The mini skirt was just as bad – made of only slightly less transparent material and just barely covering her ass. Erin looked down at herself in real life and had a moment of self-consciousness standing in her living room wearing such an outrageously revealing outfit just so she could play some game. Well, she thought, no real people are going to see me, so who cares!

Doug coughed to get her attention. They needed to finish her outfit quickly and get going. He pulled a pair of handcuffs out of a duffle bag and explained that the slave had been wearing them. The mannequin and robotic arms had unfolded from the box, holding the same cuffs in its hand that she saw on the screen in Doug's hand.

These were no police handcuffs. If anything, they looked more inescapable with their 3-inch-wide leather cuffs and large locking buckles. Erin took a deep breath, then, maybe against her better judgment, placed her wrists together behind her back and allowed her avatar and herself to have the cuffs locked on. She felt a bit of panic as the robotic arm closed the locks shut, but Doug's voice on the screen comforted her. This time she was doing it willingly, and Doug was no Hayworth, so she should be fine.

Doug/mannequin pulled out another set of cuffs, which Erin assumed would be going around her ankles, but which instead were locked onto her arms just above her elbows. A small chain was then attached, drawing her elbows closer together and causing her breasts to strain even harder against the fabric of her top. Doug apologized profusely for having to do this, but repeated that she had to be dressed just like the slave.

Erin told him it was okay, and that he should just hurry with whatever else she needed to wear. Doug thanked her for being such a good sport and proceeded to lock a wide collar around her neck, cuffs around her ankles, and a pair of 4-inch heels onto her feet. He apologized again as he placed a thick blindfold over her eyes.

Erin thought this was pretty ridiculous. Now she couldn't even see her avatar or what was going on. She figured she'd mention that as part of her feedback for the beta test – maybe the avatar could have a complete blindfold but the real person could get something with holes so they could still see what was happening.

Doug said he had just one last piece of gear and asked her to open her mouth wide. Erin was confused by the request, but was in the swing of just getting this done quickly, so complied. She was surprised to feel a large rubber ball pressed into her mouth, then locked into place with a strap behind her head.

She tried to say "Wait.." but couldn't form any meaningful words around the gag. This actually got her quite worried. She was counting on being able to shout at the game to stop if things got out of hand. She wondered if she should jump away from the robotic arms right then, but also wondered what that would get her. She was locked in to all these restraints, and there was absolutely no way she'd be getting free by herself. And anyway, this was the plan she had agreed to. She just hadn't realized that dressing like the intercepted slave would be quite so severe.

Doug's voice interrupted her thoughts, saying, "Okay, let's go."

A robotic hand took hold of her arm and guided her in a standing walk. She had another moment of feeling foolish. If someone walked into her living room right then, they would see her dressed like a total slut, bound incredibly tightly, and marching in place while being guided by some mannequin.

"Okay, we're at the car, watch your head," Doug said as Erin was pushed gently by the mannequin onto a bench that must have folded out from the box. He then explained that he had to lock her collar to the bench, and Erin felt her own collar pulled up so that she had to sit straight, then felt that her collar was locked to the back of the bench she was sitting on.

"Off we go!" called Doug, in a voice that was much cheerier than Erin was feeling right then. The bench started bouncing, indicating that her avatar was driving away from the police academy.

The drive took at least fifteen minutes, which was much longer than Erin wanted to have to sit on the dumb bouncing bench. But at that point she truly had no choice in the matter. She tried to work her hands free of the cuffs, or work the ball out of her mouth, but there was no way that any of her restraints were coming off without help.

Out of curiosity, she also rocked hard on her bench. She knew the box was heavy, but it was nowhere near heavy enough to prevent her from tipping it over or sliding it around. She could only guess that it had bolted itself to her floor, which also explained why it never tipped over when she was sparing with the mannequin or any of a number of activities that required stability. She was pretty irritated that the box must have gone and drilled holes in her floor without asking her, but there wasn't anything she could do about it just then!

When the car finally stopped, Erin heard her door open at the same time as the driver door, indicating that someone else was supposed to be there. This was confirmed by the new voice she heard, saying: "Damn! Look at this hot bitch! The boss sure knows how to pick 'em!"

Erin heard another voice talking with Doug, paying him for transporting the slave and sending him on his way. Doug tried to convince them that he was supposed to deliver the slave directly to their boss, but the man just laughed and told him to get the fuck out of there before he got himself shot.

Erin was unlocked from the bench and pulled onto her feet. She heard Doug pull away in the car and suddenly felt very alone. Physically she was in exactly the same situation. But it made her very nervous to know that in the game she was now in the hands of two mob men instead of a fellow cop who she trusted. Had she made a mistake by agreeing to this mission?

Erin felt something clipped onto the front of her collar, then felt a sharp tug.

"Let's go slave!" One of the men called.

Jesus, Erin thought, I'm being led by a leash. Even if she wanted to step away from the mannequin and robot arms at that point, she wouldn't be able to. She tried to stay calm and focus on her 'mission.' Since she was going to have go through with this anyway, she figured she might as well try to stop worrying and play along.

After 5 minutes of walking (moving her legs in place in her living room and periodically getting a tug on her collar), the men brought Erin to a stop. Her leash was pulled above her head and hooked to something, leaving her standing tall and stuck in place. Finally, her blindfold was pulled off.

It had gotten quite dark in Erin's apartment, so the only thing to see was the game screen. And there she saw herself, dressed like a slut and bound like a slave, chained to a beam inside what appeared to be a large warehouse. Right in front of her was a man she recognized from her debriefing as Tico, the mafia kingpin.

Tico stared intently into the eyes of her avatar for a long moment, then said in a loud voice: "Guido, why have you brought this woman here? You know that if you find someone bound like this you should take them straight to the police. Go do that now."

Erin was relieved, and she saw that the man named Guido was confused. But when Guido reached to unclip her leash, Tico waved him away, held a finger to his lips, and reached into Erin's shirt. Erin watched the screen intently, trying to figure out what was going on. She saw Tico carefully pull a wire out of her avatar's shirt, then hand it to Guido and point him towards a van.

Shit, shit, shit, Erin thought, this is not good. Tico knows I'm a spy, and if Doug is tracking that wire, he and the rest will follow that van instead of staying here ready to rescue me.

Tico stayed silent until the wire was safely in the van and unable to record his voice. He stroked Erin's cheek while he waited, and tweaked each of her nipples. Erin tried to put a tough expression on her face though she certainly wasn't feeling tough. She was bound and trapped in her living room as a mechanical hand was toying with her tits. No, instead of tough she was feeling like a fool for letting this game trap her again, and was wondering just what would happen to her now.

"My dear," the big boss began, "I must first acclaim your bravery for dressing yourself up like this and coming here to try to snare me. But then I must acclaim the stupidity of you and your department. You do look quite a bit like the sex slave I was having delivered today, but her eyes were blue, and yours, unfortunately for you, are brown.

"Oh, and speaking of your eyes, did I just notice them widen when I said the words 'sex slave'? Exactly what kind of slave did you think you were impersonating, dressed the way you are? Yes, you are going to attend to all of my personal needs. And I think you'll do just fine. These tits are just as good as ones on the slave I bought, and if anything, your ass is even tighter."

As Tico spoke, Erin watched on the screen as he walked around her as if she was some horse he was inspecting, pinching and stroking the body parts he was admiring. Of course, she felt those pinches and strokes directly, as they were all faithfully replicated by the robotic arms, which hefted her boobs, pulled her bound arms up to squeezed her ass, and stroked her thighs.

Then without warning Tico/mannequin pressed a long finger straight into her pussy. At this, Erin screamed into her gag and tried to squirm and hop her way off the intruder, outraged that the game would be willing to cross that line. The robotic arm effortlessly kept her impaled on its finger, and on the screen Tico laughed out loud.

"My pet, you seem genuinely surprised that I might invade your well. Are you truly confused about the concept of a sex slave? With a body like yours, in an outfit like this, do you really not understand that every single straight man who sees you is going try to get himself into one or another of your holes? Ha ha ha, I am truly going to enjoy owning you. But before we play, it's time to get you out of here. I don't want those co-workers of yours showing up here while any of us are still around. Jerry, get my limo, and the rest of you make scarce."

Erin's mind was reeling as her leash was unhooked, her blindfold replaced, and she was clipped back onto the same bench on which she drove here. Presumably this was supposed to be in Tico's limousine and not Doug's sedan. She had known she was in trouble when Tico found her wire, but now she was realizing just how much trouble she was in. The game had already shown that it was capable of hurting her, and now it had shown that it was capable of fucking her as well. And Tico had mentioned 'one or another' of her holes? Shit, did that mean...?

Erin steered her mind away from that for now, but continued reviewing just how bad her situation was. This game had shown that it was very good at sticking faithfully to a storyline, and in this storyline she was being taken by the mob to some secret hideout. The cops wouldn't have any idea where she was, and if she was kept bound like this it seemed impossible that she would be able to escape. She held out some hope that when they removed her gag she'd be able to order the game to stop and release her, but the more she thought about it, the less likely it seemed that the game would listen to such a command. It hadn't shown the slightest inkling of breaking character. That had just been wishful thinking.

She had been a total fool to start playing this game again, knowing that it was capable of overpowering her and hurting her. What the hell had she been thinking?! The more she thought about it, the more likely it seemed that this game was simply not going to let her out of its own volition. She was going to be trapped here, taking whatever the game thought this group of mobsters should give her, until something external freed her.

But when would that be? She didn't really have any friends or family who would just stop in on her, and none of them would think it all that odd if she didn't call for a while. The stupid bureaucracy she worked for would probably just send some "letters of unaccounted absence" if she didn't show up for work. So, shit, when would she be found? Maybe one of her co-workers would look up her address and come looking for her, but certainly not for at least a week. Hell, she might well be stuck here at the whim of this game until the two-week trial period ended. Could she survive that long?

Erin started struggling harder just thinking about the hell that she might be in for. Tico, who had apparently slid in next to her on the bench, pinched her cheek and said: "Oh my pet, are you getting restless, and anxious to play? Well, daddy's gotta do some work while we drive, but we'll see if I can't entertain you at the same time."

Erin wondered if he was really going to be calling her 'pet' and himself 'daddy.' This hell just kept getting deeper. She felt her collar get unhooked from the bench and pulled down hard, forcing her to lie across the mannequin's knees. Her collar was clipped down to the floor of the limo, as was the hobble chain that ran between her ankles, effectively trapping her on Tico's knees without him having to even hold her. Her arms, still cuffed behind her back, were then lifted up and clipped onto the ceiling, leaving her incredibly uncomfortable and her ass incredibly exposed.

She heard Tico get on the phone with some business partner, discussing details of some delivery. It would probably be useful information to her police colleagues, but she was well beyond caring about that. She was instead focused on the hand that had lifted up her mini-skirt and started stroking her ass cheeks. The hand paused in the middle of her left cheek, rubbed a bit, lifted, and then came down hard with a sharp slap.

Erin hadn't been spanked since she was a kid. Actually, she wasn't even ever spanked then. She had no idea how painful it was going to be! She screamed into her gag as the slaps continued to fall. She tried to squirm her ass sideways off the mannequin's knee, but the position of her arms kept her from getting far enough.

Through the pain and sound of the slaps, she heard Tico say to his partner: "Yeah, I'm giving my new slave a light spanking now, that's what you're hearing in the background... Yeah, of course she's incredibly hot, would I accept anything less? ... Of course you can come sample her some time. What are friends for?"

Erin's whole ass was on fire. She wasn't sure if she'd have any skin left back there, and Tico was describing this as a 'light' spanking? This was something he was just doing casually as he was talking on the phone? She wondered again how on Earth she was going to make it through this ordeal.

They finally arrived at their destination. Erin had no idea how long it had taken – maybe half an hour, maybe two hours – how do you keep track of time when you are blind-folded, strapped across someone's knees, and beaten? She was unclipped, pulled onto her feet, and forced to hobble (in place) along behind her captors as they yanked on her leash. Tico told one of his goons to take her into his room and strap her over his bondage horse. Her leash was yanked a few more times, then she felt the robotic arm push her up against something padded.

Erin didn't have a lot of hope, but she decided that this might be her best chance to escape, so she'd better at least give it a shot. She kicked out as best she could with her hobbled feet, connecting with something and elicited a yell from the goon. She made a dash in the direction that she guessed was away from the box, hoping to just get out of its reach and figuring that she could then deal later with the fact that she would still be bound and gagged and blindfolded. But apparently the machine still had a hold on her leash, so her dash ended with a terrible yank on her collar that knocked her off her feet.

The goon just laughed at her. "Where the fuck do you think you're trying to go you stupid cunt? You don't even know which direction the door is!"

Her collar was pulled down and attached to something, bending her over the padded bar. The hobble chain connecting her ankles was removed, and those ankles were spread wide and locked down as well. The chain connecting her elbows was removed, which was a huge relief, but short-lived as her cuffed hands were then pulled towards her collar and locked in an equally uncomfortable reverse prayer position.

Her flimsy tank top and skirt were then ripped off. They hadn't exactly been covering her up, but at least they had been something, and now her boobs dangled freely beneath her. Finally, her blind fold was pulled off and she glanced at the screen in time to see the goon walk out of the room.

Erin was now alone, both in her real apartment and in the game world of Tico's bedroom. She took some time to take stock of her situation. In real life, it was some time in the middle of the night, though she had no way of knowing exactly what time it was because she didn't have any clocks in her living room, and might not have been able to see one in the dark anyway. She was locked quite solidly onto a padded bar that had extended out of the box. She was bent over, naked ass high in the air, bare legs spread wide, uncovered breasts dangling down, and she was facing the stupid game box that had caused this whole mess.

On the screen in front of her she saw her avatar self trapped in exactly the same position, but in the dimly lit bedroom of the mafia kingpin. The first thing that drew her attention was her avatar's angry red ass. Erin hadn't been able to look at her own ass, but looking at her avatar was sort of like looking in a mirror. That bastard had sure done a number on her, but at least it was only red and not welted. She then looked around the very posh room, complete with a king-size four-post bed, a massive flat screen TV and a big stone fireplace. And then there was the collection of bondage equipment that Erin was quite unhappy to see. Aside from the padded horse thingy that her avatar was currently locked onto, there was a set of medieval stocks, a large metal cross, and something that looked like an over-sized bird cage.

Erin was sure that her game box would be able to faithfully replicate any and all of them if Tico decided he wanted to use them. But the scariest part of the room was the far wall that was covered in bondage accessories. There were whips and paddles of every size and variety, more dildos than Erin had ever seen, gags of all kinds, bars and straps, a number of medical looking instruments, and a whole bunch of things that Erin couldn't even identify.

It was hard for Erin to believe just how much of a mess she had gotten herself into. This was only supposed to be some game that she was beta-testing, how had it gotten so out of hand? It was all just so ridiculous. She was alone in her own living room, literally only a couple of feet or a phone call away from safety. But for all intents and purposes, she might as well have actually been in some secret mob hideout, the new slave of the big boss, securely bound in his bedroom and just waiting for him to come in and do anything he wanted with her.

This was frustrating beyond belief. Surely there was some way out of this mess, some failsafe button on the box or some way to get help that she had just overlooked. But she couldn't find anything. This game had her completely trapped. She'd be waiting like this until Tico was ready to play with her, and that gave her mind plenty of time to dread all the things that he might do with the array of toys at his disposal.

Finally Erin heard a door open. She watched on the screen as the big boss came into his room and approached her avatar. Her sore ass was stroked by the robotic hand as Tico said "Sorry to keep you waiting pet, but I'm glad to see that you've made yourself comfortable."

Erin's skin crawled as the robotic hand traced the curve of her back, reached around to squeeze her hanging boobs, then traced its way along her side, down the outside of her leg, and back up along her inner thigh. She was powerless to stop it as it brushed her pussy lips, and she was powerless to prevent the soft moan that escaped her lips.

"Ahhh yes, you are going to be a fine sex slave indeed," Tico crowed. "It's time for me to give you your first fuck, but I have a policy that I never fuck my slaves until they beg for it."

Erin was sure she was never going to ask this bastard to fuck her, but she nervously watched the screen as he strolled over to his wall of toys and selected a long thin cane.

"I am going to give you two cane strokes. I'll then remove your gag and give you the opportunity to beg for my cock. If you do not, the caning continues."

Erin squirmed and struggled with renewed vigor. Was she really going to get caned?? This was crazy!! But it was happening, and she had no way to avoid it. The robotic arm had pulled an identical long thin cane out of the box and brought it out of sight behind her. But the cane on the screen wasn't out of sight. Erin could clearly see Tico line the cane up with her avatar's poor red ass, then cock it back.

She heard the real life cane whistle through the air then connect with her own ass with a loud crack. The pain that seared through her body was like nothing she had ever felt before. She saw stars, and before her vision cleared heard the cane whooshing towards her again, delivering a second dose of agony to her upturned butt cheeks. She saw two parallel white welts across her avatar's cheeks, and was sure that she now sported the same.

Tico unlocked the ball gag from around her head and pulled it out from behind her teeth. Erin was frozen with indecision. She couldn't bear the thought of another cane stroke, but she didn't know when she'd get another chance to try to order the game to let her go. Somewhere she found the strength to try, and shouted: "End this game and release me immediately!"

Tico only chuckled. "I'm glad that you consider this a game, my pet, but no, I have no intention of releasing you, not immediately and not ever." He walked behind her avatar to deliver another cane stroke.

Erin was in a panic, and shouted everything she could think: "Stop program! Computer, end! Game, release my bindings! Quit! Escape! End beta test! Let me.. AAAARGH!"

Tico was stroking the third line that his cane had just made on his slave's ass. "This cane can elicit some crazy reactions from people, but that string of nonsense was about the craziest I've ever heard. The one thing that's always true is that eventually this cane will elicit the response that I'm looking for. Is that going to be now, or do you want another?

Erin's mind was still reeling from the pain. Ordering the game to stop had been her last hope, and it had failed. She was truly at the game's mercy, and right now that 'mercy' was awfully impatient. She knew she was going to give in, so she swallowed her pride, and.. "OOOOWWWW!"

"Oh, I'm sorry," Tico mocked her, "Were you going to say something? If so, you'd better do it quick. A slave can't keep her master waiting."

Erin wanted to rebel at this taunting, but her sense of self-preservation won out and she said, dejectedly: "Please fuck me."

The cane was brushed along her ass, and Tico said "You're going to have to do a better job of begging then that if you want me to fuck you."

The touch of the cane now terrified Erin, so she gushed as quickly as she could: "Please please fuck me! Fuck me hard master!"

Tico continued to stroke her ass with the cane, saying only "better..."

Erin redoubled her efforts: "I beg you to fuck me master. Please, this slave needs to be fucked soo bad! Master, please fuck me, fuck my brains out, fuck me hard, please please fuck me!"

Tico laughed as Erin debased herself for him. "Well... okay, if you insist, but keep asking for more and keep thanking me for what I give you, or we'll go right back to the cane."

Erin watched as the man on the screen unzipped his fly and pulled out a frighteningly large dick. She felt two robot arms grab her hips, and couldn't believe that she was actually about to get fucked like this, helpless in her own living room, by a stupid computer game and a couple of robotic arms. But more importantly, she was still desperate to avoid any more strokes from that cane, so she swallowed her pride again and dove into her role of willing sex slave.

Erin shouted: "Yes! Please ram that cock into me!"

She got that wish without any foreplay. The mannequin had apparently been fitted with a massive dildo, and that dildo had been plunged deep into her pussy.

"Owwww Yes!" she screamed. "Thank you master! Please keep pounding me with your huge cock!"

Tico/mannequin obliged, pounding all the way in and out of Erin and her avatar. The mannequin's torso was slapping into Erin's ass, rubbing painfully on her new welts, but she forced herself to continue begging for more.

On the screen, Erin saw Tico grab a vibrator, the round kind for stimulating your clit. He reached around her avatar's waist with it while he continued to pound her. A moment later, she felt a vibrator jump to life on top of her own clit.

"Oh God Yes! Give me more master!" she screamed, suddenly unsure if she was screaming to avoid any more cane strokes or because she was approaching a massive orgasm. Either way, she kept screaming, and continued to get dirtier and dirtier.

"Yes, yes! I am your whore! I am your sex slave! Oooooh yes! Thank you master! Pound me like a tramp! Pound me like nympho. Pound Me Pound Me! YYEEEESSS!!"

Erin exploded with the craziest orgasm she could ever remember having. Her body thrashed in her restraints and she screamed uncontrollably. But Tico/mannequin continued to hold the vibrator against her clit and continued to pound her like a jackhammer. Erin was worried she was going to lose her mind with the crazy sensations roiling through her body, but of course she had no way to escape them.

Tico/mannequin began slapping her ass as he continued to pound and vibrate her, demanding: "Who is your master, slave?"

The pain cut through the mess of Erin's current mental state and reminded her to keep shouting, which, once triggered, took on a life of its own. "You are my master! You own me completely! Keep pounding me! Keep fucking me! Keep spanking me!"

Erin was surprised to hear herself say that last one, but realized that right then she did actually want it. In some crazy way, the pain from her ass was mixing with the crazy sensations coming from her clit and her pussy and combining to bring her to a higher orgasmic state than she had known was possible. She orgasmed again and again, always shouting for more and always getting more.

Unlike any real human, the mannequin that was fucking her didn't have any limits. There was a vague worry in Erin's mind that this could be bad, but normal thought was now impossible for her. She had been reduced to a screaming orgasming mess. Then, impossibly, she was kicked up to an even higher level as the intensity of the vibrator and the speed of Tico/mannequin's pounding and spanking increased. Suddenly her master erupted into her, sending her on one final, mind blowing explosion herself.

Erin must have blacked out for a moment because she woke to find the mannequin's body collapsed on top of hers and its hands absently stroking her tits. The slightest touch to her nipples was like a massive electric shock given the current state of her body, but she didn't dare ask him to stop.

"I think," Tico said when he saw that she had regained consciousness, "that you'll do just fine as my sex slave. But enough for tonight, it's time to show you to your new room."

Erin was unlocked from the attachment points that held her to the bondage horse, though she noticed that Tico/mannequin took a firm hold of her leash before releasing the last lock. She was pulled over towards one of the bedroom walls where she saw Tico press a button that caused a small panel the size of a dog door to slide open near the floor.

"In you go!" She was pushed down and forward, and saw that her avatar entered a very small, low-ceilinged, windowless room. The door slid closed behind her, trapping her avatar's leash underneath it with only a foot or two to spare and eliminating all light from the room.

Erin's own leash was held firmly at the bottom edge of the box, also with only a foot or two of slack, which prevented her from standing up or moving very far. She still wore a collar around her neck, the cuffs that kept her arms in an uncomfortable reverse prayer position, and the high heels on her feet. Aside from that, she was naked and she was chained to the floor of her own living room.

She half-heartedly tried pulling her head back to test the chain, but was quickly convinced that she wasn't going anywhere. The game screen was totally blank and it was almost pitch black in her living room as well. She was completely exhausted, physically and mentally, from the insane orgasms she had just gone through, and there wasn't anything she could do about her situation anyway, so she got as comfortable as her restraints would allow and drifted into a fitful sleep.


Erin woke when sunlight first started coming into her living room. She experienced a moment of hope that everything that had happened on Saturday was just a bad dream, but was disabused of this hope when she opened her eyes and found herself still naked, bound and chained to the floor of her living room.

The next thought that entered her head was: "Shit, I have to pee!" She looked up at the game screen to see if there was any sign of activity. There was a small amount of light in the windowless room, apparently coming in from under the sliding dog door. She saw her avatar looking around the small room. Then she noticed a bucket labeled 'waste' that was placed just to the right of the sliding panel. Sure enough, there was also a bucket labeled 'waste' just to the right of the box in her living room.

Erin was disgusted by what she was going to have to do, but it was better than peeing on her living room floor. Her leash gave her just enough slack to get her ass over the bucket. The position was incredibly awkward, with her arms still pinned behind her back and the high heels that were still locked on her feet, but she managed to relieve herself.

Erin then continued her inspection of the room on the game screen. It didn't take long. The only other thing in the tiny space was a nozzle that poked through the wall just to the left of the panel that was labeled 'liquid nutrients.' She looked to the left of the box, and sure enough, there was a small nozzle with the same label.

"Jeeeeesus," Erin thought, "if the game has a way to feed me and a way to take care of my waste, then it really can hold me prisoner right here in this spot until someone finds me! But that might not happen until someone comes for the box. By then I could lose my job! And sitting next to a bucket of piss and shit for that long is going to be disgusting! And who knows what this terrible game is going to do to me in that time!"

When Erin's thoughts strayed to what might be done to her, she was deeply concerned to find herself hoping for another one of the mind blowing multi-orgasms that Tico had given her the night before. She firmly pushed that thought out of her head, and tried to focus. Certainly there's something that I've overlooked.

She started by giving the game box a close inspection. Her leash seemed to be going straight into an opening near the bottom of the box's front side. She tugged at it by moving her neck, and didn't see it budge one bit, but figured she'd better try with her hands. She awkwardly turned around so that she was lying on her side facing away from the box, and shimmied in close enough so that her hands could reach the slot where her leash entered the box. But as soon as her fingers touched the box they received an extremely painful electric shock.

"Good god," she thought, "I can't even touch my own captor."

Erin rolled back over and inspected every inch of the box with her eyes, but found nothing that might help her. She tried poking at the opening where her 'liquid nutrients' nozzle came out of the box, but just received another painful shock and decided that route was pointless. She then looked around her own living room, trying to find anything that might help. But there was almost nothing within reach – the rug that had given her some small comfort last night and a couch that she could reach with her feet if she stretched. No phone, no sharp objects.

She tried screaming and stamping again, but she knew it was pointless, her house was too far away from anyone, and since she was stuck in the back of the house she didn't think that anyone could hear her even if they happened to be walking right passed her front door at the time. Apparently her game world was ignoring her screams as well, or maybe her little room was supposed to be sound proof, or maybe none of them were even in the house, she had no way of knowing.

Erin even tried biting her leash, even though it didn't look like the kind of thing that could be bitten through. Her effort was rewarded with a sharp electric shock. With that final shock, Erin lost hope that she would be able to break her way out. She was truly stuck here. There was nothing she could do to help herself. All she could do at the moment was lie on the floor and wait for her master to retrieve her.

And wait she did. She couldn't tell the time, but she could tell that the sun had risen high in the sky. She was incredibly bored. She couldn't get anything to read. She couldn't turn on her television. There was nothing particularly interesting to look at in her living room or in the sliver of sky that she could see through her window. There certainly wasn't anything interesting happening on the game screen – just her bored avatar sitting in a tiny featureless room.

So, she found herself thinking about the previous day and then she found herself hoping that her master would come and fuck her the way he had last night. She hated that thought – she had been caned and fucked against her will by a machine! – but she did have to admit that it was by far the best orgasm she had ever experienced.

Despite her efforts to think about other things, she found her thoughts always drifting back to Tico fucking her. Just thinking about it started making her horny. As dumb as the idea seemed, she thought that maybe she'd masturbate to pass the time, but then found that she didn't even have any way to do that. Her hands were pinned well away from her crotch and there was nothing within reach to rub herself on. She tried humping the floor, and it got her a little excited, but really wasn't doing the job.

Right at that moment she heard her panel slide open and looked to see Tico's face peering in at her avatar. Incredibly embarrassed, even though this was just a computer character and one that she hated, Erin quickly flipped onto her side and tried to pretend that she hadn't been humping the ground.

She didn't fool the mob boss, who laughed heartily and said, "I wonder what you were thinking about just now, my pet!"

Erin blushed despite herself. Tico pulled on her collar and she made crawling motions while watching her avatar crawl out of the small room and back into Tico's grand bedroom. As Tico pulled her onto her feet, the thought crossed her mind that convincing Tico to let her go was probably the only possibility she had to get out. So, unlikely as she knew it was, she decided to give it a try.

She put on her best demur voice and said "Master, is there anything I can do to earn my freedom?"

Tico/mannequin patted her head condescendingly, saying "Silly girl, once a slave always a slave. Usually asking about your freedom would bring a swift punishment, but since you are a new slave and this was your first time, I will let it go. Anyway, if there is anything that I want you to do, then I will simply make you do it. Now, if you work especially hard, then I will occasionally reward you with the kind of orgasm that I caught you day dreaming about just now. For their first time with me, I like to show my slaves how pleasurable sex can be, but don't expect that treatment very often, and don't expect to ever orgasm unless I'm specifically rewarding you. You should know that I can make sex quite enjoyable for myself without satisfying your needs whatsoever."

Erin was caught in a flood of contradictory feelings. She had no intention of bending to this man's will, let alone trying especially hard to please him in the hopes that he might let her orgasm. How ridiculous! But at the same time, she had gone and gotten herself quite horny, and she couldn't stand the thought that she might get denied!

Erin's thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door of Tico's bedroom. "Ahh, here she is. Come in!" he called.

Tico introduced Erin to Mistress H and explained that Erin would be spending the day with the mistress, learning all sorts of skills that she needed to know to be a successful sex slave, most of all: obedience. He then handed Erin's leash off to the mistress, patted Erin on the cheek, and left the room.


The next few 'days' in the game proceeded much the same way her days at the police academy had gone, except that instead of learning skills like marksmanship and hand-to-hand combat, she was mastering things like blow job technique and pole dancing. Mistress H turned out to be very business-like about the training, setting high expectations, demanding results, and delivering immediate and pre-defined punishment whenever results weren't met. She even wore smart-looking business suits to emphasize her professionalism.

Though Erin rapidly developed a strong hatred for the woman who was causing her so much pain, she had to admit that she was learning new skills even faster than she had at the academy. She had never been able to perform deep throat blow jobs, but just half an hour with her mistress had her swallowing cock like a pro.

Just as in the academy, multiple 'game' days could be squeezed into one real day, because she was fast forwarded through portions of the day. At the end and beginning of each 'day,' her master Tico would toy with her and fuck her, though he hadn't yet been pleased enough to give her a pleasurable fuck like he had on her first night. Erin would then be shoved into her tiny room, admonished to drink the 'nutritional fluid' and use the bucket, then she'd be fast forwarded through her sleep and brought out for another day of training.

As the sun was setting on Sunday evening in real-life, Erin was starting to worry about her mental state. She had decided early on that the best thing she could do was try to obey the game. It was perfectly obvious that there was no way she could get herself out. If she wasn't locked into some device, then her leash was being held by someone or tied to something. And the punishments she was given for any failure or disobedience were excruciating and immediate, so if she wasn't going to break free she might as well try to minimize pain. But as the day wore on, it started to feel as though her body was responding to commands instantly and of its own volition. Erin just hoped that by the time someone from work came looking for her, or someone came to collect this damn box at the end of the beta test period, she wouldn't be a completely brain-washed ninny.

Another day in the game started after the sun went down in real-life, making Erin wonder how late into the night she would have to go. The drills and the punishments had been exhausting, and the fact that multiple days were passing in the game made it feel as if she'd gone for ages without any sleep. When her door slid open, she quickly crawled out and stood at attention as her mistress had taught her.

She wished Tico a good morning, and asked him what she could do to please him. She knew her mistress recorded all of her exchanges with her master, so she tried to make the offer with just the right mix of excitement and submissiveness. Tico had her get on her knees and give him a blow job, something she did with practiced ease. The fact that she was actually deep throating and licking off a dildo attached to a mannequin had ceased to matter to her. That was how she pleased her master, and that was what was demanded of her.

Tico, holding the end of her leash, sat on the end of his bed and started telling her to do all sorts of random little things that she hadn't done before: hop on one foot while patting her stomach, run back and forth as far as the leash would let her, stand on her head. Erin had no idea why he was doing this, but she followed each command immediately and without questioning.

When Mistress H arrived, Tico informed her that Erin was ready for the next phase. Mistress H nodded, then removed Erin's tall leather collar and replaced it with a much slimmer collar with a jewel that rested in the middle of her throat, almost resembling a necklace rather than a collar. Since there was no leash attached to the new collar, Erin was not at all surprised that Mistress H kept a tight grip on her arm, but she was surprised to hear what the collar was for. It could deliver painful electric shocks no matter where Erin was.

This meant that she could be otherwise unrestrained, but still corrected if she did anything to displease her mistress or master. She was given a test shock, which confirmed that indeed this new punishment tool was as bad as any of the other punishments that had been used on her. Mistress H then let Erin know that she was going to let go of her arm, and that the door to the bedroom was open so that she could physically run out of the room, but that she would not run because she was an obedient slave and did not want to be punished.

And then, for the first time since she accepted this undercover mission back at the police academy, the game did not have any physical hold on Erin. This took a moment to register, because it felt like she was still standing in Tico's bedroom with him and Mistress H, but slowly her brain realized that if she stepped away from the game box, it could not drag her back. But it could deliver a massive shock to this new collar that she wore, and stepping away would be disobedient, something she was now trained to never do.

However, the possibility of freedom slowly won out. She had to try. She took two small steps away from the game box, then, feeling a shimmer of hope, ran out of her living room. A painful shock seared through her throat, knocking her to her knees. If this had happened that morning, she surely would have resisted longer, but her will was broken, so as soon as she could get up she rushed back into the living room, dropping onto her knees in front of the box, and apologizing profusely to her master and mistress for her disobedience.

Tico nodded with pleasure, telling Mistress H to continue with this phase of the training. Erin's day started with drills that she was familiar with, but with the twist that she wasn't connected to a leash. Her mistress was always specific about where Erin could go, and the obedient slave always obeyed.

Towards midday (game-time), Erin was told to empty her waste bucket in the bathroom that was just outside Tico's bedroom. It quickly became obvious that in order to have her avatar do this, Erin would actually have to empty her real waste bucket into her own bathroom. She did this with some relief, then willingly walked back into the living room and within range of the robotic arms.

She was then told to walk outside, walk 100 paces down the road, then turn and walk back. Again it was clear that in order to satisfy the command, Erin would actually have to leave her house and walk down her road. She didn't have any handcuffs or restraints on at the time, but she was buck naked except for her high heels and her collar.

She got to her front door, turned the knob, and took her first step outside her house since Friday night. But she wasn't free. She knew her collar would just call her back if she tried to run. She was worried about what would happen if someone drove by and saw her walking naked in her heels down the road in the middle of the night. Would she disobey her mistress and try to get them to drive her away? Would she survive the punishment if that happened? Surely no one would be able to quickly remove the metal collar that was locked around her neck. Fortunately or not, no one did drive by, and the obedient slave returned to her house and knelt again in front of her mistress.

These tests continued to get more daring. Next up she was told to drive herself to the nearest convenience store, buy a box of condoms, and return. She was allowed to wear clothes for this, but told to pick the most revealing outfit in her wardrobe. Before she left, it was demonstrated to her that her collar worked as a GPS and also as a two-way radio and hidden camera. Her mistress would be listening to her and watching at all times. If she said or did anything even remotely out of the ordinary to the store clerk, she would be severely punished.

Erin was also told that if she was detained by the police or anyone else, then her collar had the ability to inject a poison into her neck that would kill her instantly. Mistress H stroked Erin's cheek as she said this, letting her know that she certainly didn't want to do this to her obedient slave, but that she would if she had to, to protect Tico.

The threat scared the shit out of Erin, who, after seeing what this game was capable of, had no intention of testing whether it was an idle threat or not. Far better to pass up an escape attempt and live until the makers of this damn game could find her and get her out safely. Erin made it to the store and back without incident, except for some cat-calls and the clerk saying that she was buying those condoms for one hell of a lucky man.

When Tico returned at the end of the game day, Mistress H updated him on Erin's progress. The boss was quite pleased and informed Erin that she had earned the privilege to have sex with an orgasm. Erin's heart skipped a beat. She knew it should be an outrageous thing for someone to 'reward' her with, but the memory of that first night's sex was still fresh in her mind. It had only been the night before, after all, though she felt as if she had been denied numerous times in between, as each game-night and game-morning Tico had fucked her in the ass or ordered a blow job or a titty fuck or some other way that pleasured him just fine but did nothing for her.

Her master ordered her to lock herself into the set of bondage stocks that he kept in his bedroom. The gear folded out of the game box in Erin's living room, and the slave cheerfully walked over to clip herself in. She didn't care if wanting this orgasm made her pathetic. She'd been going through hell and she deserved this one pleasure. Anyway, she was a sex slave!

Spring loaded cuffs locked shut around her forearms, neck, calves and ankles, holding her firmly in a kneeling doggie-style position. She shivered with anticipation as she watched her master on the screen walk over to his wall of toys and make a few selections. She wasn't thrilled with all of his selections, such as the clover nipple clamps with springs and weights that bounced and pulled painfully on her nipples, She also wasn't happy with the long metal ass hook that was inserted into her rear hole and tied tightly to a nose hook, forcing her to keep her head pushed back and her ass pushed up.

But it wasn't a slave's place to complain. Anyway, she was getting lost in the lust of anticipation. She was blindfolded, which prevented her from getting any warning when her master slammed a paddle onto her upturned ass. The pain was excruciating, coming on top of the welts that still striped her ass, and it might have lowered her arousal except for the recollection of the way the pain from that first spanking had mixed with pleasure to drive her totally nuts.

Finally, she heard her master whisper into her ear "Beg for my cock."

That was all she needed to start gushing a string of wanton pleas. This time, Tico applied the clit vibrator before entering her himself, bringing her quickly to her first orgasm. While she was still spasming, Tico plunged himself into her dripping pussy. He turned the vibrator to a low setting, but kept it pressed against Erin's clit, keeping her body on a razor's edge.

He began pounding in and out of Erin like a jack-hammer, faster than any human could possibly achieve, but of course Tico himself was just an avatar and the mannequin that was fucking her apparently had a very high horse-power motor. Erin was getting reamed at 600 rpm, and she felt like she might get torn apart, but she didn't care, she just kept screaming for more and more!

She felt Tico grab the taught rope that connected her ass-hook to her nose-hook, and felt him yank it upwards. Her head was slammed back as far as it would go in the stocks and her ass was angled upwards even further. This changed the angle that Tico's cock was entering her, hitting an even sweeter spot and changing the tone of her screaming and moaning. He must have hooked that ass-nose line onto something above her, because she then felt his non-vibrator hand mauling her dangling breasts. He swatted at the weights hanging from them, sending them bouncing all over the place and yanking terribly on her nipples. At the same time, he cranked up the vibrator to its full setting.

Erin was heading for the cliff, but 5 seconds later, the vibrator and Tico's reaming stopped on a dime. She shouted, "No, God, Please keep going! Please master, fuck me!!"

All of a sudden the vibrator and the reaming were back at full power and full speed, but after another 5 seconds they stopped dead again. This was pure sexual torture for the helpless nympho in Tico's control. She begged him to keep going, but time and again he would freeze after only a few seconds . Then, after being frozen for an especially long torturous time, she felt him remove the vibrator, spread her lips with his fingers, and pinch her clit.

His fingers were like vice grips as he pulled down on her clit. The pain was extreme and exquisite. With his other hand, he pulled down on the springs attached to her nipple clamps, securing them to the floor such that the clover clamps pulled terribly on her tender buds. Erin found herself screaming in pain but also screaming for him to pull harder, and thought "my God, is that what I really want?"

Still pinching and pulling Erin's clit with one hand, Tico then grabbed a handful of her hair with his other hand and yanked backwards. Her head was already cranked back as far as it could go, but this added one more painful point of pulling. With Erin's hair, nipples and clit stretched to the max, Tico then slowly slid his cock back into her pussy. Erin begged and begged, but he would not be rushed. He left himself planted all the way in, then ever so slowly withdrew.

In and out he slowly went, tantalizing the slave who writhed in agony and pleasure in his grip. Ever so slowly he began picking up the tempo. He maintained his tight grip on her hair, and while he kept the extreme pressure on her clit, he also began rolling the little nub in his fingers. As the pace of his thrusting and rolling increased, he was somehow able to bring the clit vibrator back into play without releasing either her clit or her hair. He was now pressing the vibrator against the base of her clit while pinching and rolling its tip. The combination was electric.

Erin was no longer screaming any recognizable words, just a constant stream of moans and groans. Tico then rapidly increased the pace of his thrusting, the intensity of the vibrator, and the force of his clit rolling. He got back to jack-hammer speed and full intensity, held it all there for a moment, then exploded. Erin erupted as well. She had no idea how many times she had already orgasmed, but she sure knew that this final one was the most intense.

Erin must have blacked out again. She came-to as Tico was removing her nipple clamps, allowing blood to rush back in to her tortured buds. She was let free of the stocks, then Tico told her to go take a shower, slapping her ass hard and sending her in the direction of the bathroom in her actual house.

The sexually spent slave stumbled into her bathroom, pulled off her heals, then wondered briefly about getting her collar wet. She didn't want to be electrocuted and hoped that the game wouldn't have told her to shower unless the thing was waterproof. Then she noticed that the thing was already pretty wet from her sweat, so she went ahead and got in.

The shower felt heavenly - her first since Saturday morning. She might have stayed in it for hours, but the game only gave her 5 minutes before she got a sharp shock to her neck and heard Tico's voice coming from her collar, commanding her to return to his room immediately. She quickly jumped out of the shower, slipped on her heels, then ran dripping and naked back into her living room. Tico gave her another shock for keeping him waiting, then clipped a short leash onto her collar and pushed her into her tiny sleep area.

Erin lay naked in her living room, soaking wet from the shower, but chained to the floor and unable to get anything to dry herself. A day ago she would have been pissed at this, and at the unnecessary rush out of the shower, but by now she was bought in to the psychosis of her situation, and admonished herself for keeping her master waiting. Wet or not, she started drifting into sleep almost immediately, but before she got there, the game had fast-forwarded and she was being woken up to start another 'day.' She groaned inwardly, but kept her feelings to herself as she got on her knees in her dark living room and offered her master a blow job.

Tico and Mistress H surprised her that morning by telling her they were sending her back to work at the policy academy to be a mole for them. The story she would give them was that her cover had been blown right away and the mob had kept her locked in a small room for the last few days. She didn't know where she had been, and she had not seen or heard anything. She also wasn't supposed to know why they had released her. They reminded her that they would be listening and watching through her collar. If she tried to tell those cops the truth, or if she wasn't convincing enough to get them to believe her story, then her collar would kill her.

Erin got dressed and was driven (bumped along on the bench that folded out from the game box) to within a few blocks of the academy. She knew that she was in a very dangerous position. One set of characters in this crazy game might really kill her if she didn't convince another set of game characters that she had been freed. This was insane, but she didn't have any choice. Trying to run away now was far too risky. The best thing to do would be to continue to obey her master. If she did well, she might even get another mind-blowing orgasm. At that thought, she shook her head at how much of a wanton slut she had become.

She made it through the 'day' without anyone doubting her story. Everyone was extremely sorry for what had happened, and told her they were glad that the mob hadn't done anything worse to her than keep her locked up for a few days. They offered to let her take time off, but knowing that Tico wanted her to be a mole, she declined, saying she thought the best thing for her would be to dive right back into work.

A lot of the day was fast-forwarded, and she soon found herself relieved to be walking to the pickup location and 'driven' back to Tico's hideout. In real-life, the sun was just starting to come up as she stripped naked, guided her avatar to bend over the edge of Tico's bed, and received her master's typical nighttime ass fucking. She was leashed and put down in her tiny room, where she fell asleep almost immediately.

A tug on her collar shook Erin out of a deep sleep. She had no idea how long she had been asleep. She could see that the sun was still fairly low in the sky, and she was certainly still exhausted. Had she only been given a few minutes to sleep? How long were they going to keep her going like this?

Erin was sent off to 'work' again after being reminded that she would be monitoring constantly and that she was to return right after work. She got dressed, but was told by Tico that her clothes were all wrinkled and she looked terrible, so she went into her real bedroom and put on a new outfit. Getting her master's approval, she then began to walk in place, thinking she was directing her avatar to walk toward the car that would drive her to the academy, just like the 'day' before. But her avatar just walked in place as well.

Tico laughed at her, swatted her ass, and repeated: "Go to work."

Erin tried again, but saw on the game screen that again her avatar just walked in place, looking like an idiot. Her master got quite mad that time, gave her a long shock to her collar, then growled: "Girl, get out of this house and get yourself to your job if you don't want to be severely punished."

The implication finally broke through to Erin. "Oh my God," she realized, "this game is actually telling me to go to my real-life job."

Though it seemed like days and days had passed, in real life it was only Monday morning. She hadn't missed any work at all, and now, even though she would still be a helpless slave to this game, she would have to convince everyone at work that everything was normal. She had no doubt that the same threats applied - her master had just reminded her that she would be watched and listened to all day. But she also had no doubt that she would be able to fool everyone. She was able to pull off the act in the game at the police academy, and they had reason to be suspicious.

At her real job, she would just be coming in on a Monday morning like she always did. As this thought sank in, she realized that this meant there was no chance that someone from work might come looking for her before the two-week game trial was up. They wouldn't have any reason to think that she was in trouble, because she would be there with them as if everything was normal!

Being at work was unbelievably strange for Erin. Beyond being totally exhausted, Erin felt like she was a completely different person than the Erin Feston of the week before. Of course she knew how to do her job and she was able to go about the routine just fine, but now her normal work day felt like a lie. And it was, in a way – a lie that she had to protect very carefully.

When she first got to work, a co-worker asked her how her weekend was. Before she said anything, her collar gave her a slight electric shock, as if warning her to be careful. She made some non-specific answer about just working around the house, then changed the conversation topic. It was disturbing to know that the game was listening to every word the she and others around her said, and even more disturbing to find out that the camera in her collar was good enough to read documents she was working on.

At one point in the morning, while she was filling out a standard rejection letter for a road someone wanted to build across a wetland, she heard the voice of Mistress H coming softly from her collar, telling her to write a comment at the bottom that she was very sorry to be such a stickler about wetland rules. It was a silly thing to write, but the moment she hesitated she received a painful shock from her collar, then hurried to obey.

Around noon, Mistress H spoke softly to her again, telling her to go into one of the single-occupancy bathrooms on her floor and lock the door. Once there, she was commanded to strip naked then stand in front of the mirror and masturbate. It felt wrong and dirty to do it, but she didn't dare disobey. Worse, as soon as she got close to an orgasm, her mistress commanded her to stop and put her clothes back on, except for her panties which she was to throw away.

She went back to her desk sexually frustrated. When she covertly tried to slip a hand down her slacks to finish the job, she received a severe shock from her collar that almost caused her to yell out in pain.

At the stroke of 5, Mistress H's voice commanded Erin to leave work immediately and return to Tico's bedroom. She left right away and started driving the most direct route home, but was suddenly told by her mistress to take a right turn down a side street, then a left two blocks later. She was told to park in front of an adult toy store and she was given a list of items to purchase: a locking chastity belt, a steel boned corset, a French maid costume, and a funnel gag. She was to try the maid costume on in the store to ensure it fit tightly, then ask to wear it out of the store. Erin did all of this obediently, eliciting a chuckle from the store clerk who told her that wearing the costume out of the store would be great advertising for him!

Erin was completely exhausted when she got home, not having slept for two days, but the game wasn't done with her yet. The mannequin was standing in her living room when she walked in, holding the cane in its hand. Mistress H told her that she would get one stroke for each of her transgressions at work: the hesitancy in writing on the form and the attempt to masturbate without permission.

Erin bent over obediently, though unhappily, and the mannequin flipped up the short skirt of her maid's outfit before delivering the blows on top of the still visible lines from two days before. She was then put in her high heels, had her elbows locked behind her back, and told to clean the room with the feather duster that had come with the costume until her master came home.

Hours and hours of pointless dusting later, Tico finally appeared on the game screen, gave Erin a quick hard ass fucking, then sent her to her tiny room wearing her new chastity belt locked in place. Erin was too tired at that point to get very upset about being made to wait-up long into the night just to get a few strokes of cock up her ass. She had mostly stopped judging the orders anyway, she was a slave and would obey, no matter how painful or demeaning. She also wanted to get to sleep as fast as possible, not knowing how long she would be given the privilege of lying still on her living room floor.


Erin was woken at the crack of dawn Tuesday morning, only to be made to wait on her knees for the next half hour while her master hit his own snooze button repeatedly. Erin hadn't gotten nearly as much sleep as she would have liked, but it was enough to let her at least think somewhat more clearly than she had been able to think the day before in her sleep-deprived haze.

Thinking clearly, however, didn't help her situation. It seemed impossible to believe that she could be sent to work and yet not be able to escape. But if she tried to tell anyone at work what was going on, the game would hear her and immediately cut her off with a punishing shock. The same would happen if she tried to write or type a note. And even if she did succeed in explaining the situation, she might well get herself killed. It would take time for someone to cut off her collar, while it would only take an instant for the game to activate the command for some poison to be injected into her neck.

No, as crazy as it seemed, she was going to have to keep on obeying this game's every command and convincing everyone she came in contact with that she was actually just fine. "When these game designers arrive a week from tomorrow," she thought, "I'm going to sue them for everything they're worth and make sure they spend the rest of their lives behind bars." But she knew she was going to have to make it to that point first, hopefully with some part of her free-thinking mind intact, and that wasn't going to be easy.

After Tico finally got around to giving Erin her morning throat fuck, he decided that she wasn't getting enough exercise and sent her out on a run, wearing her skimpy spandex and sports bra of course. She had only ever worn the outfit at home or at the all-female gym she went to, and was aghast to be seen wearing it in public. She figured she would minimize the exposure by staying on back roads, but that plan was dashed right out the door as Tico's voice quietly but firmly commanded every turn. He commanded the pace as well, leaving Erin both thoroughly exhausted and thoroughly embarrassed by the time she was allowed to return half an hour later.

Another day passed relatively uneventfully at her real job, except that she was ordered to strip and masturbate 5 times during the day, each time without quite getting herself off. To make this all the more frustrating, the game had secured her new chastity belt in place with a combination lock before she left for work. To get the belt off, her mistress's voice instructed her to stand in front of a mirror but look straight up at the ceiling. The camera in her collar could see the lock, and Erin was told which dials to spin and how far, so that she could be guided to take the belt off and put it back on without ever knowing the combination. She knew she wouldn't be allowed to masturbate anyway, but the damn device prevented even her clothes from casually rubbing her, and left her feeling all the more helpless knowing that her private parts were locked away using an unknown combination.

Erin was directed to do more shopping on the way home from work. This time she went to a department store and had to pick up a running outfit that was even more scandalous than her get-up that morning, along with some lingerie that she could only hope would never be worn outside her house. The buying spree continued when she got home. Her master ordered her to make a number of online purchases, all with her own money.

This quickly got expensive. The ball cage, which could be seen in Tico's bedroom but hadn't been used yet, was $500. The standing cage was over $1,000. And these items weren't even going to be delivered for 3 more weeks, after she'd be done with the game! She realized that it should be a good thing that some of these items would never be used on her, but it made spending the money all that much more galling. Tico's voice reminded her that she was his slave now, and that all of her possessions were now his, rubbing it in even more.


The rest of the week passed in a similar fashion, with exhausting runs in the mornings, sexually frustrating days at work, and all sorts of depravity at night. Friday night brought things to a whole new level when Tico 'rewarded' Erin by allowing her to go to a night club. Of course, this reward wasn't optional, and neither was wearing the outrageous lingerie. She was told that she had to dance with at least ten separate men for a minimum of 5 minutes apiece, a feat that quickly made her the whore of the establishment and nearly caused a couple of fights.

Erin was only allowed brief catnaps Friday and Saturday night, and was otherwise kept active by the game. By the time she was allowed some sleep Sunday night, after a very long weekend of humiliation and depravity, she was looking forward to a quiet day at work the next morning. She was also looking forward to only having three more days of slavedom before her two-week 'beta trial' period was over. She felt like she was over the hump, and that while the next three days wouldn't be easy, she would make it.

She knew she'd have some serious mental rehabilitation to do – she was obeying the most ridiculous commands without the slightest hesitation, and her self-image as a slave had settled in deep – but with the massive compensation she knew she would get from these 'game' designers, she figured she could take a good amount of time to readjust. She also hoped that she'd get at least one more mind blowing orgasm before the trial period ended. It had been a full week since Tico had allowed her last orgasm, and with all the teasing in between, she was getting rather desperate.

Tico started making her wear both the steel-boned corset and the locking chastity belt to work. She had also picked up some higher heels over the weekend, and shorter work skirts. A couple people at her office commented that she was looking good, and a whole bunch of people told her so with their eyes. She didn't entirely mind the attention, though while it made her feel sexy it also made her feel like a cheap whore.

Wednesday finally came, her two week anniversary, and she was sent to work as usual. The chastity belt and corset were just as uncomfortable as they had been, the bathroom masturbation sessions just as unsatisfying, and the knowledge that her every move was being monitored just as creepy. But knowing that this would be her last time made it all feel lighter. She drove home, remembering that she had started the program after work two weeks ago, probably around 6PM. Would the game just shut down when the time came? Or would someone be there waiting for her 'feedback' when she got home?

The only one waiting for her on her arrival was Mistress H, as usual. The stern taskmaster was quite displeased with Erin's lack of concentration on her tasks that day, and decided to give her a few strokes of the cane to help her focus. Erin certainly wasn't pleased at the prospect, but figured that at least it would give her some dramatic evidence to show the game people and the police.

Her master was the next person to 'arrive,' and he decided he wanted to practice his rope tying skills. Erin obediently fetched a pile of cloth rope and was quickly dangling in a horribly tight hogtie. It wasn't the position she wanted to be in if the game shut down. Would she be left dangling? Would she be dropped?

As it turned out, neither happened. Tico just kept tying and retying her body in various uncomfortable positions. Erin expected the torment to end any minute, but her cruel master just kept twisting her body parts into new configurations. As usual, Erin had no way to tell time while bound in her living room, but when the sun had set and the last light had faded from the sky, it was clear that the 6 o'clock deadline she had been expecting had passed.

Erin was concerned, but no overly so. Certainly they were just a bit late in coming for her. But the hours dragged on, and soon she was put to bed, still wearing a number of the tight ropes that Tico had tied around her.

"Damnit," she thought, "Am I going to have to spend another night on my floor?" She longed for her bed, which she had not slept in for 2 weeks, but figured surely that the game people would get there in the morning.

But the next morning came, and her 'game' just continued on, having her fasten on the corset and chastity belt before dressing for work and heading out the door. She was disgruntled, but figured that they had just let her complete the full two weeks yesterday, so now they would surely be at her house waiting for her when she got there. But again she was alone with the game, and again Mistress H caned her for a lack of concentration at work. Tico scolded her as well, then made her clean the entire floor with her tongue as a punishment.

With the canings in mind, Erin was much more attentive at work on Friday, quickly obeying any minor command that was whispered to her through her collar. She got home to a pleased Mistress H, but was certainly not pleased herself to see that again there was no sign of any game designers or any end to her '2-week' beta testing period.

What the hell was going on? Where were those bastards?? It was infuriating to know that every day they were late, her ability to resist commands, or even think independently, was slipping further and further away. She wanted desperately to call them, but she had no idea who 'they' even were. And even if she did, her masters would never allow her to make that call, and anyway, she would never dare to try to make the call for fear of the punishment. No, she was in exactly the same situation as before: completely helpless. All she could do was continue on as a slave, hoping that these damn game designers would come for her soon.


Luke sipped his coffee and stared at the accumulated piles of papers and folders that had stacked up in his office over the years. He was retiring at the end of the week, and had told the company that he'd deal with his own mess before he left. As he dug in, he came across a folder that he was surprised to see. It was a record for one of the old black box beta test units that had been sent out 5 years ago, before the project was scrapped.

Luke was surprised to see the record in his office because when he had checked those units back in after the beta test, he had filed the records along with the user surveys down with the development folks. This folder didn't have any user survey, or any indication that it had ever been brought back in, so out of curiosity he opened his computer and logged on to the unit remotely to see if it was still being used.

The data that came up on Luke's screen nearly gave him a heart attack right then and there. The unit was indeed still being used. In fact, it had been in constant use, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, since it had been activated. But the distressing part wasn't the continual use, it was the fact that the game had quite clearly enslaved the poor woman who had been randomly chosen to be a beta tester. Luke started to panic, sure that everyone at his company would go to jail for this, and that he specifically would be at fault for losing the record. He would spend his entire retirement rotting away in prison...

But then Luke calmed down and thought through the situation. This woman, Erin Feston, had been 'playing' the game for 5 full years and apparently no authorities or anyone she knew had discovered what was going on. He couldn't quite figure out how that was possible. But if this had been going on for that long, then maybe if he just left the situation as it was no one would ever have to find out. He thought about what this would mean for the poor woman, and decided he'd better at least take a look at the video.

He had his computer display both what was actually happening and what was being shown on the game screen. On the game screen, the woman was trussed up in some horrifically painful-looking bondage contraption and was surrounded by a group of mobsters. One was fucking her hard in the ass, one was fucking her throat, and she was giving two others hand jobs. On the real-life screen, all the bondage was faithfully recreated on the real woman, including the clamps that looked like they might pull her nipples off, the clips that were tugging on her labia and clit, the vibrator that was apparently buried deep in her pussy, and all the cuffs and straps that held her spread wide-open.

Luke started having second thoughts about leaving her to this fate, but then saw that the mobster who was fucking her throat had pulled out and was spraying his load all over her face. The bound woman, while still giving hand jobs and getting fucked in the ass, tried desperately to lick up as much of the cum as she could, while begging for someone else to please let her suck on their cock.

"Good god", thought the Luke, "she's enjoying this!" He was sure that he himself wouldn't get nearly as much pleasure out of the jail they would put him in as this woman was apparently getting out of the virtual jail that she was in. And so, Luke took a deep breath, tore up the record of the beta test shipment, carefully deleted all the computer files that related to her case, and went about cleaning out the rest of his office.

As his years of happy retirement rolled along, Luke found himself periodically thinking about the woman who had become a permanent slave to her black box beta test unit. She would never spend a relaxing morning on a golf course as he had been doing that morning, or spend the afternoon calmly riding the wind in a sailboat as he was about to do. There would be a myriad of life-pleasures that that woman would never experience, chief among them surely being free-will. But Luke hoped that the pleasures she was getting from the game were at least somewhat making up for the pleasures she was denied. Luke convinced himself that certainly this was the case, and after a long and happy retirement, he took his secret with him to the grave.



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