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Baseball Cougars Take the Lead 01

Writer's picture: GeorgeVIGeorgeVI


All characters are eighteen years or older. CHAPTER ONE: INTRO - BLEACHER MILFS We were having an unusually hot spring, which might have bothered me last baseball season. But over the winter, since turning 18, I discovered girls in a big way. So while sitting on the bench waiting for the game to start, my instinct was to look back at the bleachers behind us to look for female flesh. Unfortunately, there were very few young girls that came to watch our team. However, that didn't stop me from finding females to ogle, for I didn't have any problem checking out my teammates' moms. Not that they were all raging beauties. Some were hot, absolutely, like Chris and Pete's moms, both slender blondes with smoking bodies. Some, like Brad and Kip's moms, I think that just about anybody would think were attractive. But there were some, like Mike and Eric's moms, that had a little more flesh on them and maybe looked a little older, that I still liked looking at, in part because they had big tits, and in part, well, just because they were female and they were in my view. I wouldn't want anybody else to know that I was lusting after these old moms, but then I wouldn't want my friends to know that I was lusting after any of their hot moms either. I was horny enough to risk taking a few good peeks back. There were several moms in shorts showing off some bare leg. A couple with bare arms and bra straps showing also. Not bad. Then there was Mike's mom, Mrs. Miles, in a denim skirt. Mike had been one of my best friends for a few years, so it was odd to suddenly think of his mom as a sex object. On top of that, Mr. Miles had been my manager for the past two seasons, so Mrs. Miles was my manger's wife. Mrs. Miles was one of those moms in the "fleshier" category, so her legs weren't the best. But they were legs. Mrs. Miles had short spiked frosted hair, was pretty tall, taller than me, a little thicker in the waist and butt than I'd prefer. But she did have those nice big tits. So as she read a magazine while wearing these half-glasses, I took a long look at her exposed legs, and tried to look up her skirt. Just then she looked up, over her glasses, and made eye contact with me. Damn! Busted! Some time later, early in the game, we were at bat, and I sat on the bench. I wanted to look back at the women, but didn't want to risk getting caught twice in one game looking at Mrs. Miles. Sitting next to me was Eric. I felt Eric nudge me, and whisper, "Hey, Don, check it out. Look at Mike's mom." "Huh?" "Look at Mrs. Miles. You can see up her skirt." I looked back at Mrs. Miles. Her denim skirt had ridden up quite a bit, and her knees had spread apart more. Sure enough, I could clearly see a triangle of white panty up her skirt! First of all, I was thrilled to see Mrs. Miles' panties. Second of all, I was shocked that Eric would point it out to me. Eric was the top player on our team, actually the top athlete in the league, a head taller than the rest of us, and very popular with the girls at school. If HE was willing to admit that he enjoyed looking up this woman's skirt, I felt better about my own lust for her. As I ogled Mrs. Miles' panties, Eric turned to Pete, sitting on his other side, and pointed the show out to him. As we took turns looking back at Mrs. Miles, Eric said, "I think she's doing it on purpose. I overheard a couple of the moms complaining about Vito's mom last week. They were complaining about the way she dresses for the games." I remembered Vito's mom last week, too. She came to the game right from work, dressed to the hilt. Mrs. Nippola looks too young to be Vito's mom. She's divorced, a hot dark-haired beauty, not very tall, but has killer legs and a firm body. I noticed her in the bleachers wearing a scooping top and push-up bra, as well as a short skirt. Damn, I even got to see up her skirt, to her pink panties under her pantyhose. But I didn't know that everybody else noticed her, too. I glanced back at Mrs. Miles, but turned away as she looked over at us. "She's looking at us," I whispered to Eric. "She wants us to look at her. Look at her now, she's spreading' wider!" I looked back, and sure enough, Mrs. Miles had spread her knees apart wider, and she was looking right at us. Mrs. Miles was now engaged in a conversation with Kip's mom, Mrs. Deil. Mrs. Deil had a pretty face, luscious lips, and a nice slender figure. She looked younger than most of the moms, but her shoulder-length straight brown hair had some visible strands of gray. Just as I was looking back admiring Mrs. Deil, she crossed her arms, grabbed the bottom of her tank top, and began pulling it up. "Holy crap," I whispered. Eric and Pete heard me, and looked back just in time to see Mrs. Deil pull her top up over her head, shaking it through her hair, and dropping it next to her on the bleacher. She was wearing a pink bikini top. It wasn't the most revealing bathing suit top I've seen, and her tits were pretty small anyways. But it was a bit of a surprise that she'd be on display in just a bikini top and cutoffs at her son's baseball game. Both Eric and Pete moaned at the sight of another team mom on display. We watched as Mrs. Deil arched her back and put suntan lotion on her shoulders, chest, and stomach. Not only was it fun staring at all these scantily dressed MILFs, but also it was cool actually discussing them with Eric and Pete. It was just the beginning of the summer of "sharing" the team moms with my eighteen-year-old teammates. ---------- The very next game was on an even hotter day, and there were even skimpier clothes and more exposed bra straps in the bleachers. Not every mom was in attendance at every game. Today there were several moms that weren't at the last game. This included Brad's mom, Mrs. Curtis. She had nice legs, but her shorts were a little too long to show much thigh. This wasn't the case with Mrs. Osteen, Chris' mom. She had on some very short shorts, and as she sat on the bleachers with her legs crossed, Eric and I simultaneously spotted her blue panties peeking out of the side of her shorts. I arrived a little early for the game, but several of my teammates were already there, hanging around the backstop and the bleachers. I saw Brad and Tim on the top row of the bleachers, and Pete and Eric were climbing down. Eric approached me, and mumbled, "Climb up to the top of the bleachers." "Why?" "Mrs. Deil isn't wearing a bra. Her blouse is hanging open and you can see her whole tit!" I looked up at the bleachers, where Brad and Tim were sitting. Next to them was Mrs. Deil, who was wearing a white cotton sleeveless blouse, which scooped down in front. It appeared to be gapped open, and Brad and Tim were climbing all over each other to get a closer look. I climbed up to bleachers and stood next to Tim, and pretended to be making small talk with him. But really I was standing over Mrs. Deil. Sure enough, her top was gapped way open, and I could see her whole right tit! It was small, pale in comparison to the rest of her chest, and it was capped with a brown nipple with smaller areolas. Her eraser-sized nipple was easy to see. Fuck! I'm seeing a tit! My first naked tit, and it was on an adult woman! I lingered as long as I dared before climbing down the bleachers and sharing my experience with Eric and Pete, who saw the same thing. As Brad and Tim climbed down the bleachers, Shawn and Bill replaced them. Seven of us saw our teammate's mom's tit, and it was the talk of the bench through most of the ball game. Near the end of the game, Eric said to me, "Watch Kyle's mom right after the game." "Gladly," I quipped, thinking of Mrs. Kreske, Kyle's attractive mom. "Why especially?" "The last two games, when Coach Miles was telling everybody about the next game, she's come up behind me and rubbed up against me." "Rubbed up against you?" "Yeah. She presses her tit into my shoulder. If she does it again, I'm going to reach back and 'accidentally' rub her pussy or something." What happens immediately after the game is that the manager reminds the players when and where the next game or practices is, and what time to be there. Many of the parents also crowed around to hear what he has to say. So after this game, I backed up a bit, and sure enough, Mrs. Kreske found her way over to Eric, and stood behind him. Since Eric was the tallest one on the team, she wouldn't be standing there to see better. Mrs. Kreske seemed to be pressing her left tit into Eric's right shoulder. Mrs. Kreske had B cup tits I'd guess, was another cute brunette mom, but her hair was shorter than most of the moms. She was a bit of a fireplug; shorter than most of the moms. I wouldn't call her slender, she had a little meat on her, but she looked like she worked out. I've often admired her hard thighs, and her round ass, when she wore tight shorts. I stood right behind Mrs. Kreske, and watched her arch her back and press her left tit into Eric's shoulder from behind. He was right; she was doing it on purpose! Eric seemed to be responding by slowly rubbing his shoulder back and forth over her tit. It was erotic to watch someone else's "foreplay" with a mom. Eric dropped his right hand to his side, and let it slide a little behind him. As he had threatened, he seemed to be attempting to touch Mrs. Kreske. He pressed the back of his hand into her crotch. Mrs. Kreske wasted no time in arching her hips forward to press her pussy into Eric's hand and do a little subtle grinding on it. This all took place in a matter of seconds, before Coach Miles was done talking and the group dispersed. This made one mom who showed us her panties, one who showed us her tits, and one who rubbed her tits and pussy against one of us. That was three horny moms we found out of the thirteen team moms. And it was still early in the baseball season, and the summer. CHAPTER TWO: THE COACH'S WIFE The following Saturday, I went over to Mike's house before practice. It was the first time I'd seen Mrs. Miles since the game where she'd flashed her panties at us. I was pretty sure that it was deliberate, but if it was, I figured that it was likely for Eric's benefit, who was so popular with girls. Perhaps older women found him attractive, too. But today, I immediately caught a different vibe from Mrs. Miles. I can't explain it, just a look, and something in her voice when she said, "Hello, Don," with a little smile. Mrs. Miles wasn't dressed exceptionally. She was wearing some jogging pants and a t-shirt. But the shirt was tight and clinging enough that I kept looking at her big tits whenever she walked through the family room. They even swayed some inside of her bra. She was a big woman, taller than me, and broad shouldered. Her big round butt jiggled in those clinging slacks, and I think she caught me staring at her ass, too. Coach Miles said that he was gong to go move a pile of mulch that was sitting in the driveway. He went outside, and I could hear his shovel scraping against the sidewalk, then his wheel barrel moving about the yard. Mike and I were talking in the living room, when I heard his mom calling from down the hall. "Mike, you have to go mow the lawn now!" "Mom, I'll do it after practice, Don's here now," replied Mike. "No, you do it now. Don can go play video games in your room for a half hour," said Mrs. Miles. After a little more arguing, Mike gave up the fight, and went out the side door to mow the lawn. That left me in the house alone with Mrs. Miles. I sauntered down the hall towards Mike's bedroom, which I'd spent plenty of time in over the years. I knew where his video games were. As I passed Mike's parents' bedroom, the door was wide open, and I glanced inside to my right. Standing beside the bed was Mrs. Miles. Totally naked. Buck naked. Full frontal. I stopped dead in my tracks and stared, my jaw hanging down. There she was, her big white tits right there, capped by large dark areolas and fat nipples. My eyes moved downward over her rounded belly to her fat triangle of brown pubic hair. Mrs. Miles simply stood there silently, with a deadpan expression. I expected her to jump and cover or squeal or something. But she just stood there, clutching her white panties in one hand, and her other hand on her hip. Finally I broke off my stare, and stumbled my way down the hall to Mike's room. I sat on Mike's desk chair, my heart beating rapidly. Did she forget I was in the house? Was she pissed? I couldn't get those big tits and big areolas and long public hairs out of my mind. I just saw a grown woman - naked! I could hear Mike's lawn mower outside, as well as Coach Miles scraping the shovel. Then I heard Coach Miles' wife walking down the hall toward me. I was bracing for a scolding or something. Mrs. Miles entered the room, now wearing a short white robe, tied in the front. She stood about two feet in front of me, and stood over me as I sat in the chair. She had that deadpan expression on her face. "Don!" she said, in her husky voice. "Yes?" I replied. The corners of her lips rose, into a closed-mouth smile. "Did you like what you saw?" Was that a trick question? I paused, and then replied 'Yeah." "Do you want to see more?" I thought I'd seen it all, but I replied, "Yeah." Without another word Mrs. Miles untied her robe, and opened it up to show her big tits and hairy bush again. She quickly slid the garment off of her shoulders, and dropped it behind her on the carpet. My eyes were at the level over her belly. My eyes darted from her pussy to her tits, taking them in, inspecting them. Her tits did slope down a little, but they were so big, and just inches away. There were some imperfections on her, but I didn't care. This was a grown woman, completely naked except for some big white round earrings, and she was posing for me. I didn't know what to do. Mrs. Miles made the next move for me. She spread her legs, moved forward, and lowered her bare bottom onto my lap. She wrapped her bare thighs around me, rested her warm ass on my bare legs, and thrust her chest forward. "You can touch me," she said. I reached up, and planted both of my palms on her naked tits, which were inches from my face. I groped her heavy melons firmly as she put her arms on my shoulders. "Ooh, such a firm young body," she cooed in her husky voice. She pressed her body forward, until her pussy mound was rubbing against my hard cock in my shorts. She slowly humped me as she leaned down and opened her mouth. I opened mine, and planted my lips onto hers. She snaked her tongue in my mouth and French kissed me as we pressed together. Aware that we didn't have much time, I slid my right hand down her side, and cupped her pussy mound over her forest of coarse pubic hair. Mrs. Miles lifted up slightly, grabbed my shorts by the waist, and pulled them down. I lifted my butt up off the chair, and the big strong woman yanked my shorts and boxers down to my knees, and then tugged them down to my ankles. She wrapped her long fingers around my hard cock, and stroked it rapidly, while I continued kissing her and fondling her tit with my left hand. My right index finger found her wet slit buried in her pubic hair, and I slid it inside. It was warm and lubricated like nothing I'd ever felt before. Mrs. Miles pulled my hand away from her pussy, aimed my cock at it, and guided my dick head inside. She thrust forward, and her hot pussy swallowed up my whole cock. Goddamn, I'm fucking a woman! My friend's mom clamped her big thighs around me, and began thrusting her hips in and out. My cock slid in and out of her as she wrapped her arms around me. My face was mashed against her chest. I put my hands on her side, then her hips, and then over her thrusting butt cheeks, sinking my fingers into her ass flesh. I was aware that we had time constraints. The buzzing of the lawn mower and the scraping of the shovel outside reminded me that any moment my friend might re-enter the house and see me fucking his mom, or my baseball manager could catch me fucking his wife. Mrs. Miles was panting in my ear. My cock tingled with the soft slippery friction of the gliding pussy. Mrs. Miles arched her back, causing her tits to lift up to my face. I took the opportunity to burrow between her tits, licking between them. Then I quickly kissed my way over her right tit, until my lips found her fat nipple. I sucked it into my mouth, and licked it. Mrs. Miles groaned hoarsely. "Ohhhh!" As she thrust her hips, Mrs. Miles started bouncing up and down on my lap, causing faster friction on my cock. I stopped feeling around her body, and I grabbed her hips firmly, and thrust into her as fast as I could. I arched forward and felt her tits pressing into my chest. The chair was squeaking, but I forgot about the noises outside or who could walk in. My sole goal in life at that moment was to ejaculate into Mrs. Miles' pussy. I was getting close. Coach Miles himself could have walked in at that moment, and I wouldn't have stopped fucking his wife. Mrs. Miles was making sounds I didn't expect to ever hear from my friend's mom. She sounded like some zoo animal, grunting into my ear. "Hugh Hugh Hugh!" Like a train. Mrs. Miles' bare skin started to feel sweaty. She rotated her hips in circles as she thrust. Her fingers dug into my shoulders. Then she clamped her big thighs around me in a vice-like grip, and groaned. I took a moment to look over at her face. Her mouth was open, and her eyes were closed. I could see lines in her face I'd never noted before, as she appeared to be in pain. "OHHHHHHHHH!" With almost no warning even to myself, I lost control, and gushed a load of sperm into Mrs. Miles' pussy. I arched up and let her have numerous other spurts. Mrs. Miles began to shudder and shake on top of me, like she was having a seizure. Her body shook all over me, and I thought she was going to throw me off of the chair. I hung on and tried to keep her centered on me. "GRRRRRRR! UNNNNGGG!" Just as I finally got done cumming inside of her, Mrs. Miles slowed her thrusting, until she finally collapsed on me. I felt her dead weight on my lap and on my shoulders as she panted heavily. Then without a word, the big mother raised up off of me, letting my cock slide out of her pussy. She stood up and stepped back. I took one last look at her matted pussy hair and dangling tits as she bent down and picked up her robe. I had one strange fleeting moment of discomfort and modesty when I realized that my dick was out in front of my friend's mom. She was in the process of putting her robe on when we heard the back door open. It brought me back to reality, and I quickly stood and started to yank up my shorts and boxers. Mrs. Miles turned and tied her robe as she walked out the door without a word, and hurried down the hall. Seconds later, Mike came into the bedroom. I told him I had to go to the bathroom, and as I made my way down the hall, I heard the shower running in Mrs. Miles' master bathroom. When I'd wiped off my cock and washed my hands, and came out of the bathroom, Coach Miles was also in the house. A few minutes later, just as we were leaving for baseball practice, Mrs. Miles came out of her bedroom and said goodbye to us. As I was walking out the door, I looked back at her, and she gave me a little smile. CHAPTER THREE: BLEACHERFINGER The next game was on a cooler day, so I was afraid that there wouldn't be much to view in the stands. I walked to the park because Mom and Dad were busy and were coming later. It had rained earlier, and so the game right before ours had been delayed. So not only did I have a long wait before my game started, I was starting to get cold. The bleachers were full, as parents from both the early game and our later game were there. I climbed up the right side of the bleachers, and found a spot next to Brad's mom, Mrs. Curtis, on the edge of the top row. Her other son was playing in the early game. Mrs. Curtis said, "Hi, Don," as I squeezed in next to her on her right. Mrs. Curtis had a blanket over her legs; that's how cold it was. I could see from her bare calves that she was wearing shorts under the blanket. I tired to give Mrs. Curtis her space, but we were hip-to-hip next to each other. And Mrs. Curtis didn't seem to want her own space. I felt her right leg press against my left leg. I didn't mind the contact.

Brad's dad, Mr. Curtis, was sitting next to Mrs. Curtis on her left. He was talking about baseball to another dad on the other side of him to his left. Mrs. Curtis watched the game. I caught glances of Mrs. Curtis' face, only a foot from mine. I'd been on a few teams with Brad, plus we'd been in some classes together back in grade school, and his mom was often a Snack Mom or Field Trip mom, so I'd known his mom for a few years. God, was she pretty, in a wholesome sort of way. Her shoulder length brown hair was stylish, her nose turned up nicely, and she had really kissable lips. At this close range, I could see wrinkles in her face that showed a few years. She looked over at me, and said, "Are you cold, Don?"

"Yeah, a little," I said.

"Here." She threw her blanket over my legs. We were now sharing her blanket, and even through my baseball pants I could feel her bare thigh press against mine. I didn't want to be offensive, but I wasn't going to move away from her. Perhaps it was my imagination, but she seemed to enjoy rubbing up against me. I glanced over at Mr. Curtis. He was turned away from us, still talking about baseball. I guess that nobody could tell under the thick blanket that we were so close anyways. I put my hands under the blanket, on the tops of my own thighs, to keep them warm. Damn, it would be cool just to slide my left hand over onto Mrs. Curtis' bare thigh. I looked over at her. She was staring straight ahead at the ballgame, but there seemed to be a little smile on her face. I'd swear I felt some sexual tension.

As if she read my mind, Mrs. Curtis put her right hand under the blanket. She slid it over to my hand, and held her right hand on top of my left hand. At fist I wondered if she were going to push my hand away or something. But she just cupped my hand for a moment. Then she grabbed my hand, and gently pulled it over towards her, until it was sitting on top of her bare right thigh. She withdrew her hand and rested it on top of the blanket, leaving my hand on her thigh. Wow!

I looked around. Everybody below us on the bleachers was watching the game, not us. A few of my teammates had arrived, and were hanging around by the backstop. Mr. Curtis was still turned away talking. I gently squeezed my hand down around her thigh. Mrs. Curtis' only reaction was to rub her shoulder into mine. We were now pressed together from shoulder to hip to knee.

Very, very gently, I slid my hand more inside of her thigh, until the back of my hand was touching her left thigh. Her skin felt so smooth and warm. With no objection from my teammate's mom, or from his dad who wasn't noticing, I squeezed harder, and wiggled my fingers a little. But that was all the chances I was going to take.

Them Mrs. Curtis slid her hand under the blanket again, put her hand over mine, and pushed my hand higher up her thigh, spreading her legs wider. I let her guide my hand up her thigh, until I felt the edge of her shorts. I was careful not to move my hand or arm much, but I squeezed her upper inside thigh with my fingers. I spread my fingers apart, until I could feel my little pinky tapping against the crease by her crotch over her shorts. Again she reached under the blanket, and this time I was sure that she would push my hand away. But instead, she pulled my hand up further, spread her legs wider, and placed my hand square on her crotch over her cotton shorts.

My heart was beating a mile a minute, as I slowly rubbed my fingers up and down over her pussy mound. I tried to control my motions and my emotions. I glanced over, and Mrs. Curtis still had a little smile on her face as she stared straight out. I glanced at Mr. Curtis, who clearly had no idea that his wife's pussy was getting rubbed by one of his son's friends.

It felt great rubbing the woman's protruding mound, and I would gladly have done it all day. But I was thinking of how I could go even further. Mrs. Curtis' shorts were loose jogging shorts. I wondered if I could slide my hand inside of the left hole from this angle. I slid my hand off of her mound, and slid it under her shorts. I could feel the edge of her cotton panties. My fingers caressed her mound over her tight panties, and I felt a wet spot over her pussy.

I slid my fingers inside of her panties at the crotch. The fabric and elastic offered little resistance, and I was now touching a clump of matted pubic hair. Sliding over further, I cupped the furry pubic mound, and rubbed over it. Mrs. Curtis arched her hips forward to meet my hand.

I found the source of the wet spot, as my middle finger slid up and down her slit. Feeling the warm wetness, I pressed inward, and my middle finger sunk deep into Mrs. Curtis' slippery pussy. My previously cold digit was now burrowed in the warmest place on the bleachers. Not that anybody else seemed aware of it. Being an experienced Baseball Mom, Mrs. Curtis would know that I was wearing a plastic protective cup inside of my jock, so there was no use for her to try to reciprocate and touch my cock.

I worked my finger in and out of the lubricated pussy as fast as I could without moving my hand or arm. Mrs. Curtis' smile was bigger, her eyes glassier. Since it was easy, I slid my ring finger into the elastic pussy, and spread my fingers as wide apart as I could. I heard Mrs. Curtis inhale loudly. Then she put her hand under the blanket again, on top of my hand, and pressed my hand harder against her crotch. My palm was resting on the top of her slit, and rubbing up and down while I finger fucked her.

Mrs. Curtis was thrusting her hips in and out, and holding my hand against her pussy. I glanced over again, and Mrs. Curtis' eyes were closed, and she was biting her lip. She opened her eyes, but her jaw was firmly clenched. Then she clamped her thighs hard around my hand, bucked her hips a little under the blanket, and leaned forward, I presumed to cover her orgasmic motions. A few more thrusts, and the red-faced mom relaxed. After a few more pelvic thrusts, she pushed my hand away from her crotch. I was pretty sure that she'd had an orgasm and was finished with me. I pulled my hand out from under the blanket, and subtly wiped Mrs. Curtis' juices from my fingers onto the blanket.

Without a word, I climbed down the bleachers, and joined my teammates behind the backstop. On Coach Miles' orders, we grabbed some baseballs, moved out down the left field line away from the stands, and started to play catch to warm up. Away from the bleachers, I held my fingers up to Eric, and said, "Wanna smell Brad's mom?"

When it registered what I'd said to him, his jaw dropped. "What? Are you dreaming?"

"No," I replied. "I just finger fucked Mrs. Curtis under a blanket on the bleachers."

"Bullshit! Right up there next to her husband?"

"Yeah," I laughed.

"How? Why?" Eric stuttered.

"She didn't say a word, she just put the blanket over us, and placed my hand over her pussy. And I got two fingers in her!" I bragged.

"You asshole!" Laughed Eric. "I want to do that."

I was proud of myself for doing something that made Eric, the class stud, envious. "Well, if she let me finger her," I said pragmatically, 'She'd probably let you do it some time."


I overheard a group of team moms complaining about Vito's mom. They were commenting about the way she dressed at the games. I thought it somewhat hypocritical of several of them, since by this point in the hot season they were showing as much flesh and undergarments as Mrs. Nippola was. There was a difference, though. With some exceptions, the other moms generally wore what was considered acceptable casual summer attire for a sporting event. Their complaint about Mrs. Nippola was that they considered her flamboyantly underdressed. She came to the games right from work, and often wore spiked heels, tight miniskirts, frilly, colorful, low-cut, or see-through blouses, and push-up bras. Early in the season pantyhose were in evidence, but they disappeared with the cool weather. And at the last game, there was a thong sighting by Eric, who sat behind her on the bleachers.

The team players had noticed Mrs. Nippolas' wardrobe, and the rest of her appearance. I guess she was of Italian descent, judging by Vito's name and Mrs. Nippola's long thick black hair and dark eyes and complexion. She wasn't very tall, but she had a curvy figure and smooth legs. Many times one of us would walk by her as she sat on the bleachers, so we could look up her skirt, which she made easy. Standing over her was also a pleasure, because there was plenty of cleavage spilling out the top of her low-cut blouses and push-up bras. When we players weren't checking her out, we caught the dads doing it, which was likely one source of the moms' irritations. She was divorced, which also may have scared the moms a little. She would bounce up to the bleachers on her high heels, wiggling her butt and shoulders, waving and saying hello to us players and the dads. We liked her because she didn't act snobby or treat us like children. By appearances, she had to be just about the youngest mom on the team. With her tight and revealing clothes she just made me desire her.

At a weekday practice, Kip, Shawn, and I asked Vito for a ride home, and he said no problem. Mrs. Nippola arrived while we were still on the field, and I had trouble paying attention to what I was doing when I could see her sitting alone on the bleachers in a short skirt and blouse. I came in to bat, and she gave me a little wave. She uncrossed her legs, and her pink panties were on display up her skirt. No pantyhose tonight.

Practice ended, and the coaches and most of the players disappeared in a hurry. By the time Vito, Kip, Shawn, and I got settled in Mrs. Nippola's car, there were just a few players on bikes left. But Mrs. Nippola's car wouldn't start. She tried it a few times, but no deal. The four of us got out of the hot car and stood around the bleachers along with Pete and Tim, who sat on their bikes in no hurry to leave.

Mrs. Nippola made a couple of calls on her cell phone, and then exited her car and joined us by the bleachers. "Vito's uncle is going to come and jump the car, but he can't get here for about half an hour."

At first I was a little irritated. Until I got smart and realized that not only did I have nothing to do at home, but we were now marooned with a sexy MILF in a short skirt and a see-through blouse. And it was starting to get dark.

I'd have preferred to be marooned alone with Mrs. Nippola, but I had to make do with five of my teammates. Mrs. Nippola settled back into the third row of the bleachers, and was soon surrounded by four horny teens. Vito stood nearby. I sat down on the first row of the bleachers, in a position to look up Mrs. Nippola's skirt. She didn't disappoint, and shot me a nice view of her panties. If the moms didn't like the way she sat during the games, they should see the way she looked now, with her skirt hiked up high, a black see-through blouse that showed her black bra, and her cleavage spilling out the top of the scooping blouse.

At Mrs. Nippola's invitation, Pete and Tim had managed to grab bleacher seats on either side of her. With the whole bleacher for the five of us, they were up tight next to her. She didn't seem to mind their proximity. In fact, she put her hands on their thighs. Kip sat directly behind Mrs. Nippola, obviously looking down her blouse at her cleavage.

The baseball field wasn't far off of the street, but it was a quiet street with little traffic, and the houses across the street were quite a distance and hidden by trees. Beyond the outfield were only shrubs and trees. We were fairly isolated.

Mrs. Nippola took a cell phone call. "Oh, don't hurry," she told the caller. "I'm surrounded by six strong handsome young athletes." That gave my cock a jump, along with the little wink Mrs. Nippola gave me. Upon hanging up the phone, she said, "Vito, you don't mind if I get cozy with your friends, to you?"

"Why should I care?" replied Vito.

Mrs. Nippola pressed her thighs into Pete and Tim's. To do this she spread her legs wide, which hiked her skirt up even higher. Sitting in front of her, my eyes were at crotch level, and I looked between her two naked smooth inner thighs to see the mound of her pussy covered only by her tight pink panties. Mrs. Nippola ran her palms up Pete and Tim's thighs, and grazed their crotches. Presuming they wore their cups to practice, she was only grabbing hard plastic, but the idea of what she was doing was enough to raise the temperature of everybody on the bleachers.

"It's getting warm," said Mrs. Nippola. I think I'll unbutton my blouse a little." Mrs. Nippola's sheer low-cut blouse didn't have too many buttons, so she only had to undo three of them to open up her blouse and have both of her shiny bra cups exposed to the dimming light.

"Geez, Ma, why don't you just flash them your boobs?" Asked Vito.

Mrs. Nippola gave a little smile. "Do you boys want to see my boobs?"

"Yeah," was the unanimous reply from the five of us.

I couldn't believe it was that easy. And even easier was that Mrs. Nippola had a front-hook bra. With another dirty smile on her face, she unclasped the front of her bra, and her two tits fell out of their holsters. They weren't as gravity defying as her push-up bra suggested, but they were firm and sizable and sloped out nicely. Her dark areolas pointed up, and her nipples were long and hard. She proudly thrust her chest out and smiled as she modeled her bare tits for us.

The bare tits were soon covered by Pete's and Tim's hands, eagerly kneading and squeezing them.

Mrs. Nippola's feet were on either side of me, and I took advantage of my position to start stroking her calves. She looked down at me, and said, "Don, why don't you sit here, for a better view?" She patted her footrest. I deftly climbed down and sat on the board at her feet, facing her. My face was now nestled between her bare thighs. The hot mom reached down with her right hand and pulled her panty crotch to the side. I was now a foot away from her bare pussy. It was shaved, with dark brown flesh on her mound surrounding her pink lips. The only pubic hair was a black strip right above her slit.

I burrowed my face between her thighs, and licked her hairless pussy. She quickly stopped, reached under her skirt, lifted her butt up off the bench, and pulled her panties down her thighs. I helped her slide them down her legs, and left the warm silky garment on the bench beside me. It was soon kicked off the bleachers and fell under them. By the time I got back to the bare pussy in front of me, Mrs. Nippola's slit was already oozing juices onto the aluminum bench. I eagerly went back to licking into her pussy, slurping up and down and back and forth.

The two teens on either side of Mrs. Nippola had pulled down their pants and jocks. Mrs. Nippola jerked the two stiff cocks while I ate her out. Above her, Kip and Shawn were getting in some quick feels of her bare tits also. Mrs. Nippola took turns French kissing Pete and Tim. Soon Kip had his cock out, and Mrs. Nippola turned her head back and wrapped her lips on it.

"Vito, tell us if someone is coming," called Mrs. Nippola to her son.

"The only thing coming is you, Mom."

Mrs. Nippola stood up, and climbed onto Tim's lap with her back to him, and slid her pussy down onto his hard shaft. She used her knees to pump up and down. When she bounced too hard, the aluminum bleachers rattled, and she calmed down. Everybody, including me, took turns feeling her tits. I now whipped out my cock, stood in front of Mrs. Nippola, and she leaned forward and sucked on it. I could hear her slurping noises as her lips slid up and down my cock shaft. She even licked my dick head, while emitting little moans. It wasn't quite as good as a pussy, but getting a blow job seemed like the next best thing!

Tim came almost immediately. Mrs. Nippola slid off his cock, and laid down with her back on the bleacher. I quickly climbed between her legs, with my feet on the boards on either side of the one we were lying on. Mrs. Nippola squeezed me with her bare thighs, her skirt bunched up around her waist and her blouse and bra wide open. She wrapped her arms around me, and I slid my cock into her hot wet pussy.

Anybody driving or walking down the street might have noticed several bodies on the bleachers, but from that angle and in near-darkness they probably couldn't see any nudity or know that we were fucking. At least I hoped.

I pumped rapidly. I learned that being on top gave me a better angle to thrust faster than when Mrs. Miles had straddled me. I have to admit it only took me a minute to cum inside of her. I was proud of myself for lasting that long.

As soon as I climbed off and before I even had my wet cock back in my pants, Kip took my place and became the third Cougar to fuck our teammate's sexy brunette mom.

When Kip was done, Mrs. Nippola sat up. She pushed Pete down onto the bench, climbed on top of him, and fucked him while the rest of us played with her tits. She proudly bounced up and down, her back arched mostly, as we pawed at her jiggling tits.

Mrs. Nippola leaned over and took Tim's cock in her mouth. "Mmmmm! Mmmmm! Moaned Mrs. Nippola as she fucked and sucked. She started to writhe her body, circling her hips over Pete's cock.

Tim didn't even last as long as Pete, and came into Mrs. Nippola's mouth. Only after Mrs. Nippola swallowed his cum did she let the dick pop out of her mouth. She finished her orgasm, wailing loudly until Vito told her to keep quiet.

Just as we finished up, Vito's uncle drove up in his car. We quickly pulled our clothes up. Mrs. Nippola looked around for her panties, but had to give up and leave them behind as she helped get the car started. She gave us a ride home singing as she drove with the windows open.


Several days after Vito's mom's bleacher bang, my mom was driving me home from a practice. I'd already told her about the car not starting to explain why we were late getting home.

"Hey, Don?"

"Yeah, Mom."

The other night, were there any other girls at the park when you were waiting for the car to get jumped?"

"Uh, no Mom."

There was nobody else at the baseball diamond besides your teammates and Vito's mom?"

"No, Mom."

"I heard that some women's underwear was found under the bleachers the next morning."


"Nobody else stayed later?"

"No, Mom. We were the last ones to leave."

Mom dropped it, but I guess it pays to be discreet. Should've picked up those panties.


Our next game was an inter-league game in a nearby town. Our game was late afternoon, and it was scorching hot. Just a few feet from the playing field down the first base line was an outer six-foot chain link fence around the entire park. While an earlier game played, our team found some shade along the fence, since there was a row of trees just outside the fence. The coaches watched the previous game from behind the backstop.

Usually these away games had less parents attending, and I didn't see too many of the moms around the bleachers. Then I spotted Kip's mom, Mrs. Deil, on the other side of the fence. Smoking was banned from the park, and she was sneaking a smoke on the other side of the outer fence. I watched her working her way down to where we were sitting. She was wearing tiny white shorts that showed her nice slender legs, and a rustic blue tank top. Since I'd already seen her bare tit down her shirt another time, I was hoping that she'd be braless this time too. As she got closer I could detect two nipples poking through her top.

Mrs. Deil quietly sat down in the shade just a foot from where we were huddled on the other side of the fence. I worked my way over to the fence and glanced through. So did many of my teammates, no doubt also remembering that Mrs. Deil didn't always wear bras.

She didn't disappoint. She sat cross-legged, leaning forward. Her tank top was gapped open, and I got a look at her familiar right nipple capping her cone-shaped tit. It was so obvious that everyone could surely see it. Actually, when she turned a little, I could see both nipples, as her tits practically hung out of her top. And she turned to put out her cigarette in the dirt, a whole bunch of her left tit was visible through the arm hole of her top.

Mrs. Deil then engaged in small talk with the team, sitting and smiling while we all stared down her top and her bare tits. How could she not be aware? Or was she aware?

After a while, Kip wandered over to the fence. He looked down at his mom, and sarcastically said, "Geez, Mom, do you think you could flash your tits a little more?"

Mrs. Deil looked down at her top, but didn't cover herself. Then she stood up and said, "Sorry if I'm offending anybody."

"No need for apologies," said Tim.

Mrs. Deil pressed up against the chain link fence, with a little smile on her face. "Well, I hope you enjoyed the view."

"Yeah!' said several of my teammates.

Mrs. Deil smiled a dirty smirk while rubbing her chest against the fence. She glanced down at herself, reached up with her right hand, and slowly pulled her tank top down. She didn't have to pull down far until her white tit started to appear. Little doubt she could see me, and most of my other teammates, staring at her tit, as her brown nipple popped out over her top. She pulled further until her whole A-cup tit was exposed. Then she pressed forward again, until her tit was poking through the chain link fence.

There were several moans as Kip's mom stood there smirking and flashing her tit at us, her chest pressed against the fence. Then she pulled her top town to expose her left tit, and pushed that one through the fence, too.

I couldn't help myself. With her left tit just inches from me, and just the fence separating us, I reached up and rubbed my fingers over her hard nipple. When her only response was a smile, Tim reached up and felt her right tit.

Mrs. Deil moaned as both of her tits got felt through the fence. I tugged on her hard nipple, and squeezed as much of her little tittie as I could get my hands on. Then I leaned down and took the nipple into my mouth and sucked on it.

"Oooh", cooed Mrs. Diel. My teammates were pressed around me, so I hoped nobody else could see what we were dong with Kip's mom. But frankly I wasn't giving it much thought. I just didn't want to pass up the opportunity to play with a mom's bare tits. I flicked my tongue over her nipple.

I saw other hands trying to reach through the fence to get at Mrs. Deil. She pushed her crotch against the fence, and hand were touching her bare thighs and shorts-covered pussy.

I came up for a breath, and two other hands grabbed the tit that I had been licking. Mrs. Deil pressed her face up to the fence, her lips pursed. I pressed my lips up to the hole between the links, and attempted to kiss her. The fence prevented a good make-out session, but Mrs. Deil did stick her tongue out, and our tongues met and encircled each other outside of our mouths.

My cock was pressed against the fence, and Mrs. Deil stuck her fingers through the fence and touched my crotch over my uniform and cup. I quickly buckled my belt, and pulled my cock out. It was already hard. Mrs. Deil reached through just enough to touch my cock head. I pressed my crotch up to the fence and stuck my wiener all the way through. Mrs. Deil grabbed it with her left hand and jerked me off. I didn't understand what she meant when she said, "Oh, a glory hole."

Eric then took his cock out and stuck it through the fence, and Mrs. Deil gave both of us hand jobs while Tim and a few others played with her tits. Someone managed to unzip her fly and get her pants open enough that I could see her brown pubic hair sticking out.

Mrs. Deil slid to her left just a little, and rubbed her bare pussy over my dick head. Just like that, the head slid in her wet slit. I was now fucking my teammate's mom, in front of my teammate and the rest of my team, outside in broad daylight, and through a fence.

I humped as much as I could, but the fence kept me from getting maximum penetration. Mrs. Deil pulled out, and turned around. She pulled her shorts and her panties halfway down her thighs, exposing her bare white ass to the others and me. She pressed her ass up to the fence, and I felt her pussy sliding over my cock again. Again, my dick head penetrated the mature pussy.

I humped into the fence, and Mrs. Deil humped back into me. The fence made a little metallic noise. There wasn't much that my teammates could do now to touch Mrs. Deil, so they simply crowded around me and watched me fuck the older woman doggie style through the fence. I couldn't grab hold of Mrs. Deil, so I clutched the fence as I humped her. I could see enough of Mrs. Deil's face to see her eyes were closed, and she was smiling.

It didn't take Mrs. Deil long to start gyrating into an orgasm, and as she started to shudder, I quickly followed. As soon as I was done spurting into her pussy, I put my cock away, and Tim took my place in the chain link "glory hole", and fucked Mrs. Deil from behind.

My lust momentarily sated, I came back to reality and realized that we were pretty much out in the open fucking this woman. I looked over at the bleachers, perhaps seventy feet away, and nobody seemed to be watching us. There was nobody on the other side of the park fence approaching or watching Mrs. Deil. Out on the baseball field, some kid from another team was playing right field. He was watching us, likely getting glimpses of a near naked woman getting fucked through a fence. Just as he was gawking at us, a fly ball was hit in his direction, and it dropped right in front of him before his yelling teammates got his attention and he retrieved it.

After Tim came, Mrs. Deil faced us again, and got on her knees. She took Eric's cock in her mouth through the fence, and grabbed two more cocks with her hands. In short order she'd satisfied three more teen cocks, making five so far. She took on several more, with her hands, mouth and pussy, as Kip simply stood back and watched his mom getting gangbanged by his teammates in a ball field. Thinking I'd already seen everything, I had to laugh when I watched Kip pull out his cock and stick it though the fence. I don't even know if Mrs. Deil realized whom the cock belonged to when she grabbed it, but she was now jerking off her own son.

Tim was getting sucked off when came in Mrs. Deil's mouth, and Mrs. Deil pulled back too quick and got hit by a shot of jiz on her face. Her hands were also sticky with cum.

I don't know if everybody had gotten off when Coach Miles started walking our way; at least nearly everybody had. "Hey, Coach Miles is coming!" I said. Mrs. Deil pulled away from the fence, pulled up her shorts and zipped them up, and stuck her tits back into her top. She wiped off her mouth with the back of her hand, and we straightened up our uniforms as the coach approached. Mrs. Deil simply waved at Coach Miles as she walked away, and he waved back. We played a pretty good game and kicked ass. I attributed it to being relaxed.



"Yeah, Mom?"

"What was going on before the game today?"

"Uh, nothing."

"I saw Kip's mom down by the fence before the game." Mom had come to the game later. I was hoping she'd arrived after we played with Mrs. Diel, but I guess she got there during the middle of things. I hope she didn't see too much.

"It looked like there was a big commotion around her by the fence. Did somebody get hurt? What was she doing there?"

"She was smoking, and came over to talk to Kip."

"She didn't offer you boys a smoke, did she?"

"No, Mom, she didn't offer us a smoke." I hope I sounded sincere. Mom dropped it, so hopefully she was satisfied with my answers. Phew.


Kip wasn't a real friendly guy, and Vito just wasn't one of the guys we hung out with or sat next to on the bench, so there was minimal follow-up discussion about much of the team fucking their moms, or their own participation in their moms' gangbangs.

At the next game, Pete's mom showed up in the bleachers in a tight fashionable summer dress that scooped way down in front, showing some pushed-up cleavage, more cleavage than I thought the slender blonde possessed. Pet's mom was a bona-fide stuck up bitch, the kind of mom that tended to treat us like vermin when we were around, if she even acknowledged our presence. She seemed the least likely mom to wear something sexy to a ballgame. But then again she'd rarely attended her son's ballgames before.

And that's when a taboo was broken. Up to that point, as much as Pete and Eric and I talked about some of the hot moms in the stands, there was never any mention of any of our own moms. Eric's mom was a redhead with a little weight on her and very average looks, but I enjoyed staring at her big tits and wondered what the redhead's pussy hair looked like. Still, I wasn't about to mention Eric or Pete's moms, and they never mentioned mine.

But upon seeing Pete's mom, Eric asked, "Pete, what's up with your mom dressed that way?"

Pete didn't seem offended. "I think she's trying to piss off my dad. They're going through a divorce. She caught him fucking my sister's babysitter."

Pete's dad was Coach Clark, one of our team's assistant coaches. I thought he was a jerk. He was hired on after the draft as an extra coach, because Pete was not one of our best players. Actually, he was one of the worst. I think he played ball just because his dad made him. Coach Clark was a typical big loud jock, never teaching but always yelling. I hated the way he berated Pete for making mistakes.

So today Mrs. Clark was sitting up in the stands looking standout sexy and overdressed, while Coach Clark stewed on the bench or on the field.

This discussion of Pete's mom opened up a can of worms about each other's moms. Eric asked, "Ever seen your mom naked, Pete?"

Pete replied. "Yeah. But only since Dad moved out. She used to be real modest, but now she's always parading around the house in her underwear or sexy lingerie, and even leaving the bedroom door open when she changes."

"How about you, Mike?" asked Eric. Ever seen your mom naked?"

"No," replied Mike. "She keeps her door locked tight when she changes." I kept my mouth shut about seeing Mike's mom naked when she left the bedroom door open, right before she fucked me. "How about you, Eric?"

"Yeah, I've seen her naked. I'll come home and be real quiet so she doesn't know I'm there, and then she'll come out of her bedroom or the shower completely naked."

"What does she look like naked?" Asked Mike.

"Her tits are big and heavy and have light colored nipples," replied Eric about his redheaded mom. "And her bush is basically the same red color as the hair on her head. Pretty wild looking."

"Wow, a firebush!" Said Mike. I'd never heard that term before, and it made me chuckle.

"How about you, Dan?" asked Pete.

"No," I replied. "I've never seen her naked. Never tried."

"Why the fuck not?" Asked Eric. "She's the hottest mom on the team."

I was taken aback by that comment. Not because I was offended, but I just thought of my mom as a mom. Before Kip and Vito took part in their respective moms' jizfest, I couldn't imagine any son having sexual thoughts of his own mother.

I looked back at the bleachers, and there was Mom. She was very tall, five foot ten inches. And pretty enough for her age. I guess I always knew she was pretty. She did have long legs, which were currently on display in her shorts. And yeah, I guess she did have big tits. Wow, I guess she had REALLY big tits, now that I look at her in her tight red tank top. I felt my cock stirring in my cup, thinking about my mom as a sex symbol, and thinking about my teen teammates thinking about her sexually, the way I thought about their moms.

As if on queue, Mom leaned over to retrieve something from her purse, allowing her tank top to gap open, and a whole lot of cleavage to be displayed to my teammates. "Ummmmm!" several groaned.

Mike asked to no one in particular, "Anybody here fucked their mom?"

A month ago I would have laughed at such an absurd question. But witnessing Kip and Vito fondling their moms' tits, it didn't seem like such a wild inquiry.

Shawn replied, "I've SEEN my mom fucking. I watched her fuck a boyfriend a couple of years ago."

"Was that kind of sick?" Asked Mike.

"She's been divorced from my dad for years, so she had this one boyfriend. Nothing weird about it. It was pretty hot, watching them banging away. She was on top, and her ass was grinding and her tits were hanging down."

We didn't always have to look behind us in the stands for some female action. Sometimes we could just look forward. Shawn's mom, Mrs. Truffeau, was one of our coaches. Not that she knew much about baseball. But here's the way it worked with our league: the dads were all nuts about winning games, more than us players were, so picking the best players was important. And before the season, when the league held a draft, the managers got to reserve their kid, and their coach's kids. So how good an assistant coach's kid played was more important than how well the dad could coach. And since Shawn was a great player, and his mom was divorced and Shawn's dad wasn't around, Coach Miles picked Mrs. Truffeau as an assistant coach so he could automatically get Shawn on his team.

So at practices and at games, Mrs. Truffeau was the only female on the baseball field. She wasn't the prettiest of moms, or one of the classiest or ladylike. Her face was just average, and her shoulder-length brown hair was sort of unkempt and unstyled. And her body was sorta skinny. But she did have nice sized tits on such a skinny frame. And her ass and legs weren't bad, either, when she was the only female to look at. She couldn't coach us on much, but I liked watching her spread her legs and stick her ass out while she hit fungos to us.

She started out the year as just a mom, but the more time she spent around us, she loosened up and tolerated our juvenile behavior and jokes. Sometimes I think she tried to fit in and act like a little more like a regular person and less like a mom. And sometimes I think perhaps she enjoyed our dirty teen innuendos.

And when the weather warmed up, she wasn't afraid to dress skimpy in front of us; or the people in the stands. At practices it started with tight tank tops and spandex shorts over her skinny butt. Soon she was wearing that to games. And once she wore a one-piece bathing suit with cutoffs at a game, coaching first base like that. I don't know what the parents or Coach Miles thought, but we took notice on the bench.

It seemed to start when she caught me staring at her tits once, and just smiled at me. Then she started trading dirty innuendos, when someone would make some juvenile dirty comment. Like when Kip held two baseballs in his hand and said something about having "a pair of big balls". Mrs. Truffeau retorted, "Kip, you only wish your balls were that big." And then some baseball bat jokes. Guys standing with their baseball bats between their legs, and someone would say something dirty. Mrs. Truffeau said, "I've had bigger."

And then she started rubbing up against us. It began as little pats of our shoulders or backs when we made a good play. Some of the visiting fields had actual dugouts, or at least benches obscured by tarps and things. I used to sit next to Mrs. Truffeau on the bench as she kept score, and read the score sheet. She'd sit close to me as she explained how she kept score, and rub her bare leg against mine, and I'd press back. Once Mrs. Truffeau stood behind me on the bench and put her hand on my shoulders. She slowly caressed my shoulders and back, and then leaned forward until I could feel her upper thigh pressing against my upper arm. I pressed back, and then she pressed her pussy mound into my shoulder. All of this was out of the eyeshot and earshot of the other coaches and adults.

It got to the point that when she was coaching first base and I'd get on base, she'd come over and whisper some instructions to me, and press her tit into my shoulder. It was hard to concentrate on the game when she did that.

Then today, she showed up to the game in her black spandex shorts and tight white tank top, only this time she wasn't wearing a bra! Kip and Eric and Pete and I all noticed right away. The whole game she's out coaching the bases like that, and coming back to the bench and parading in front of us, as her sizable tits jiggled on her slender frame under her top, her nipples poking through.

Mrs. Truffeau's son Shawn heard the comments from us boys, and finally said out loud, "Geez, Mom, why don't you just flash your boobs?"

Everybody chuckled, and Mrs. Truffeau looked down at her chest. "They're just boobs. What, you boys don't like boobs?"

"Show us your boobs and we'll tell you if we like them," quipped Kip.

"You boys should be paying attention to the game, not boobs. We're down four runs. We need to win this game."

"Flash us once and we'll get motivated," said Pete.

"You win this game, and maybe I will, Pete," said Mrs. Truffeau.

I didn't think she meant it, but that WAS motivation, and we came from behind and beat our rivals in an important game. We were stoked about it, but the adults and coaches were even more ecstatic. Mrs. Truffeau invited all of us players over to her house for a sleepover celebration. We all went home and changed, and got dropped off at Shawn and Mrs. Truffeau's house.

By the time I got there, Mrs. Truffeau was three sheets to the wind. She'd clearly been celebrating by having a few drinks, and met me at the door with a beer in her hand. She was wearing the same spandex shorts and braless white tank top she wore at the game. She gave me a hug and mumbled something about "a great game!"

Everybody else on the team was already in the family room next to the kitchen, and Mrs. Truffeau joined us there. She walked among us, holding a beer bottle in her left hand, telling each of us individually, "Good game." She was patting us on the butt with her right hand. I saw Eric return the pat by patting Mrs. Truffeau on the butt, and she just smiled at him. That emboldened me, so when she walked by me and patted my butt, (actually, more of a squeeze), I grabbed a handful of her ass. The spandex gave way as I squeezed, and I cupped her cheek for a moment. Mrs. Truffeau moved on, but looked back and gave me a dirty smirk. My heart was thumping by my boldness, the feel of her butt, and her dirty smirk.

Shawn had some music playing, and Mrs. Truffeau started dancing with herself. Of course all of us teen boys watched her braless tits shake.

"Shake 'em", yelled Kip. That only encouraged her more, and she shook her tits and thrust her hips at us.

"Hey, weren't you going to show your boobs if we won the game?" asked Pete.

"I said MAYBE," said Mrs. Truffeau.

"Oh, come on, Mom, just show 'em. They're practically hanging out anyways," said Shawn. They were hanging out the top and spilling out through the armholes at the sides.

The rest of us hollered out words of encouragement. Mrs. Truffeau put down her beer bottle, smiling, like she was pondering. Then she leaned over, bending at the waist, grabbed the top of her tank top in front with both hands, and pulled it open, revealing her hanging tits. I could see her white puppies dangling down, capped with large brown areolas. We all cheered, but the show was a quick one, and she stood up with a big dirty smile on her face.

"More!" We bellowed. Mrs. Truffeau smirked at us before taking a swig from her beer bottle. "More! Take it off!"

"Your turn," she said. "You take your shirts off."

I don't know if she was bluffing or not, but Eric and I peeled off our shirts, and soon the entire team was standing and sitting around shirtless. Mrs. Truffeau put her beer bottle down, crossed her arms, grabbed the hem of her top, and started to lift up. Soon she was peeling her shirt up over her tits and trough her hair.

All of us boys hollered and whistled as Shawn's mom stood and posed topless for us. Her tits did look pretty big on her slender frame. They were very pale, but her areolas were pretty darned large and quite dark. Her tits sloped down just a bit, but were round. I watched as her nipples puckered and stuck out.

Mrs. T picked up her beer bottle and took a swig, taking in the attention and hoots and whistles. She looked down at her naked tits, and then swung her shoulders from side to side, which caused her tits to shake. After getting more hollers and whistles, she shook her chest up and down to make her tits bobble.

Mrs. T leaned back against her fireplace mantle. She put her beer on the mantle, and rested her arms on it. There was a moment there when nobody knew what to do. Mrs. T asked, "Don't any of you want to feel them?" With that, Kip and Shawn approached her and each grabbed a tit. Mrs. T gave her own son a dirty smile as he felt her tit. The rest of us approached, and soon there were numerous hands reaching out for tits. Other hands found her spandex shorts and felt her ass. Mrs. T smiled as she got jostled around. She managed to grab a few guys' cocks and asses, and tugged down on a few guys' pants until she got some bare stiff cocks in her hands.

I was able lean in and get my right hand on her right tit briefly, crudely squeezing it and tugging at her hard nipple. But the competition was harsh, and I got knocked off balance. I ended up on my knees right in front of Mrs. T. I was inches away from her pussy mound, and so I reached in and rubbed the hump over her tight pants. After a bit, I wanted naked flesh, and so I tried to reach in the top of her shorts, but they were too tight. Mrs. T looked down at me stretching her shorts, smiling at me. I reached up and started to pull her pants down. Somebody who was feeling her ass helped, and several hands yanked her pants down along with her white panties. I pulled them down to her ankles, and Mrs. T stepped out of the garments.

I was now staring directly at a naked pussy, covered with brown hair. It was sexy. I reached in and rubbed the matted fur for a moment, and then slid my middle finger in. Mrs. T was very wet. I finger fucked her for a bit as Mrs. T. grabbed several guy's heads and pulled them towards her to make out with them. She spread her legs a little further apart, giving me room to work.

Since eating Vito's mom, I had dreamed of licking another pussy. I burrowed my head into her crotch, felt her hair tickling my nose, and found her wet slit with my tongue. Mrs. T's pussy was hot and musky smelling. I loved the scent, and licked deep and rapidly. Mrs. T spread wider and thrust her pussy harder into my face.

"OK, swing your bats. Show me your lumber," hollered Mrs. Truffeau.

"Huh?" Said Brian.

"Take off your pants!"

All of us stripped out of the rest of our clothes. Mrs. T broke away from the pack, and as I stood up she grabbed my hand. "Don gets to go first because he ate my pussy so well." She reached down and grabbed my hard cock, and stroked it rapidly. As she did, she grabbed my head and pressed her lips against mine, sliding her tongue into my mouth. Apparently she didn't have an issue with kissing the mouth that just licked her pussy. Then she pulled me over to a coffee table, and said, "Lay down, Don." I obeyed, lying on my back on the wooden coffee table, my legs hanging off the end. Shawn's naked mom threw one leg over me, and lowered her torso over my crotch. I felt her slide her pussy down over my cock, and felt the warm wetness slide down the shaft, until her pubic hair met mine. Her tits were dangling over my head, and I grabbed them both.

Mrs. T got in a nice rhythm as she fucked me. My teammates circled the table, and reached out to play with their female coach's tits. Someone stuffed a cock in her face, Kip I think, and she sucked on it while grabbing two more cocks with her hands.

"Ooh, Mmmph!" I heard her moan as her lips stretched around Kip's cock. She squeezed her pussy tightly around my cock, and thrust her hips rapidly. I knew I wasn't going to last long, and it sounded like Mrs. T wasn't either. "Ggrrrpph! MMooorrphh!"

My coach gyrated her hips around rapidly, and shuddered. I let loose with a load of jism, up into her mature pussy. She fell down onto my sweaty chest, her tits mashed against me.

Finally Mrs. T sat up, and lifted her pussy off my glistening cock. I stood up, wobbly, and immediately Kip took my place on the table. Mrs. T simply smiled and lowered herself back down onto Kip's cock, and she was off to the races again.

I realized that I was starving, so I grabbed one of the sandwiches that were sitting out, and sat and watched the action for bit. My female coach was naked and humping my friend, while an entire team of naked baseball players surrounded her with their hard cocks. Those that weren't getting direct action from Mrs. T's pussy, mouth, or hand, were pulling their own cocks, or grabbing her tits.

Rejuvenated, I joined the game again, getting my hands on Mrs. T's jiggling tits. Kip didn't even last as long as I did, and soon Tim was under the coach and getting fucked.

Mrs. T got about half way through the team, and then started switching positions. She took Chris as she lied on her back on the coffee table, Mike while lying on the couch, she sat on Kyle's lap on the couch as she fucked him, and finally Eric fucked her as she lied on the kitchen table with her legs over his shoulders as he stood between her legs.

It was then that I noticed Shawn standing in the back, naked, stroking his hard cock. Mrs. T noticed him too, and called out, "C'mon, Shawn! I can see you want a piece of me too." Shawn sauntered over to his mom, and she gave him a kiss on the lips. She reached down and grabbed his cock and stroked it slowly. Shawn played with her tits. Mrs. T pulled him over to the couch, pulled him on top of her, and guided his cock into her pussy. Shawn fucked his own mom in front of his friends, and if either of them was ashamed they sure didn't act like it. They fucked rapidly and loudly, and both seem to have loud orgasms.

We did one more round after dark, and I got to fuck Mrs. T doggie style as she bent over the table, my crotch slapping into her rippling ass. By the third time through the team, Mrs. T was lying back on the floor, a beer in one hand and a sandwich in the other, for several guys. It was nearly dawn by the fourth round, and a sloppy drunk Mrs. T was having to suck my cock to get it rock hard again. And she did a great job on it. It was great feeling having her wet lips sliding up and down my sore shaft. I finished in her pussy, lying on top of her on the couch.


As occupied as my brain, and my cock, were, thinking about fucking and playing around with Mrs. T's naked body, I was also giving some thought to my own mom. I'd never given her any thought before, sexually. And then I heard all the comments from my friends on how sexy they thought she was. And then I watched three of my teammates playing with and even fucking their own moms. And then I saw Mom on the bleachers flashing cleavage and legs. Could I get turned on by my own mom?

There was confusion for a few days. She did make my cock jump when I saw her on the bleachers. Was that a fluke? I observed her closer at home.

Which is to say I checked out her body. I concluded that if she'd been anybody else's mom, I would find her hot. I started checking out her legs when she wore shorts. I tried to look down her tops. I watched her ass wiggle and tits jiggle when she walked. And then I saw her in the morning in just her nightshirt. She was braless. Her tits looked pretty darned firm, swaying as she walked. I sat across from her when she sat down in her short nightshirt, trying to look up her legs, and managed to get a glimpse of her white panties. When nobody else was home, I snooped in her room, rifling through her underwear and lingerie drawers. Her underwear was pretty boring. Mostly white and conservative, with just a few pastels and black stuff. No thongs, no front hook bras, no real push-up bras. I found a few used pairs of panties in her closet, searched through the crotch, and found one very long curly pubic hair. She wasn't shaved. That night, for the first time, I masturbated while picturing my mom naked.


Eric was a two-sport player, and was sometimes absent from practices because of a high school track event. Eric's mom, Mrs. Taylor was a "team mom", meaning that she sometimes helped arrange snacks and parties and stuff. Before the next practice, Mrs. Taylor was there despite the fact that Eric wasn't. Coach Miles announced that we would be voting on Team Captain, and that Mrs. Taylor would be officiating because coaches weren't allowed to sway the vote. So Mrs. Taylor was the only adult within earshot as we sat on the bench.

"Um," she began, "I have a really really huge favor to ask. I'd like you to vote for Eric for team captain. I think it would help his college resume."

Eric was the best player in the league and very popular among the other players. He would have been my first choice regardless. But it was a little strange for his mom to be intervening. There was silence from the team.

"Um, can you be bribed?" Asked Mrs. Taylor. "What can I do to make you vote for Eric?"

After a brief silence, from the end of the bench someone muttered, "Show us your fire bush." I don't know if he meant it to be audible, but the team snickered.

I cringed and waited for Mrs. Taylor to explode. But the redheaded mom was trying to bribe us, so she couldn't really squeal on us, could she? She smirked and looked at us through her glasses. "If that's what you want. You make Eric captain, and I'll show you my fire bush. Okay!"

We all looked at each other and muttered our affirmatives. Mrs. Taylor passed out paper and pen, and we each voted. I couldn't help stare at her big tits in her tight t-shirt and her crotch protruding from her tight shorts, as she collected my ballot. Would she really show a team full of her son's friends her pussy?

When Mrs. Taylor counted the ballots, or course Eric won. Unanimously, I would bet. "Thank you, boys. A deal is a deal. On Wednesday after school, Eric has a track meet. I'll be home alone. You all come over. And don't tell a soul. Promise?"

Once again we all agreed with the redheaded mom, and continued with the practice, eleven boys with hardons stuffed in their cups and jocks.

Wednesday came, and I walked over to Eric's house. I met several other boys at the door, which was open. We walked through the screen door, and heard Mrs. Taylor upstairs. She yelled down, "Go on downstairs and grab a pop. I'll be down when everybody is here." What, was she going to come downstairs naked or something? Within a few minutes the entire team, sans Eric, was gathered in Mrs. Taylor's downstairs family room. I was on the couch surrounded by teammates, when Mrs. Taylor yelled, "Is everybody here?"

"Yeah," we hollered. Mrs. Taylor came down the stairs and entered the room. She was dressed real sexy. Bordering on slutty. Her skirt was so tight I don't know how she got down the stairs in it. Her white blouse scooped low, showing plenty of her ample cleavage. She had on hose and spiked heals. Her face was made up, and her earrings and necklace were white. I realized that it was the first time I'd ever seen her with her glasses off.

The team started hooting and whistling. Mrs. Taylor smiled and posed for us, putting one hand up and one on her hips. "Are you ready for a show, boys?"

"Yeah!" we bellowed. Mrs. Taylor turned around and pressed a button on a CD player behind her. Some pop dance song I didn't recognize started to play. Mrs. Taylor started dancing.

The first thing I noticed was the way her cleavage jiggled. Then her whole tits in her bra jumped up and down. Mrs. Taylor was a pretty average dancer, but she had a few sexy moves, like putting her hands up over her head as she thrust her chest out. As she spread her legs and moved her hips, her tight skirt hiked up some, and I watched her meaty thighs. I could see her hose tops peeking out from under her hem. She was wearing garters.

My friend's mom leaned over and showed us more of her hanging tits, spilling out of her bra. To a round of whistles and grunts from the baseball team, she shook them. She even walked right over to where I was sitting on the couch, and shook them right in my face. Then she straightened up, heaved her chest out, and spread her legs wide, exposing her garters and the upper parts of her bare mature thighs. I'd seen her in shorts to know that the tops of her thighs were freckled, but now I was seeing her inner thighs up near her crotch and the freckles were fewer. Her garters were a lavender color. Soon I could see her panty crotch, and her panties were also lavender.

Mrs. Taylor turned around, and shook her ass at us. Her butt was fairly big, but I still enjoyed the mature woman shaking it at me. So did my teammates, judging by their faces and their hollering. She even bent down and stuck her butt in our faces. This caused her skirt to rise so much in back that I could see her panty crotch between her legs. I couldn't see the back of her panties. I wondered if she were wearing thongs.

Mrs. Taylor faced us as she started to unbutton her blouse. Soon she was opening it up wide for us, displaying her lacy lavender push-up bra that matched her panties and garters. She slowly dropped the blouse behind her, and I gawked at her big tits inside of her bouncing bra. Her tits were hanging out the top and the sides of her cups.

Our Team Mom fumbled with a clasp on the side of her tight skirt, and slowly pulled down her zipper, smiling at us as she did, wiggling her hips side to side. Then she started to tug the tight garment down her hips, with some difficulty. She kept working at it, side to side, until her tight silk lavender panties were completely in view. She bent over as she pulled her skirt down her legs, and somewhat awkwardly stepped out of them.

Mrs. Taylor walked and danced her way back and forth right in front of us in her bra and panties and garter and hose and heels. She shook her coarse red hair. I watched her thighs jiggling. Then she lowered her left bra strap. "Yeah!" Mike yelled.

She dropped the other strap. She reached behind her, and worked on the bra clasp. She unhooked it, and held her bra up over her tits with her right arm. Finally, after much loud coaxing, she dropped the bra, and her big tits bobbled free. Her chest was heavily freckled, but after the first inch or so of cleavage, her pale tits were free of freckles. Her wide areolas were a bright pink color. Her nipples didn't appear as fat as Mike's mom's, but they appeared longer.

Mrs. Taylor again put her hands up in the air and shook her tits at us, thrusting them out, before leaning over me and shaking them in my face. I wanted to reach out and grab them, but I wasn't sure if that's what she wanted.

Mrs. Taylor turned her back to us. She was, indeed, wearing thongs. Both of her large mature butt cheeks were bare, jiggling and rippling. They were nearly free of freckles, but not quite. She shook her cheeks rapidly. Then she put her hands on her knees and bent over, giving her big butt a little booty popping, or at least a mature suburban white mom's version of it.

She faced us again. She hooked her thumbs into the waistband of her thongs.

"Are you ready for it?"

"Yeah!" We hollered.

"Do you want to see my fire bush?"

"Yeah! C'mom!" we yelled."

"What? I can't hear you. Do you REALLY want to see my fire bush?"


Mrs. Taylor started to tug down her panties at the sides. First her right side, then her left, teasing us by pulling them down a little and then back up. She rubbed her crotch, and thrust her pussy at us with her legs spread. With eleven boys yelling and frothing, she finally snuck them down further, and her red pubic hairs snuck out of her panties. She bent at the waist and pulled her thongs off, kicking them off of her heels.

As Eric had said, her pubic hair was red, just a shade lighter than the hair on her head, or maybe it was the light. It was a striking pussy. It was a thick patch, but trimmed back at the bikini line.

Mrs. Taylor stood directly in front of the couch again, thrusting her hips and shaking her tits. Kip, sitting next to me on my right, reached up and tried to grab a tit, but Mrs. Taylor pulled back, smiling. She then thrust her pussy into the face of Mike, who was sitting on my left. He reached up and got a handful of pussy, and Mrs. Taylor allowed his feel for just a moment before stepping away. Shawn was sitting in a chair to Mike's left, and Mrs. Taylor shook her bare ass in his face, and he got both of his palms on her cheeks for a moment.

Then Mrs. Taylor danced her way back over to me. She spread her legs and danced right over me, she was so close that I could smell her perfume, and see her pussy lips glistening under the red hair. She dangled her tits over me, inches from my face. Then she straddled me, and rested her bare butt on my lap. She scooted higher, until her crotch was rubbing mine. My friend's mom was giving me a lap dance!

I put my hands on her bare hips just below her garter belt. When she didn't object to the touch, I slid them up her sides and grabbed her tits. She arched her back and thrust her jugs into my face as I squeezed them. My cock was hard in my shorts and rubbing against her pussy mound.

Kip and Mike reached up and got handfuls of tit, so I lowered one hand down to her pussy, and ran my fingers through the coarse red hair. I burrowed my face between her tits, and licked her cleavage. I pushed Mike's hand out of the way, and suctioned onto Mrs. Taylor's right nipple. It was long, and I flitted my tongue around it as I suckled her.

I felt a hand on my pants. Mrs. Taylor was snapping them. I reached down and eagerly helped her unzip my fly, and released my hard cock. Mrs. Taylor stroked it a few times, and then rubbed it along her pussy slit. I could feel a mixture of her hair and her smooth pussy lips. Then she rose up a little, and slid my dick head into her pussy. She was plenty wet, and she slid down the shaft with no problem.

I was fucking the mature redhead. While feeling and sucking her big tits. Man!

I leaned back for a good view of Mrs. Taylor's body and face. Her eyes were alternately opening and closing, her tits were jiggling, and even her thighs rippled as she thrust into me. Kip and Mike were feeling her again, and Shawn was standing next to her getting in his feels. Mrs. Taylor leaned over and made out with me, entangling her tongue around mine. Then she leaned back and found Shawn's lips and made out with him while I fucked her.

Mrs. Taylor started to shudder and whimper. Her noises got downright crude. She opened her mouth and let out several loud wails. She gyrated on my lap, and clamped her big thighs around my waist. I wasn't about to last long, and before I could say a word, I shot my jizm into her pussy.

As soon as Mrs. Taylor's first orgasm subsided, she stood up, turned around, and sat on Mike's lap. Mike whipped out his cock, and I could see him stuffing it up into Mrs. Taylor's pussy. As the big woman bounced up and down on Mike, he reached around and squeezed her tits. I reached over and gave them a few more grabs, but the competition from the rest of my team was overwhelming and I gave up. Shawn stood in front of Mrs. Taylor, and whipped out his hard cock. The red haired mom leaned forward and took the choad into her mouth and sucked it. She also reached out and grabbed two more cocks and stroked them.

Once Mike came, Mrs. Taylor stood up, and ended up leaning over the couch's armrest, sucking Kip's cock while Tim fucked her from behind. After those two were done, Mrs. Taylor ended up kneeling in front of Pete and sucking him as she sat on the couch, while Brad fucked her doggie style, followed by Kyle and Brian and Chris.

Soon Mrs. Taylor's nylons were shredded and unhooked from her garters, and her shoes were finally off. But she still wore her pearl necklace, and as she laid on the couch on her back, I climbed on top of her chest and slid my cock between her two big tits, and with her help squeezing her mounds around my shaft, I spit a load of cum onto her freckled chest and her pearls.

Mrs. Taylor apologized that she had to ask us to leave before Eric or his dad might come home. We helped clean up the room a little, as Mrs. Taylor gingerly collected her strewn clothes and walked bowlegged up to her bedroom.


When Mom was driving me home from a game, she asked, "Hey, Don, do your coaches ever talk to you about paying attention to the game?"

"All the time."

"It seems like a few of you spend a lot of time looking back into the stands. Are you looking for someone?"

"Uh, no."

"I'd think that you guys were looking for girls, but there haven't been any girls on the bleachers. Just moms."

"Yeah. Well, moms are girls."

"You boys aren't looking at moms are you?"

"No! What if we were?"

"It's Vito's mom, isn't it? She's young and she dresses a little improper sometimes, I think."

"I dunno, Mom. She doesn't show any more than some other moms in shorts and tank tops and stuff."

"Oh, so you boys ARE looking at some moms."

I wanted to lie, but Mom wasn't stupid. Plus, I wondered if MY mom was checking US out the way some of the other moms were. "Maybe a couple."

"Is Vito's mom your favorite? "

"Um, nope, not really."

"Hmm. Kip's mom then. She wasn't wearing a bra at the last game."

"I don't know."

"So which mom is getting the most attention?"

"I guess you do." I can't believe I blurted that out. But I was horny and wanted to get a reaction from Mom.


"Yeah. Some of the guys said you were the hottest mom."

"Are you joking?"

"No. Really."

"Who said that?"

"A couple of guys."


Mom kept pushing me for names, but I thought that was indiscreet. I stonewalled. But after we got home, and we were alone on the family room watching TV, she asked again.

"It was Mike, wasn't it? He looks back a lot."

"He was one."

"C'mon. Who else? Shawn?"


Mom started naming every player. I said "yes" or "no" or "I don't remember" for each. Funny that she didn't mention Eric. Finally, "Eric?"

"Yeah, Eric."

"Really? What did he say?"

"I don't know. Just that you were hot."

"He thinks I'm pretty?"

"Yeah, they all think you're pretty. And they said you had the best, um, body."

"My legs?"

"Yeah. Your legs and your big boobs they mentioned." I tried not to stare at Mom's tits when I said that. But when I DID steal a glance, her nipples were protruding through her t-shirt.

Dad came home then, and Mom stopped pestering me, but the look on her face the rest of the night was like a schoolgirl who got a note passed to her by the popular boy.


A big part of the league's revenue was made from our ball park's concession stand, which was open whenever there was a game playing. Each player and one parent were required to work in the concession stand during one game a year, unless they could bribe their way out. I couldn't bribe my way out. So I was assigned to work the concession stand on a Saturday afternoon when I wasn't playing. I didn't know anything about working a concession stand, and I wasn't looking forward to it.

Until I entered the back door to the concession stand, and was greeted by Mrs. Kreske, the mom who rubbed up against Eric.

"Hi, Don!" I was flattered that she knew my name. "We get to spend the next two hours together," she said with a smile. When my eyes adjusted to the lower light in the tiny room, I looked her over. Her dark brown hair was permed and barely covered her ears, not a youthful look, but classy. Her face was cute, her lips full, her earrings white. Her round medium-sized tits poked out of her tight tank top. Her pussy mound protruded from her gray cotton shorts. They were quite short, and her fleshy but firm thighs were on almost full display.

"Have you ever worked the concessions before?"

"Uh, No," I mumbled.

"Well, I'm experienced," she said with a smirk. "Let an experienced woman show you everything you need to know."

I felt my cock tingle.

Mrs. Kreske proceeded to show me everything - about the concessions. How to wrap the hot dogs, how much the candy and bottled water cost, how to put cheese on the nachos. There really wasn't much to it. Still, I let her serve the first few customers, as I stood back and admired her round ass.

I volunteered to assist the next customer. As I handed a woman her candy and waited for her money, Mrs. Kreske stood behind me and pressed her tit into my arm, the way I watched her do it to Eric. I wasted little time in rubbing back into her.

After that, the game was on. When I waited on the next customer, she stood behind me and put her hand on my waist, and pressed her bare knee into my bare thigh. By the third customer, the back of her hand was pressed against my butt. I got a hardon, and while we worked around the tiny room, she managed to brush her hand against it.

There were no words spoken about it, even when there were no customers at the window, but soon she was squeezing my butt cheeks as I was waiting on customers. When she waited on a customer, I pushed my hard cock against her butt. She leaned in my direction until my cock rested between her butt cheeks. I pressed forward into her crack, surprised at how great her jiggling cheeks felt around my cock, like a hot dog nestled in a bun.

The last customer left, but I stayed there, pressed against her ass. She reached back and felt my cock. I reached down and touched her ass, squeezing her right check through her thin shorts.

Mrs. Kreske turned around, leaned her elbows back onto the counter, thrust her tits out, and spread her legs slightly. She looked at me with a dirty smirk on her face, but said nothing. I moved forward until my hardon pressed into her pussy. She bucked her hips a few times and rubbed her pussy up and down along my cock. I saw a customer approaching, and broke away as Mrs. Kreske turned around.

I slid my hand up under her shorts and panties, and felt her bare ass right there in front of somebody's oblivious dad. I was very subtle about my movements. I looked out at the field, and at the bleachers. I spotted Mrs. Kreske's husband sitting in the stands. I reached into the front of his wife's shorts and rubbed her crotch over her wet panties.

With a break between customers, Mrs. Kreske suddenly dove down onto her knees. She yanked my shorts and boxers down, and grabbed my hard cock. With her head below the counter where nobody could see her, I felt her slide her lips over my dick head, and then down the shaft. A customer appeared, an old lady, and I got her order and took her money and made change, while Mrs. Kreske sucked my cock. If the lady had any inkling what was going on, or why I didn't move my feet as I reached for her candy, she didn't say.

Several more people approached the concession stand. Mrs. Kreske heard them coming, and popped up before they arrived. I pulled my shorts up and we both serviced several customers. After Mrs. Kreske served the last one, I fell to my knees. I grabbed Mrs. Kreske's shorts by the sides, and tugged them down quickly, along with her panties. Faced with a sizable triangular patch of thick brown pubic hair, I burrowed my nose in, and found her moist slit. I licked rapidly as she moaned and gyrated her hips. I heard her serving one customer as I quietly ate her pussy below the counter, and then she pulled me up and pulled up her shorts as more customers approached.

As Mrs. Kreske finished with the last customer, I dry humped her again, and as soon as the woman turned her back, I tugged her shorts and panties down. While staring at her round white mature ass cheeks and long crack, I yanked my own shorts and boxers down. I slid my cock along her pussy slit between her legs several times, and then slid the length of the shaft into her wet pussy.

Careful not to move too much, I humped into Mrs. Kreske from behind as she put one foot up on a shelf below the counter. I fucked her doggie style as we looked out at the ball game and the adults on the bleachers, including Mrs. Kreske's husband. She leaned her elbows onto the counter, and I kept my movements below the counter level. But thrust I did, and I could hear my hips slapping into her rippling bare butt cheeks. The sounds of cheering fans and umpire's calls and balls hitting bats faded into the background.

Mrs. Kreske panted, but otherwise kept silent. I reached up under the front of her tank top, up under her bra cups, and got in a few squeezes of her bare tits. I could feel her hard nipples as I thrust up into her.

"Um, um," started Mrs. Kreske. I watched her eyes. Her lids were closing, and there was a smile on her face. "Whoooo," she purred. She started to buck her hips back into me. Her body started to shudder.

The feeling of my hard cock sliding along her smooth lubricated pussy walls was amazing. Baseball used to be my favorite thing in life. Now, just about everything I lived for was fucking a willing woman, and even in such a non-private location I knew I was close to cumming.

Mrs. Kreske's hips spasmed and squirmed. I looked at her, and she was biting her lip. "Uhh! Ohhhh!" She soon erupted with gyrations and spasms, just as I spewed a gush of cum up into her pussy. A grandmotherly woman walked by the stand and gave us a quizzical look, but kept walking.

Mrs. Kreske's face dripped with perspiration as she panted. I looked out at her husband, who was oblivious that a teenaged boy had just fucked his wife within view of him. I slowly slid my cock out of Mrs. Kreske, and we both quickly fixed our clothes just as several more customers arrived at our stand.

For the next several minutes, until we were relieved from our shift, we took care of customers, and instead of sexual grabass games, Mrs. Kreske held my hand or patted my butt. As we finally walked out of the concession stand, Mrs. Kreske smiled at me and said, "Don, it was a pleasure working with you. I'd love to do it again some time."

"Name the time, Mrs. Kreske," I replied.

With a wink, Mrs. Kreske said, "I'll get back to you on that."



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