© MMXII All Rights Reserved
Authors Note:
The idea for this story came from janetsexy77 in a story idea forum.
Special thanks to...
Editor: ElmerStudd
This story and it's associated images contain sexually explicit content. If you are not at least 18 (or the age of legal majority) or if this type of content is in any way restricted in your locale please leave this site now.
This story contains adult oriented content. Please review the categories and tags before reading. If this is not your kind of smut, please find another story.
During the summer, Aggie had tried to contact Tiffi, but her phone number was not in service. Her social media accounts had disappeared. Aggie spent the whole summer mourning the end of her relationship and missing Tiffi. The only thing that kept her from sinking into a deep depression was her phone calls to Dr. Monroe.
Soon it was time to go back to school, and Aggie was looking forward to seeing the last real friend she had in the world. When Aggie got to campus, on time this year, she found out she was in a single dorm room. She wondered why she wasn't in a double with Tiffi as they requested. Once she finished moving into her room, alone this time. She went looking for Tiffi, needing to talk to about her trip with Lars, but she couldn't find her anywhere.
Aggie, concentrated on her studies, rarely venturing out except for class or meals. The first three weeks went by in a flash. One day, Aggie was heading to her dorm after class, when she saw Tiffi and Lars on the quad talking to each other. She wanted to run to Tiffi, but she held herself back, not wanting to deal with Lars.
Aggie stood behind a tree spying on them, waiting for Lars to leave so she could talk to her only friend. While she stood there, two other girls walked up. Aggie thought they looked somewhat familiar and were wearing school cheerleading uniforms. A wave of horror washed over Aggie when she realized Tiffi was wearing a cheerleader uniform as well. Aggie felt confused and hurt that Lars was once again hanging out with the Bimbo Squad. She couldn't believe that Tiffi, her best and only friend, joined her natural enemy.
After the foursome spoke, Lars and Tiffi got into his car and drove away. The two remaining cheerleaders began walking toward Aggie. As they approached, Aggie stood frozen in place like a deer in headlights. She prayed with a fervor for a sinkhole to swallow her or that she would spontaneously combust. Anything, anything at all to avoid what was about to happen.
"Well, well, well, if it isn't our dear old friend Good Allbut," said Pris, her voice dripping with sarcasm. Bree laughed. "Bree and I transferred here. To our surprise, we found our long time dear friend from cheer camp, Tiffi goes here." Pris told her smiling, "and she's dating Bree's ex-boyfriend Lars. It was quite the reunion! Especially when we asked her to move into the house the squad is renting this term. Then we found out she used to live with yoouuu," she said in mock disgust as she sneered at Aggie.
"She looks as fugly as she did in high school," Bree said to Pris. "Ugly, bony, and with the fashion sense of Richard Simmons." Pris laughed, "Look bitch. Lars belongs to Tiffi now. You, belong to us. If you say one word to Lars, no one will ever find that skanky ass of yours, not that anyone would want too." Bree and Pris walked away laughing at Aggie and continued to make fun of her as tears rolled down Aggie's face.
Aggie was humiliated. She couldn't believe the turn her life had taken. Her two arch-enemies were back in her life. Her ex-boyfriend was dating her ex-best friend. To top it all off, she was a fucking cheerleader and friends with Bree and Pris. Aggie cried all the way back to her dorm. She entered her dorm building and heard several girls talking in hushed tones down the hall. She couldn't make out what they were saying, but when they saw Aggie they quieted down. Once she was out of sight and then they all laughed uproariously.
Once Aggie locked herself in her room, she spent the rest of the day bawling her soul out. The next few days Aggie stayed in her room subsisting on the chips and sodas she kept handy. The only reason she left her room was to use the bathroom and even then not until she was in pain. She didn't want to leave the one place she knew she was safe from the Bimbo Squad.
On the ninth day of her self imposed sequestration there was a quiet knock on her door. Aggie, fearing it was the Bimbo Squad, curled up into the fetal position on her bed. She held her pillow tight as she cried into it to muffle the sounds. There was a second knock and she mouthed "go away, leave me alone!" at the door.
She heard a voice float through the door, "Aggie, it's Tina, the RA. Professor Boland asked me to check on you after you missed several classes. If you don't let me in, I'll use my passkey, so open the door."
Aggie unfolded her body and without getting off her bed, she unlocked the door. She lay back down on her bed facing the wall. She didn't want Tina to see how she looked from crying and her starvation diet over the last few days.
Tina heard the lock click and waited a moment. When the door didn't open she turned the handle and opened the door. Walking in she recoiled at the stench of body odor filling the small space. Looking at Aggie, she walked to the outside wall and opened the window to air out the room. Then Tina picked up the mountain dew cans and Cheetos bags littering the floor. After throwing out the trash, she pulled out the desk chair and sat down looking at Aggie's back.
She watched as Aggie's body convulsed in silent sobs. Tina moved the chair closer to the hurting student and started to massage her back. As she tried to comfort Aggie she said, "Aggie, I don't really know you, Professor Boland has heard some rumors and when I tried to find out what was going on, at her request, I heard some things..." Aggie's sobs grew in volume, knowing the rumors Bree and Pris would have the Bimbo Squad to spread about her.
Tina continued to rub her back until Aggie's wails of anguish died down a bit. When Aggie composed herself, Tina went on, "I rarely believe any of the rumors flying around this place. I want to know what's going on with you, why you have imprisoned yourself and what I can do to help.
Aggie was desperate to talk to someone, anyone about what she was going through, "There was this guy..."
She told Tina about the first kiss, about the piss balloons. Her grandparent's deaths. Her relationship with Lars and how they fought because she was unwilling to do 'kinky porno sex stuff'. She explained what had happened at Club Orient... "So when I saw Tiffi in that damn uniform and then Bree and Pris..." Aggie couldn't say anymore without starting to cry again.
Tina listened as Aggie dumped every bit of the pain and frustration she had. When Aggie stopped talking, Tina hugged her and fought her gag reflex from the smell of the unwashed girl. She held Aggie as long as she could stand the horrendous odor. Once she broke the hug, she turned toward the window and gasped for fresh air.
As she stood by the open window, Tina summarized what she’d gotten from Aggie's recitation. "So you're not adventurous in bed, costing you your boyfriend. Meanwhile, two girls who bullied you in high school are going here and started picking on you again. Is that right?"
Aggie nodded her head, confirming Tina had gotten the details right.
Tina took a few deep breaths to get the sour smell out of her nose. "Do you want revenge on the, what do you call them? The Bimbo Squad and Lars?"
"On the Bimbo Squad, yes. I still love Lars, but I don't, I can't trust him. I forgave him twice, but now... I don't have it in me to forgive him again."
"Now listen up!" Tina snapped. "This is what's going to happen, you will go shower and wash that funk off. Then, you will get dressed and ready to go to lunch with me. You have 20 minutes to get ready. No matter what, in 20 minutes we are leaving this building. If I have to throw you over my shoulder and carry you out," Tina ordered Aggie.
Aggie looked up with tears still in her eyes, but there was now gratitude as well. Aggie stood up and gathered her shower kit and headed down the hall. While she waited, Tina pulled out her phone and dialed a number. "Nat, It's Tina...," and she began to relay everything Aggie had told her. As the door opened Tina said, "She's back I have to go," and ended the call. When Aggie walked in, she wore clean clothes and smelled much better. Tina told her, "Professor Boland will meet us at the restaurant," as she led Aggie to her car.
§ §
Tina and Aggie walked into a dark, strange little pizza place with way too few tables. There was no visible kitchen or drink station. There were two Italian Nonnas sitting at a table near the door, playing a sedate game of Dominoes. An old tube TV was playing some old black and white movie in Italian. The ladies looked up when the girls entered and gave them dirty looks. The younger of the two asked, "what do you want?"
"We're meeting Nat Boland here for lunch," Tina said.
"Go take a seat. Wha cha wanna drink?" she said, her expression anything but welcoming.
"Three root beers and a large cheese," Tina ordered as they took their choice of the empty tables.
The old lady went through a beaded curtain into mysterious, foreboding back room as Professor Boland entered. Tina waved her over unnecessarily since no one else was in the restaurant. She sat next to Aggie, trapping her against the wall. "Hi Tina," she said as they kissed each other's cheeks. Then turning to Aggie, she looked at her with concern in her eyes. "How are you doing Aggie?"
Aggie smiled at the female mathematician she had idolized ever since they met. "Not good Professor Boland..."
"Please Aggie, call me Nat," she said, interrupting her student. "Tina filled me in on your tragic encounter with those bitches. She also told me that you're heartbroken over Lars. Tina and I have an idea that might help you." Tina smiled at Nat as she continued, "You've heard of ‘The Life and Death Brigade’ at Yale.
Aggie nodded her head, having heard of the so-called secret society. She had researched several of them when she considered going to an Ivy League School.
"Well, Tina and I are both members of a similar group based out of this school. We discussed it and think you should join. There is one small catch."
Aggie felt excited. No one had ever invited her to join anything. The few times she’d tried to join, she never made the cut for some reason. "What's the catch?" Aggie asked, her eyes shining in excitement.
The two old ladies walked out of the backroom carrying a pizza box and three to-go cups with lids. The cups were only filled 2/3rds of the way with soda and there was no ice. Nat put a finger to her lips as the old ladies delivered there order then went back to their game. She pointed to the pizza box, which had the name and address of another pizzeria three blocks away.
"This is why I come here for these conversations. No one else is ever here. I suspect it's a front for some criminal group. I once sat here, on a Saturday, from eleven in the morning until seven at night. Not a single customer walked in. Those two old biddies are the only people I've ever seen. All they do is play Dominoes and watch old Italian movies and soap operas."
Nat opened the box and took a slice of lukewarm pizza from the box. She took a large bite and a small sip of her soda. After she swallowed, she told the younger girls, "If you want to have fun, ask for a refill of soda." she said, her eyes dancing in delight.
Aggie looked at the two Nonnas who reminded her of Mama Fratelli from Goonies." No thanks," she said as she took a slice herself, realizing how hungry she was.
They ate in silence until the Pizza was gone and their drinks finished. Nat waved her hand and the older woman looked up, "Whacha want now?" she sneered.
"Check please," Nat asked, smiling at them.
The younger woman pulled a slip of paper from her pocket and said, "it's $15.47, not counting tip, cash only." Nat pulled out a twenty-dollar bill and dropped it on top of the dominoes as she led the girls out. "Keep the change ladies. Thanks for your hospitality," she said, exiting the establishment.
She led the girls to a nearby park and sat on a secluded bench near the lake. "So Aggie, sit down." Aggie sat on the bench as the other two women looked at her.
"The club we are talking about is so secret that few who are not members even know it's name. Most think it's a myth, and we want to keep it that way. All I ask is that you keep an open mind and be willing to have a few new experiences," Nat tells her.
Aggie looked at her and tried to form her answer, "I don't know..." Aggie started to say when Tina cut her off.
"No one will force you into anything," Tina reassured the shy girl. "But we can help you break out of your shell. Once you're initiated, you'll have more friends than you can imagine. Friends who will keep the Bimbo Squad at bay."
Aggie loved the idea of having a group of friends to insulate her from The Bimbo Squad and she knew she wanted to join. Especially if Professor Boland... Nat was a member. "How... how do I join?"
Tina handed Aggie a card...

Aggie wondered about the strange rules, but for some reason, she had a strong desire to join.
§ §
As the time to leave approached, Aggie began to try and figure out what to wear. She decided on a red skirt Tiffi had given her for her 19th birthday and matching blouse from Lars. She added the only matching red set of underwear she owned. To complete the outfit, she added red knee-high socks and red, patent leather 3" pumps. She looked at herself in the mirror shocked at her appearance. She wasn't sure why she dressed so sexy, but before she could chicken out, she headed to the address on the card.
When Aggie arrived at the address, she found herself in a residential area not too far from campus. The houses were set back from the road and had lots of privacy. She arrived one minute early, parked her car, hurried to the door, and knocked as a clock in the house started to strike 10. The door opened and Tina was standing there. "Did you find it okay?" she asked.
"Yes I did, thanks. Where are we anyway?" Aggie asked her as she stepped inside the old Victorian home.
"In a house," Tina responded vaguely, "Did you wear a watch?" Aggie held up her wrists showing they were bare. Nat nodded in approval and led Aggie to a bank of lockers. “Put anything you're not wearing including your phone and purse into the locker.” Aggie put her purse and phone in the locker and Nat closed and locked it, handing Aggie a key. "Don't lose it, it's the only copy," then she pointed at a green door at the end of the hall. “Go wait in there with the other girls we are initiating tonight. Don't leave until someone tells you to. Okay?"
Aggie nodded in understanding and followed the instructions. When she entered the room, she saw five girls sitting on folding metal chairs. Each wall in the room was a different color. The floor and ceiling matched the wall adjoining them. One was bright green, one a medium blue. One was pink and the last was so neural it was hard to determine if it was tan, cream, beige, off white, eggshell, or ecru.
Aggie walked to the only empty seat, looking at the other girls. In turn, they were all staring at Aggie. One girl, a curvaceous strawberry blond said, "Hi I'm Shay."
Aggie smiled and responded, "Aggie."
"Erin," said the fair-skinned redhead.
"Christina," said the olive-skinned Hispanic.
"Vee," said the purple-haired Goth.
"Mayumi," said the slight Asian girl, "but call me May."
Aggie sat down, the girls were all looking around but not talking. The longer they waited the more nervous they became. Every few minutes one girl would start to say something but would change her mind after the first syllable left her lips.
After some time passed, the lights in the room went out. The air filled with the smell of fear, as the door was flung open. Two girls walked in carrying candles, wearing long brown robes and hoods. The robes had various symbols on them. Most were unknown to Aggie but the few she knew were sexual in nature.
A voice Aggie recognized as Tina's intoned, "The neophytes have agreed to undertake the arduous sojourn to become an initiate of The Sisterhood of the Seven."
The second girl continued "The neophytes shall have to pass the test. This will prove their worthiness to become an initiate of The Sisterhood of the seven."
After proving oneself worthy of becoming an initiate of The Sisterhood of the Seven, the proselyte will learn all the rewards and the responsibilities of an initiate of The Sisterhood of the seven."
"If any feels they are not up to this challenge, leave now and know that no less will be thought of you," Tina said in a monotone.
"If you stay, all you see and hear is secret from those not in The Sisterhood of the seven," the other girl said.
The two girls paused and waited to see if any of the neophytes wanted to leave. When no one got up, Tina shouted, startling the girls, "Worthy sisters, we have six females who wish to under take the challenge. Is the testing hall ready?"
"Worthy Neophyte Mistress," came the reply from outside the room, "The testing hall awaits the neophytes. Once the neophytes are prepared, you may lead them in."
Tina and the other girl handed each neophyte a blindfold and told them to put them on. The girls did so, one by one. Once they put on the blindfolds, each girl placed in a line . Then after linking hands with the hands of the person in front and behind them. Once all the girls were in a line, Tina continued the ceremony "Do not delay or falter. We are walking now."
Tina led the girls off at a slow pace. She led them around the house into and out of many different rooms. The neophytes worried about tripping and falling. But they managed to keep up. The girls were led into a large room with several people in it. Even with the blindfolds, the girls could tell the room was well lit. The girls climbed three steps onto a platform.
A new voice rose above the crowd which quieted down as soon as she started to speak. "Neophytes you may remove your blindfolds." The blindfolds came off, and they saw they were in a small auditorium with seats for an audience. But with the bright lights in their eyes they had no idea how many eyes were on them. The voice continued, "behind you are six stations. Each one has a bean bag chair and a small box. When I call out your name and number take your seat.
Neophyte Erin one, Neophyte Shay two, Neophyte Christina three, Neophyte Vee Four, Neophyte Mayumi; call me May; five, and Neophyte Aggie six."
As the girls settled into their seats, the voice continued, "Worthy Game Master, please instruct the Neophytes in the proceedings."
"I shall do so, Worthy Head Mistress," came yet another voice. "Neophytes, you are going to play a game called DareRing. This game is similar to truth or dare. Instead of making up your own questions and dares, each player, in turn, will select a random card and do as instructed. There are seven rounds, and each round gets more challenging. There will be a ten-minute break between rounds.
Once a round starts, you must play it to completion. If any neophyte decides they do not want to continue to the next round, she must tell Hannah." A tall, shapely girl in a brown miniskirt and bra walked onto the stage, "She will get you your clothes and lead you out of the house. Hannah will also keep your drinks full and provide any and all accouterments as needed."
The girls looked at each other with uncertainty. "If anyone wants to leave, tell Hannah now, this is your last chance before starting the game. One last item. There are no winners or losers in this game. All that matters is your attitude and completing all seven rounds. Player one starts the game and you may ask Hannah for a beverage."
Each girl asked for some kind of alcohol to bolster their courage. Once the girls had their drinks, Hannah gave Erin a white tureen with the male and female symbols on it. With a flourish, Hannah removed the lid of the tureen and said, "Let the games begin!"
There were cheers and catcalls from the audience. Aggie was almost certain not all the voices she heard were female.
§ § §
- ROUND 1 -
Erin reached in and pulled out an index card. Neatly handwritten on it was a question, she read it to herself, giggled and was unsure what to do. Hannah spoke up "Neophyte read the card aloud and answer the question.
Erin looked around the room, took a large sip of her drink, sighed, and read, "Have you ever cheated on your significant other? If you have, why? If you haven't, will you?"
The other girls had been holding their breath not sure what to expect. Now that they heard the first question they relaxed a bit. Shay giggled as Erin framed her response. "The only reason I've never cheated is that I'd dump them when I found someone I wanted to fuck more. I don't think I could cheat on someone if I cared about them."
Vee snorted and mumbled, "prude." Hannah shot her a dirty look then carried the tureen to Shay.
Shay reached in and pulled out a card. She read it and groaned. Before Hannah could say anything Shay read it aloud. "Have you ever been the recipient of a pearl necklace or a facial?" Her face turned red.
The other players laughed except Aggie who wondered what was so funny about a day at the spa and jewelry. Aggie looked at the other players to figure out why it was funny. Shay mumbled, "yes to both." Without offering any details, much to the disappointment of the crowd.
Christina pulled out a card and slammed her drink before she read it. She put her cup down and read, "describe the best sex you ever had." Christina shuckled, "It was summer after senior year. I was chasing after this guy, the hottest guy in the neighborhood. Every girl wanted him including my best friend." Aggie saw the other girls smile as if they already knew what Christina was about to say. Aggie leaned forward in fascination wanting to hear what happened.
"He showed zero interest in any girl. My girl and I hatched a plan if one girl didn't interest him, how about two? We waited until he was throwing a party. We wore the sluttiest outfits we could find. Then we spent the whole night grinding against him, on and off the dance floor. By the end of the night, we were all fucking horny. We went to Muldoon's Point and got our freak on, for hours. It was amazing! My girl and I hooked up and she was amazing."
There was wild cheering from the crowd. The other players had red faces. Aggie was the reddest. She couldn't believe the details these girls were in sharing. Their most intimate moments told to strangers. Not only was she unable to talk about her sex life, she didn't have any experiences even close to these.
Hannah smiled, patted Christina on the shoulder. Then moved over to Vee who drew her card and read, "Have you ever fantasized about having sex with a relative? Hell no!" she shouted and drained her drink.
Aggie could see that May was feeling scared, the fear written on her face. Aggie sympathized with her and tried to send her positive vibes as she tentatively pulled out a card. In a small timid voice she read, "If you have any tattoos describe the design and location. If you don't, what kind would you get and where?" May sighed in relief. "I do not have a tattoo. I have thought about getting irezumi, the traditional Japanese full-body tattoo. I never dared to get it and face my okaasan, um mother."
Hannah smiled reassuringly at the shy girl and then walked over to Aggie. Aggie was feeling confused, scared and a tiny bit aroused. She had no idea what was coming and felt confused by some of the things she heard, and her reactions to them. She forced herself to reach into the tureen and draw a card. She pulled it out and realized she wouldn't have the courage to read the card out loud if she knew what it said. She took a deep breath swallowed and started reading, "Have you ever had anal sex, and did you enjoy it?" Then she heard those words come out of her mouth she blurted, "You can have sex in the ass?"
What are you, a virgin?" someone in the audience shouted, and everyone laughed at the comment.
"I guess that's a no?" Hannah asked, looking at Aggie. Aggie was shaking her head slowly and deliberately to ensure there was no doubt.
Hannah returned to Erin who drew a card, took a sip of her drink and read "How many people have you had sex with?" Erin paused counting to herself, "I guess six or seven if you include hand jobs and blow jobs. Actual full-on knockin' boots, only four," she admitted.
Shay reached in and pulled out a card. "Have you ever visited a swingers club or participated in group sex? If not, would you? If you have, did you enjoy it?"
Shay's skin had returned to its normal pallor. Then when she read this question, her blush returned with an unholy vengeance. "Gangbanged once, which was when I got the facial and pearl necklace."
Hannah went to Christina, who wished she still had some booze to help with the next question. "Have you ever had a threesome. Explain how it happened," and began to laugh. "Didn't I do this already? Me, my girl Trini and the hottest guy in the neighborhood. It was awesome." There were laughs from the crowd and even Vee smiled.
Hannah held the tureen in front of Vee who nervously licked her lips and reached inside. She stirred up the cards before drawing one, "What is the most daring place you have had sex?
Vee looked abashed, as she said, "In a cemetery behind a large headstone, during a burial." There were cheers and cries of outrage from everyone in the room as she hung her head in shame with a proud smile on her face.
May was starting to get into the game but she was still somewhat timid. Her traditional reserved upbringing made her uncomfortable with sharing her private moments in a room full of strangers. "What is the biggest age gap between you and a sex partner," May thought for a moment before saying, "Five years. He was my first lover," May sighed after answering another easy question.
Aggie finished her drink and selected a card and read, "have you ever gotten arrested?" She grinned as she announced, "Nope, not a once," as she leaned back and let herself relax.
Erin squirmed as Hannah approached her. "Do you think about having sex with another woman?" she read off the card. "Umm sometimes, if she's hot."
"I know what you mean. There are some delicious lady's on this campus," Vee said while she leered at May. "I love checking them out at the pool or in the gym when they're damn near naked," Vee chimed in. There were shouts of agreement from the audience making Vee chuckle and May blush.
"Have you ever exposed yourself in public," Shay read from her card. "Well I did go to Daytona for Spring Break and I spent some time on Playalinda."
"You go girl," shouted someone in the audience.
"What's Playalinda?" Aggie asked.
"It's a nude beach on the East coast of Florida," Shay told her.
Christina prevented further conversation by reading her card. "When was your last wet dream? Oh God years ago. I've only had 2 or 3 in my life."
"That's too bad," Vee commented, "I love having wet dreams." There were chuckles and clapping from the audience as Vee drew out her card. "Have you ever gotten sexual with someone of the same sex? Oh hell yes,” Vee said smiling. “Many, many times. I tend more to rug munching, but at times nothing can beat a nice, long, thick, hard dick." Several female voices cheered in approval.
Hannah walked over to Aggie and held up the tureen "Last card for round one," as she handed Aggie the card.
Aggie was overcome with dread and her hand shook as she took the card. She took a deep breath and read the card to herself. She stared at the card for a long moment until Hannah cleared her throat. Aggie started laughing in relief as she read, "What foods have you used during masturbation or sex? None!" Aggie announced, bringing the first round to an end. She sat back grateful she didn't have to answer any of the more embarrassing questions.
§ § §
- ROUND 2 -
Once everyone had returned to their seats, Hannah refilled the player's drinks. Once the audience had settled down, Hannah approached Erin. She drew the first card and read, "Roll the die, that player removes one article of clothing."
There were nervous chuckles from the players and cheers from the crowd. Hannah handed Erin a large fuzzy pink six-sided die like you would see hanging from a rearview mirror of a car. Erin tossed the die and when it stopped rolling, the number five was up.
All eyes landed on May, who was the first player to lose clothes. May shrugged and pulled off her right shoe, tossing it in the box behind her seat.
Aggie sat with her eyes transfixed on Mays sock-covered foot. She realized she too might have to strip and that she was in over her head. She tried to figure out a way to let Hannah know she wanted out, the sooner the better. She tried to signal Hannah when she heard Shay's voice read, "Put on the blindfold. One of the other players will kiss you. Guess who it is without removing the blindfold. If you guess wrong, you must remove one piece of clothing."
Aggie looked around in horror. Kiss another girl? Her brain screamed. While she didn't care what people did, she had never even thought about other women. At least until tonight when she looked at Shay and began wondering what it would be like to kiss her.
Hannah placed a blindfold over Shay's eyes. Once in place, the audience began screaming and stomping and making a racket. Aggie looked around in confusion. Then she realized the cacophony would hide sounds made by whoever kissed Shay. A small part hoped it would be her, but she felt terrified of at the same time.
Hannah looked at each player in turn and pointed at Christina who shook her head no. Hannah walked over to her, took hold of her arm, and pulled her to her feet. Christina didn't resist but she wasn't exactly cooperating either. The other girls watched as Hannah whispered in Christina's ear. Christina knelt in front of Shay and gave her a peck on the lips.
Once Christina sat, the noise faded and Shay began to mentally examine each player. She shrugged her shoulders and taking a wild guess she said, "That had to be Aggie."
The audience began chanting, "take it off; take it off;" as Hannah gleefully told her, "Wrong, it was 3."
"Dammit," Shay exclaimed as she took off her left shoe and dropped it in her box."
Aggie felt mortified when Shay said her name. She wanted to go and hide but couldn't move. She tried to stand but her legs wouldn't obey the signals that her brain was sending.
She heard Hannah announce "one," and realized Christina was taking her turn. Aggie had no idea what Christina's had card said.
"Fucking hell," Christina exclaimed as she dropped her shoe into her box.
Hannah held the tin front of Vee who read her card and started to laugh. "Same as you Christina, Roll the die 1, 2, or 3 means you remove one piece of clothing, 4, 5, or 6 means you choose someone to lose one." She tossed the die and it bounced twice landing on 6. "Erin looks overdressed. Take something off sweetie." Erin dropped her shoe in the box and blew a kiss to Vee.
May drew her card and after reading it to herself, she looked at Hannah, “Dice please." As Hannah scooped up the fuzzy cube May read, "Roll the die. If you roll your number take off one piece of clothing." May shook the die like a gambler down to their last chip and tossed it across the stage. It tumbled and bounced until it landed at Shay's feet who looked down and called out, "It's a 4. I guess you MAY keep your clothes." The pun elicited some laughter but more groans and squeals of protest from the audience.
Aggie, feeling nauseous and scared, extended her arm and took her card. She tried to control the churning in her stomach. She read her card and closed her eyes for a moment and thanked various deities. As she paused, a voice called, "What's it say six?"
Aggie looked out toward the audience and read, "You may choose any player to remove one item of clothing. You must also remove one item of clothing, or you may pass this turn. I'll pass," Aggie said, dropping the card to the growing pile by her feet. As Hannah turned away from Aggie, to let Erin have her turn, Aggie grabbed the tall girl's arm and pulled her down. They held a short whispered conversation. As Hannah stood back up she patted Aggie on the knee and then went to Erin.
Erin pulled her card and smiled. "I get kissed while blindfolded." Shay tossed the blindfold to Erin who gleefully put it on. Erin puckered her lips in anticipation. Hannah pointed at Aggie, and back to Erin, as the crowd began to stomp and clap as before.
Aggie stood up, walked over to Hannah, and whispered, "I can't, I won't. I told you that I want out."
Hannah whispered back, "You know the rules. You have to finish the round, then you can leave."
Aggie was too timid to argue with Hannah and she knew had she agreed to the rules. She had always been Lawful good and she was unable to go against established rules. She gritted her teeth in anger, trudged over to Erin, and gave her a quick peck on the cheek. As soon as Aggie pulled her head back, Erin shouted, "That had to be that spineless wimp Aggie!"
Correct," Hannah said as Aggie hung her head in shame and fear. She hated it when people called her names. Yet she was too timid to do anything because of her history. Anytime she tried to stand up for herself, things always got worse. She had learned to accept the abuse. Aggie sat back down a single tear rolling down her cheek.
Shay glared at Erin as she began to read, "Remove one item of clothing. Wow, that's straight to the point," she said chuckling as she dropped her shoe into her box and sat back.
Christina pulled her card, read it, and glanced uneasily at Aggie. Aggie felt the bile rise in her throat when Christina looked at her. Aggie almost passed out when Christina read her card. "Kiss player six passionately for 30 seconds, tongues are a must."
Aggie died a little inside and Christina flushed as red as Aggie's outfit. Hannah grabbed Christina and pulled her over to Aggie. The two girls stared at each other as the audience was completely silent watching the two girls.
Christina leaned in and gingerly kissed Aggie on the lips. The crowd started to shout, "Tongue, Tongue, Tongue!" Christina pulled back and stuck out her tongue licking Aggie on the lips. Aggie gasped in shock, allowing Christina to slip her tongue into her mouth.
Hannah took the opportunity to push Christina's head closer to Aggie until their lips met. They both moaned in pleasure. Aggie's eyes closed as the two girls began to make out. Hannah yelled “time,” right as Christina started to fondle Aggie's breasts.
Hannah's voice broke the spell the two girls were under, bringing them back to reality. They looked into each other's eyes, neither of them sure what they were feeling. Christina went back to her seat, her eyes not leaving Aggie who was staring at her feet, trying to work out the new feelings and desires flooding her body.
Vee and May both rolled the die to strip if you rolled your own number. To the disappointment of the crowd, neither of them had to take anything off.
Aggie, her hand trembling in fear and not a little lust reached out for her card. Aggie read her card, "Remove one item of clothing." It's only a shoe, she told herself. I still have socks on. 'I've been barefoot in public before.' She thought as she forced herself to take off her shoe, dropping it into the box labeled six.
While her shoe was falling, Erin grabbed the die and tossed it high into the air. As it fell she read, "Roll the die. That player removes one article of clothing." All eyes fixated on the die as it made a slow descent from the heavens. It hit the stage floor, bounced once, twice, and a third time.
It stopped at Hannah's feet. She looked down and called out, "player 3." Christina tossed her other shoe in her box.
Shay went next. "Kiss player 3 passionately for 30 seconds. You must use tongue."
Christina threw up her hands, "Why am I the one getting all the kiss dares?"
"Cause you are a lucky bitch!" Vee responded.
"Jealous much?" Erin asked Vee.
The audience laughed at the banter, while Shay strutted over to Christina. She put her hands on Christina's cheeks and held her face still. Shay looked into Christina's eyes and pressed her lips onto Christina's. The two girls got hot and heavy. Their hands roamed all over each other while lips and tongues danced together.
When Hannah called time, the girls reluctantly broke apart. They breathed heavily their eyes filled with desire. Shay salaciously wiped the excess saliva from her mouth as she returned to her seat. The audience, silent during the kiss, were cheering louder than ever.
Christina took a minute to catch her breath. Aggie felt a pang of jealousy that Christina had kissed someone else. Christina pulled out her card, "At least it's not another kiss," she said making everyone laugh. "Remove both your shoes and your socks. If you are barefoot, pick another player who isn't," Christina pulled off her last shoe and both socks.
While Christina was putting away her recently removed clothing, Vee grabbed the die. "Whoever's number comes up has to take something off," and threw the die at Erin. It bounced off Erin's left breast and landed on the number two. Shay pulled off a sock as Erin laughed, knowing Vee wanted her to be the one taking something off.
"Pick a player and personally remove an item of their clothing. You choose the item," came Mays voice. May stood up and walked over to Vee.
May looked down at Vee and said "You had Erin strip cuz she looked warm. Your hoodie looks a bit warm to me." May reached down and lowered the zipper, eased it off her shoulders and down her arms until it fell free of her body. Vee was wearing a fishnet shirt with a black demi-cup bra, leaving most of her breasts exposed. The audience cheered when Vee's torso was revealed to the gaze of the crowd.
Aggie reached for her card. Hannah stopped her, "This is the last card of the round," she announced. Aggie gulped in fear unsure what her card would say. She took it out and couldn't bring herself to read it. Hannah took the card from her and read, "Remove both your shoes and socks. If you are already barefoot, pick another player to get barefoot." Once again Aggie closed her eyes to thank the Deities that were looking out for her. Then she took off her last shoe and socks.
"Ten-minute break," Hannah announced. As Aggie stood up, Hannah grabbed her arm and signaled to someone in the crowd. Nat walked up to the two girls, "Aggie wants to leave," Hannah told Nat.
Nat took Aggie by the hand and led her into a neighboring bedroom. "Aggie you are free to leave anytime you want until the next round starts. I want you to think about something. How will you feel in the future when you hear that Lars and Tiffi got married. Their precious daughter joins The Bimbo Squad and tortures nerdy girls. Maybe even your daughter. Yes, you'll end up naked and embarrassed, but you'll get over that. Will you get over quitting, and wondering what could have been...? You can change your mind anytime in the..." Nat looked at her watch, "...next seven minutes."
Aggie was alone in the room. She sat on the bed and fought off tears, as a war raged inside her. She wanted her old life back. She wanted to be a kinky freak for Lars. She felt terrified of what would happen. She was horny and wanted to finish.
She thought about what had happened so far. Kissing Christina wasn't too bad, it was nice actually, she thought. Then she remembered Erin calling her names. She didn't want to be so meek and scared of bullies. She didn't want to continue being the target of their torture. She decided that she wasn't going to let her fear control her anymore. She arose from the bed, standing tall and proud, she threw open the door and announced, "I'm in," with a smile on her face.
Nat looked at Aggie seeing something different about the girl... ‘no,’ she corrected herself, the woman standing in front of her. This woman had pride and confidence that Aggie never had before. Nat was proud of her protege. She knew she'd been right. This was exactly what Aggie needed to help her come out of her shell and start to experience life. Without another word, they returned to the game room.
§ § § §
- ROUND 3 -
As soon as everyone took a seat, Hannah put the new cards into the tureen and went to Erin. "Roll the die. If that player is barefoot, suck their toes for 30 seconds. If they are not barefoot suck on their fingers instead."
"I hope I don't get that one."
Were the comments Aggie heard from the other players. The die rolled and it landed next to Shays's foot. Shay looked down and said, "It's me."
Erin grimaced looking at Shay's naked foot. She stood up and laid down on the floor and began to kiss and nibble on Shay's naked toes. Shay began to giggle, "I'm ticklish," she apologized as she kept moving her foot away from Erin's mouth. Finally, Hannah called time. Erin stood up and ran back to her seat and chugged her drink down.
There was some scattered applause for Erin because she had been a good sport. Shay reached in for her card and dropped it as she pulled it out. Hannah picked it up and gave it to her. Shay waited until the applause stopped and then read, "Pick someone to take something off. Oh, and you take something off as well."
A "Woo Hoo," came from the crowd, making everyone laugh.
Shay looked at each player and smiled. "Since Erin likes feet so much she should show us hers." Shay pulled off her sock and Erin took off a shoe to the laughter of the crowd.
Christina drew her card and read it while Erin and Shay finished. Once they had settled down, "Put on the blindfold. Someone will squeeze your breasts. If you guess wrong, take something off."
Hannah gave her the blindfold. Once it was in place Aggie tensed her legs and lifted herself a bit trying to get Hannah to pick her. Hannah noticed and considered picking Aggie, but instead, chose May.
May stood up and walked over to the blindfolded Latina. She fondled Christina's breasts, while Aggie looked on with jealousy. Hannah smiled at Aggie's reaction, glad her gamble had paid off. She hoped that choosing another player would make Aggie more competitive and help convince her to stay. When Hannah called time, May leaned down and kissed Christina's nipples which were poking out of her shirt. The crowd went wild.
Christina took several deep breaths to get herself under control. She was happy no one knew how sensitive her breasts were. Another few seconds everyone would have known that she could cum from breast play. Once she got her budding orgasm under control, she tried to figure out who was skilled with breasts. She eliminated Vee, figuring she would be a lot rougher, Aggie was too inexperienced. Erin and Shay were possibilities but for some reason, she said, "May?"
Hannah smiled saying, "You are correct." Christina peeled off the blindfold, blinking a few times to let her eyes adjust to the bright lights.
Vee read her card and asked, "Can I have the blindfold, please? It's my turn to get my titties groped," Christina tossed the blindfold to Vee, who pulled it on. Hannah looked at the players and pointed at Erin.
Erin jumped up and ran over to Vee while the spectators made the now-familiar clamor. Erin hefted the Goth girls meaty mammaries and let them drop watching them jiggle. Then she pushed the bra cups down and pinched Vee's nipples hard. Vee moaned in pleasure hoping whoever it was would continue to abuse her titties. She loved pain and hoped for more. Erin let go of the nipples and grasped them on the sides and began to crush the fleshy globes in her hands.
“Time,” Hannah called to Vee and the crowd's disappointment. Erin sashayed back to her seat with a smug look on her face, sure that Vee was about to lose more clothes. Vee had no idea who it was and took a wild guess, "Shay?"
"No, actually it was me," Erin crowed before Hannah could speak. Vee tore off the blindfold and looked at Erin. Erin smiled at her and winked. Vee took off a shoe and then began to adjust her bra as May took her card.
"Pick a player to remove one item of clothing, as long as you take something off too," she read. May grabbed her second shoe and took it off, while she looked at the other players. "Erin go ahead and get that other foot naked," she said sweetly. Erin took off her last sock.
Aggie reached in and drew her card. She read it and her face blanched. Hannah reminded her to read it out loud and Aggie shook her head no. Again, Hannah took the card from Aggie's hand and read it for her. "Roll the die. If that player is barefoot, suck on their toes for 30 seconds. If they aren't barefoot suck on their fingers instead." Hannah handed Aggie the die and Aggie let it slip out of her hand. It landed at her feet on four. Aggie looked over at Vee and exhaled sharply when she saw that Vee still had a shoe on.
Aggie with a little prodding from Hannah got up and walked over to Vee. Aggie took Vee's right hand and put a finger in her mouth. "Foul," Erin yelled in displeasure. "Vee's foot's naked. Aggie should be sucking toes, not fingers."
Aggie took Vee's fingers out of her mouth and for the first time in her life, she stood up for herself. "The card says barefoot which means two naked feet, not one."
Erin glared at Aggie saying, "When I got that card I sucked on Shay's toes even though she still had one foot covered."
"That was your choice," Aggie said, smirking at Erin.
Before Erin could retort, Hannah stepped between the two of them and held up her hands. "Judges, a ruling please."
There were murmurs from the crowd as everyone waited for a ruling. After a short time, a voice came over the loudspeakers, "Player one is correct," the voice said. "She did as the card instructed." Erin smiled in victory and Aggie felt like she was going to throw up.
"However, player six is correct as well. Barefoot is solely...
There were chuckles at the unintentional pun ...used to describe two naked feet. Our ruling is, when one foot's naked, it's player's choice to suck fingers or toes."
Aggie smiled in victory as she took Vee's fingers back into her mouth, Erin sat down sullenly glaring at Aggie. When Hannah called time, Aggie sat down feeling amazed that she won her dispute with Erin. It made her feel empowered and more than a little aroused. She was beginning to think she could go all the way in this game.
Erin was still sulking about Aggie getting away with sucking Vee's fingers. She yanked out a card, "Oh FUCK ME," she cried.
"Anytime honey," came the first definitive male voice the players had heard. There was a lot of laughing from both the players and the audience. Erin glared toward the speaker, "I get to suck toes again," she whined. Hannah handed her the die. Erin threw it with her hand on top of the die and flicked her wrist, making the die spin as it flew through the air. All eyes were on it until it stopped. The die came to a stop by the edge of the stage. Hannah walked over and told Erin, "Number two."
Everyone looked at Shay's naked feet, leaving Erin with no way out of sucking toes. Erin grudgingly dropped to her knees and began sucking on Shay's big toe. Erin was not very animated and just kept the toe in her mouth until Hannah called time. As she stood up, she glared at Aggie as Shay started her turn.
"Put on the blindfold. Someone will squeeze your breasts. If you guess wrong, take something off." Hannah gave Shay the blindfold and she put it on. Hannah pointed to Aggie who leapt out of her seat and approached Shay to the rhythmic pounding of the crowd. Aggie put her hands on Shays itty bitty titties, realizing the blonde was about the same bust size as her. Aggie squeezed them every few seconds like a blood donor using a stress ball.
After the fourth squeeze Shay said, "that has to be Aggie."
"Right," Hannah said as Aggie walked back to her seat. As she passed in front of Erin, she stuck out her leg, trying to trip Aggie. Aggie, all too familiar with bullies and their tactics, was able to avoid tripping. She even managed to stomp on Erin's foot and made it look accidental.
Erin jumped up "Bitch you stepped on my foot.. You need to apologize."
Before Aggie could retort, the same voice interrupted. "You deliberately tried to trip player six. You're mad because she was able to avoid tripping and repaid you in kind. Now sit down and act your age."
Erin fell back into her seat, her ego deflated. Aggie was amazed that these girls had stood up for her twice. No one, except Lars, had ever taken her side in anything. Even when she teachers and classmates made accusations, her parents would blame her. Aggie wanted to join this group, no matter what.
Christina watched Aggie and saw a change come over her. Instead of the timid girl that she met, this girl was full of confidence and self-assurance. Christina forgot the game as watched the new Aggie until Hannah cleared her throat. Christina drew a card without taking her eyes off Aggie. She brought her hand around and read it without paying attention to the words, "Talk dirty. Make it as nasty as you can."
Christina froze as her words hit her ears. She blushed and tried to remember things she’d heard in the pornos her brothers watched when they thought she was asleep. Nothing came to mind. She looked at Aggie and decided to use her feelings for the petite girl to come up with something. She closed her eyes and pictured Aggie naked in bed, without thinking she began to speak.
"I want you, baby. I want to make love with you. I want to enjoy your sexy petite body. I want to bury my face in your cunt and lick you until I drown in your cum. Lay back and relax. Oh God baby you taste soooo good. I could spend hours between your legs; teasing... sucking; sipping; tasting you. Oh, baby let's sixty-nine! Eat my cunt while I feast on yours. I want to rub my dripping pussy all over your pretty face. I love the way your tongue feels inside me. Please, Baby, don't stop! OH! MY! GOD! I love it when you do that to my wet, juicy pussy! Yes, my sweet YES. Oh, baby, that was the best sex ever."
Aggie stared at Christina as she spoke. Even though her eyes had closed, Aggie knew that Christina was looking at her. When Christina finished, the room was dead silent. The players could hear pussies dripping in the audience. After a short pause, the room exploded with ear-shattering applause for Christina.
When the cheering died down, Vee read her card. "Roll the die, one, two, or three means remove one piece of clothing, four, five, or six means you choose someone to lose one." Vee rolled the die and it came up one. She took off her last shoe tossing it in the box behind her seat.
May read her card and took off a sock. "Make someone take something off if you take something off," as looked at Vee. "That top isn't hiding anything, so you might as well take it off." Vee shrugged and pulled it off.
Aggie pulled her card and looked over at Christina, "I got the same thing you did and there's no way I can talk like that."
Christina looked into Aggie's eyes and told her, "Close your eyes. Forget everyone. Picture someone you wanna fuck, then tell us what you want them to do to you."
Aggie closed her eyes and saw nothing but blackness. She licked her lips and took a deep breath forcing herself to relax. A picture of her and Christina faded into her vision. She smiled as she began to speak, "Oh yes baby, just like that. I love that. Keep going baby, keep doing that, you’ve got me all wet. Oh yes baby, oh yes," Aggie opened her eyes and saw Christina nod in approval. Hannah began to clap and the audience gave her a nice round of applause. Aggie looked at Christina and mouthed an apology, getting a smile in return.
Before reading her card, Erin looked at Hannah and said, "If I gotta suck toes again, I'm outta here."
Several people booed her comment and she glared in their direction. After a few seconds she read, "Put on the blindfold, get fondled, guess right or strip." Erin put on the blindfold Hannah gave her and waited.
Hannah let an evil smile cross her face and decided it was time for Erin to get her comeuppance. As soon as Erin had the blindfold in place, Hannah pointed at Aggie. Aggie sprang out of her seat and approached Erin. As she was about to start Hannah whispered to her, "pinch her hard, make her feel pain," and smiled.
Aggie nodded at Hannah as she reached out with both hands and seized Erin's tits. She twisted them roughly and pulled them away from Erin's body. Erin yelped in pain as Aggie let the breasts go and pinched Erin's nipples hard. Erin screamed in pain and Christina began to laugh. "Time," Hannah called.
"That was that bitch, Aggie. You better hope I don't get to fondle you," Erin hissed.
"Chill the fuck out," Shay told Erin as she reached for a card, "It's only a game." Erin glared at Shay who ignored her and read "Remove one article of clothing." Shay looked at her miniskirt and a button-down blouse. Deciding to keep herself dressed as long as possible, she pulled her arms inside her shirt, unfastened her bra and then pulled it out.
Christina got the same thing and took off her jeans, revealing her boy shorts.
Vee read her card and assessed the semi-nude players. She stood up saying, "I get to choose any player and lick them anywhere I want that's not covered by clothes." Vee looked at each girl and stopped at May. "Too bad you have all these clothes on," and continued looking at her options. She walked over to Christina and knelt in front of her. Vee spread Christina's legs open and licked along her inner thighs. Christina moaned in pleasure as Vee used her skilled tongue. Hannah called time too soon for everyone and they all let their displeasure be known.
May pulled her card and read, "Fake an Orgasm." She leaned back and started, "Oh baby right there, oh yes harder, faster, stronger, make me cum lover. I'm so close, so fucking close. Yes, baby right there so close." She thrashed around, making nonsensical sounds for several seconds. She sat up and smiled.
Shay called out, "I'll have what she's having," making everyone laugh.
Aggie once again feared what she was going to get. "Once again the last card of the round folks."
Aggie pulled it out and read, "Pick a player to remove one item of clothing, as long as you take something... I don't think so," Aggie said, dropping the card.
During the break, Tina found Aggie in the player's lounge, "Nat asked me to check on you," she told Aggie.
"I'm fine, but someone needs to get Erin to chill the fuck out," Aggie replied.

"Hannah and her sponsor are talking to her now. If she keeps up with the bullshit, she's gonna get thrown out of the house. Naked and penniless," Tina winked at Aggie, as she tweaked her arm reassuringly. "You're doing great, everyone loves you," she told Aggie, as she hugged her.

I do not make any money from writing. My only reward is feedback from my readers. Please like, comment, share, retweet, upvote, repost, retweet, follow, join or whatever you can do on the site where you read this. All feedback is a gift, and I love gifts.
Sal De Klerk, "The Salacious Scribe"
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